Ecology dance. Ecological dance marathon dance on ecology

Ecology dance. Ecological dance marathon dance on ecology

Methodical development of cognitive and environmental musical classes in the preparatory group DOU
On the topic: "My native land"

Recently, the problems of ecology in the world go to the fore, and environmental education of children becomes one of the important directions of preschool pedagogy. After all, it is in preschool age that the foundations of the world's worldview are laid, his attitude towards the world around.

This problem is relevant for our edge. And I really want that everyone living in our small homeland love our region, our nature, its peculiar beauty, carefully treated everything.

The purpose of the classes is: - Education of humane, socio-active, creative person, capable of understanding and love the world and nature through the means of music.

To implement this goal, I set up the following tasks:
Develop environmental ideas, knowledge about the values \u200b\u200bof nature and rules of behavior in it in preschool age;
Educate in children moral qualities of personality and love for their native nature;
Contribute to the accumulation of children emotionally - positive experience of communicating with nature through musical images (hearing, singing, dancing, playing musical instruments);
Provide children with the opportunity to widely apply the initiative of creativity at musical classes and in free activities;
Introduce children with native edge through the introduction of multimedia technologies (slide film on blocks).

Classes share on blocks: "Trees", "Wild Animals", "Rivers and Lakes and their inhabitants", "Flowers", "Birds". In each block, we highlight two parts: - The corresponding part is musical and game.

Children under the music of the "sounds of nature" enter the music hall and sit on chairs.

M.R. Hello, dear guys! The theme of our music classes "My native land".
Children, to us in the kindergarten came a letter from the owner of the forest - a lovik. Let's read what he writes to us.

"Hello guys. Writes a ladder. I have trouble, our forest enclosed the evil witch. And now in our forest very boring and sad. I turned to you so that you helped me. And, if you perform all the tasks, the forest will definitely be declined and the flowers will bloom in it again, the voices of birds will be heard, all the inhabitants of the forest will be revived. "

M.R. Well, guys help woody?
Children: Yes!
M.R. Then we will not waste time, now stand next to the chairs, close your eyes and say magic words:
"Rotate, concerned and we found themselves in the forest" (spin) .

Scenery (trees appear without leaves)

M.R. Open your eyes, sit down. Here we are with you in the enchanted forest.
What kind of forest? Oh, as sad, oh, how boring and dark. And, however, the songs of birds are not heard, not hear the rustling of leaves, not visible the sun. Need to help the forest. Let's perform the first task.

1 task "Trees"
Trees are so enchanted that they forgot their names. Let's help them remember their names. (Show pictures - trees: clane, Rowan, Birch, Oak, Spruce)
Answers children
M.R. What is common with these trees? (barrel, branches, leaves)
Answers children

M.R. Right. The image of Russia is unthinkable without the Russian birch. In our region there are extraordinary birch groves, pleasing to human eye. In her honor, a lot of songs are folded. And now listen to the musical fragment and tell me how this song is called?
Sounds the passage from the song "In the Birch field stood"
Answers children

M.R. Yes, it sounded the Russian folk song "In the field of Bereza stood." And now let's play the orchestra under this song. You need to play, coordinated, rhythmically, while starting the game of each group of tools.

(Attachment 1)

M.R. Now we will stand up and sing the dance song "Berezonka". Remember, the children that the song should be sled leisurely, is ringing and friendly.

Song "Berezonka"(Appendix 2)

M.R. Well done, sit down!

