Chichikov's lesson in the poem Dead Souls. Literature lesson: "Chichikov is a new hero of the time"

Chichikov's lesson in the poem Dead Souls. Literature lesson: "Chichikov is a new hero of the time"

Lesson 51 IMAGE OF CHICHIKOV (lesson with elements of a dispute)

28.03.2013 21355 2334

Lesson 51 Chichikov's image (lesson with elements of a dispute)

Goals: teach to reasonably express their opinion using the text: quote, refer to the author's opinion.

During the classes

I. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1.Introductory speech of the teacher, conversation.

- What changes are taking place in the "geography" of Gogol's book?

- Your vision of the city in Dead Souls.

- Why did the writer capture in such detail his colors, "architecture" - right down to the indispensable mezzanine?

- Where is the final destination of our wanderings?

- Yes, "The Tale of Captain Kopeikin" - Gogol's St. Petersburg! Compare it with Nevsky Prospekt. Gogol considered this plug-in novella "very necessary" and could not come to terms with its exclusion from the text of "Dead Souls" at the request of the censorship, he made a compromise: "remade ... so that no censorship could find fault."

So, let's follow along with our "entrepreneur" Chichikov to a city that "was in no way inferior to other provincial cities."

We already met the district bureaucracy depicted in The Inspector General in the 8th grade; now we will try to compare the provincial bureaucracy and the provincial bureaucracy, which is on the next rung of the administrative ladder.

The author of Dead Souls transparently alludes to the consanguinity of officials of all ranks and departments. Even in the events that agitated the district and provincial towns, one can notice a lot in common. And there, and here "an important spring of action" is fear, which, as the poem says, "is more sticky than the plague and is communicated suddenly." It is noteworthy that both Chichikov and Khlestakov were already mistaken for "an official sent from the office of the Governor-General to conduct a secret investigation." The inspector of the provincial medical council in Dead Souls trembled in exactly the same way as the district trustee of charitable institutions in The Inspector General. against which no proper action has been taken. "

New rumors about Chichikov - that he was a counterfeiter, a spy, Captain Kopeikin, Napoleon - no longer changed the essence of fear: all the same, officials were most afraid of an overbearing thunderstorm. The provincial officials, like the uyezd ones, trembled, remembering their sins and omissions, and waited for "bulkheads, scolding, whipping up" and other "official soup" to collapse. It got to the point that the representative of the provincial justice, who turned out to be weaker in spirit than the judge from the "Inspector General", "came home, began to think, think and suddenly, as they say, from one or the other - he died."


Teacher. My story about the provincial town will continue with the literary montage prepared by your comrades. This montage includes excerpts from chapters 8 and 9. Here the picture of provincial society, sketched in a few large strokes as early as in Chapter 1, unfolds widely and in many ways.

The opinions and actions of the two "parties" - male and female - reflect the mores of the city, and the attitude towards Chichikov and his swindle, and the spiritual world of the Russian philistine.

Approximate installation plan:

1) "... The inhabitants of the city ... mentally fell in love with Chichikov ..." (to the words: "Like the great secret").

2) "But incomparably more remarkable was the impression ... which Chichikov made on the ladies ..." (to the words "... harder than any duel").

3) "The ladies of the city were strict in the morals ..." (to the words "... that a millionaire was invited").

4) “Even Chichikov himself could not partly fail to notice such extraordinary attention…” (before the words “… the original itself will be present”).

5) "His appearance at the ball produced an extraordinary effect ..." (to the words "... extraordinary fun").

6) "The ladies grabbed hands, kissed and screamed ..." (to the words "- I confess, - just a pleasant lady answered").

7) “Imagine only that which is armed from head to toe ...” (before the words “something else is hiding”).

8) "- Well, listen, what are these dead souls ..." (to the words "... and the daughter will still surpass the mother").

9) "But no matter how the men armed themselves and resisted, their party did not have the same order as in the women's party ..." (to the words "... fear is more sticky than the plague and is communicated suddenly").

Depending on the nature of each passage, one to three students can read it. For example, it is advisable to read a conversation between two ladies by roles: two ladies and an author-narrator.

Teacher. We feel shades of bitterness and contempt in the excerpts selected for editing, don't we?

Gogol not without surprise notices that the word "millionaire" "contains something that affects both scoundrels, and neither this nor that, and good people, in a word, it affects everyone."

