Synopsis of direct educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development (music) using ICT "Merry Orchestra". Abstract of the nodes a journey to the land of musical sounds

Synopsis of direct educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development (music) using ICT "Merry Orchestra". Abstract of the nodes a journey to the land of musical sounds

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten№ 30 Lipetsk Abstract of the GCD "Travel to musical country Sounds "educational area" Artistic and aesthetic development ”(middle group) Objectives: Educational  To draw the attention of children to the rich and varied world of sounds.  To acquaint with musical instruments and methods of playing them.  Perform simple accompaniment in the form of ostinata rhythm formulas.  Hear strong and weak beats, pauses, designate them with sounding gestures or musical instruments.  Use musical instruments for scoring a fairy tale.  Strengthen the skills of quantitative counting to five Developing Develop:  Development children's creativity when learning to play children's musical instruments Educational  Formation of skills of cooperation and co-creation in the children's collective,  Continue to enrich musical experience children, to evoke a vivid emotional response when playing music. GCD move: Children enter music hall... Muz.ruk .: - Guys, there are many different sounds, we always hear something: rustles, the rumble of a car, the creak of branches, the phone rings, the murmur of water, the singing of birds, the chirping of a grasshopper. These are sounds-noises. To get to know them, you just need to listen carefully to everything that is happening around. - Do you hear what these sounds are? (leaves rustle, wind howls, rain pours, birds make noise). What time of the year can we hear these sounds? (in the fall) Why do you think so? (statements of children about autumn signs) Muses. hand .: - Each season has its own special sounds. Listen .... (birds singing, forest noise) Guys, what time of year do you think we can hear foliage noise and birds singing? (summer). Then the teacher offers to listen to the sounds of winter: the creak of snow underfoot, the sounds of a blizzard, blizzards). Muz.ruk .: - Guys, what is this sound, do you hear? What does it look like? Who is this? The teacher rolls out a musical toy Kolobok Children: - it's a Kolobok! It is not simple - musical! Do you hear? He wants to tell us something. A gingerbread man appears on the screen: “I am a funny gingerbread man! I want to invite you guys to do the autumn with me fabulous journey to a musical land where wonderful little wizards live - sounds. " Music hands - Do you guys like to travel? (Yes) Then we accept Kolobok's invitation and set off on a journey, but who will show us the way? Qty. : - I will show you the way, and you follow me all the time! To get to this country you need to say magic words: -We will all believe in magic - the fairy tale will open the doors for us! Children repeat the words together with Kolobok. Moose. : -That's where we got to the musical land where sounds live. Hear what this sound is meeting us? (This is a car driving, a car honking) Music ruk.: - Yes, you and I heard the sound of a car approaching. Musical Gingerbread Man invites everyone to ride in a car. Hold on tight to the steering wheel. Go. Game miniature "Cars" Children sing along and move around the hall with "stompers". We go, we go by car along the Lipetsk land, Along the birch, pine, along the oak side. Music hands - So the good, flat road has ended, and there are narrow paths ahead, we will not go further by car. What do we do? Where to go next? (children's answers). - Guys, let's run along the path along the autumn leaves, and with our palms we will show how the leaves rustle under our feet. Guys, look, where did we come running? (in the forest). A picture of an autumn forest appears on the screen. -What time of year is it in the forest? And what is he, autumn forest? (children's answers) The autumn forest is very beautiful! He can sing, make noise, rustle, and he also loves to play! Let's play, repeat with me! Phonopedic exercise "Autumn" Autumn leaves golden, The wind rustles them: Shur-Shur - Shur, Shur-Shur-Shur. Rhythmically rub the palm of his hand He carries them from the trees. Will play, again throw: U-U-U, U-U-U. Rhythmically, arms raised up are crossed. It will lift it up, spin it and turn it in place: U-U-U, U-U-U. Make circular movements with the index fingers. It will press it to the ground, stroke it, Suddenly it will plant it on a twig: So - So - So, So - So - So. Rhythmically clap their palms in a circle Gather a large pile, Run away and sit in a cloud. Rhythmically clench and unclench your hands. How well you and I played with the sorceress Autumn, with golden leaves, and where is our musical Kolobok? Can you hear where these sounds are heard? (Children's answers: frog croaking) Sounds "In the swamp" sound. Mus.ruk .: - Guys, look, Kolobok