Udmurt fairy tales about animals. Udmurt fairy tales in reading lessons

Udmurt fairy tales about animals. Udmurt fairy tales in reading lessons
Udmurt fairy tales about animals. Udmurt fairy tales in reading lessons

Regional and ethnocultural areas in the activities of educational organizations.

Lowned (a fairy tale) is an epic oral work, preferably a magical, adventurous or domestic nature, with a fictional installation. According to the nature of the narration, it is always entertaining. It is the enormity and installation on fiction that distinguish a fairy tale from other narrative genres of folklore.

Udmurt's fabulous repertoire is rich and diverse.As in the folklore of other nations, the Udmurt has fairy tales: about animals, socio-household or novelistic, and magical.

Now we call the fairy tales that for the first students was the lessons of hunting, the nature of the bear, who taught with respect to treat the power of the bear, calling him the "master of the forest" and even worshiping him with the goal of backward, to arrange. In case, however, it can be deceived: it is strong, but infertility. The wolf is weaker of the bear, but cheaper and more stupid. In addition, he is forever hungry, or rather, insatiable. The wolf is so stupid that even such innocuous animals, like a hare or a goat can be reached. Long-tailed Lisa Vassa in the Udmurt Fairy Tale of the Citra, as in the fairy tales of other nations, flattering with strong and arrogant with weakness, but she is still foolish. Rooster, dove, a cat without much difficulty winning her victory. With time, these fairy tales have ceased to be environmental education lessons: humanity stepped far ahead to true knowledge. And fairy tales remained fairy tales.The main in the mythology of the Udmurts were Inmar, living in the sky and giving light and warmth and Kyldysin - the patron saint of the Earth, giving people bread, and food. There were also many other deities. In the water, the owner was Vumurt (Water), Vukuzu (Water owner), Wupper (Spirit of Water).

Magic fairy talesyounger fairy tales about animals. They have something that is achieved by man andthenwhat seemed unsinkable. In other words, in magical fairy tales, the dream of the people about the omnipotent, almighty man, living on earth and the conquering time, space, fire, water is captured. It was able to him with the help of magic tools that were working and boring.

The world of the Udmurt magic fairy tale strives to be ordinary and fantasticity. Heroes of her on themselves experienced hunger and cold, injustice and deception. Fighting with the need and not true, they are creating wonders: they climb on the sky, fall under the ground, do not burn in fire, do not sink in water. Thanks to wonderful subjects and assistants, they win the strongest opponents. These fairy tales reflect one of the first stages of the struggle of a person with the evil forces of nature, the victory of the tireless seeker and the worker over them, the wealth of the soul and the moral beauty of it.

The hero of the Udmurt magic fairy tale is not the king and not Tsarevich, not the king and not the king. Most often - just Ivan or Ivan-poor. Sometimes this is the nameless soldier who served the long soldier's service of the king and the remaining orphan in the white light: nor the cole of the yard, no penny for a black day. And this is what is characteristic: the disadvantaged hero is not angry, it is not fierce, but on the contrary, he has a kind and responsive heart, the mind leveled and clear, the hands are delicate and skillful. Such a hero opposes the enemies strong and powerful. Yes, not only confuses, but also defeats, as, for example, in the fairy tales "Poor Ivan", "Gundirinmar and the GOD Strost).Some Udmurt magic fairy tales reflected traces of the long-lasting matriarchate. The Udmurt fairy tale knows the image of strong women who cannot overcome in the contestants of the man's warriors. In the fairy tale "Museum and Marsalim", the image of the daughter of the fiery king reflects that epoch, when a woman had a greater force and unlimited power in society.

The youngest of all fairy tales in science are consideredrealistic, or household . When a person was in full dependence on nature when lucky in the hunt or fisheries depended on its nearest tomorrow, legends, myths, the fairy tales of animals served him a living book of life, they reflected his experience. The experience was replenished, and the oral book about him was replenished. In the magic fairy tale, an ancient man begins not only to share life experience, but also dream of such assistants, subjects, about such a skill that could make it many times stronger and more powerful. But how far was from the dream - the nooda-self-propelled - to the aircraft! From the axle axle - to the electropolis "Friendship"! The dream remained a long time, a very long dream.