II. Dispute on the topic: “Who is he? So, a scoundrel? "

Teacher. According to the genre, Dead Souls is a poem, a lyrical epic work with elements of a novel.

It is with the image of Chichikov that the beginning of the novel is connected.

Remember, the first volume begins with a riddle: two men are discussing whether the wheel of the Chichikovskaya chaise will reach Moscow or not. Who is he, who is in this chaise, who is Chichikov - a scoundrel, a petty demon, or maybe a "new man", an entrepreneur?

Chichikov, as it were, unites many images of "Dead Souls" - and not only because he draws them into his scam: he combines the features of many other characters, represents the highest level of generalization. Chichikov is like a "type of types".

How is a cunning traveler like those with whom he does his business?

It turns out that Chichikov can be no less delicate than Manilov, is able to accumulate goods more stubbornly than Korobochka, he can wank no worse than Nozdryov, and in his ability to live, “tight-fisted and businesslike, like Sobakevich, in frugality will not yield to Plyushkin of the time when he was still was a wise master, and certainly in the art of taking bribes he outdid Ivan Antonovich - "the jug's snout".

But there is in the character of Chichikov a trait that gives all his properties a new meaning, makes him the first person in the gallery of meanness.

Which? Amazing flexibility, tenacity, adaptability to any circumstances. The very appearance of Chichikov is the embodiment of this property. ("... not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat, nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but not so that he is too young").

Retelling of Chichikov's biography with citation:

1) childhood;

2) the instructions of the father;

3) study at the school;

4) service.

As for the service in customs, then, you see, Gogol's hero could compete with the most cunning of detectives and criminals. By the way, Chichikov combined both in himself: he showed a devilish instinct as a customs controller and amazing ingenuity in smuggling operations.

The Gogolian hero also showed extraordinary vitality after two of his failures: he left the court like a bun, kept his track record clean, even harbored some money. A little time passed - and now he is again engaged in speculation, which may well make him a "millionaire".

Teacher. What is the "mechanism" of Chichikov's scam? What benefit could there be?

The fact is that since the time of Peter the Great, revisions of serf souls have been carried out in Russia, as a result of which “revision tales” - lists - have been drawn up. For each male soul the landowner paid a capitation tax to the treasury. If in the period between revisions the peasant died, it was still necessary to pay for him while he was on the lists. It was these dead, but alive peasants that Chichikov bought up. They could be pledged in the Board of Trustees as alive and receive for each soul dozens of times more than it was necessary to pay for it. (Remember, the highest price that Chichikov had to pay for a dead soul - Sobakevich - was 2 and a half rubles. And in the Board of Trustees they could give up to 250 rubles per soul, that is, 100 times more.) Of course, the money was supposed to be returned on time, otherwise the Board of Trustees would confiscate the peasants. But souls were also allowed to be re-mortgaged. In addition, having received a hefty sum for a certain period, it was possible to embark on new scams with her.

So, before us is a resourceful con man or a business man?

Gogol bluntly declares that he takes a scoundrel as a hero, and not a virtuous person, because "they have turned a virtuous person into a workhorse, and there is no writer who would not ride him, urging him with a whip and anything else." Gogol hints that the virtuous hero has turned into a well-worn figure, that this is not a living person (“there are only ribs and skin instead of a body”), but a walking set of virtues. “No, it's time to hide the scoundrel,” he concludes. - So, we will harness the scoundrel.

What does the writer mean when he calls his hero a scoundrel? Does he denounce Chichikov as a lawbreaker?

Gogol, of course, was in favor of observing the laws, "at least those that already exist."

But in the purchase of "dead souls" there was no direct violation of the law: after all, the death of the peasant did not cancel until the next revision of the payment of tax to the treasury. This means that officially he remained as if alive. And the living landowner had the right to sell for any amount - that was already his business. Chichikov was not so far from the truth when he told Manilov: "z akon - I go numb before the law." He found a loophole between the laws! Of course, Chichikov also indulged in direct violations of the law: he took bribes, concealed government money when he was a member of the construction commission, entered into deals with smugglers. But remember the activities of officials in the "Inspector"! In general, Chichikov is a scoundrel and a swindler no more than any official of the city of N, "who knows the business." Chichikov's meanness is a "concentrated" expression of the morality that in the circles ruling Russia was considered virtuous and respectable.

Reading reasoning"About thick and thin".

