Investments for Kudasheva Raisa Adamovna. "I did not want to be famous"

Investments for Kudasheva Raisa Adamovna.
Investments for Kudasheva Raisa Adamovna. "I did not want to be famous"

So today we have Saturday, May 27, 2017 and we traditionally offer you answers to a quiz in the "Question - Answer" format. Issues we are found both the simplest and quite complicated. Quiz is very interesting and quite popular, we simply help you test your knowledge and make sure that you have chosen the right answer option, out of four offered. And we have another question in the quiz - Who did Raisa Kudashev worked when the lines did the future song "in the forest born a Christmas tree"?

  • A. Provarey
  • B. Governan
  • C. Music teacher
  • D. telephonist

Correct answer in the governess

Two years later, the poem saw Leonid Beckman, Agronom. In his family, the second daughter was born, Olya. On joy, he sat down at the piano. Yes, agronomists then musicated. For his wife and eldest daughter quickly composed a melody on the text "Christmas tree". Known exact date - October 17, 1905.

Bekman's wife later recorded notes and even released a song in a collection with others: the family was creative.

So "the horses of the Mokhnogaya" and moved to the people. And the same Olya, in honor of which the melody was composed, died in 1997, only twenty years ago.

But Raisa Hydroz then had to prove its authorship.

In addition, she married Prince Kudashev, who worked as a governess, and took his last name. After the revolution, the former princess became librarians.


Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva (3 (15) August 1878, Moscow - November 4, 1964, ibid) - Soviet poetess, writer.

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest.

Kudasheva Raisa Adamovna

Neborn Belarusian-Lithuanian Princess Gedroyz from kind lithuanian origin. Father is an official of the Moscow Post Office, who served until the survival adviser.

There is little about life. He graduated from the women's gymnasium M. B. Pousels. Served the governess of Prince N. A. Kudasheva, later he married him. According to the reviews of loved ones, possessed the pedagogical gift. Worked as a teacher and in soviet time A few decades - librarian. He was buried in Moscow on Pyatnitsky Cemetery - the second quarter of 11 plots.

Since childhood she wrote poems. The first essay appeared in the press in 1896 (poem "Cutchuka" in the magazine "Baby"). Since then, the poems and children's fairy tales of Kagea began to appear on the pages of many children's journals, such as "Baby", "Firefly", "Snowdrop", "Sun" under the pseudonyms "A. E "," A. ER "," R. TO.". "I did not want to be famous, but I could not write," she subsequently said. In 1899, a story was published in the journal "Russian Thought", which remained its only work for adults. The story tells about the adolescence and adolescence of the girl from the noble family, her first great love To a brilliant officer.

Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva (1878-1964) - Russian and Soviet poetess, writer. The author of the words "The Christmas tree was born in the forest."
About the life of Raisa Kleasheva knows little. He graduated from the women's gymnasium M. B. Pousels. He served the governess of Prince Kudashev, later he was married for him. According to the reviews of loved ones, possessed the pedagogical gift. He worked as a teacher, and in Soviet times a few decades - a librarian.
Since childhood she wrote poems. The first essay appeared in the press in 1896 (poem "Cutchuka" in the magazine "Baby"). Since then, the poems and children's fairy tales of Kagea began to appear on the pages of many children's journals, such as "Baby", "Firefly", "Snowdrop", "Sun" under the pseudonyms "A. E "," A. ER "," R. TO.". "I did not want to be famous, but I could not write," she subsequently said. In 1899, a story was published in the journal "Russian Thought", which remained its only work for adults. The story describes the adolescence and youth of the girl from the noble family, her first big love for a brilliant officer.

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
In the forest, she grew up

In winter and summer, slim, green was.

Blizzard She sang a song:
"Sleep, Christmas tree, Bai-Bai!"
Claus Snowly wrapped:
"Look, do not freeze!"
Frost Snowly walked
"Look, do not freeze!"

Sandy bunny panty
Under the Christmas tree rushed.

Sometimes the wolf, an angry wolf, ruins running.

