"Salekhard became a turning point": Elena Letuchaya told why she decided to leave "Revizorro". Why is Elena Flying leaving "Revizorro"? There is such an opinion Why did they change Elena volatile in the auditor

"Salekhard became a turning point": Elena Letuchaya told why she decided to leave "Revizorro". Why is Elena Flying leaving "Revizorro"? There is such an opinion Why did they change Elena volatile in the auditor

In the last issue of "Revizorro-show" Elena Flying, who still goes to the doctors after, said: after a trip to the capital of Yamal, she thought about whether she should be involved in this project at all, the correspondent reports.

"Lena called me, said that US beat hard, creepy, now going to kill, we need to be evacuated from the city. It’s good that they had a plane that day, it was the last day of their stay, but they didn’t make it in time. It was categorically impossible for them to stay in the city: if they had stayed, they would have been found and killed. I'm sure they were looking for. And they threatened ", - said the chief editor of the program Polina Avetikova.

For this, Avetikova contacted the tour operator, who, at her request, extended the check-in for the flight and, as a result, the team had time for it.

Program producer Elena Shipunova clarified that they went to this cafe because a few months before that, a children's hockey team had lunch at Victoria, which was leaving the capital of Yamal with poisoning. The catalyst for the conflict, according to Shipunova, was the behavior Elvira Arndt, the owner of the cafe, who is the wife of the manager who obstructed the work of the group.

"Until now, they drag me to police stations, investigators come," said Elena Letuchaya.

She added that the owner of the cafe tried to break into the car, where the Flying and cameraman Valentin Gerasimov, who came to her, hid after the attack. As a result, the operator had to protect Flying from Arndt, who tried to beat the TV presenter. After returning to the capital, the TV presenter could not get away from the stress for a long time: she still goes to doctors.

"I had a nervous breakdown. When they said to me:" Revizorro, shooting ", I started hysterical. Salekhard happened a turning point in general in the program. I said: I can't take it anymore. I ended up in the clinic, then fainting began on this basis. I am still in rehabilitation. I said to myself: "I will not go anywhere else." It was a blow to the stomach. (In Salekhard) I was told: you will not fly away, but if you fly away, we will get you in Moscow and kill you. " , - said the presenter.

Elena Flying

(39) has been the permanent host of the "Revizorro" show since 2014. However, in 2017, she with a scandal from the project to Channel One (despite the contract with the Friday TV channel, which was concluded until 2019).

Flying has repeatedly spoken about Revizorro and her departure from the project: she complained about leaks of information, security problems and her own health problems.

And so, Elena returned to this topic again, sharing the details of filming the last season, as well as her opinion on other hosts of the show. The other day Flying gave an interview to Dmitry Levitsky in his author's program ReBro.

About filming and first leaving the project

“At first they were afraid, but I have no brakes at all. The leadership was generally wary of this story. I left because I couldn't film. The doctors told me six months minimum recovery, and they wanted to shoot more and more. And this story began with the replacement of the presenters and so on. But I always really wanted to shoot the Moscow season, I really wanted to know what would happen, ”Elena admitted.

About the Moscow season

“We gave people who didn’t understand what they were doing (about the crew). They thought they were doing a scandalous show. We started filming, I rented a restaurant on Patriarch's Ponds. He was very good, I gave them a sign. I had a condition that no one "pushes" me. I said that we should check all the restaurateurs. After the first restaurant, I realized that something was wrong, because they started calling me with the words “that Flying is taking shit there, that they bought it,” it turned out that this restaurant had been preparing for two weeks. I began to check the information, and indeed, someone told them that they would be the first, and they were preparing, ”the presenter shared. She also admitted that she wanted to come and remove the sign, but the Friday TV channel did not let her do this, saying that it would never go on the air.

About the reasons for leaving

“I realized that I could no longer associate myself with Revizorro. I have a scan, you know. I go to a restaurant, it is perfect, I go and feel that something is not right. I go in and find a huge amount of delays. I have my operators, who walked this path with me, say: "They knew." I started to change restaurants as I saw fit, but in a very strange way strategically moved all the expensive restaurants to the end. I could not influence it, I was tired of fighting. The game started without me, ”said Flying. The presenter's patience ran out when she, looking through the material, saw a cockroach in the restaurant, although he was not there. “In the program, I see a cockroach crawling in a restaurant where there were no cockroaches. I start calling all the producers and say, “Why is there a cockroach in this program? There were no cockroaches! " They tell me they were. I said that I would stop filming and would no longer work, ”admitted Elena.

About new presenters

“Why should I be jealous of the new hosts if they just killed my show. She was (32), but I generally don't consider her to be the leader. What was happening then made my hair move. All these dances in short skirts and so on. But she didn't last long. And as for Nastya Samburskaya (31), she is an actress, and you cannot play in this show. And then she has a very heavy aggressive energy. "

At the end of March it became known that TV presenter Elena Letuchaya was leaving the "Revizorro" show. The blonde will be replaced by the former soloist of the group "VIA Gra" Olga Romanovskaya. On the website of the TV channel "Friday!" a video has already appeared in which the girl demonstrates slender legs. “You have no idea who it is! Super premiere is coming soon, ”the description of the video said, but the journalists quickly“ figured out ”that it was Romanovskaya.

Bloggers and journalists immediately began to wonder why Flying left the show and what project she would be engaged in in the future. Some suggested that the TV presenter was actively preparing for the wedding with businessman Yuri Anashenkov, so the work for her faded into the background. Lena decided to comment on the situation in person.