That is why in the depiction of Chichikov such different words turn out to be synonyms: scoundrel, master, acquirer. And the key word here is the word "acquirer". “Acquisition is the fault of everything,” Gogol notes, “because of it, deeds have been made to which the light gives the name of not very pure.” Acquisition is a kind of sign of the times: the era of the bourgeois has come, and dexterous, energetic, tenacious acquirers climbed out of all cracks, professing only one faith, the one that his father inspired Pavlusha: "You will do everything and you will break everything in the world with a penny."

So, before us, if he is an adventurer, then pretending to the role of "master of life", if he is a scoundrel, then an exponent of the prevailing social morality. Today he may still fail (“suffer for the truth,” as Pavel Ivanovich said), but tomorrow ... Who knows who Chichikov will be tomorrow?

- And last, the final question of the dispute: Chichikov's "living" soul or "dead" one?

Taking into account that the author wanted to lead his hero from hell through purgatory to heaven, it can be assumed that in Gogol's view this character is a “living” soul. However, the author himself, speaking of Chichikov's will to victory over a hostile fate, sympathizes with the hero and marvels at his persistence. Chichikov's goal - contentment and a happy family life - is a completely worthy goal. Another thing is that he chooses dubious means to achieve it, the means by which Gogol's "dead" souls live.

2) one poem by N. A. Nekrasov - by heart;

3) individual task: prepare a report on the life of N. A. Nekrasov.

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Slide captions:

The image of Chichikov in N. V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" Chichikov is the main character of N. V. Gogol's poem. Gogol

Portrait of Chichikov Not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but not so that he is too young.

Portrait of Chichikov

Chichikov's clothes The gentleman took off his cap and unwound from his neck a woolen, rainbow-colored kerchief, which a married man prepares with his own hands, a spouse, supplying decent instructions on how to wrap up, and to a single - I probably cannot say who does, God knows them, I never wore such kerchiefs ... Then he put on a shirt front in front of the mirror, plucked two hairs that had come out of his nose and immediately after that he found himself in a lingonberry tailcoat with a spark.

Manners and speech The newcomer somehow managed to find himself in everything and showed himself an experienced socialite. Whatever the conversation was, he always knew how to support it. He argued, but somehow extremely skillfully, so that everyone saw that he argued, and meanwhile he argued pleasantly. He never said: “you went,” but: “you deigned to go,” “I had the honor to cover your deuce,” and the like. He spoke neither loudly nor softly, but exactly as he should. In short, wherever you turn, he was a very decent person.

Origin: The dark and humble origin of our hero. His parents were nobles, but pole or personal - God knows. Life at the beginning looked at him somehow sourly, unpleasantly ... not a friend, not a comrade in childhood!

Father's instructions Father's instructions, in accordance with which the hero built his whole life: “Look, Pavlusha, study, do not be foolish and do not hang around, but most of all please the teachers and bosses ... Do not run around with your comrades, they will not teach you good; and if it comes to that, so hang out with those who are richer, so that on occasion they can be useful to you ... Most of all, take care of a penny, this thing is the most reliable in the world, a penny will not give out, no matter what trouble you are. "

Studying at the school: Already here Pavlusha showed talents "from the practical side": He suddenly realized and understood the matter and behaved in relation to his comrades in exactly the way that they treated him, and he not only never, but even sometimes, hiding received the treat, then sold it to them.

Service — in the treasury chamber: —working at customs, helping smugglers almost made Chichikov a great fortune. Serving honestly and zealously, he rose to the right to "make all kinds of searches":

Characteristics by other characters Before the appearance of gossip, Chichikov was positively assessed by all the characters, his merits were even exaggerated.

"Speaking surname" Chichikov's surname resembles the chirping of a sparrow, the effect of jumping, clicking is created.

Chichikov - "dead" soul

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Literature Lesson Grade 9 "Images of landowners in Nikolai Gogol's poem" Dead Souls "

Summary of a literature lesson for grade 9 on the topic "Images of landowners in Nikolai Gogol's poem" Dead Souls "Lesson objectives: To show the skill of Nikolai Gogol in describing the characters of landowners in the poem" Dead Souls ".Formirov ...

The image of Nozdrev in the poem by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

This material will help the teacher prepare for lessons on the poem "Dead Souls". The presentation contains the necessary questions for the students, illustrations for the poem, information for reflection ...

The purpose of the lesson: analyze the image of the main character of the poem Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov;

to answer the problematic question: why did I. Zolotussky say about the hero of the poem: "He is still some kind of strange scoundrel"?