Chu! Snow over the forest frequent
Under the poloz creaks;

The horses of the Mokhnogai rushing, runs.

Luck the horse Woods,
And in the woods a peasant,

He quit our Christmas tree for the most root.

And here it is elegant,
For the holiday came to us,

And a lot, many joy of kids brought.

Raisa Kudasheva - the author of the poem "Christmas tree", part of this poem was laid on the music. So the song appeared "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
In December 1903 in new Year's room The magazine "Baby" was printed a poem "Christmas tree", signed by the pseudonym "A. E ". A poem, laid two years later on the music of Leonid Bekman, gained nationwide glory, but the name of his true author has long been unknown for a long time. Raisa Adamovna did not know that the "Christmas tree" became a song. Only in 1921, it was quite by chance when she was driving in a train, heard the girl sings her "Christmas tree." The poem was reprinted again before the start of the war in 1941 in the collection "Christmas tree" (M.-L.: Childness, 1941). The compiler of the collection Empire Emden specially found the author of the poem and pointed out the surname Kleasheva in the text.

At the river over the water
Built Teremok
There with sister chicken
He lived brother-cockerel.

Winter is so silver,
I was glad to the river.
"Here it is nice to ride", -
I thought Cockerel.

Sister forbade
Ride Petushka
And did not even let
Walk on babe.

Followed by Zorko,
Pouched Cockerel:
"There are slipping from the slide,
And the river is deep. "

For sister for the birth
Want guests to be,
I had to treat them
Fry and cook.

She is at the stove
And fries pies,
And the brother rushed to the river,
Grabbing your skates.

As soon as he rolled
And sang: "Kukarek!"
How did the ice suddenly lean ...
Ah, Mount Petushka!

You can not move
As the key goes to the bottom.
-Oh oh! Save, sister!
Oh, smoking, tone!

Sister runs on a cry
And guests following her:
Forty, goose, tit,
Bullfigr and Sparrow.

They are with difficulty
Pickhead saved
Sheltered blanket
And in the sledding was lucky.

Came to watch the patient
Scientist Dr. Gus.
"There is no harm big,
I take care. "

Let him drink bitter khains
Twelve powders
Squeezing seagull with raspberry
And it will be healthy.

Russel off our guests
Lunch has long been ready
Mountain oatmeal
And piles of pogs

How suddenly wept,
Jumped sister brother
He was very frightened,
That guests will eat everything

Here guests are incurred,
Running laughter around
How cockerel with bed
Fallen Kuvarka

Laughing birds Trevel
Goose started Goguat
And here went fun
Pen not describe. "

There is a legend that the authorship of Kleasheva was revealed when the Writers of the USSR joined the Union. According to one version, once in the Cabinet Maxim Gorky knocked elderly womanwhich reported that I would like to enter his organization. When Gorky asked what she wrote, a woman replied: "Only children's dense books." Gorky replied that only serious authors who wrote novels and a story take to his organization. "No, so no," the woman answered this and went to the exit, and then turned around, and asked: "Maybe you heard at least one poem?" And he read the famous lines: "A Christmas tree was born in the forest, she grew up in the forest, in winter and summer a slender, green was." Hearing these lines, Gorky immediately accepted the Kudeshev to the Union of Writers. According to another version, this story happened to Alexander Fadeev. Fadeev asked: "So you wrote this?". And began to remember where it was printed and how he first read these verses and cried, how all the children cry, when they reach last string poem. He caused his employees to himself and gave an order so that the author immediately issued the Writers to the Union and provided her with all the assistance.
Total Raisa Kudasheva published about 200 songs and stories, fairy tales and poetry books: "Sanki-scouts", "Stepper-Rastrup", "Bed Cockup", "Grandma-Fun and Dog Boom" ... From 1948, after a long break, again began to be printed Collections of its works: "A Christmas tree was born in the forest ...", "Christmas tree", "wooded eggs", "Cockerel" and others.
Fame and recognition came to the writer only in the late 1950s, when she was already seventh tens.

