"Dark horse" with a tough voice: personal life and beloved man of TV presenter Olga Skabeeva. Evgeny Popov, journalist - biography, personal life, ex-wife

"Dark horse" with a tough voice: personal life and beloved man of TV presenter Olga Skabeeva. Evgeny Popov, journalist - biography, personal life, ex-wife

Scandals and gossip constantly flare up around her name. And her voice is considered by many viewers to be harsh and even frightening. But thanks to her way of speaking, the journalist is always recognizable.

Childhood and education

The TV presenter was born on December 11th. It was 1984. Her hometown is Volzhsky, which is located in the Volgograd region. Here she studied in a regular high school and in the tenth grade realized that she wanted to work in the field of journalism.

Olga's career began in the local Volga newspaper "City Week". After school, she entered the Faculty of Journalism at St. Petersburg State University. In 2008, Skabeeva graduated from the university with excellent marks and got a job in the editorial office of the largest media holding - VGTRK.

When Olga studied at St. Petersburg State University, she worked on the TV program "Vesti St. Petersburg", received a scholarship from the Potanin Foundation for excellent studies. The teachers praised Skabeeva and talked about her excellent performance and talent.

In 2007 Olga was awarded the Golden Pen as a promising journalist. In the same year, she received an award from the St. Petersburg government. In 2008, she won a prize at the Profession - Reporter competition among journalists for her investigation.

Television career

In 2015 and 2016 Olga led political talk show"Vesti.doc", which was broadcast on the channel "Russia-1". This program presented the viewer with sensational investigations; famous politicians, businessmen and public figures became its guests.

In September 2016, Skabeeva became the host of the social and political talk show "60 Minutes" together with her husband Yevgeny Popov on the Russia-1 TV channel. The program discusses the main topics of the day, invites politicians and experts on topical issues to the studio.


Television critics have noted her peculiar style of broadcasting. On the Internet, the journalist is called “the iron doll of Putin’s TV”, “the dark horse”, and her voice is “metallic”. Many viewers criticize her for her manner of presenting information. Olga, indeed, has a rather strict and harsh intonation, which gives the reportage aggression.

The journalist was often accused of being a follower of the scandalous - deputy general director VGTRK. Skabeeva criticizes the Russian opposition in her reporting. She is called a supporter of V. Putin's policy, but Olga does not give a clear confirmation of this.

Speaking about herself, the TV presenter notes the fact that she treats everything with irony and considers this quality to be one of the main ones among journalists. Her ambition and overconfidence do not interfere with her work in any way, on the contrary. Olga great attention pays attention to trifles, loves to read and believes that work should be done to the maximum.

In 2017, Skabeeva, together with her husband, received several prestigious journalism awards. The Russian Union of Journalists awarded the couple with the Golden Pen for their contribution to the development of places for discussion on domestic television.

In addition, the couple received the 2017 Taffy Award for Best MCs. television show dedicated to political themes and problems of society. Skabeeva and her husband received a similar award in 2018, which is confirmed by - journalistic career Olga is now taking off.

Olga is known and nearby curious cases that happened to her in different time... So, in 2016, she tried to talk to the journalist Hayo Zeppelt, who shot a documentary about the use of illegal drugs by Russian athletes. The result of the conversation was that Zeppelt kicked the film crew out of his house.

In 2018, in a program that focused on the attack on a college in Kerch, Olga Skabeeva took a telephone interview with an eyewitness who identified herself as Alina Kerova.

It soon became clear that Alina Kerova was officially listed as dead. According to the official version, this name was given to another eyewitness who was in shock and was afraid to introduce herself by her own name.

Personal life and husband of Olga Skabeeva

The TV presenter is married to her colleague Yevgeny Popov. He is a fairly well-known journalist of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, who is 6 years older than his wife. In the winter of 2014, the couple had a son, Zakhar.

With husband Evgeny Popov

Now her husband is a TV presenter of the "Special Correspondent" program on the "Russia-1" channel.

Husband and wife are together even at work, they host a TV program together. The TV presenter is very busy and tight schedule, so sometimes she takes her son to her grandmother in the city of Volzhsky.

Olga with young years confidently moving towards her goal, overcoming many obstacles. Skabeeva is a very capable journalist, a professional in her field and just a beautiful woman.

Channel Russia 1 hosted a program with the participation of popular Russian reporters Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov. They talked on the air about their work, personal life, the secrets of their family.

Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov met on one of their business trips. They knew about each other in absentia from TV reports. At the time of this acquaintance, Eugene worked in the USA, and Olga in Moscow. Then they whole year there was a skype acquaintance. Because of their work, they could not see each other more often.
Their wedding took place in New York. It is worth noting that due to work, the ceremony was postponed several times. Even on the day of the wedding, Eugene was urgently summoned to report. Zhenya made a plot and went to the wedding.
At the wedding, they had to rescue a pigeon, which was entangled in nets in one of the New York tunnels. The Americans joined the rescue. After the pigeon was rescued, the young launched it into the sky as a symbol of love.

