Scenario of a library project on local history. The project of local history activities "My Malaya Motherland

Scenario of a library project on local history. The project of local history activities "My Malaya Motherland

Interest in local history is the trend of modernity. Many institutions and organizations are today studying the history of the region and the preservation of cultural trends. The libraries occupy their only to them inherent niche in the system of preservation, study and revive interest in the historical and cultural heritage.

IN "Fundamentals of state cultural policy" (App. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2014 No. 808) identifies the leading role of libraries in the collection, storage, study and popularization of regional and local culture, in the preservation of ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious diversity and identity.

Library regional science as one aspect of library activities every year becomes multifaceted, enriched with innovative forms, acquires new features.

In modern conditions, those libraries who have chosen a promising path of professional development are successfully developing, which gives the possibility of modeling activities -development of library projects and target comprehensive programs.

The result of the project activities of the libraries is:

- drawing up the chronicles of settlements;

- organization of museums and museum expositions

- creation of literary and memorial museums in honor of writers, whose creativity is associated with the native

- release of own publishing


- series of publications "History in Persons" ("Honorary Citizens ..." and others)

- creating a book dedicated to the anniversary of the village (village, settlement)

- creating an encyclopedic dictionary on the name of the settlement (for example, the "ABC of Omsk"), including information on history, organizations, nature, traditions, the fate of wonderful countrymen, etc.

The development of new forms of information and educational activities contributestechnical re-equipment libraries.

Libraries, possessing certain potential in the field of information and computer technologies, the formation of local databases, which replenish library information resources and expand library capabilities in satisfying user requests, are used in the preparation of local history calendar of significant and memorable dates of the area / city.

Example:formation of full-text local lore electronic databases "N. -skaya district: People. Events. Facts "," organs of the municipal authorityN. -skaya district, "" Social infrastructure of the district "," Honorary citizensN. "," War participants in Afghanistan and Chechnya. "

Every year the role of libraries inpopularization of Local Literature Literature , raising interest in the local lore book, the works of local authors. Creative meetings with local writers and poets, premieres and presentations of the works of local authors are held.

For the formation of user interest, as well as to further study the life and creativity of writers and poets of the Kuvandyk district, employees of the Central Inter-Sectory Library. P. I. Fedorova was created by the Web page "Literary Life of the Kuvandyk City District »On the site" Library System of the Kuvandyk district "(Orenburg region). Purpose of creation This electronic product is to ensure the entry of users into the cultural environment of the region by studying biographical data and familiarization with the creative life of writers and poets related to the Kuvandyk Territory. The Web page is designed for a wide range of users.

One of the areas of innovative library activities is the introduction of innovations inmass work organization.

Among the most interesting finds of Orenburg librarians:

Biblisospect "rain, like tears, washyto the victory morning of the country";

District shares "Help Veteran", "How do you live veteran?";

Electronic presentation of the video office "Latest War Witnesses";

The festival of military book "War, your bitter trail and in books that on the shelf ...";

The dialogue of generations "Fathers and Children", dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, and others.

In recent years, libraries in the work of library services are becoming increasingly distributed in the work of library services.stock, which may include theatrical actions, colorful processions, quizzes, contests, flash drives, etc.

Informational reason for the action Maybe: An anniversary calendar date (literary, historical, political scale, district, district); Leading theme of the year; problems exciting all; Implementation of a library project and others.

The approximate promotion program, as a rule, includes such forms of activities such as presentations, excursions, processions, discussions, competitions, theatrical submissions, surveys, surveys, meetings with writers, famous people, literature reviews, loud readings, etc. (optional all these forms There may be 2-4 of them all.) Upon completion of the action, it is natural to analyze the analysis of the event where the conclusions and recommendations are determined, which must be considered when organizing follow-up work. Summing up the promotion is highlighted in the media, on the library website or library portal.

Colleagues create mini museumswith libraries, collecting historical material, objects of material and spiritual culture. An example can serve « room of the Cossack Life » libraries. Sholokhov G. Volgograd. Created as museums of Russian traditional culture and museums of other national cultures. Museum materials and exhibits are actively used not only when servicing users in the walls of the library, but also in mass events conducted jointly with the club system (the anniversary of the village, national holidays).

One of the important ways to provide local history information is to use the Internet. The libraries everywhere place local history information on the Internet, creating rubrics and pages on library sites, creating independent local history sites and blogs. The value of the electronic resources created is to preserve the documentary heritage of their regions, promotion and promote information about them.

The formation of electronic local language resources libraries is carried out in three main directions :

- generation of own electronic resources on the basis of the Local Lore Library Fund;

- borrowing external resources;

- Corporate interaction in various projects.

These directions exist in close relationship. The main local lore electronic resources of libraries submitted in the network are:

- local lore electronic catalogs;

- local lore database (bibliographic and full-text);

- local history thematic sites (portals);

-Cray electronic bibliographic and reference editions;

- electronic versions of printed local lore documents;

- electronic facts of local lore information (including factual bd);

On the local history pages of their sites and blogs library represent the following information:

- history of the region / district / settlement

- official symbols: anthem, coat of arms, flag

- monuments and memorable places

- warm veterans and hot spots

- natural monuments,

- annotated sources located in the library fund

- scenarios of local history events

For example, in my methodical blog, local history pages "On the Muromets Area", "Honorary Residents of the Murometsky District", "Famous Countrymen", as well as posts of local lore orientation are published. Lyudmila Lonevskaya, employee of the library №4 Mikhaylovka Volgograd region, leads, along with a library blog, local history blog« Mikhailovsky Krapored ».

The Virtual Exhibition is posted on the website of the Kuvandyk Library« The album of the story is open …». Users are represented by books telling about the history of the villages of the Kuvandyk district. On the same site a very meaningful heading"Localia".

Database "Honorary Citizens of the city of Mednogorsk"(MEDNOGORS CBS) was created to preserve the memory of people awarded the highest awards of the Mednogorsk, to increase knowledge about their life and activities and disclosures, access to which library users are difficult or limited. Each of the 47 honorary citizens of the city of Mednogorsk in the database, a separate unit was assigned to the biographical reference, information about achievements and awards, a photo of an honorary citizen, as well as bibliographic lists of printed and electronic materials telling about his work path. With all print sources - articles of newspapers, fragments of books - can be found in the database. They are digitized and saved in PDF format. Some blocks also include photo albums containing copies of premium documents, diplomas, diplomas, photos of awards. Blocks about honorary citizens are arranged in order to assign them the title. In addition to registered blocks, the base has an introductory article and a full list of awarded.

The base is created by the employees of the Central City Library of the MBC "CBS G. Mednogorsk". Documents from other databases are not included in it. All work on the selection of materials and their digitization is carried out only by the staff of the Central City Hospital. Database is addressed to a wide audience. First of all, she is interested in local history-lovers and professional historians, librarians, teachers and students of various educational institutions, organizers of cultural and leisure events. Users can get acquainted with the database on the official website of the Central City Library, as well as in all system libraries where computers are installed.

Currently, the database contains 47 personalities. It includes 268 digitized documents, 13 hyperlinks to Internet resources.

Use of interactive forms in local lore activities

The libraries assist the awakening of the cognitive interests of children, organizing search and collective, research and creative activities. Libraries of the Saraktash district(Orenburg region) For many years, many years are not only the keepers of accumulated local lore values, but also partly their creators. Based on the fact that the local lore fund is replenished weakly, there was a need to publish local lore themed collections, cumulative folders, collections of poems of local poets and much more. Today, modern technologies make it possible not only to produce printed products, use medianamentors in the work, but also to create thematic electronic resources themselves. Over the course of several years, the staff of the district library translated materials from cumulative folders to the electronic version, created virtual excursions, book exhibitions, slide films and much more. The accumulated material contributed to the creation of an electronic resource - a local history database "My heart is spelled here." Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is the staff of libraries who collect local lore material, digitizing local lore documents.

