Virtual tours of the museums of the world. Virtual excursions in global museums Visual excursion

Virtual tours of the museums of the world. Virtual excursions in global museums Visual excursion
Virtual tours of the museums of the world. Virtual excursions in global museums Visual excursion

Today we will provide you with a unique video in which it will be shown as a reconstruction in the Archaeological Museum in Madrid. The reconstruction was very long, but now visitors can enjoy truly amazing exhibits of the museum, as well as the building itself.

Let this museum are not as popular as the Prado Museum or Louvre, but this video is worth looking for it. You may love this museum no less than others. Happy viewing.

On this page of our site you will find many videos devoted to the most famous museums of the world. The Internet is becoming increasingly popular every year, such ideas are developing and arising, about which 5 years ago it was impossible to even dream.

Video excursions - One of the most new directions for the development of the Internet. Also, video excursions for museums are also called virtual or 3d. It is very interesting, as anyone can visit the museum without leaving his own home. Agree - that's fine! People with disabilities or those who have no financial opportunities can easily join the art.

Developing the site in this direction we want to say what we will do a lot for our visitors. We strive to keep up with the times, and bring information to users any convenient way for them. Now it is museum ToursIf tomorrow will change something, another jerk will occur in the world of boarding school, we will immediately use this, and let you see it on our website.

In general, interest in art and culture disappears and fuses. We strive through every opportunity to revive it in people, strive to tell more about the museum world, about creating paintings and art galleries. We are always glad to listen to your wishes and suggestions. To do this, use the feedback form.

Traveling on museums online

It has the opportunity to visit abroad and visit the world famous museums, art galleries and other monuments of art. But if you really want to join the beautiful, then why not try to make online travel museums?

Someone will say that seeing cultural heritage on the monitor screen is not so interesting as live. But virtual travels also have their advantages:

You can see objects you are interested directly from the house, at a convenient time for you;
online excursions are free;
On the computer screen, you consider everything in the smallest details;
On virtual travel portals, there is an opportunity to see what is not available for viewing in the real museum.

In 2011, Google together with seventeen museums created a project. Now we are available to the most famous world museums: Tate Gallery, Tissan-Borneis Museum, Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery, Van Gogh Museum, Versailles, etc. Total, thanks to Art Project, we can see 385 halls, more than 1000 paintings.

Start the journey online just. Go to the project site and choose the museum you are interested in from the list. After that you will see the Panorama of the Museum Hall and you can "go" from the room to the room.

When shooting museums and galleries, special technologies were used that allow us to consider the smallest details of the works of art. In each museum, which is involved in the project, there are pictures, photographed in very high quality. You are easy to see the details inaccessible with usual viewing. For example, these are pictures of Van Gogh, Mana, Botticelli, etc.

In addition to the Google Art project, there are still many interesting portals with virtual excursions.

We advise you to visit:
Contains virtual tours in Russian museums, manads, churches. You can visit the Ostrovsky House Museum, Bakhrushina Theater Museum, etc. On the site convenient navigation. It is very easy to find an interesting tour for you, you can enable comments to exhibits.

Website Opening of the Kremlin
On this resource, everyone can visit the Kremlin, see the Granovitu Chamber and the Alexander Hall, the courtyard, as well as the places that ordinary excursions do not come.

Portal Virtual Travel
Provides the opportunity to visit museums, cathedrals and art galleries of the Czech Republic. Although the site is in Czech, but the tour of interest you are interested in will not be difficult.

The site offers to visit Taj Mahal, British British British Gardens, St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey and other no less interesting objects.

Let me see the museum of wax figures Madame Tussao, European Cathedrals. Contains about 360 sightseeing tours.

Louvre Site
Created for those who dreamed of wander through the gallery of the legendary Louvre. You can view it in a three-dimensional version.

EveryScape portal
It is distinguished by the fact that little-known small museums of different countries are presented here.

Site of the Russian Railway
Here you can visit the Museum of the steam locomotives. A small cognitive excursion for those who are interested in the history of the railway formulations.

The proposed resources will be useful for children, students, as well as anyone interested in art and history.

How to visit the most famous museums of the world without a queue and without tickets? How to visit the Louvre, Prado and Hermitage for some weekend? How to catch after school on an excursion to consider a good skull of Neanderthal or painting on an ancient Greek vase? How to show the child's pictures of famous artists? The answer to all questions is one - to go to the virtual tour at the best museums.

What are the good virtual museum travel with children?