Need to take care of earthly beauty! I think that none of you will break the sprigs of trees and will not give it to others. Right?
Answers children

M.R. With the first task we coped. Trees came to life. Decorations (trees appear with leaves)

2 Task "Wild Animals"
In the second task, wild animals of our forests are enchanted. They lost their mothers in the forest.
It's time to remember the names of the forest mothers and their young and play the game: "Who with whom?"
- Who do you want? (Bone)
- Who is the mother of Lisyat? (fox)
- Who is Mama Pleaspen? (bear)
- Who is Mom u volchat? (Wolf)
- Who is the mother of hedge? (hedgehog)

M.R. Children, listen, what happened once happened with the hard ...
The hedgehogs had small, soft, fluffy hedgehogs. So that they were not cold, Mom warmed them with her body. But hedgehog had to be fed, but leave the kids of some scary: suddenly freezed. If the hedgehog will only warm them, then the hedge will remain hungry, so hedgehog - mother decided to go and quickly get food for his cub. Suddenly, the boys appeared because of the bushes. They saw hedgehog and took her home. Small hedge remained alone. They are cold and hungry.
- What do you think, what will happen to the hedgehogs without mom?
Answers children

M.R. That's right, they will die. And what had to be done so that the hedge do not died? (It was necessary to let go of the hedgehog, she herself would find the way home)
Answers children

M.R. Remember, take care of both animals that are not listed in the Red Book. Young, seeing her mother, rejoice, and we also know how to have fun.
Stop in pairs, dance to the dance of Russian folk music. Paired dance "shines a month"(Appendix 3)

M.R. So with the second task we coped. Young animals found their moms. Scenery (animals appear)

3 task "reservoirs and their inhabitants"
The following task must be guessing the riddles:
Little I born,
I get from the stream,
And the tune to the sea -
I can become wide. (River)

Under water lives people
Going back in advance ... (Crayfish)

The water she lives, loudly sings the songs.
Her mouth is a trap for flies, and her name is ... (Frog)

She and in the lake, she and in a puddle,
She is spinning on us Snezhinka,
She boils into the kettle,
She and in the river runs-murmur? (Water)

M.R. Well done, guess all the riddles.
In our hometown, many rivers and lakes. These are rivers: Msta, Shegrinka, Hogrinka, Truth, as well as picturesque lakes with names: Borovno, Rosels, Linen, Zaozier, Trust and others. All lakes and rivers are rich in fish. It is necessary to protect and not pollute the reservoirs, otherwise they can become unsuitable for its inhabitants and humans.
And now the fishermen are more like, and more fishes.

Dance "Amateur - Fisherman"(Appendix 4)

M.R. With the third task, we also coped.
The riddles guess, they learned about the aquatic spaces of the native land, the dance was also shown. Scenery (appears reservoir and their inhabitants)

4 Task "Flowers"
It only seems to us that the trees grow exclusively in the forest. In fact, there grows a huge number of colors that cover the ground with blue, white and yellow "carpet". It happens that you go among the forest and suddenly fall on an amazing clearing, on which bells grow, chamomiles, St. John's wort, cornflowers and many other colors. Many forest flowers are so good that you can admire it for a very long time. It's amazing that no one wipes them, does not pass and do not care for them in any way, but they grow beautifully.

The fourth task that we have to do is to execute the "dance of colors".
Song - Dance "Do not flit flowers"(Appendix 5)
M.R. So, we fulfilled the fourth task, helped woody. Scenery (flowers appear)

5 Task "Birds"
In the forest live "our smaller brothers" - birds. Birds - Forest defenders, as well as gardens, fields and gardens. They destroy a huge amount of harmful insects per day. Guys, guard the birds, feed them in winter. Birds decorate our lives. What are the children without singing birds?
And the next task you need to know the voices of some birds of our edge.

Song "Cuckoo"(Appendix 6)

Scenery (birds appear)

Sounds music "Sounds of Nature"
M.R.Guys, we coped with all the tasks. See how light and joyfully become in the forest. The forest came to life, everything woke up, Sun shine, sang songs of birds. So, we helped woodwork and smoked the forest.
And our children are time to return to kindergarten. Stand near the chairs, close your eyes and say magic words: "Rotate, concerned and found themselves in kindergarten."

- Where were we with you today? ( In the magic enchanted forest)
- Who did the forest help? ( Help wooded)
- What did you like most?
Answers children

M.R. Children, you were active today and therefore I managed so quickly with all the tasks. Well done!
And now we will see the slide film.

