Project model rural libraries. Development of model municipal libraries on the village

Project model rural libraries. Development of model municipal libraries on the village
Project model rural libraries. Development of model municipal libraries on the village

The model library is an exemplary library located in a comfortable room with a well-equipped, diversified foundation equipped with modern computer equipment that uses the latest information technologies in its work.

The first model libraries in our country appeared thanks to the implementation of the Federal Draft "Creating Model Public Library for the village" of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Public Organization "Open Russia". Since 2006, the project has entered the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia".

On the basis of twenty rural libraries of Belgorod, Ryazan, Samara and Tver regions, a new model of the modern library of a universal profile having computer equipment and Internet access was tested. They were named model.

The project on the modernization of rural libraries of the Russian Federation, changing its name, acted and continues to act today. Project Geography: Mordovia, Chuvashia, Arkhangelsk, Belgorod, Bryanskaya, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirskaya, Ryazan, Samara, Tver Region. Project leaders are the Chuvash Republic (500 rural libraries - model) and Belgorod region (182 model libraries).

In Chuvashia, President N. V. Fedorov was decided to create a network of model rural libraries. In a speech at a meeting of the Council under the authorized representative of the President of Russia in the Volga Federal District, N. V. Fedorov said: "Only at the expense of the republican budget, we began in a sense an unprecedented campaign to create a network of model libraries - 500 modern and equipped instead of 500 yesterday's poor and Sad ... ".

For 4 years, all rural libraries were upgraded. In each Central District Library, at least 5 computers were established, rural - 1-2. Almost all district libraries Chuvashi have access to the All-Russian telecommunications network by means of a high-speed satellite communication channel.

As a result of the complex of work, the model library has been able to carry out its activities as a multifunctional culture institution. The second leading place in the country in the number of model libraries is occupied by the Belgorod region, from 646 municipal libraries of 182 model. The peculiarity of the work on the creation of model libraries in the Belgorod region is that the concept of a model library has been developed, which acts as a model standard of activity of this status. At the municipal levels, documents governing the basic requirements for model libraries are adopted. The federal concept of the model library, according to which the status of the model can only be assigned to the rural library, received its methodological development in the Belgorod region. A methodological solution was adopted, according to which the status of the model can be assigned to both the rural library and the City Branch Library, as well as the Children's Rural or City Library.

At the Interregional Festival of Model Rural Libraries of the Volga Federal District "Model Rural Library - Window to World of Information" (November 1-2, 2011), Deputy General Director of the Pushkin Library Foundation, M. V. Novikova, spoke about the main stages and trends in the further development of the project Model Rural Libraries of the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia". She noted that the program "Culture of Russia" and one of its priority projects "model rural libraries" will continue to work, but in 2012 there are problems with its financing. It is assumed that funding will be carried out only since 2013. Speaking about the development of the project and on the status of model libraries in the regions, M. V. Novikova made an emphasis on the so-called "single jerk" principle, when first, with the support of federal and municipal funds, active work begins, and then, gradually, everything falls on the ground. Not everywhere the project receives support for municipalities. Much keeps only on the enthusiasm of the librarians themselves. But qualitative changes are possible only if the project will be systemic

Model Libraries of the Kirov region

Primarily , model library activity is close to International standards adopted by IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations, created under the auspices of UNESCO) and the "Model Standard of the Public Library" developed by the Russian Library Association. The library is defined as a publicly available information center, providing residents free and equal access to information in the field of education, culture, art, rights, domestic and world library resources. This library uses traditional paper and the latest information technologies, its resources include a wide range of documents: books, audio video tapes, periodicals, CDs and e-books, databases, Internet resources. In addition, on a general background of libraries, traditionally providing printed documents, it is considered as a standard (model) for the activities of other public libraries.

It is known that no library is capable of collecting and store all the information in their walls, especially rural. But digitized information is economical in storage and extremely dermal content. Network technologies implemented in rural libraries allow you to use information collected by larger and authoritative information centers in remote mode. Chuvash's depthings are already today have the opportunity to make virtual excursions through the halls of the Hermitage, Louvre, a rural resident can see any legislative act, presidential decrees, government decisions, the head of the district and rural administration, can write a letter and send it by e-mail, scan the necessary documents, Request literature from Russian libraries.

