The main idea of ​​the work is a basket with fir cones. Development of a literary reading lesson "basket with fir cones"

The main idea of ​​the work is a basket with fir cones.  Development of a literary reading lesson
The main idea of ​​the work is a basket with fir cones. Development of a literary reading lesson "basket with fir cones"

Lesson objectives.

Educational purpose:

teach to highlight the main idea of ​​the work through different types work; broaden the horizons of students, enrich vocabulary; to form the ability to express their thoughts orally.

Educational purpose:

foster a sense of beauty through the connection between literature and music; contribute to the formation cognitive interest to reading the works of K.G. Paustovsky; cultivate kindness, responsiveness, and the ability to empathize.

Developing goal:

develop students' reading skills; creative imagination through the ability to present pictures from a piece of music; develop the ability to analyze what has been read; develop speech, logical and creative thinking, students' creativity.

Pedagogical technologies:

  • explanatory and illustrative teaching;
  • verbal productive and creative activity;
  • cooperation pedagogy (educational dialogue, educational discussion);
  • health-preserving technology;
  • information and communication technology.

1. Organizational moment.

Reading teacher:

Good afternoon, children! Good afternoon, dear adults! We are pleased to see you.

Music teacher: May this lesson bring us the joy of communication, fill our hearts with noble feelings.

2. Setting the goal of the lesson.

On the desk: Wizard and great musician!

Reading the words in unison on the blackboard.

Music teacher:

These words will be the topic of today's lesson. Who they refer to, you will answer later.

3. Message about the writer.

Reading teacher:

Guys, look at the exhibition of books and tell me the works of which writer are presented here?

Display of the portrait of K.G. Paustovsky.

All the works of this writer are filled with a surprisingly warm and quivering feeling of love for the nature of their native land, they teach to see the beautiful. For the rest of his life, the writer remembered the words of his father: "You will experience a lot of significant and interesting things in life if you yourself will be significant and interesting." He became like that.

The guys prepared small messages about the life of the writer.

K.G. Paustovsky traveled a lot. He visited England, Italy, France and other countries. He was admired by the people of these countries, museums, architecture, music. He also wrote a lot about composers, artists, and writers.

Have you already read the works of this writer? I propose to conduct a quiz and remember where the lines are taken from.

4. Quiz: "Where did these lines come from?" (Students read excerpts from works)

1. “… Varyusha gasped and began to shovel the snow with her hands. But there was no ring. Varyusha's fingers turned blue. They were so brought together by the frost that they no longer bend ... ”(“ Steel ring”)

2. “The hare led the grandfather out of the fire. When they ran out of the forest to the lake, the hare and the grandfather both fell down from fatigue. The grandfather picked up the hare and carried it home. The hare's hind legs and stomach were scorched. ” (“ Hare paws”)

3. “Lyonka tied a small roach to the fishing line by the tail and threw it through the hole in the underground. The cat gripped the fish's head with its teeth in a death grip. Lyonka pulled him out. " (Thief Cat)

4. “In half an hour, the beast stuck out a wet black nose, similar to a pig's patch, out of the grass. The nose sniffed the air for a long time and trembled with greed. Then a sharp muzzle with piercing black eyes appeared from the grass. ("Badger nose")

5. “Once Grieg met in the forest a little girl with two pigtails - the daughter of a forester. She collected fir cones in a basket. " (“Cart with spruce cones”)

What famous person is the story of K. Paustovsky in his story? (About the composer E. Grieg).

Music teacher: Edward Hagerup Grieg is a Norwegian composer, pianist and conductor. Born June 15, 1843 in Bergen. The composer's mother was a pianist, so Edward, his brother and three sisters were taught music from childhood. For the first time, the future composer sat down at the piano at the age of four. In 1862 he graduated from the Leipzig Conservatory with excellent grades. His destiny henceforth and forever became music.

Grieg's work was shaped by the influence of Norwegian folk culture. The composer showed an interest in Scandinavian literature, and especially in the literature of his native language. In his music, fairy tales, pictures of folk life, images of the nature of Norway come to life - the gloomy grandeur of coniferous forests, the surf of the northern sea.

His most famous works: Music to Ibsen's play "Peer Gynt", Norwegian Dances, Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in A minor and others.

6. Short message about Norway, about E. Grieg.

Music teacher:

What country did the composer live in? (In Norway)

Slides 5-9

E. Grieg was very fond of the nature of his native Norway. The guys will tell us about this. (Music by E. Grieg - "Norwegian Dance No. 2")

Student: Majestic harsh Norway is a country of impregnable rocks, dense forests, narrow winding sea bays. In autumn, the nature of Norway shines with all shades of colors. Norway is rich in stories, legends and fairy tales. She is also rich in music. This is no exaggeration fantastic country where you want to stay forever.

Music teacher:

Guys, in which city was E. Grieg born?

Slides 10-16

Student: Bergen ... One of the oldest cities in western Norway, washed by the waves of the sea, crowned with rocky mountain peaks. This city is rightfully considered the cultural capital of Norway, famous for its national creative traditions, especially in the field of theater. It was here, among the fabulous beauty, that Edvard Grieg was born, spent his youth, and lived, in fact, his entire life.

Setting the goal of the lesson.

Reading teacher: Today in the lesson we will continue our conversation about the heroes of the story “Basket with spruce cones. I want you to be able to demonstrate your creativity in the lesson. The lesson will feature classical music by Edward Grieg.

Display of a basket of pine cones.

But a basket with fir cones will help you learn the wonderful story of an unexpected meeting.

2. Working with text.

Part I of the story. Reading teacher:

1. - How does the story begin? Let's read the first sentence.

2. - Find the passage where Paustovsky describes the nature of the autumn mountain forest. Let's read it.

What colors is the forest painted with? (Green strands of moss, gold and copper leaves)

What sounds filled it? (There is an echo, rustling of leaves, the sound of the surf) And the smells? (Mushroom air)

What mood does this description create? (Slide 17) Glossary of moods: sublime, sad, fabulous, mysterious, restless. (Sublime, fabulous, mysterious. Autumn is a poetic time of the year, it gives inspiration, adjusts to creativity)

Do you think the writer accidentally included a description of nature in the story?

Do you guys think it is possible to portray these sounds, colors, smells in music?

3. Among this fabulous beauty there was a meeting between the composer and the little girl Dagny. And we will now hear how this meeting took place.

Slide 18


(Music plays)

What is the most important thing in a conversation? (Grieg decided to make a gift.)

What do you think , why did Grieg want to give the girl a gift?

Suggestions of children are heard.

What did Dagny hope to receive as a gift?

