Day of Slavic writing and culture events in the library. The library lesson "the alphabet passed through the centuries" to the day of Slavic writing and culture was held in the branch library n2

Day of Slavic writing and culture events in the library. The library lesson "the alphabet passed through the centuries" to the day of Slavic writing and culture was held in the branch library n2

This event is the result of the implementation of the socially significant project "Daylight is the word for books". The participants of the project are students of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "OTs" Sernovodsk.

Project goal: formation of a positive image of the library as a modern, competent institution in its field and a reliable partner for an educational institution, the public and the general population; assistance in fostering interest in the history of their village in the younger generation, respectful attitude towards working people. Development of interest in creativity, in "live" performing activities among students.



"Daylight is a bookish word"

Target: to show the importance of the invention of the alphabet of Cyril and Methodius for the present, to form a positive image of the library as a modern, competent institution in its field and a reliable partner for an educational institution, the public and the general population; developinterest in creativity, in "live" performing activities among students.

V: Hello dear guys! Every year, on May 24, a holiday of spring - young and ancient - comes to the Russian land - the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. And May 27 is Library Day. Let's try to imagine what our life would be like if once, thousands of years ago, people had not invented writing, had not figured out how to write down their thoughts, to fix everything that needs to be remembered in documents. We would live without books and newspapers. All the experience accumulated by people was passed on from generation to generation only orally. The development of mankind would proceed very slowly, literally at a snail's pace. No, it is absolutely impossible to imagine something like that.

V: Simple speech, but how much intelligence is in it.

Words sound not for years, but for centuries.

On birch bark, on clay boards

We wrote down what was on the lips.

From the earliest years and still alive

A running word line ...

(E. Zavyalova)

V: The emergence of writing dates back to ancient times. The path to her was long and difficult. The systems of writing that exist today did not appear immediately. One of the greatest cultural treasures is the ancient monuments of writing. slide show

V: The first historian of Slavic writing was a Bulgarian scribe, a scientist - a monk, a monk Brave. He lived in the 10th century at the court of the Bulgarian king Simeon. Brave speaks of two stages in the development of Slavic writing. First, “when the Slavs were pagans, they did not have their own books, therefore they counted and guessed with the help of lines and cuts”. The second - “when they were baptized, they began to write in Roman and Greek letters,” but there was this letter “without dispensation,” not adapted for Slavic speech.

V: In 1899, during excavations in Ukraine, archaeologists found an earthen vessel with an unusual ornament. (Slide) It is possible that these drawings are exactly the signs that Brave calls "lines and cuts." Such signs appeared among the Slavs in the III-VI centuries. But this did not become the basis of our modern alphabet. The modern alphabet is a direct descendant of what was created by the great enlighteners - brothers Cyril and Methodius.

V: Try to test your knowledge and answer the quiz questions:

  1. What did his contemporaries call Cyril for his scholarship? (Philosopher)
  2. Bark, what kind of tree was used in Russia as a writing material? (Birch bark, birch bark)
  3. In the territory of which modern country was paper invented? (China)
  4. Which Russian tsar introduced a new civil font and made the letters look like modern ones? (Peter I)
  5. What was the name of the first printed newspaper in Russia? ("Vedomosti")
  6. What is the name of a rare ancient book? (Antique.)
  7. Which city became the birthplace of parchment books? (Pergamum)
  8. First writing material?(Papyrus)
  9. The name of an ancient form of a book, rolled into a tube and written on papyrus? (Scroll)
  10. What were the names of the two famous brothers who compiled the first Slavic alphabet? (Cyril and Methodius).
  11. What is the name of one of the Slavic alphabet, which became the basis of the Russian alphabet? (Cyrillic)

V: The first alphabet was called Glagolitic and consisted of 38 letters, but it was extremely inconvenient to read. The Solunsky brothers - Cyril and Methodius, borrowed some of the letters from the Greek alphabet, and invented some of them themselves. For the feat-creation of Slavic writing, the brothers were canonized. The Slavic alphabet was called Cyrillic.

V: In ancient times, books were written by hand. It took about 5-6 years of painstaking work to write one book, take it into a precious salary, draw illustrations. The handwritten books were genuine works of art. Naturally, such a book was very rare and expensive.

Printed books did not appear immediately:

The scribe rewrote each phrase.

Eyes tired, hand trembled.

And so it went on for centuries and centuries.

V: In order for book knowledge to become the property of the people, it was necessary to simplify the process of making a book. In the middle of the 14th century, typography came to Russia. The first Russian pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov in 1564 published the first printed book in Russian "Apostle".

V: Literate people at all times were valued in Russia. Proverbs and sayings were formed about them. Let's remember the proverbs about literacy and learning.

Tell a proverb.

1. What is written with a pen -you cannot cut it out with an ax.

2. The book is not red in writing - but red... with intelligence.

3. The ABC is science - and for the guys… flour.

4. Learning literacy - always... come in handy.

5. Learning is beauty, but ignorance…simplicity.

6. The root of learning is bitter - yes the fruit... its sweet.

7. The book is small - but the mind... added.

V: Everything that is created by the mind

Everything the soul strives for

Like amber at the bottom of the sea,

To be carefully stored in books. (Yu.Vagan)

V: Since people learned to write, they have entrusted all their wisdom to books, and from time immemorial libraries have appeared on our land - storehouses of wisdom.

Once captured wonderful,

You will not break free forever!

The world is endlessly interesting

The magical world of libraries!


Sernovodsk Library was opened in 1953. Unfortunately, no photographs and data on the composition of the book fund have survived.

Today the library is located on the second floor in the cultural center. In its fund there are more than 12.5 thousand copies.

The library consists of a subscription and a reading room.

On a subscription, books are handed out: for adults - for a month, for children - for 10 days. Here the fund is divided into age categories:

Readers 8-9 years old - "Book Treasure Islands"

And readers are 10-15 years old "Bibliograd".

The reading room is a place where you can read a book in a comfortable environment.

In addition, there is an Electronic Resources Hall for children, where the user can visit educational sites for free and copy or print the necessary information.

For adults, the Public Center for Access to Socially Significant Websites operates.

For the little user, there is a dedicated fund where you can not only look through the book, but also play.

Colorful magazines, encyclopedias - this is a fascinating reading for many visitors!

Library - what word,

It's almost like the Bible - holy

For those who love a book, reading in silence,

No wonder they say: "A pharmacy for the soul."

The library, in that is its meaning,

In which she was from ancient times,

What we found inspiration in her,

And so that the soul could open up here!

Over time, the library develops and is replenished with new editions. And this year, 6th grade students under the guidance of I.A. a study was carried out on the basis of the Sernovodsk library.

Look what the library was like in 1954 and what it is now!

Book fund

2 481

12 603

Admission for the year

Eliminated in a year

Number of readers






As a result of painstaking work, the most widely read author was identified.

It was A.S. Pushkin, who, in turn, wrote about the book as follows:

“A book is a window to the world. You open a page, another - the walls of the room will move apart, you will see far, far away; you will hear the voices of those who lived for a long time, or who are now from you beyond the distant lands, beyond the forests and seas ”.


1 th: Pushkin! This solar name enters your life, it seems, from the moment of birth. It bursts in with the first cry and remains with you to the end, leaving only with the last breath. It fills your life as naturally - as necessary as light, as air, as happiness and joy, as love and kindness, so necessary for us in order to feel every minute all the charm of the most ingenuous being.

2 th: Pushkin is what came before you - will come after! He is life itself! Pushkin presents the whole gamut of human experiences and feelings!

1Th: Pushkin is the most beloved writer in our country. Everyone knows him, everyone reads his books; many of his works are rewritten several times. His poems are memorized. Everyone is familiar with his portrait - everyone, looking at this face with lively, clear eyes, curly hair and curly sideburns on his cheeks, will say: this is Pushkin.