In the process of modernization, all the work, information resources of libraries, technology, the premises are renovated are rebuilt. Rural twin libraries are usually duplicated each other, in a new way determine their social niche and functions. Each of the model libraries has its own "highlight": specialized local lore and environmental libraries opened, libraries - educational centers, leisure, family reading. They contribute their own contribution to the development of a new sociocultural situation in the area, become the organizers of common events for the local community, promote the development of information culture of the population. Today in the library you can learn how to use the computer, electronic documents, Internet resources. Elderly are especially surprised when they are sitting at the computer and after a while they themselves search in the databases. In model libraries, children's computer clubs are created, youth sightseeing and local history services are created, information support for rural producers is being conducted. An important activity of model libraries is to work on the creation of a consolidated full-text base of regulatory documents of local governments of the Chuvash Republic. As of January 1, 2004, its informational resource was over 15.3 thousand bibliographic records and more than 1.5 thousand full-text documents. Own electronic resources create all central district libraries. They form electronic local lore directories, lead the chronicles of the village, the database of famous countrymen, their own websites on the Internet. The teachers were the first to positively assessed new features of model libraries and expressed the desire to acquire and distribute local history databases for all schools in the district: "They are very helpful in conducting local lore studies with schoolchildren."

The library has always been a favorite meeting place for the villagers. Today, the rural library has been transformed unrecognizable: she appeared before her former and new readers as a comfort island and well-being, surprisingly modern and beautiful. The year ago, none of the villagers could not even dream that their library will turn into a modern, not inferior to the metropolitan, computerized library . However, they will not go far on external luxury, it was necessary to fill it no less attractive content. E. yes Yes Yesterday readers here could offer only books, magazines, newspapers, today the spectrum of library services has long expanded: users are offered computer tutors, training programs, email, search information from databases and Internet, video show. Gradually changes the quality of the work of rural libraries, users like easy fast and easy access to information. Previously, teachers say to help children master knowledge, had to go to Cheboksary or Kazan. Today, everything, regardless of age and the material situation, can take advantage of innovations. Residents of other villages are kindly envy their countrymen.

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Model libraries of the Belgorod region

[N.T. Chuprin, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of the Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library]