SourceHttp: //

Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva (August 15, 1878 - November 4, 1964), Soviet poetess and writer. The author of the words of the popular children's New Year's song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Father Adam Gedroitz, an official of the Moscow Post Office, who served until the survival adviser. Adam and Sofia Gedroitz (in Major Holmogorova) was born daughter of Raisa.

Then the hedrozp spouses had three more girls. It was a typical Staromoshkovskaya family - herbs, cheerful, with a servant in white aprons and domestic performances on holidays.

Vera, Manya, Paradise (left). Photo of 1903.

In the senior classes of women's gymnasium, M.B. Prussel Raisa began writing poems for children. Yes, so it is well that her willingly printed in children's magazines. Raisa was waiting for the cloudless future of the hostess of the intelligent Moscow house and amateur poetess, but the Father died, the Father died. how eldest daughter Paradise took care of her mother and younger sisters - went to work with a governess in a rich house. Now she could no longer sign poems with their name. In the highest circles, writing was considered to be reprehensible.
In 1902, Raisa got a job for the prince Alexei Ivanovich Kudeshev. He widowed and could not come to his senses after the loss of his beloved wife, she was 27, he was 50 that he did not prevent the prince in three years to offer his governess and heart. So Raisa Headroitz became the princess Kleasheva.
Aunt Paradise was not at all like the princess, - remembers Mikhail Holmogorov, the nephew Kwards, - When I was five years old, my mother took me to visit her. Aunt Paradise turned out to be quite old. They and her sister, the same old woman, juts in a tiny room, like a chulad. And then during the walk, Mom showed me a mansion at the corner of the Votlenkovsky and Staroimenovsky alley. "Previously, this house belonged to Tete Rail," She said suddenly.
Misha could not believe that the old woman had ever lived in the palace. In the 70s, the mansion broke, and from the only happy time in the life of Raisa Kleasheva, there was no trace.
Then, at the beginning of the century, she was called the princess, she had own house, loving husband and foster-son. The husband soon died, and the son in 1914 died at the front.

The first essay appeared in the press in 1896 (poem "Cutchuka" in the magazine "Baby"). Since then, the poems and children's fairy tales of Kagea began to appear on the pages of many children's journals, such as "Baby", "Firefly", "Snowdrop", "Sun" under the pseudonyms "A. E "," A. ER "," R. TO.". .

To glory Kward treated with a striking indifference and long years hidden under various initials and pseudonyms. She explained it like this: "I did not want to be famous, but I could not write." In 1899, a story was published in the journal "Russian Thought", which remained its only work for adults. The story describes the adolescence and youth of the girl from the noble family, her first big love for a brilliant officer. Total Raisa Kudasheva published about 200 songs and stories, fairy tales and poetic books.

In 1903, she wrote the christmas poem "Christmas tree":

Rushes shaggy
Down to children's heads;
Breaking beads rich
Overflowing lights;
Ball behind the ball hides
And star behind the star
Filaments light rolling
Like rain golden ...
Play, enjoy
Gathered children here
And you, spruce,
Sing your song.
All rings, grow up
Rotes of children's choir,
And, sparkling, swinging
Christmas trees lush.

* * *
A Christmas tree was born in the forest, she grew up in the forest,
In winter and summer slender, green was!
Blizzard sang her songs: "Sleep, Christmas tree ... Bai-Bai!"
Claus Snowly wrapped: Look, do not frozen!
A bunny bunny under the Christmas tree rippled,
Sometimes the wolf himself, an angry wolf, ran a lynx.

* * *
Fun and friendly
Put, Baby!
Bowing a Christmas tree
His twigs.
They are brilliant in them
Gilded ...
Who is not happy here
Green spruce?

* * *
Chu! Snow over the forest with frequent under the poloz crepts,
The horses of the Mokhnogai rushing, runs.
The horse is lucky, and in the woods a peasant.
He quit our Christmas tree under the most root ...
And here you are here, an elegant, for the holiday came to us,
And a lot of joy kids brought.