Saraktashsky librarians are the initiators and the authors of books on the history of the village. For example, one of the authors of the book "The edge of native forever beloved" about the village of Nadekdanka is Tretyakova V. N. (head. Nadezhdinsky s / f). Belova V.Yu. - co-author of the book "Silver Spring" about the village of Cherkasy and TD.

1. Any local lore editions after entering light immediately become a bibliographic rarity due to the fact that they are published by small circulations and almost never reprinted;

2. To maximize the foundation in the virtual space of the Internet (in the hope that the "virtual" reader will ultimately become "real").

In the heading "Local Lore Book", "thematic reviews", "Reviews of New Revenues" and "Virtual Exhibitions" are posted for librarians. However, the material presented in them is able to mostly interest the reader. Reviews of new income includes brief biographies of authors, excerpts from works. Virtual exhibitions made in the form of musical video clips seek to form the creativity of Orsk writers. Thematic reviews are not limited to dry annotation, but include expanded content and illustrative material.

The possibilities of modern technologies are widely used in mass events. So, in 2013, the famous countryman Igor Fadovich Sakhnovsky turned 55 years old. An idea appeared not just to hold a literary evening dedicated to his work, but to try to organize the Internet bridge and provide the opportunity to readers with the library and Orsky writers directly communicate with the famous countryman. This idea was successfully implemented, and in May 2014, Igor Fadovich came to Orsk and, of course, met with admirers of his talent.

In the methodological piggy bank of the regional department for 2012-2013, a rich material on literary directivity was collected: virtual exhibitions, video clips, video recording conversations with poets and prose, electronic book options provided by the authors, photographic materials, etc. In order for all these materials to be available to a wide range of users, developed library program "Literary Orsk in electronic format".The program is designed for 2 years. The purpose of the program is to popularize the creativity of Orsk writers and the upbringing of love for a small homeland by creating a series of Orsk Literary disks. In the implementation of the project, employees of the Information and Library Technologies department of the Central Committee of the Central Committee will take part. Gorky.

The main target audience of the project is youth. The modern young generation is interesting to obtain information in electronic form. The information placed on the disks will ultimately be able to attract the attention of young people to the books. A series of disks will also be interesting and literature lovers who can learn more about the work of Orsk authors. Virtual exhibitions, clips, interviews with the authors can be shown in the lessons of literary localism and during events.

Interesting such forms of work:

- "Day of memory of the disappeared villages"

- "Where is this street? Where is this house? " - Project , the purpose of which was to collect information about the emergence of the streets of the village. The result of the project was the release of brochures on the history of this settlement;

- Intellectual and creative contest "Literary - Local Lore Diligence", developed by the library (Yoshkar-Ola, r. Mari El.), was a journey through the streets of the city. Its participants prepared creative work on the history of the street name (11 streets). The main purpose of the competition was to draw attention to the Mari literary heritage through the study of the history of the name of the streets of the city, the names of Mari poets and writers. All projects of the participants of the local history contest were posted on the website of Yoshkar - Olinskaya CBS in the section "Literary and Local Degree Diligence".

- Thematic (local history) biblies . Bibliology activities included various topics: "Bread all over the head", "an interesting case", "about fishing", "white patterns" - about the famous Orenburg scarf, "We are strong when one." The musical part of the events included a dialogue about the friendship of peoples of the region, musical and poetic numbers in Russian, Kazakh, Tatar, Chuvash, short stories about traditions, tasting national dishes, songs, folk dances. For each event, exhibitions with books were decorated, with photographs, subjects of folk art. According to the collected materials, a collection of "Springs of the Creativeness" was published.

· activation of the activities of libraries to preserve the literary heritage and the further development of the national identity and traditions of peoples inhabiting the area;

· identification, generalization and dissemination of the new, interesting experience of the libraries on the preservation and development of the literary creativity of local writers and poets.

· exhibition-dialoguebooks "Library - Territory tolerance", the oral magazine "Peace Home Your",

· creative work "Revival and preservation of Mordovian culture", and other works.

The libraries are working to collect materials about the participants of the war. Flyers were prepared and distributed with an appeal to the population of the village and the district with a request to help collect photographic materials with biographies of war participants to create a photo gallery "History in Persons". In the lobby of the district library "grows" Memory tree.On the wall appeal to countrymen: "Green ribbons - life after the war, the modern world, the memory of the deceased people. Tie a ribbon, and dried wood, thanks to you, will come to know. " Library visitors tied ribbons to tree branches. And also left a brief information about the participants of the war in a special book of memory created by the library employees called: "I remember! I'm proud!".

Librarians spend district contest of the sample of the pen "My Edge Pensive" (initiated by the Central District Library). The competition is designed to promote the promotion of reading, the development of educational activities of libraries of the district, intensifying and stimulating the creative activities of libraries, improving the professional skill of library workers. Poetic and literary compositions were presented at the competition. in nominations:

In connection with the anniversary date in the libraries of Omsk, a number of projects and programs were carried out on local history, which are implemented by the forces of all or several municipal libraries: the Internet project "Virtual Center for Literary Local Studies" (2011-2015); The program on historical and literary local history "City can be as a book" (2015); project "Information Center of Local Studies" (2014-2016); Project "Istoki" (2015); program of events of the historical and local history hall "History

my library "(2015-2016); Project "Local Lore Knowledge - People": anniversary routes of Omsk Bibliomobile (2013-2016); target comprehensive program "World of Omsk" (2013-2016); Project "Omsk Virtual Help" (2010-2016); project "Omsk Digital Library" (2009-2015); Project "Tobolsk Gate" (2014-2016): Organization of the Tour Bureau ". "The activities of state and municipal libraries of the Omsk region in 2015"):

- the project of the Russian-Polyansky district to create a virtual gallery "Library and Museum: Virtual Handshake", in which there are 4 demonstration halls: "Immortal Regiment", "Honorary Citizens of the Russian-Polyansky Municipal District", "Honor Board" and "Lowners";

- Krasnoznamenskaya rural library of Moskalensky district worked under the program "My Malaya Motherland" aimed at the revival and preservation of the cultural heritage of the village. As part of the program, a collection of materials was collected in the format of "oral history" - the memories of old-timers on the history of the village of Red Banner, Harlovka villages, Luzino, Novo-Luzino, Lansk, Dubrovka;

- The project "Literary and Historical Marathon" Tara during the Great Patriotic War "was implemented in the Tarskaya district," who received the subsidy of the Government of the Omsk Region;

- The "Library - Center for His Majal Motherland" is being implemented at the Company's Library of Babukovsky district. The result of the program was the opening of the Museum-Foreign Museum of the Writer, M. I. Slash. Within the framework of this program in 2015, the project "Village Fistovovo and the Moscow-Siberian tract" was developed and implemented;

- The libraries of the Tukaalinsky municipal district there was a system for local history within 13 programs, incl. "My territory is the land of Tyukalinskaya", "Church-Parish-School Mini Museum", where participants in interactive excursions try to write with pen, learn interesting facts about the city of Tyukalinsk, they guess the housework, play the games of the XIX century, solve the challenges from Reshebnik " Arithmetic "(1897).

exhibition expositions in the Tauride CDD, they were collected in the collections of readers' work, became the topic for local history literary and historical lessons and excursions, information booklets and bookmarks. June 12, 2015, on the day of the celebration of the 80-year-old anniversary of the Tauride Municipal District, the CSD officers launched a literary-intellectual platform "and I live in Tavriche's" summer reading room ". Visitors to the site with pleasure took part in events organized by the Tavrician CDD. They were given the opportunity to walk along the improvised photo gallery "forever in the memory of the People's" and learn about the glorious fighting path of Tavrijanz - the heroes of the Great Patriotic War; unravel the fascinating crossword "native Moe Taurisual" and at the same time test your knowledge about your favorite area; Decipher the entertaining rebuses "every Mila Street" and get acquainted with interesting facts about the familiar streets of the working village; To guess who from the "Poets of the Tavrician land" belongs to passages from poems, and read them out loud.