"Dear, long, many people" - for these reasons, families with children are often refused to visit large museums. But if you visit world museums online, then you will not come across any queues or crowds of tourists from famous exhibits. Sitting in a comfortable chair, you can walk through the magnificent palaces or view small details in Bosch's paintings, challenge the route for future excursions and even travel in time.

You will not have to worry, if your child does not get into the hall, will not get tired. In the Virtual Museum you will spend so much time as it is convenient for you and the child, and you can return to the excursion when you want.

Virtual tours and collections can often be found on museum sites. Also watch world museums online allows Google Art Project. - The platform on which panoramas and images of artwork from many museums of the world are located.

Virtual Hermitage Tours

Guides, seeking to emphasize the wealth of the collection of the State Hermitage (St. Petersburg), they say that it will take 15 years to inspect all its exhibits. Maybe today you have a free minute for your acquaintance with the pictures of El Greco, Michelangelo sculptures or mechanical automatic dolls? The project "Focus" reveals the secrets of some exhibits, and the selection of "masterpieces" allows us to consider about a thousand canvases, sculptures, archaeological finds and other priceless things in details. Such a virtual excursion has its advantages: it gives access to those exhibits that are not presented in permanent exposure.

On the Hermitage website you can create your own collection of favorite works and pave the route through the halls, which will come in handy during this tour of this museum. Additional information about exhibits is on hermitage page in Roger Art Project . There you can also make a virtual walk through several halls of the museum.

Louvre Virtual Tours

The most famous work stored in Louvre (Paris), - "Mona Lisa" Leonardo da Vinci. Meanwhile, in the Louvra collection, more than 300 thousand works of art. If you need to look pregnant in the features of Venus Milos or write an essay by the picture of Delacroix "Freedom, Leading People", it is better not to use small reproductions in school textbooks, but to discover the collection of selected works of Louvre and admire his masterpieces.

Some rooms can be accessed with a virtual excursion. Image quality allows you to even see the old laying in the basement floor of the Louvre. Some exhibits that you will see during a virtual tour can be brought to get their brief description.

Museums of fine arts, natural sciences, contemporary art, secular or religious. There are hundreds of museums in which each of us would like to get, but usually they are in another city or, worse, in another country. But in the modern world for this it is not necessary to go far. "Mel" collected a list of 15 museums for you, which you can visit in any weather and at any time completely free, without getting up from the sofa.

The museum complex on the Capitol Hill in Rome is not just a few buildings with paintings and statues, it is almost a whole city in miniature. Three Palazzo (Palazzo Nuovo, Palazzian dei-Conservatory and Central Montademartini) are located on the Capitol Square, in the creation of which Michelangelo accepted an active part. And it is easy to believe: almost every meter of the complex breathes with art. The museum contains the original Roman "Wolf", try to find it.

Perhaps the most famous museum and Palace Complex of St. Petersburg after the Hermitage. The main exposition occupies five buildings: the Mikhailovsky Palace with the Beno'a exhibition building, Mikhailovsky Castle, the Marble and Stroganovsky Palaces and the Summer Palace of Peter I. In addition, the territory of the museum includes several gardens and parks - see what. A virtual excursion allows you to visit all parts of the Russian Museum, and this is not always possible to do even on a trip to Petersburg.

The second name of the museum is the Museum of Fine Arts. It is considered the largest Museum of France after the Louvre, contains about 2000 paintings and 1300 sculptures. All these works of art (from the XV century to our time) are placed in 70 galleries, the detailed panoramas of which are located on the site.

The museum was built on the site of the Old Theater: Gave once noticed the ruins and turned them into a colorful and memorable complex. The basis of the collection of the museum is, of course, the work of the artist himself. There are halls that are part of the exposition by themselves. The best theater museum describe the words of the spent: "I want my museum to be a monolith, a labyrinth, a huge surreal object. It will be an absolutely theater museum. The coming here will leave with the feeling, as if they were breeding. "

There is no, probably in the world, who would have heard anything about Madame Tussao Music. This is a museum of wax figures (actors, politicians, directors, philosophers, athletes), which are made with incredible accuracy. Discovery and feature of the London building - horror cabinet. There are copies of various revolutionaries, murderers, psychopaths and other dangerous criminals.

Louvre - Citadel of European Art, the most popular and majestic place of Paris, always full of tourists. Full so much that it is sometimes impossible to see the picture patterns. The Louvre was originally built as the King Residence, so everything breathes in it with splendor. In virtual tours of the museum while only three routes are available: Egyptian exhibits, an excursion for the former RBU surrounding the building, and the Apollo Gallery. But the routes are constantly updated, follow the site.