Speaking about model libraries, we must clearly imagine what libraries are we talking about.
Model Library - What is it? New view or type of library? We concluded that the model library is a library that has an optimal standard set of material and information resources, which is a kind of platform for efficient and high-quality maintenance of the population.
Considering the library as a system consisting of 4 main elements: material and technical base, information resources, personnel, users, analyze the influence of the project on these components of the library.
At the first stage, he drastically changed the material and technical base. The most obvious, noticeable for the population and power is the appearance in the library of computer equipment. The presence of modern technology demanded the modernization of library space: new furniture was acquired, repairs were made, the conditions for the safety of the equipment obtained were created. Interiors of libraries have been transformed, libraries were landscaped.
Thus, the transformation of the material and technical base as the most visible part of the library was for the population and the government with an important and most notable result.
The project transformed funds. In conditions when the libraries 'funds consisted of outdated publications (and therefore, not meeting users' requests), receiving a library of almost 1000 copies of books of current topics, video, audio cassettes, CD-ROM attracted to libraries and those readers who in the last Years did not find the libraries of the right literature, and new users. In each model library, the number of users during the year increased by 30-40%. The contact of the books received by the project, cassettes, discs amounted to 5.6 times.
And already the fact that the rural librarian, for which the most important methodological center was the district library, was invited to study in Moscow, and then teachers from Moscow taught him on the spot, laid the population and power to the library profession and the library.
Technical and resource support has become a basis for changing the quality of library services and, ultimately, has changed the concept of library service. The library, having such capabilities, becomes an attractive, not only readers, but also to the entire population.
Qualitatively transforming services by expanding their spectrum, the library has become the most demanded by specialists of the agro-industrial complex, municipal employees, teachers, jurisans, farmers, private entrepreneurs.
In addition, the library has become useful for solving many social, household problems (questions), and therefore its user's circle expanded at the expense of non-reading groups of the population.
The model library has become the center of legal, social information, the center of information support authorities, specialists of the APC.
The fact that before was it was impossible to find in the Library Foundations now you can find using the Internet. About 60% of all requests are performed using electronic technologies in remote access mode.
For example, in the Velikomihailovsk Library for the district administration, information was found on the procedure for the inauguration of the head of the district administration. Farmer, who applied to the question where you can buy seeds of winter wheat, the library proposed the addresses of farms that are engaged in breeding.
The absentees living in rural areas have always been deprived of the opportunity to do at home, as the literature simply was not in the Rural Library Foundation. Now, with the help of electronic delivery of documents, they can order the necessary literature from the Funds of the Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library. For six months, the MBA department of our library sent more than 40 documents in the model libraries in the model library.
Increasingly, local teachers began to use the library as a platform for training activities on biology, history, music and other subjects, using video edits and CD-Roma. So, for example, a teacher of the biology of the Novota Alloloic High School uses the "Encyclopedia of Animal" in the CD-ROM ROME lessons, the "ecology" video equipment ("Ecology. Nature", "Environmental Systems", "Singles of Nature", "Fascinating Nature " and etc.).
Thus, the library became a video formative center.
Model libraries have become centers of public education work with information technology.
Today, on average, 12% of users are free, they independently work with a text editor, spreadsheets, engage in multimedia encyclopedias, are looking for information on the Internet, etc.
Libraries using the existing technique create their own electronic databases. So, in the hotel model library electronically recorded history and modern chronicles of the village.
The library began to work not only on readers, but also to the entire population, became a multifunctional social institution necessary to the entire local community.
The new features of the library have increased its authority in society and changed the priorities of the municipal social policy, since the library has become the first rural institution that equalized the possibilities of rural residents with urban, in particular, in obtaining information.
Work on the implementation of the project made it possible to build a new model of social partnership libraries and power. The proposal to create model libraries sounded not as a request to improve the material and technical base of libraries, but as an invitation to participate in the joint project of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Regional Public Organization "Open Russia", the Interregional Association of Business Libraries and forced to see the local governments to the library as on business partner, and not like a staffing.
Work on the project influenced regional cultural policies. It is very important that the project "The creation of model public libraries on the village" has become known to all the leaders of district administrations, the management of industry departments of culture and the governor of the region. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating model libraries found support from its part, as a result of which in the regional target program "Development of rural culture in the Belgorod Region for 2003-2005" provides for the creation of at least 3 model libraries in each area.
Even earlier, before this program, the model library in our area was created in p. Serious Gubkinsky district. Most recently, such libraries were opened in Prokhorov district in p. Crane and Yakovlevsky district in p. Yakovlevo.
Thus, the creation of 5 model libraries served as a kind of catalyst that accelerates the process of opening such libraries in other areas of the region.
The project itself, we believe is only at the beginning of the way. He has a lot of prospects.
The discovery of the model library in the Greivonsky district was further developed. There is a project to create a territorial information library network. Today it includes 11 objects. In 2004, 15 institutions have already been planned to connect to the network.
Thus, model libraries practical affairs have shown the importance of libraries, opened the possibilities of partnership cooperation, thereby ensuring their development prospect.
And by and large, from the point of view of the study of the library as a social institution, the implementation of the project makes it possible to revise the concept itself and the philosophy of library.

Comparison of the performance of the Bessonovskaya model rural library for 2001-2003



In recent years, a new concept has appeared in library practice - the model library under which the library is understood that the Library meets the norms and requirements of the "Model Standard of the Public Library".

The model standard covers almost all major aspects of the library work:

  • - placement of libraries and the organization of the library network;
  • - Resource provision (Funds and equipment, premises, personnel, financing).

The concept of "Model Library" is investing a broad meaning. First of all, it is a desire to get closer and comply with the International Model Standard of the Public Library. All work, information resources, technology is rebuilt. The model library is being implemented new features: automated information processing, providing resource users on electronic media.