Slide - film

I look at the globe - the globe,
And suddenly he sighed as alive;
And they whisper to me the continents:
- You take care of us, take care!
In alarm grove and forest,
Dew on the paths like a tear!
And quietly asked Springs:
You take care of us, take care!
Grust deep river
Their losing shores
And I hear the voice of the river:
You take care of us, take care!
Stopped the deer his jog:
Be a man, man!
We believe in you - do not solga.
You take care of us, take care!
I look at the globe - the globe.
So beautiful and native!
And whisper the lips in the wind:
"I saved you, saved!"

Attachment 1
The orchestra "in the field birch stood"

All children have musical instruments.
Under the first part of Russian folk melodies - children play on spoons, and under the second part - bells.

Appendix 2.
Song "Berezonka" (A. Filippenko, Sl. T. Volgina)
1. in the meadow, in the meadow, Zeleneshny,
There is a birch of the same one.
Low Berezonka bowed
Gorky Berezonka saddled.

2. You say that with you an adventure,
Why head you bowed.
People unkindly met me
Green branches broke me.

3. We treated green birch,
And the water was poured by students.
Became Berezonka Zelenenka,
She became curly, funny.

Appendix 3.
Paired dance "shines a month"
1. a) go in a circle in pairs, the overall hand "Arrogance"
b) spin "boat"
2. a) exhibit the heel, holding the hands of the "boat"
b) spin "boat"
3. a) throw out legs, holding hands "shelf"
b) spin "boat"
4. a) the swarming diverge to couples around the hall
b) spin "boat"

Appendix 4.
Dance "Fisherman"
(Burnina A. I. "Rhythmic Mosaic" Disc 1 No. 2)

Appendix 5.
Song - Dance "Do not flit flowers"(Song of Yu. Antonova)
(T.I. Suvorov "Environmental Dances")

Appendix 6.
Song "Kukshka" ( Show Group "Smile")
1. Green edge go in a chill,
In the forest shouts cuckoo ku-ku, ku-ku,
In the forest shouts cuckoo ku-ku, ku-ku.

2. Cuckoo, where is the hut? We need to the ladder.
Do not hear us cuckoo ku, ku-ku,
Ku, ku-ku, ku-ku-ku-ku,
Do not hear a cuckoo ku-ku, ku-ku.

3. Well, you're in vain the bolt, chatting on a bitch.
Ku, ku-ku, ku-ku-ku-ku,
Offended cuckoo and no more ku.

Title: Scenario of informatively ecological music in the preparatory group "My native land"
Nomination: kindergarten, abstract classes, nodes, music, senior preschool age 6-7 years

Position: Music Head of the First Qualification Category
Place of work: Madou "Kindergarten № 5"
Location: Novgorod Okulovka region

Creative work of the musical leader Dow the topic of ecology "Little miracle on the window"

Blinova Maria Anatolyevna, Music Head of MDAU Kindergarten Combined View No. 3 "Dandelion" of Novotroitsk
Appointment of work:this material is intended for music leaders, educators DOU, primary school teachers, teachers of additional education, children of preschool and school age, parents; Author's work, reflections on the topic of ecology: the "Butterfly" dance, the song "Young environmentalists of the Earth", author's poems, environmental games for preschoolers.

Purpose: To acquaint children with the concept of "young ecologist" that this child loving nature, always and everywhere concerned about her.
A task:
1. Disposure and execute the author's song "Young environmentalities of the Earth".
2. Staging a dance "Butterfly" of the movement and composition of the author.
3. Discharge the game environmental for preschoolers.

The author's song "Young environmentalists of the Earth".

1 verse
There is in the light of nature - the best friends.
Know everyone in the world - it's you and me.
Help your nature, hand
(And worship on the road, all of you flowers. 2 times)
2 verse
Being an ecologist guys is difficult and easy.
Take care of your nature, it will be light all.
3 verse
Trash groan on the road, banks gather,
You fires do not raise, forest our gestures.

