Promotion Seconds reading in the library. "We read together, read out loud! Regional stage of the All-Russian competition of young readers "Live Classic"

Promotion Seconds reading in the library.
Promotion Seconds reading in the library. "We read together, read out loud! Regional stage of the All-Russian competition of young readers "Live Classic"

Read the best: 2016 seconds of reading!

Photo report

All libraries of the Ibresi district actively joined the republican action "We read the best: 2016 seconds of reading!", Which was held within the framework of the week of children's and youth book. Direct participants of this event were 238 students of secondary schools of the Ibresinsky district.

For reading out loud, books celebrated in 2016 anniversary were chosen. In the list of anniversaries, along with the rest, Alexei Tolstoy (80 years old), "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all" Alan Milna (90 years old ). It is these works that were chosen by young participants in literary reading in the children's library.
On the literary site "We read and discuss!" Organized in the Central Library of the CBS of the Ibresinsky District, adolescents were proposed a work of the classic of Russian prose XX century Viktor Astafieva "Tsar Fish", which became a real event in Soviet literature.
A lines from the poem Sergey Mikhalkov "Uncle Stepa" sounded in the Tayyi Parazushinsky rural library, which is invariably popular with several generations of Russian children.
The readers of the Klimovsky rural library chose the story of Viktor Dragunsky "He's alive and glow." In his discussion, a deputy of the meeting of deputies of the Ibresi district of Eva Petrova, a teacher of the art school of Alexander Basmanseva, artistic director of the Klimovsky rural culture of the Nadezhda Nikandrov.
The activists of reading the Andreevsky rural library preferred the immortal tragedy of William Shakespeare "Hamlet", from the moment of writing which this year marks 415 years.
Studying 4th grade of the Novocurashev high school with pleasure read loud poems from the book of Agnes Barto "Toys", then actively discussed them together with a specialist Novocurashevsk rural library.
In the reading room of the Chuvash-Timela rural library, reading and discussion of works by K. Chukovsky and S. Mikhalkov passed.
Librarian Malokarmalo rural library A.V. Rogozhina presented to young readers a book by A.S. Pushkin "Tale of Tsar Saltan", which this year marks 185 years from the date of publication. Children so much like reading out loud tales on a chain that they did not notice how 2016 seconds flew.
Events were accompanied by presentations and letterings, film display and cartoons for selected works. Also organized exhibitions about the life and work of the authors. Discussions of read fragments were actively held. The guys took part in quizzes and competitions. Riddles, naughty poems, songs, games helped the guys to plunge into the wonderful world of books.
Lost editions from the presented list of books, celebrating their anniversary, participants in 2016, took with them to read the house.

More than 3,000 children, adolescents, teachers, educators of children's preschool institutions and specialists of the libraries of the Chuvash Republic gladly took part in the republican action "We read the best: 2016 seconds of reading!", The initiator of which the Chuvash Republican Children's and Youth Library became the initiator.

Republican action "We read the best: 2016 seconds of reading!" It turned out to be very timely, attracted attention to an effective library form - reading out loud, contributed to the intensification of reader's interest in children and adults to the book and the library, all events took place in a warm and cheerful setting. To read out loud, books noted in 2016 anniversary were chosen, the list of these books includes more than 150 items.

Who read out loud

Writers and poets, librarians and teachers, educators and deputies, high school students, children - participants in events, representatives of district administrations, representatives of the district administrations, read loud children.

As reading

Read on roles, read in turn; Read using the elements of theatricalization, dolls. Reading out loud accompanied literary flash drives, quizzes and contests, riddles, songs, book exhibitions, slides-presentations, literary games, watching cartoons, creative tasks. In many libraries in the Program Program, consultants were included, discussions of read and create drawings on books.

Where reading

They read out loud in libraries, kindergartens and schools.

Libraries became the most active and in terms of the number of participants and events: Batcherevsky district - the number of participants is 627 people

Cheboksary district - the number of participants - 429 people

Kozlovsky district - the number of participants - 264 people

Ibresinsky district - the number of participants is 238 people

Yadrinskaya Children's Library - Number of participants - 220 people

City Centralized Library System G. Kanash - Number of participants -174

Centralized library system of Alatyr - the number of participants - 123 people

Novochelny-Surbeevsky rural library of the Komsomol district - the number of participants is 104 people.

What reading

Tale A. S. Pushkin became the most readable"The Tale of Tsar Saltan...". Great and diverse the fabulous world of Pushkin - Lukomorye, Tsarevna Swan and Golden Fish, Cat Scientist and Tsar Saltan. "Tale of Tsar Saltan ..." was written 185 years ago and with great her pleasure read, performed and played on the roles inMalokarmalo rural library. A. V. Rogozhina Ibresinsky district, Tüllemsky rural library of Kozlovsky district, Almanchinsky rural library and central LibraryKrasnochta district , District Children's Library. A. G. Nikolaev Morghausky district, in the libraries of Batyrovsky, Kozlovsky, Komsomolsky, Poretsky, Cheboksar, Civilians, GG. Alatyr, Kanash, Cheboksary, Shumerlya, Nadrine, Library. Davydov-Anutaria and the central library them. Yu. Gagarin, Novocheboksarsk, Batyrovsky libraries, Civilian, Cheboksary districts.

Tale P. P. Ershova "Konk-Gorbok" (160 years since the publication of the book) she took a worthy second place. She was read in May Day and Novoachperdinsky rural libraries of the Batyrovsky district , The Old Turelsky Rural Library of the Kozlovsky District, the Potniadous rural library of the Canhan district, the Shivbosin rural library of the Krasnoarmeysky district, the Central Library of the Cheboksary District, Children's Libraries of Yantikovsky and Urmar Districts, the library - Phil. No. 2 of Alatyr.