Summary of a lesson in literature in grade 9.

NV Gogol "Dead Souls" (The Image of Chichikov).

Teacher: Musina A.S.

Topic: "He is still some kind of strange scoundrel ..."

The purpose of the lesson: to analyze the image of the main character of the poem by Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov; to answer the problematic question: why did I. Zolotussky say about the hero of the poem: "He is still some kind of strange scoundrel"?

During the classes:

  1. Identify the hero by his business card

"Decent, knowledgeable and respectable person"; “The most amiable and courteous; “Not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but not so that he is young ”; the kidnapper of the governor's daughter, "spy", "robber Rinaldo Rinaldini", "counterfeiter", "Napoleon in disguise" and, finally, the Antichrist himself.

We are talking about the main character of the poem P.I. Chichikov.

Critic I. Zolotussky said about him: "He is still some kind of strange scoundrel ..."

Let's try to figure out why I. Zolotussky gave such an assessment to Chichikov? (Lesson topic recording)

In previous lessons, we said that Pavel Ivanovich easily finds a common language with all the heroes of the poem. With Manilov he is sweet-minded and delicate, with Sobakevich he is tight-fisted and stingy, with Korobochka he is assertive. It, like a mirror, reflects the spiritual qualities of the landowners, but speaking about the landowners, we concluded that these are people with "dead souls." So, maybe Chichikov is a "dead soul"?

Can Pavel Ivanovich be classified as a "dead soul"?

(students' answers)

Already at school he showed resourcefulness, meanness of soul. With petty speculations, he “made increments to a half a dollar donated by his father”: he resold a roll or gingerbread to hungry classmates, bought ahead of time at the market, and later committed betrayal: he pushed the dying teacher, deceived the police officer and his daughter, and took bribes. Arriving in the provincial town of N, he managed to flatter every official.

2. Consider the illustration for the poem "Dead Souls". Who do you think is depicted on it? What did the artist see in the portrait of Chichikov?

Devilish beginning

Trades the dead

Predatory bird

Dying Soul

Do you think the artist is right? Does Chichikov fit into the gallery of "dead souls"? Is his soul finally “dead” or is it still “alive”?

If Chichikov is a "dead soul", then why did Gogol make him the main character of the poem? Is there something in Chichikov that distinguishes him from other heroes?

For one of the lessons, you completed a creative task: you created sketches of coats of arms that every landowner could have. Consider one of the jobs. These are not coats of arms, but associations that have arisen in the student's imagination. And with what representative of the animal world do you associate Chichikov?

With a bird (and this is a traditionally tall image) a sparrow

With a fox

The name Paul is the name of the Christian apostle, who from the persecutor of Christ turned into one of the most faithful servants

Chichikov rides at the end of the poem in the famous bird three

Does Chichikov have positive qualities?

(energetic, active, smart, resourceful)

What justifies Chichikov? Remember why he buys up "dead souls", why does he need money? What is he dreaming about?

Childhood, spent in a small gorenka, with windows that did not open either in winter or in summer, a sick father, punishment for any mistake. He wants his children not to despise their father, but to remember with gratitude.

He dreams of his beloved woman, family, children, he dreams of “a fresh white-faced woman ... and the younger generation, which was supposed to perpetuate the name of the Chichikovs: a frolic, a boy and a beautiful daughter, or two boys, two or even three girls, so that everyone knows that he really lived and existed, and not that he walked across the earth as some kind of shadow or ghost ... ”A dream that is characteristic of every normal person. He wants well-being, worthy of a free life.

  1. Why does Gogol's hero burn out every now and then, why his scams, which at first so raise him up, burst every time, fail?

Let us recall the story of the governor's daughter. Chichikov, elevated by public opinion to the "millionaire", is drowning in the bliss of veneration and glory ... And suddenly at the ball before Chichikov appears a blonde, whom he once met on the road. What's going on with our hero?

(text of Chapter 8 “Chichikov was so confused that he could not utter a single sensible word ... there was something so strange ... which he himself could not explain to himself: it seemed to him that the whole ball ... had become for several minutes as if where something in the distance; fiddles and pipes were being cut somewhere behind the mountains, and everything was covered with fog. And from this hazy field only thin lines of a fascinating blonde emerged clearly and finally ... he felt like something like a young man, a little not a hussar. ”And then the reckoning:“ All the ladies did not like this treatment of Chichikov at all. ”

So, do not neglect the attention of the city ladies, do your interest in the governor's daughter subtly, secretly, not publicly - everything would be fine and no Korobochka's stories and Nozdryov's gossip would do anything.