Author Appeal to Children:"The guys who like nature always carefully care about her, watching clean air, water, earth so that people remove the garbage did not leave him in the forests, on the river, did not burn fires in the forest."
I wake up early in the morning, I open the curtains even dark and see him.
Poem the author's "little miracle on the window."
Little miracle on the window,
From under green grazing
Smiled me.
More spring and everywhere
And on the window flower grows.

Such a little miracle
Suddenly appeared now
Opened the branches, revived
And in the summer I turned quickly.

Only where they grow warm
They need light, warmth, comfort.

Feed them need (fertilizer)
Water leaf from dust clean.
For all the works give a reward
These are sweet fruits,
Such, you will not find in the bazaar,
With love, with tenderness they.
And the aroma of manitis and melts
And sweet-bitter taste is twitting,
Bodrit and joy gives us.
Blessed that light
What is a miracle to us, sweet gives. "

Author, appeal to the reader:"Sea of \u200b\u200bpositive I am going with the mood to your favorite job, removing the accumulated negative. In the year of ecology, try more to pay attention to the world of wildlife, exchange only positive information with it, take energy and cheerfulness for yourself, give positive to other people around, children with whom you work. Thank you our little green partners, friends - your green palms always stretch their hands help, we have been in return for them and just love. "

Finally, I want to contact all adults and children.
Ecology, the ecology of the soul is a different meaning, but the particles of the good are carried away. The image of nature, the beginning of all life on Earth. Soul, a child is born, gentle, light.

Love for nature begins with childhood, inside each of us, we must be caring owners towards her, her friends. To carry and keep her earthly wealth.

Good, kindness carries in itself - good, and evil generates a vice, destroys, destroy all the living.

So we will be together, takes care of the ecology of all living on our planet.

Pooh "Forest Butterfly".
"We are butterflies Forests Sports day-day
And it is difficult to day until the evening, we do not need peace.
We collect nectar, pollen pollen everything,
Put in the colors and here, and there, and here, and there.
Beetles and cockroaches Sociable people,
We walk, help, work,
We chew to eat, eat all in a hurry.
A lot of insect lives on the forest clearing: grasshoppers, ladybugs, butterflies, forest birds.

"Flower glade, a fiber carpet.
Here they flush, fun flying.
Wings will be revealed, and then they will be built again.
Lightweight in the air flashes, how are they called? "
Dance "Motalka". (Author movements.)

Girls An even number in two columns parallel to each other, face to the viewer.
1 movement.
Music sounds smooth for butterflies dance. Girls on the socks fly two circles counterclockwise, stop the face in the circle.
2 movement.
Standing the leg on the sock back, alternately, simultaneously swinging the wings.

3 movement.
Connecting the left hands on top, circling in pairs, free hand with wing in the tact of music.
4 movement.
The first in the pair of girls is running on her socks in a circle and holding hands, go on socks on a small circle counterclockwise. The second girls turn face to the viewer, descend smoothly on the left knee,
The right leg is supported, perform smooth movements with wings, rhythmically in the tact of music.
5 movement.
The second girls "collect pollen" the slope of the body with both hands to the wear of the elongated leg right, smooth waveforms at the bottom of the hands, head is tilted down, the left leg is pressed behind. The first butterflies on the right side are flying around, around their butterfly from a pair of three mug easily on her socks, waving smoothly with wings.
6 movement.
Butterflies in pairs form a door connecting hands on top, the first pair stands, the second pair of butterflies fly alone through the gate first, stop in place (as in the crown game), form a knot, the same actions are performed in a circle counterclockwise and first pair.

7 movement.
Butterfly flies into the center of the circle four steps on the socks and the places, are spinning one right and left.
8 movement.
Butterflies, holding pairs for hands fly snake along the hall, fly away and sit down around the volumetric flower on the floor, on the clearing, squatting.

"There, here will be sinking in my paws
The material is carried, the work is boiling here.
Build a new home. Ants strong guys. "
The game "Ant House".