Poets and writers whose names are found in the names of Tarskaya streets, an exhibition-excursion "Street, writer, library" was devoted. When preparing it, it turned out that in Tara 8 such streets: A. Pushkin, N. Gogol, N. Chernyshevsky, A. Herzen, A. Radishcheva, M. Gorky, M. Lomonosov, Per. M. Lermontov. At the exhibition, not only the books of these wonderful authors were presented, but also a collage of photographs of Tarskaya streets, as well as a large map of the city, on which the guys were found with interest with poetic names.

Employees of the School Academy Information Center are engaged in the Tar TsDB of Local Lore work with readers. In 2015, they implemented the program "Cultural and tourist all-terrain vehicle", in which the theatrical sightseeing tour of the "Ancient City named Tara" was held, the quest-game "Tarskaya fortress", the interactive platform "City of Childhood", the district photo contest "Reading Tara", Tournament "Do you know your city?", Presentation of a coloring book "Travel in time. The beginning of the 20th century "from the series" Walking by Tara ", the paleontological quest" What keeps the Tarskaya Land: the results of the excavation ", the toponymic riddles" Go through Alexandrovskaya, take a look at the anniversary ", the video express" inhale the smell of his homeland "and local history slats The game "Land of My last year."


The role of libraries in local lore informs is difficult to overestimate: they have a universal fund of documents and remain most accessible to all categories of users. The skillful use of innovative forms of work contributes to the formation of a new image of a library as a cultural and educational, information, educational, leisure center and, which is especially important, the center of public life of the local community.

Libraries seek to submit to the network wealth of their accumulated over many years of local resources, to make them available for the widest user. This is not so much a trend of time as an attempt to systematize all the accumulated material and provide the ability to remotely access information to users.

Sources not specified in the text:

Project type : Research, long-term.

Objective of the project:

The project was created to preserve information about the native village, its attractions, streets, residents for descendants.


* Enrich children's knowledge about his small homeland.

* To form love for his native village and interest in the past and true native land;

* Expand and deepen the knowledge of children about the history of the village of Kazan, the name of the streets, about the sights of the village, about people. Who glorified our village;

* Develop moral - patriotic qualities: pride, humanism, the desire to preserve and multiply the richness of the village;

* Introduce children with buildings and architecture of the village

* Promote the active involvement of parents in collaborative activities with a child in a family and kindergarten



Municipal Institution

"Department of Education of the Administration of the Municipal Education" Sernursky Municipal District "

Municipal overall institution

"Kazan average (full) secondary school."

425464, Russia, Republic of Mari El, Sernur district, p. Kazan, street cooperative, house, 24h, phones: 9 - 42 - 44; 9 - 42 - 36.

from. Kazan


"I found out that I have
There is a huge relatives:
And path, and fishing fish
In the field - every spikelet,
River, heaven I need me -
It's all my native! "

Brief abstract project "My Little Motherland."

Looking at the map of the covered villages of the Sernur district, you know how much in our story is lost irrevocably. This is not only the names of settlements, these are people, their fate. It remains less and less those who still remember if not the disappeared villages themselves, at least their names. Past goes into oblivion ...

The project was created with the aim of favorable development of the educational process of the Dow through the introduction of preschoolers to the origins of the national culture, using various activities.

When developing a project, it was important for us to introduce preschoolers to the origins of the national culture, using a variety of methods and means of encouraging children to the bright, emotional perception of new knowledge about national culture, to form interest in the history, life and activity of people, to raise love for their native land.

Project type : Research, long-term.

Objective of the project:

The project was created to preserve information about the native village, its attractions, streets, residents for descendants.


  • Enrich children's knowledge about their small homeland.
  • To form love for his native village and interest in the past and truly native land;
  • Expand and deepen the knowledge of children about the history of the village of Kazan, the name of the streets, about the sights of the village, about people. Who glorified our village;
  • Develop moral - patriotic qualities: pride, humanism, the desire to preserve and multiply the wealth of the village;
  • Introduce children with buildings and architecture of the village
  • Promote the active involvement of parents in collaborative activities with a child in a family and kindergarten

MOU "Kazan middle full (general education) school",


Showekova Nina Vasilyevna


In our modern century without much difficulty, using the Internet network, you can find almost any information. But none of the Internet will tell us the history of their street, houses, families. We must have time to take advantage of the opportunity to communicate with living keepers of history.

Causes of project:

When familiarizing children with his native edge, a village where we live, it turned out that we ourselves we tell the poor information about the emergence of the village, we know little interesting facts from the history of the streets, its inhabitants. The interest of this topic led us to the preparation and implementation of the research project "My Little Motherland".

When developing a project for us it was important:

  • Collect material about the streets of the village of Kazan and about its residents.
  • Examine literature on this topic.
  • Prepare a story about the street on which each of us lives, and its inhabitants, adhering to the plan: When the street appeared, why it is so called that it used to be interesting on it that it is of himself now, what people in different years glorified it.
  • Conduct the survey of old-timers villages, parents
  • Attract parents to the research project. Examine family archives (documents, photos).

Object of study:

Streets of the village of Kazan.


If we collect material about the streets of the village of Kazan, about its inhabitants, then you will replenish the lack of information about your native village, we can tell a lot to your friends, children, close, neighbors about the most interesting facts from the history of the village of Kazan.

Planned results of the study:

  • To have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe native land, about people and their customs, about traditions, folklore, work.
  • Love and protect the nature of the native land.
  • Organization of excursions in the native land (together with parents).
  • Organization of the exhibition of children's drawings on the topic: "My native village"

Research methods:

  • Observation;
  • Conversation;
  • Questioning of parents, grandparents, grandparents, Old-timers of the village of Kazan and records of memories of the participants of the significant events that took place in our village;
  • Work with family archival documents, photographs:
  • Study of literature;
  • Comparison, generalization, systematization.

Plan of activities for project implementation:









Excursion through the streets of the village


Showkova N.V.

senior group

2012 - 1013


Study of "literature".

Prepare a story about the street.







Showkova N.V.

Showkova N.V.

2012 - 2013


Create a presentation.

Final lesson.

Drawing competition.

Photo album.

Practical activities.

Showkova N.V.

Preparatory stage:

Development of a project implementation strategy. Creating conditions for independent activities.

  • Photo information "The sights of my small homeland".
  • Albums "Road from home to kindergarten", "I live here."
  • Map of Russia, Republic of Mari El, Sernur district.
  • Excursion through the streets of the village.

Stage II - the mainEducational situations with children.

  • Study of "literature". Hike to the library. Work with newspapers, logs. Search for necessary information.
  • Conversation "My address".
  • Prepare a story about the street on which each of us lives and adhering to the planning of the plan: when the street appeared, why it is so called that it was interesting on her that it is now, what people in different years glorified it.
  • Traveling on the "Russian Federation" cards, "Republic of Mari El", "Sernur district".
  • Exploring poems about their small homeland.

Cooperation with parents.

  • Conduct survey among parents, grandparents, grandparents, residents of the village of Kazan.
  • Creating an album "Village native edge my dear"; Attract parents to the research project. Examine family archives (documents, photos).The final stage:
  • Place research in a computer presentation.
  • Conduct the final lesson with the invitation of guests - assistants.
  • Conduct a drawing contest on the results of the project: "The street on which you live", "the most beautiful house on your street."

Project implementation plan.

Work with children.

Work with parents.


Treating on the topic: "The house in which I live."

Drawing: My Home.

Excursion on the street "Cooperative".

Excursion on Konakova Street.