Why did Grieg postpone the gift, because you always look forward to gifts? Read the quote from the text. (Material gifts - things, toys - are easier to give. Grieg, on the other hand, has conceived a very complex spiritual gift - music. Small children do not always understand complex music... Therefore, the composer promises to give his gift later.)

What character traits of Grieg are revealed? (Kind - looking for a gift for an unfamiliar girl, the child was not scared - Grieg's eyes were laughing ... he helped (offered himself) to carry the basket. Sociable, simple - finds mutual language with a simple girl. Dagny is the daughter of a forester, E. Grieg is a famous composer, not arrogant, attentive, generous).

Part II of the story. Music teacher:

In which city did Grieg write music for Dagny?

Fast forward to the composer's house ( Read what he looked like? What does the description of the composer's house tell about? (Didn't surround himself with luxury).

What does Paustovsky write about the piano? What does he compare it to? (With the voice of a man: “The piano could sing about everything - about the impulse human spirit to the great and about love. ")

Who did Grieg represent when he wrote the music? Read it.

Find in the text and read the thoughts of Grieg, who wrote the music (1. Life is amazing and beautiful. 2. Happy because he gave everything. Grieg was inspired and happy because he wrote and saw a girl running towards him, gasping for joy) with green shining eyes. She hugs him by the neck and presses against his gray unshaven cheek. He devoted himself entirely to work, he did and did great.)

Slide 19(proverbs)

On the desk: Not the one who lives longer, who lives longer.

Reading teacher:

Read the proverb.

Can this proverb be correlated with the life and work of Edward Grieg? Why?

III-IV part of the story.

Let's return to our heroine. The little girl has grown up.

What has she become?

Try to compose a portrait of Dagny.

Where did Dagny go after high school?

Where did Aunt Magda once insist on going?

In what unusual setting did the concert take place?

What are White Nights?

In the north, at the beginning of summer, you can observe the following picture - at night it is almost light, there is a slight twilight, because the sun briefly hides behind the horizon.

A.S. Pushkin said so beautifully about the White Nights of St. Petersburg:

... And, not letting the darkness of the night
To the golden skies
One dawn to change another
Hurries, giving the night half an hour.

Music teacher:

What was Dagny's first time listening to at a concert? (Symphonic music)

What is a symphony. Let's read the meaning of this word in the explanatory dictionary.

And now you will hear an excerpt from a piece of music called "Morning". But first, let's talk, what is morning? What is sunrise? The sun? (Writing on the board) Answers of the children. (Zarya, large blazing ball)

Music teacher:

You can close your eyes. (Children listen with closed eyes)

Music sounded. What kind of music is it? (She is now gentle, calm, then suddenly impetuous, agitated, the music sounds now loud, now quiet).

With what sounds, intonations, shades did Grieg express the awakening of nature? (Are they rude or gentle?). You gradually open your eyes after sleeping.

Quiet or loud? (Where is louder - the sun appears, and where is quiet?)

Smooth, slow sounds or fast melody?

Sad or Happy? A new day is always a joy (a bright, kind, interesting, good event) and we are expecting only good from the new day, we only hope for pleasant impressions.

What other sounds are fashionable to express the morning, the awakening of nature, the sunrise? (Writing on the board: melodic, affectionate, magical, wonderful, exciting, affable, calm, transparent, cheerful, charming, dignified).

Primary school teacher:

Now let's read about what Dagny heard in a piece of music dedicated to her. (Reading from “At first she didn’t hear anything” to “The music died down.” Students follow.)

What pictures appear in Dagny's mind's eye?

Why was she able to hear and see all this? (Music, like painting and poetry, is capable of evoking spatial pictures in the mind of a person endowed, like Dagny, with a rich imagination, the ability to feel, dream)

Why did Dagny cry while listening to Grieg's music? (People cry not only from grief, but also from great, good feelings. These were tears of gratitude, In addition, Dagny was sorry that Grieg had died and she would not thank him for the gift.)

So what was Dagny grateful to Grieg for? Read it. (For your generosity, for opening before me that beautiful thing that a person should live with.)

How should a person live? (A person must see the beauty of the world around him, perform noble deeds)

Edvard Grieg is not with us, but we cannot consider him irrevocably gone from us. Grieg was made eternal, alive, and after death his music, talent, love for life, for people, desire to give himself, his soul. The music of such people is performed even after their death, films are made about them, books are written, as Paustovsky did.

7. Lesson summary.

I propose to return to our topic.

Who are these words about? (We must be grateful to the writer K. Paustovsky for giving us such a wonderful story about the great composer E. Grieg - about this kind wizard and musician. Both of them are great masters: one with words, the other with music, awakens in us pure and kind feelings .)

Do you think the composer was a happy person?

Probably, you guys, in your life, met people who willingly gave, gave not necessarily things, but also a good mood, a smile.

And now each of you will write your word about kindness on the petals of our flowers. Write on it briefly what good deed you have done, from which both you and those around you felt joyful.

(Children work to calm music)

We will not read them out. Shouting about your good deeds is not worth it.

Slide 19

"Who is truly good, does good in silence" - an English proverb.

Look, kindness is like a fabulous flower that can bloom in everyone's soul.

At the end of our meeting, I want to thank you for your work, for your creativity and wish you to grow up to be kind and reliable people.

Pupil by heart:

Do not spare your heart, do not hide
Your kindness and tenderness,
Not my own insights and discoveries
Do not keep secret from people ...
Hurry up to give everything during life
So that, having gone into oblivion into power,
Warm downpour, fluffy snow
To fall back to my sweet homeland.

Reading teacher: Know that everyone must leave their mark on the earth. This is how the people to whom this reading lesson was devoted lived their lives. These are Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky and Edvard Grieg.


Slide 21-22

In the last lesson, you made syncwines about Paustovsky and Grieg. We chose your most successful phrases and this is what we got: (students read from the slide)

Music teacher: And now you have creative work (composition-impression to music). So how do you get started writing? (Analysis).

But such an essay can turn out for you:

“Imagine everything is asleep. The forest sleeps, the river sleeps, a thin stream quietly murmurs between the pebbles, as if afraid to break the silence. Little green leaves have little green dreams. Animals and birds are sleeping. In the hollow of an old tree, the squirrel has covered the squirrels with its fluffy tail and is sleeping comfortably. And the sky is blue-blue. And the stars are big, I am the stars are big, bright, there is a big moon in the sky, and on the river there is a lunar path. And on the horizon, where the sky seems to converge with the ground, a light strip appeared. It grows, expands, and the stars begin to fade and fade away one after another. Dawn breaks in the east and the water looks pink. The sun rises above the earth to the singing of countless birds. The spider web stretched in the forest sparkles with many glitters. And now, behind the trunks of old lindens, a huge flaming ball rises above the ground. He grows, shines with joyful light, plays and smiles. A new day begins. ”

How can you finish your essay? (Analysis). Listening to music again. Slide show to end. Creative work... Reading essays.