rolled to the swamp, he probably wants to introduce us to his friend - the Frog Kwak. Moose. hands. -Hello, Kwak the Frog. - Guys, the Frog wants to tell us his story and play with you, let's sit on the stumps and listen. The teacher speaks on behalf of the frog Kwak. Frog: - Once I decided to take a walk. And suddenly a drop of rain fell on me (I hit the metallophone plate 1 time). Muzruk. How many drops of rain fell on the Frog? answers of children (1) Frog: - Here a cloud covered the sun, it became dark, and a few more drops dripped on me (I hit it several times). Muzruk. - Let's count how many drops of rain fell on the Frog? (2) Music hands. - Guys, think about it and tell me what instruments are suitable to play the "rain music". (triangle, bell, metallophone) - Guys, let's play with the Frog and count the droplets. Children pick up tools and perform actions as the story progresses. Frog: - In the beginning, droplets dripped rarely (rare blows) (1 drop. 2 drops, 3 drops), and then the rain broke in earnest and the droplets poured one after another more and more often. Rain intensified (hitting frequently). I jumped into the lake and waited for the rain to end. Soon the rain stopped and the sun came out again. Frog: - Did you like my story? children's answers Then I suggest you come up with and play your own rain song? And I will listen to her. Instrumental improvisation. (1-3) Children choose a musical instrument: bells, triangle, tambourine and alternately perform their "rain music". Educated. - Guys, run to me under the umbrella, it seems the rain is starting. Mus.ruk .: - Let's sing a song about the rain and it will stop going. "Song about the rain" Muses. hands. - guys, while we were playing, the rain dispersed all the clouds and the sun came out again. Oh, but where is Kolobok? children are looking for He probably got scared of the rain and drove off, but where? A teremok appears on the screen. Musically didactic game"Who lives in the little house?" Muz.Ruk. - Our gingerbread man rolled and found himself in a magic meadow. What's in the clearing? (tower) - Tower, tower, tower, it is not low, not high. This tower is not simple - musical - that's what it is! But who lives in that little house? - Oh, look, the mouse is coming to us here, pee-pee she sings! Tell me, how does the mouse sing its song? (thin, high). Let's sing along with the mouse her song, the children sing - And on what instruments can the mouse play along when she sings? (children answer, tools appear on the screen) - On which floor will we put the mouse in our terem? (at the highest) On the screen, the mouse runs up the stairs to the highest floor. This is repeated with each character (hare, bear). - A bunny gallops in the clearing. Well, bunny, guess what Now where do you run? Up, down or stand? Music hands plays on one sound of a xylophone and sings: "Bunny, bunny, calm down, Us, coward, don't be afraid!" (Answers of the children: to stand. The hare sings on one sound "I'm not afraid of anyone, I will settle in the little house"). - What musical instrument will we choose for the bunny? (spoons, tambourine) Music hand. We will settle the bunny in the house on which floor? (in the middle) Music ruk .: A bear is going to the tower. He wants to sing with everyone! He wants to be friends with the animals in the house! Let's help the clubfoot? (Yes) Music ruk .: How can a Bear walk? children's answers What tool can show this? Drum. Where will we put the Bear? (below) Children sing slowly, roughly, without a melody: "top!" Musical ruk.: The animals are sitting in the Musical House, Looking at the children from the window. Gingerbread man Triangle has spoons, tambourines, sticks, accordions. You need to take them all at once. Together, play together. I'll be the conductor here, Who are you, answer in chorus? (Orchestra) Muz.ruk .: - A cheerful choir has gathered, Kolobok is our conductor! Together they took the instruments and played in the orchestra! The teacher invites children to choose any musical instrument. Children play in the orchestra "Dance" (improvisation) Muz.ruk: You all played merrily, Have been in a good fairy tale It's time for us to come back. On the road - the road, kids! Thank you, Kolobok for such an exciting journey! Guys, you see how many interesting things we learned during the trip, how many different sounds we heard, got acquainted with different musical instruments. What do you guys remember the most? Children's answers. The gingerbread man appears on the screen and says: - Substitute your palms, I will pour the sun for you, I will give you a warm wind, And the dawn is blue. And most importantly - I give you music, you take it with you!

Panteleeva Elena Anatolyevna,

music director

MBOU "Secondary school number 2"

KhMAO-Yugra, Yugorsk


To form the knowledge of children about the types of sounds, musical literacy... Develop musical ability through the performance of songs, dances, playing musical instruments. Foster a love of music.

