Ekaterina Klimov with gel Mesha arranged incendiary dancing in nature (video). Catherine Klimova arranged incendiary dances in the fresh air with her husband: video dance Klimova and Petrenko

Ekaterina Klimov with gel Mesha arranged incendiary dancing in nature (video). Catherine Klimova arranged incendiary dances in the fresh air with her husband: video dance Klimova and Petrenko
Ekaterina Klimov with gel Mesha arranged incendiary dancing in nature (video). Catherine Klimova arranged incendiary dances in the fresh air with her husband: video dance Klimova and Petrenko
0 August 13, 2017, 18:25

39-year-old Ekaterina Klimova knows how to raise the mood for himself and its subscribers. To do this, just start dancing! The actress posted on her page in Instagram video, on which her spouse, a 32-year-old actor Gela Money cheerfully walkers under the song Potap and Nastya Kamensky "not a couple". Apparently, Klimova was not particularly guessed, which she was engaged in her husband. She at that moment took sunbathing. But as soon as the gela ran up to his wife, she supported his initiative. As a result, both spouses were in the pool.

Dancing millionaire

It was such a hashtag that he put Catherine in the comments under the record.

With his perform, the spouses decided to burling Millionaire Gianluk Vakka. Is this due to the fact that now the businessman has serious financial problems and they considered that they could have been able to cope with a well-established way, or they just like the "creativity" of the Italian, not known. In any case, celebrities managed to laugh fans.

Healthy! Wonder! You are so wonderful couple! Funny and real ... What are you both incendiary! Umnick!

I almost fell under the table from laughter! Very funny, especially these incomprehensible knaps on the body of her husband

Posted commentators after watching the roller.

But many subscribers climate worried no longer a dance, but the figure of the artist. They crumbled in compliments, once again noting that Catherine looks great and it is absolutely nothing to be shy. The actress, by the way, is not afraid to publish candid pictures in a swimsuit. The reaction of Follovover is one - delight!

Photo Instagram.

And Ekaterina Klimov - popular Russian actors. Young people met the filming of the painting "Wolf Heart". At this time, Catherine had a difficult period in life, she broke up with her husband Igor Petrenko. Gel was near, put a strong male shoulder, and soon he led Klimov under the crown. The story of their love will tell in the article.

How it all began

Gela Mashi and Ekaterina Klimov met on the set of the film "Wolf's Heart". The actress remembers that he noticed a highly brunet not immediately, but there was no strong feelings and speech. At that time, Catherine was still officially married, but no longer lived with Igor Petrenko, from which the actress two children.

But the geela fell in love with Klimov at first glance. Repeatedly in an interview, he stated that he simply drowned in her green eyes.

According to the scenario, Meshi gela and Ekaterina Klimov were in love with each other. Screen feelings soon turned into real love. The guy was beautifully cared, gave gifts, arranged romantic evenings, hit his perseverance. And Klimov surrendered. She officially divorced her husband and moved to live to the gel.

For journalists, the couple did not comment on their relationship. And this can be understood, because by the shoulders of Klimova there were already two unsuccessful marriage.

Marriage proposal

In the summer of 2015, the long-awaited wedding of Catherine Klimova and Geli Moles took place. The guy was not embarrassed by the fact that he was younger than his chosen for as many as 8 years.

The offer gel had to do several times. In New York, where lovers flew on vacation, they have lost suitcases. It was there that was the ring that Mesh wanted to present to the climate.

But the guy was not confused and still kneel in the Central Park, on the famous bridge of lovers. But Katya responded with refusal. Too little time passed after parting with Petrenko.

Gela did not surrender and repeated attempted in Jerusalem, Moscow, Paris. It was in France that, on the famous Eiffel Tower, Klimov agreed to tie himself to marriage. At that moment the actress was 4 months old pregnancy.

Long-awaited wedding

The press was waiting for a bright and luxurious celebration, but, alas, this did not happen. The wedding of Catherine Klimova and Gela Money took place in one of the metropolitan regulations. Newlyweds decided to do without beautiful outfits, lush feast and bright salute.

According to Catherine itself, she had such a tight working schedule that there was no time and strength to prepare for the wedding.

Only close relatives and friends were invited to the celebration. Kolyomov's children from previous marriages accepted gel in their family.

It is entertaining that after the painting the family went for a week to Alaska, and after Los Angeles. It was there that the newlyweds decided to spend a mini celebration once again by making it romantic and touching. Spouses gave an oath of eternal love and gave each other pendants in the form of hearts.

Commands and rumors about divorce

It seemed that lovers were truly happy. But literally a couple of months after the wedding, the press appeared reports that Catherine Klimov and Gela Money parted.

The reasons were called a lot, one of the versions - treason of her husband. Such conclusions made journalists after noticed that Klimov moves from his country house. But, fortunately, these rumors were not confirmed.

It turned out that the family just decided to move closer to the capital. After all, Katya had to give birth in a month, and the eldest children soon had to go to school.

Klimov moved herself, he wore heavy suitcases and bags, even though he was in the last period of pregnancy. Gela at that time was involved on the set of a new film and did everything to provide a family.

Balla's birth

At the beginning of the fall, the Mesha gel and Catherine Klimova were born a charming daughter, which was called Ballo. The name of the spouse was chosen for quite a long time. Katya recalls that he has persuaded her husband for a long time not to call my daughter Isabella. And in the end it succeeded.

When Parents Klimova learned about choosing a name for granddaughter, they were pleasantly surprised. It turned out that this should be called Catherine. But the family understood that this name was not fully combined with the surname.

The actress for a long time hid a child from Paparazzi, did not put pictures of babies in social networks. Made it only when the daughter was fulfilled a year. According to fans, the girl is very similar to her dad.

Cheerful family life

Klimova and Mesha still together. They work a lot, do not forget to rest and enjoy life. The actress often exposes pictures from the family archive on social networks.

Recently, a funny roller appeared in her "instagram". In it, the family parods the incendiary Samba of the Italian Janluki Vakka. The dance of Catherine Klimova and Gela Moneh caused hundreds of positive comments from their fans. Video in a few hours scored thousands of likes.

Many follovers noted the ideal forms of the actress. But the husband of Ekaterina Klimova Gel Meshi recommended to go to the gym and bring their body to the right form.

We hope that the actress is the last marriage in which she will truly happy and loved.

The actors removed the parody of Dancing Gianluki Vakka (dancing millionaire).

39-year-old Ekaterina Klimova placed on his page in Instagram video on which her spouse, 32-year-old actor Gela Meshi Fun sails by the song Potap and Nastya Kamensky "not a couple".

While the star Instagram Gianluca Vakka temporarily stopped his carefree dance activity, since the miring in debt, others dance for it. For example, Ekaterina Klimova and her husband Gel Mesha, who removed the parody of the "Dancing Millionaire" on the Russian natural expanses.

# Dancing Millioner? ☠️- Clealed the Klimov video on which the gela, "decorated" drawings in the form of skulls and abbreviation of the USSR, tears peacefully lying on a deck chair Catherine from tasting berries in order to jump into the pool in the rhythm.

With his perform, the spouses were sprouted Millionaire Gianluk Vakka. Celebrities managed to laugh fans. But many subscribers of Klimova liked no longer a dance, but the figure of the artist. They crumbled in compliments, once again noting that Catherine looks great. The actress, by the way, is not afraid to publish candid pictures in a swimsuit, causing delight from fans.