- "Sky in the autumn of breath" - an excursion to the autumn forest.

The game "Nazis Trees, Our Area".

Diagnosis "Patriotic education of preschoolers."

Questioning "Do you know your child?" - Production of a safe movement plan from home to kindergarten.

Manufacturing plan of the village of Kazan.


Excursion around the kindergarten.

Drawing: "kindergarten".

Excursion on Soviet Street. "

Excursion on the street "communal".

Registration of the album "Our village".

Consultation "The main conditions for upbringing children in the family."


The exercise "native village". - Excursion to school.

Consider the pictures of wild animals living in our area. - Conversation "Winter birds of our village."

Drawing up the story "My Selo". - Production of bird feeders.


Didactic game "Our village". - Transport observation.

Drawing: "Transport on the streets of the village."

Excursion to the hospital - Street Street.

The creation of children and parents: the exhibition of drawings, "What transport uses my family."

Making blades.


Drawing on the topic: "Weekend in the family."

Entertainment "Powdered".

Conversation "The history of the life of the village of Kazan".

Excursion to the House of Culture "Museum of Starina".

Drawing "homemade utensils".

The design of the album "My family."

Questioning "Moral education of children in a plot-role-playing game."


The conversation "love you, my land is native." - Classes "Journey to Selu". - familiarization of children with the song "My Selo".

Holiday "Dad is my pride."

Excursion to the store.

Joint production of snow buildings in the territory of kindergarten.


Conversation "People of our village".

Lesson: "Birds are in a hurry to visit us."

The holiday "Mother's heart is better than the sun warms."

Mail Excursion - Komsomolskaya Street

Questioning "Labor Education". - Making birdhouses.


Excursion to a prayer house. - Drawing "Favorite places of my family."

Excursion to the School Museum of Local Lore.

Entertainment together with the House of Culture "Visiting Hostess."

Summary diagnosis.

Photo contest: "We and Nature."


The thematic lesson "Man without the Motherland, that nightinglets without a song." - Excursion to the monument. - Speech at the rally dedicated to the Victory Day, laying the colors to the monument to the dead soldiers.

Fantasy "village in the future".

The game-quiz "My village".

Gardening of a kindergarten.

The creation of children and parents: the exhibition of the drawings "My village in the future."


Project results:

In the course of creating the project, we learned to interview the interview, to keep a dialogue, ask the necessary questions, work with family archives, analyze and issue the results of their work.

We collected material about the streets of the village of Kazan and its inhabites, thereby confirmed the hypothesis nominated by the lack of information about the streets and were able to tell their pupils interesting facts from the history of the village of Kazan.

In the course of the project, the tasks assigned to themselves:

1. We studied literature on this topic.

2. Prepared stories about the streets, on which each of us lives, and its inhabitants, adhering to the plan: when the street appeared, why it is so called that it used to be interesting on it that it represents now, what people in different years have glorified her.

4. I conducted questioning among the parents, the old-timers of the village of Kazan.

5. He studied family archives (documents, photos).

6. The results of their research work (reports and presentations) presented at the final lesson "Journey through the streets of the village of Kazan" with the invitation of informants - assistants.

7. We made an exhibition of children's (together with parents) of drawings on the topic:

"My Street", "The most beautiful house on my street."

8. Presentation on the topic "Street of the village of Kazan," (see Appendix No. 1)

9. Photo album on the topic "Street of the village of Kazan" (see Appendix No. 2)

The participation of children in various contests of drawings in which children glorify their small homeland, bring letters, diplomas, certificates, gratitude, which they will be useful to a school for collecting a portfolio.

Further development of the project.

Working on a research project, parents and children became real researchers. They offered their topics for research and now we started the study of folk songs and djew games.


  1. Informants (residents of the village of Kazan, the administration of the Kazan rural settlement).
  2. Personal photo archives of families (documents, photos).
  3. Local albums of the school museum "From the history of the village of Kazan", "Our countrymen are veterans of the Great Patriotic War."

Appendix number 3:

Questions questionnaire for parents when preparing research:

1. What street do you live on? What is she?

2. Find out how it was called before? Why did she wear such a name?

3. Which of your relatives lived here? What can he tell us about?

4. What is interesting street on which you live? (in the past and now)

5. Your favorite corner? Why is he loved?

6. What would you like to find out from your history of your street and family.

Appendix number 4.

Presentation on the topic "Journey through the streets of the village of Kazan".

The story-message of teachers with the show of the slide "Excursion to the past".

Consultation for parents "Education in children of love for his native land in a family and dote"

What attractive force concluded in what surrounds us from childhood? Why, even having left native places for many years, a person recalls them with warmth, and living in the city, village, he constantly talks to a guest about the beauty and richness of his native land? It seems this expression of deep attachment and love for everything that from an early years has entered the heart as the most expensive. His love for native places, an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat are famous for what nature is, how people are busy - all this adults are transmitted to children, which is extremely important for the upbringing of moral and patriotic feelings, and the active position in this matter should occupy teachers.

The main source of impressions of preschoolers is their nearest environment, the public environment in which they live.

Not all that surrounds the child is equivalent in educational terms. Therefore, the choice of objects that should be told to children should be very important from the point of view of pedagogy.

Any corner of our country is unique. In one city, many factories, factories, high houses, wide avenues. Another famous for its past, monuments of antiquity. One village stands on the shore of a big river, and the other was lost in a deaf taiga, widely spread in the steppe or by the sea.

Each locacy has its own artists, athletes, artists, poets, advanced workers. Preschoolers should have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe heroes of the civil and great domestic wars who defended their native land.

In the senior groups, you can already build a job so that every pupil is penetrating the glory of the native land. Feeling our involvement in local public events. However, it would be wrong, the acquaintance of children with his native edge would be limited to the show only of his characteristics. In this case, the guys may not work out the correct idea of \u200b\u200bhis native land, as part of a large country - Russia in which they live.

It is necessary to emphasize that whatever the native land is, it will certainly be reflected in it, which is typically characteristic of the whole country:

People work at factories, factories, construction sites, in different institutions, in stores, farms, in fields, etc., they are always ready to help each other;

In the hometown, the area, the village, as in other places, folk traditions are observed: the national and significant dates are observed, they honor the memory of the dead heroes, recruit the recruits to the service in the army, honor the famous people, labor veterans, etc.;

Here, as throughout the country, take care of children;

In their native land, people of different nationalities can live, they work together, rest;

Here, like across the country, people must protect and protect nature;

Every person who loving his homeland should show respect for labor, interest in the culture of the native people.

Given the age and individual features of children of their group, the teacher itself determines the volume and content of the knowledge that the senior preschoolers should master.

Is it possible to talk about raising to the native edge without messages to children of certain knowledge about him? The selection and systematization of such knowledge is carried out taking into account the mental possibilities of preschoolers: the nature of their thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, i.e., the level of mental development of the child serves as a kind of prerequisite and a prerequisite for the education began patriotic senses.

The educator should so organize the replenishment of knowledge about the native land and the native country to cause children interest, develop curiosity. Direct observations in combination with the assimilation of affordable knowledge contributes to the development of the figurative and logical thinking of the child.

Emotionally perceive the surrounding children help bright, living word, music, visual art. Listening to the songs, poems about the native land, about the exploits and work, about the nature of the native country, the guys can rejoice or sadness, feel their involvement in heroic. During walks in the forest, in the field to the river, the adult teaches to see the beauty of the surrounding nature, carefully treat it. So the tasks are decided not only cognitive, aesthetic, but ultimately moral. The need to connect the family to the process of familiarizing preschoolers with social environment is due to the special pedagogical capabilities that the family has and which cannot replace the pre-school institution. Parent position is the basis of family education of the child. From the small years, the child can feel involvement in the life of his people, feel his son not only his parents, and the whole of the Fatherland. This feelings should arise even before the child is aware of the concept of "homeland", "State", "Society".