Fun and friendly
Put, Baby!
Bowing a Christmas tree
His twigs.
Choose yourself
What do you like ...
Ah, thank you,

These verses signed "A.E." Were published in the Christmas issue of the magazine "Baby". As you can see, they represented something like a scenario of the Christmas game. The kids call on to sing "cheerful and friendly" to earn gifts and treats hanging on the Christmas tree. But "Rotes of Children's Choir" based on her verses was only a few years later.

In 1905, the Korevskaya "Christmas tree" came to the eyes of the agronomist and passionate music lover Leonid Karlovich Beckman (1872-1939).

Beckman Leonid Karlovich

It was the Baltic German, an offacarious nobleman, who had an outstanding musical abilities. In the student choir of the university, he sang a party of the future outstanding singer Soban, when he could not speak. Shortly before the events described, in February 1903, L. Beckman married Elena Shcherbin - reception daughter E.N. Shcherbins (hotel director " Slavic Marketplace"), Talented Pianist, who ended four years before that with the Gold Medal of the Moscow Conservatory, subsequently honored artist of Russia, Professor of the Moscow Conservatory. Her professional skill was such that for the sake of a joke she could lie to the stomach on the tool cover and playing down his head.
The birth of the song occurred on October 17, 1905 - a day when the king signed the historical manifesto that transplanting the state funds of the Russian Empire.

According to the memoirs of Elena Beckman Scherbins, it was like this:

"October 17, 1905 of my elder daughter Top turned two years old, and I gave her in the morning live doll - Sister Olya, who was born in half the first night, that is, too, on October 17. Verochka was in complete delight. While I was still in bed, Leonid somehow sat down for the piano, put the belly on his knees and composed a song to her poem from children's magazine "Baby" - "A Christmas tree was born in the forest, she grew up in the forest ..." Veroch, who possessed a beautiful hearing, quickly learned her, and I, not to forget the song, recorded it. Subsequently, we both began to compose for children and other songs. So there was a collection of "Veroper Songs", withstanding four editions in a short time, then - Olenka-Pevunya.

Later musical critics They found that the music of Bekman is not quite original. The "Christmas tree" melody echoes with a song Swedish poetess and composer Emmy Koler "ignite thousands of Christmas candles" ("Nu Tändas Tusen Juleljus", 1898)

and with the German student song early XIX. century "Wir Hatten Gebauet Ein Stattliches Haus".

Nevertheless, Rachmaninov, Taneyev, Scriabin, approvingly responded about the "Christmas tree". After that, the new song began to acquire more and more recognition, although Kudashev did not even guess for many years.

1917 Kôchseva accompanied full of loneliness. The princess sat at the Steeper and Greed Hand. The servant ran away. She was alone, dressed in Shawl and threw the rest of the furniture into the fire. . Suddenly knocked on the door. She opened. Red sailors entered the door, leaving black traces on the floor. One of them, apparently, the main thing, took out the mouth of the cigarette, hung over the wall and threw it on the floor.
- What do you want? - asked the princess as calmer as possible.
"We are pleased," the sailor squinted the mockery, "so that you, contra, for ten minutes disappeared from the house, illegally taken away from the labor nody.
Raisa Adamovna rammedly gathered things. So began it new life. In this life, the main thing was as possible as possible so that no one even occurs in the head about something to ask her. In the end, she managed to settle in the district library, where she promoted a quiet mouse until 1941.
Meanwhile, the song lived triumphal and festive life. She sang on all children's matinees, performed on the main Christmas tree of the country in the column hall, the postcards were drawn to her plot. It was home new Year's song countries. And the creator of her text, no one identified, squeezed into district Library Soviet books and classics, and in the evenings returned to a communal service to their books, a favorite cat and memories. Somehow, on the radio, she heard a cheerful speaker voice: "Song about the Christmas tree, words and music of the Bekman composer." She called his niece wife, Anna Kholmogorova (Mama Mikhail). That was outraged. Not only that the author of the words of the nationwide song lives on a bench salary, so no one else knows about him! Maybe the money for it receives someone else!
"Let's try to prove that the author is you," she suddenly suggested an elderly relative.
- Why is it? - Raisa Adamovna was frightened. - Golubushka, no need. Star I am already for such feats. Yes, and the origin of my ... God forbid who will find out:
"And we will still try," the relative was not thrown.
This was how the draft poem was useful, preserved by Rasa Adamovna in the distant 18th year. And in the archive, the fee of all the long-term forgotten magazine "Baby" was found miraculously. The court took place. A delicate question about supplies to exploitative classes managed to get around. The process was won, and Kudasheva was officially recognized by the author of the song and had to receive money from each of its execution.
But the truly famous Raisa Adamovna became only in 1958. Then the future "Father" of Electronics - Evgeny Vestists worked in the "lights". He wandered around the city in search interesting people And reclined to Sudeshev. The interview appeared in the New Year's "light" changed the life of an 80-year-old old woman.