Catalogs of leading libraries and resources of information centers of Russia, Europe, America become available to rural residents. Everyone can see any legislative act, presidential decrees, government decisions, heads of district and rural administrations. Those who want to train information on the Internet and databases, working with electronic encyclopedias and reference books, use of email, scanning the necessary documents.

As a result, each of the model libraries gets the opportunity to work as a multifunctional cultural institution, which makes new forms of information services, as the center of municipal and legal information, the center of education and self-education, social and consumer information, the cultural and leisure center.

Conditions for the opening of the model rural library:

The number of readers in the village at least 500 people. The presence of a valid agricultural, processing production. The presence of the expanded secondary infrastructure, mail, kindergarten, etc., good road.

The library must have a good room at least 70 - 100 square meters. m, a separate phone, a book fund of at least 6 - 10 thousand copies. The necessary physical components of the building (premises) of the model rural library should be:

  • - attractive internal and external design;
  • - maintaining a state in the process of operation corresponding to the established standards (lighting, temperature regime, fire safety, security);
  • - Ensuring various areas of library activities (receipts and movements of documents, access to the library, ways to move users and personnel).

Support is needed, both residents of the village and the heads of the rural population.

So, the model library is a library that has an optimal standard set of material and information resources, which is a necessary minimum for the implementation of high-quality library-information services for the population. It is created to provide residents of unlimited access to information, a qualitative increase in the level of library service of the population.

The main goal of creating model libraries is to change the quality of life of rural residents, to develop new intellectual needs from them by providing quality information and legal services and thus contribute to the adaptation of the villagers to modern living conditions, help them take their niche in the labor market.

Without exaggeration, it can be noted that this is a serious social program to combat poverty, the protection of a person, limited in the possibilities of obtaining knowledge, access to new labor markets, including intellectual.

Thus, the model library is a multifunctional information and cultural and educational and educational center that meets the norms and requirements of the Model Standard of the Public Library adopted by the Russian Library Association. In essence, the model library is a standard of activity for other libraries. Its goal is a qualitative increase in the level of information security of all segments of the population, providing residents of equal access to knowledge, information, world intellectual resources.

Practice shows that today rural library is often for the public the only window into the world information space. The presence in the Internet Library adds to real resources library many times large world information resources and creates conditions for expanding and facilitating interpersonal and professional communication.

The transformation of libraries in Russia in modern (in the full sense of the word) library is not only, and maybe not so much organizational as an investment project.

Considering the library as a system consisting of 4 main elements: material and technical base, information resources, personnel, users, analyze the influence of the project on these components of the library.

At the first stage, it radically changes the material and technical base. The most obvious, noticeable for the population and power is the appearance in the library of computer equipment. The presence of modern technology requires the modernization of library space: the acquisition of new furniture, repair, conditions are created to preserve the equipment obtained. The interior of the library is transformed, the territory of the library is landscaped.

Thus, the transformations of the material and technical base as the most visible part of the library for the population and power is an important and most notable result.

The project transforms funds. In conditions, when the libraries' funds consist of outdated publications (and therefore, not meeting user requests), receiving the library of the book of current topics, video, audio-cassettes, CD-ROM attracts to libraries and those readers who have not in recent years In the libraries of the desired literature, and new users. In each model library, the number of users during the year increased by 30-40%. Addressing the books received by the project, cassettes, disks is 5.6 times.

Technical and resource support becomes a reason for changing the quality of library services and, ultimately, changes the concept of library service itself. The library, having such capabilities, becomes an attractive, not only readers, but also to the entire population.

Qualitatively transforming services by expanding their spectrum, the library becomes in demand by specialists of the agro-industrial complex, municipal employees, teachers, jurisans, farmers, private entrepreneurs.

In addition, the library becomes useful for solving many social, household tasks (questions), and therefore its ranges have expanded at the expense of non-reading groups of the population.

So, the model library becomes the center of legal, social information, the center of information support of the authorities, specialists of the APC.