The story-tale A. N. Tolstoy "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino" (80 years since the writing and publication of the work) ranked third. She was chosen and read out louds: Novochelny-Surbeevskaya Rural Library of the Komsomol district, Central Library of the Krasnoarmeysky District, Peterkinskaya Rural Library of the Krasnochetaysky District, District Children's Library of the Kanashsky District, Children's Library of the Yadrinsky District, the city library. M. Sespelya Shumerlya, Battyrevsky library, Tsivil Rainins.

Poem S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Stepa" Notes its 80th anniversary. She was chosen: Children's Library of Alikovsky District, Starotoysinskaya Rural Library of the Battyrevsky District, Toyyi-Parazusinskaya and Chuvashko-Timela Rural Libraries of the Ibresi district, Almanchinsky rural library of the Krasnoarmeysky district, Magazinyanovskaya Rural Library of the Umemorsky district, Akulul and Antecas - Tourunovskaya Rural Libraries of Cheboksary District, Library - Phil. No. 1 of Alatyr; Central Children's Library of Kanash.

By the 90th anniversary of writing poems K. I. Chukovsky "Fedorino Mount", "Putanitsa", "Phone"loud readings were held in the Almanchovsky rural library of the Batcherevsky district, Andreevo-Bazar, Buinskaya, Chuvashko-Timelasky rural libraries of the Kozlovsky district, the Akolevskaya Rural Library of the Cheboksary District, the Children's Library of the Yadrinsky district, Phil Library. № 3. G. Alatyr, family reading library G. Kanash.

Collection of poems A. Barto "Toys"(80 years from the date of her publication) I am pleased to read: Schigyrdan Children's Library, Norvash-Shigalinsky Rural Library of the Battyrevsky District, Central Library of Vurner District, Novocurashevskaya Rural Library of Ibresinsky District, Adabaistan, Türlin Rural Library of Kozlovsky District, Yadrinskaya Children's Library, Libraries. Alatyr and Kanash.

Story A. Gaidar "Blue Cup" (80 years from the date of publication) to read out louds chose: Soledibaevskaya rural library of the Kozlovsky district, Novochelny-Surbeevsky rural library of the Komsomol district, Konarya rural library of the Tsivilsky district.

The story of V. Dragunsky "He is alive and glow ..." (55th anniversary of the publication) was with interest and great humor meets in the Klimovsky rural library of the Ibresi district, the Novochelny-Surbeevsky rural library of the Komsomol district, the Central City Library of Alatyr, the library. L. Cassille Cheboksary.

Fairy Tale A. Milna "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all" (90 years since the publication) gave their preference: Children's library them. N. Mishutin Poretsky district, city library. M. Sespelya Shumerlya, Chuvash Republican Children and Youth Library.

Tale E. Asspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends" (50 years from the date of publication) read out louds: Buinskaya Rural Library of the Ibresi district, Türleming Rural Library of Kozlovsky District, Central Library of the Krasnochta district, Akululevskaya Rural Library of Cheboksary District.

E. Stories "Adventures of Baron Münhhausen" (235 years from the date of publication) for reading louds chose: Children's Library of the Umemorsky District, Hyrkasinskaya Rural Library of Cheboksar district, city central library. G. Summer, Children's and Youth Library, Novocheboksarsk.

Story L. Panteleeva "Honest Word" (75 years from the date of writing and publication) read: Tarkhansky rural library of the Battyrevsky district, Novochelny-Surbeevskaya rural library of the Komsomolsky district, Xinyal rural library of Cheboksary district, Central Library of Yalchik district.

It is gratifying that the libraries included such books in the program to read out loud: V. Kataev "Beleet Sail Lonely" (Podolen-Shigalinsky rural library of the Baturevsky district); W. Shakespeare "Hamlet" (Andreevsky rural library of the Ibresinsky district), V. Astafiev "Tsar-Fish" (Central Library of the Ibresinsky district); K. M. Stanyukovich "Maksimka", A. I. Kuprin "Pomegranate bracelet", A. Gaidar "Timur and his team", N. S. Leskov "Levsha" (Central Library of the Kozlovsky District); M. Twin "The Adventure of Tom Soyer and Geclberry Finn" (Yemetkinsky rural library of the Kozlovsky district); D. London "White Klyuk" (Central Library of the Krasnochta district); N. Nosov "Adventures of Toli Shukvin" (Taushecinsky rural library of the Tsivilsky district); J. Rodari "Adventures of Chipollino" (Akululevskaya Rural Library of Cheboksary and Children's Library of Urmar Region); D. Greenwood "Little Obrass" (Children's Library of the Urmar District); V.Momakovsky's poem "That neither a page, elephant, then a lioness" (Children's library of the Yadrinsky district), O. de Balzac "Shagreen Leather" (Central Library of Kanash); E. Ilina "Fourth Height", Troypolsky "White Bim, Black Ear" (Chuvash Republican Children's and Youth Library).

During the action in the Staroahperdinsk rural library of the Batcherevsky district, the Tyurlemboin rural and central libraries of the Kozlovsky district, the Salabayakasinsky rural library of the Cheboksary district was very popular with reading out loud of poems of Russian poets N. Nekrasova, I. Surikova, A. Akhmatova, N. Gumilyev, which in 2016 year celebrate their anniversaries.

Summing up, it can be said that the republican action was successful and received excellent feedback from children and adults. During the campaign, various forms of events were used. The action allowed a wide range of partners to participate in library events, which is positively reflected in the image of libraries. News reports on the stocks conducted in libraries were posted on the websites of libraries and the official websites of local local governments. The participants of the action sounded a proposal to make it annual.

