Famous singers 90 x. How to order a star for holiday prices for anniversary, birthday

Famous singers 90 x. How to order a star for holiday prices for anniversary, birthday
Famous singers 90 x. How to order a star for holiday prices for anniversary, birthday

In the 90s there were many popular singers and groups. Many of them still perform, have no less popular than then. A vivid example of such a group - "A-Studio". Some singers of the 90s Russian (list below) are no longer as popular, but continue to perform in corporate parties and small concert scenes in the provinces. However, there are also those that no one remembers today, and they disappeared from the public opinion.

Recall what the singers were the 90s, Russians. The list of many artists is represented in alphabetical order. What happens to them today, how was their fate?

Singers 90s - list. Russian stars - women

Now these names are almost not known to the listeners. But once these people were very popular.

Alena Apina

What were the popular singers of the 90s? List of Russian listeners often start with Alena Apina. Many knew it as a participant in the group "Combination". But since 1991, the girl began to perform solo solo, writing the hit songs "Ksyusha" and "Accountant" in a separate execution from the Combination group. She was popular until the end of 1998, but then she began to slowly fade. Then she flashed more on television as leading different programs and more and less frequently released clips. In 2001, she gave birth to her daughter and plunged into the family. Now it rarely appears on television screens.

Today Alena Apina can be seen except on the disco of the 90s.

Alena Sviridova

What other than the famous singers of the 90s, Russians? The list continues to Alena Sviridov. Popularity to Alena came in 1993 with the song "Just ended the winter", and the artist was consolidated success in 1994 by the song "Pink Flamingo". Star Alena began to fade in 2001-2002. Now she is still launching little-known albums, he holds anniversary concerts, performs at the invitation at various events.

Alice Mon.

"Singers of the 90s Russian" is a list that includes Alisa Mont. For the first time, the popularity of the artist felt back in 1986, writing a hit of the "plantain-grass". After that, she stopped its activities on the stage, but resumed it in 1997 with the song "Almaz", which brought success. After Alice again disappeared and forgot about it. Today, Alice Mons can be seen only in clubs, but it stands very rarely.

Alika Storkov

Alika Lekhova for more actress, worthy of place and in the list "Popular Russian singers". The list of the 90s would be incomplete without her, although she came there by chance. In 1997, she released the song "Do not interrupt", which was shot by the clip. The song brought an actress extra success as a singer, because she was already well known for the actress. Alika has only 5 recorded songs, but they are little known. After the popularity of the song "Do not interrupt" passed, about Alika as a singer forgot everything. Today she rarely sings, more and more giving preference to the cinema and theater.

Alena Ivantsova

Alena Ivantsova is known in the only song "Rain Man", which was written by Leonid Agutin and Sveta Singer in 1995. But Alena moved under the patronage of M. Shufutinsky, with whom he lost 2 years as part of the failure group "Taste of Möday". After 2 years, she left M. Shufutinsky and released a debut album "Rain Man". But since the main hit album has already survived its popularity, the record remained unnoticed. Since 2008, Alena becomes a little-known performer who speaks in small nightclubs.

Andrei Gubin

Andrei Gubin became a popular singer in 1995, when he released his first album "Brojabi", which entered the main hit with a similar name. The song "Boy-Broadcasting" was published back in 1986, but only in 1995, with the support of Leonid Agutin, it was possible to record it in the studio.

In 1998, A. Gubin issues the second chit album "Only you", and in 2000 - the last successful album called "was, but passed."

In 2001, 2002, the Gubin leaves 2 more collection of songs, but they are already less popular than previous ones.

Today, singer can only be seen as a jury member or the author of songs for other performers.

Andrei Derzhavin

Andrei Derzhavin gained more popular in 1990 by writing a song "Do not cry, Alice." Since Andrei was still in the composition of the Malker's musical team, Hit was recorded in the album in 1991 as a joint song with a group. However, in 1992, the Group ceased to exist and A. Derzhavin continued to sing this song, only solo. In 1993, he released 2 more hits: "First Flowers" and "Alien Wedding".

In 1996, the musician recorded the song "Cranes".

Until 1998, many more hits were written, such as Kathersa Katerina, Natasha and many others.

In 1998, he wrote another song and took off the video, participated in the "Song of the Year." In 1999, Derzhavin removed the clip to the song "That that goes out."