2Th: Already 176 years have passed since the death of Pushkin (he died in 1837), but his memory does not die, love for him does not pass, and his fame is growing.

So today we would like to remember Alexander Sergeevich and his creations, because on June 6, Alexander Sergeevich would have turned 215 years old!

3Th: What did Pushkin do, how did he deserve such worldwide fame and such ardent love?

Pushkin wrote for adults, but he knew how to write so simply and at the same time so interesting that much of what he wrote is understandable and close to children.

1Th : Who among the children does not know Pushkin's poem about a snowstorm, which, like a beast screams, will cry like a child, and about a sad poet listening to these sounds, sitting in a shabby hovel together with his old nanny?

2Th: Who has not read the funny tale about the priest and about his worker Balda, the tales about Tsar Saltan, about the dead princess, about the golden cockerel?

3Th: As we grow older, we learn other, more serious and difficult works of Pushkin, and, re-reading his old things, familiar to us from childhood, we begin to see and understand a lot in them that we did not understand before. And then Pushkin becomes even closer to us, even more expensive.

1Th: Do you know, Pushkin wrote the only fable "The Artist and the Shoemaker" and you have a unique opportunity to get to know her.

Painter and shoemaker

Duration: 4 minutes; number of actors: from 1 to 3.




The narrator

Workshop with an open window. In the middle of the stage there is an easel on it with a canvas depicting a discharged dandy and a girl in a silk tunic. The artist, humming a melody under his breath, moves a brush across the canvas.

The narrator

One artist, clearly one of the greats,

Whose skill will be famous for centuries,

He painted the picture "Dreams of Eurydice",

And danced the brush in his hands.

Inspiration burned like a flame -

Was he fanned by the devil or God?

But still and everyday affairs

Our artist could not neglect.

There is a rhythmic beat of a piece of iron on an empty can.

The artist leans out the window.

Artist Come in, my dear! There is work!

A shoemaker walks into a workshop and places his toolbox on the floor. The artist takes out a shoe with a torn off sole and hands it to the Shoemaker.

Shoemaker (looking at the boot)

Well well! Let's see ... The shoes are not bad,

Let's fix the matter. Can I sit here?

The shoemaker takes out a hammer, sits down on his box, knocks on the boot with it and returns it to the owner.

The shoemaker Godok will serve.

Artist Much grateful!

The artist hands the shoemaker money. The shoemaker looks at the painting.


Interesting, I see, the craft.

And they pay a lot for such a bar?

Artist How lucky anyone with taste.

The shoemaker comes closer to the painting and examines it.

Shoemaker (mockingly)Let me see you paint a dandy

He is all dressed in silk and lace,

And his boots are without welts.

The shoemaker points his finger at the painting.

Shoemaker He would have put on such a devil with two!

The artist looks at the painting.

Artist (concerned)

No welt? Yes, I see, exactly, exactly ...

You have an eye, you scoundrel!

I'll fix it now.

The artist runs a brush across the canvas. The shoemaker looks over his shoulder.

Shoemaker (busily)A little below the line!

The artist again runs the brush across the canvas.

Artist And what, my dear, would I do without you?

Shoemaker (arrogantly with the air of a connoisseur)

And then there's the face a little crooked ...

Are the girls' breasts too naked?

Artist (mockingly)

However, the critic of you is zealous!

Judge, my friend, no higher than a boot!

The Artist pushes the Shoemaker out the door.

The narrator

There are many lovers in the world

To judge a subject unknown to them

Ambitious, with the air of connoisseurs.

Friends, do not let these fools,

Moral cuffs for you!

2Th : Almost all major works of A.S. Pushkin wrote operas. "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

3Th: Eugene Onegin, The Queen of Spades, Boris Godunov, Dubrovsky and The Young Lady - Peasant Woman.

1Th: The appeal to the work of Alexander Pushkin "The Young Lady - the Peasant Woman" is our modest sign of recognition, worship, gratitude and boundless love for the greatest of creators.

Staging "The Young Lady - Peasant Woman"

V: As history testifies, the library was and will be the Sacred Temple of living printed words. After all, there are two holidays for a reason: the Day of Slavic Culture and Writing, which we celebrate on May 24, and the Day of Libraries on May 27, are always nearby.

V: The English writer William Thackeray has wonderful words about the library: “What a pleasure it is to be in a good library. Looking at books is already happiness. Before you is a feast worthy of the gods; you realize that you can take part in it and fill your cup to the brim. "

Q: Let the library will fill your spiritual cup! And now a song will sound for you: "There is a library next door"

On May 24, the day of remembrance of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Russia celebrates the Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture. This holiday dates back to the church tradition that existed back in the X-XI centuries. Traditionally, this is one of the brightest national, patriotic holidays of the Slavic peoples. "JOURNEY TO THE COUNTRY OF THE SLAVIC ABC" - a festive event for junior and high school students to celebrate this milestone in our history.



Scenario of a festive event dedicated to

Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture

1. What caused it.

An exemplary scenario-immersion of the holiday of Slavic writing and culture

The phonogram of the all-Slavic anthem "Slavs" is played.

The presenters (adult and child) enter the stage

The child leader reads poems by I. A. Bunin

Tombs, mummies and bones are silent, -

Life is given only to the Word:

From the ancient darkness, on the world churchyard

Only Letters sound.

And we have no other property!

Know how to protect

Though to the best of his ability, in the days of anger and suffering,

Our immortal gift is speech. (1915)

Adult presenter:

The old syllable attracts me.

There is a charm in ancient speech.

She happens to our words

And more modern and sharper. (B. Akhmadullina. 1962)

Once again, within the walls of the hospitable Palace of Culture, there are those who are dear to the history of our Fatherland, its culture, our language, its origins. Everywhere in our country and abroad, the days of Slavic culture and writing are celebrated, because in May the memory of Saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius, Slovenian teachers, is celebrated. The creators of the new alphabet left as a legacy to the Slavic peoples that which enriched our culture, made it fruitful, just as a wild olive tree is grafted with noble shoots, and a new viable breed is born. Why was their activity so successful? Because their goal was high: to introduce the Slavs to the Christian faith through the comprehension of literacy, through the study of book science.

And we want to honor their memory, starting our holiday with the performance of an ancient hymn in their honor - the troparion. (They leave. The chorus sings the troparion next to the stage.)

Like an apostle of equal equality

And teachers of Slovenian countries,

Cyril and Methodius of Divine Wisdom,

Pray to the Lord of all,

All Slovenian languages ​​should be affirmed in Orthodoxy and like-mindedness,

Pacify the world

And save our souls.

An adult presenter comes out. And today schoolchildren will go on a trip to the name day of the Slavic Alphabet.

A messenger runs onto the stage. He waves a scroll. The other two carry out and place a large BASKET in the foreground.

Messenger: (Loudly) A message from Her Majesty! (stops). Who are the travelers here?

Her Majesty has ordered a Message to be delivered to you!

Travelers accept the scroll. They unfold, read.

"My dear friends! I am glad to welcome you at the beginning of your journey. This time you have to travel through time and space. You will find yourself in different situations, you will see events from the history of writing. And each time you have to name the time, place and characters. Whenever you are in trouble, my fabulous KNOWLEDGE BASKET will help you. Ask her for help. Good luck!


Adult presenter: (Addressing the audience): We wish our travelers success too. Who knows, maybe the knowledge of those sitting in the hall will be useful to them.

Participants are located on the left in the proscenium. The light goes out. Music sounds.

SCENE 1 The childhood of Cyril and Methodius.

The soundtrack "sound of the sea" sounds. The middle of the stage is illuminated. There are two teenagers on it. One of them is older. The elder one throws pebbles (imitates), the younger, sitting, “draws on the sand”.