The theme of household fairy tales is distinguished by an exceptional variety. Literally for all occasions, you can find an example in Udmurt household fairy tales. There are fairy tales among them to favorite themes, there are their favorites-heroes in them. So, in most fairy tales vary the topics of marriage hero, happiness, fate.

Especially popular among the Udmurt people fairy tales about the debris of Aldar Ivan or Aldaraga.This is a poor, but a smart man. Recently, it fastened him a few lops. An interesting story happens before our eyes with this amazing hero. He was born modest and in moderation, not at Soviet power, and long before the revolution, somewhere within the current Udmurtia.

How to make training most effective? What methods, means to maintain interest in the teaching? Everyone knows that the use of game moments and lessons in the game form, especially in primary classes, are the necessary means of intensifying the cognitive activity of students. Especially interesting is the lesson - excursion, a lesson, a trip, a lesson, a performance, a tale lesson. They allow you to make training affordable, helps to increase the activity of children. I will tell today about the use of Udmurt fairy tales in literary reading lessons in elementary school. The skillful application of the texts of fairy tales allows you to make a lesson brighter, more interesting. The execution of the "fabulous" tasks will help the formation of learning motivation, the collective cohesion, the ability to work in a team. There are many techniques to use fairy tales. Here are some of them. If you need to do a lot of monotonous exercises, you need to include them in the game shell in which they are performed to achieve the game Objectives. In such cases I use the following techniques:

Reception "Attractive goal". Children can be set target - help noodlesband to restore his good name.

- "Magic wand" - man (pencil) is transmitted by class in random order. The transfer is accompanied by a speech on some kind of predetermined order. For example, the transmitting calls the name of a fairy tale, a story, a story - one of the characters of this work;

Reception "Fabulous puzzles. Puzzles are aimed at creating creative and largely gaming environment. Children can offer the following tasks: -Fore a given episode of the fairy tale shown in the picture; - the search character; -Exination of its continuation of the fairy tale;

The reception "familiar characters in new circumstances" circumstances can be purely fantastic, incredible (animals live in flying plates), and may be close to children's life (with the help of a magic sticks were in one cell of the city zoo);

Children love to travel very much. Therefore, the reception "Journey with a fabulous hero" will not let the child bored in the lesson. Go on the road. On the way, we will meet various obstacles. To overcome them, it is necessary to be bold, fast, smart, attentive. Such lessons contribute to the development of interest in the subject, attention and empathy with literary heroes. In modern conditions, to enhance the cognitive activities of students in the lessons and in after-school time it is advisable to use computer technologies.

In the lessons of extracurricular reading after acquaintance with Udmurt fairy tales and fabulous heroes, the guys draw illustrations for fairy tales.

Department of People's Education Administration of the Karakulinsky district

"Journey to the world of fairy tales of the Udmurt people

in the lessons of extracurricular reading "

Work performed: S.A. Kiryanova

primary school teacher


Udmurt fairy tales.

Fairy tales about animals.

Magic fairy tales.

Realistic fairy tales.

"When an inquisitive opinion of a person begins to penetrate the fact that it is surrounded, there are fairy tales about animals and plants. In them, an ancient man is trying to explain the cause of one particular features of representatives of the world. So there are fairy tales about why the bear is hiding for the winter in Berloga, why Rian Kolos did not at all stem, why the pea consists of two halves, etc. Of course, these explanations are still the purest fantasy fruit, but they have already evidence that a person wants to know everything that he has become impossible to live in ignorance .

In antiquity, a person was largely dependent on the ability to recognize the habits and animal morals. In fairy tales of animals, Udmurt - a hunter and environmentaluc - retained and reported to our days of observing the natural behavior of animals and animals. He treated them as a smaller brethren, although sometimes in something - in force, dexterity, speed - and superior person. Watching luck and failures in communicating with the animal world, began to transfer his experience to other generations through animal fairy tales.