Children are divided into two teams equal in quantity, by the leading signal:
"Once, two, three house Build ants", insect children transfer one building material building a house to their taste, who is faster that winner.

"Forest track where you started."
Fizminutka for children, author.
In the forest, walk for health on the footpath of the forest,
Deeply sigh, and exhale smells a cheese forest in the spring,
(Inhale and output)
Boys and girls do not break the twigs,
(Show the broken branch with hand)
Trees are swinging, the rain begins,
(Swing smoothly with hands to the right and left)
We will take birds, the handles will help.
Catch fingers from girls and boys.
I flew to us in the spring, repeat after me:
"Swallows, Grachters, Skvorts, Strey,
Geese flights, guests of spring.
(Children bend fingers on their hands alternately).
Game "River, Creek, Lake."

Participants: Teams 8 + 1, 10 - 11 classes.

Equipment: disk with musical design, cards with scores for estimation, apples.

Stroke Game

When you go tired, dusty
Expensive long in the midday heat
Railing in a quiet forest green
And he will take fatigue as his hand.

Host: Planet Earth is a world full of mysteries and secrets, this is a hospitable house that sheltered animals and birds, amphibians and reptiles, plants and of course us, people. Today we will try at least a little one to open the secrets of our planet.

So, I welcome you - teams and fans, on the "ecological dance marathon". Evaluate the marathon will be jury:

Professor ecology ...

Professor Paleontology ...

Scientist - biologist

And also present the Certificate Commission in the face ...

We meet teams. Draw.

1 contest

Host: Team Business Card: Presentation of the name of the team in dance.

Speech by team

Host: I ask the jury to evaluate teams. While our counting commission sums up 1 contests, we repeat for me:

School 9, do you hear us?
Our dances are the highest class!
We protect nature,
With her we want to live in the world.

Competition results

2 contest

Host: There is a leader in every animal stack, in any human society there is a leader. We choose it in each team and repeat it synchronously movement. (Music sounds different styles).

Estimates for the competition.

Host: We ask our fans, who will win today?

Competition results

3 contest

Host: In my opinion, the team so broke out that they completely forgot that we were environmentally, that is, the defenders of all living, for example, animals. It is about them that will be discussed in the next competition. Yes, and not talking, but dancing. Teams solve the riddle and in the dance are depicting the animal, which is stated in the riddle.

This is what the beast of the forest
Got up like a column, under the pine?
And stands among the grass -
Ears above head. (HARE)

Behind the trees, bushes
Flames flames
Flashed, ran,
There is neither smoke nor fire. (A FOX)

3. On the river floats the log,
Oh, and angry it!
Those who land in the river
The nose will break off ... (crocodile)

Personal hose has it
To pour your six tons. (ELEPHANT)

Walks in white curls
Round year Wife lamb. (LAMB)

Creeping beauties
Foliage is burning. (CATERPILLAR)

Head and a lot of legs
Who is it?. . . (Resident)

Do not wait for mercy
He shouts: "Hare, wait! "(WOLF)

Above printed jumper
Mosquitoes fly a bunch. (FROG)

It's not easy to get it
From a telegraph pillar he is height. (GIRAFFE)

Beast Shaggy, Kosolapy,
Runs the hive paw. (BEAR)

White, White, White Bird
Smoothly over the lake spins blue.
Long Tchaikovsky watched birds
Wonderful ballet wrote he managed. (SWAN)

The jury evaluates.

Dance your hands
Dancing your feet
We love nature
Nature with us.

4 contest

Host: Imagine that you are a plant. In this competition you need to dance parts of the plant. So dance:





Everything is dancing completely.

The jury evaluates.

School our cozy house,
In it, go to the order.
Garbage, dirt, paper - away!
School we have to help.

Summing up preliminary results.

5 competition

Host: Couple is invited from each team. During the sound of music, the couple should eat an apple and, of course, dance.

The artistry of execution is evaluated. Fans support.

The jury evaluates.