The basic principles that determine the content of the model rural library are:

  • - providing all citizens equal access to information;
  • - availability of various types of services;
  • - ensuring freedom of reading;
  • - providing library documents and information to all categories of the population in accordance with their needs;
  • - Access to knowledge and information in close proximity to the place of residence.

Modernization of the rural library provides the following conditions:

  • - organization of a modern comfort environment (overhaul of the premises);
  • - improvement of the adjacent territory;
  • - update the main core of the book fund, based on the standards of the "Model Standard of the Public Library";
  • - current acquisition of the fund on all types of carriers;
  • - subscription to periodicals;
  • - automation of library processes;
  • - access to information resources of the Internet and regional libraries;
  • - training personnel practical skills to use new technologies in user library services.

The creation of model libraries in the Russian Federation began with the implementation of the All-Russian project "Creating Model Public People on the village" of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Interregional Association of Business Library and Public Organization "Open Russia".

The high efficiency of the project was largely determined by the active participation of local and regional authorities. Their forces were repaired by library premises, equipping them with additional library equipment and furniture, ensuring the safety of installed computer equipment and other equipment and information resources from theft and impact, adverse weather-climatic and technogenic factors.

The participation of local authorities in the work on the project was initiated in the process of active actions of the library department of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, undertaken during travel by regions covered by the projects, speeches at conferences and meetings, individual work with representatives of the local administration and heads of regional cultural management.

It is extremely important that the process of modernizing rural libraries has caused a very stormy response of the local business community that has taken the most active part in the works required for the successful functioning of updated rural libraries.

So, to effectively implement this project, the participation of regional and local authorities. It is on them that tasks are placed as the repair of library premises, equipping their library equipment and furniture, ensuring the safety of installed computer equipment, other equipment and information resources.

The project "The creation of model public libraries on the village" has become a catalyst for the processes of modernization in rural libraries of many regions of the Russian Federation.

The leading role in the implementation of the project was played by those regions that over the past ten years did not simply support and developed initiatives aimed at preserving and supporting rural libraries, but independently developed and implemented regional programs to modernize them. The most striking example can be considered a program for creating model rural libraries in the Chuvash Republic.

In 2003, the president of the republic was signed by a decree "On the creation of rural model libraries in the Chuvash Republic". In this document, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic was supposed to provide "Opening during 2003-2004. 100 rural model libraries equipped with a basic set of computer equipment, reference and legal systems, electronic publications, the best books of the domestic book publishing; Connecting rural model libraries to a republican telecommunications network. " In the formation of the republican budget of the Chuvash Republic for 2004, it was planned to allocate funds for the creation and opening of rural model libraries as part of co-financing on the pilot project "Creating computer public libraries in rural areas." And the authorities of the self-government regions of the Chuvash Republic were recommended "to create the necessary conditions for the opening of rural model libraries, to repair, reconstruct buildings and premises, the acquisition of furniture, telephonification and safety of equipment; Organize training for computer technologies of cultural workers. "

In a speech at a meeting of the Council under the authorized representative of the President of Russia at the Volga Federal District, President Chuvashi N. V. Fedorov said: "Only at the expense of the republican budget, we began in a sense an unprecedented event to create a network of model libraries - 500 modern and equipped instead of 500 yesterday's yesterday Susty and dull. Such was our goal. "

The experience of the Chuvash Republic highly appreciated the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev and proposed to use it to other regions. So, at a meeting with the President of the Chuvash Republic, D. A. Medvedev, noted that spiritual life always "concentrated around libraries", where "should be a digital component, access to the global network and a normal set of books so that people do not lose reading skills." In this regard, in his opinion, "the model libraries of Chuvashia are correct in their structure", and "this experience could also be used in other regions."

The project for the creation of model libraries within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia (2006-2010)" was realized in the Udmurt Republic. According to the results of the consideration of applications for participation in the project "Model Rural Libraries", it was decided to open in 2009 in Udmurtia of two model rural libraries in Malopurgian (village of Bobny-teaching) and Zavyalovsky (Village of Stevalovo) regions.