Course of the lesson.

Musical director:

Guys, today we will start our lesson with fun exercises.

We guys are together, together

We run on the spot.

If there is no peace in the heart,

They stamped their feet loudly!

And another!

And now my good ones

Clap your hands loudly!

And sit down!

Musical director:

Guys, what were we doing now?

Children. They stomped, clapped, and made noise.

Musical director:

What can you call these sounds?

Children. Noises.

Musical director:

Let's be quiet for a moment and listen to the sounds around us. Do you think this world is silent or not? (answer). The sounding world around us. There are many sounds around us.

Tell me, what sounds can you hear on the street? What houses? (answer)

That's right, all this is noise. Let's play. I will make noises, and you guess.

Game Guess the Noises (noises sound behind the screen)

Noises are non-musical sounds, these include the voices of nature, what do you hear now?

What are you hearing now? ( plays the metallophone). These are also sounds, but which ones? Noisy?

(answer) Sounds played on musical instruments are called musical. Human singing also belongs to musical sounds. Let's repeat: what sounds are.

Musical director: Now let's have a little quiz.

let's split into two teams and take cards, I will name sounds, and you will classify them as musical or non-musical.

(boy singing, doors creaking, sounding female choir, the sound of the sea, the sound of the ball, playing the violin, the sound of the orchestra, the sound of the machine, playing the piano)

And by what sounds can you recognize a person without even seeing him?

Musical director: Guys, I suggest you take a trip to the Land of Musical Sounds, but first you need to answer the questions.

Who is a composer?

What is a musician?

For whom does the musician perform his works? (for listeners)

I see you are ready to travel. Well done!

And an unusual ship will take us to the land of Musical Sounds.

Logorhythmic composition "On an airship" (the author of poems and movements E.E. Sokolov)

So we flew to the land of Musical sounds, to the town of Tinker Bell. What is the name of the inhabitants of this town? Guess the riddle.

Funny hooks

They sit on the rulers

They sit on the rulers

Do they tell you to sing songs? (notes)

I have a magic key, without which you cannot open the door to the house where the notes live. What is the name of this key? ( treble clef, or the key "salt")

So it's time to get acquainted with our notes.

Children talk about sheet music and place them on stave

C note

"Do" runs home down the path

"Do" got to the gate

Goes up the ladder.

The note "re"

Note hid in a hole

Under the first ruler

The note "mi"

On the first line - "mi"!

Musicians know this!

Now you understand:

There are no other notes with me!

The note "fa"

"Fa" - an owl is screaming in the forest!

The note "salt"

On the second line - me

They call me the note "salt".

The note "la"

"La" - the whole earth sang!

The note "si"

The note "si"! I am the thinnest of all

So I climbed up.

I live above mi and salt,

The third line is my address!

On five lines

Fun and friendly

The notes are all live.

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si - that's what their names are!

Children sing the scale

Now all the notes are assembled,

So we will be able to sing soon!

On the ladder - a miracle.

It's so easy to step up, down

Notes need to be learned

To sing us a song!

The song "Let's start a round dance" (Sat. "Winter Fantasy" I. Kaplunov, I. Novoskoltsev)

Musical director:

Guys, the notes are very playful, they love to run, jump, dance and know how to be friends.

Show how funny and friendly you are.

The game "Search" (Sat. "Holiday every day" I. Kaplunov, I. Novoskoltsev)

Now sheet music invites you to a music store that sells musical instruments. This store is extraordinary, to make a purchase you need to tap the rhythm correctly.

Game "Music Lotto"
The fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken"
children voice the tale by T.E. Tyutyunnikova

Musical director.

Here we are with you and visited the country where the notes live. Notes are very fond of their hometown, in which they live, and in which city do you live? (answer). Do you love your city?

Let's sing a song about the Motherland, oh native land, where were you born.

The song "What We Call Homeland" (magazine "Kolokolchik" No. 25 2002)

Musical director: Guys, our journey has come to an end, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. I want to wish you, love music, be friends with it. Let music be your friend. Good meetings with music! Let a small bell sound in your soul, the sound of which gives you warmth and joy to those around you!

Children leave the hall to the music.

Used Books.

ON. Moreva " Musical lessons and entertainment in a preschool institution "

Magazine "Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka" No. 3 2002.

