Music kaleidoscope.docx - entertainment program in the camp "Musical Kaleidoscope". Scenario Events for Summer Camp Download Music Measures for the Summer Camp

Music kaleidoscope.docx - entertainment program in camp
Music kaleidoscope.docx - entertainment program in the camp "Musical Kaleidoscope". Scenario Events for Summer Camp Download Music Measures for the Summer Camp

Miss Camp

"Miss Camp" one of the most favorite events of children and counselors in the children's camp. This is a show that everyone remembers for life. Each girl contestant has a chance to get the title and the Crown "Miss Camp" for a whole year. Preparation for the competition is an important component of the success of the event. In the children's camp, every contestant helps counselors, circles and a large number of friends.

The dresses are sewn, the avant-garde costume is invented, the song, dance support, is written, a decent cavalier is written. Girls rehearsed with choreographer, advised with costumes, vocal teacher. And when all cookings in the children's camp are completed, the queen of the evening under the loud ovations of fans are gracefully enter the specially equipped podium with sofits, a beautifully decorated scene smiling invited to a professional jury's camp ... At that moment everyone sees a charming young lady in a teenage girl, which is very important For young lady.

Russian day

You at least once walked under the button accordion and children's laughter. Funny guys and girls dressed in Russian popus costumes, dancing and playing on all sorts of musical instruments like ratchets, spoons, whistle. Not? Then you do not know what to wake up in a great mood in the children's camp! And if you add to all this: a fun fair with a variety of contests, pancakes with condensed milk and jam, many goodies, jumping in an inflatable castle (trampoline), horse riding, Russian folk games.

Plus a wonderful costume Russian fairy tale, in which children and counselors are taking part. And at the end of the festive disco! It's hard to believe, but it's all happening in one day, in the Russian day, which holds a children's camp!


It's a shame, boring and unfair when the energy boils in you and I want to walk, jump and have fun all night long, but in the children's camp, "hang up". What happiness that there is a night! Romance time of the night, the beauty of the starf old, the freshness of the wind and the secrets of pink dawn. The camp falls asleep, and the squad, dressed in warmer and taking everything you need, goes on the night. Bonus, bounted on coals potatoes, bread fried on fire, songs under the guitar, horseback riding, terrible stories and, finally, meeting dawn ...

Tourist relay

Among the usual sunny day in the children's camp, alarm suddenly be heard. What is it? Fire? Disaster? War? Not! This is a tourstaffet! All run away to the ruler, there is a rumble of squads, counting the number of children and a tourstaffet starts! And this means that the team from each camp squad is exhibited on the serious battle of the most endless, fast and clever.

Spectators are happy to support their own, and participants try not to hit the face by the face overcoming the bar of obstacles: to run on the log, climb through the rope staircase, sprinkle inlaptic, not taped a low grid, fly a hole on a tarzanque, overcome the crossing, climb through the wall, slip on bumps. But that's not all, it is not all true, it is important to fulfill the responsible tasks: put a tent for a while, rally the fire, transfer the "wounded", collect the machine.

On the day, when tourist relay is held in the orlock's children's camp, dinner is preparing at the field army kitchen. After the competition, children with appetite dine food specially cooked on firewood. A hike atmosphere is created. And at the end of this unusual day in the children's camp, the Orlock passes a disco on which the winners are awarded!

Christmas story

Each of us, be he a child or an adult, is waiting for a new year a magical fairy tale with a good end. In our children's camp in the winter shift, the fairy tale becomes reality. Small and adults become fabulous characters. Bright suits, interesting stories, humor and mysticism - immerses everyone in the festive atmosphere and impressions just a few hours before the new year.

Do not do in our fairy tale without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with a magic bag of gifts for children in the morning on January 1. Many trouble pursues the main characters, but ... good always wins evil. Every year in the children's camp, a new fairy tale, new heroes, new scenery and new children's impressions.