Now we call the fairy tales that for the first listeners was the lessons of hunting, the nature of the bear, who taught with respect to treat the power of the bear, calling him the "master of the forest" and even worshiping him with the goal of backward, to arrange to him. In case, however, it can be deceived: it is strong, but infertility. The wolf is weaker of the bear, but cheaper and more stupid. In addition, he is forever hungry, or rather, insatiable. The wolf is so stupid that even such innocuous animals, like a hare or a goat can be reached. Long-tailed Lisa Vassa in the Udmurt Fairy Tale of the Citra, as in the fairy tales of other nations, flattering with strong and arrogant with weakness, but she is still foolish. Rooster, pigeon, cat without much difficulty winning her victory. Over time, these fairy tales ceased to be environmental learning: humanity stepped far forward to true knowledge. And fairy tales remained fairy tales.

Why and now we love fairy tales about animals? Not because they, firstly, help us to get to know our "younger brothers" - animals and, secondly, allow you to evaluate our own behavior and acts of people around us critically and not without humor. Highly, Balavia, Self-Delicate, Cowardice, Cunning, ascribed in fairy tales of the bear, wolf, foxes and other beasts, do not help us look at yourself and the circle of our friends? Do they eat modesty, benevolence, principled, dedication? Yes, yes and yes! It is not by challenging the characteristic feature of the modern Udmurt fairy tale about animals is the victory of a weak character over strong and cruel: the goat wins the wolf, a rooster or dove - a fox, a cat is a bear. Heroes of animal fairy tales, while retaining traditional habits and characters, these days have gained a new life and perform a noble task: help to raise a new person, strong, generous, riding all the oblique, alien, backward.

Magic fairy tales younger than animal fairy tales. They have something that has been achieved by a person, and what seemed unnecessary. In other words, in magical fairy tales, the dream of the people about the omnipotent, almighty man, living on earth and the conquering time, space, fire, water is captured. It was able to him with the help of magic tools that were working and boring. The world of the Udmurt magic fairy tale strives to be ordinary and fantasticity. Heroes of her on themselves experienced hunger and cold, injustice and deception. Fighting with the need and not true, they are creating wonders: they climb on the sky, fall under the ground, do not burn in fire, do not sink in water. Thanks to wonderful subjects and assistants, they win the strongest opponents. These fairy tales reflect one of the first stages of the struggle of a person with the evil forces of nature, the victory of the tireless seeker and the worker over them, the wealth of the soul and the moral beauty of it.

The wonderful gift received by the hero of the magic fairy tale, cunning and cunning takes himself envious and evil people: merchants, pops, rich. However, the fabulous hero at the end seeks punishment of offenders and again becomes the owner of the magical gifts intended for him. Why? Yes, because the creator and worker people at the time of use and oppression believed in his creative forces and in an imminent celebration of justice. True, he did not know what ways it would be achieved, but dreamed of this in fairy tales. He dreamed of wonderful assistants: the self-self-self-self-taper, invisible scarf, meloding apples, self-bacchanal tablecloth, samoplay dudka, self-toddes and others. They promised him a worthy remuneration for labor, relief of heavy work, longevity, reduction of distances, kind rest and much, much more, why life would have become beautiful and amazing.

The hero of the Udmurt magic fairy tale is not the king and not Tsarevich, not the king and not the king. Most often - just Ivan or Ivan-poor. Sometimes this is the nameless soldier who served the long soldier's service of the king and the remaining orphan in the white light: nor the cole of the yard, no penny for a black day. And this is what is characteristic: the disadvantaged hero is not angry, it is not fierce, but on the contrary, he has a kind and responsive heart, the mind leveled and clear, the hands are delicate and skillful. Such a hero opposes the enemies strong and powerful. Yes, not only confuses, but also wins, as, for example, in the fairy tales "Poor Ivan", "Gundir Inmar and the GOGO Strost."