It was here that the residence of the King of the Louvre was moved, this complex in itself the work of art. From the end of the XVII century, Versailles served as a model for the frontal suburban residences of European monarchs and aristocracy, and he is also included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. In the palace, famous paintings are not stored, but there are unique frescoes on the ceilings, and the interior of the castle with his huge corridors and spacious halls will force anyone.

One of the largest museums of the world and the main historical and archaeological museum of the United Kingdom. It contains exhibits from all over the world: China, India, Africa, Oceania, South America. In addition, of course, the story and Britain itself is told. The length of the museum is four kilometers. The British Museum is also a nationwide library, the funds of which are about seven million volumes of printed publications.

The gallery is founded by a merchant who owned one of the largest collections of domestic visual art. In Moscow, probably there is no child who would not go on an excursion to an old red building in Laureli Lane. But if you still do not have time or the opportunity to visit the museum, go through it virtually: the excursion is incredibly detailed.

Museum in Washington, which can not be missed: it is huge both outside and inside. On the set of exhibits, the museum resembles our Darwinovsky, but only the exposition is much more impressive. Such a set of butterflies and hurried naval reptiles (Golyansky squid, for example) there is no more anywhere in the world. Back in the museum for three years, a department closed with huge dinosaurs and other fossils, but on these chairs you can still walk online!

Under the capacious sign "Vatican Museums" hides a whole pleiad of exhibition halls and galleries. The age of the most respectable expositions has five centuries. During this time, the curators of museums managed to collect a stunning collection of sculptures, painting, manuscripts, objects of life and religious art. And the museums began with just one statue. Online can be stroll through the Cathedral of St. Peter, the Basilica of San Giovanni in Lathersano, the Basilica of St. Paul behind the city walls, the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore and go through the Sisikstine Chapel as a bonus.

The complex of the museum includes six buildings, but online you can walk only one, the main thing. It has an impressive Greek room with the statue of Apollo, a copy of the gravestone plates of the Bordjia brothers and exhibits with the alignment of the Troy. Egyptian hall with a copy of Pharaoh's sarcophagus looks especially mysterious.

Without a doubt, the largest palace in St. Petersburg, which did not have so much painting and sculpture, how much history: the Hermitage was a royal residence from the times of Peter I. The museum is huge, in places inside can be even get lost, but, as in the Louvre, the size does not always mean space. Visitors in the Hermitage so much that before the entrance you need to defend a long queue, and it is not always possible to approach the desired exhibits. In a virtual tour, no one will hurt you. And on the site of the museum there is a review of selected collections and exhibits.

Cosmos is a mysterious and disturbing space with which visitors are interested in and beautifully introduces the planetarium. The museum is located on four floors and consists of several options for exposures: the Uranium Museum, Lunarium, Small and Big Star Halls. By the way, star halls deserve separate attention: educational programs show on huge screens, which will be interested in both children and adults. Unfortunately, it is impossible to see their online, but you can take a walk through the halls of museums and even go to the cafe!

Still at leisure you can look at the site Google: ArtProject. . There are collected millions of exhibits from thousands of museums: Google was the first to decide to start digitizing exposures. And there you can take a walk in many places. Here, for example, St Paul's Cathedral in London.

Undoubtedly, virtual travels cannot and should not replace real travel with all their gamut of bright sensations and impressions. But they help us to see any corner of the earth for free, even if you yourself will never be able to visit there. In addition, this is a very convenient way to get a lot of useful information in advance and plan your future travel.

You can fly to the stratosphere above the entire planet or over the roofs of Paris and St. Petersburg, look into the halls of the British Museum or the Kremlin treasury, to be among the mountains and waterfalls of Iceland or in the amazing underwater world in the Galapagos Islands ... Enough to dream, there is no longer an obstacle!

1. Panorama

As poets describe the world with verses, artists - paintings, composers - music, so the site describes the world with picturesque panoramas.

There are tens of thousands of photographs from all over the earth, and not only ours - there are even panoramas of other planets from one interesting marshode. Here you will enjoy virtually traveling the capital of Nepal City Kathmandu or study the panorama of London, which was removed with such a high resolution that you can see the faces of people in the houses of houses.

2. Photo of Google

Of course, the possibility of viewing the streets on the GoogleStreetView maps has long won't surprise anyone. But not everything may know that the participants of this project are still addicted to the creation of phototurns and entire virtual travels.