Magazine "Musical palette" No. 4 2005

Kolokolchik magazine # 25 2002

"Certificate of Publication" Series A No. 0000899, date of dispatch February 21, 2013, receipt No. 62502658075633

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
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Synopsis of directly educational activities for artistic and aesthetic development (MUSIC) in senior group.. Main goal: fostering a love of music in children , maintaining interest in different types musical activity.



Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Directly educational music

activities in the senior group

Kartunova Evelina Valerievna,

Musical director of MDOU

"Kindergarten No. 17 of the combined type"

Luga town, 2015

Target: raising children to love music, support of interest in various types of musical activity.



arouse interest in the game-journey to the Kingdom of Music,

Teach children to get used to the game situation,

Clarify ideas about different genres music (song, dance);


Develop the ability to perceive music (feel the mood, convey the character of a piece of music in motion),

Improve auditory culture skills:

Listen to a piece of music without distraction, understand the general

The character, mood of a piece of music,

Develop the musical ability of children: ear for music, feeling


Develop musical memory,

Develop creative imagination and fantasy, the ability to


To cultivate the ability to empathize with fairy-tale heroes,

To develop the skills of cultural behavior in the music hall during

Singing, moving, playing, in the process of group communication with children and


To cultivate a love for various types of musical activity.

Cultivate friendships.

Integration educational areas : social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, physical development

Preliminary work: selection musical repertoire, illustrative material, preparation of attributes, presentation design "How the music reconciled everyone"

Equipment : demo (treble clef), projection screen, laptop,

handout: multi-colored notes on sticks according to the number of children, musical instruments (spoons, bells, tambourines), multi-colored handkerchiefs (60x60cm) - for waltz, incentive medals according to the number of children.

Musical repertoire: P. Tchaikovsky "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", "March of Wooden Soldiers"; L. Delibes "Waltz",

Song "True friend" (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by B. Savelyev),

"Barbariki" (What is kindness?) - to lyrics. V. Ososhnik, music. Lyubasha);

theatrical noises (musical instruments: spoons, tambourine, ratchet, accordion, balalaika, flute, whistle).

P / p No.

Kind of activity.


Musical (literary) material.


Opening remarks, greeting, conversation

Music sounds. Children enter the hall

Hello guys!

I invite you all to join hands and build a circle.

Good day! Good day!

Let's turn left and right.

Good day! Good day!

And let's smile at each other!

Good day! Good day!

The guys gathered in a circle.

Good day! Good day!

On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend!

I am very glad to see you

in the music hall and want to invite you on a trip to the Kingdom of Music? Do you agree? How can we get there?

Repeat 1 time

Projection screen, laptop, projector.

Start of presentation.

Slide 1.

Perception, m musical-rhythmic improvisation

A treble clef and his girlfriends notes will help us get to the Kingdom of Music.

The key is beautiful, not simple,

With a long curled leg.

Wonderful excellent,

The musical key is a treble!

Choose any note for yourself and go on a trip to the music.

(dance-improvisation with notes)

2 minutes

Children's answers

Music by P. Tchaikovsky "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"

Multi-colored notes on sticks, treble clef


We are approaching the Kingdom of Music. We are greeted with the same music - fanfare sounds.

15 sec

Fanfare sound.

Slide 2.

On this day, everything began as usual in the kingdom of music.

Musical sounds woke up first, then musical instruments musical castle opened my windows

15 sec.

The phonogram "sounds of the orchestra tuning sounds)

Slide 3.


Game "Guess which instrument is playing"

(spoons, tambourine, ratchet, accordion, balalaika, flute, whistle).

1.5 minutes

Children listen to the sound of a musical instrument - the answer is on the screen

Slide 4.

Playing the muses. instruments

They took the tools in hand,

Played together together

We won't get tired of playing

What have we created? (Orchestra)

What do you think, what is the mood in the Castle of Music?

2 minutes

Children choose their own musical instrument and play in the orchestra

Children's answers

Slide 5.

Musical instruments: bells, tambourines, spoons

And the Fairy of Song lived in the castle, and she believed that singing was the most important thing in life.

There is no more wonderful music in the world

Lyrics with melody will merge together

And all this is called - a song!

But the Fairy of the Dance does not agree with her!

Why are words needed if music is beautiful?

The movements are graceful and light

As if moths are circling.

Two Fairies argued, argued and quarreled .. In the Castle of Music it became sad and sad.

What can we do to reconcile them?