The Chuvash Republican Children's and Youth Library expresses great thanks to all participants for active and close cooperation in holding the republican action "We read the best: 2016 reading seconds!".

The results of the republican action "We read the best: 2016 reading seconds!"

More than 3,000 children, teenagers, teachers, educators of children's preschool institutions and specialists of the libraries of the Chuvash Republic with pleasure took part in the republican action "We read the best: 2016 seconds of reading!", The initiator of which the Chuvash Republican Children's and Youth Library became the initiator.

Republican Promotion "Read the best: 2016 seconds of reading!" It turned out to be very timely, attracted attention to an effective library form - reading out loud, contributed to the intensification of reader's interest in children and adults to the book and the library, all events took place in a warm and cheerful setting. To read out loud, books noted in 2016 anniversary were chosen, the list of these books includes more than 150 items.

Who read out loud

Writers and poets, librarians and teachers, educators and deputies, high school students, children - participants in events, representatives of district administrations, representatives of the district administrations, read loud children.

As reading

Read on roles, read in turn; Read using the elements of theatricalization, dolls. Reading out loud accompanied literary flash drives, quizzes and contests, riddles, songs, book exhibitions, slides-presentations, literary games, watching cartoons, creative tasks. In many libraries in the Program Program, consultants were included, discussions of read and create drawings on books.

Where reading

They read out loud in libraries, kindergartens and schools.

Libraries became the most active and in terms of the number of participants and events: Batcherevsky district - the number of participants is 627 people

Cheboksary district - the number of participants - 429 people

Kozlovsky district - the number of participants - 264 people

Ibresinsky district - the number of participants is 238 people

Yadrinskaya Children's Library - Number of participants - 220 people

City Centralized Library System G. Kanash - Number of participants -174

Centralized library system of Alatyr - the number of participants - 123 people

Novochelny-Surbeevsky rural library of the Komsomol district - the number of participants is 104 people.

What reading

Tale A. S. Pushkin became the most readable"The Tale of Tsar Saltan...". Great and diverse the fabulous world of Pushkin - Lukomorye, Tsarevna Swan and Golden Fish, Cat Scientist and Tsar Saltan. "Tale of Tsar Saltan ..." was written 185 years ago and with great her pleasure read, performed and played on the roles inMalokarmalo rural library. A. V. Rogozhina Ibresinsky district, Tüllemsky rural library of Kozlovsky district, Almanchinsky rural library and central LibraryKrasnochta district , District Children's Library. A. G. Nikolaev Morghausky district, in the libraries of Batyrovsky, Kozlovsky, Komsomolsky, Poretsky, Cheboksar, Civilians, GG. Alatyr, Kanash, Cheboksary, Shumerlya, Nadrine, Library. Davydov-Anutaria and the central library them. Yu. Gagarin, Novocheboksarsk, Batyrovsky libraries, Civilian, Cheboksary districts.

Tale P. P. Ershova "Konk-Gorbok" (160 years since the publication of the book) she took a worthy second place. She was read in May Day and Novoachperdinsky rural libraries of the Batyrovsky district , The Old Turelsky Rural Library of the Kozlovsky District, the Potniadous rural library of the Canhan district, the Shivbosin rural library of the Krasnoarmeysky district, the Central Library of the Cheboksary District, Children's Libraries of Yantikovsky and Urmar Districts, the library - Phil. No. 2 of Alatyr.

The story-tale A.N. Tolstoy "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" (80 years since the writing and publication of the work) ranked third. She was chosen and read out louds: Novochelny-Surbeevskaya Rural Library of the Komsomol district, Central Library of the Krasnoarmeysky District, Peterkinskaya Rural Library of the Krasnochetaysky District, District Children's Library of the Kanashsky District, Children's Library of the Yadrinsky District, the city library. M. Sespelya Shumerlya, Battyrevsky library, Tsivil Rainins.

Poem S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Stepa" Notes its 80th anniversary. She was chosen: Children's Library of Alikovsky District, Starotoysinskaya Rural Library of the Battyrevsky District, Toyyi-Parazusinskaya and Chuvashko-Timela Rural Libraries of the Ibresi district, Almanchinsky rural library of the Krasnoarmeysky district, Magazinyanovskaya Rural Library of the Umemorsky district, Akulul and Antecas - Tourunovskaya Rural Libraries of Cheboksary District, Library - Phil. No. 1 of Alatyr; Central Children's Library of Kanash.

By the 90th anniversary of the writing of poems K. I. Chukovsky "Fedorino Mount", "Putanaca", "Phone"loud readings were held in the Almanchovsky rural library of the Batcherevsky district, Andreevo-Bazar, Buinskaya, Chuvashko-Timelasky rural libraries of the Kozlovsky district, the Akolevskaya Rural Library of the Cheboksary District, the Children's Library of the Yadrinsky district, Phil Library. № 3. G. Alatyr, family reading library G. Kanash.

Collection of poems A. Barto "Toys"(80 years from the date of her publication) I am pleased to read: Schigyrdan Children's Library, Norvash-Shigalinsky Rural Library of the Battyrevsky District, Central Library of Vurner District, Novocurashevskaya Rural Library of Ibresinsky District, Adabaistan, Türlin Rural Library of Kozlovsky District, Yadrinskaya Children's Library, Libraries. Alatyr and Kanash.

Story A. Gaidar "Blue Cup" (80 years from the date of publication) to read out louds chose: Soledibaevskaya rural library of the Kozlovsky district, Novochelny-Surbeevsky rural library of the Komsomol district, Konarya rural library of the Tsivilsky district.