Therapy concert

Change in comes to an end ... and everyone sums up the results of unforgettable days of rest in the children's camp. Thank friends, camp, their counselors. And the counselors with sadness say goodbye to children who have become relatives for them. All their skills and talents are appreciated at the concert of the counselor, in order to express their emotions and feelings for the past shift in the children's camp. The counselors read poems, show scenes, dance, play musical instruments. There is a place of lyrics, humor, a splash of energy. And on the last, a farewell song ... And here, wiping tears, we all understand that the change was not in vain ... And at the end - therapy fire. All the counselors sit down in the semicircle on the stage and they say something very sad about shifting. Type "was so cool, ah, as I do not want to part." At this time, children begin to cry, counhardly too. And when everyone agreed, the magic phrase sounds: "And now you can approach your counselor and hug them."

Therapy expression.

The bottom line is that the day for 3 to him, children begin to take note of the tasks for the counselors, and then the leaders are the garbage defined by the children, on the scene. Someone showed a blonde behind the wheel, someone drank tectonik, someone read rap about how trees grow. And children prepare the presentation of their counselors. Sometimes it is a parody, but more often - a story about what "our counselors are clear" and the solemn cutting of a hefty heart from Watman and hugs. All statements of counselors are preparing and rehearsed usually in advance, on a quiet hour. There are rooms where a couple is sings, and the rest go to the dancer, learning about the room directly before going to the scene. Excusted taxis.

Sympathy day

This day in the children's camp is waiting for all boys and girls, and small and big. On this day there are plenty of options to admit to love, express your sympathy, send congratulations. You can get and send Valentinku through the postal service "Angels" with confessions and congratulations. You can call the local phone in the radio broadcast of the children's camp and order a song, pass hello, congratulations.

Very nice, hear your voice in the radio broadcast on the whole camp. In addition, you can send SMS from your mobile phone, which are in real time displayed on the screen of televisions in each case. Throughout this time and children, and adults can come to the video gallery and record their congratulations. In the evening, in front of the film, the entire children's camp is going to film conveying, in front of which everyone is looking forward to video taking on a large club screen.


Taking part in contests and creative tasks, children earn "rubles" of the children's camp. Making money fun, but how to spend them? Here you need a smart head and competent financial calculation, because you can order a song, ride a horse, buy sweets, souvenirs, toys.

Night adventure

Mysterious events always attract people. The night of adventure in the children's camp is a trial trail in the dark with terrible stories and characters for older children and fabulous heroes for younger children. On the way there may be big wild animals, souls of pioneers, monsters, skeletons, zombies, crosses, leads, rider without a head ....

Passing the path, everyone can get rid of their fears "throwing" them in the cherished fire at the end of the way, become bolder and more confident in themselves, pull out the prediction on the near future from the Sharmancer. The night of adventures in the children's camp is completed with magic salute to commemoration of good.

Verpel Course

Very important for a good rest in the children's camp is a cohesive, friendly team building its relationship on the principles of respect, mutual assistance and support. It is for the development of these qualities "Rope course" is sent.

As a result of overcoming complex stages, where each person is needed, important and valuable, begins to form a responsible position for each other and the team. Exercises are built in such a way that they would involve both active and slightly showing themselves members of the children's team, as a result of which each member of the group and the entire group are generally involved in achieving the goals.

As a result, the detachment becomes cohesive, a friendly atmosphere is formed, mutual assistance skills are developing, the barriers are overcome in communication, leaders are detected. Such an event a children's camp holds every shift for middle and older detachments.

Cheerful express

Cheerful relay for the whole children's camp serves as a good start to each shift. The rules are simple, the children's group moves to the music, holding hands from the station to the station, performs tasks, answers questions. Here, the guys are becoming coarse, friendly and initiative. By passing each station, the detachment receives points on the basis of the calculation of which the winner squad is detected.

Stolen afternooner

To show their directorial and creative abilities in the children's camp, in the preparation of the event "Sweet Tree" for the smallest. The kids come to the afternoon snack in the dining room camps, and here the pirates are pirates, they steal their legitimate sweets in their eyes.

Good fabulous heroes appear for the help of children, whether the cat in boots, Malvina, Thychochka, the Fairy that lead them in the footsteps of the pirates, stopping the hints of the grandmother, damn, Koshovy, Robin Hood, Humanoids, Space Aliens and other heroes. Scenarios are always different, characters and tasks, respectively, too. Emotions overwhelm, as a result, the entire children's camp always remains, pleased: the younger guys found their afternoon, and the elders - they rejoice that they did not break the hungry kids.