Let's try to figure out this situation.

Slides 6-8.

Musical and didactic game, singing

The Fairy of Song has tasks for us.

To sing beautifully and correctly, you need to hear the rhythm.

Exercise 1. Tap the rhythm.

Task 2. Repeat it correctly.

(pronouncing a clean phrase

“There was a goat on the lawn,

he rang the bell ”) - with different intonations.

Task 3. Sing a song.

What is the nature of the song? What do you feel? What's your mood now?

Maybe the Fairy is Singing and right - the most important thing is singing.



2 minutes.

Children are doing the task

They perform the song "True Friend"Words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by B. Savelyev

Slide 9-11.

Slide 12.

Slide 13.

Musical-rhythmic improvisation, perception

And the Fairy of the Dance has prepared her tasks for us.

Guys, what dances do you know? (polka, waltz, march)

The composer P.I. Tchaikovsky composed a march of wooden soldiers.

And what kind of music is a march? (cheerful, perky)

Wooden soldiers

Marching until dawn

Of all the math

They only know one-two-three.

So, we are now soldiers!

The Dance Fairy is very fond of waltz.

What kind of dance do you think it is? (smooth, gentle ...)

To decorate this dance, I suggest you take handkerchiefs and try to convey the character of the music.

1 minute

3 min

P. Tchaikovsky "Dance of Wooden Soldiers" March-improvisation

Children's answers.

- "Waltz "L. Delibes. Dance with colorful kerchiefs

Slide 14.

Slide 15.

Slide 16.



Dancing is wonderful. And the Fairy of Dance is right in its own way. How can we reconcile them?

It is songs and dances that make our life more interesting, beautiful and diverse.

Without which there is no song or dance?

Without music!

And music often combines both song and dance. And we will now be convinced of this.

2 minutes

Dance "Barbariki"

("What is kindness" to lyrics by V. Ososhnik, music by Lyubasha)

Slide 17.

- Look, guys, while we were dancing and singing, peace and prosperity came to the Castle of Music.

And the Fairies made up.

And who helped them to make peace?

Of course WE and MUSIC.

So our journey to the "Castle of Music" has come to an end.

I will wave a magic key and I will return you to kindergarten.

We returned to our kindergarten.

I really enjoyed traveling with you. What did you like and remember? (children passing the key to each other, share their impressions).

Until next time guys! In memory of our trip to the Castle of Music, I present you with commemorative medals. Be friends with music guys.

Slide 18.

Treble clef, commemorative medals for all children.

Purpose of GCD: Form the rhythmic abilities of older children preschool age.

Software content:

Improving the ability of children to listen and develop the skills of perceiving music, develop the creative and musical thinking of children through playing and completing a sequential series of exciting tasks.

Educational tasks:

1. Introduce the feature musical speech(phrasing), rhythmic construction of phrases, hear the beginning and end of a musical phrase.

2. Teach children to join musical accompaniment using children's noise instruments.

3. To promote the formation of the ability to come up with movements in accordance with the image.

4. Exercise children in distinguishing the timbre coloring of musical instruments, to identify them by ear.

Developmental tasks:

1. Develop auditory attention, logical thinking, Creative skills children.

2. To develop in children rhythmic, tempo and timbre perception.

3. To develop coordination, switchability of movements.

Educational task:

1. To cultivate independence, activity, a benevolent relationship with each other.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal: questions, tasks, verbal explanation.

Visual: slide fragments

Practical: music games, creative tasks.

GCD move:

Children enter the hall to the music, Stand up in a semicircle.

Moose. hands. offers to say hello ..

Musical greeting.

Good morning! Turn to each other

Smile soon! spreading his arms to the sides.

And it's all day today Clap their hands.

More fun!

We will stroke your forehead Movement through the text.

Spout and cheeks.

We will be beautiful Gradually raise their hands

Like flowers in the garden! up ("flashlights").

Let's rub our palms Movement through the text.

Stronger, stronger!

Now let's clap

Bolder, bolder!

We will rub our ears now Ears are rubbed.

And we will save health.

Let's smile again - Spread out their hands

Good luck everyone! They all say together.

Music director: We come to the music hall to ...?

Children: Sing, play, listen to music, dance.

Music hands So I suggest you dance now. ( turns on a slide - sounds scatter). Oh, what is this? Our song fell apart. What to do?

Children presumably answer.