Junior: (getting up, turns to the elder): Why does our teacher speak Greek all the time at school? I heard him speak excellent Slavic in the shop.

Senior. So it's in the shop. And at school you can only speak Greek. Because knowledge, books are all from the Greeks.

Jr. Why don't the Slavs have their own books?

Senior. Because you can't write in Slavic.

Jr. Like this? And here I’m going to take it and write “DOM”. (Draws with a stick in the sand).

Senior. And you can't write “I LIVE IN THE HOUSE”, because there is no such letter “Ж”, and there is no “I” either.

Junior: But you can think of them. After all, if words can be pronounced, then they can be written down. Only signs are needed.

Senior. Some will not work. Language is a whole system. There can be nothing accidental in it.

Jr. But if you still try. Like this, for example. (Draws in the sand). Let it be I. But this is J.

The teacher appears on the stage. He hears the boys talking.

Jr. Teacher, look, we're making new letters!

Teacher. Don't you know that only the cultural languages ​​are worthy of parchment - Latin and Greek. All other languages ​​are crude and barbaric, and you cannot write in them! Anyone who wants to learn how to write must learn Greek.

Senior: Teacher! But it is said: "The Light of Christ enlightens everyone"! All people are children of God and are worthy of enlightenment.

Teacher. Yes, but if you start translating the sacred books into the barbaric dialects of the pagans, their meaning, which is the Word of God, may be distorted. Let them learn Greek better, and through knowledge they become strengthened in the faith.

Jr. But it takes a long time to learn languages. And there are so few teachers. Now, if I could let people read books in their native language.

Senior. This must be to strengthen their faith ...

Teacher. Yes, but it will take a new alphabet, a new spelling and many, many years to translate all the books. In the entire empire, there are hardly any scholars capable of such work. You need to be the chosen one of God to cope with such a task. (Addressing the audience, loudly) Who will undertake this? (Changes intonation). Come on, it's time for us to start our lesson! (Deleted)

Greek music begins to play. The elder, looking around, leaves behind him. The lighting gradually dims. Only the youngest boy in the foreground is brightly lit. He silently looks ahead, as if peering into the future. The music gets louder. Then the light goes out.

K about n e c s c e n to i.

The facilitator asks questions:

1. Who were these boys whom we now saw on stage?

2. In what country were they born, in what city, in what century?

3. In which country did their translation activity begin and what is the name of this country now?

4. Which book was the first to come out from the pen of the first teachers?

5. Who else repeated the feat of St. Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius for peoples that do not have their own written language. When it was?

If travelers find it difficult to answer, they look in the KNOWLEDGE BASKET for an envelope with the corresponding inscription of the scene, open it and read out the answer.

This is what they do after every scene!

SCENE 2. In the printing house of Ivan Fedorov. Moscow. 1564 year.

There are two in one corner of the stage. They rearrange the stacks of sheets. From the other end, a boy runs out from the backstage. Suddenly he stops, trying to examine the PRINTING YARD sign.

Boy. What is it there?

1 adult. Come in and see for yourself.

Boy. (Approaches cautiously. Considers). Wow! And what will it be!

2 adults. The book will be.

Boy. (incredulous). Book? Books are written with pen and ink, and here are some pillars and boards.

1 adult. And we cast the letters from tin, and then put them one to the other and print. So the pages come out.

Boy. Can I touch the letter?

2 adults. Do you understand the letter? Take the letter your name begins with.

Boy (takes out the letter M). Here, my letter will be Thought!

1 adult. And what is your name?

Boy. I am the son of the cooper Yakov Kazarin. Teach me how to add letters like this. I can help you. Will you be typing a new sheet now?

2 adults. Do we print one at a time? We do a lot of the same at once. Today we are finishing work - there will be new books! (points to stacks of books)

1 adult. You, brother, wait! I just want to print the Primer! * For the benefit of the Russian people! * So that every house has its own book - to teach children. (** Inscription on the ABC book)

Boy. And me and my brothers will have their own primer ?!

2 adults. The time will come - it will definitely be! (loudly, addressing the audience, holding a large book) But remember today - the first book in Russia has been published! Spotlight - to the center of the stage.

The light goes out. Music.

K about n e c s c e n to i.

Host questions:

Who was in front of us on stage?

What day did Ivan Fedorov ask to remember?

Which book was completed that day?

SCENE 3 Reform of the alphabet of Peter 1

On the stage there is a bench, a table.

Grandfather. It's not like that today! You look at a person earlier - a beard, a sable fur coat, you will immediately see a boyar. (Comic) And now - the face is naked, the dress is curt. You don’t understand whether it’s a merchant or who. Well, they would walk like that themselves, or they even dress the children.

Boy (reads). Our - Is - NOT, Buki - He - BO, SKY ...

Father enters.

Grandfather. (grumpily) Boyarin, but he works like a simple craftsman, before these ships were not - and nothing, they lived.

Father: Andrey, I brought you a book.

Grandfather. What else is this book? He also did not read the entire Book of Hours.

Father: Will have time, tyatya, read it. (Hands out to his son who ran up) Here you go, son!

A son. (reads slowly) G-e-o-m-e-t-r-i-ya. (Pointing finger at the page). And what's that?

Father: These are numbers to represent numbers. Maybe now you will enter a navigation school. Russia needs learned people.

Grandfather: (looks into the book). What are these numbers? From time immemorial in Russia, numbers were written in letters. Az is one. Lead - two. What's bad?

Boy (happily) Grandpa, just as easy! You can immediately see where the number is, and where the word is written!

Grandfather (continuing to peer, bitterly): And words, words! Eh!

Boy. (consoling) Of course, grandfather, these letters are not so beautiful, but they are simple! It's easier to write them.

Grandfather: Everything would be easier for you!

Father. (Addressing the audience). We will study sciences with new letters! (He puts his hand on his son's shoulder). Really, son?

Music. The light goes out.

K about n e c s c e n to i.

Host questions:

What moment in the history of the Russian state appears before us now? Time? Governing body? Event?

Which book was printed with the first new civil alphabet?

What letters was the Russian Academy of Sciences forced to return to the Russian alphabet in that 18th century?

Scene 4. Reform of the alphabet 1918. In the printing house.

There are two on the stage (master and apprentice). They put things scattered about by someone (boxes, boxes, etc.).

Master. Well, finally we got out. How much noise there was! Nagant was threatened. Hand over, they say, unnecessary letters!

Journeyman. Why are they "unnecessary"?

Master. Yes, listen ... (He takes the Izvestia newspaper, reads the decree):

“In order to free the school from unproductive labor (makes an expressive pause, raises his face):

Eliminate the letter t (yat) followed by its replacement through e

Eliminate the letter A (fit) with its replacement through f.

Eliminate the letter B (and decimal) and replace it with and.

Exclude the letter ъ (ep) at the end of words (Silent pause).

Journeyman. How are we going to recruit the "Announcements" section tomorrow? "ANNOUNCEMENTS", or what? After all, all-all solid signs were taken away.

Master. (sadly, bewildered) Yes, Vedomosti was already printed with an apostrophe. Well, okay, go to bed, tomorrow there is a lot of work.

They lie down on the benches, fall asleep. "Magic" music sounds.

A motionless heap of letters comes to life in the corner. They get up, go to the proscenium.

Izhitsa (small, with a thin voice, shakes her head): I don’t believe, I don’t believe, I don’t believe, I don’t believe! (Changes intonation) Lord, what is being done ?! Excluded !? So after all, even during the reign of Emperor Peter the Great, they tried to expel me, but they could not do without me, so the Academy of Sciences restored me! Because how to distinguish between mv1r and mv1r without zhitsa? And who will these "mvronosits" be? Again, how can we correctly understand the saying “We are all smeared with the same mv1rom”?