Why is the hero of the magic fairy tale omniplinary, omnipotent Is it just because he became the owner of fantastic gifts-assistants? After all, the same gifts, hitting inadvertible hands, almost lose their good strength. Probably, the point is not in them, but in the fact that the hero of the fairy tale is usually valid not only from themselves personally, but on behalf of those whose interests he defends his own forests - on behalf of the family, fellow villagers, the people. This makes him invincible and all-toys. Evil, opposing the hero of force in magical fairy tales appear as traditional fabulous kings or merchants, then personify the snake, Shaitanov and God of Inforra. These forces stand on the path of the hero Fortunately, prevent their honest people, condemn them on troubles and extinction. But the hero overwhelms them.

So, we can say that in the magic fairy tale, the main and urgent moments are the struggle, feats, mining. Therefore, all forces acting in it are sharply divided into two camps: actually heroes, heroes in the literal sense, and their enemies. A feature of magical fairy tales is to receive exaggeration, hyperbolization. The difficulties in them are exaggerated so much that they seem impracticable, carriers of an evil principle are irregularities, the possibilities of magical items - innumerable or inexhaustible. But the protagonist is not allocated to the main hero until the time before the time. He has a good heart, sensitive to injustice and folk grief. It is a good heart, and makes it all-way. Thanks to him, he receives magic assistants as a reward, magic objects or magical skill. That is why fairy tales are called magic.

The youngest of all fairy tales in science are realistic, or household. When a person was in full dependence on nature, when his near future, legends, myths, myths, animal fairy tales served as a live book of life, depended from luck in the hunt or fisheries. The experience was replenished, and the oral book about him was replenished. In the magic fairy tale, an ancient man begins not only to share life experience, but also dream of such assistants, subjects, about such a skill that could make it many times stronger and more powerful. A poor man to achieve Malomal well-being, it was necessary to be a clever and cunning, dodgy and clever. Then, fairy tales began to appear about the poor - deceivers and cunning, cleverly inflated self-satisfied and greedy rich. No heroes of these fairy tales neither magic assistants or wonderful gifts or skills. Do not need to wade to the sun or go down to the underground kingdom. And their goals they have earth and achievements are also everyday. They communicated to the extreme to the extreme, seek elementary justice, forcing the rich against his own desire to return the poorly earned by him or his counterparts. It helps them with their only wealth: dexterity, intelligence.

The theme of household fairy tales is distinguished by an exceptional variety. Literally for all occasions, you can find an example in Udmurt household fairy tales. There are fairy tales among them to favorite themes, there are their favorites-heroes in them. So, in most fairy tales vary the topics of marriage hero, happiness, fate.

Especially popular among the Udmurt people fairy tale about the debris of Aldar Ivana or Agaya. This is certainly poor, but a smart man. Recently, he was somewhat fastened to Lopsho Pedun. An interesting story happens before our eyes with this amazing hero. Lopstsho Pedeny's trial remained as a memory of past times as an example of humor, who testified to the moral health of the Udmurt people.

The household fairy tale is a generalization, a typical reflection of life phenomena. And nevertheless, she is a fairy tale. It is not a separate fact of reality. It is clearly trained in the fabulous beginning, the fabulous essence. What tells about, perhaps in some details somewhere with someone happened in life, more precisely, it could have happened. A clever, wonderful worker, for example, could overheve the owner times, two, several times. But this happened extremely rarely. In the overwhelming majority it was, on the contrary: the owner would not be the owner when it did not get fat at the expense of others, that is, at the expense of those who worked.

Some fairy tales give out their age, that is, on separate details you can talk about the time of their creation. However, for the most part, the tale does not detect age. Only a specialist can sometimes solve it. The fairy tale itself is nothing: it is always young, always the pretty, like the people, created it. "

Candidate of Philology H Klima.