Music teacher: Did you have a desire to get acquainted with other works of art by Paustovsky and Grieg?

Reading teacher: Guys, I want to thank you for good reading, for the frankness of your answers, for the work of the soul. The lesson is over.


“... Varyusha gasped and began to rake the snow with her hands. But there was no ring. Varyusha's fingers turned blue. They were so brought together by the frost that they no longer bend ... ”.

“The hare brought grandfather out of the fire. When they ran out of the forest to the lake, the hare and the grandfather both fell down from fatigue. The grandfather picked up the hare and carried it home. The hare's hind legs and stomach were scorched. ”

“Once Grieg met in the forest a little girl with two pigtails - the daughter of a forester. She collected fir cones in a basket. "

“Lyonka tied a small roach to the fishing line by the tail and threw it through the hole in the underground. The cat gripped the fish's head with its teeth in a death grip. Lyonka pulled him out. "

“Half an hour later, the beast stuck out a wet black nose, similar to a pig's patch, out of the grass. The nose sniffed the air for a long time and trembled with greed. Then a sharp muzzle with piercing black eyes appeared from the grass.

From childhood, Paustovsky wanted to see and experience everything that a person can see and experience.

The writer was born in 1892. The family was large and art-minded. The family sang a lot, played the piano, loved the theater. And the writer himself went to the theater all his life as if it were a holiday. He studied in Kiev in a classical gymnasium, knew and loved literature and spent a lot of time reading books. In the last grade of the gymnasium, he wrote his first story, which was published in the Kiev magazine Ogni. Since then, the decision to become a writer has taken hold of him so tightly that he began to subordinate his life to this one goal.

Paustovsky traveled a lot around the country. He wanted to "learn everything, feel everything, understand everything." Therefore, I met with different people. He changed many occupations: he was a tram driver, a conductor, an orderly on a military train that transported the wounded to cities. Then he found out and with all his heart fell in love with central Russia (Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Simbirsk, Samara, Tambov). Listened to many wonderful stories different people... Later he worked at a metallurgical plant, in a fishing artel, as a reporter in Moscow newspapers. The writer said: "Every trip I take is a book."

Lesson topic: Magic power the art of word and music.

K.G. Paustovsky. "Basket with spruce cones"

Earthly wizards live, giving warmth of their hearts.

M Plyatskovsky

Do not spare your heart, do not hide Neither of your insights and discoveries

Your kindness and tenderness, Do not keep it secret from people.

Hurry up to give everything during life ...

Tatiana Kuzovleva

Today in the lesson we will go to a meeting with just such people who gave everything to people during their lifetime: with the great wizards in the field of literature and music K.G. Paustovsky and E. Grieg. We will work not only on a work of art, but also learn to listen - read music, learn how music is born, how it affects our feelings, what emotions it evokes. (Portraits of K. Paustovsky, E. Grieg.) (Presentation. K. Paustovsky.)

K.G. Paustovsky was born in 1892 in Moscow. Already at school he earned a living. He changed many professions: he was a counselor, a conductor, a sailor, a teacher. I wanted to know, see, feel and travel everything. Start writing early. His works are filled with amazing warmth, a quivering feeling of love for native land... They evoke love for everything beautiful in life. The author reveals the miraculous and inimitable in the most ordinary subject. The main content of the stories is the search for beauty in the simple and modest. Both adults and children love to read his stories.

What works of K. Paustovsky do you know? ("Hare Paws", "Steel Ring", "Badger Nose", "Thief Cat", "Warm Bread", "What rains happen", "Meshcherskaya Side", "Disheveled Sparrow", "Snow", "Rook in trolleybus "," Tenants of the old house "...)

Slides about Paustovsky's books. Exhibition of Paustovsky's books.

K. Paustovsky wrote not only about nature, but also about wonderful people... His dream came true: he traveled a lot, visited England, France, Italy. He was admired by the people of these countries, museums, architecture, music. Paustovsky wrote about composers, artists, writers, i.e. about people who subtly feel the beauty of the world around us and try to involve all people in the world of beauty with their creativity.

At home, you received an assignment to carefully read the work of K. Paustovsky "Basket with spruce cones", which will introduce us to an extraordinary world musical creativity the famous Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg.

Edvard Grieg (1843 - 1907) - Norwegian composer, conductor, pianist, musical critic... (Portrait of E. Grieg; Norway, fjords. Bergen. Portraits of parents. Villa. House.)

Majestic harsh Norway is a country of impregnable rocks, dense forests, narrow winding sea bays - fjords. The whole world learned the beauty of Scandinavian tunes thanks to Grieg. He was born in Bergen (the capital of the troll kingdom) on June 15, 1843. (Slide.) Father - an English merchant, British consul. Gezin's mother Grieg is an outstanding pianist. The talent manifested itself early, he began to study music at the age of 6. main topic Grieg's work is the theme of the Motherland.

Grieg traveled a lot, gave concerts in different countries, each time he strove to return to his homeland as soon as possible, to his modest house on the seashore (slides).

(His villa is Trollhaugen, which means "troll's hill"; he likes this fabulous name; a forest house, here in silence, surrounded by nature, ideas for works were born.)

Vocabulary work: fjords, trolls.

Listening to Grieg's music. "Morning". (Sunrise slides.)

Music is always a secret, it is the language of feelings. She seems to be calling: find the good in life. It helps us look at the world with different eyes, feel it and see all the richness of the colors of nature. And it's good that there are people who give us this joy and beauty.

K. Paustovsky. "Basket with spruce cones". Slide.

1. Determine the genre of the work. (This is a story, in it a small amount of characters, small volume, real events, two episodes, narrative form).

2. What makes K. Paustovsky think about? (About the meaning of life, about happiness, about beauty).

3. What impression did this story make on you. I felt sad and light in my soul.

There was a feeling of joy, happiness, tenderness.

Joy for Dagny, for a wonderful gift.

A lot of love, kindness of people. It's great that people live for the sake of others.

I think that all girls would like to receive such a gift.

The story made me think.

The impressions that you received after reading the story, you have expressed in your creative works. You can see that the class is decorated with the work of your classmates on the topic of the lesson. Why exactly these episodes from the work they chose, the authors of these works will tell themselves (Lovchikova Katya, Sviridova Vika, Vorobyova Alena). Slides of students' work.