Everyone is well known, the homeland begins with his home, streets, cities, the village. Study with children where you live, you like to wander through the familiar streets, know what they are famous is the task that is quite on the shoulder of any family.

Parents can advise such forms of attracting preschoolers to public life, both walks and excursions with the goal of dating historical sites (close history), monuments of the dead soldiers, visiting the local history museum, the museum of fine arts, etc.

Family is the first team of the child. And in him he should feel like an equal member. Gradually, the child understands that he is a particle of a large collective - kindergarten, schools, and then our republic, countries. The public orientation of actions is gradually becoming the basis of education of civilian feelings, the ability to love their native land, the country, the ability to take care of nature, to join the culture of the native land.

Excursion to the library. "

Tasks: 1) To form in children realistic ideas about labor


2) involve parents to familiarize children with

Librarian profession;

3) to educate responsiveness from children, respect for the work of adults.

Preliminary work:

Reading with children fairy tales A. Alopathine "Living Books";

Give the head of the library plan of preliminary conversation about the profession

Librarian and make questions about the content of the conversation;

Assign the time excursion.

Tour travel:

The teacher asks children: - What book do we read with you?

Children: Let's read the "Lost Time Fairy Tale"

The teacher is trying to find a fairy tale, but does not find, and invites children to go to the library and take this book there.

Teacher: Children, Do you know what a library is?

Children: Yes, this is a place where many books are stored.

Pedagogue: True, there is a huge number of books in the library, and there we can find a book that we need.

Teacher and children come to the library, and there they are met by the librarian.

Pedagogue: Hello! We wanted to read the book, which is called the "Tale of Lost Time", but, unfortunately, we did not have such a book, and we came to you for this fairy tale.

Librarian: Hello guys, My name is Valentina Vasilyevna, I work librarian.

Children: We know you, you're an Ilyushka grandmother.

Librarian: Yes, I'm Ilyushina Grandma, but I work in the library. And you want, I will tell you what I do here?

Children: Very want.

Librarian: Pass, I will tell you about this exciting profession.

The librarian is a very important and necessary profession. The word librarian comes from the word "Bible", which means "Book". Many people have home libraries. Books stand on the shelves and in the cabinets. Read their adults and children. They know all their books. But there are still huge book repositories - libraries. The librarian work takes place in the library, among books. We have a huge number of libraries in Russia. In Moscow, the most important Russian state library is located, in which millions of books, ancient and modern are collected. (The librarian holds a tour of the library). Each library is whole cities, long-long rows of bookshelves stretch there as streets. It occupy these storages many floors. They are collected books from different countries. The librarian helps to find the right book in such a city.

Each book has its own number from letters and numbers - cipher. By this cipher, you can find out the address of the book: floor and shelf, where it is stored. In boxes - catalogs are stored cards with names and ciphers of all books. I will look at the librarian on such a card, it goes into the storage and bring you the right book. Read and become smarter. (Shows cards).

But I would like to tell you about the work of the librarian in the children's library. No matter how many books have not been collected from your home, in the library the choice of books is immeasurably more! The librarian gives books. He constantly communicates with the reader, answers his questions, advises which book to read. The librarian talks about children's writers, their new books, introduces the latest numbers of magazines for children.

The librarian suits colorful book exhibitions dedicated to the anniversary of the writer or poet. These exhibitions are often decorated with children's drawings. The librarians invite the authors of famous and beloved books of books to meet with small readers.

Perhaps the biggest holiday of the children's book is the "weekly week", it takes place in the spring. And warm spring sunshine, and the covers of elegant children's books - everything pleases the little readers, putting them the love of her majesty book.

Provenkin week.

We came to the holiday

Book week.

How beautiful books

Artists dressed.

Smooth covers

Bright pictures -

Cockerel in shoes,

Pink pigs.

Walls decorate

Stars, checkboxes.

We read the poet

New poems.

About cat catcher

And about the sparrow.

Gosha Sparrow -

He is such a pamper!

Good and good

Released a festival holiday!

Guys, what do you think, what qualities should the librarian have?

Children: The librarian must love books, there must be good memory.

Librarian: right! The most important property of his soul is disinterested and endless love for books! Great memory - after all, the librarian must remember well where one or another book is. Sociability, knowledge of literary works, their authors. In addition, the librarian must have an excerpt, the ability to listen, tact and attentive to the reader.

Guys, have you ever been in the library?

Name your favorite book. Who wrote her?

What is the work of the librarian?

Librarian: I have this profession. And now we will find a book that you came to me. Do you want to read the "Lost Time Fairy Tale", which Evgeny Schwartz wrote?

Children: Yes.

Librarian: then let's go with me.

(Looking for a book)

Pedagogue and children thank Valentina Vasilyevna for the book and say goodbye.

Pedagogue: Thank you Valentina Vasilyevna for an interesting excursion and for the story about your wonderful profession, and we will go to read a fairy tale. Bye!!!

Librarian: come back to the library with moms and dads, I will be very glad to you, goodbye guys

"The edge you are my favorite"

Software content:

To form in children a sense of patriotism, comprehending such concepts as a homeland, a small homeland, a native land.

To acquaint children with the history of your village, tell us about people who work in the village, whose hands were built by our village.

Secure the ability to choose the definitions of Russia.

Rail to humane feelings and love for homeland through an artistic word.

Preliminary work: Excursions for the village, exhibition of photographs, conversations.


Educator . Guys today we are in favor of your homeland, about your native land. Listen to the poem:

If the word of the motherland say

Immediately in memory gets up

Old house, in the currant garden
Thick poplar at the gate.

Or steppe from makov red,

Golden virgin.

Motherland is different

But everyone has one.

Did you like the poem? Who will tell me what is the homeland?

Children. This is where we were born.

Educator. Motherland guys we have one. Russia. But among the expanses of our big country there is a place, the region where you were born, live, go to kindergarten, walk, work. How is this place called where you were born, live?

Children: Kazan village.

Educator: Correctly guys, this is a small particle of our big Russia - this is our small homeland. Listen to this poem:

My village - Motherland particle

And my hearts of my particle.

Here all the ways that I am passing

Managed to fit next to.

There is a river without a name,

Angry, only in the flood.

And in her childhood early

For nightingale melodies.

When you grow big, you will go to learn, work, but still you will remember your village all the time, your small homeland. Today we will talk about creating our village.

When a small village was formed a long time ago. And there were only seven yards there. And this village Toksibayevo was called. The houses were small, squat, with small rubber coated straw. People were engaged in agriculture, working on the landowner under the supervision of the manager.

The peasants were illiterate. I could not read or write. Not any school and speech was not. At the age of 6-7 years, children also worked. Grazing horses, cleaned bread. Then the revolution occurred in our country. The land took away from the landowners and gave the peasants. The peasants began to live better life got better. But then the mortal danger hung over our homeland. The enemy attacked our land. The Great Patriotic War began. Many of our countrymen left to defend our homeland. Almost old men, women and children remained in the village. Instead of men, they sat on the tractor and combines. Fauffed the earth, sowed bread, cared for cattle. It was difficult and hard. But each person put a particle of his heart in the approach of the Great Victory. The war ran out. Men returned from war. Gradually, our state farm has grown. School, kindergarten, shops were built. A brick manufacturing workshop was built. From it they did at home, put the stoves. It became warm and water supply. Games the central manor village. A victory park was planted with a memorial who died soldiers. In the 70-80 years, the Central Street of the village leading to the office is transformed. Old wooden houses are demolished and modern, 3-storey houses, a new two-storey kindergarten are built on their place. A new hospital is built. Repaired the house of culture. People in the evenings began to go to the movies. Our library worked. The economy has become strong, received rich grain yields, and potatoes. Our village has a dam in which there are a lot of fish. We have honorary residents - war and labor veterans. It is necessary to say that thank you very much for what our lives and flourishes.