Understanding that the very popularity was held, Andrei Derzhavin left the solo navigation and joined the composition of the "Time Machine", becoming a regular keyboard player. It combines it with individual activity as a composer. Derzhavin writes a lot of music and songs for different films and TV shows.

Arkady Ukupnik

Glory to the Ukupnik came in 1993 with the song and the album "East - a delicate, Petruch". Since then, he has been a regular participant in the New Year program "Christmas meetings Alla Pugacheva". Now Arcadia has his own recording studio, he is engaged in producing, writes music and poems.

Bogdan Titomir

Bogdan Titomir began his career in 1989 as part of the KAR-MEN group.
Since 1991, it stands out solo. Bogdan Titomir remembered 3 events in the 90s:
1. Song "Do as I".
2. Having said once in an interview with the phrase "Piple Hall", which in show business became a winged.
3. With its booty costumes and behavior.

What Bogdan is doing today - unknown.

Vika Tsyganova

The main success for Vika Tsyganova came in 1991, when the album "Guliai, Anarchy" was released. Until 2000, Vicky had many more hits, including in the new image of the Russian and romance singer. In 2000, oddly enough, Victoria did not become less popular and won a new audience of chanson fans. Together with Mikhail Circle, she recorded 8 successful songs that fans listen to this day.

Today, Vika still sings, write albums, but they are less popular than its previous ones.

She began to give more time to his once hobby, which turned into a serious business. Vika creates designer clothes under the Tsiganova brand.

Forgotten names

There were still many interesting singers in the 90s, which were so different in different ways. Below - singers of the 90s. Russian men. The list is formed in alphabetical order. In it got the names that thundered at one time very bright hits:

  • Vlad Stashevsky;
  • Vladimir Shurochkin;
  • Danko;
  • Dolphin;
  • Dech;
  • DJ Grub;
  • Evgeny Osin.

Want to arrange guests an unforgettable holiday? Order the Russian singers of the 80-90s per corporate or anniversary, and the Agency "Big City" will help to solve any organizational moments. Our specialists are engaged in creating holidays since 2008 - weddings, birthdays, discoveries, presentations and other events were successfully conducted at the highest level. We are responsible for what is happening behind the scenes, and supervise the holiday at every stage - from the organization to the final.

Songs of those years listen and love everything - from Mala to Great. Even modern youth, for sure, heard about such stars of the Soviet Union as Yuri Shatunov and his "White Roses", Bogdan Titomir from Kar Man, Nancy, Ivanushki International. By ordering Russian stars, you will not just give the public delight, but to arrange them unforgettable minutes of nostalgia and good mood. Your guests will gladly sleep with the artists and remember your holiday for a long time.

List of Russian singers of the 80s and 90s

Order the famous Russian singers of the 80-90s without problems can be used through the Concert and Festive Agency "Big City". We are assembled with a full catalog of the most famous Soviet and foreign artists, the site contains lists of famous musicians of 80-90s with photos - "on-on" groups, "Commissioner", "Dune", "Outways". Many singers from groups of the 80-90s are engaged in solo career, but teams are ready to unite in order to fill your solemn event with meaning. Using the site menu, you can request information about the fee of any singer, while contacting the manager, find out the cost of other services that will make any holiday original and memorable.

Andrei Gubin, Yuri Shatunov, Vlad Stashevsky - the most famous identities of the pop, singers of the 80s and 90s, which are the creators of fashionable music of that time. Crowds of fancuts, tour and release of plates, and then cassettes with large circulations - once these guys were at the height. But now they continue to delight their fans with new compositions and private concerts. Today, the fashionable Russian singers of the 80-90s are successfully engaged in a quarry, tour and advocate to order.

Many of them are engaged in producer activities (for example, Andrei Gubin). Some still create music while in groups of those times - for example, Sergey Zhukov from "Hand Up" or are engaged in a solo project as Yuri Shatunov from the "Affectionable May" team. The famous singers of the 80-90s are ready to sing the best songs at the event that you are confronted in honor of the wedding, anniversary or corporate party.