Dance your hands
Dancing your feet
Let the pure sky
Will be above us.

Competition results and preliminary results.

6 competition

Host: In every forest, in a swamp, in the desert, snakes are found in the jungle. The team collects "Snake" from fans. The team whose "snake will be longer and better and more fun to dance wins this contest.

The jury evaluates.

Nature is our house
Nature is our friend
Hurry to guard
All alive around.

Results of the competition, the results of the game and the award of the winners.

Elena Astakhova

Slide number 1. (subject project)

Environmental Education is a relatively new direction of pre-school pedagogy. Ability to live in harmony with nature, with the surrounding wednesday It should be started to educate as early as possible.

One of the most important tools Education of the aesthetic perception of the world is music. Influence music on the formation of an environmental culture in a child is very large. Music, like any other art, is able to influence the comprehensive development of the child, lead to the transformation of the surrounding world.

Therefore, I believe that on the shoulders musical the leader lies with the tasks of educational, educational, educational activities and among children, I. among parents on harmonious education children.

Slide number 2.

The relevance of the problem.

In people living in the modern world of society, many problems, but, perhaps, one of the most sharp and urgent is the problem of preserving the surrounding environments. I think that only ecological worldview and environmental culture Nowadays, living people can withdraw planet and humanity from the state in which it is now. Nowadays there is a threat that we cannot reach the hearts of the younger generation good, ecologically Clean classic music, lyrical folk song or cheerful boom, because, on television and radio, children hear completely different. Consumer attitude towards nature and deterioration ecology requires the formation of the foundations of environmental culture from preschoolers.

Slide number 3.


If a environmental Education and training will pass means of musicthen it will help teach children see beautiful, raise love for nature, personal responsibility for its preservation, shape Initial skills and skills ecologically competent and safe for nature and for the child of behavior.

Slide number 4.

Form the ecological culture of children by means of musical - figurative knowledge of nature.

Based on the purpose, I put tasks:

Slide number 5. (tasks)

1. Led musical images on musical Classes for development environmental culture;

2. Use in class musical Images in different kinds musical activity.

3. Expand the horizons children, link learning with life, learning to apply knowledge in practice.

4. Develop imagination, creativity, cognitive interest, thinking, ability to analyze. Study the impact of human activity on the surrounding wednesday.

5. Relieve careful attitude towards nature.

6. Attract parents to joint activities with children and teachers.

To solve the tasks, used the following methods and funds:

Slide number 6. (Methods I. funds)

1. Observation, illustrative illustration.

2. Selection of documentary, fiction.

3. Conversations with children.

4. Testing, surveying, diagnostics.

5. Classical musicreflecting (imitating) sounds of nature.

6. Nature sounds without musical Accompaning in the record.

7. Nature sounds with musical Support in record.

Slide number 7.

Participants project: music leader, Pupils of kindergarten, educators, parents.

Slide number 8.

Implementation period project - 2012-2013 academic year.

Estimated result.

Slide number 9.

W. children are formed Developed aesthetic feelings, sufficient level environmental knowledge, ideas about the relationship of nature and man. Preschoolers will acquire additional skills of collective activities.

Slide number 10. (Stages project)

Exercise project Passed in three stage: Preparatory, main, final.

Slide number 11.

Stage 1. Preparatory.

In order to interest the participants projectI put the following tasks:

Make a list musical works.

Pick up information in the literature. Use Internet resources.

Develop scenarios of events and classes with inclusion musical works with the sounds of nature.

Interaction with parents.

Slide number 12. (Phonoteka, visual material)

When selecting musical works I take into account age characteristics children. Hearing music is an active internal process focuswhich gives children the opportunity to perceive and understand the various types of genres music art. In the process of systematic work, children acquire the ability to listen music, remember and recognize it, begin to rejoice at her; They penetrate the content of the work, its beauty forms and images. W. children The interest of K. music, and in the future and love for her.

Slide number 13. (Scenery)

Music Calls in children various feelings and emotions, joy, feeling of excellent while using visual material, scenery. For the preparation of registration And the costumes for the holidays I attracted educators and parents.

