Thread on clothes: Signs. Folk signs: if the thread attached to clothes

Thread on clothes: Signs. Folk signs: if the thread attached to clothes

There is a lot of adoption as good and not very, and they concern almost absolutely everything that surrounds man. Animals, birds, dishes, meteorological conditions may foresee a lot of events. Even the threads that are stuck to our clothes were no reason. They are also harbing many different events.

As a child, adults jokingly say the kids "to the bridegroom" or "bride", given the sex of the child. And wound up the thread on the finger and transfer the entire alphabet at the same time, and it was possible to learn the letter to which the name of the future of the second half begins.

Meaning Signs of sticking thread to clothing

This sign has several values. For example, for unmarried girls, the thread on clothes promises a meeting with the future beloved. In this case, looked at the color of the thread. If the dark thread - the husband will be a brunette, if bright - russes or blond. If the girl wanted to know the name of the future spouse, then wounded the thread on the Unnamed finger. Each turn around the finger corresponded to the letter of the alphabet. On which letter the thread will end, the name or surname of the Beloved will begin on that letter.
According to the same scheme, it was possible to learn about whether her young man loves her girl. To do this, you also need to wind up a thread and sentence: "Loves - does not like." In which version, the thread will end, these are the feelings of the groom in relation to the gadget girl.
Also, on the thread on clothing, you can diagnose your energy state. If the thread attached to clothes, it means that the attention of the universe is drawn. This means that you attract something. It can be both negative and positive. If the failures have been pursued in recently, then it means that everything is bad for you. This is a sign that means that you need something to change in your life. Think over the old saying: this attracts like that. Get rid of this case from thread - burn it with the words:
"Everything is bad - from me, all good - to me."
There is another interpretation of this folk signs. Upon sticking thread to clothing, you can find out your future. To do this, pay attention to its color.

Black thread - to trouble.
White - to an unexpected meeting.
Green thread - to the money.
Blue thread - to tears and disappointment.
Brown thread - to a serious conversation.
Yellow - to luck.
Red thread - to love or dating.
Multicolored thread promises change for the better.

Thread that you removed from your clothes, should not throw away. If something is good on it, it is better to save it until the prediction comes true. If the folk sign predicted to you a nuisance, then it is worth throwing this thread and forget that she has fallen you. So it is better to believe in good signs!

Almost any event or action there is a sign or superstition. Centuries-old experience allows you to interpret any, even seemingly insignificant action, for example, clusted to clothes thread. And basically pay attention to the color of the thread, after which the sign is becoming additional prediction details.

What is the "white thread on clothes"?

If you find a thread of light color on your clothes, it can be interpreted as:

  1. For this means an ambulance with a fan. White thread indicates that in the near future, her fiance will appear in the fate of the girl with serious intentions. By the way, most likely the future chosen one will be blond.
  2. Men such a find on clothes promises a pleasant acquaintance. It is possible that a new meeting from business will gradually turn into romantic relations with serious intentions.
  3. From everyday point of view, the sign promises serious changes in fate. And the color says that they will be happy and joyful. Perhaps you will be waiting for the service, getting big profits. New things will be successful, and you are waiting for good news.
Be sure to check the length of the thread attached to the clothes. If it is long, events will come soon, and short promises promised in the coming days.

By the way, the thread found on clothes is often used in fortune telling. For example, it is wound on the ring finger, and each turn means the letter according to the alphabet. The letter on which the score will end should be remembered - the name or surname of the future fan or husband begins with it.

Similarly, girls try to find out if its chosen one loves. White thread needs to wrap around a finger, saying alternately "loves, does not like." The word on which the length ends shows the true feelings of the second half. Of course, you should not believe in such an assessment of feelings.

If you feel that the coming events will be fateful and very important, save the thread found on clothes. This is a guarantee that the promised will come true.

Sometimes there is a band failure in life, things are going badly, a person cannot take the right decision. If white or light thread is closed to it, it must be saved. Threads of another color are recommended to immediately burn to take off the failure and problems.

Be sure to believe in good signs that promise good luck, health, pleasant changes!

18.07.2017 10:14

Each of us there are situations when we notice that the thread rushed to clothes. What does it mean?

Signs and superstitions say that the attractive thread is a sign that will be prompted about how your day will pass. And the tip is the color of this string.

What a thread attacked you?

White Thread promises a meeting. You should walk through the streets, stroll through shopping, go to the public event - there you can meet the old friend or girlfriend, and this meeting will please you.

Black Thread is associated with bad events. She warns you that you can easily get into a conflict situation, and even a harmless conversation can end it unpleasant. Therefore, now you have to communicate with people at a minimum.

Red Thread promises you romantic events and explanations in love. After all, the red color is the color of love! Therefore, be prepared that your chosen one will have a lyrical mood, and he will tell you about his feelings. Even if you are married, and in your relationship there are no romance for a long time - your husband will want to create it and make a surprise.

Yellow Thread promises parting with a close man, because yellow is the color of separation. But do not be afraid - it is very not necessary that this parting is forever. Most likely, your favorite will go somewhere - for example, on a business trip or to relatives.

Blue Thread, which clung to your clothes is a symbol of trouble. It is possible that someone from your surroundings will deal with you ugly, and you will have to take it because of this.

Green Thread is a wonderful sign. The day promises to be successful, you will definitely happen to something good - for example, pleasant news, surprise, a gift or pleasant communication.