The story of V. Dragunsky "He is alive and glow ..." (55th anniversary of the publication) was with interest and great humor meets in the Klimovsky rural library of the Ibresi district, the Novochelny-Surbeevsky rural library of the Komsomol district, the Central City Library of Alatyr, the library. L. Cassille Cheboksary.

Fairy Tale A. Milna "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all" (90 years since the publication) gave their preference: Children's library them. N. Mishutin Poretsky district, city library. M. Sespelya Shumerlya, Chuvash Republican Children and Youth Library.

The story of E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends" (50 years from the date of publication) read out louds: Buinskaya Rural Library of the Ibresi district, Türleming Rural Library of Kozlovsky District, Central Library of the Krasnochta district, Akululevskaya Rural Library of Cheboksary District.

E. Stories "Adventures of Baron Münhhausen" (235 years from the date of publication) for reading louds chose: Children's Library of the Umemorsky District, Hyrkasinskaya Rural Library of Cheboksar district, city central library. G. Summer, Children's and Youth Library, Novocheboksarsk.

Story L. Panteleeva "Honest Word" (75 years from the date of writing and publication) read: Tarkhansky rural library of the Battyrevsky district, Novochelny-Surbeevskaya rural library of the Komsomolsky district, Xinyal rural library of Cheboksary district, Central Library of Yalchik district.

It is gratifying that the libraries included such books in the Program to read out loud: V. Kataev "Beleet Sail Lonely" (Pillable-Shigalinsky rural library of the Baturevsky district); W. Shakespeare Gamlet (Andreevskaya Rural Library of the Ibresinsky District), V. Astafiev "Tsar Fish" (Central Library of the Ibresinsky district); K. M. Stanyukovich "Maksimka", A. I. Kubrin "Pomegranate Bracelet", A. Gaidar "Timur and his team", N. S. Leskov "Levasha" (Central Library of the Kozlovsky District); M. Twin "The Adventure of Tom Soyer and Geclberry Finn" (Yemetkinsky rural library of the Kozlovsky district); D. London "White Klyuk" (Central Library of the Krasnochta district); N. Nosov "The Adventures of Toli Shukvin" (Tauškassinsky rural library of the Tsivilsky district); J. Rodari "Adventures Chipollino" (Akululevskaya Rural Library of Cheboksary and Children's Library of Urmar Region); D. Greenwood "Little Obverse" (Children's Library of the Urmar district); V.Momakovsky's poem "That neither page, elephant, then a lioness" (Children's library of the Yadrinsky district), O. de Balzac "Shagreen Leather" (Central Library of Kanash); E. Ilina "Fourth Height", Treepol "White Bim, Black Ear" (Chuvash Republican Children's and Youth Library).

During the action in the Staroahperdinsk rural library of the Batcherevsky district, the Tyurlemboin rural and central libraries of the Kozlovsky district, the Salabayakasinsky rural library of the Cheboksary district was very popular with reading out loud of poems of Russian poets N. Nekrasova, I. Surikova, A. Akhmatova, N. Gumilyev, which in 2016 year celebrate their anniversaries.

Summing up, it can be said that the republican action was successful and received excellent feedback from children and adults. During the campaign, various forms of events were used. The action allowed a wide range of partners to participate in library events, which is positively reflected in the image of libraries. News reports on the stocks conducted in libraries were posted on the websites of libraries and the official websites of local local governments. The participants of the action sounded a proposal to make it annual.

The Chuvash Republican Children's and Youth Library expresses great thanks to all participants for active and close cooperation in the republican action "Read the best: 2016 reading seconds!".

Information Collection "Library Life - 2016", №3

World day reading out loud in the municipal libraries of the city of Yelets


Since 2010, in the first environment of March, on the initiative of Litworld, the world's day of reading is carried out in literacy. His slogan "Reading is a movement forward!", And the goal is to show reading as a way to interact with the outside world and as an opportunity to transfer their emotions to another person together with a sound word. In 2016, World Reading Day fell out loud on March 2.

Thousands of children and adults in dozens of countries of the world joined the World Day reading out loud. At the initiative of the Methodical Bibliographic Department of the Central City Hospital. M. Gorky This year, all Municipal Libraries of the city of Yelts took part in it.

Active participation in community sharesaccepted more 450 Our readers aged 6 to 76 years old. Most of them are children. Works of classics and modern authors (excerpts of the work) read children and adults, librarians and readers. To read out loud and discussion, the works of Lion Tolstoy, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, N. Leskova, A. Platonova, Leonid Panteleeva, Viktor Dragunsky, Alexei Tolstoy, Boris Zhitkov, and others. Authors. A total of 15 events were held (literary perspective, literary and literary and theater hours, literary sites, a lesson thinking, etc.), including 3 events (with a different audience), there were teams of branch libraries №2 and №9.

About how the World Day reading out loud in each of the libraries will be told, information and photo reports will tell (at the end of the post) of participating libraries.

Literary hour "I tried to write the history of the people"

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy is the greatest Russian writer, a writer, which is among the largest writers of the world, thinker, educator, publicist, corresponding member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Thanks to the writer, not only works included in the treasury of world literature, but also a whole religious and moral course - the Holp.

The novel "War and the World" is the largest work of Tolstoy, the top of his artistic creativity. Seven years of intense labor (1863 - 1869) Tolstoy dedicated to the creation of this Roman-epic, which reflected the fifteen-year period of the country's history. According to the author, he "loved people's thought" in this work. It was the result of a long-term research work of the author over historical sources and at the same time was a response to the events and problems of modernity.

As part of the action "We read together, read aloud" was held literary hour "I tried to write the history of the Motherland". The participants of the event were students of graders of the Orthodox gymnasium. Saint Tikhon Zadonsky.