What other episode proves that not everything in Chichikov's character is controlled and measured by the spirit of acquisition?

(The text of Ch. 7 Chichikov rewrites the lists of purchased "dead souls".)

“Some strange, incomprehensible to him feeling took possession of him ... Each of the notes seemed to have a special character ... All these details gave a special kind of freshness: it seemed as if the men were still alive yesterday. Looking at their names for a long time, he was moved by his spirit and, with a sigh, said: “My dears! How many of you are crammed here! What have you, my dear ones, done in your lifetime? How did you interrupt? "

Can a notorious scoundrel have such feelings?

Draw a conclusion why Chichikov's scams are thwarted?

The heart has awakened, the soul is alive.

Why is there so little good left in the hero? Why does everything good in him gradually die?

Video fragment from the film "Dead Souls". Director M. Schweitzer

Father's spiritual covenant. 1. In the conditions in which he grew up, assimilated his father's philosophy, nothing else could have happened.

Does Chichikov have the opportunity to be honest and at the same time live happily?

2. In the given conditions, in contemporary Chichikov Russia is impossible, since Russian life itself, the state itself is so arranged.

There are no officials and landowners who live honestly. Vileness flourishes in the society of these people. Everyone here watches their own interest and considers their position as a feeding trough, as a means of personal enrichment. The embezzlement of money, bribery, robbery of peasants are everyday and quite natural phenomena. Unfortunately, in a country of distorted moral values, Chichikov's abilities are channeled into a bad channel.

4. What allowed I. Zolotussky to give such an assessment to our hero?

(student answers)

5. "Dead Souls" were conceived by Gogol by analogy with Dante's "Divine Comedy" in three parts: the first part is "Hell", the second part is "Purgatory", the third part is "Paradise". The idea, therefore, was not limited to the depiction of "hell". Whom was Gogol preparing for salvation?

6. Homework.

Try to guess what kind of life situation would help Chichikov to be reborn?

(Possible options

Serious illness

Being in jail

Meeting with the righteous


MBOU "Buranchinskaya OOSh"

Chichikov's image

In the fall of 1835, Gogol set to work on the poem "Dead Souls", the plot of which was suggested to him by Pushkin. Gogol had long dreamed of writing a novel about Russia, and was very grateful to Pushkin for the idea. “In this novel, I would like to show at least from one side all of Russia,” the writer admitted to Pushkin. In the poem, the author reflected the way of life and customs of different strata of society - landowners, officials, peasants. Explaining the concept of Dead Souls, Gogol wrote that the images of the poem are "not at all portraits from insignificant people, on the contrary, they contain the features of those who consider themselves better than others." The landowners are shown close-up in the poem. Moreover, the sequence of their acquaintance with the reader was not chosen by Gogol by chance. Starting from Manilov, and ending with Plyushkin, the author intensifies the bitter accusatory satire, shows the landowners according to the principle of their ever more severe impoverishment and moral decline. The dreamer, living in the world of his dreams, Manilov is replaced by the "club-headed" Korobochka, the careless liar and sharper Nozdryov - the clumsy economic Sobakevich. This gallery of landowners is completed by Plyushkin - a greedy curmudgeon, "a hole in humanity" - this is what Chichikov calls Plyushkin.

Among the variety of interesting characters, an amazing character stands out - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. The image of Chichikov is unifying and collective, it combines different qualities of landowners. We learn about the origin and formation of his character from the eleventh chapter of the poem. Pavel Ivanovich belonged to a poor noble family. Chichikov's father left him a legacy of half a copper and a covenant to study diligently, to please teachers and bosses, and, most importantly, to save and save a penny. In the will, the father said nothing about honor, duty and dignity. Chichikov quickly realized that lofty concepts only hinder the achievement of the cherished goal. Therefore, Pavlusha makes his way in life with his own efforts. At the school he tried to be an example of obedience, politeness and deference, distinguished himself by exemplary behavior, evoked commendable reviews from teachers. After graduating from his studies, he enters the state ward, where he pleases the boss with all his might and even takes care of his daughter. Finding himself in any new environment, in a new environment, he immediately becomes "his own person." He comprehended the “great secret to like”, with each of the characters he speaks in his language, discusses topics close to the interlocutor. The soul is still alive in this hero, but every time, drowning out the pangs of conscience, doing everything for his own benefit and building happiness on the troubles of other people, he kills her. Insult, deception, bribery, embezzlement, fraud at customs - Chichikov's tools. The hero sees the meaning of life only in acquisition, hoarding. But for Chichikov, money is a means, not an end: he wants well-being, a decent life for himself and his children. Chichikov is distinguished from the rest of the characters in the poem by strength of character and determination. Having set himself a certain task, he does not stop at anything, shows perseverance, perseverance and incredible ingenuity to achieve it.