And decimal. (very thin, speaks with dignity). And under Peter the Great they left me alone, without a sister (points to the letter I, which stands frowning). And now they were arguing, arguing who is better, and they did the opposite.

And octal. (plump, phlegmatic). But they wanted to leave their sister again, as then, because she was supposedly thinner (comically spreads her arms, showing her fullness. And the decimal at the same time sadly straightens her thin shoulders). We will save paper, they say! (Sarcasm) Whole 1 percent!

And decimal. Eh, there was no Count Tolstoy on them! Go, now distinguish Lev Nikolaevich's War and Peace from Mayakovsky's War and Peace ?!

Fita. (Solemnly, with pathos, in Greek) "Pistevo is ena pheon pater ..." (Changes intonation) When you start learning z5sy1tsy, and do people learn to be vain? In European languages, there is so much: the same sounds are conveyed by different letters, and even several consonants in a row. But no one dares to change the spelling, but we have something, we have something! (With pain). One word, atheists!

Yat. What is this now? Donkey and donkey will write the same now? Now how can the noun мtлъ be distinguished from the verb melъ? And the case endings? (Turns to the audience, speaks in a drawn-out manner) Oh, and our schoolchildren will suffer with unstressed vowels!

The same music sounds. The light goes out.

K about n e c s c e n to i.

Host questions:

1.What time does this scene refer to? What events took place then?

2. What kind of world did the letter Izhitsa speak about, who are the myrrh-bearers and what does the saying “Greased with one world” mean?

3. What kind of world is the title of Tolstoy's novel and Mayakovsky's poem talking about?

What languages ​​did the letter Fita speak and what did she quote?

Host: Years have passed. People got used to the new spelling. And now the complete Cyrillic alphabet is being studied in modern schools. Throughout Russia, sitting at a school desk, schoolchildren learn to read and write ancient letters. And experts of their own have already appeared. Today some of them are on our stage. They will now receive a written assignment. They will have to read a text from an ancient book, which will be very difficult, since it is written in accordance with the ancient tradition without division into words.

The assistants carry out the text from the ancient book on a large sheet. Travelers retire backstage. While they carry out the task, the choir is invited to the stage.

Upon returning, the travelers read the text.

Adult presenter: Our today's journey has come to an end. We all together with our heroes visited different countries and cities, saw different events. Our travelers proved themselves to be true connoisseurs of Slavic culture and writing. And now the solemn moment of meeting with Her Majesty the Slavic Alphabet comes.

Solemn music sounds. Her Majesty the Slavic Alphabet appears. She delivers a solemn speech and rewards travelers.

The combined choir sings a hymn to the founders of the alphabet (Music by V.I. Glavach, words by M.P. Rozengeim).

Glory to you, brothers, enlighteners of the Slavs,

Church of the Slavic Holy Fathers!

Glory to you, teachers of Christ's righteousness,

Glory to you, our creators!

Be a link of unity to the Slavs,

Holy brothers: Methodius, Cyril!

Let the spirit of reconciliation dawn upon him

Your prayer before the Lord of forces!

Concluding remarks from the presenter.


1. Anichkov E.V. Paganism and Ancient Russia. SPb, 2004.

2. Afanasyev A.N. The tree of life. Selected articles. M., 1982.

3. Belyakova S.M., Novikova L.A., Frolov N.K. Introduction to Slavic Philology. - Tyumen, 1991.

4. Galkovsky N.M. Christianity and paganism. v.1 - The struggle of Christianity with the remnants of paganism in Ancient Russia; vol. 2 - Old Russian words and teachings directed against the remnants of paganism among the people - M., 2003, 320 pages. vol. 1, vol. 2

5. Demin V.N. Treasured paths of the Slavic tribes. M., 2002.

6. Zelenin D.K. Selected Works. M., 1994.

7. Ivanov V.V., Toporov V.N. Research in the field of Balto-Slavic spiritual culture. M., 1993.

8. Ivanov V.V., Toporov V.N. Research in the field of Slavic antiquities. M., 1994.

9. Ivanov V.V., Toporov V.N. Slavic language modeling semiotic systems. (Ancient period). M., 1965.

10. Maslova G.S. Folk clothes in East Slavic traditional customs and rituals of the 19th - early 20th centuries. M., 1984.

11. Petrukhin V.Ya. Slavs. M., 1999.

12. Sedov V.V. Slavs in antiquity. M., 1994.

13. Selishchev A.M. Slavic linguistics. Vol. 1. M., 1941.

14. Semenova M. We are Slavs! M., 1997.

15. Slavic and Balkan linguistics. The structure of small folklore texts. M., 1993.

16. Uspensky B.A. Philological research in the field of Slavic antiquities. M., 2002.


Preparation for the holiday.

On May 24, the day of remembrance of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Russia celebrates the Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture. This holiday dates back to the church tradition that existed back in the X-XI centuries. Traditionally, this is one of the brightest national, patriotic holidays of the Slavic peoples.

There is good reason to talk about the uniqueness of this holiday. He is a significant phenomenon in cultural and political life. The appeal to the origins of the national cultures of the Slavic peoples and their close relationship emphasize the organic unity and, at the same time, the diversity of cultural traditions.

Almost twelve centuries separate us from the time when the great Slavic enlighteners Cyril and Methodius lived and worked. The first teachers not only translated the most important Christian books from ancient Greek into Slavic, but also brought up a whole galaxy of disciples, from whom the tree of the great Slavic culture grew.

During the Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture, organizers and participants should set the following goals and objectives:

Preserving genuine linguistic culture, fostering a respectful attitude to the history of the Russian language and domestic culture;

Development of the aesthetic sense of schoolchildren based on elements of traditional culture;

Development of interdisciplinary connections of all educational courses, the content of which allows solving the problems of spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren.

The starting point in the formation of the holiday script should be the alphabet itself. The history of its creation, as well as all the bright events from the life of the brothers Cyril and Methodius and their students and followers, are an essential and important part of the preparatory and festive program in the direction of studying the Slavic writing and culture. Holiday format - immersion in the era - allows you to organize a dialogue of cultures.

The holiday program may also include the following contests:

Fine art competition,

Folk costume competition,

Folklore groups competition,

Competition of traditional Russian cuisine,

Children's Writing Competition,

Competition of notebooks in the Russian language.


Sample questions for preparing holiday participants


1. Life of Saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius

1. In what country were they born, in what city, in what century?

2. In which country did their translation activity begin and what is the name of this country now?

3. Which book was the first to come out from the pen of the first teachers?

* Who else repeated the feat of St. Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius for peoples that do not have their own written language. When it was?

2. The first dated printed book

1. The names of the first Russian printers.

2. What day is celebrated as the day of the first printed book.

3. What book appeared on this day?

3. Reform of the spelling of Peter 1

1. What caused it.

2. What letters were reformed.

3. Which book was printed with the first new civil alphabet?

4. * What letters was the Russian Academy of Sciences forced to return to the Russian alphabet in that 18th century?