Leading introduced students with certain moments of the biography of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. Next, passages from the novel "War and Peace" were read, followed by their discussion. They talked about Pierre Bezuhov, Mary Volkonskaya, Helene Besuhova, Napoleon, Fyodor Dolohov. Students expressed their point of view of these heroes. The presenter read the passage "Moonlight in Otradnaya". Students discussed this episode. On a visual example, the guys were convinced of how kind and gentle the inner world of Natasha, as a dreaming Sonya and that the author does not share the heroes on good and evil, and again emphasizes the example of Prince Andrei, that they are changeable.

Nikolai Frolov, Valery Boyko, Anastasia Daraeva, Anastasia Strukov, Pavel Merkulov became active participants in the literary hour.

During the event, a slide presentation was used. The literary hour turned out to be interesting and memorable.

Literary gatherings "M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin - our all "(as part of the action "We read together, read out loud!") Spent in the library with members of the club "together" and readers.

The librarians organized literary gatherings "M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin - Our all "is not by chance, since in 2016, on January 27, 190 years old since the birth of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and 65 years old, as the library bears the name of this wisest Satirik writer.

Those present in the service department "Subscription" introduced the life and work of the writer, as well as with the Russian Swift book exhibition, dedicated to his anniversary, and the information booklet "Great Satir", developed and issued by the library employees.

Then those present were invited to the reading room, where the table was covered with a samovar, the installation (ancient candlestick, feather, ink, books) was covered nearby (ancient candlestick, pen, ink, books) All this helped to plunge into times when M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin created his legendary works. Everyone was jicked by "icons" with the image of a writer and the name of the event.

Then it was proposed to determine their choice of literary reading by sticking notes in the tube on which the names of the well-known works of the writer ("Sensible Hare", "Orel-Metzenate", "Selfless Hare", "Woven Pescar" "disappeared conscience", "Kisel "," Nonarent Oko "," Fool "). This process caused excitement and curiosity.

After reading passages from the listed works, the participants of the event willingly discussed them. All those present expressed the view that the works of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin are relevant and topical today, many have discovered the writer for themselves in a new way. It inspired them to their own creativity, they willingly read the poems that were composed. Being impressed by works

M. E. Saltykova-Shchedrin, issues of modern politics, art, which confirms the importance of works. All those present received as a gift from the library small prizes.

Library-branch number 2

On March 2, the branch library number 2 for the first time became a participant in the World Day of reading out loud. It is held in order to help children, adolescents to evaluate the power of the word and create a company of readers, which makes it possible to become educated with books to each child.

This real feast of reading a branch librarian decided to spend in MBOUOOSH No. 15 in 2-A, 2-b, 3rd classes. The desire of teachers and students to participate in the action was huge. All participants in events looked forward to meeting with librarians and, of course, with their favorite works.

In the third grade (25 people, teacher Komova L. E.) MBOU OOSH №15 was held lesson-thinking on the story of V. Dragunsky "He is alive and glow". Held his librarian Arkhipova O.E. In the opening of the word, she submitted to students with the help of the author's media representation of this story - a writer, a true friend of the guys V. Dragunsky. Olesya Evgenievna introduced a book with an exhibition, showed what his books are in the library. Then they read the story "He's alive and glows", after which the present proceeded to his discussion. Guys, how real literary critic worked with the text, they were actively answered the leading questions, entitled the part of the story, with the help of an intelligent dictionary, they got acquainted with unknown words, who met in the text, read on roles. The lesson was saturated with various interesting tasks. Children have solved the crossword, composed of a librarian, gamblingly participated in Fizkultminutka, showed an improvised scene from the story. At the end of the event, you willingly shared our thoughts about the story, where the writer created a bright and unique world of childhood, where there is no place to be despondent and bored.

We will be glad that our young readers will again take the wonderful books of V. Dragunsky.

Leonid Panteleev knew how to write about children and children. He is glad reading not one generation of guys. He never writes boring, his books are full of events and actions. Life, life of our time, his live votes sound and hear from the pages of these small concise books, which makes the stories and stories of Leonid Panteleeva real works of literary art.

The work of this writer librarian library branch number 2 dedicated literary aid "on the pages of Leonid Panteleev's fairy tales", Which was held in the world of world reading out loud. His participants were students 2 "A" (Teacher Savkova Yu. O.) and 2 "b" (teacher L. V. Sotnikova) classes of MBOUOSHOV No. 15. Total 57 people.

Librarian N. V. Derjugin began an event with reading a poem-riddle, which was to determine the heroes of the work to read out loud. The guys with ease coped with the task, learned what frogs are, the features of their livelihoods and habitats.

Such an unusual beginning allowed the children to show interest and tune in to work. Further, the guys learned that these creatures are heroes not only folk fairy tales, but also copyright. Such is tale of Leonid Panteleeva "Two Frogs". The story of the librarian was accompanied by a slide show, during which the guys got acquainted with the life and work of the writer (real name Alexey Ivanovich Eremeev).

Further, the event continued commented by reading a fairy tale loud, after which the guys answered questions about the text, gave the characteristic heroes, put the problem and sought ways to solve it. The tale made to think of all participants in the event, because literary works, and even more so fairy tales, are created in order to evaluate the actions of heroes and learn their mistakes.

Completing the work on the discussion, the guys came to the conclusion that this fairy tale was not outdated and in our time and here the author remains faithful and leads to thought: be active and persistent, fight to the end, be cheerful and targeted, hardworking and stubborn, and You will definitely win.

And such an unusual form of acquaintance with the work - reading out loud - contributes to the improvement of the skills of expressive and conscious reading, the ability to listen and analyze read.