Olga and Eugene say they love each other and their work very much. They can argue about work points and sometimes do not even coincide in views. They cannot get out of the car for a long time when they come home, because there is a heated debate at this time. Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov always worry about each other, especially during Evgeny's business trips to Donbass and Syria.
And when at the Minsk meeting, Poroshenko's guards squeezed Olga's mouth, Yevgeny combed his hands in order to stuff the muzzles of the bodyguards of the President of Ukraine.

But they believe that this should be treated more simply, because they often have to deal with idiots.
In particular, they refer to such a German journalist Zeppelt, who, according to Yevgeny Popov, "went a cuckoo."

They have small family secrets... For example, Olga has never been to Yevgeny's homeland in Vladivostok.
And Yevgeny did the operation - he corrected his broken nose, which he was spoiled in Vladik in the dashing 90s.

Evgeny Popov in his youth with a broken nose

Russian TV journalist and presenter.

Evgeny Popov Biography

Evgeny Georgievich Popov was born and raised in Vladivostok. After graduation high school Popov entered the Far East State University and already during his studies he began working on television.

Popov is known for his anti-opposition statements. Per open point view on the separation of Crimea, Ukraine is included in the sanctions list. After working in the Moscow branch of the channel "Russia", the journalist worked in Kiev, North Korea and the United States of America.

The host is married to a journalist Olga Skabeeva... The couple are raising a son.

Evgeny Popov TV career

In 2000, Evgeniy first appeared as a correspondent for the daily news program "Vesti"... During cooperation with the TV channel "Russia", Popov acted as a TV presenter and political observer of programs Vesti, Vesti nedeli, Special Correspondent and etc.

In 2016, a socio-political show was broadcast on the Rossiya 1 TV channel "60 minutes", which Popov leads with his wife. Well-known politicians and international experts are invited to the studio for interviews and discussions.

Evgeny Popov was born September 11, 1978 in the city of Vladivostok. Eugene's family is considered intelligent. Mom at that time taught the subject of biology at the University of Vladivostok.

From adolescence, young Zhenya became interested in the profession of a television journalist. About her, he began not only to dream, but gradually achieved his goal.

In high school, Eugene was entrusted with the message transfer "Sacvoyage" on the radio. This gave him experience in communicating with a potential audience and endowed with useful skills for the future.

After the young man entered the Faculty of Journalism, Eugene accepted important decision work in parallel as a correspondent on the Primorsky channel.

It cannot be said that studying was easy for young Eugene, because he had to combine work and study. This fact alone allowed him gain experience in work and study further.

After receiving his diploma, Popov gets a job as a correspondent, but already in the "Vesti" company. His very first major business trip was to Pyongyang.

Despite the fact that this capital North Korea is considered a closed city, the young man decided on this foreign business trip and received permission for this.

Some time after the start of work in hometown, the man decided to move to Moscow. From there he received a business trip to Kiev and lived there for 2 years.

Popov's reports at that time dealt with the situation in Ukraine, which was already difficult at that time. The man spoke about the "Orange Revolution" taking place at that moment in a positive context.

After returning to Moscow in 2005, Evgeny Popov continues his career, but with a promotion. In 2007, after work as the host of Vesti, Eugene is sent to New York. In America, a man told his compatriots about how Americans live.

On his channel, he became a TV presenter for the program "Vesti at 23 o'clock." He was invited as a replacement for the program "Vesti", later he hosted the "Special Correspondent". Soon Evgeniy begins to work on his own program called "60 Minutes".

In addition to the above achievements, the man became the author for his documentary film with the title "Media literacy".

In 2016 this picture aired to highlight the geopolitics of Europe. Besides, in documentary Popov talks about the possibilities of information warfare.

The TV presenter has some awards, such as "Golden Pen", and also became a laureate of "Tefi". The man received many of his awards when he was already married to his second wife Olga. Therefore, he shares some of his victories with her.

They received one of the awards jointly for conducting "60 minutes". It was this program that brought Eugene the most success. For her sake, the management of the TV channel changed the schedule several times so that the TV program would be aired at a convenient time for viewers. This can already be called a kind of success in the field of their work.

Evgeny is often approached as a presenter to replace one of his colleagues and is appreciated as a television employee.

Personal life

Evgeniy married twice... Despite the fact that Evgeny Popov is a kind Russian celebrity, he does not devote the details of his personal life not only to journalists, but also to his colleagues at work.