4. Returning to the beginning of the story

a) Where did Grieg spend the autumn? (Near the city of Bergen.)

b) What do you think Grieg was doing in the forest? (I admired nature. Drew inspiration from beauty. Nature inspires man, enriches him, makes him nobler, cleaner.)

5. Let's read the description of the mountain forest (the student reads by heart).

6. What attracts Grieg's attention? What sounds fill the forest?

a) Rustle of leaves. Mushroom air. Sound of the surf. Moss grows in them. Lives a merry echo.

7. What visual and artistic means help the writer describe autumn in mountain forests?

Comparison is a comparison of two phenomena in order to explain one object or phenomenon with the help of another. Comparison (moss - green strands; cheerful echo - mockingbird)

b) Metaphor (autumn outfit).

c) Incarnation (Echo lives, waits, throws).

8. What is impersonation? (Transferring properties animate objects to the inanimate. Often used when portraying nature.)

9. Let's read the description of autumn (the student reads by heart).

The beauty of the forest inspired the composer. It can be seen that he loves autumn.

Emphasizes that there is nothing more beautiful than "an autumn outfit lying in the mountains."

It seems to me that the writer wants us to see beauty, to feel it.

When I find myself in the forest, I feel that I am changing, becoming better.

10. What an important event described in this part? Title this part.

"Meeting in the Woods". Slide. Meeting of Grieg and Dagny Pederson, the little daughter of the forester.

11. Do you think the meeting was a fact from the biography of Grieg or a fiction? (This is true and fiction. A writer has the right to artistic fiction. Paustovsky used individual facts from Grieg's life and combined them with fiction. The image of Dagny is collective.)

12. During the walk, Grieg, a world-famous composer, a famous person, is happy to talk with the forester's daughter. (Slide. Grieg and Dagny.)

She had very beautiful eyes... "Her pupils are greenish, and the foliage gleams in them." Dagny fascinated him.

13. Would you talk to a stranger in the forest?

14. Why did Dagny trust and even invite you to visit?

15. What did Grieg decide to give a little girl? Why did he have this desire?

Grieg loves Dagny. Connect it to the facts of life. (K. P-th knew about this.)

The most dramatic moment in Grieg's life was the death of his daughter. She lived for a year.

In every girl he saw his daughter. With Dagny, he spoke as with his daughter.

Dagny had naivety, openness, faith in kindness, which Grieg tried to see in everything.

He liked thinking about Mom's old doll.

Grieg liked the fact that the girl knows how to think and grieve about others.

She talked about her home with all her heart, invited me to visit.

She told me that they had an embroidered tablecloth, a ginger cat, a glass boat.

Grieg saw a heavy basket carried by Dagny. So she is hardworking, taking care of her grandfather.

What Grieg and Dagny have in common is that they love nature, feel it.

Grieg decided to give her music. I couldn't do it right away, because she was still small.

Grieg conceived a spiritual gift - music. He promised to give it to him in 10 years, because

Dagny will grow up and will be able to understand the composer's gift - "serious music."

16. The birth of music. Now let's move on to Grieg's forest house. What is it?

What does the description of the composer's house tell the reader?

Vocabulary work: woodcutter (lumberjack) is an ancient profession. The task is to cut trees and prepare them for transport.

Grieg did not dare to throw out the old sofa, because it could accommodate up to a dozen guests.

The piano gave the room comfort, it was a decoration of the house. Slide. (Forest house by the sea. Grand piano.)

Vocabulary work: piano - keyboard musical instrument standing triangular

body and horizontally taut strings, a kind of piano.

"The piano could sing about everything - about the outburst of the human spirit and about love ...". Impersonation.

17. What sounds still lived in Grieg's house? What did the sound of a small string sound like?

18. Why do you need nice description winters in Bergen? (Calm. Silence. Beauty of nature.)

The composer drew inspiration from his surroundings and reflected his feelings in his works: beauty, goodness.)

Winter. Snow. Purity of thoughts. The color of purity. Everything is white. Memories of Dagny

also clean, light. Dagny is a light creature.

19. What is Dagny's piece of music about? What did Grieg represent when he wrote the music?

He wrote and saw a girl with green shining eyes running towards him, breathless with happiness. She hugs him and thanks him.

Grieg likes Dagny. He confesses: "Your voice trembles my heart."

“You're like the sun,” says Grieg. - Like a gentle wind and early morning... Bloomed in your heart White flower and filled your whole being with the fragrance of spring. "

- "Blessed be everything that surrounds you, that touches you and what you touch, that pleases you and makes you think."

20.What does composer Dagny compare to? With the sun, early in the morning, with a white night with its mysterious light, with the brilliance of dawn, with a white flower ...

21. Why with the sun? (The sun radiates warmth, love, tenderness, goodness).

22. Which listeners did Grieg appreciate more? What feelings did the music evoke?

Favorite listeners are tits outside the window. (They were worried, spinning ...)

The cricket that peeped through the crack. Snow falling from the sky. Cinderella ... smiled.

Sailors on a spree who listened, sobbing.

The washerwoman was unbending her back, wiping her reddened eyes with her palm.

Real and magical close by. Music makes a magical impression.

23. Do you find it difficult to describe music in words?

It is impossible to describe music in words, no matter how rich our language is.

24. Do you think Grieg was happy? What filled him with happiness?

Grieg gave everything without return. He believes that he is happier than Dagny, because he gave everything.

I believe that the person who gives is more happy than the one who receives.

The most important words in this part: “… life is amazing and beautiful… I gave my life, work, talent to the youth. I gave everything without return. "

25. What are examples of pictorial and expressive means in this part.

The steamers were dozing, snoring. The keys yearned, ran away, laughed. Drops

kept repeating. Snow listened to the ringing. The shoes shuddered. (Impersonations.)

Mysterious light, gentle wind, shining eyes. (Epithets.)

The writer introduced the composer to us as a person who is easy to communicate and loving. In his life and work, nature means a lot. Between truth and a fairy tale in creative imagination Grieg has no boundaries. Grieg is a great musician who can move hearts with his music.

Part 3. “Visiting Aunt Magda”.

26. Vocabulary work.

Brocade is a dense patterned silk fabric with intertwining golden threads.

Treads - tall cavalry boots with sockets (with an extension upward).

Entertainer - artist, host of the entertainer (pop genre - performance at

scene associated with the announcement of program numbers).

Symphonic music is a large piece of music (usually 4 parts).

Velvet is a dense silk fabric with a soft, smooth and thick pile.