Branch Library №4

Literary and theatrical hour "Read the classics"

On March 2, the library staff took part in the action "We read together, read aloud!", Held in the world of world reading out loud. For this event, the book-Jubilee Berman was chosen. This year marks 135 years from the date of entering the light of this work and 185 years from the birth of his author - N.S. Leskova. The literary and theatrical hour was devoted to these two anniversaries. The event was attended by students of 7 grade school number 17.

The event was opened by the presentation "Wizard Washers", which was dedicated to life and creativity N.S. Leskova. Further, the guys took part in the loud reading, read the "Tool's Skid Leshe and Steel Blood". The guys from the Children's Theater Studio "Freaks" took part in reading.

In conclusion of the event, a discussion was held. The guys told what excerpts from the work they liked most of all, what qualities the main character of the work possesses, and they found out what the most important idea of \u200b\u200bthe tale.

In conclusion, the librarians drew the attention of the listeners to the fact that this work of Leskov was filmmed in 1986, and a little told about creating a film.

Branch Library №5

Thousands of libraries around the world have joined the World Day of reading aloud. Did not pay attention to this date and in library-branch number 5.

On this day, library users were able to listen and touch the magical strokes of poetry. On the eve of the International Women's Day, the library staff of the World Day of reading out loud chose the topic of spring in Russian poetry. On this day, the magical lines of Alexander Pushkin, Apollo Maikova, Alexey Pleshcheyev, Ivan Nikitina, Alexey Tolstoy, Ivan Bunin, Fedor Tyutchev, Alexander Bloka. Poems from the "Poetic Box" of Olga Votor, Zoe Petrova, Olga Alexandrova, sounded with a special kindness and tenderness. "Olga Alexandrova O Mama performed by the young library readers.

More than forty users on this day did the strength of the poetic word in the walls of the library and abroad (the librarian on this day went to the streets of Yelts and offered passersby to take part in the action "We read together, read aloud!"). The most senior participant in the share of -76 years, and the younger has not yet been 6 years old. But all of them combined the magic power of poetry on this day, the strength of the sounding word.

Branch Library №6

As part of the campaign "We read together, read out loud!" at school №24 in 2 g class (teacher Titova T. A.) branch Libraries №6 An event was conducted on the work of the wonderful children's writer Valentina Osseva. Nadezhda Vladimirovna Levykina briefly told the children about the significance of the promotion, Anastasia Yuryevna accompanied her work with a class presentation on the author's works. Brightly, expressive, was actively reading and discussion of the stories "What is easier?" (How do you understand the stories finale?); "Bad" (what was the bad boys? ";" Who is the owner? "(Why did Vanya died?);" Good "(is it necessary for good things to do only heroic actions?);" Revenge "(why did the Aleshka cry?); "Sons" (why did the old man saw only one son?); "Gift" (what does this story teach us?); "I visited" (and how to visit the sick comrade?); "Greedy Mother" (is it really? ); "Offenders" (was Mom's rights?); "Pries" (were classmates were right, accepting Fedi's side?)

Children, together with the hope of Vladimirovna, noted how finely, unobtrusively sound in the stories of V. Oseva advice, how not to lead themselves, it is possible to conclude themselves: "What is good and what is bad." At the end of the event, the guys gladly took the book of books from the exhibition, rejoiced by recognizing familiar stories, for example, the "magic word", "blue leaves". Then the children were photographed with the books of the beloved writer.

Library-branch number 7

On March 2, the Library-branch number 7 took part in the action "We read together, read aloud!". Participants of the shares of steel preschoolers (grades School No. 1, 23 people, teacher Vorotntseva T.V.).

The librarians decided to devote a share to the upcoming International Women's Day, the holiday of all mothers, and offered the guys to listen to the stories about children and their attitude to mom. Head Dorokhova E.A. and librarian Grishina G.I. They read the guys the stories of A. Blotonov "More Mom", V. Golowkina "How I helped my mother washing Paul", "everyone goes somewhere", L. Doronkova "What Mom would say."

After carefully listening to librarians, the guys actively participated in the discussion of each story. Children told how they help them help Mama, what kind of gift they would like to make their mom. I tried to describe my mother with the help of impressive names (kind, affectionate, beautiful, etc.), thought why the word "mother" is the most important thing on earth. Then the children on the chain read the poem of N. Sakonsky "Talk about Mom." At the end of the event, the librarians wished all the guys to learn to read well and presented books with verses and fairy tales from the "My First Book" series.

Library-branch number 8

March 2 share "We read together, read out loud!" Workers branch Libraries №8 spent in MBOU OOS number 17 in 2g class. Vitaly Bianki's story was read, "Who sings what?". The guys said that the author loved nature very much, loved to watch her, make different discoveries that recorded in his diary. And then shared with everyone - wrote wonderful fairy tales and stories.

This story is interested in the opportunity to beat him. Read it in two voices. In parallel, there was a show showing (prepared by the head of E.A. Karaseva) on this story with the image and voices of the main heroes of the story (frog, stork, stack, woodpecker, becas). It turned out a small performance.

The originality of the plot kept the attention of children, because even not all adults know how to make sounds from drinking and pecas and some other birds. The guys, of course, was interesting not only to look at these birds, but also to hear the sounds that they publish.

After reading the story, the librarians chatted with students. What are the characters in the story? How do they "say" and why? Who we know and hear right near the house (frogs, woodpeckers). Hedgehogs and proteins, forty and crows were immediately added to them. So, it turns out how many birds and animals we see near your home, or on the way to school.

Then it was proposed to find a correspondence between the names of the characters of the story and the way of their singing (two columns of words were written on the board). The guys remembered that Bekas sings the tail of the tail, the stork - clicks the beak, the beetle - sings the neck, and the bumblebee wings.