What stars can be ordered and where they can perform

From the list of Russian singers of the 80s, you can choose the artist, whose creativity you love - Andrei Derzhavin, Victor Saltykov, Sergey Minaev. Despite the fact that at the peak of popularity, these musicians were in the distant 80s, they continue to engage in music and also toured with solo programs. You can simply order the Soviet singers of the 80-90s in order to make a nice gift to yourself or beloved people. Most often, famous musicians are invited to perform at such events:

  • birthday, anniversary;
  • corporate parties;
  • new Year celebration;
  • weddings;
  • graduation;
  • solemn discoveries, press conferences.

Celebration can be private with a small number of guests or public. You can order the Soviet singers of the 80s on any other holiday than pleasantly surprising our guests and make any ceremony unforgettable. Such famous artists like Sergey Krylov can sing for you, Roman Zhukov or Valery Yurin. Prices for our services will be pleased to be pleased, because we work with the stars directly. This means that the cost is not very different from the stated by the stars of the fee.

Agency "Big City" - organization of celebrations and concerts

How to arrange a real disco at the wedding, birthday or corporate, so that it was not only fun, and originally? Book for the holiday of foreign singers of the 80-90s. The Agency "Big City" is engaged in organizing concerts with the participation of world stars since 2008. A wide selection of celebrities that sleep at any event allows you to choose the optimal artist, whose songs and the mood most clearly emphasize the topics of the holiday. Your guests will be delighted with disco with foreign singers of the 80s.

Pop culture of the 80s and 90s

The list of foreign singers of the 80-90s is large enough - you can choose a musician in the Big City agency, whose creativity most successfully would fit into the subject of a corporate party or birthday. Or maybe you suggest the wedding in the style of the 80s? Then the disco with foreign artists will make an event unforgettable for the hosts of the celebrations and their guests. Or you and your guests just appreciate the work of artists of those years? In any case, the 190-90-X disco stars will be the most real spectacle and decoration of any event - commercial or private.

Music of the 80s and 90s is very diverse - disco, reggae, rock and roll, hip-hop. You can choose what you like most without thinking about organizational moments. Since 2008, the Agency "Big City" has been creating events of any scale and do the whole cycle of work, which is associated with a celebration of celebrity on corporate party, birthday or any other holiday. We have a lot of experience, and an important mission to create a cheerful, original and living atmosphere.

List of overseas pop singers 80-90s

The best foreign artists of the 80s sang in different styles and directions, but they are united by one - the musicians are very popular and in demand on holidays of different scale. The Big City Concert Agency organizes concerts of such popular executors of the 80-90s as Dr. Alban, Umberto Toczi, Paul Young, Shaggy, Murray Head and others.

The ability to order an artist for speaking at the festival is not such a rarity, as it was before. Now you can invite the famous world musicians of the 80s for the holiday, it does not matter, it is large-scale or private. All those present on it - from Mala to Great - will be satisfied. The reasonable prices and quality of the organization are the main components of the work of the Agency "Big City", so it is necessary to entrust the questions on holding holidays.

How to choose foreign singers of the 80s: list with photos

The number of stars that collaborate with the Big City Agency is constantly increasing, it is the guarantor of the quality and benefits of cooperation with us. Here is a small list of foreign singers of the 80-90s (men):

  • Haddaway - Cummy Millions of people, black man - the author of the popular "What Is Love", which immediately after the exit ranked the first lines of charts of almost all countries in Europe, Asia and America. Until now, this song, as well as other compositions of one of the best performers, are considered the reference music of the disco of that time.
  • Bob Dilan is the second most important in world culture (after Beatles), a cult person in foreign music 80-90 years. The agency "Big City" organizes a concert for you with his participation.
  • Thomas Anders from the MODERN TALKING disco group is a popular foreign singer of the 80-90s, as well as the author of the songs that brought the striking popularity of the group around the world. Your event will play with other paints if Thomas Anders will sing on it.
  • Chris Isaak is one of the most popular foreign artists, he is also called modern Elvis Presley. He can sing his popular hits in your event. Do you remember the "Wicked Game" and "Blue Hotel"?

You still do not know which popular English-speaking performers of 80-90s to order? In the catalog of singers (men) of the 80-90s, you can find exactly those who will make your event with the original and take guests in dashing times of the 190s and 90s disco. In the huge list of performers you will find exactly what you need and your guests.

Organization of concerts with the participation of foreign musicians of the 80-90s

Karaoke and just songs is a mandatory attribute of any celebration, it is everywhere and will always. At weddings or birthdays, Tamada is often ordered, which entertains guests. Almost all holidays are the same, because they are organized by the same scenario. Make your event original, surprise guests - invite foreign performers and you will be delighted even in the most serious and solid people.