Magda is the aunt (theatrical dressmaker), Niels is the hairdresser in the theater. Lived

under the roof of the theater. There are many theatrical items in the room. Nice, kind people.

27. What did Dagny do while visiting? (I often went to the theater.)

Why did you often cry after the theater? (Dagny was very impressionable, responsive, trusting, like in childhood. She believed in what was happening on stage. The author prepares us for an even stronger feeling.)

Magda reassured her, and Niels said, “Let her cry. You have to believe everything in the theater. "

28. What did Niels say about music? (“Music is the mirror of the soul.”) Music must be understood.

29. How do you understand these words? (Niels is not a scientist, he never graduated from universities, but he loved to think. He was taught by life. He is kind both in deeds and in thinking.)

"Spiritual Gift". June. White Nights. City Park. Concert.

White nights can be seen in early summer in the north. It is light. Light twilight.

And, not letting the darkness of the night into the golden skies,

One dawn hurries to change another, giving the night half an hour. (A.S. Pushkin.)

30. What was Dagny like according to Niels? (This is the 1st chord of the overture.)

An overture is an introduction to a piece of music.

Dagny is young, just entering life. That is why such a comparison.

31. Is it by chance that the author arranges a concert in June, during the White Nights? Remember how Dagny was dressed? (I wanted to wear white, but Niels advised black. "On white nights you must be sure to be in black and ... in dark shining white dresses."

The writer says that the dress was made of mysterious velvet. And you understand that in

Dagny's life is about to happen something incredible, mysterious.

32. Pay attention to the overflows and transitions of colors into each other.

The white flower on the heart of Dagni is the color of joy, splendor.

Yellow has been replaced by gold. Autumn gold, braid gold. Gilding of the northern dawn.

This means that the girl has a big and busy life ahead.

33. How did Dagny listen to the play, symphonic music?

Dagny listened to symphonic music for the first time. She had a strange effect on her.

All the shimmers and thunders of the orchestra caused Dagny to have many pictures that looked like dreams.

Let's read what the entertainer announced? "Now it will be executed ..."

“At first she didn't hear anything. A storm roared inside her. Then she finally heard the shepherd's horn singing early in the morning and the string orchestra responded with hundreds of voices, slightly shuddering.

The melody grew, rose, raged like the wind, swept over the tops of the trees, plucked leaves, swayed the grass, hit in the face with cool splashes. Dagny felt a rush of air emanating from the music and forced herself to calm down.

Yes! This was her forest, her homeland! Her mountains, the songs of the horns, the sound of her sea.

So it was him! The gray-haired man who helped her carry the basket of fir-cones to the house. It was Edvard Grieg, a magician and a great musician! ... So this is the gift ... "

And now we will listen to the music that shook Dagny with power, richness of colors.

(E. Grieg. Concerto for piano and orchestra.)

Yes, I want to be silent, to think. Do not lose what you heard: the sound of the surf, the cheerful echo, the rustle of leaves.

34. Why did Dagny cry? (Dagny cried with tears of gratitude.)

It is a pity for Grieg that he died, and she will not thank him.

For not forgetting her.

People cry not only from grief, from pain, but also from big, tender, good feelings.

35. What did Grieg manage to convey in music? Why did she get the girl so excited? What sounds are mentioned in the text?

She reminded her of her childhood, awakened the best memories.

She presented pictures of a country where no one will take away each other's happiness.

Music awakens hopes for the best. I believe in happiness, in love, in the best.

36. For what “generosity” did Dagny want to thank Grieg?

For the generosity of the soul. He gave his heart and soul to music.

For discovering that beautiful thing that a person should live with.

37. What did Dagny call him?

A magician and a great musician.

Reading the closing lines of the story (p. 183)

38. Why did Dagny love life?

For living. For being happy. Because she is surrounded by loved ones.

For the fact that he can enjoy music, the beauty of the world.

39. Did Dagny like the gift? (Slide. Monument to Grieg)

Yes. We also got it with her. Grieg is not with us, but his music, talent, love for people, desire to give himself, his soul to people made him eternal, alive.

Paustovsky shows that music, conveying the feelings of the composer, evokes reciprocal feelings in the audience. I really liked the gift. The music is now gentle, calm, now suddenly impetuous, now it sounds quiet, now it is loud.

40. Why did Niels decide, and along with him Paustovsky, that Dagny's life would not be wasted?

He heard her happy laugh and realized that Dagny would never hurt anyone.

In her life there will definitely be great love.

Dagny is a beautiful and pure soul... Her life will be full of goodness and light.

Dagny will be a generous person, like Grieg. With music, he taught her to love life.

41. Let's return to the final part of the text. Wiki's creative work. Lights of steamers.

In the finale, Dagny experiences a storm of conflicting feelings. She grieves and rejoices at the new sensations. She found herself by the sea, hoping to find peace. Here comes the understanding of a new feeling. The path to the world of beauty is just beginning. Arises romantic image steamer with burning lights. The eternal symbol of the continuation of the path. "Listen, life," Dagny said quietly, "I love you."

42. And what is left in our souls after we have read and discussed the story?

Art makes a person better.

In life, you need to be generous, bring goodness and joy to people.

Music conquered distance and time, managed to convey the composer's feelings.

This is a story about the beauty of the world, the role of music in human life.

Nature, childlike charm inspired the composer.

I was struck by the music, its sound.

Real music can work wonders.

I don’t take classical music seriously, I don’t listen to it myself, but today something is so aching. I did not expect such a reaction from myself.

An important thought in Paustovsky's work is the thought of beauty and poetry human soul, the desire to open for everyone the "key to beauty".

42. And what the main idea story?

A person should live by seeing, listening and feeling all the beautiful things that surround us. Then his life will not be lived in vain.

To give people a "fairy tale of life" - the ability to discover the beautiful and romantic in the most ordinary - this is the main task of a person on earth.

Through the years great composer Grieg gave his gift charming girl, the music revealed to her the "beauty of this world."

Let's return to the epigraph of the lesson: "Earthly wizards live, giving the warmth of their hearts."

43. Who do we call wizards and why?

  • Grieg donated talentedly written music.
  • Paustovsky presented a wonderful story.
  • Both of them are great masters: in one word, with the other music they awaken in us good feelings... And we are grateful and grateful to them. Both are creators. They chose this path of their own free will. They love their homeland, their people. They gave all of themselves to the people.
  • Art has magic power... Real music can work wonders. It inspires a person to do good deeds, teaches to love and understand nature, value human relationships, fight evil, believe in good and miracles, share happiness, live for others. And when someone needs you, it's happiness. I wish you this happiness. Bring this happiness, give it to others. And people will need you!