He does not look like a crowd, he is active, active and adventurous. Chichikov is alien to Manilov's dreaminess and Korobochka's innocence. He is not greedy, like Plyushkin, but he is not inclined to reckless revelry, like Nozdryov. His entrepreneurial spirit is not like Sobakevich's rude business-like. All this speaks of its clear superiority.

A characteristic feature of Chichikov is the incredible versatility of his nature. Gogol emphasizes that people like Chichikov are not easy to guess. Appearing in the provincial town under the guise of a landowner, Chichikov very quickly won general sympathy. He knows how to show himself as a secular person, comprehensively developed and decent. He can support any conversation and at the same time speaks "neither loudly, nor quietly, but perfectly as it should." To each person in whom Chichikov is interested, he knows how to find his own special approach. By flaunting his goodwill towards people, he is only interested in taking advantage of their location. Chichikov very easily “reincarnates”, changes his demeanor, but at the same time he never forgets about his goals.

In a conversation with Manilov, he looks almost exactly like Manilov himself: he is just as courteous and sensitive. Chichikov knows perfectly well how to make a strong impression on Manilov, and therefore does not skimp on all kinds of emotional outpourings. However, talking with Korobochka, Chichikov does not show any special gallantry or spiritual gentleness. He quickly deciphers the essence of her character and therefore behaves cheekily and unceremoniously. You can't get through the box with delicacy, and Chichikov, after long attempts to reason with her, "went completely beyond the bounds of all patience, grabbed a chair on the floor in his hearts and promised her the devil." When meeting with Nozdrev, Chichikov flexibly adapts to his unbridled demeanor. Nozdryov recognizes only "friendly" relations, talks to Chichikov on "you", and he behaves as if they are old bosom friends. When Nozdryov brags, Chichikov keeps mum, as if not doubting the veracity of what he heard. Upon meeting with Sobakevich, Chichikov's directness and spontaneity completely disappear. Sobakevich is not touched by reasoning on lofty topics. And then Chichikov enters into a gambling bargain with him, in which each seeks to outmaneuver the other. "You can't hit him, stubborn!" Sobakevich thinks to himself. Chichikov has a different approach to Plyushkin: he plays the role of a magnanimous well-wisher, who wants to help a lonely and defenseless old man.

With his poem N. V. Gogol introduced the concept of “dead souls” into literature. The dead were not only those who became the subject of Chichikov's bargaining with the landowners. AI Herzen spoke about it this way: “This title itself bears something terrifying. And he could not name otherwise; not the revision dead souls, but all these nostrils, manilovs and all the others - these are dead souls, and we meet them at every step. "

Undoubtedly, Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" is one of the greatest works of the 19th century. Belinsky called the poem "a truly national work." Gogol was able to show that serfdom cripples not only peasants, making them dumb slaves, but also landowners, turning them into parasites living at someone else's expense. The images created by Gogol have stepped over time. The tremendous power of satirical denunciation of the ugliness of the proprietary world, contained in the writer's creations, has not lost its relevance today.

Literature lesson: "Chichikov is a new hero of the time."

Target: 1. Consider the image of Chichikov through research activities.

2. To form the ability to draw literary analogies and

predict the situation.

3. To cultivate an active life position, the ability to objectively

evaluate the phenomena of life.

Epigraph: Gogol, laughing and laughing, cried invisibly, because in his satire

all endless Russia lay down on its negative side,

with my flesh, blood and breath.


During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

2. The word of the teacher.

Today in the lesson we will try to literally embrace the immensity, because this is exactly what Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" is. It is no exaggeration to say that before us is the whole world, the Universe, enclosed in this little book.

I would like to start the lesson by talking about satire. What is satire?

(students' preliminary work with various sources):

a) Dictionary of literary terms.