Day "The investigation was ...".

On this day, the director was stolen by legend in the camp. Stole fabulous villains and hid. The whole day is devoted to various police procedures for the search for the chief. In the morning, portraits of fabulous villains were postponed at the entrance with a request to remember these persons, since they are wanted by the police. Then the lines were declared about the loss of the chief. Then children draw these villains by detachments according to the verbal description. It's like a "photorobot".

Then they walk along the stations: a strip of obstacles, evidence, angry eyes, encrypters. At the last station, they had to decipher where the director was hidden and fleeing him. She can sit in another building with knitted hands. The liberators are awarded with candy.

Benefis Baba-Yagi.

From each detachment is put forward by the bth. They compete with each other.

Event "Native City" (if all children camp from one small town).

Each detachment receives a map of its city enlarged several times. There, children should find the street on which they live and paint it. Learn her story, attractions. Then, at the final event, the cards are postponed and will be visible who he lives on what streets. Next, the photo quiz "What? Where?", Where in the pictures you need to determine what it is and where it is located. It should be very difficult to learn, since some part of the building takes pictures.


Each leader is given a plate with the title of the city and are distributed through the camp territory (so that the children did not find). The detachments are given a list of cities, everyone is in a different order. It is necessary to find the right city, in the desired sequence. It turns out very interesting: if the children found their last city, and the first cannot detect.

One hundred questions about my homeland.

On the camp on the trees weighing questions about our country, you need to find them and answer.

"Day Watch".

Preparing in advance complex rebuses, where it is necessary and knowing the place and the background of the place and there is a lot of things to know :) at one time they are distributed to each detachment of 1 task. The task is to find a place, to solve the riddle as quickly as possible and running into the headquarters, get a new one, the following task, but this is provided that the previous one is fully implemented. And so it is necessary to collect all the tasks. If the detachment makes it difficult to task, you can ask for a hint, but for it the penalty minutes are added. Another condition - all the detachment must participate (for the exception of patients).


These things occupy a special place in the structure of the organizational period of the camp shift and are designed to help the child feel involvement in the new community (detachment), to become an accomplice of her success, survive this success as its own.

The teacher can help a child in this if it will try to take into account the dominant objectives of children as much as possible:

For yourself for a group for a detachment

Usually guests are impromptuous-game programs for two to four detachments that have come to visit each other. The meaning of them is as follows: "Other see" (and make sure that they are quite friendly and are suitable in buddies and comrades in games), "show yourself" (and make sure that we are not worse, I also know how to surprise something and can even surprise) .

To successfully carry out this case, the leader firstly needs to be referred to the following (many long known) material only as creative "raw materials", and secondly, to think about how to properly distribute the creative load on the guest between children and counselors. We will be happy if the proposed ideas will help you to captivate guys, and your work will make you joyful and not tedious.

So, going to the guest, the detachments usually prepare a business card in any (song, dance, poetic, etc.) form. In addition, etiquette does not advise going to visit without a gift, so the preparation and presentation of a surprise for guests or hosts on the guest will also become a tradition.

Music leader. Hello, dear guys! Tell me, please, what is your favorite holiday? When do you give a lot of gifts? Right is a birthday. So we fell on your birthday. And who is the perpetrator of the celebration? Well, ka, let's listen ... .. (music sounds) ...... .. The answer of children. Completely, our birthday girl is music.

Guys, how do you think, can you draw a picture using music?

Children read poems about music.

1. What is just beautiful in the world -

All the music can be transferred to us:

And the noise of waves, and bird sinas, and the wind.

About everything she can tell us

2. The ringing droplets will shine,

Then the blizzard will notice, turn off,

Rain spring joyfully sheds

Foliage gold will be swollen.

3. Sing, dancing, children are having fun

And just listen, closing your eyes.

Fine that there is music in the world!

We can not live without it! M.V. Sidorov.

Children perform the song "World of Music". and music. E.V. Muscular magazine "Bell" №44. 2010.

Guys, what do you think, what is the difference between a musical picture from the painting painted by the artist?

The answer of children.