Photo 1958

She began to write and call unfamiliar peopleShe was invited to schools and kindergartens. But it was too late. "I try to attach and do not fall in spirit," Anna Ivanovna is satisfied by Kudasheva. "Can't, I started the case, too late this story went to me."
In 1933, when the USSR was first officially noted New Year, designed to oust the Christmas holidays, the Kudasheva-Bekman song sounded again under each tree. The Kleasheva text turned out to be ideologically sterile, and therefore acceptable - in this Christmas song Never mention Christmas!

Here is the first version of the song. Now they sing a reduced option.

Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva is buried on the Pyatnitsky Cemetery of Moscow. On the monument, the string of the famous song.

Raisa MaximovnaGorbachev did not understand and did not take compatriots. At the same time, it was idle abroad. In the USSR, few understood who was actually Rais Gorbachev. To appreciate it only after death. This article describes the biography of Raisa Gorbacheva, the first and last Soviet lady, an extraordinary person who turned the western idea of \u200b\u200ba Russian woman.

It was originally different from previous wives of the first secretaries of the Central Committee of the CPSU. It was not in the shadow of her husband, was a smart, educated and, according to many, too active. In addition, it looked good - not in Soviet. People do not like those who dissuade themselves. Especially difficult originality was perceived in the USSR.

Repressed relatives

Biography of Raisa Gorbacheva began nine years before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Her father was a railway engineer who came to the Altai Territory from the Chernihiv region. The fates of close relatives of Raisa Titarenko (just so called in the greatness of today's narration) destroyed the revolution and subsequent collectivization. Mother's parents were hereditary peasants, all their lives worked hard, for which, apparently, and were injured - in the thirties, they fell under decking.

Grandfather Raisa Maximovna, a person who is accustomed to working from dawn to sunset, who did not read anything other than the local newspaper, and had a rather vague concept of Marxism, replenished the ranks of "criminals" convicted of trotskyism. They judged him at the then tradition quickly. The punishment was prescribed the only possible for the "enemy of the people" - execution. With the death of her husband, Grandma Raisa Gorbacheva could not cope. After heavily fell ill and died, leaving the children to the mercy of fate.

A family

Alexandra Parade. married Maxim Titarenko. In 1932, they had a daughter of Raisa. Three years later, the son of Eugene, who subsequently became a writer. And in 1938, Lyudmila appeared.

Evgeny Titarenko graduated from the Naval School, then received a specialty engineer. For several years, lived in Donbas - worked at the mine. At the beginning of the sixties, Raisa Gorbacheva brother graduated from the name of Gorky, after which he went to Voronezh, where he spent last years. Perhaps still alive. This person is worth telling more. He did not have any significant role in the fate of our heroine. On the example of his life can be seen in how distorted form simple people Represent famous people.

Brother Raisa Gorbacheva

Titarenko issued nine books for children and adolescents. Perhaps would make more. The trouble is that the writer suffered from chronic alcoholism, and later, with age, and Alzheimer's disease. In the end, relatives sent Titarenko to the Voronezh psychiatric hospital, where he may be located today. There is no accurate information about its further biography.