Slide number 14. (Attributes for dance "Vasilkaya Country")

Children especially like to perform dances and compositions with attributes. They try to perform movement synchronously and clearly.

Slide number 15. (attributes for dance "Bibika")

Stage 2. Main.

Slide number 16.

For this stage, such tasks:

Interest kids project. Develop a cognitive interest in the world of nature.

Private children to Russian folklore in relationship with ecology.

Develop musical creativity.

Create matinees, holidays.

Conduct work with parents.

Slide number 17. (noise orchestra).

Through musical Images The child knows the perfect in the surrounding reality, in nature.

In the classroom, children sang a jaws and songs about animals. Of musical The images they learned that the kitty was a mother of kittens, a chicken-chicken mum. It is impossible to offend my moms, and it is impossible to offend animals. And if the guys sing "Drink children milk - you will be healthy", of course, with love they will treat a cow, knowing that she gives milk. Radiant, children begin to understand that animals are good, kind, that they are alive, they should not be offended, they should be treated carefully. children There is a desire to protect animals, help them. Love for wildlife appears.

Slide number 18. (choral singing)

One of the main music creation tools The image is a melody organized by rhythmically enriched with dynamics, timbre supported by accompanying voices.

On thematic matinees kids sang songs: "Autumn knocked to us", "Vintage", "Mushroom", "Rain", "Umbrella", "Fir-tree - Forest Aroma", "Spring drops". Song execution "On the farm" preschoolers accompanied the game for children musical instruments.

Slide number 19. (game "Cheerful rain")

Musical Images are created using the complex musical means Expressiveness and are an emotional reflection of the images of the real world. No view musical Activities cannot fully develop at a purely verbal level. Within the framework of the implemented project with preschoolers younger and medium The ages were carried out improvisation under music("A fun rain", "leaflets fly through the wind and fall on the track", "dance around the Christmas tree").

Slide number 20. (dancing)

For emotional impact, creating a raised, joyful, vigorous mood, I used the records of various children's songs of famous composers as well music of modern authors. And most importantly - included dancing. On holidays, children performed "Dance of autumn leaves", "Rain is not afraid", "Bibibka", "Vasilkaya Country", horovodov: "Western", and etc.

In the process of the main stage, I spent a conversation on theme: "Good and evil" with older children. Found out how children understand what "good" and "evil". Helped them clarify these concepts. Children led examples from real life. It was necessary for Music "Birthday of the Earth"I developed to maintain the active interest of the guys to project.

Analyzing your work, I would like to note that using various forms, methods and ways of work, the children began to have a greater environmental fiction. They admire nature, want to have pets, care for them. Most children love to engage in various kinds musical activity: Listen music, sing songs, drive away dances.

Slide number 21.

3 stage. Final.

The task of the final stage was the identification of the completeness of the functioning of the entire system of measures with its optimal impact on the results of all participants project, on the quality of education.

At the final stage of implementation project I made this presentation. And also, our preschoolers took part in the district music contest"DIN-DON"where they performed the musical "Birthday of the Earth".

Slide number 22 (song "Spring", orchestra)

These are the most active participants. project. They are with excitement and at the same time with pleasure performed on stage in the house Culture. The guys showed their creative abilities in such types. musical activitylike an orchestra, dance, song. In the nomination vocals Bochard Masha was marked by a special prize. At the end of the competition, our artists received a reward - sweets and toys.

Slide number 23 (aliens, dance "Bibika")

Music Reveals bright images before children, affects the children's souls, has a big impact on moral and emotional feelings.

Slide number 24 (aliens, dance "Vasilkaya Country")

IN musical Works laid a huge educational potential. And so I believe that formation of ecological culture of children by means of music - This is more successful and productive education.

Slide number 25. (Result project)

As a result of implementation project increased the level of creative abilities children and knowledge in the field of ecology. Relationships between family and pre-school institution have changed positively.