To find out how children know the birds, the librarians offered them riddles. In parallel, images of birds from the wonderful book "Birds" were shown. Some birds guys guess easily (crow, cynic). Well, some kind of riddles were harder, for example, a riddle about Sparrow: "The bird-like legs have a leg, and it does not know how to walk. Wants to make a chamber, it turns out a jump "I did not guessed. She caused doubt among some guys. It was decided immediately after school to conduct a study on this issue and to report to the library employees rightfully.

The following task: Wishing cards with the name of birds, the guys needed to find the appropriate card from those offered on the table, for example: cuckoo - no chicks, seagull - flies over the sea, Penguin - does not fly at all, forty - they say that it brings news,

swallows - build nests from clay and pose them under balconies of houses.

And the meeting ended the thought that the nature must be loved and preserved. After all, a person is the elder brother of birds and animals. Very different animals and birds live in Russia, we grow a variety of beautiful trees, herbs, flowers. And since we all love our homeland, we will multiply her beauty.

The guys liked so much to watch the birds that the proposal of librarians to create in the future a circle of lovers was naughty made with great lifting and joy. Who else will study animals and birds of Russia, as not we, living in it, will help us in this books from the library, whose friends they are. Everyone was agrees.

Second-graders decided that before creating a circle, they were practiced. Will read, and then watch. How do you behave like "say", rusties, crows, sparrows, Soroki and others living around us birds and animals (proteins, hedgehogs)? Especially interesting observations, as well as V. Bianki, will record in their "Diary of observations", and the most interesting love Valentinovna - a 2g class teacher, reads all the guys.

And, of course, so that you can watch, you will have to learn to behave in nature quietly, calmly, respectful.

The event took place on the background exhibitions "Seven pages about animals and birds"where beautiful new books about birds are presented, about the birds of Russia, some books of V. Bianki with illustrations in this story.

This action helped the interest of children in reading, many children wanted to read about animals and not only.

Branch Library №9

March 2, branch-branch number 9 became a member shares "We read together, read out loud!"which was held in the world of world reading out loud. Loud readings were held throughout the day. The library staff conducted both individual readings and reading for groups of children. The librarians read emotionally, competently, penetrating. Felicly took part in high-profile readings and readers themselves.

On this day, the best works of writers sounded in the library - from the classics to modern times. Participants learned more about the life and work of writers and poets, discovered new literary names for themselves and simply enjoyed the charge of energy from reading.

In the gymnasium №11, loud readings were held in 4 "A" (Teacher Anyukhina Irina Anatolyevna 42 people) and in 4 "b" (Master of Marianna Marianna Nikolaevna 30 people) classes. The guys were introduced daria's story "Curly happiness". A class for a while turned into a literary living room, the children were gladly listened to, discussed and shared their impressions of the read. The library workers read Excerpt from the story Valery Zakobnikova "Girl, boy, dog". The book caused live interest and many wanted to take and read it. And in conclusion, the children themselves worshiped out loud funny victor's stories Golavkin and analyzed the actions of heroes. Young readers listened to interest and listened words, because it is pleasant when reading gives pleasure. The guys really liked the guys, and they asked to read more and more.

Since the action took place on the eve of the wonderful spring holiday on March 8, the guys from the theater mug "Fairy Tale" (GDK) decided to read the stories and poems about Mama, as well as the poems of Agnia Barto. For children of the preparatory group, the librarians conducted loud readings of fairy tales, and then took place literary fabulous quiz "The heroes of the fairy tale A. Tolstoy" Golden Key, or AdventureBratino« . The guys were happy, actively answered questions and performed tasks.

On the day of the shares in the library, an exhibition was issued with which you could take and read your favorite book. The choice of books was very diverse. This is: Saint-Exupery "Little Prince", Green "Scarlet Sails", books from the "Cats-Warriors" series, the stories of Viktor Dragunsky, Nikolai Nosov, Gregory Oster, Eduard Asspensky, Kornea Chukovsky, Basni Krylov and others . Read and classic: A.N. Ostrovsky, A.S. Pushkin, V. Shakespeare, A.P. Chekhov, M.Yu. Lermontova, N.V. Gogol. Penetrative and sensually sounded a letter to Tatiana to Onegin from the work of A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" performed by the active readers of the library of Natalia Daloyan. Youth for reading chose the works of modern authors - L. Yulitskaya, Z. Prilepina, B. Akunina, Ya. Vishnevsky, M. Levi, and others.

In loud readings took part 110 people, was issued 40 Books.

On March 2, the library was a real holiday of reading, at which harmony reigned: a book, reader, the word, the listener became one. The emotional atmosphere, which was present on this day in the library should not be conveyed by words. It was necessary to see how the eyes of the listeners were asked by sparkles of inspiration. An interest in reading was manifested. Reading day showed that loud readings should be included in the work of libraries, as this is a very powerful tool for emotional perception and communication and, of course, one of the most effective tools in promoting a book and reading.

The library expresses tremendous thanks to all participants, for active and close cooperation in holding the action "We read together, read out loud!"

Library-branch number 10

Library-branch number 10 Supported the action "We read together, read aloud!" In which children 5-6 cells took part. (6 people) and adults (11 people). The guys read: Hunter "Cats Warriors", L. Matveyev "Beauty Competition in 6-A", L. Char "Honored Happiness", A. Tikhonov "Encyclopedia about dogs and cats". Adults read: N. Nesterov "Love without words", M. Mettleskaya "First Love", Fisherman's reference book, O. Garichkin "Encyclopedia of Gardener and Gardery".

In the year of Russian cinema and the 75th anniversary (March 7) of the artist, the readers were offered a book about Andrei Mironov. After that, the bright episodes of the life and activity of A. Mironov were discussed, remembered films with his participation.

Take the book
Roll into the wings to her
cold Pages
Silize soon!