Raisa Gorbachev had indignation, someone admired her. First in the perestroika time was significantly more. But the fact that man she was extraordinary, admit, probably, everyone. Such people can not have ordinary earthly weaknesses, family problems And even more so unfavorable relatives. Any unsightly information exaggerates, squeezed with a lie, sometimes monstrously ridiculous, then replicated.

Back in the 1960s, when the surname Gorbachev was unknown to anyone, Evgeny Titarenko acquired fame. But he was, as they say, is widely known in narrow circles. In one of the interviews, Raisa Maksimovna said: "Brother drank for 30 years, refused treatment, to find mutual language It became more complicated with him. "According to Gorbacheva, he really possessed literary talent. However, it was not from creativity, but from alcohol.

Story about ruined talent

Little readers Titarenko respond about his books positively, but without much delight. It was, apparently, a person tragic Fate. Unfortunately like him, in Russia millions. Chiendalanted, but devoid of ability to fight with a national ailment, which ruins not only the authors of ordinary children's leaders, but also great prosaikov and poets, whose names can ever be forgotten.

The trivial history of Eugene Titarenko was not suitable for the "yellow press". We needed another - the sharp, shocking, let the unreliable and deprived of the author's logic. And they began to appear in the press of dozens of articles about a cynical woman who has enjoyed to power and betrayed a loving brother. That is, Risa Gorbacheva.

The biography of the talented writer and the Pravddolubets would have developed brilliantly if Raisa Maksimovna had not stared him into a hospital for a high iron fence. For life. From now on, he is cut off from the surrounding world. Such. common version wandering in the press before and after malbacheva's death, but it's not all.

Journalists sometimes penetrated the closed zone, in hospital ward Diguredly talked with the patient ... Then they published another sensation: the writer we implues, not at all. And in fact, it does not need treatment, as the alcohol especially did not abuse. He was to blame only that he knew a lot. What secret information ruined the presidential relative and the failed classic, no one answered. The story with the famously swirling plot here was broken.

Childhood and adolescence

Let's go back to the life of the first lady of the USSR, or rather, to the early period of her biography. The beginning of the fortieth. Father works on railwayIn connection with which the family is forced to move frequently. He is an experienced engineer, it is also directed from one city to another. In the meantime, children change schools, adapt to the new setting. In such conditions, the academic performance is reduced. But Raisa Titarenko studied on one fives.

In 1949, our heroine ends up a school with a gold medal, which allows her, by passing entry exams, become a student MSU. When the war began, Raisa Titarenko was nine years old. Reading the autobiography of a man who got these scary years In childhood and adolescence, you certainly find full bitterness and pain memories.

In 1991, at the request of foreign publishers, Raisa Gorbachev wrote a book about his life. She told briefly about their parents, about the father of the mother, whom he smoked first, then shot. Most of Books, of course, is devoted to the life that began after meeting with the future president. About the war there is a word. As if she passed by the Titarenko family.

The beginning of the 1940s Gorbachev did not tell any memoirs, not in numerous interviews. Perhaps this topic of the spouse of the last Gensen avoided intentionally. Or everything that was before marriage, for her has already lost its former importance.

One way or another, the stories about the father returning from the front and the universal folk happiness, coming into a clear May day, there will be no. In the life of every person there is a period, sometimes very small, which he considers the main thing. And everything else is just the background. For Gorbacheva Such a decisive life segment Became the years "Perestroika". Approach the main part of our narration.


So, Raisa Titarenko - Student Philosophical Faculty of Moscow State University. It begins here happy time. Student period is different and can not. But most importantly, it was in the university walls that the girl from Siberia would meet with a man who will have to destroy the wall, separated by almost thirty years of the main German city into two parts.

In Moscow, the heroine of our article began a new life. Raisa talked with interesting smart people, among whom Yuri Levad was particularly highlighted, which became a famous political scientist and sociologist. And in the first months of study met with a student of the Law Faculty of Law, Mikhail Gorbachev. Their pedigrees were amazingly similar. Relatives young man Also suffered from repression, his grandfather, as well as grandfather Raisa, was accused of Trotskyism. They quickly found a common language.