Popular singers (foreign) of the 80s and 90s are one of the most sought-after directions in organizing holidays. Retro-performers presented the world famous hits on which not one generation has grown. Therefore, the disco of the 1980s is a popular topic at events, and our team with great pleasure organizes a concert with the participation of musicians on any holiday. In the list of foreign artists, you will definitely find someone who is suitable for you. Because the Big City Agency has a large base of performers with which it works without intermediaries. This means that the prices of our company's services are available and can pleasantly please their customers.

Benefits of cooperation with us

For 10 years, the Big City Concert Agency has been organizing events with the participation of famous artists in Russia and abroad. We work directly with many cumiers of the public and offer customers a transparent payment system and necessarily the quality of the holidays. A large selection of musicians of different genres allows you to choose exactly the one who will provide on your corporate party, a birthday or wedding atmosphere, which will be happy with all those present. From the list of Russian rock bands of the 90s, you can invite such legends of heavy music as Bi-2, Spleen, 7b, Diana Arbenina, Dancing Minus. For admirers, alternatives, we can organize a concert of a slot group, Tracktor Bowling, Amatory or Stigmat.

Personal concert from rock musicians

In the list of Russian rock bands of the 80-90s, presented in our catalog, there are famous teams whose creativity adores, suffer and divide the quotes. A huge demand for high-quality, meaningful music was always. Now it is also relevant, so if you wish to make a corporate or anniversary unforgettable, invite the star to your holiday. You can order popular Russian rock bands of the 80s from the list - earthlings, Alice, Tea, Aria, DDT, Time Machine, Mummy Troll and Mass of other musicians whose plates disperse in two bills.

What artists can be ordered for events

Russian rock bands of the 80s, 90s are represented only by the most famous teams that deserve their authority with powerful music and texts. Musicians who deserve their popularity thanks to talent. You do not know who you want to invite to the event? Concert and festive agency "Big City" will help to choose the popular Russian rock bands of the 90s from the list for your holiday and organize it, taking into account all the wishes and suggestions. Some groups that are worthy of invitations to a private or corporate holiday:

  • A group of love and Nikolay Rastorguev will bring to the atmosphere of your holiday solemnity, and charges patriotic energy.
  • The Leningrad group will explode the public and will not leave a single chance on boredom. All present will be delighted, regardless of gender and age.
  • Gorky Park is a cult group of the 1980s, whose song Moscow Calling brought them mad popularity in America and Europe.

Of course, the choice of Russian rock band of the 80s and 90s completely depends on the customer's musical preferences, but one obviously - a celebrity at your guest is solid, interesting and outstandingly. Specialists of the Agency "Big City" are ready to take full responsibility for organizing any holiday.

List of Russian Punk Rock Groups of the 90s

Punk is a subculture, a separate milestone in the history of heavy music, because this genre personifies the critical attitude towards society and the generally accepted norms of morality. The punk rock of the 80-90s many are now listening to nostalgia, for some words are important, and someone is interested in the rhythm of guitar strings, which charges energy and drive. Order for yourself and guests the best Russian rock bands of the 90s and your event will remain in memory for a long time. Prince, cockroaches, brigade in a row, Lumen, Lapis Trubetskoy - a list of popular Russian rock bands of the 80s can be continued for a long time. Our concert agency cooperates with all the well-known artists of Russia and abroad, so we provide our customers with a huge selection of musicians who can be invited to private or public events.

The reasons for which the "big city" is chosen

The high level of professionals of the concert agency "Big City" helps to embody the most bold fantasies of customers. We provide musicians to order and provide a cultural program at the event. Working with us, you will get a concert of your favorite artists of those years, as well as many advantages, because we:

  • On the market since 2008, which means that for 10 years we have been creating a festive mood and invite stars on corporate parties, birthdays, weddings.
  • We make the event "per million" for affordable money thanks to direct cooperation with the musicians.
  • We have a huge base of artists, we work with them on an ongoing basis. We guarantee high-quality sound and spectacular show on your holiday.
  • We carry out a cycle of work on the creation and organization of celebrations of different scales - from small private to public, available to the general public.