In November 2009, the All-Russian Congress of Rural Libraries took place in Bryansk. His organizers made the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Pushkin Library Foundation, the Administration of the Bryansk Region, the Bryansk Regional Scientific Universal Library. F. M. Tyutchev. Representatives of rural libraries 42 regions of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus participated in the congress.

At the congress, the interim results of the project "Model Rural Libraries" were summed up. Leaders (regions having model rural libraries) are the Chuvash Republic (all five hundred rural libraries - model), Belgorod region (116 model libraries), Kursk region (41), Stavropol Territory (31), Tambov region (28).

As part of the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia 2006-2010". In 2006, the Chelyabinsk Region, when co-financing the Fund "Pushkin Library" and district budgets, 5 first model rural libraries were opened (the first in the URFO - Selezian model Pavkolsky library of the Etkulsky municipal district). The following libraries were opened in co-financing from regional and district budgets. Today in the Chelyabinsk region, 38 model libraries are open (in Russia in 40 regions of only 184) (Appendix 1). The project, unfortunately, failed to implement completely. By 2010, 52 model libraries should have been opened.

It would be very correct to renew the project to open model libraries. Work in this direction does not stop: at the expense of municipal funds are prepared for the opening of model libraries in Troitsk MR (N.-Sanarskaya), Sosnovsky MR (Mirno and Kremenkulskaya), V.-Ural MR (interoperable).

The project "Model City Library" is implemented in the city of Zlatoust. In combining urban libraries of Magnitogorsk from 12 libraries - 5 have the status of a "reference library".

Thus, a broad meaning is invested in the concept of "model library". First of all, it is a desire to get closer and comply with the International Model Standard of the Public Library. All work, information resources, technology is rebuilt. The model library is being implemented new features: automated information processing, providing resource users on electronic media.

Catalogs of leading libraries and resources of information centers of Russia, Europe, America become available to rural residents. Everyone can see any legislative act, presidential decrees, government decisions, heads of district and rural administrations.

As a result, each of the model libraries will be able to work as a multifunctional cultural facilities that exercise new forms of information services - as a center of municipal and legal information, the center of education and self-education, social and consumer information, cultural and leisure center.

So, the model library is organized to create conditions for the implementation of the information, cultural and leisure needs of the population of the settlement of the settlement, ensuring the free, operational and most complete access to information by upgrading resource support and library activities.

The main tasks of the model rural library are:

  • - Organization of library service of the population based on the use of the latest information technology, providing users with access to corporate and global information networks, user maintenance in local and remote access modes.
  • - preservation, systematization and replenishment of funds;
  • - study of the needs of users in order to ensure the rights of the population on the admission to the values \u200b\u200bof culture and science;
  • - Wide propaganda of reading as a factor contributing to the establishment of a comprehensively developed personality, education of the culture of reading;
  • - organization of meaningful leisure of users;
  • - implementation of socio-preventive, social and rehabilitation and other social problems.

From the first days of creating model rural libraries, an important feature is the choice of the main activity, the specialization of each library. Today, among them there are specialized local lore, environmental, information and educational centers, museum libraries, youth and children's libraries, minor entrepreneurship support centers and local self-government bodies, family reading, etc. So, the Usen-Ivanovo model library of the Belebean district of the Republic of Bashkortostan It is the information center for the creative heritage of Marina Tsvetaeva. The main objective of the activities of the Center is the creation of an optimal model of informing and educating residents of the village, guests of Tsvetaevsky holidays, tourists on regional issues, local self-government, ecology, literature and culture. Yanaul model rural library of the Belebean district of the Republic of Bashkortostan positions itself as a information and cultural and aesthetic center. It is the only museum of dolls in the republic.

The model rural library of the Krasnoyarsk district of the Astrakhan region is the first in the area, ahead of reader demand, created a system of environmental education, became the authors of the first regional program "Environmental Education and Library".