These photo tours make it possible to walk from Taj Mahala , look at Dubai from the highest 800-meter skyscraper in the world Burj Khalifa , on the whole of Paris with one of the three viewing sites Eiffel Tower Or move to Mexico on the pyramids Chichen Itsa . There are unusual travels, for example, the descent to the underground palace Salt Mine in Great (Poland.) or immersion in the real underwater world in dozens of different places, for example, Galapagos Islands.

To travel around Russia, look at (Google services used) are a clear and affordable service for those who often goes on business trips, loves to travel or just going to go on the road. In independence, Rusmap will make a trip to the most pleasant and comfortable trip.

The option "Panorama" allows you to make a virtual walk through the cities of Russia. Perhaps this online journey will be an impetus to take real.

3. Google Appendix Streets

In a trip, I often use the application "View streets". It is available for Android and iPhone. The application allows you to view many panoramas located on the world map.

There are also panoramas of users and the panorama of Google itself. The service is rapidly developing and the number of panoramas increases in front of the eyes.

I myself observed a fascinating process of creating a panorama on special equipment. But each of you can add your panoramas using your smartphone and obeying the application teams.

4. Panorama Yandex

Yandex, also actively developing its cartographic service, and on its cards you can look at the city of Russia and the world from a bird's eye view. For example, fly over the Palace Square in St. Petersburg or above the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir.

Yandex maps are perhaps more visual than Google, there is a viewing mode of panorama and cards at the same time.

5. Air Pano.

The stunning project of another Russian team AIR PANO is a rare case when professionals enthusiasts create products at the level, which used to be only the rich Internet corporations. Spherical aircraft or rather whole aircraft AIR PANO on the beauty and quality of the footage will easily give odds and Google, and Yandex.

Shooting is literally from everything that can fly: from airplanes and balloons to airship and radio-controlled drones. Now on the site about 2000 panoramas from the most picturesque corners of the world. Here you can visit the island of Java on the Volcano Bromo or see the Kremlin from the air in different angles, admire the Northern Lights in Iceland or admire one of the islands of Hawaii, to visit Jordanian Peter and even look inside the famous treasury.

In addition, when viewing the panorama, you can switch to another camera, simply by clicking on the helicopter symbol.

Panorama not only colorful, but also informative. Many are called visible objects.

6. Video files YouTube 360

An even greater immersion and the full effect of presence give video by 360 degrees. You can easily look right or left, for example, sailing past palaces on a boat in Venice.

You can search for 360 degrees on YouTube, but you can also on Air Pano.

7. Video travel on Vimeo

You will be surprised what miracles can create a good photographer using the Taimleps technology (slow motion). This is a great way to show even familiar places in a completely new light and inspire a trip.

Beautiful selections of such video are collected on Hundreds of rollers make it possible to visit the most beautiful places of the planet. You will be able to admire the golden pagodas of mysterious Myanmar, the northern beauty of the Norwegian sunsets, romantic species of the famous Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco or other stunning frames from around the world.

Another global google project is dedicated to art. It is called: Art Project. Behind the modest name hid an incredible exposition - tens of thousands of paintings from the best museums in the world. Moreover, each will be written in such a high resolution that it is possible, for example, examine in detail every smear of the "Star Night" Van Gogh or to look into the eyes of the boyfriend of Morozova Surikova.

Many museums kindly allowed not only their expositions, but also the premises. And now it is possible, without getting out of the chair, stroll through the halls of the Hermitage or the Palace of the Guards in Venice, or to visit the Museum of the Athenian Acropolis.

If you are a creative person, then similar virtual excursions will save your time and money, and the aesthetic pleasure of artwork you will get no less.

9. Webcam on the ISS

Are you fascinated by the unknown expanses of the universe? Then watch live broadcasts from a webcam at the International Space Station. You will have the feeling that the camera is somewhere closely close, and not 400 km from the surface of the planet.

The image is slow, but confidently changes throughout the day and you can personally make sure that our blue planet is in perfect order. However, it should be noted that the video is available only when there is a signal from the ground, otherwise you will see only a screensaver. Sometimes you can see the life of astronauts and their exits in open space.

P.S. Did you like to virtually walk around the world? Will you help you such virtual excursions to prepare for visiting some interesting places in real travel? Is there a video panorama in your collection, which is captured by the Spirit? Share with us in the comments to this article with your impressions and finds ...

And also, do not forget to tell your friends about this new opportunity to explore the world.