Editorial PEOPLETALK again invites you to arrange a musical pause. We continue to indulge nostalgia and dig up all the best of the 90s. It came to remember the favorite foreign hits. We have remembered the posters with the whole day with all the editors, which our rooms were placed, and chose the 20 hottest hits. So, wherever you are, - a one-headed headphones, lying on the entire volume! I promise, I will do the same. Yes, our chief editor will forgive me, but the next half an hour in the office will rattle hits from the 90s. Go!


La Bouche is a German duet, which was created in 1994. Be My Lover has become their second single and received ASCAP award as the most performed song of America.

Michael Jackson - REMEMBER THE TIME

It is difficult to choose some one song from the creativity of the great Michael Jackson (1958-2009), but I stopped at Remember The Time. In the clip on this song with a multi-million budget and computer special effects, (53) starred.

Britney Spears - Baby One More Time

The Baby One More Time album was released in 1999 and became the most successful for (33). Thanks to him, she won the hearts of millions of fans and got tremendous popularity worldwide.


As soon as these British guys appeared on the air, I fell in love with first glance. And the song Everybody Get Up from the Album Five (1998) is still one of my favorites.

Spice Girls - Wannabe

This is a debut single SPICE GIRLS, which has become a real hit. The song fell into rotation 502 times a week and seven weeks stayed at the top of the British charts. She began the impetus to the world's world popularity, by the end of the year, taking the first places in the charts of another 21 countries.

Aqua - Barbie Girl

The Scandinavian group Aqua was fame thanks to the song Barbie Girl and became a bright representative of the Eurodensa genre. The song tells about the dolls "Barbie" and "Ken" and their lives. Mattel, a producer of Barbie dolls, filed on the court for violation of copyright to use Barbie's image.

Ricky Martin - Livin "La Vida Loca

Ricky Martin (43) - a stunning Puertoric pop musician. I am sure that there is no man on Earth that Livin didn't hear La Vida Loca, which became the biggest hit in his career.

Backstreet Boys - Everybody

Backstreet Boys is one of the coolest boyfriends pop groups, the whole of my room was placed by their posters. Everybody is the first single from the second Backstreet Boys Studio Album. The song has become a real business card group.


MC Hammer is American rapper, his real name Stanley Kirk Berel (52). This track was recorded and coated on a mobile studio on the bus during the tour and became a real hit.


Mr. PRESIDENT is a German dance group, their most famous composition has become the song Coco Jumbo. It reached the highest positions in the charts in the entire history of the group.


Ace Of Base is a Swedish pop group, but they performed his songs in English. The Sign is one of the most famous tracks - lightningly gained popularity not only in Europe, but also in Russia.

Tic Tac Toe - Warum

Tic Tac Toe is one of the most successful German pop groups. And the song Warum from the second platinum album of the group lasted seven weeks at the top of the charts and thundered to the whole world.

Enrique Iglesias - Bailamos

(39) - Spanish handsome, who conquered our hearts with their incendiary songs. Bailamos became incredibly successful and reached the first position in the United States.

Scooter - Fire.

Scooter is a German group that conquered the whole world. The Five Composition with the famous guitar solo has become a soundtrack for the films "Deadly Battle - 2: Extermination" and "Hackers".

Antique - Opa Opa

Antique is a Greek pop duet. The Opa Opa Track became a landmark and entered the top five leaders of the Swedish hit parade.


These are very cool guys! They released more than 30 hits that conquered the peaks of charts in many countries. And the song You Are A Woman is the most famous and favorite track.


No Doubt is a well-known pop group led by stunning Gwen Stephanie (45). The most successful album was TRAGIC KINGDOM, and Don't Speak's woven track took the leading position in the charts. On the first week, more than 230,000 copies of the album were sold.

Bryan Adams - (Everything i do) i do it for you

Canadian rock musician Brian Adams (55) took our hearts in captivity with their lyrical ballad (Everything i DO) I do it for you. I am sure, every woman dreams that the beloved person tells her exactly these words.

Roxette - How Do You Do!

Roxette - Swedish rock band, as part of which only two participants - Per Hesle (56) and Mary Fredersoon (56). These guys have many hits, but how do you do is one of my favorites.

Madonna - Frozen.

Completes our hit parade the incomparable queen of pop music (56)! With his ballad frozen, she ranked first in the British charts and received a legitimate second place in the list of the 100 most hot trades of the United States.