Running a finger of collapses
Opened sheets. IN
flow life in pages,
In the trickle lines.

Written by someone.
The other hand is not here
They were waiting for you silently
In the silence libraries.

Hawted palm
Currency, sing,
Tell you about secrets
And the fairy tale will be called.

Bare - Close.
Sheets are boo ...
Folding covers-wings,
On the shelves will be silent.

Take the book.
Pour the wings to her!
Cold Pages
Silize soon!

TA Speranskaya

Children's library-branch number 1. A.S. Pushkin

Participants in the action "We read together, read out loud!" Within the world of the day of reading out loud in the Children's Library-branch number 1. A.S. Pushkin became students 3-4 classes of NOU Orthodox gymnasium "SVT. Tikhon Zadonsky. "

Before starting the event, the presenter made a mystery to the guys about the miracle. This miracle was the book. Further, the guys received a letter from an unknown literary hero, which today will be discussed. His children were able to guess in the riddle - this is all beloved Pinocchio.

The guys introduced the biography of A.N. Tolstoy - the author of the book "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino", which for 80 years in a row reads not one generation of children. Also, the guys learned that this book was not once shielded. The first film "Golden Key" was created back in 1939. Partially it is shot as a game and like a puppet cartoon. In particular, a number of scenes with the participation of puppet characters (first of all, Pinocchio) was performed in the technique of puppet animation, the rest were played by actors in "puppet" costumes (including in one frame with people's characters, where the illusion of the growth difference was achieved by visual alignment of a long and near plan).

In 1959, Directed by Dmitry Babichenko and Ivan Ivanov-Vano removed the cartoon "Adventure of Buratino", and in 1975 the director Leonid Nechaev removed the film "Adventure Buratino".

In 2005, two public awards were established in Russia: the Order of Pinocchio (for adults) and the Medal of Pinocchio (for children).

Familiar for children with the author's biography, the librarians in turn read the chapters from the book "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino". Also, during a conversation with children, interesting contests were held: "Blitz tournament for experts" about the heroes of the fairy tales, the game "Guess the description of the hero", and "Pile Mala" (choose from a heap of heroes from various works of only those found in "Gold The clavicle ")," Pope Carlo workshop "(guys were to remember, from which a suit for Pyratino was sewn).

At the end of the event, the children received promised at the beginning of a surprise - candy "Golden Key".

Children's library-branch number 2

The book introduces the child in the most difficult thing in life - into the world of human feelings, joys and suffering, relationships, motivations, thoughts, actions, characters. The book teaches "peering" in a person, to see and understand him, raises humanity. The reader in the child begins earlier than he will learn to read. The ability to draw up syllables and words is only a technique, the present reading is a source of spiritual enrichment. And a lot can give a child reading out loud. No wonder all moms read their children out loud fairy tales almost from birth.

On March 2, in the Children's Library-branch number 2, as part of a literacy movement, World Day reading out loud was held. Students of grade 2 of the Gymnasium No. 97 (30 people, the class teacher Asspenskaya N.V.) came to visit the library. Luche was read by the work of Valentina Kataeva "Flower-seven-flower".

To find out how carefully the guys listened to the fairy tale Valentina Petrovich Kataeva "Tsvetik-SemiChivietic", after reading the librarian Pashkova E.Yu. Suggested to young readers to answer questions quiz. The guys actively answered questions, found answers through mysteries, participated in the discussion:

- What feelings did you experience when they listened to the fairy tale? (Children's responses).
- What do you think, why a girl, spending six petals, was not happy?
- Why did she want to spend the last petal for recovery Viti?
- Sorry Zhenya, what did the last petal spent?
- How do you rate the deed of the fiance?
- What do you think to understand the feelings of another difficult or easy?
- What a wise thought wanted to convey to the reader V.P. Kataev? What should we learn?

After reading the saying "Hurry to do good", children together with the librarian came to the conclusion that we all need to be attentive to people. We must learn to see how others live, have feelings of compassion and, if possible, try to help them, as Zhenya did.

The library's visitors were offered mini-exhibition "I read I and my family."

Children's library-branch number 3

March is a great month in which Spring begins his interesting way, pleased with its spring, significant holidays. This is the long-awaited offensive of spring, and the day of cats, and March 8. A special place in this kaleidoscope of the holidays is the world day of reading out loud. Thousands of children and adults in dozens of countries of the world joined the World Day reading out loud. This year, Elets took part in it. At the initiative of MBUK "CBS G. Yelts" in the libraries of the city Promotion "We read together, read out loud!", active participation in which accepted and children's library - branch number 3.

On this day, students and teaching gymnasium "Alternative" came to visit the library (4th grade, 17 people), which employees of the library offered to celebrate two holidays at once - Cats Day and World Day reading out loud!

In a warm atmosphere, uniting animal lovers, the guys were able to learn more about the history of the home cat and about her wild relatives, to participate in the "Murr - Quiz", to take part in the "Cat in a bag" competition, to meet the exhibition "Soft paws, and in the legs - Scratching! ", As well as try your hand in acting skills and play in the scenes" Cat "and" Homeless Cat. "

And then the magical time of real live reading has come. Guys and adults (librarians and teachers) read with great pleasure story B. Zhitkov "Strong Cat".

After reading this work, the guys responded to questions on the text, and also reasoned about what this story teaches. Reading books out loud, creative tasks of the first part of the holiday and the dynamic pause for the song "Cat Mongrel" charged children and adults a good mood. We all united the book!

Photo report:

Central City Library. M. Gorky

Branch library №1 them. M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin

Library-branch number 2

Branch Library №4

Branch Library №5

Branch Library №6

Library-branch number 7

Library-branch number 8

Branch Library №9