Udmurt - These are the people in Russia, the indigenous population of Udmurtia (476 thousand people.). Udmurts also live in Tataria, in Bashkiria, in Perm, Kirov, Sverdlovsk regions. The total number of Udmurts in Russia is 676 thousand people. 70% of Udmurts considers his native language to be native. Udmurt language refers to the Finno-Ugric Language Group. In Udmurt's language, several dialects are distinguished - North, South, Fevermyan and Middle Tits. The writing of the Udmurt language was created on the basis of Cyrillic. Most of the believing Udmurts are Orthodox, but a significant part adheres to traditional beliefs. The religious views of the Udmurtov, living among the Tatars and Bashkir influenced Islam.

Past Udmurts goes back to the Finno-Ugric Tribes of the Iron Age 1 thousand AD. The territory of modern Udmurtia has long been settled by tribes of Udmurts or Voykokov (3-4 centuries. AD). In the 10-12th centuries, the Udmurt were under the economic and cultural influence of the Volga-Kama Bulgaria. In the 13th century, the territory of Udmurtia was conquered by Mongol-Tatars.

In 1489, the northern Udmurts became part of the Russian state. In Russian sources, the Udmurt are mentioned from the 14th century as aries, Arian, Wallouts; Southern Udmurts experienced Tatar influence, because Until 1552 were located as part of Kazan Khanate. By 1558, Udmurts were fully included in the Russian state. Under its own name, the Udmurt was first mentioned in 1770 in the work of a scientist N.P. Rychkov.

The traditional exercise of Udmurt was agriculture and animal husbandry. Hunting, fisheries, beekeeping was acknowledged. Udmurt villages were located along the banks of the rivers and were small - several dozen yards. In the decoration of the housing there were many decorative woven products. Udmurt clothing sewed from canvas, cloth and sheepskin. Two options were highlighted in the clothes - North and South. Shoes were braided lapties, shoes or boots. Numerous were decorations from beads, beads, coins. The traditional housing of the Udmurt was a log hollow with cold hay under the batch roof. In the nutrition of the Udmurts prevailed products of agriculture and animal husbandry.

In public life, a neighbor type community was played a major role, at the head of which was the Council - Kenesh. For a long time, the generic divisions of Udmurtov - Vorzuda remained.

For the religion of the Udmurts, the numerous pantheon of deities and spirits was characterized, among them Inmar, the god of the sky, Kaldysin - the God of the Earth, Shunda-Mumma - the mother of the Sun, and there were about 40 of them. Many ritual actions were associated with economic activities: Potton's Gen - Holiday Plow, Flag Beetle - ritual eating porridge from the grain of a new harvest. From the 19th century, many holidays began to timed to the dates of the Christian calendar - Christmas, Easter, Trinity. Udmurts often had the two names - the pagan, given with the advent of grandmother-obstacle, and the Christian, obtained during baptism.

The leading place in applied art was occupied by embroidery, patterned weaving, patterned knitting, wood carving, weaving, embossing in Bester. The widespread development of the Udmurts received singing and dances, accompanied by the game on the humps, the swells.

In the 18th century, the largest Udmurt plants were erected in Udmurtia - Izhevsky and Votkinsky, in the transformed form, preserved their importance and today. Region has become a major industrial center of Russia. Metallurgy, engineering and weapons manufacturing were the greatest importance.

Udmurts are the people in Russia, the indigenous population of Udmurtia. Udmurts also live in Tataria, in Bashkiria, in Perm, Kirov, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions. The traditional exercise of the Udmurt was agriculture and animal husbandry, engaged in hunting, fishing and beekeeping. Udmurt villages were located along the banks of the rivers and were small - several dozen yards. The traditional housing of the Udmurt was a log hollow with cold hay under the batch roof. In the decoration of the housing there were many decorative woven products. Udmurt clothing sewed from canvas, cloth and sheepskin. Numerous were decorations from beads, beads, coins.

Folk fairy tales tell about fictional events, but are associated with the history and life of the people. Like the fairy tales of other nations, there are Udmurt fairy tales about animals, magic, boys, household.

Swallow and mosquito

Tit and Zhuravl

Tit and crow

Mouse and Sparrow

Cat and squirrel

Hunter and Snake

Stupid kitten

Hare and frog

Black lake

Son Fisherman and Vumurt

Like a hunter near the fire

Old man with old woman and birch