The fact that the model rural library is the main information center of the village is undoubtedly. With the acquisition of a set of technical means - computer and multiple equipment - rural libraries expanded. The search for the necessary villagers of information in electronic reference and search engines is much more quick and fulfilling the queries. Thus, the presence of a consultant plus reference system in the model library allows you to quickly find the document you need to find the document you need and get it an electronic copy or print it (or a fragment) for further use. For example, since 2002, with a model rural library with. The Shcheloganyur of the Izhemsky District of the Komi Republic is valid for the Center for Legal Information, which provides legal information to the entire population. With the help of the reference system "Consultant Plus" Center, the Center holds days of information "CPI in the library: goals, opportunities, prospects", "All about pensions, benefits, benefits", evenings of questions and answers "Protect yourself yourself", Cycle conversations and reviews On local radio "New legal literature", etc. .

The population should gradually understand that the library contains or is able to search for information on any request relating to the livelihoods of the villagers: work, study, life, leisure, etc. The librarian will find information from various sources, documents of all types and species, databases and data banks.

An invaluable information assistance to the library can provide employees of all areas: education, business, agriculture, etc.

The teachers will receive information in the library to help teach various learning subjects, managers of farms - to the assistance of agricultural products, the acquisition of agricultural machinery and equipment, seeds and new breeds of farm animals.

Great help in this will have the presence in the model rural entry library. The head of the economy that favorably realized the products of his enterprise in metropolitan markets through the information provided to him by the rural librarian will undoubtedly support the model library and will help it with finance or in another way.

Employees of local governments are the category of users from which the activity of the library often depends. Librarians should be able to work with representatives of local governments, identify their information needs and quickly and fully satisfy their requests.

The library can become a mediator between local governments and the population: to broadcast solutions to local governments to the residents of the village, as well as collect and transfer the punishes and wishes from the residents of the village to local self-government.

Forms and methods of working model rural libraries in this direction, the set:

  • - creation of information centers and corners of information in the library; Registration of special stands, on which information on the vital activity of the village (gasification, utility payments, taxes, solutions of local governments, ...),
  • - organization of meetings of representatives of local self-government bodies with residents of the village, etc.

A set of forms and methods of information work is diverse. With the use of technical means it is significantly expanding, since the library can use not only its own information resources, but also the resources of other libraries and information centers and systems. For example, in the model rural library of the Cheboksary district of the Republic of Chuvashia, information stands "Local Power Day Behind Day" are created. The library works with representatives of local government bodies, reveal their information needs and promptly satisfy their requests: decrees adopted by local governments are collected by folders - drives: health care. Ecology; Military service. Civil defense; Transport; Agriculture; Land affairs; Building; Improvement. Housing and communal services; Education; Culture, etc. The library seeks to meet all the information needs of its users, as well as the transformation of the library to the center of reading and information, to the development of the world information space through the Internet, as well as the provision of additional service services based on computer technology.

Electronic Document Delivery (EDD) For readers of the Public Library on the village should be the same reality as for readers of metropolitan libraries. For the library on the village of EDD, is often the only way to deliver the necessary document from the library of the federal level. If residents of the capital can get the necessary documents directly in libraries, then for a rural resident, a trip to Moscow is a problem. And EDD is promptly and relatively simple. It is necessary to have access to the Internet and the ability to get a document at the library email address.

For schoolchildren, the library is no less important than the school. The library can be prepared for classes, having received full information for writing abstracts, writings, reports, etc.

The library can provide information for future applicants, help in choosing an educational institution, provide a "tutor" (on CD-ROM) to prepare for exams.

Thus, the model library has an optimal standard set of material and information resources, which is a necessary minimum for the implementation of high-quality library and information services for the population.

The basic principles that determine the content of the model library are:

  • - providing all citizens equal access to information.
  • - availability of various types of services.
  • - ensuring the protection of freedom of reading and information.
  • - providing library documents and information to all categories of the population in accordance with their needs.
  • - Access to knowledge and information in close proximity to the place of residence.
  • - Free maintenance.

The basic requirements and characteristics for resource support, the organization of library services should be interpreted in the context of the functions and objectives of a specific model public library and adjust to the changes occurring in the process of developing library activities.

model rural library