Comprehensive occupation with the children of the middle group on the topic

"Here is my village."

Software tasks:

  • Intensify those who have knowledge about their native village
  • To acquaint children with the peculiarities of a wooden house, with a village.
  • To introduce the origin of the word "street".
  • Fasten the ability to "read" the simplest schemes.
  • Take care to take into account the features of the material during the independent manufacture of crafts, when compiling the composition of the work.
  • Develop curiosity, creativity.
  • Educate friendliness and respect for adults.

Wordwork: Log hut, chopped house, explain the origin of the word "street".
Preliminary work: Excursions in the village, viewing illustrations, reading Russian folk fairy tales.
Materials: Demonstration - illustration (Wooden Russian House, View of the village, "Magic Lark", Watman Sheet with trees and a river for collective appliqués, "Wooden Street";
Distribution for each child: envelope with cardboard, paper for windows and platbands, construction scheme, brush, scissors, napkin, glue.
Structure occupation
Start classes. Children sit beyond the tables. It includes Russian beauty.
Alyona. - Hello guys, hello adults. I am Alena Krasya, Breakie Spit. I went to the fair, but it seems to be lost. You guys are so beautiful here, it is smart, but it doesn't look like a fair. Tell me, where did I get?
Responses of children. You fell into kindergarten.
Alyona. - What is your kindergarten called?
Responses of children. Our kindergarten is called "Golden Key"Alyona . Guys, where is your kindergarten, in the village or in the city?
Responses of children. - Our kindergarten is located in the village.
Alyona. But what about your village?
Responses of children. Our village is called Kazan.
Alyona. Is there a lot of streets in your village?
Responses of children. In our village there are many different streets.
Alyona. And what streets do you know?
Responses of children. Street state-house. New, Cooperative, Communal, Komsomolskaya, Sadovaya, Conakov, Pioneer
Alyona. What homes in your village are high or low?
Responses of children. In our village houses high.
Alyona. Stone or wooden?
Responses of children. In our village houses stone from stone, wooden.
And you know the children, there was a case such.
Rushed people from work home,
Only reached, - Here are miracles -
All forgot their addresses.
Where is our street? Where is our home?
The inhabitants are moving - "Where is our garage?"
Everything was confused, everyone got lost,
Fortunately, this only happened in the fairy tale.

I told you this story to find out, check if you know exactly where you live on what street?
Alena refers to children. - And you're your beautiful girl, in which house you live?
Child response. I live in a stone, high house.
Alyona. - Do you have a lot of floors in your house? Child response.
Alyona. - Well, you are kind well done, in which house you live, do you like a lot of floors in your house, describe your home? (The answer of the child).
Alyona. - Yes, in your village at home high, multi-storey. And I live guys in the village. In our village, everything is different. And we have a lot of streets, both in the city, and cars are a bit, but we have no homes at all. In our village at home, it's standing in the old days. And called such houses - huts.
The house has long been built in Russia, from a tree, from logs. How do you think why?
Answers children (If children find it difficult to answer, the educator helps them to answer this question).
Alyona: - Yes, people lived among the fields, surrounded by forests. The forest gave a man to man, fed, shook, dress. Tree in Russia - the material is special.
The Russian man was born in a chopped, log hill, lived all his life in her.
Consider illustration.
Alyona. - Look, huts stand on the side, like sisters, pressed together to each other.
Houses beautiful, durable. Build house - difficult. People decorated their homes, the part that went outside was the "face" of the hut. Therefore, the road in which the huts stood, and began to call the street. The house looks at the world by windows - eyes, through them the window includes sunlight. They called them affectionately - rubber and decorated with platbands (accompanied by a poster show).
Alyona. "Have a look, my village is almost the same, but it's not a fate to return to me."
If you do not help me and do not see her. Will you help me guys?
(Children's responses.)
Alyona. - Look at the place as we have and the river, and the forest, and the hill, and even the well as on our street. Only houses lack. Let's build them. And to build at home, we are needed logs. Get up guys We will go to the forest, search for logs.

Regional science is an integral part of our big history, a binding thread of times. The revival of library location today is caused by the unprecedented rise in national self-consciousness. Huge educational, patriotic possibilities of local history material allow you to raise a citizen not on abstract ideals, but on examples from the life of parents, fellow villagers, on events from the history of their field and the area.

About the library with love!

(From the history of the Suzement Central Library)

The very first mention of the library on the territory of the current Sumzze district refers to 1905. At that far and hectic time in the village of Kokorevka, with tea, and later, after the revolution, the library worked in a merchant house. Its foundation was small in today's standards and amounted to about 200 books, 4 newspapers were issued.

The history of the Sumbal Children's Central Library began in the fall of 1956, it was then that the children's library hospitably opened the doors for young readers of the village. On the street station in a small building, a subscription and reading room are located. The library foundation was 3,800 copies.

All this time, the library remained faithful to his young subchanity. And today, its main achievement is readers: smart, talented, inquisitive, passionate ... They live for them and the children's library of subchanging.

At the end of December 1943, the Komsomolets Nikolai Osipenkov returned to his native village from the front of the injury. The village did not have anything and in risen, everything was destroyed by the fascists. People who returned to the village from the forest lived in basements, dugouts and twilights. There was one hack for the village.

Nikolai went to the subservant 10 kilometers on foot to become a Komsomolskaya accounting in the Komsomol district. He began to persuade him to work out the head of the head - reading it, and at the same time head the Komsomol organization of the village. Did not persuade ...

How it all began…

The history of the creation of the Nevdolsky rural library began in the distant 30s of the last century. In 1931-1933, there were two collective farms in the village, two offices and two clubs. One club was located on the place of the present, and the second - on the site of the current monument to the dead fellow villagers in the center of the village.

Izba - the reading room was in the building of the Krugstoza Kraskoza "Red Partizan". Bibikov Vasily Grigorievich became the first head - the reading channel, but soon he was taken to the army in the actual service.

The Great Patriotic War began and all the village was burned with the fascists, including the club with Void - reading items.

In 1944, Holtlechi began the work of the hut-reading room. Heated - Alekteitseva Antonina Arkhipovna. The hut-reading room was a club and a place where it was possible to read the book, a newspaper. During 1944 - 1950, several heads were changed or reading items: this is Sementsov Nikolai Petrovich, Volvewankin Ivan Petrovich, Nerekov Alexey Andreevich. Since 1951, Lileev Olga Vasilyevna, a teacher of primary classes, former partisanka, became the head of the head-reading.

During the war in 1944 in the village of Novaya, the hut was open - reading room. She held a small room in the building of the Rural Council. At that time, the heads were pleased - they were reading: Moskalev Konstantin Andreevich, Frolkov Mikhail Ivanovich, Ryabikov Nina Gavrilovna.

In a very short time, the library became a real center of culture, where people were in a hurry for a book. Book Foundation was small. Over time, the hut - the reading room was renamed the library.

From the memories of the oldest residents of the village of Merkulov, Vasilyevich seeds - born in 1923, a veteran of war, a pensioner and Merkulova Mary Trofimovna, born in 1918, pensioners - the first mention of the library refers to 1925. In the village Semenovskoye was open - reading room, club, school, rural council. All these socialcultum objects were located in the same building, which was built near the church. The hut-reading room was located in a dedicated corner of the rural club and was a cultural center of the village.

The story of any library is noteworthy in that it is closely intertwined by the history of the country, the edges, cities or villages, the fate of those who work in it. The Cellian rural library has not been an exception.

Developing together with generations of its readers, she passed the way from hut-reading to the modern information center, successfully implementing his own creative projects. During this time, much changed: the address of the library, not one generation of librarians changed, several generations of readers came out of its walls, the book fund increased significantly and changed, the methods and forms of work were expanded. But one thing left is left - here they are always waiting for adults and young readers, here they are learn to love books, think, dream.