Satire - In a somewhat vague and vague sense, any literary work is called satire, in which a certain attitude towards the phenomena of life is expressed, namely, condemnation and ridicule of them, exposing them to general laughter, shame and indignation.

b) Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegov.

Satire - A way of manifesting the comic in art, consisting in destructive ridicule of phenomena that seem to the author to be vicious.

c) Ushakov's Dictionary.

Satire - An accusatory literary work depicting the negative phenomena of reality in a funny, ugly form.

Teacher: That is, satire is a destructive criticism of the vices of the surrounding reality. In essence, the meaning of Gogol's satire is contained in the epigraph of the lesson.

So what is he laughing at, what does Gogol criticize in his poem?

And we move on to the next stage of the lesson.

(the teacher distributes cards with reference words)

Exercise: Using these keywords, name the hero, give him a brief description.

Card 1:"A piece of apple, candy, nut, darling, mouth,

beaded case, cigar, birthday heart, if you please

pass, honored with a visit the dearest, spirit

enjoyment "(Manilov)

Card 2:"Unable to cry, little money, variegated bags,

quick cloak, my father, saints, I tea, manenko

I'll take a little time, maybe, so hot "(Box)

Card 3:"Blown to the fluff, lost four trotters, piggyback, crack with

laugh, Zhidomor, I would have won back, I would have squandered, eh, brother, briskness

character, busty, abusive enthusiasm "(Nozdryov)

Card 4:"Centuries-old standing, strong oak, clumsy order, lamb

side, Christ-sellers, a turkey the size of a calf, nibbled,

medvedilo "(Sobakevich)

Card 5:“A decrepit invalid, devoid of tops, beaten,

a stopped pendulum, overgrown, decayed, mold, dust,

cobweb, manure, rot, tear "(Plyushkin)

Teacher:(Illustrations for the poem. Images of landowners)

So, here they are, all down, unpleasant. frightening images of Gogol. Look at them carefully through the eyes of an illustrator and answer, what do you think is the artist's success? (They resemble animals:

Manilov - a cat, Sobakevich - a bear, Nozdrev - a dog, Box - a chicken, Plyushkin - a spider).

Each of these heroes is dangerous in its own way, tell me, who died in each of them?

Manilov- peacemaker, diplomat.

Nozdrev- a person who will move mountains if his energy is directed in the right direction.

Sobakevich- an intelligent business executive in the best sense of the word, a pillar of society.

Box- just a hospitable, kind-hearted woman.

Plyushkin- an intellectual, the head of a large friendly family.

Teacher: What hero did we forget about? Why didn't I give a card for Chichikov? (Because this character changes all the time depending on who he is talking to at the moment) What is Chichikov's behavior with the landlords?

With Manilov - he lisps.

With Nozdrev, he is rude and “pokes”.

With a Box - distorts words.

With Sobakevich - roars.

With Plyushkin, he convinces.

Teacher: So who is he Chichikov? What traits did Gogol endow his hero with? Why was Chichikov's activity not and could not be constructive? Under what conditions could this personality appear? How interesting is this hero in the 21st century? Dead souls today ...

These are the questions that we have to answer with you.

3. Characteristics of the image of Chichikov.

1. Blitz survey.

a) The role of Chichikov in the composition of the poem. (Connecting, especially in chapters 2-6)

b) On the model of what hero did Gogol write the image of Chichikov? (Virgil's "The Divine Comedy" by Dante)

c) Who is Chichikov in this "kingdom of the dead"? (By conductor)

d) What is “hell” in the poem? (City of NN and its surroundings)

e) Restore the portrait of Chichikov.

"... not handsome, but not bad either ... (in appearance), neither too thick, nor too ... (thin), one cannot say that ... (old), but not so that too ... (young)."

f) Chichikov cares very much about his appearance. Which of the clothes is a through detail, i.e. constantly accompanying the image throughout the entire poem? (Lingonberry tailcoat with sparkle)

2. Work in groups.

We compose a biography of Chichikov.

Group 1 - Origin. (“The origin of the hero is dark and modest.

Parents were nobles, but pole or personal - his God

Group 2 - Childhood years. ("Life at the beginning looked at him somehow sourly, unpleasantly ... neither a friend, nor a comrade in childhood!"