Mus.ruk... And I think I know what to do. Look, there is a ladder on the screen, but the ladder is not simple, but musical. And our song is hiding at the highest level. But in order to get to it, you need to go through all the steps and at each there will be a task for you. If you cope with them, you will find your song. I suggest you go through and take a bracelet, what color - decide for yourself.

1. Well, here's the first task.

The song must be sung with words

And the movements, come up with yourself .

Now we will stand in two lines: those with pink bracelets - forward, with blue ones - back.

Song "Black Cat".

Here goes black cat - "Legs" in front, raise legs high

He hid, waiting for the mouse. - sit down, finger to lips

The mouse will not go into the hole, - bend over, circle around you

And to the cat. - right hand with a leg to the side, the same - left

Will not get - turns head left and right, jump - hands on the belt, legs


Mus.ruk... And now we will do the same to the music, but we will sing to ourselves.

Children are doing the task.

M.r... Look, here is the first note, it means we have coped with the task.

Sit on the chairs.

Children sit on high chairs. The teacher takes the next note on which the assignment is written and reads it.

2. I need some accompaniment

To make the song sound

Tools need to be taken

And play poetry on them.

Onomatopoeia by playing on noise instruments(T. Tyutyunnikova's method).
It's raining - knocking on the roof:
Drop, drop, drop, drop - finger snaps (triangle strikes)
We also hear the clock run: - sliding claps
Tick-tock, tick-tock ( blows with wooden sticks)
We hear the mouse: shur-shur-shur - sliding movements of the hands over the knees

(shaking maracas),
We hear the cat: moore, moore, moore - scratching movements on the legs (brief glissando of the metallophone)
But none of you heard, - denying hand (head) gesture
Like a leaf from a bud came out. - with both hands to depict a blossoming

leaflet. (play ruble P)
Like green blades of grass - sliding legs (bell)
Taking off his green shoes, - alternately raise the socks of the feet
Quietly came out of the ground. - depict growing grass with your fingers
They went out quietly, very quietly, - step on the knees with your fingers
And SILENCE is everywhere ... finger to lips
It means, it means: - alternating clapping of hands and knees (all

instruments are playing)
So SPRING has come to us. - put your hands up.

A second note appears on the screen.

M.R. Well done, did an excellent job. Next note. Here's the task:

3. Listen carefully

Determine the tool

And the answer is movement

Show us.

"Guess what I'm playing"

Music sounds, children define the instrument and depict without naming it. An image of the instrument appears on the screen.

M.R... Well done, here's the third note.

The next task is as follows.

4. On the first part - flowers bloom,

And on the second - the moths flutter!

Flowers will bloom, moths will circle ...

And in the end they will make friends with each other!

Who has pink bracelets - they take flowers, who have blue ones - take dragonflies, put on the back of the hand.

"Choir of hands" Waltz joke(music by D. Shostakovich)

Children with flowers sit on chairs, with dragonflies stand behind. 1 part of the music - flowers bloom, on the second - dragonflies flutter over the flowers .

M.R. Well done, and we did an excellent job with this task. Please remove the chairs. ( children move chairs against the wall)

Forming in a circle:

Hands to the side. Into the cam,

We unclench, on a side.

Sideways, crosswise, sideways, downward.

Knock knock knock, made a big circle.

We still have the last note. What does she offer us ?.

5. This is a wand - a transforming wand.

To whom she falls, that also turns ..

Game "Wand-transforming".

Children pass a stick in a circle to the music. Whoever has it with the end of the music, he takes it and depicts what it might look like (club, broom, umbrella, rod, fishing rod, guitar, etc.)

M.R. Well, we got to our song. So we can dance. Become pairs in a circle: whoever has a blue bracelet, he will stand with his back in a circle. Let's start dancing, don't forget to sing along!

Polka with transitions "Good Beetle" A. Spadavecchia.

M.R. You have coped with all the tasks, well done, you were able to get to the song. And the song gave you good mood... Now think about it and decide: if everything worked out for you today, then stand in the red hoop, but if something was difficult, stand in the blue hoop.

When the children stand in the hoops, they tell them what they did best today.

M.R. To say goodbye we'll line up in two columns .

Children say goodbye and leave the hall to the music.