On April 5, a press conference was held by Letuchaya and the head of the Friday TV channel, Nikolai Kartozia. The TV presenter and media manager talked about the personnel changes in the show. It turns out that Lena is not going anywhere - she will become the producer of "Revizorro".


“I will control the process and hone it. Revizorro is a social show, and for me the most important thing is that its functionality works. This is my child. I gave birth to him, went out, and now I bring him up, ”said Lena.

Lena also spoke about the new presenter - Olga Romanovskaya. According to her, it will be difficult for the singer, but Flying will do everything to help her. By the way, the leadership of the TV channel had many candidates for the role of the leading project, among them there was even ... actor Nikita Dzhigurda!

“I can say that it will be difficult for Olga. She has yet to win the love of the audience. I will help her in everything. I have not yet seen her in the role of the host, but she certainly looks spectacular on the screen, ”said Flying.

“Olga is undoubtedly a beautiful girl, a mother of two children, and also a boxing champion,” added Nikolai.

By the way, in addition to producing the show, Elena will also lead a new project. As we wrote earlier, Flying will become the host of the "Slimy" show, in which young people and girls will lose weight for money.

Elena's fans can rejoice - there will be more of her on Friday. By the way, the TV presenter is actively preparing for the wedding with businessman Yuri Anashenkov. Fans are worried if Elena can handle such a load. However, according to the blonde herself, you should not worry about her, she knows how to allocate her time and assures that the main thing is "to get up early."

Elena Flying confessed why she actually left the show

News of Tyumen and the Tyumen region - 04/07/2016

The day before, on April 6, on the air of the Revizorro Show, Elena Letuchaya, together with the invited guests and producers of the scandalous program, recalled the check in the Victoria cafe in Salekhard. The presenter could not hold back her tears, looking at the video where the staff of the institution beat her together with the film crew.

Elena Flying recalled a fight in Salekhard with tears

Elena Flying did not expect that the video of the fight would be shown as part of the Revizorro program. The girl was noticeably nervous and recalled that shooting day with horror on her face.

Let us remind you that during the inspection of the Victoria cafe, the team of operators and Elena Letuchaya herself were attacked by the employees of the establishment. The catering owner and her husband were particularly cruel. Elena admitted that she would never forget the angry look of the woman who chased her and threatened to kill her.

Video of fight in Salekhard shocked Russians

The program showed fragments of the shooting that had not been broadcast earlier. The video camera recorded not only how two men attacked the operator, but also how Elena tried to escape in the van of the film crew. The presenter saw that her producer was being threatened with violence and asked the second cameraman to stand up for her, and she herself took the surviving camera and ran to the driver. Turning around, the Flying noticed that the owner of the cafe was chasing her. "Revizorro" had no choice but to throw off her shoes and lock herself in the car. True, this did not help to hide from the angry woman. The owner of the Victoria cafe first tried to crawl through the car window, and then burst into the salon altogether. Fortunately, the presenter was saved by the operator, who a few moments earlier himself barely escaped from the hands of the offenders.

On the same day, Elena Flying called the producers and said that they urgently needed to be evacuated from the city. The fact is that the owners of the cafe intimidated the host with reprisals.

Elena Flying left the show due to filming in Salekhard

As it turned out, it was this sensational case that served as a turning point in Flying's career as the main inspector. After a fierce fight, the girl was recovering her nervous system for several months.

The presenter also admitted that when the organizers of the program called her and said that she needed to return to Salekhard to testify, Elena refused.

The girl arrived in the city accompanied by guards and her fiance.

The release of Revizorro Show was very emotional. Elena Flying became ill right during the filming. She asked for a glass of water, and then left the studio altogether. But after talking with the producer, she returned to the site.

Big changes await "Revizorro": as it became known to journalists, Nikita Dzhigurda can now become the host of the program, a possible reason for such a reshuffle is the pregnancy of the Flying.

Now the permanent host of "Revizorro" is preparing for the wedding - Elena Letuchaya announced her engagement to businessman Yuri Anashenkov on Valentine's Day on her Facebook page.

Lena Letuchaya's boyfriend, the director of the collection agency, Yuri Anashenkov, is the father of two children, and his name has appeared more than once in various criminal chronicles.

The presence of Yuri's common-law wife Hasmik Vaye Reitor, with whom he lived for six years, and two sons (8 and 5 years old) did not bother the TV star. The girl completely plunged into the novel, which has been going on for quite a long time.

The fact that the couple's relationship is reaching a new level is also evidenced by the fact that, as it became known, not so long ago, the beloved man's Flying moved most of his things to her new home in New Riga. It happened shortly after the romantic vacation that the lovers spent together.

Recall that the novel by Elena Letuchaya and businessman Yuri Anashenkov became known in the summer of 2015. For a long time, Elena did not tell anything about her lover and preferred to hide him from the public.

Meanwhile, on Friday! there are rumors that the show is looking for a new presenter or even a host. According to insiders, Elena is now in early pregnancy. Therefore, it is already difficult for the Flying to travel, as before, throughout the country, and a collision with aggressive employees of the inspected institutions for her can now be doubly dangerous. Lena Flying herself has not yet commented on rumors about her "interesting" position, but the TV presenter has repeatedly said that she is ripe for motherhood.

Shooting of the new season of "Revizorro" will soon begin - and, as the newspaper reports, the producers are seriously considering the candidacy of Nikita Dzhigurda as a new presenter. “The male season“ Revizorro ”should become an absolutely independent project. We thought for a long time who could successfully fit into the project, making it even brighter and sharper, and not get lost behind the popularity of the format itself. Nikita Borisovich Dzhigurda could become a new star of the program, he has amazing charisma, and restaurateurs will certainly be afraid to beat him, ”said the producer of the film crew.