BUT brown Thread is considered a symbol of ordness. If a thread of such a color was attached to you, then it means that your day will pass as usual - there will be a routine, and nothing new will happen.

Many people believe in signs associated with various subjects. Some of the believes bring good news, others deliver a lot of trouble. Believe in them or not, the case of each person. Many different superstitions are also associated with VILLINS. For example, how to find out what to expect in the future by take a white thread on clothes.

Where did the signs go about threads

Superstition about the meaning of the thread of different colors came from antiquity when people believed in magic, miracles. They paid attention to the slightest coincidences, transmitted signs from generation to generation. The beliefs turned into detail, changed in accordance with the era, but mankind is not yet ready to completely abandon them.

What do thread picked up to clothing

It is difficult to find a person who would not know any folk will take about the Villages sticking to the clothes. Even carrier parents, seeing such an attribute on a T-shirt, a child's pants, began to tear him the bride or groom. To find out the name of the future of the narrowed, wrapped on the baby's finger a hooked thread, calling the letters alphabetically.

Attention! In some notes about threads, the main thing is not the length, but their shade.

Sketches, if a white thread stuck to clothing

So, on the sleeve or on the pants, a white villina was detected, which she foreshadows:

  1. If white thread is found on the outfit of a lonely girl, very soon her life can change cool. Ahead is a important meeting with a young man who may make her proposal.
  2. If the White Village stuck on the jacket or pants of a man, then according to beliefs it is waiting for a pleasant romantic acquaintance that can grow into a married relationship.
  3. If the white thread got out of the clothes, then it takes happiness, joy. For people who dream of a career growth, it is possible to increase in office, respectively, will increase and salary. Good news will not make himself wait.
  4. Having found a white mill, it will not hurt to draw attention to its length. The long thread promises no disconnecting events, and with a short thread a long time to wait for a miracle.
  5. It is possible, as in childhood, to determine the name of the future of the narrowed: to wind the found item on the finger, calling the letters of the alphabet. The name or surname will be determined by the last letter, on which the Village ended.

The girl who has a white thread on his clothes can learn about the attitude of his beloved person. It is enough to wind the attribute of the superstition of the finger, saying: "Loves - does not like." Which of these words will be the last one feelings of the chosen. Of course, it is a frivolous, and joking sign, so it's not worth believing.

Important! If a person is scheduled for some positive changes or things do not matter, failure follows failure, the white thread should be hidden and not to tell anyone about it. Only in this case can be expected positive changes.

Sketches about gray thread on clothes

Gray from white differs only with a tint. The adhesive thread of this color acts almost the same, only its result comes later. All signs coincide.

Sketches about red thread on clothes

If the outfit turned out to be a red vile, then the person on which she was detected, love is waiting. You just need to look around to understand who really appreciates, respects. It is not necessary that this will be a stranger, most often this is the one who is nearby every day.

No wonder the red thread is a patron of love, because this is the color of the planet Mars, which has a powerful force, protection.

Other signs with red thread in the video:\u003dDxAuWTS0H50

Sketches about pink thread on clothes

Pink shade is considered a symbol of Venus, the color of romantics. The detection of such a villus is a signal to the fact that the difficulties in relationships with close people are approached by an end. The winner may have a second half. If the relationship is already available, then they will become more sensual, gentle. Self-assessment in a person, whose clothing has stuck pink color, will increase significantly.

Sketches if the black thread stuck to clothing

Black Village, rendering on clothes, you need to immediately burn, as it is a mustlera of bad events, conflicts, quarrels. So that superstition does not work, you need to stop meetings with people with whom relationships are not treated in order not to aggravate the situation.

Signs about other colors

And now about good signs for threads of other shades:

  1. If a silver darisy, its owner awaits a meeting with a new beloved, which can soon become much closer.
  2. Golden yellow thread - a signal to a quick journey. If there are nodules on ordinary thread, the trip will be difficult. If the thread is silk and unloaded, then the journey will give a lot of pleasant surprises.
  3. If the rolling thread of green, will soon come true what it was made earlier.

What threads bring bad news:

  1. Blue Villages on the signs are promoting trouble in love relationships: parting, tears of bitterness can not be avoided.
  2. Unpleasant superstitions are also associated with brown yarn. Ahead of complex times. To avoid them, you will have to work actively, more often to communicate with positive people to have a positive energy from them.

Why do we accept on the threshold thread with a nodule

Sometimes people find fibers of different colors with nodules on the threshold of their home. There it fell out of mind, someone specifically fell. Signs indicates unpleasant peres and gossip that dissolve colleagues or neighbors. Such a thread must be burned.

How to avoid the consequences predicted in the signs

The thread attached to clothing help determine the power of the fiber host. According to beliefs, the universe drew attention to this person. The relationship can be positive or negative. It should be understood that the man himself attracts failures if he has a negative karma.

You need to do something to change the situation for the better. Threads that contain negative information to protect themselves, you must definitely burn. So that bad signs do not affect, suggest: "Let all thin leave me, and the good will come to me and will remain with me."


By taking a white thread on clothes, another interpretation also has. The girls who are looking for their halves, in the color of the villi can determine the color of the hair narrowed. Threads of dark color indicate men with a dark chapel. Vilki bright tones - about blonde or ridgeing beloved. True, this is either fiction, solve each person yourself.