MUZ. hand . True, the musical picture of the composer creates with the help of musical sounds and records it with notes, and then performs the musician. But the artist paints his paintings with the help of paints.

MUZ. Hands. And now we will see the fairy tale about how the brush and the treble key argued. "

Movie - Presentation "How to argue a brush and a violin key"

There is a magic picture,

but not everyone is visible.

she sees the one who hears

and yet who is right breathe.

in it dancing and sing,

play in the rainbow.

sounds in her row goes,

paints sparkle.

There is a magic picture

She plays paints

As you look at the picture, the paint come to life.

MUZ. Hands. For a birthday, it is customary to give gifts. What do you think we can give the Queen of Music? Well, of course, our games, songs, poems and riddles.

Under merry music in the hall appears a cheerful

I am a cheerful girl, I am a song - Merry

I came to your holiday to you,

with me fun brought

If we succeed,

Even music laughs

Walking, fun plays

Puck us invites us!

Common dance. Song "I sing ..." (new children's wave)mUZ. I. Cool

Children sit down.

Veselushka . I will make you riddles, musical riddles

Only chur, you do not yaw

A friendly choir answer!

1. Draid girlfriends, dance on his painshche.

Beat him, and he threatens - in the leg, we will tell


2. Child on it and three strings, far they are heard

Merry Play-ka, a true friend of my ... (Balalaika)

Without him can not sing the best choir

We will answer together - this is ... (conductor)

3. On the leaflet, on the page - whether the points, or the birds

Everyone is sitting on the ladder and twist the songs. (notes)

4. In the forest carved, smoothly otsean

Sings - poured, what is called? (violin)

MUZ. Hands. (Shows the violin)

Each violin has a bow

He is true, devoted friend

When the violinist bow leads,

And crying violin and sings

And the brilliant Paganini game will glorify its name.

Children perform the song "Play, Musician" sl. and music. M.Yu. Vasilyeva

Veselushka . I know, in the kindergarten we have musicians - the highest class!

Rhythm clearly beat off, surprised the entire district!

Music and rhythmic game "Smeshariki"

Merry. Louder flutes. Louder violin

No songs without smile

No dance smile

No smile friendship!

"Smile do not forget" game

Rules of the game :

Guys, the guys stand in a circle face to each other. One stands back to the center of the circle, the other face. Two circles are formed: internal and external.

1-7 tacts. Children of both circles turn to the right and go one after another clockwise, raising right hands and bowing, - welcome passing partners.

8 tact. Both circles stop, and the pairs turn to each other.

9-12 clocks. Stretch right hands, then left.

13-16 clocks. They take hands and swells are circling on the spot.

17-24 clocks. Repeat movements of 9-16 clocks.

At the end of 24 times, partners are changing in places: standing in the inner circle are moving into external and vice versa. The game starts first.

Children sit down.

Music leader:

1. Music - Wonderful work,

to believe the heart of the heart,

little play to learn on notes

it is necessary to learn to kang.

2. It is necessary to understand the language of snowflakes,

write what droplets sings

or suddenly on the wings of the caravyl

fly for thirty lands.

one . It is necessary to turn into a bear.

on pine clogged, urcha

or flutter by stinking thin

forest pure stream.

2. He who knows and knows how to

he brings happiness to every house.

try to make more

good musician - sorcerer.

Children give notes to which candy is attached.

MBOU "Nenjeng Osh"

Scenario of informative-musical events in the summer camp

Title "Flower Day"

Prepared and conducted an event tutors of the summer camp:

Saltykova L. N., Oreshnova P. N., Farzullaev R. M.


Expansion of the horizon, the development of attentiveness, accuracy;

Education of love for nature, careful to it.

Equipment and materials: laptop, projector, speakers, screen;

for practical work- Scissors, glue, paper napkins, colored paper and cardboard, stapler, handles, ships are long for chamomile stems, adhesive gun, billets of petals and ages of daisies made of fabric, syntheps.

Event flow:

The first part of the holiday is in the assembly hall of the school:

Music plays (sounds "funny song")


Hello, dear guys and adults! We start with such a cheerful song today in our camp!

2 designed:

Hello everyone! I call for flowers! From me you all hello!