Behind - 100 years. Why did it all start?

The first mention of the library in P. Kokorevka refers to 1905. It was opened with a tea plant. Its foundation was about 200 books, 4 newspapers were issued.

After the revolution, the library was in a merchant house, but in 1934 the library was transferred to a new premises to the building of the former church. The library already had a fund of about 1000 copies, 4 newspapers were issued. Since everyone had the opportunity to buy books, the villagers loved to visit the library very much.

Search and local history activities of the school museum "Memory"

in MKOU "Pavlovskaya Sosh" of Novichikhinsky district.

The center of educational work in this area is the school museum. The school museum is the creative cooperation of teachers and students. It connects together many generations of teachers and graduates of different years, is a perennial keeper and the successor of the best traditions of school life.

Experience shows that the school museum connects different forms of extracurricular work, allowing to identify a common tendency: the desire for systematics in work, to the mass attachment of students to history, art, to an in-depth study of items, integration and creative development of a separate personality.

Our school museum began to be created since 1987. The keeper and the creator of the local history museum "Memory" is a teacher of the Russian language and literature of Goncharova Nina Maksimovna.

Thematic expositions are devoted not only to school, but also by individual periods of our history: the years of the Great Patriotic War and collectivization, the history of small villages, the civil war in Altai. A lot of information is local history and biographical. The museum contains data on the heroes of the Second World War and the warriors of internationalists. Residents of our village, school graduates help collect information. Historians - local history, graduates of the school.

The museum has a historical and local history profile and the following areas:

1. History of the native edge.

3. Delivets of Rosta

5. The teachivization, the formation of collective farms.

6. History of school.

7. Estimate Patriotic War.

8. Our fellow defenders of the Fatherland.

9.Son are internationalists.

This area of \u200b\u200bactivity of the museum allows you to organize extracurricular local lore work of students

The purpose of the museum It is the creation of optimal conditions for the teacher and students in the use of local history in teaching and upbringing the younger generation.

The main tasks are :

1. Education from schoolchildren feeling patriotism, love to the homeland.

2. Development of the desire to participate in creative activities.

3. Formation of cognitive interests and abilities.

4. Formation of creative amateur, public activity,

expansion of the horizon.

5. Mastering practical skills of search and research, collector,

accounting-up, exposure, mass-propaganda, excursion work.

For successful work in this area used:

1. The work of the Child Public Association.

2. School rural library, in which literature literature is collected.

3. The possibility of communication over the Internet with famous local leaders.

4. Communication with school museums district.

5. Close connection with the local veterans council.

To solve the tasks, takes into account:

1. Organization of search and research work with students on a comprehensive study of the native land.

2. When planning a local history work at school, the upcoming commemorative events from the history and life of the native land are taken into account.

3. The performance of excursions in the native land, classes in the school museum.

4. Meetings with old-timers, war and labor veterans, recording, processing and storage of their memories. Collection of documentary and subject certificates.

5. Video and photo Fixation of preserved objects of history, culture, nature.

6. Work with archival documents.

7. Periodical update and replenishment of the expositions of the school museum, the development and design of new expositions, exhibitions.

9. Annual participation in the district local history contest.

10. Organization and holding of annual thematic events dedicated to the historical victories of the Russian army, victories of Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War and the contribution of our countrymen, combat traditions of the army and fleet.

All educational work within the framework of local history activities are based on the age-related criterion on the principle of phased implementation of the current program.

1-4 Classes: Acquaintance with the local history occurs at the level of passive perception through listening and discussing certain local history, through meetings, excursions. Students explore what surrounds them, study the pedigree of their family.

5-7 classes: In working with students of this age, active perception and participation in local lore work is used. Students of these classes prepare small research work on the pedigree of their family, study the history of school and edges through excursions and acquaintance with the archive of the museum, perform one-time search assignments.

8-11 classes: prepare and spend excursions in school museums, participate in the preparation of thematic class hours on local history in junior and middle classes, are engaged in research work, summarize the available materials in the museum, study archival documents; Studies on a certain local language topic are conducted, study the history of the native land, participate in the scientific local lore school conferences of the region, the edges ..

As part of this activity, you can identify the following sections:

1. Search and research work with students.

2. Coordination work with public organizations and extracurricular institutions.

3. Accounting and storage of school museum funds.

4. Update exposures and exhibitions of school museums.

5. Mass and excursion work of school museums.

6. Memorable events from the history of the native land.

Schoolchildren develop the exposition plan of the school museum, conduct excursions on the exposition of the museum, perform with conversations and messages before children of junior classes; Present the results of the study of local history material in the form of messages, abstracts, abstracts, creative work, with which they often act not only at the district, but also by the regional levels.

The results of the implementation of the activities of the search and local history work are: successful search work of students, the interest of students to the search and local lore activities, the continuous development of the museum created, an increase in the number of its exhibits, the emergence of new sections, the achievements of students on district, regional, etc. scientific and practical conferences and contests.

"Motherland is a place where we were born,

The fatherland is Motherland, I am conscious. "

M. Pryshvin

School Local Lore Project

"Save the story of your village."

The relevance and purpose of the project :

- Formation of the foundations of patriotism

education of respect for history, interest in the life of peers in wartime, education of civil and social activity, the development of creative abilities.

Educational project tasks:

- formation of the pupils and their parents interest in learning history, to the life of the peers of children who fought, worked, died during the war years;

- The introduction of a young generation to the knowledge, which price I got a victory in the Great Patriotic War.

- upbringing respect for the memory of the dead .

Principles of project implementation:

    personal - Oriented orientation: the formation of patriotic personal qualities;

    activities: Education and Development of Personality As a result of practical activities - Creating a video;

    the optimal combination of individual education, self-education and upbringing in the team;

Education - introduces the historical facts of the Great Patriotic War, the knowledge of the history of his villages.

Value - involves the formation of a patriotic worldview, orientation on humanistic values, knowledge of the history of Russia, its study, preservation.

Actors He contributes to the training of presentations, films in the unity of various activities.

Creative It provides for the development of the creative abilities of students, research skills, self-education by means of local history component.

Project participants - Studying 4-11 classes, cool leaders , Parents, Residents of the village, the Council of Veterans.

Expected project implementation results:participation in the competition Patriotic projects. School illegal conference. The district local history conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, the Regional Competition "The Future of Altai".

Project implementation means: Documents B. Word. , Internet, memories of residents of the village, Museum Documents.


Project plan.

Introduction Relevance.

Patriotic education of the younger generation is the most important task that stands today in front of our society. Where we go to which you focus, what is our spiritual ideal - these questions are worried today. But love for the Motherland, respect for its historical past, cultural heritage, literature, pride for its prominent compatriots should be vacated with a young man at home or at school. The debt of this teacher is to fight for approval in the minds and hearts of young people of eternal values. The most important thing is initial in the case of the patriotic education of young people - the firm conviction of the teacher that this work is necessary that the feeling of the birthplace, its historical roots should live in every person, its belonging to a certain culture, traditions, and nationality. Love for the Motherland is not only interest in its historical past, significant events and historical personalities. This is a not indifferent attitude to Russia today, pain for her fate, for failures, for a difficult situation in the country, this is the creation of "reasonable, kind, eternal". The key to the stable development of the state is an active civil position. From the activity of young people in socio-political life will depend on the pace of promotion of society along the path of democratic transformations. Therefore, civil education is one of the priority strategic goals of the state educational policy. Strengthening the local lore component of education, especially on the basis of the school museum, is a positive trend of our time and the best basis for the patriotic education of the younger generation. Museum-pedagogical programs are actively being implemented in school practice for the development of mechanisms that ensure the growth and actualization of the professional potential of specialists of the education system. The problem of memory generations, traditions, transformation of each educational institution in the museum object becomes especially relevant today. Such a formulation of the problem creates the student relationship between the past - the present - the future.^ The program is designed as part of the educational school process

Program objectives: - creation of conditions for civil and patriotic education of students through museum activities;- the formation of spiritual and moral culture to solve personal development problems within the framework of the educational process;- Preservation of memory of the past through the study of people and events of their small homeland.