Used Books :

Radynova O.P., Katinene A.I., Palovaidishvili M.Ya. Musical education preschoolers. - M., 1994

B.M. Teplov Psychology of musical abilities. - M., 1947

Trubnikova M. We teach children to play by ear Preschool education. - 1993.- № 9

Tyutyunnikova T.E. "Bim! Bam! Boom! ed. LOIRO, 2003

Tyutyunnikova T.E. Music lessons Karl Orff's teaching system Rodnichok 2001.

Tyutyunnikova T.E. Elementary music making with preschoolers. Program, anthology of musical and methodological material... - M., 1999.

Organization: Kindergarten No. 29 "Berry"

Settlement: Republic of Bashkortostan, Beloretsk

Target: Enrich life experience children bright impressions, provide an opportunity to express yourself in different types musical activity.


Educational: Enrich children's experiences by introducing them to a variety of musical works and the means of expression used. Continue acquaintance with the work of the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. Improve the speech of children, the ability to clearly express their thoughts, enrich vocabulary... To shape cognitive interest children in the process of musical activity.

Developing: Prepare the singing and articulatory apparatus for singing by working out different ways according to the phonopedic method of V.V. Emelyanov. Strengthen the ability to sing harmoniously, start singing on time after the introduction, change the strength of the voice, master a variety of singing techniques. Improve the performance of figurative movements in accordance with the nature of the music. To develop dance creativity, showing originality, expressiveness and independence.

Educating: Foster a culture of listening classical music... Improve the ability to objectively evaluate the actions of other children. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards each other, a sense of collectivism, initiative, independence.

Technical support:

  • A computer
  • Projector
  • Audio and video equipment


  • Multimedia presentation
  • Phonograms


  • Musical signs (forte, piano)
  • Musical notes
  • Percussion musical instruments (cymbals, spoons, tone block, walnut tracks ..)
  • Snowball
  • Paper hats

Course of the lesson:

Children enter the hall, where they are met by the music director.

Moose. hands. : Good afternoon guys. Guys, I'm very glad to see you all. But today I would like to get to know you better. To do this, I invite you to come up with your own dance study called « Let's get acquainted" , those. you have to figure out how to present yourself, find expressive movements, it can be some kind of unusual posture, gesture ...

Etude: "Let's get to know each other"

Moose. hands: Who do you like best? Who could express themselves more accurately? I liked meeting you so much, you were all so different, unusual, which means you are talented! Probably you all love making music? ( Children's answer)

And now I want to invite you to a musical exhibition of paintings, and be your guide. Do you agree to go with me? Do you know what a painting exhibition is? (children's answers) Only this will be an unusual exhibition. We will not only see the paintings at this exhibition, but also hear.

Guys, how can we get to the exhibition? Since this is a musical exhibition, then we must perform some musical task? A music track will help us get there, along which, going on the road, we must complete dance tasks. You are ready?

(Children perform movements on the text and thus pass the music hall).

Let's hold hands together

We all walk slowly

We put our feet on our toes.

We keep the back straight

Straight like a reed.

Step off toe, bounces, side canter.

Here we are at a music exhibition. Slide (box, doll)

Guys, what's in the picture? Would you like to open this beautiful box and find out what is in it? Slide: Opens the box in it - gingerbread.)

I wonder why you and I see gingerbread? Guys who loved gingerbread?

Little Petya. Composer, Pyotr I.Ch. composing music " New doll"I remembered a doll that I often saw in my childhood. She decorated the room in which the girls lived. It was a clockwork doll with movable joints - its arms and legs moved and bent. And the future composer ran to the girls to admire her. True, he visited the room not only for the sake of the doll. There were chests in which gingerbread was kept. It was they who were interested in little Petya in the first place.

PI Tchaikovsky is a great Russian composer.

V free time P.I. loved to mess with his little nephews. Sister P.I. Alexandra Ilyinichna had seven children, and Tchaikovsky tirelessly invented holidays for them with bonfires, fireworks and, of course, dances, where he himself accompanied on the piano.

The smallest nephew, during the hours allotted for classes, hardly mastered the wisdom of playing the piano. Sitting on the veranda over tea, Pyotr Ilyich heard an unlucky "pianist" tormenting scales and etudes in the next room. He felt sorry for the baby, and he decided to write a lung cycle piano pieces, diverse in character, with an eye to the difficulties of a beginner, plays are easy, memorable, with interesting names... Here you can find pictures of nature and the names of children's games. Fairy tale characters and dance tunes.