4. Spelling reform of 1918

1. What letters were reformed.

2. What is mir, mbr, mv1ro, who are the myrrh-bearers, and what does the saying “Greased with one world” mean?

3. What kind of peace does the title of Tolstoy's novel War and Peace refer to?

5. How the numbers were written in ancient books.

6. Know the names and their origin (how the name is translated and from what language).

Scenario of the event for the holiday of Slavic writing and culture "Light and Good of Saints Cyril and Methodius"

Matvienko Valentina Nikolaevna, teacher of the interdisciplinary course "Russian language with
teaching methodology ", teacher-methodologist
Place of work: SPOU "Makeevka Pedagogical College"

Scenario of a college-wide out-of-class event (literary-historical composition) Light and Good of Saints Cyril and Methodius

Target: the formation of spiritual and moral values ​​of future specialists, their introduction to the history of their native language, to the spiritual sources of Russian culture.
To acquaint with the educational activities of St. rvnp. Cyril and Methodius, to determine the significance of their contribution to the enlightenment of the Slavic peoples.
To develop abilities and arouse interest, aimed at disclosing a cognitive interest in the history of their Fatherland, in the history of their native language.
Develop a culture of the spoken word, enrich and improve the vocabulary of students.
To cultivate an attentive and careful attitude to the word, a sense of beauty, reverence for the secret of knowledge.
To form the moral qualities of a student based on the spiritual origins of the Slavic language (love for the native word, patriotic feelings).
1. Information and communication technologies (ICT)
2. Video: "My Donbass", "The Most Holy Theotokos", "Prayer to the Theotokos".
3.Multimedia presentation
4.Images of Saints Cyril and Methodius
5. Church Slavonic alphabet (Cyrillic)
6. Reproductions from man-made books, posters with proverbs and sayings about the Slavic alphabet
Event progress
(Video "Our Donbass")
Lead 1. Homeland ... What is Homeland?
Lead 2. This is my favorite Donbass!
Donetsk region, you are not sweeter!
You are the cradle of the steppe grass and the smells of wormwood.
Purple sunset, sunny dawn
You are a gray sky and joy and despondency.
Lead 3. Your air, dusty, is cleaner than a girl's tears,
Rowan is a bitter taste familiar from childhood.
Wake up at dawn in the ringing bird song -
The crane wedge sends you greetings from the sky.

Lead 4. Wheat fields are like rivers of gold
Green forests and lush gardens.
Captivating aroma of field herbs
They will leave traces in the heart forever.

Lead 1. Donetsk region, you are not sweeter!
You are the land of factories, mines and waste heaps.
You are the land of unbroken and valiant people.
You are a lump of power, beauty and strength.

Lead 2. What is Homeland? The Motherland is also our native language, the great, mighty Russian language!

Lead 3. Language, our magnificent language,
River and steppe expanse in it,
It contains the rattles of an eagle and a wolf's roar,
Chant and ringing and incense of worship.
Lead 4. In it is the cooing of a dove in the spring,
The lark takes off towards the sun - higher, higher.
Birch grove: through light,
Heavenly rain sprinkled on the roof.
K. Balmont
Lead 1. You marvel at the jewels of our language: every sound is a gift; everything is grainy, as large as myself
pearls, and really, another name is even more precious than the thing itself.
N.V. Gogol

Lead 2. All the richness and splendor of the Russian language comes to life under the pen of our writers and poets.
Lead 3. Scientific treatises are born under the pen of scientists.
Lead 4. It's great that the great creations of the human mind have come down to us, it's great that we can
read it.
Lead 1. It's great that we have written speech. Many of us have never thought about
how did writing appear, who invented the letters - graphic signs that convey the sound
speech; who created the Russian alphabet?
(Video. Bells and flute)

Linguist 1. By the beginning of its national writing, each nation marks a special milestone in its history.
Slavic writing has an amazing origin.
Linguist 2. Not everyone knows that May 24 is a special day. May 24 - Day of Slavic Writing and
culture, Day of veneration of the holy enlighteners Cyril and Methodius, who gave the Slavs that
writing, the alphabet that we still use.

Lead 1. For those who hear their names for the first time, we begin our story.

Historian 1. It was a long time ago - in the 9th century. On the border with Bulgaria, there was one of the largest provinces
Byzantium, the capital of which was the city of Solunius (Soluni). The family of the military commander had
seven children. His father was Bulgarian, his mother was Greek; therefore, the family had two native languages
- Greek and Bulgarian.

Historian 2. The eldest in the family was Mikhail, the youngest was Konstantin. They will later become known.
as enlighteners Methodius and Cyril, creators of the Slavic alphabet.

Historian 1. Mikhail Solunsky, the eldest of the brothers, followed in his father's footsteps and chose a military career. V
For 20 years he was already the governor of Slavia, which was subordinate to Byzantium. But after 10 years
he decided to change his life.

Reader 1. But I hear more and more often
Wonderful voice in silence
Like a divine lyre
Calls me to leave the world
Live in a small monastery
In works and long reflections,
Praying to God at dawn
Spending days in solitude.
Historian 2. Michael left military service and went to Mount Athos, tonsured a monk and received the name Methodius.
Historian 1. Konstantin was 12 years younger than his brother. As a capable young man, he was admitted to school at
courtyard of the Byzantine emperor Michael III. There he studied philosophy, grammar, rhetoric,
all Hellenic arts and also studied languages. He knew 22 languages. Constantine was the best
student and nicknamed him the Philosopher.
Historian 2. After graduating from the course of science, Konstantin became the patriarchal librarian, then taught at the university

Historian 1. But he had a different fate - to carry the Christian faith to the Slavic lands, to the lands
Historian 2. The Byzantine emperor sent the Sounsky brothers to the Khazar kingdom, and then to the Slavic
the country of Moravia, to Prince Rostislav, to bring this people the light of truth, the light
Christianity, Christian faith.

Historian 1. Constantine preached to them the ideas of good, advised them to live righteously, not to offend each other and
neighbors, educate your mind. But he understood that advice would be wasted. Slavs could not
enlighten your mind.
Historian 2. How to teach Christian teaching to people who do not have a written language? After all, they cannot
read neither the Holy Scriptures nor any other holy books!
Historian 1. On behalf of the Byzantine Emperor Michael III, Cyril began to create the Slavic
ABCs. He went to the monastery to his elder brother Methodius.
Reader 2. The light of the lamp is quietly smoldering,
Silence slumbers in the monastery,
You can only hear the ringing of the cicadas
In the thorny thickets on the mountain.
It's good to be alone forever
Among the gray and majestic mountains,
Meditate on God and pray
And look into the shining space.
(Video. Prayer to the Mother of God - Malyshev's song)

Reader 1. Mother of God! Blessed Virgin!
You taught the baby Christ
Inspire us for a good deed -
The sounds of letters went to our lips.
Enlighten, Mother of God, peoples,
Who have no books yet.
Give them faith, love, and freedom
And the teachings of the Christian light!
(Soft music sounds)
Lead 1. It was very quiet in the temple, candles flickered, and large southern stars looked out the window. Constantine
his soul suddenly became joyful: he felt that his prayer had been heard by the Mother of God herself!
(Prayer to the Mother of God)

Lead 2. After the prayer service, the brothers and five of their faithful disciples began to create the Slavic alphabet.
Everything was easy for them, because the Lord Himself guided them. The alphabet folded like
mosaic picture.
Linguist 1. The Russian alphabet is a unique phenomenon among all known methods of letter writing. V
the alphabet and only in it there is content. The Proto-Slavic alphabet is a message -
a set of encoded phrases. Let's look at the first three letters - AZ, BUKI, VEDI. AZ - I, BUKI -
letters, letters, VEDI - to know, to know. Thus, the following phrase is obtained: AZ BUKI
LEAD - I know the letters. THE VERB IS GOOD - A word is an asset. LIVE is to live in
labor, and not vegetate. GREEN - diligently. EARTH - planet Earth and its inhabitants - earthlings. AND -
union and. IZHE - those that they are. HOW - how, like. PEOPLE are intelligent beings. This part
the alphabet meant: You live green, earth, and people like that - live working hard, earthlings, and
as befits people. THINK OUR REST - comprehend our universe.
Linguist 2.РЦЫ - the imperative mood of the verb say, utter, read aloud. WORD - transmitting
knowledge. FIRM - confidently, convinced. So three words add up to a phrase: rtsy word is firm
- carry knowledge with conviction. UK is the basis of knowledge. Compare: science, teach, skill, custom. FERT -
fertilizes. The alphabet recorded the differences between the sounds "p" and "f". In the middle of the century
South Europeans who pronounced "f" instead of "P" in Russia were called fryags precisely because of the peculiarities
speech. In German, the word "herr" means lord, God, in Greek "hiero"
translated - divine, in English HERO Hero, as well as the Russian name of God - Horos.
It turns out that the letter XEP meant "divine, given from above." UK FERT HER: knowledge -
God's gift.
Linguist 1."CHERVE SHTA ERA YUS YATI" stands for "dare, tochi, worm, so that Jehovah's light
comprehend "!
Lead 2. Here it is, the alphabetical message! In modern translation it sounds like this:
I know the letters:
A letter is an asset.
Work hard, earthlings,
As befits reasonable people,
Comprehend the universe!
Use the word with conviction:
Knowledge is a gift from God!
Dare, delve into
To comprehend the light of existence!