However, we still managed to find out that the first wife of the TV presenter was Anastasia Churkina. Their acquaintance fell on a business trip in New York, where the girl at that time worked with "Russia Today". The young got married, but for unknown reasons broke up in 2012.

Due to Popov's secrecy, no one could find out the reason for the divorce proceedings. However, there were a lot of rumors about this, but none of them was confirmed by either Anastasia or Eugene.

Some time after Eugene divorced his first wife, he returned to the capital and met with Olga Skabeeva. The girl at that time worked with the VGTRK TV channel.

In 2014 the couple had a son, Zakhar, but, unfortunately, there is no information about whether the wedding was held and whether the presenters were scheduled. They do not want to dwell on personal matters, and support each other in this. The press is still inclined to the fact that the couple signed quietly and in a family way.

In addition, their relationship became known by chance and not immediately. On this moment Olga is co-host of the program "60 minutes"... A common cause brought together Olga and Eugene. Their marriage can be called a quiet happiness, Olga is considered a good housewife, a wonderful mother and a caring wife.

Despite the fact that the spouses spend a lot of time together, they do not bother each other and live in perfect harmony. They prepare all their broadcasts together and help each other in everyday matters.

Olga Skabeeva is familiar to many Russian TV viewers as talk show host"60 minutes" is an outstanding representative of Russian journalism.

The reporting activity of the VGTRK employee was marked by many awards, the most significant of which was TEFI award received in 2017. The biography of one of the most recognizable Russian TV presenters will highlight this material.

Note to the viewer

Olga Vladimirovna Skabeeva was born in 1984 in the small Soviet town of Volzhsky. V school years the future journalist showed a keen interest in literature and, as a high school student, had already decided on her vocation.

Even before entering the university, Olya managed to work as an author of articles in the editorial office of one of the newspapers in her city. Higher education the future winner of the TEFI award received at the St. Petersburg State University.

After graduating Faculty of Journalism with Honors, Olga Skabeeva joined the staff of VGTRK specialists. Already at the start of its professional career, in 2007 the journalist received the Golden Pen award, gaining the status of one of the most promising young reporters at domestic television... The award won at the Profession - Reporter competition in 2008 helped to consolidate the success of Olga Skabeeva.

Along with the recognition, the journalist also came up the career ladder. Olga moved from Northern Capital to Moscow, becoming the host of the program "Vesti.doc"Broadcast on federal TV channel"Russia 1".

The broadcast format combined elements of journalistic investigations and direct communication with experts invited to the studio. During her work as the host of the program, Skabeeva was remembered by many Russian TV viewers as a journalist who actively supports political position the current Russian government.

In the fall of 2016, Olga became the host of the popular domestic talk show "60 Minutes", which discusses the most pressing social and political issues both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

The journalist's calling card as the host of the discussion program was non-standard style of presenting information. Commenting on the news or opinion of the controversial participants, the presenter always takes an uncompromising position.

Personal life

The family life of Olga Skabeeva is closely intertwined with journalistic activities... In 2013, TV presenter married her colleague for work in VGTRK Evgenia Popova. The wedding ceremony took place in New York due to the presence of both journalists on an overseas business trip to the United States.

It is known that the wedding took place on the third attempt, as the couple twice experienced delays associated with urgent reporting. It should be noted that the spouses spend quite a lot of time together, since Evgeny Popov is Olga's co-host in the TV show "60 Minutes".

In 2014, in a family of journalists son Zakhar was born. Colleagues from the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company congratulated the couple on the Vesti program on the birth of the boy. It is known that during childbirth, the father of the family was on a business trip in Kiev, but managed to return to Moscow by the time the baby and mother were discharged from the hospital.

A busy work schedule forced Olga to temporarily take her son to his mother in his hometown of Volzhsky. Today, the boy lives in the capital in a place with his parents, who strive to give him every day off.

The journalist's credo is full dedication in work and in household chores. Olga is firmly convinced that a responsible attitude to even the smallest things allows a person to find the right path to self-improvement.

Like many modern media personalities, the journalist regularly posts publications on her personal Instagram account, actively sharing with subscribers details from her personal life and professional activity.

In February 2017, Olga, together with her husband, won the prestigious journalism award "Golden Pen of Russia" for special merits in the development of dialogue platforms on domestic TV.

Recently, the journalist, together with her husband Yevgeny Popov, took part in television transmission "The fate of man"... The couple shared with viewers important memories from their professional activities and shed light on some details of the biography.

The couple admitted that they have diametrically opposed views on many political and social problems and regularly argue with each other. Fortunately, over the years family life the couple learned to come to a compromise in time and maintain a favorable atmosphere in the family.

Further plans of Olga Skabeeva and her husband, by their own admission, are connected with the achievement of new heights in reporting and further strengthening of common family values.