"Children's album"- these are 24 easy pieces for piano. title page first edition: "Dedicated to Volodya Davydov. Children's album. A collection of light plays for children."

Slide - "Walking soldiers, doll"

PI Tchaikovsky wrote plays not only for girls, but also for boys. The plays that refer to these games are called "The Horse Game"

Boys love to play toy soldiers. Here the toy army raps out a step in a funny march. What does the word "march" mean? ( answer

children) Yes, the word march means a march. It is more convenient for people to walk to music. The rhythm of the music is a very good conductor. The sounds themselves can command movement. There are marches for all occasions. Music - a march - is not only an accompaniment to your steps, but also a portrait of those walking.

How does this play differ from the music of wooden soldiers? What is it called?

"New doll". The melody in it seems to sparkle with happiness, conveying joy and delight.

Hearing: "March of the Wooden Soldiers", "New Doll"

Slide - "Winter painting"

What do you see there? As children are having fun, enjoying the winter, fluffy snow.

But winter snow is prickly and harsh. A cold wind will howl, a blizzard will sound. The music of the blizzard must be portrayed differently than the dance of snowflakes - the game must be decisive, energetic, fast:

Me - tel gu - dit, in labor - no shu - mit.

It's very scary to be alone, but the blizzard is still oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo!

Slide - "Sparrows"

Oh, look, a sparrow has arrived, which also rejoices winter day humming his own song:

Chick-chirp, chick-chirp, I jumped on the snow! (Sparrow)

Let's and we will sing his song.

Now let's warm up our articulation apparatus and play with our tongue, I see that your lips are frozen.

They showed their tongue and bit a little.

And now they played with them, licked our lips.

We rolled the balls, we inflated our ball,

OH! So my balloon has burst!

Smile quickly, we all became more fun!

Exercises on the phonopedic method of voice development V. Emelyanov

Guys, guess what this melody is? Right. This is a winter song.

We will perform it, carefully observing these musical signs. What are they called, and what do they mean in translation. ( Forte and piano.)

The teacher shows musical signs and the children sing the song now softly, now loudly.

Sounds "Winter Song" by V. Vitlina

Slide - "Fir-tree"

In this picture we see a Christmas tree. Do you and I know the song about the Christmas tree?

Let's fix the words with you. What do we say to the tree? Hello…

What are we doing at the tree? We lead a round dance. With the help of leading questions, the children consolidate the lyrics of the song.

And these are the ones who will help us sing this song musical notes(note-fish, note-children)

The song sounds: Hello, hello, tree. A. Mikhailenko

Slide - "Sparkling Christmas tree".

Our Christmas tree liked the way we performed the song. The song sounded merry, joyful, sonorous.

Slide - "Treble clef, hedgehog playing the drum."

Look, a treble clef is drawn here, what would that mean?

Have you ever met musical hedgehogs? For example, those who play drums? But the Moldovan poet Giorgi Vier, imagine, had to!

Let's hear how he described it:

The hedgehog walks with the drum: boom-boom-boom!

The hedgehog plays all day: boom-boom-boom!

With a drum on your back, boom boom boom!

The hedgehog wandered into the garden by accident, boom-boom-boom!

He loved apples very much, boom-boom-boom!

The drum is forgotten in the garden, boom-boom-boom!

Mus.ruk .: Funny poem, isn't it? Now we will arrange interesting game... Tell me, what words were repeated all the time in poetry, through a line? How many drum beats do these words represent? And now let's take out our toy drum with you, take sticks in our hands. On repeating words, you will play the drum accurately, rhythmically.

And now we will take percussion musical instruments and depict a musical hedgehog on them.

Orchestra percussion instruments: "Musical hedgehog"

Muz.Ruk.-l: What's up, what's up?

Suddenly the weather changed

A cheerful breeze was blowing

And suddenly he sprinkled a snowball.

Become all in a circle

The snow will be dancing.

The game is carried out - dance: « Magic Snowball "

Mus.ruk .: What are you smart, how much dance moves you know you can portray any character.

Our excursion has come to an end and it's time for us to return to kindergarten. You turned out to be attentive listeners, wonderful performers and just good amazing guys. And what did you remember and liked the most? Why did you like it? Today you surprised me so much that I prepared paper hats for you, on which it says "I am a good fellow!"

Used Books:

  • EI Yudina "my first textbook on music and creativity",
  • "Directory music director"No. 3 2015.
  • "Voice Development" V.V. Emelyanov