Lead 3. The Russian alphabet is our national treasure. It is he who reflects all the wealth of our
the great Russian language, it is he who is the core of our culture, our identity,
of our being as a Russian nation.
Lead 4. After the creation of the ABC, the brothers began to translate church books into the language of the Slavs and, finally,
Constantine wrote the first line of the Gospel of John in beautiful new letters: “In the beginning was

Reader 2. Having prayed to God in the morning,
Leaning over the saint's sheet,
Brought letters to his pen
Radiant Angel golden.
And the letters of Slavic ligature lay down,
And line after line,
Becoming a great book,
By the hand sent by the Almighty.
And it seemed like the glitter of heavenly stars
This book carefully keeps
And it seemed Jesus Christ Himself
He speaks Slavic to us!
Historian 1. The brothers' activities quickly went beyond the limits indicated to them by the Byzantine emperor. Kirill and
Methodius diligently enlightened the Slavs, taught literacy and founded new churches.
Historian 2. By their activities, Cyril and Methodius laid the foundation for Slavic writing and literature.
This activity was continued in the South Slavic countries by the disciples of Cyril and Methodius.
Lead 1. In 863, the word of God sounded in the Moravian cities and villages in the native Slavic language,
letters, secular books were created. The Slavic chronicle has begun!

Lead 2. So here they are - our origins,
They float, glowing in the twilight,
Solemnly - strict lines,
Cast Slavic connection.
So this is where, so this is where for the first time
Found at the foot of the mountains
Under the fire sign of Sophia
Diamond hardness is a verb.
Lead 3. The great mystery of sound
Despised decay and death,
On the blue Dnieper paths
The motionless firmament shook.
And Russia over multi-foam water,
Open to the free winds
"I am!" - declared to the Universe,
"I am!" - declared for centuries.
Lead 4. Before his repose, Constantine received a schema with the name Cyril. Constantine lived for only 42 years.
The Orthodox Church venerates the brothers Cyril and Methodius as equal to the apostles saints and considers
the first Slavic teachers.

Reader 1. Across wide Russia - our mother
The bells ringing overflows.
Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius
They are glorified for their labors.
Reader 2. Thank you, our saints brothers,
For your unceasing labors,
For the alphabet taught to us
And most importantly - for the Holy Bible.
Reader 3. Years passed and enlightenment
Between the Russians lit up with a torch
From generation to generation ...
From our ancestors, as sons,
It is bequeathed to us too.
Reader 4. Cyril and Methodius are remembered,
Glorious brothers, equal to the apostles,
In Belarus, Macedonia,
In Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Praise the wise brothers in Bulgaria,
In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia!
Reader 5. All peoples that write in Cyrillic,
What have been called since ancient times Slavic,
Glorify the feat of the first teachers,
Christian educators.
Linguist 1. The Slavic alphabet has existed in Russia unchanged for more than seven centuries. Its creators
tried to make each letter of the first Russian alphabet simple and clear, easy for
letters. They also remembered that the letters should be beautiful, and that a person, barely
who saw them, he immediately wanted to master writing. There were 43 letters in the Slavic alphabet.
Linguist 2. Only under Peter I did the number of letters change, there were 36 of them. New letters were introduced - E and Y.
Linguist 1. In 1918, a reform of the Russian language was carried out - the alphabet was simplified: 33
letters that we all use to this day.
Reader 1. I began my native word with the Cyrillic alphabet,
And having studied it from A to Z,
There is no better language than the native language,
While the native land sounds.
Reader 2. It sounds to Yesenin in verses,
Here Mayakovsky, the sound cuts with a word,
Beloved Pushkin is with us every day,
And Fet and Tyutchev have no parting with them!
Reader 3. And how many Russian sounds in prose,
Tolstoy and Gogol, Sholokhov, friends,
Lead us, in a word, to the joy of consciousness,
That they are all Russians, just like me!
Reader 4. Thank Methodius, Cyril
For letters, sounds, euphony of words,
That we were instilled in the Russian language
Huge, endless love!
O. Ya. Yakovenko

Lead 1. Language is a heritage received from ancestors, which must be treated like something
sacred, invaluable and inaccessible to insult.
F. Nietzsche
Lead 2. Language is the history of a people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. Therefore, study and
saving the Russian language is not an idle occupation with nothing to do, but an urgent one
A. Kuprin
Lead 3. Great poets and writers, scientists-linguists, philosophers call to us to preserve the Russian language, its
beauty, wealth, greatness, harmony.
Lead 4. Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, this is an asset passed on to us
our predecessors! Treat this powerful weapon with respect; in hand
skillful it is able to perform miracles.
I. Turgenev
Lead 1. Our language is the great foundation of Russian culture,
And we need to protect, develop and protect it -
It is very important to rid him of everything superficial,
Protect Russian speech from "verbal rubbish".
M. Kryukov
Lead 2. It sounds so wonderful to Pushkin,
Our tongue writhes in anguish
When they send godly
In it, in Russian.
E. Evtushenko
Lead 3. And we, future teachers and educators, how we study the Russian language, how we relate to it,
how do we protect it?
Lead 4. Yes, our special youth language, at the base of which one can clearly feel thieves' jargon.
Remind some of our words? Let's start with the most harmless ones: a stipe, a hostel, a teacher, a spur,

Lead 1. And with what words do we express our emotions!
Cool, cool, cool, awesome, awesome, awesome, wow, super, sucks, dumb, cool,
Lead 2. Shall we continue?
Damn, lifted, fig, garbage, scrap, tin, kapets.
Lead 3. Examples of slang words can be cited endlessly. Oh, how "cool" are our youths
addressing girls: girl, girl, chick ...

Lead 4. And girls - to boys: cormorant, dude, man, hover ...
Yes, our wonderful speech!

Lead 1. Peace, love, goodness, admiration for nature, the miracle of life have endless language means.
The language is also rich in expressions of hostility, rudeness, condemnation, accusation, suppression, resentment,
insults. It is also rich in harsh expressions of extreme annoyance and anger - curses.
Lead 2. Our language is constantly being vulgarized. This is especially dangerous in connection with the total implementation in
our speech of harsh abuse, "profanity", as they now like to correctly express themselves, then
there is the usual swearing.