Answers to school textbooks

Grieg “wrote and saw a girl with green shining eyes running towards him. She hugs his neck and presses her hot cheek to his gray, unshaven cheek. “You are like the sun,” Grieg tells her. - Like a gentle wind and early morning. A white flower bloomed in your heart and filled your whole being with the fragrance of spring. I have seen life ... it is amazing and beautiful. I am an old man, but I gave my life, work, talent to youth. Therefore, I may be even happier than you, Dagny ... "
He, each in his own way, listened to the tits on the tree, the sailors from the port, the washerwoman from the next house, the cricket, the snow and Cinderella. “The tits were worried ... The sailors who had gone on a spree sat down on the steps of the house and listened, sobbing. The washerwoman wiped her flushed face with her hand and shook her head. A cricket crawled out of a crack in a tiled stove and peered through a crack behind Grieg.
Falling snow hung in the air to listen to the zeon pouring in streams from the house. And Cinderella looked, smiling, at the floor. Crystal slippers at her feet shuddered in response to the chords. "

2. For what reason did Dagny leave home? Where did she end up? How does the heroine characterize her attitude to the theater?

At the age of eighteen, Dagny graduated from school, and her father sent her to stay with his sister Magda, a theater dressmaker. Magda and her husband Niels lived in a room under the roof of the theater.
“Dagny often went to the theater. It was an exciting experience. But after the performances, Dagny did not fall asleep for a long time and sometimes even cried in her bed. " At the theater, Dagny believed everything. She remained as sensitive, sweet, impressionable as in childhood.

3. What surprised and shocked Dagny at the concert? How did she guess that famous play Is Grieg dedicated to her? Was it only because her name was called?

Dagny went to the concert with Magda and Niels. “Dagny listened to symphonic music for the first time. She had a strange effect on her. The overflows and thunders of the orchestra caused Dagny to see pictures that looked like dreams. " Then it seemed to her that the presenter of the concert called her name. And he repeated that the piece was dedicated to her on the occasion of her 18th birthday.

4. Could the heroine understand what Grieg wanted to tell her? What did she regret?

Dagny could not hold back her tears and covered her face with her hands. At first she didn’t hear anything because a storm was roaring inside her. Then (? On I heard a shepherd's horn singing early in the morning, and a string orchestra responded to him. "It was her forest, her homeland! Her mountains, the songs of the horns, the sound of her sea! .. Dagny cried with tears of gratitude." that Edvard Grieg is already dead, and she will not be able to thank him for a wonderful gift.

5. Do you agree that everything that happened at the concert can be called the most intense moment of the story? Explain.

What happened at the concert can be called the most intense moment of the story. Dagny realized that the man who had helped her carry the basket of pine cones was Edward Grieg. And the play is the gift he promised to give her ten years ago.
“Music filled all the space between the earth and the clouds that hung over the city ... The music was no longer singing. She called for her to the country where the sun burns like a crown in the hair of a fabulous good sorceress ... A familiar voice suddenly appeared in the influx of sounds. “You are happiness,” he said. "You are the brilliance of the dawn."

6. Come up with a title for each part of the story. Why Paustovsky divided the text so? How do all the parts of the story relate to each other?

1) Grieg's meeting with Dagny in the forest and his promise to write music.
2) Grieg writes music for Dagny.
3) Dagny comes to visit her aunt Magda. Magda's room.
4) Symphony concert white at night in the city park.

7. Define the main idea of ​​Paustovsky's work. What is it?

This story is about the beauty of the world and man, about how beautiful art is that reflects life. Dagny imagined that she would thank Grieg “for discovering for me that wonderful thing that a person should live with.”

8. Make a plan and retell the text.

Retelling plan
1) Composer Edvard Grieg loved to spend autumn in the woods near Bergen.
2) Once Grieg met the daughter of a forester in the forest, but he could not find what to give her.
3) Grieg accompanied Dagny home and decided to dedicate a piece of music to her, which he would write for her eighteenth birthday.
4) Grieg's house is completely empty and looks like a woodcutter's dwelling.
5) Grieg has been writing music for Dagny Pedersen for over a month.
6) Grieg, while working, imagined Dagny, paintings of Scandinavian nature, real people and fairy-tale heroes.
7) When Dagny was eighteen, she came to visit Aunt Magda.
8) Dagny often went to the theater, but she was very worried about what she saw, then her aunt offered to attend a concert for a change.
9) During the concert, Dagny suddenly heard that her name sounded from the stage.
10) Everyone learned that Grieg dedicated his composition to Dagny - it was a gift that he promised her in ten years.
11) Dagny will no longer be able to say “thank you!” To Grieg.

9. Chat with a friend about "I love listening to music." Questions from the "Workbook" will help you.

I love listening to music both with friends and alone. With friends, I like to listen to fast, funny and loud music, and alone I prefer to listen to a calm quiet melody without words. I also like to listen different music in public transport, through headphones, so as not to disturb anyone. At the same time, I like to look out the window and find a melody in the player that would match the movement vehicle: or bravura, if we are going fast, or slow, if we are in a traffic jam.

"Basket with fir cones": main characters, main idea, what to write?

    A small story Basket with fir cones was written by Konstantin Paustovsky.

    Main characters:

    Dagny Pedersen, daughter of a forester

    Edvard Grieg, composer

    Magda, Dagny's aunt

    Nils, Dagny's uncle.

    the main idea This story is that you always have to believe in a miracle and it will definitely happen and then a meaning will appear in your life, as it appeared in the life of the girl Dagny when she heard Grieg's music dedicated to herself.


    In the forest, the old composer Grieg met the daughter of the forester Dagny, who was 8 years old, and helped her bring a basket of fir cones. Grieg liked the girl so much that he promised to give her a gift, only not now, but 10 years later, when Dagny turns 18.

    Grieg left and wrote the promised music for several months.

    10 years later, Dagny graduated from high school and went to Christiania, to her uncle and aunt. Aunt constantly took Dagny to theaters, and Dagny was very worried about what she had gone. Once Aunt Magda decided to take Dagny to a concert and there the girl suddenly heard her name. The back rows were asked to repeat and she was convinced that this was exactly the gift that was promised to her an old man ten years ago.

    Magic music reminded Dagny of her native forest and herself, a little girl. She realized that life is worth living for the sake of beauty and that she loves this life.

    An unexpected meeting in the forest of the composer Grieg and the Norwegian girl Dagny, who was collecting fir cones, ended with an agreement - Grieg will give the girl on her 18th birthday unusual gift... To the girl's question why wait so long ?, the composer replied that the gift would be unusual and such gifts are not given to children. He decided to write a musical composition for her.