Married reformer

Three years have passed. Also, there were no plans to build a wall, which in the 60s will call "shameful". Raisa Titarenko married Gorbachev. After 34 years, the former Jurfak student will receive a letter from the President of the United States with a request to carry multi-kilometer fortification. He will take a request - demolish the wall. Also raise iron curtain And announce publicity. Europeans will call him the "Great Reformer XX century."

Family life

September 25, they went to the registry office. Wedding rings did not have. The wedding was celebrated two weeks later. On a modest student celebration, the new husband spent all the savings that earned on the summer harvesting of bread. Raisa for the first time ordered a dress from expensive material. Later, simple Soviet women, and the sleek bureaucratic wife will be discussed to discuss her excessive love of outfits. But it will be later. And before the gorbachev is to survive a chronic lack of money, a unsettled life and other difficulties.

However, it is still easy to transfer. So live almost all Soviet citizens and few people represented a different existence. There were really serious tests ahead. In 1954, Gorbachev suffered a severe disease, after which the doctors did not recommend to give birth to her. She did not listen to their opinion. The first pregnancy had to be artificially interrupted. But even after that, Raisa Maksimovna did not stop. In 1955 she gave birth to the daughter of Irina.

Who was Rais Gorbachev actually?

Ambicious special, who became completely accidental by the wife of the head of state? The powerful and overly self-confident woman, who managed to make the "Podkin" from her husband in front of the country, and the whole world? Wife of the Secretary General, daring to interfere in the affairs of politics, instead of preparing lunches, raise children and grandchildren?

Social activity

Raisa Gorbachev was very ambitious purposeful And, as already mentioned, active. But all she did was committed for the good of the country or individual people. Since 1984 she was engaged in social activitiesDirected primarily to help children suffering from severe diseases. In 1999, the Raisa Gorbacheva Center was created - this is not a fundamentally new organization, but the continuation of the case, which began the wife of the President of the USSR.

In the West

Pierre Cardin himself rated the taste of the Soviet first lady. American ministers and their wives conquered a wide range, the ability to support the conversation on any topic, as in Russian, as in English, is all that with anger for five years, discussed in the kitchens, in smoking, in queues, everywhere. Why could not love Gorbachev's spouse? What could I annoy it? Raisa Maksimovna sought to correspond to the image of the wife of the head of state, adopted all over the world. But soviet people To this were not ready. Women who are not able to buy even a simple thing tired of vital difficulties, I could not not annoy the flawless appearance of Gorbacheva. Poverty generates anger and envy.

A special rejection was caused by relations between the president and his wife. For almost half a century, Gorbachev was inseparable, which gave rise to many jokes. Even the most touching, what is out of politics, caused a mockery and mockery.

Such love is only in a fairy tale. IN real life She is extremely rare. Negative reaction to the happiness in the president's family to explain simply. People do not love fabulous stories. If these stories are not about them.

Death of Raisa Gorbacheva

From which Raisa Gorbacheva died, everyone who watched TV in the summer of 1999 in the summer of 1999. In June, leukemosis was diagnosed. On the state of health, the spouses of the ex-president reported in every news release. The struggle for life lasted for a long time - only three months. Too low was the likelihood of recovery. About where Raisu Gorbachev will be buried, all Russian channels were announced on September 20, 1999.

Here you can rephrase the writer's words. Post-Soviet people - ordinary people. Enlightened and hate, but after all and mercy sometimes knocks on their hearts. Before the death of Raisa Maksimovna received many letters with the words of support. "In order for you to understand, you need to get sick and die," the wife of the last Secretary General said for many changes symbol.

Raisa MaksimovnaGorbachev is buried by Novodevichy Cemetery. The grave of one of the most influential women of the 20th century is not far from Columbaria, at the central alley. In 2000, a bronze monument was opened here, made by F. Sgoryan.