Guys, do you know these lines? Hero of what cartoon reminded you this phrase? (Yes, this is a "adventure".) What do you think Dunno loved flowers? And about the holidays of flowers, he knew something?


Guys, what holidays do you know? (New Year, Birthday, Tanker's Day, Teacher's Day, Shakhtar and many others). And what do you think, is there a holiday flowers in our calendar? Do not know? The present holiday of flowers is considered summer June days. It was during this period that many flowers shine with all the colors of the rainbow. This period in nature is called - the day of the summer solstice. And the date is June 21. And it is on this day an international day of colors. In many countries, various colors festivals are held, where you can see the unprecedented beauty of creating nature and human hands. Who and when I founded this beautiful holiday, unknown. In each country he has his own character. In Russia, the holiday passes under the daisy emblem. So let's today we will also arrange this magic, a wonderful holiday. Let's go ..... on the screen the cartoon "The train in Romashkovo".


So what will we talk about? Of course about the summer, about flowers. After all, they are different: Spring and summer, autumn and winter. Flowers always decorate our life. They are the most pleasant gift. We give them to our relatives and friends. "Flowers" - a beautiful word, in it lies tenderness, smile, kindness and joy. So, we start our amazing flower journey ...


Guys, I suggest you all together to execute karaoke song - the workout "is in the light of the flower ...". What are all the well done!


Guys! And what are the names of the colors you know? Do you know how flowers appeared? Let's look at a small video phrase "Legends about colors."


But I am very interested, but do you know the riddles about the colors? Let's play? I have a big flower in my hands. What is his name? - "Chamomile", and why I chose him, guess. On a chamomile flower, girls are often guessing. And I prepared various tasks for you on "Romashka". Take off the leaflets and perform the task.

№1. Read expressive poems:

Dandelion Golden
Was beautiful, young,
Not afraid of anyone
Even the wind itself!
Dandelion Golden
Hard and became gray
And as soon as I have been sad
Along with the wind flew away.

№2. Guess the riddle:

I caprick and gentle,
For any holiday needed.
I can be white, yellow, red,
But I stay beautiful! (Rose flower)

Number 3. Guess a riddle:

It comes to the field of rye.
There, in rye, you will find a flower.
bright blue and fluffy,
Only a pity that not fragrant. (Cornflower)

№4. Guess a riddle:

Lush bush in the garden flourished,
Attracting OS and bees.
All in big colors of terry -
White, pink burgundy! (Pion)

№5. Read expressive poems:

What's the belling
Rings in the meadow?
Reply to that
I can't.
But I think so:
He squeezes in the morning
And hear flowers -
Walk time.

№6.Bery two friends and SPIA Merry Song under the karaoke:

"Friends have no weekend."

№7. Read expressive poems:

Hey, chamomile,
Give me an answer:
Where are you from,
If it `s not a secret?
- Not a secret, -
answered chamomile, -
We were worn by sun
In the pocket!

№8. Guess a riddle:

It is in the garden Kudryashka -
White shirt,
Golden heart.
What it is? chamomile
№9. Guess a riddle:

Bush window and balcony.
Sheet - fluffy and fragrant,
And flowers on the window -
Like a hat on fire. (Geranium)

No. 10.Good a riddle:
I am a grassy plant
With a flower of lilac color.
But rearrange the emphasis,
And I turn into candy. (Iris)

No. 11. Make a description of the flower - (rose).

No. 12. Make up the name of the flower - (O-Z-R - Rosa, A-T-R-A-C \u003d Astra)


- Guys, what are you great! Poems read loud, expressive. Riddles are guessing correctly.


Guys, you know that there are many different legends. It turns out and about chamomile there is a legend. Let's look at the video of the chamomile legend.

Task on "chamomile-fortune-up" is simple. And here I prepared a very difficult task for you. Well, no one bows. We look at the presentation "Flower Riddles". Let's start?!


And again you know a lot and guess well.

Guys, do you know medicinal plants? List them. Well done! The simplest, those that are often needed and grow literally under our feet - you know. It is very wonderful, it means that you can safely go hiking. And I suggest to continue this topic. Let's look at the video "Medicinal Plants" and remember them.