    Bergen. House of the composer Grieg. The memories of meeting Dagny are a source of inspiration for the composer. The girl becomes for him a muse, a guide to the world of dreams, to that world of forever gone youth, when he was young and happy:

    Many years later. Dagny turned into slim beautiful girl, her father sent her to his sister, a theatrical dressmaker. Dagny now has the opportunity to visit theatrical performances... Once she got to the first concert in her life. symphonic music... During the concert, the entertainer suddenly announced:

    During the performance of the music, feelings overwhelmed Dagny: she remembered her house, forest, mountains, sea ... For a long time then she wandered through the deserted streets until she came out completely devastated to seashore and did not whisper:

    Uncle Nils, who was watching the girl, uttered a phrase that, in my opinion, is the main idea of ​​this story:

    A story titled Basket with fir cones written by Konstantin Paustovsky. The main characters of the story are: Dagny Pedersen ( main character, daughter of the forester Hagerup Pedersen), Edvard Grieg (composer), Magda (tya Dagni), Nils (uncle of Dagny, husband of Magda). A fabulous setting, little girl Dagny walks through an unusually beautiful forest and meets composer Edward. They have a good-natured conversation, and in the end the composer Edward has only good impressions of communicating with an unfamiliar girl. Further, in a fit of emotion, the composer Edward dedicates a beautiful piece of music to Dagny. Of course, the little girl does not appreciate this properly, to which Edvard Grieg replies that this is a gift, and she will appreciate it only after ten years, that is, when she turns eighteen years old. Years pass, the girl grows up, finishes school. In honor of graduation from school one day, Dagny goes to his aunt Magda and uncle Niels, and they, in turn, go with her to a concert. At the concert, the very same piece of music dedicated to her sounds. Dagny is very surprised and recalls those wonderful moments and realizes that this is the most best gift... The main thought this story, in my opinion, is that classical music conveys feelings, emotions and thoughts in general from one person to another, it makes you think about the smallest values ​​in life.

  • Educational, partially search: to teach the ability to subordinate your work to the name of the topic, the ability to draw conclusions, build conclusions, show the effect of music on the listener, observe the style of K.G. Paustovsky, to work on the development of speech, to teach to listen, to express their thoughts and feelings.
  • Developing: develop skills expressive reading, the ability to analyze a work, independence, emotional world, imagination, Creative skills, memory, thinking.
  • Educational: instill a feeling of love for literature, teach to admire the beauty of nature, grow up kind, sensitive, cheerful.

During the classes

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Music is always in our life. This is TV, this is radio, someone is studying in music school, someone himself composes and hums simple melodies. Music plays in our souls when we are happy, sad, anxious, calm. Music is different for each of us. Let's listen to one of musical works, which is already many decades old, but which still causes a storm of emotions.

(Music by E. Grieg from the opera "PerGynt" "Morning" is played.Annex 1. (Slides 1 to 11)

Y: - What beautiful music!
- Who wrote this wonderful music.? (E. Grig.) (Slide 12)


What feelings, impressions and moods did this work evoke in you?

What did you imagine while listening to music?

And what impressed you more, the music itself or Paustovsky's description of the music?

What do you understand better piece of art or musical?

Why do you think this is happening? What does it take to understand music?

(you need to hear it)

Y: - How are literature and music related?

D: These are works of art that make the reader or listener think, feel, experience.

True, Paustovsky also understands this. Find and read the phrase,

in which he explains that it is difficult to describe music in words?

(it is impossible to describe music in words, no matter how rich our language is)
- Where do you get inspiration for composing such beautiful music? - E. Grieg was asked once.
- In the majestic, harsh, northern country of impregnable mountains, dense forests, magical fjords. In a country where the proud and strong-willed people.

At:- Guys, who knows what the word fjords means?

At: This country is located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, beyond the Arctic Circle, in a zone of harsh Arctic climate. What country is it? Decipher the word.

What is the homeland of the composer? (Slides 13 to 16)

Norway is the birthplace of Grieg, a composer and musician.

  • Problematic question

At: Why in the lesson literary reading did we meet the composer and his wonderful music? (Slide 17)

D: E. Grieg and his magical music underlies the work of K. Paustovsky "Basket with spruce cones". (Slide 18)

At: K. Paustovsky loved to write stories from life famous people... This is how the story “Basket with spruce cones” appeared.

Topic: K.G. Paustovsky
"Basket with spruce cones"

Topic of the statement:
"What should a person live by?"

What unusual things have you noticed in the recording of the lesson topic?

D: We see an interrogative sentence, which means that we have to give an answer to it.

(Slide 19)

At: I want to see attentive, serious, thoughtful readers in the lesson, able to reflect, analyze, feel with their heart and soul.

2. Comprehension

(Slide 20 Meeting of Grieg and Dagny)

At: Well, of course, you recognized these heroes? And what does the girl have in the basket? She's so hard!

D: Dagny has spruce cones in her basket!

  • Problematic question

At: Why did the girl need bumps? (Children's answers.)

D: Cones can be used to heat the stove, make various toys, insulate the house.

At: Do you know how spruce forests appear? (Slide 21)

At: Spruce forests grow from seeds that are inside the cones. (Slide 22 for any.)

Dagny is the daughter of a forester. She collected cones with seeds for her father, and he, planting seeds, grew trees.

At: Could Dagny live in this hut?

(Slide 23 Forester's hut)

  • Text analysis

At: Guys, let's also collect our "bumps", get our "seeds" of knowledge that will be useful in later life.(Slide 24)

  • Let's check the homework
  1. Distribute words into groups (associative row) (Slide 25)

b) By supporting synopsis write a story (description) (Slide 26)

Autumn forest
Mushroom air
Sound of the surf
Moss strands
Merry echo

Winter city
The pier

At: Why do you think K. Paustovsky included the description autumn forest and the winter city? (Children's answers.)

D: The composer draws inspiration not only from nature, but also from ordinary surroundings, familiar surroundings. (Contrast: copper and gold leaves and a rusty steamer.)

At: The work of Konstantin Paustovsky has been read for 150 years!

Let us and we listen to the beauty of the artistic word, analyzing text.

(The teacher distributes assignments - "bumps" from the basket. The class works on groups of different levels difficulties.)

Children remember the rules for working in a group. (Slide 27 "Learn to learn")

(Reading aloud in a chain, choosing the head of the group, the title of the chapter aloud, we do not read the questions, additional answers are encouraged, we turn on the music.

"The only path leading to knowledge is activity." B. Shaw.

At: I wish you fruitful work. (Slide 28)

“But first, let's get some rest.