Group 3 - Father's instructions, in accordance with which the hero built his

life. (“Look, Pavlusha, study, don’t be foolish and don’t hang around, but

please teachers and bosses more ...

run, they will not teach you good; and if it comes to that, so

hang out with those who are richer, so that on occasion they can be

useful to you ... most of all, take care and save a penny, this thing

most reliable of all in the world, a penny will not give out, no matter what trouble you are in

Group 4 - Studying at the school: already here talents "from the outside

practical ":" He suddenly realized and understood the matter and behaved

in relation to comrades in exactly the way that he was treated,

and he not only never, but even sometimes, hiding the received

treats, then sold them to them. "

Group 5 - Service (in the treasury chamber, at customs; the idea of ​​buying the "dead

Teacher: So, our hero arrives in the city of NN. What question interests him the most? (video clip)

Teacher: And then, as we have already said, there were meetings with the landowners and other characters of the poem. What characteristics did the characters of the poem give to Chichikov? (Before the appearance of gossip, Chichikov was positively assessed by all the characters, his dignity is even exaggerated)

Teacher: Listen to the name Chichikov. What does it remind you of?

(The surname Chichikov resembles the chirping of a sparrow, creates the effect of jumping, clicking)

4 Physical minutes.

Teacher: And now I invite you to relax and take part in the intellectual game "Mysterious Bag". it contains various objects that belong to the heroes of the poem: name the object and recognize the hero.

    Prunes - Chichikov (in the hotel cockroaches are like prunes).

    Pipe - Manilov (smoking a pipe, ash on the windowsill) (video)

    Bunch of keys - Plyushkin (Finally, he “concluded that

this is probably the housekeeper ")

    Dog - Sobakevich (surname)

    Checkers - Nozdryov (played checkers with Chichikov)

(video clip)

5. Discussion card.

6. Role play.

Teacher: Do you think fraud is punishable? I invite you to become participants in the trial.

Group 1 - lawyers (put forward arguments in defense of Chichikov)

Group 2 - prosecutors (put forward arguments for the prosecution)

Group 3 - witnesses for the defense (mark the positive points when buying souls)

Group 4 - witnesses for the prosecution (mark negative points when buying showerheads)

Group 5 - judges (What verdict would you pronounce on Chichikov?)

7. Research of a group of students (point of view on the problem of employees of the registry office and the prosecutor's office)

Officials of the registry office noted that in the poem, deceased people are not immediately removed from the register. Currently, the burial of a person takes place only after receiving a certificate of death, therefore, fraud with dead souls is currently almost impossible.

The prosecutors noted that, unfortunately, they do not know what the Criminal Code was during Gogol's life. But at present, in our area, no fraud and adventurous actions, so to speak, with dead souls have been recorded.

Most likely, the problem considered by Gogol should be viewed from a moral and ethical point of view.

8. The problematic question.

Living soul Chichikov or "dead"?(Taking into account that the author wanted to lead his hero from hell through purgatory to heaven, it can be assumed that in the author's view this character is a "living" soul. However, the author himself, speaking of Chichikov's will to victory over a hostile fate, sympathizes with the hero and marvels at his perseverance)

Teacher: So what is Chichikov's goal? (Chichikov's goal - contentment and a happy family life - is a perfectly worthy goal.)

What means does he choose to achieve it? (Doubtful means, means by which Gogol's "dead souls" live)

Have there been such heroes in literature before? (No. Therefore, Chichikov is a new hero of the era.)

Teacher: And what is the opinion of the writer himself? I suggest watching a video clip.

9. Reflection

Teacher: 1) What is Gogol's main lesson for your age? I say “for your age” because all Russian classics have their own lessons for each period of life. (Beware of vulgarity)

What does the word "vulgarity" mean?

Vulgarity is low, vulgar, unworthy.

What is the opposite word? (high, sublime)

There are two points on the board: the lower point is, as you understand, "vulgarity", the upper one is "sublime, beautiful." Between them is a line that denotes a person's path, his normal, usual behavior. What do you think, from this middle position, where is it easier to reach? (it's easier to slide down than to climb)

Climbing requires much more time, effort, work of the body, mind, heart.

So you have learned one of the most important lessons of Gogol: so that one day, looking in the mirror, you do not see your "oskotinny face", you have to work hard on yourself, be able to see in the ordinary - the extraordinary, in

earthly - the sublime and strive for it with all your might.

2) Filling out score sheets.

10. Lesson summary.

11. Homework.

1. Letter to the writer.

2.Mini-essay "Gogol is!"