2 designed:

On this, the first part of our holiday "Day of Flowers" is over. And now we will go to the school workshop and work with your hands.

The second part of the holiday passes in the school workshop:

All children go to the workshop for holding a master class on the manufacture of appliqué "Dandelions from paper napkins" and a flower of fabric (see video tutorials and pictures).

1 Windowed:

Well done, you got wonderful dandelion flowers, some kind of peculiar, each of their own, there are no same. Your works are original, beautiful in your own way. There is a photo session of crafts.

Did you notice the beautiful flowers? Not? So let's urgently admire them. We look at the "Amazing Flowers" video.

2 designed:

Now I suggest everyone together to sing a song "Fun together" and "if good you".

Guys! It is not necessary to tear flowers to put them in a vase for only a few days. Listen to the poem:

If I Troin Flower ...

If you break the flower ...

If all: and me, and you

If we break flowers,

That will be deserts

And trees and bushes ...

And there will be no beauty

And there will be no kindness

If only me and you -

If we break the flowers ...


Guys! Do you know that not all sorts of flowers can stand in one vase?

The valley can not be put in water with other flowers. It distinguishes poisonous substances into the water, which lies other flowers.

Do you know that the usual our carnation does not tolerate noise? If you put it next to the radio, it will start.


Rose and the reside will be entrited among themselves. They will die if they put them in one vase. And the carnation, although it dislikes the rose, but it can stand with it, only both flower lose their fragrance.

Let's take care of meadow flowers, take care of your native nature!


Love the beautiful world of colors. It is filled with joy and happiness, as well as its magnificent variety of color and smell.

Summing up the holiday.

Used Internet sites:

5.Https: //

6.Http: //

7.Http: //

8. The presentation of the teacher of the initial classes Zakrzhevskaya E. D., Karaganda.

The results of the master class:

Musical kaleidoscope. Scenario for
I. Introductory word.
Leading. Hello guys!
Do you like music?
What does music consist of? (from notes)
How many notes exist? (seven notes)
These seven notes make up the sound. Our task is this source to make up.
To do this, make seven tasks. Ready?
For each correct answer, you will get a musical token. He
who recruits more of all tokens becomes the winner. We answer
just raising your hand. Your educators will be my assistants. They are
they will say who of you hand raised first.
II. Competitive program.
1. Competition "Guess the melody."
You need to guess 10 melodies. (I hide a note)
2. Competition "Watch a song at the proposed picture."
I'll show you pictures: Raspberry, school, clock, apple. Participants on them
must remember and sing a few rows of songs.
3. Competition "Song for the Tip".
The third note in front of you
Guess songs yourself.
Teams need to serve a song on the hint:
1. Song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat
("If the dollargogo ...").
2. A song about the spirit that lived in a swamp and helped build a flying ship
("I am water, I am water ...").
3. A song about a strange toy, which no one noticed ("I was ever
strange, wooden toy ... ").
4. Song about the African island, on which live easily and just

4. Competition "Auction songs with names."
Note fourth in front of you
It is dedicated to songs with names.
Teams need to fulfill 12 lines from songs in which
it is mentioned by a kind of name.
5. Competition "Transversi".
Here is the fifth note,
And you will find a new job.
Capture turns,
Guessing them, people!
You must answer: what song is "hiding" for flourishing?
1. Pink truck flies, fluctuates. (Blue wagon runs, swinging.)
2. The blizzard told him a poem: Get up, cactus, zhuyzhui.
(Blizzard sang a song: Sleep, Christmas tree, Baybai.)
3. On the tree lay a locust. (In the grass Grasshopper sat.)
4. Past of black sun peach. (Past White Apple Moon ...)
5. "Let deftly motorists are going on dry asphalt" ("Let run
clumsy pedestrians on the puddles ")
6. "One sadly swim across a narrow corridor" ("Fear together
by expanses ")
6. Competition "Clip".
Here is a note six,
There is a new task in it.
Now I turn on the phonogram, and you all must show the clip on
1 Karoch
2. I will name your favorite yours
7. Competition "Music Riddles".
Leading. Seventh note too for you
Let us open it now.
"Music riddles."