Physical education. (Slide 29)

(The guys perform the task using reminders: “Components of intonation”, “Ideal reader”, “Learn to work according to the algorithm.”)

  • Group work by chapters of the work.

1st group“Meeting in the Woods”. (Slide 30)

At: Material gifts - things, toys - are easier to give.

Grieg, on the other hand, conceived a very complex spiritual gift - music.

Little children do not always understand complex music, so Grieg promises to give a gift later.

Group 2“In the house of the composer”. (Slide 31)

At:"... A white flower bloomed in your heart and filled your whole being with the fragrance of spring."

How vividly and accurately it uses artistic word K. Paustovsky. (Listening to the answers, I draw to the conclusion.)

Group 3“Away”. (Slide 32)

At: Dagny is empathetic, sweet, impressionable, like in childhood. (Listening to the answers, I draw to the conclusion.)

4 group“Long-awaited gift”. (Slide 33)

(Slide 34 Piano)

(A poem of his own composition. Sinkwine.)

At: Dagny's feelings overwhelmed her soul. The girl opened up like a flower all colors of the rainbow.

It can bloom in the soul of each of you.
Let's get back to the topic of our tutorial. (Listening to the answers, I draw to the conclusion. Music sounds.)

At: What was the main idea that Dagny discovered while listening to the music of E. Grieg?

What is the main idea of ​​the work? (Slide 35)

(D:“… You have opened before me that wonderful thing that a person should live with.”)

Topic: K.G. Paustovsky
"Basket with spruce cones"

Topic of the statement:
"What should a person live by?" (Slide 36)

At: We will answer to main question lesson.

(Slide 37-38)

D: Dream, homeland, art, music ...

W. Yes, music is a miracle. In the iridescence of strings, in the sound of black and white keys, there are feelings that can change our lives. Discover you too classical music, listen to it more often. And one day you too will find yourself in your fairy tale.

W. Today in the lesson we talked about a lot, answered many questions. And one was forgotten. What does the bumps have to do with it?

Remember how Grieg helped the baby?

-He carried her heavy basket.

How did he help her in adulthood?

- He helped her live.

And life is much harder than even the heaviest basket of pine cones. (Slide 39)

At: The work that we have studied is modern and relevant. All feelings and actions are important to us. There is talented people(E. Grieg and K. Paustovsky), who helped to open and understand the book of spiritual relationships.

I also want to give you a sincere gift. (The teacher reads a poem.)

Do not spare your heart, do not hide

Your kindness and tenderness.

Not my own insights and discoveries

Do not keep secret from people ...

Hurry to give everything in life,

So that, having gone into oblivion, into power,

Warm downpour, fluffy snow

To fall back to my sweet homeland.

(Slide 40)
What has been said in these lines concerns all of us. The author of these verses gives advice to all people on how to properly pass their life path... He says that everyone should leave their mark on the earth. This is how the people to whom our lesson was dedicated lived their lives. This is K.G. Paustovsky and Edvard Grieg.

  • Homework.(Slide 41)

Prepare a spiritual gift for your classmates. Read full essay K.G. Paustovsky "Basket with spruce cones".

  • Sincere words of gratitude to children for their work in the lesson. (Slide 42)

(Slide 43 Key to the test)

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"K.G. Paustovsky" Basket with spruce cones ""






Decipher the word



Norway - Homeland of Grieg, composer and musician.

Problematic question

Why did we meet the composer E. Grieg and his music during the literary reading lesson?

E. Grieg and his magic music underlies the work of K. Paustovsky "Basket with fir cones".

Topic: K. G. Paustovsky "Basket with spruce cones" Topic of the statement: "What should a person live by?"

Spruce forests grow from seeds that are inside the cones.

For curious children


Guys, let us also collect our "bumps", get our "seeds" of knowledge that will be useful in later life.

D.z. Distributors words by group (associative row)

Autumn forest, winter city, air, sound of the surf, strands of moss, Bergen, pier, fog, gold and copper, forged leaves, steamers, snow, cheerful echo.

Supporting synopsis

Autumn forest

Mushroom air

Winter city


Sound of the surf

Moss strands


The pier

Merry echo


"Learn to learn"


"How to work in a lesson in a pair, group"

  • Read the assignment carefully.
  • Try to divide all the work equally. Help each other tactfully in times of difficulty.
  • Feel free to ask for help, but don't overuse it.
  • If your friend is doing worse than you, help him so that he works with full effort.
  • In any collective endeavor, there must be consistency.

The only path leading to knowledge is activity. " B. Shaw

We will listen to everyone's opinion

1 group "Meeting in the woods"

1. Where and how did the main characters of K. Paustovsky's work meet?

2. By Role, read the dialogue between Dagny and Grieg (use the Intonation Components cheat sheet if necessary).

3. Find hidden questions in the text. ( problematic issues)

2 group "In the composer's house"

1. What kind literary techniques used by the author in the story? Write down the answer in the table.

2. Which listeners did Grieg appreciate the most? Why were they dear to him?

3. What has blossomed in Dagny's heart? (Try to build and defend your project using quotes from the text.)




Group 3 "Away"

1. Retell the chapter in Dagny's name.

Using “theatrical things” in your text, try to portray theatrical or fairy tale characters. 2. Argument your answer with a phrase from familiar works.

3. Explain the meaning of the word "boots" (using different types of dictionaries).

4 group "Long-awaited gift"

1. Find in the text the words with which the author conveys the whole gamut of Dagny's feelings at a concert. What part of speech are these words?

2. What did the girl hear in the music?

Convey the state of the girl, her mental qualities with color. 3. Make a cinquain.

The main idea of ​​the work:

«… discovered that beautiful

how a person should live "

Topic: K. G. Paustovsky "Basket with spruce cones" Topic of the statement: "What should a person live by?"

What a man should live

beauty of nature

Human relations

“No matter what they say to you

about life, always believe

that she is amazing

and beautiful ... "

Do not spare your heart, do not hide

Your kindness and tenderness.

Not my own insights and discoveries

Do not keep secret from people ...

Hurry up to give everything in life,

So that, having gone into oblivion, into power,

Warm downpour, fluffy snow

To fall back to my sweet homeland.


Complete composition of the work by K.G. Paustovsky

"Basket with spruce cones"

The key to the test

  • First level
  • Norwegian
  • Dagny
  • forester
  • music
  • Second level

5.There is a lot of resin in spruce cones

6. Hagerup

7.the grand piano could sing about everything

8.Sailors on a spree, washerwoman, cricket, tits, snow, Cinderella

9.the dressmaker

  • Third level


12.admiration, respect, pride