Program tasks:

Organization of the search for materials to replenish the Museum Fund;- develop the ability and form on the basis of excursion lessons and the museum environment of interpersonal communication skills;- excursions for adults attending the school museum;- integrate into the system of the museum network of the municipality"Solonovsky Rural Council" in the organization of joint search activities;- use of computer technologies in the search activity of the museum;- to bring up visual and museum culture among students;- instill the skills of the educated visitor to the museum exposition;- pay more attention to promoting family traditions;- Development of additional education of children by means of museumpedagogy (creating a mug, section).

^ Contents of the program: - inclusion in the educational process of the School of Museum and Pedagogical Subjects and Museum-Pedagogical Technologies;- the creation of a child's attachment system to the museum culture, primarily through participation in excursion work;- development of new conditions for the creative development of children;- Expansion of the educational environment of the school.Program, the museum implemented on the basis includes the following steps:

1. Familiarization (informational)

This stage is devoted to the study of the history of the educational institution. Participants in this stage are students of grades 5-6 on their own initiative. The main qualities are interest in history, developed speech, good memory, the desire to perform himself. Information about the museum is given in an affordable form.

2. Excursion activities of students

This stage includes the introduction of museum pedagogy into the education system and a developed set of measures to increase moral and patriotic education based on exposure, excursion activities. Participants of this stage are 8-11 classes. Forms of participation: Preparation of topics, which are already developed and used; updating information (new facts, memories, archival materials); Development of new topics, creation of presentations.

    Research and Search Engine Activities

At this stage, the creation of museum projects, preparation and writing of reports and abstracts on topics related to the events of a small homeland, publishing media. Meetings with the residents of the village, veterans of war, the burners of the rear, the first pioneers and the Komsomol members. Archival work (district archive). Communication with the district local lore museum.

Historical reference. The local history museum of MKOU "Pavlovskaya Sosh" was established in 1987. The selected room was 30 sq.m. The Museum of Local Lore organizes its work on the basis of self-government. The work of the Museum Council sends. Leader of the Museum of Goncharov Nina Maksimovna.
The direction associated with the history of the village is best implemented on the basis of active collection and study of the student of local history material. This feature gives the creation of educational documents as a result of conversations, survey, surveying from direct participants and eyewitnesses of historical events.
The school was built in 1914, rebuilt in 1924, a new school - 1928-1932, secondary school - 1987. The school was a member of the historical events that took place in the country: revolutions, civil war, collectivization, the Great Patriotic War.
Under the local lore room was allocated a room with a size of 32 sq.m. A collected about 250 exhibits telling about the life and occupations of the population, about the Great Patriotic War. Replacement exposures and thematic exhibitions apply. Excursions, exhibition works, meetings with graduates of past years are held here.

Educational space of local history museum



district Museum




house of Culture

the Internet

Solonovsky with / Council

council of Veterans.

Among the exhibits of the local history room there are many interesting items of antiquities: coins, clothing, church utensils, tips, samovars, etc. In their work, we cooperate with the structures providing us with the necessary information that contributes to the formation of search activity skills.Museum pedagogy analyzes the needs of various social and age groups of visitors, studies the features of their exposure perception and produces differentiated techniques for working with them. In certain cases, it makes the necessary adjustments to the content of the exposure itself.One example of the introduction of museum pedagogy into the educational process is museum excursions.The museum tour is a special type of activity, which, like no other form of work, demonstrates the student's connection between the past and present, makes it possible to feel the breath of time through the items that our ancestors once held in their hands. All this sometimes acts as the main means of upbringing the younger generation.Currently, museum excursions that are the means of museum pedagogy are actively introduced into the educational process. The number of excursions conducted, including lessons - excursions, mini-excursions is growing. As an approbation of the introduction of this fund, museum pedagogy are spent tours on the history of the Great Patriotic War (museum project). Of interest is the topic of everyday life. Peasant life, clothing, folk creativity, crafts do not leave passive listeners. Following the excursions, students are creative reports on visiting the museum. Carrying out the rule of feedback regularly, excursion activities are filled with new content.

1. Search engine: School Local Lore Conferences:

1. "Holy Memory" (to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War).

* "I do not come from childhood - from the war",

* "My Military Childhood",

* "The world of the Russian village during the Great Patriotic War",

* "Awards of our countrymen",

* Front geography of our countrymen, "

* "Malikov Ivan Aleksandrovich - a participant in the Great Patriotic War."

2. »Male century. The story of Siel Pavlovka and Krasnoyarka. "

Student search topics:

* "I and my village",

* "The estates of our village",

* "Coleno and workers of the village",

* "The history of Pavlovka village: events and people",

* "Let's open the memory of the page" (Krasnärka's 90th anniversary).

* "The demographic situation in the villages of Pavlovka and Krasnoyarka."

. 3. "From the elementary school to the average" (the history of school Siel Pavlovka and Krasnoyarka).

Topics for search work uch "

* History of release. (Albums)

* Famous graduates of our school.

* Old books and magazines in the family.

* They worked as directories and widths of the school.

* Teachers - graduates of the school.

* "Competition participants"

* "Graduates of school and teacher on the roads of war."

* "Family graduate dynasties"

* Museum exhibits (certificates of different years, medals, pioneer form, handles, propaci i.t.)

* Presentations on school themes.

2. Decor search materials to rural holidays

on topics of design work, place them in rural

House of Culture.

3. Conduct photo contests at school (about school life),

"Best presentation ", The best project,

our talents "I'm talented!".

4. Carry out a systematic systematic collection in the museum

documents, monuments of material and spiritual culture;

reception of gifts and random revenues;

* Conduct on the basis of the museum, the joint work of the teacher and students

on the study of problematic issues of the history of the native land;

* summarize the material studied in abstracts, creative

student studies;

* Participate in district competitions on historical local history;

* Create a multimedia presentation fund.

2. Educational activities:
* holding on the materials of the museum of meetings, excursions, excursion lessons,
* mini excursions
* creation of exposures, sections of the museum, interior design;
- * Use of the exhibits of the museum in the urgent and extracurricular activities;
* participation in competitive quiz on commemorative dates;
- participation in district and regional local lore conferences;
- Cooperation with the district newspaper "Selchanka".

3. Working work:

* Registration of excursions, posters, albums - clamshells, exhibitions;
* Creating folders - memories of participants in the Great Patriotic War, Children of War, Tire Workers, Military Participants XX
century (Afghanistan, Chechnya).

During the work, we have repeatedly encouraged the diplomas of the education department


The expected result is assumed in the form of external manifestation: continuous development of the museum, increasing the number of its exhibits, the emergence of new sections, an increase in the number of students who want to participate in search activities, receiving practical skills: searching for work, research activities, as well as internal manifestation - interest in the history of their fatherland and the native land, respectful attitude to veterans, the older generation, understanding the importance of preserving historical memory for descendants, personal growth of students, their moral burned, which will help them become worthy citizens of Russia.The world is completely different today! A person has changed. He is more judicial, pragmatic and, maybe a sense of attachment to his homeland, pain for her fate must give way to some other feelings. But after thought again I come to the conclusion that there are simply no other ideals and moral values. The history of mankind has formed eternal values, such as truth, justice, good, nobility, honesty, love for homeland, compassion, protection of weak, respect for the elder and much more. And no matter how they tried to overestimate and rethink these crucial values, including a high sense of love for their homeland, the truth will always remain true.