Lead 3. How much wit, anger and spiritual filth was spent to come up with these nasty words and
phrases designed to offend and desecrate a person in everything that is sacred to him is dear to him.
A. Chekhov
Linguist 1. A poor language is certainly associated with primitive thinking, and this often corresponds to
unworthy behavior. A poor language is also a primitive, poor soul.
Linguist 2. And if there is a lot of slang and profanity in our speech, do we have the right to teach children?
Do we have the right to educate them?
Historian 1. Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) warned us: “The divine purpose of the word in writers, in
all teachers ... What a terrible answer will be given by those who turned the means of edification and
salvation into a means of corruption and destruction! "

Historian 2. Alexei Tolstoy warned us: “To handle language somehow means to think somehow:
inaccurate, approximately, incorrect. "
Lead 4."Know how to protect, even to the best of your ability, in the days of anger and suffering, our immortal gift is speech ..."
Is it by chance - during the difficult time of the Leningrad blockade, Anna Akhmatova seemed to respond to
the call of his older contemporary:
We will save you, Russian speech,
Great Russian word.
We will carry you free and clean
We will give them to our grandchildren, and we will save them from captivity.
Reader 1. The deep meaning of these lines is: keep the WORD! Not a home, not a life, not even a homeland - but: a word.
Reader 2. Because everything is in the word. AND HOUSE, AND LIFE, AND MOTHERLAND, AND FAITH!

Game for schoolchildren for the Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture

Scenario of an extracurricular activity for schoolchildren: Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture

Goals: form concepts about the meaning of the calendar date; promote the assimilation of the concept of "culture"; to introduce to the Russian national culture.

Event progress

Across wide Russia - our mother
The bells ringing overflows.
Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius
They are glorified for their labors.
Cyril and Methodius are remembered
Glorious brothers, equal to the apostles.
In Belarus, Macedonia, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovenia,
Brothers of the Wise are praised in Bulgaria
In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia,
All peoples that write in Cyrillic,
What have been called since ancient times Slavic,
Glorify the feat of the first teachers,
Christian educators.
Teacher: On May 24, the Slavic peoples - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles - celebrate a special holiday - the Day of Slavic Written Language.
On this day, scientific conferences, solemn processions are held to cultural monuments: ancient buildings where the first handwritten and printed books were created, as well as to monuments to those who carried the light of knowledge to their people through a book.
In Russia, residents of ancient Novgorod the Great were the first to celebrate this holiday. It was in this city that the first birch bark letters were found. They were followed by the cities of Pskov, Yaroslavl, Moscow. Now this holiday is already celebrated in many Russian cities.
Speaking about this holiday, one cannot but recall the Greek monks Cyril and Methodius, who invented the Slavic alphabet. In honor of them, the alphabet was named Cyrillic. The first Russian books were written on it.

The brothers Cyril and Methodius, creating the Slavic alphabet, took their own, Greek, as a model, but they had to invent a lot themselves. The problem was that in the Russian and Bulgarian languages ​​there were more consonants than in the Greeks, and signs were needed to denote these consonants. In the Greek alphabet there were 24 letters, and in the Slavic - 43. The name of the letters is similar, but does not completely coincide.
In ancient times, there was no paper, and to convey their thoughts to other people, our ancestors used parchment.
What is parchment?(This is fine, hair-free calf or goat skin.)
It was rubbed with chalk to remove the fat, then it was peeled with a pumice stone to make it even, then sheets of the same size were cut from it using a ruler. Each sheet was lined into 16 lines and the sheet was divided in half, because the parchment was very expensive and it was necessary to put as much text on the sheet as possible. On sheets of parchment they wrote by hand with a goose pen. The ink was made from soot and ink nuts (growths on the bark of an oak tree).
What did our ancestors write on? (On birch bark.)
For everyday needs, our ancestors instead of expensive parchment used a thin layer of birch bark, on which letters were carved with a sharp bone or iron stick. More than 600 such birch bark letters were found in Veliky Novgorod. They wrote on birch bark in Smolensk, in Moscow, and in other cities.
Writing is a real treasure that a person has mastered. We live in a world of inscriptions. There was a time when people could neither write nor read.
But time passed, people's knowledge expanded, they did not fit in a person's memory, and then writing arose.
The most ancient writing is called pictography - drawing. Scientists found the first drawings in caves.
- Do people use pictography today? (Yes, road signs.)
These pictures help us navigate where the inscriptions are made in an unfamiliar language.
Hieroglyphs- originally it meant "sacred writing". In ancient times they were used in Egypt, and in our time - in China and Japan. A hieroglyph stood for a word or syllable. It was very difficult to master such a letter - after all, it was required to keep hundreds of signs in memory.
Cuneiform- writing, which was used by the ancient Assyrians and other peoples close to them. The badges were squeezed out on wet clay, then, for better preservation, the tablets were burned or dried in the sun.
Is it difficult to read and write in Russian? Foreigners consider Russian to be one of the most difficult ones. Still: the English have an alphabet of only 26 letters, while the Russians have 33 letters!
33 letters in the Russian alphabet not so long ago - since 1918, and earlier there was Cyrillic, and it had 43 letters. A student sits, spells: "Myslete -az - Myslete-az". What happened? It turns out - mom.
In 1708, Peter I simplified the writing of some letters, introduced the "civil script". These complexities of Russian grammar survived until 1918. Then the spelling (spelling) reform was carried out. The number of letters has decreased.
- Now let's play with you.

1. The game "Typesetter"
From the letters of this word, make up as many words as possible.
Health is a call, a moat, a thief, healthy, gaze, gaze, load, harm.

2. The game "One sound, march!"
1. Remove one sound from each word to create a new word. Like this: a handful is a guest.
Barn, prick, regiment, deer, hail, table, duck, bison, fishing rod, tick, livestock, heat, post, scythe, wolf, stranded, trouble, crack, darkness, laughter, shell, paint, screen.
2.Add one sound to each word to create a new word. Like this: the mouth is a mole.
Rose (thunderstorm), cabin (tube), treasure (warehouse), paw (lamp), laziness (deer), table (trunk, pillar), ball (scarf), gift (blow), mustache (beads).
3. Replace one consonant in the words. Like this: the cake is a walrus.
Nails, roll, jackdaw, log, pussy, sand, light, frame, leg, wedge, teeth, eagle.

3. Game "Guess the words"
Donkey (salt), kshoka (cat), tsilais (fox), demved (bear), osva (owl), kshaukuk (cuckoo), zhe (hedgehog), kmysha (mouse), kovl (wolf), ayazts (hare), hyoork (ferret), bkela (squirrel).

4. ASSIGNMENT to draw letters of the Slavic alphabet
- In conclusion, a few more words about one person.
For many years, books continued to be written by hand. And only in the 15th century the German Johannes Gutenberg printed 10 copies of the Bible on paper. Italians, French, and British began to print books for the Germans. In Russia, the first printing presses appeared under Tsar Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century. The king was an educated man, he loved books. He ordered the creation of the first printing house in Moscow in Kitay-gorod on Nikolskaya Street using state money. The printer Ivan Fedorov and his friend Pyotr Mstislavets were invited there. In 1909, a monument was erected in Moscow at the intersection of Lubyanskaya Square and Nikolskaya Street for merits to Russia to the pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov.

The road to writing was long and difficult. It all started, as some scientists think, with bears. It was a long time ago. In those days, people lived in caves, since there were no houses yet. And some caves were inhabited by bears. Once people drove them out of a cave, looked around and saw some mysterious signs on the walls of their homes. These were the scratches the bears made as they sharpened their claws against the wall. People realized that an image could be scrawled on a flat surface. This is how the road to writing arose.



Municipal budgetary educational institution "Bykovskaya basic secondary school of the Yakovlevsky district of the Belgorod region"

Scenario of the Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture:

"Only a word is life given"


Teacher of Russian language

And literature

Vlasova G.M.

1 presenter: Guys! Today we celebrate the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, remember Cyril and Methodius - the creators of the Slavic alphabet. In Russia, the holiday was revived in 1985 and is celebrated annually until May 24. In 1991 the holiday was given the status of a state one. Now it’s even strange to think that there was a time when people did not know how to read and write. All knowledge was passed on orally.

2 presenter: But then writing appeared - the great invention of mankind. It allowed people to preserve knowledge that would otherwise have been forgotten.

1 presenter: Guys, do you know how people passed various messages to each other when there were no letters?