1. Seven girlfriends hollow,
Smoothly live together
Single songs sing (notes)
2. He stands on three legs,
Black himself in black boots
White teeth, pedal
Called ... (piano)
3. She has the whole soul with a car
And at least there is a button - not a shirt
Not turkey, but inflated
And not a bird, but poured (car)
4. Here are the keys like on the piano,
But so that they play,
To the song be good,
Stretch need fur (accordion)
5. She has a pope six
Her customization is a difficult thing.
And so that the dad does not upset
It is better for us not to configure. (guitar)
6. Three strings playing a ringing
The tool is the triangle.
As soon as possible,
What is this? (balalaika)
7. We release the hammer
On iron leaves
And flies funny ringing.
What rolls? (glockenspiel)
8. Team of musicians, what together play,
And music together they perform
It happens to string and brass,
Pop, folk and every other. (orchestra)
9. I'm on the scene in the twilight
I will go out in an elegant phrak
Thin sticks waist
Violins will sing
Strusting the harpist string
Pipes will respond
How the orchestra plays badly!
Well, I'm in it - the most important! (conductor)
10. What tool has two terms "loud" and "quiet"?

Music and competitive program in 1-2 classes "The song will help us to multiply friendship!"

Goals and objectives:

Development of logical thinking and musical hearing in younger students;

Putting love for music, cohesion of the team of first or second-graders.

Audio recordings are prepared in advance.

Competitive program "Go, Song, On Path!"

The teacher invites students to remember the proverbs, sayings, winged expressions in which it is about the song. Competition can be carried out in the form of auction.

The teacher offers several contests:

Description of the classroom

- Continue the proverb you started.

- Explain in what cases they say: "Your Spet Song!"

- Sharp the folklore "Rus". For two keywords written in the card, you need to call the proverb. (For example: Nightingale - Song; "Nightingle Songs are not feeding.")

Proverbs that can be used in this competition:

The conversation is driving the road, the song is a job.

And without songs, the mouth is crazy, and they have a freeze - completely extend.

And the new song is becoming.

From the song of the words will not throw out.

There is no empty stomach and the song.

Not in that corner you sit, do not sing those songs.

Music contests

The teacher offers students to listen to the record as well:

- call the genre of the work (folk, pop song, romance, etc.);

- song title;

- Say, from what movie (cartoon) song.

Auction songs. The class is divided into 2 parts. The first half of the playing ripples begins a verse of anyone familiar songs, and the second - continues.

Task on snowpad. You need to easily touch the first verse of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest":

a) as soldiers in the ranks;

b) as a child who does not pronounce several sounds (if there are children with speech defects - eliminate this item from the program);

c) as a frozen passenger at the bus stop.

On the motive of the song "Let them run awkward ...":

a) note the whole team;

b) merchant;

c) washed.

Zoo. Who will call more songs about animals and birds?

There is no bad weather. Who will call more songs about the phenomena of nature (about storms and storms, autumn rains and spring sun)?

And I go, stepping around the country. Who knows more songs about favorite cities?

Music quiz "Is it about him in a song?"

Teacher: And in the song, it turns out, it comes from many things, without which we do not live in the world: about potatoes, smile, pedestrians ... Listen carefully questions and try to answer them.

1. She is a smoke, pioneers ideal! What is it? (Potato)

2. From her will be all warm ... (smile)

3. With her fun to walk through the expanses ... (song)

4. Drawing a boys ... (Sunny circle, sky around)

5. He runs, swinging ... (Blue wagon)

6. They run awkwardly ... (pedestrians)

7. They are made of flower and bells, from notebooks and barbells ... (girls)

8. If you went out with him - Veleering road ... (friend)

9. He did not pass anything, did not ask anything to him ... (Antoshka)

10. Imagine, imagine - the green he was ... (grasshopper)

11. She lies everything, but it looks at the sun ... (turtle)

12. Do not twist it, you will not find you on it of that country, the country is special, about which we sing ... (Globe)

13. They are so wonderful: with a book, a friend, the song will fly so quickly ... (School years)

14. He complains that no one is found with him, because in it the water. (Water)

The teacher should encourage the best "songwriters", it is possible to encourage active participants. Then it is concluded that the song is a permanent human life satellite in any life situations (joy, grief, entertainment, work).