(The guys answer.)

The road to writing was long and difficult. It all started, as some scientists think, with bears. It was a long time ago. In those days, people lived in caves, since there were no houses yet. And some caves were inhabited by bears. Once people drove them out of a cave, looked around and saw some mysterious signs on the walls of their homes. These were the scratches the bears made as they sharpened their claws against the wall. People realized that an image could be scrawled on a flat surface. This is how the road to writing arose. But the road was long. Listen to an excerpt from the poem "The Song of Hiawatha" by the American poet G. Longfellow, about the legendary leader of the Indians.

1st reader:

From the sack he took out paints,

He took out paints of all colors

And on a smooth birch

Made many secret signs;

They all portrayed

Our thoughts, our speeches.

The white circle was a sign of life

The black circle was a sign of death;

Sky, stars, moon and sun

Mountains, forests and mountain springs,

And everything that inhabits

Earth together with man.

For the Earth he drew

Paint a straight line

For heaven - an arc above it,

For sunrise - point to the left,

For sunset - point to the right,

And for half a day - at the top.

All space under the arch

White day meant

The stars in the center are the time of night

And wavy stripes -

Clouds, rain and bad weather.

2 presenter: Guys, what did Hiawatha invent? ( Letter.)

(The guys answer.)

How can such a letter be called? ( Picturesque)

(The guys answer.)

Many thousands of years ago, our ancestors began to decorate the walls of their homes with various designs. So, on the stone caves one could see many images of birds, animals, people, boats. Such a letter was called pictography, or drawing writing.

1 presenter: Guys, tell me, now, in modern life, are pictograms used anywhere, that is, a drawing-letter? (Yes, these include traffic signs, signboards, signs, coats of arms of states, cities, etc.)

(The guys answer.)

Contest "Draw a proverb"

(Participants are given cards with proverbs. Participants need to illustrate the proverb, and the audience should guess it.)


Az, beeches and lead, they are afraid that bears.

What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax.

Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.

2 presenter: Later, the pictorial writing was replaced by "sacred signs" - hieroglyphs, and when two thousand years ago the Phoenicians invented letters-signs only for consonants - cuneiform. On the basis of the Phoenician writing, the first alphabet appeared in Greece, which gave rise to both Latin and Slavic writing.

Other ways of writing are also known. For example, the South American Indians used the nodular letter - kipu. They attached thinner cords to a thick cord or stick. What we are talking about was recognized by the color of the cord. Yellow meant gold, white meant silver, red meant warriors. And the number of knots on the cord indicated the number of people or objects. And in North America, the Indians transmitted information using the wampum. Shells of different shapes, painted in different colors, were strung on the cords. Red meant war, black meant threat, white meant peace, happiness, prosperity.

1 presenter: In the third century BC, hieroglyphs appeared in the East. These are signs that stand for whole words. In China, there are about 50 thousand hieroglyphs, and they are written and read not from left to right, as in our country, but from top to bottom.

2 presenter : Russian writing also has elements of hieroglyphic writing. For example, signs "+", "-", "=". The "+" sign can be read in different ways: as a plus, and how to add, and how to add; sign "-" - as a minus, subtract, subtract; the "=" sign - as an equal sign, equals, equals.

1 presenter: Now guys, guess the riddle:

Black, crooked, dumb from birth.

If they don't, they'll start talking right away. ( Letters.)

(The guys answer.)

The letters make up the alphabet. The Slavs did not yet know the letters, but the Phoenicians, the people who in the first millennium BC inhabited the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, already had their own alphabet, consisting of 22 letters. It is interesting that only consonants were reflected in the letter, and the vowels were thought out according to the meaning.

2 presenter: What kind of writing systems did not exist in the world! But despite the fact that in different countries they wrote in different ways, at all times and among all peoples people who created writing were revered and respected. So we annually honor the memory of two enlighteners - the Solunsky brothers Cyril and Methodius, who were born at the beginning of the ninth century in Greece in the city of Soluni. Hence they were called the Thessalonian brothers. They were very educated and wise people.

1 presenter : Elder brother Methodius was appointed ruler of one of the regions in the Balkans, later took monastic vows and went to a monastery. Cyril was the patriarch's library, then taught philosophy in Constantinople, for which he received the nickname Philosopher. His real name is Constantine. And he took the name Cyril before his death when he was tonsured a monk.

2 presenter : In 863, both brothers were invited to the palace of the city of Constantinople, where the emperor commissioned them to travel to Moravia, modern Czech Republic, to preach sermons in Slavic in the newly Christianized country. But the ancient Slavs did not have their own written language, which means they could not read. And the books known then were in Greek, which the Slavs did not understand. The brothers were given a difficult task. And so they decided to first compose the Slavic alphabet and translate the books from Greek into Slavic.

1 presenter: Cyril and Methodius developed their own original writing system for the Slavs. The first alphabet was named Glagolitic and consisted of 38 letters. How many letters in this alphabet were not similar to other alphabets!

2 presenter: The Solun brothers took part of the letters from the Greek alphabet, and invented some of them themselves. They copied several Bible books for their people using the new alphabet. For this feat - the creation of Slavic writing - the brothers were canonized. The activities of Constantine and Methodius met with resistance from the German clergy, who opposed the Slavic writing.

1 presenter : Only three languages ​​in the world - Hebrew, Latin and Greek - were acceptable at that time. After the death of the Solunski brothers, their students continued to spread the Slavic alphabet. And only later, in Bulgaria, pupils of the enlighteners invented the second and main Slavic alphabet. Do you know what it was called and why?(Cyrillic, named after one of the brothers.)

(The guys answer.)

2 presenter: In Cyrillic, letters have a simpler and clearer form for us. It was the ‘bf alphabet that became the basis of the Russian“ Azbuka ”. Why did this textbook get this name?(By the name of the first letters - "az" and "beeches".)

(The guys answer.)

2nd reader:

Children studied in the old days -

They were taught by a church clerk.

Came at dawn

And they repeated the letters like this:

A da B like Az da Buki,

C - as Lead, G - Verb.

And a teacher for science

I flogged them on Saturdays.

It was difficult to write

To our ancestors in the old days.

And the girls were supposed to

Don't learn anything.

Only boys were trained.

Sexton with a pointer in his hand

Naraspev read them books

In the church language.

1 presenter: The times went by. People gradually simplified the Cyrillic alphabet, excluded some letters from it. This is how the modern alphabet appeared. How many letters are there?

(The guys answer.)

2 presenter: Do you know what hieroglyphs used to write, draw pictures and draw the first letters of our ancestors?

(The guys answer.)

They wrote on the walls of caves, clay tablets, papyrus, animal skin, parchment, birch, palm leaves, fabrics, metals. And in the second century AD, the Chinese invented something without which there would be no printing - paper. And now we do not stop admiring the colorfully illustrated books.

1 presenter: See how beautiful the pages of these books are! We are surprised and admired by the creations of man, but we should not forget the first teachers, because thanks to the works of these people, today you and I can read any book, write any text, transmit information to future generations.

3rd reader:

Tombs, mummies and bones are silent, -

Life is given only to a word:

From the ancient darkness

At the world churchyard,

Only Letters sound.

And we have no other property!

Know how to protect

Though to the best of his ability, in the days of anger and suffering,

Our gift is invaluable - speech.

2 presenter: I.A. Bunin in this poem bequeathed to his descendants to protect our Russian speech. And we also call on you, our young generation, to respect, respect and understand Russian culture and our traditions.

4th reader:

To sing about Russia - what to strive for in the temple

Through forest mountains, field carpets ...

To sing about Russia - what to meet spring,

What to wait for the bride, what to console the mother ...

To sing about Russia is to forget longing,

What Love is to love, what to be immortal!