How to draw a liliput pencil in stages. How to draw a dwarf pencil

How to draw a liliput pencil in stages. How to draw a dwarf pencil
How to draw a liliput pencil in stages. How to draw a dwarf pencil

But the topic is not exhausted, and many more interesting things can be said. Today we know, how to draw a gnome pencil! It is low, chunky, very strong and courageous. Gnomes are famous characters of films, games, especially in RPG there are many of them. That's what a fighter we will depict:

So, proceed.

Step one.

Let's start with the basics. First draw your head. On the face will show the intersecting cross, these are auxiliary lines. Next - a large chest. Since the gnome is very strong, then the shoulders should be wide. The head is connected with the torso and get a wide but short neck. Next - stomach and pelvis.

We start drawing limbs: Hands and feet. At the same time, in the places of the joints we denote large figures. For example, where elbows and knees are circumference. Shoulders - ovals. Palms and feet are also very large figures. Thus, we show that our hero has a wide, massive bone, durable and strong skeleton.

Step second.

We supply the resulting core. Get a strong gnome body. In general, he should turn out to be low, seey dwarf. In the hands of him put weapons. Draw a long beard and make a helmet.

Step Three.

And now carefully consider drawing: armor, clothes. She is not worse than y, made on conscience. We try to make a similar drawing. On the head of the gnome-mask with horns. On armor is visible rivets. Beard at the bottom is fastened to the bundle. Note fingers.

Step fourth.

On the hands show the tendon of fingers and muscles. Draw a lot of armor. So our gnome becomes everything courageous and courageous.

Pitch fifth.

We draw a weapon. I put in the hands of the gnome a huge hammer: cubic, with beveled edges and with a tip on the handle. But you can provide a bearded and some other tool. For example, or an ax.

Step six.

To give the picture of the stability, you can draw contours, some details make brighter, show shadows. That's all! I hope now you will know how to draw a dwarf pencil?

And you can draw.

If in our areas of Santa Claus accompanies granddaughter - Snow Maiden, then Santa has a whole "army" of small helpers, elves or dwarves. They are traditionally associated with winter holidays in Western countries - New Year and Merry Christmas. So if you want to penetrate the festive atmosphere, it will be interesting to learn how to draw New Year's Dwarf.

Gnome in the Red Cap

If we talk about the gnomes, and not about the Christmas elves, they are most often depicted as small men with mustache and beards. We will observe this tradition and when we will learn how to draw a gnome in stages.

Initially, they will make big round eyes, the nose potato, dense mustache and eyebrows.

Then I will depict the oval of faces, lush beard, triangular cap.

On the sides of the head we draw hands, bottom - legs. The torso among the gnomic will be very short, fully lost behind the lush beard. The limbs will also be very short.

Now color everything. The dwarf cap will be red, beard - white, and outfit - blue and blue.

That's all, Santa's assistant is fully ready.

Cheerful gnome with a radiant smile

It is believed that the gnomes - and the Christmas, and ordinary, folk are pretty severe. But this is not the case - those who have read books in childhood or watched cartoons about the gnomes, know that they are funny and funny guys. So let's deal with how to draw a dwarf pencil.

Let's start with my head and face. As it should be, our hero will have a thick crispy beard, a big nose and an islander cap.

Then add the torso. The physique of the character is quite dense, the round tummy will be sufficiently protruding. Hands are heading behind the back.

All, we coped with the task.

Dwarf waves his hand - visiting the little population

Gnomes are a fabulous people who are known not only to their stunning skills in various crafts, but also a friendly, wisdom. In particular, all sorts of stories about this little folk of kids, so it is worth understanding how to draw a child to a child - it will probably enjoy it.

Let's start with the face. I will depict the eyes-buttons, a large nose and mustache. I will not draw your mouth.

Then add a long crispy beard, a cap and a perky smile.

Then depicting the torso with a rounded tummy. Our character waves with her hand, welcoming someone, the second hand is heading behind the back.

The next step will be an image of legs in high warm boots.

Now the drawing is fully ready.

Gnome-short - draw a cheerful restaurant

There are many variations on how the gnome should look like. However, the cute, animation option, in which the head disproportionately large, and the torso and limb are short, is best. For example, as in the famous animated series "Gravity Falls" - there is a very interesting rice. So let's deal with how to draw a gnome from "Gravity Falls". It is very, very interesting.

First, you will show a pink face with big round eyes, a large nose-potato and a perky smile. And do not forget about the high triangular cap - an indispensable attribute of these little leisurers.

Then add the salary beard without a mustache.

Now you have to draw legs and hands. It is not necessary to depict the body - it will simply be seen due to the beard. The limbs will be very short, children's.

Add paints. The cap will be red, outfit - blue. Please note that the beard and eyebrows will not be gray, and the chestnuts - our character is quite young.

Christmas Gnome - Little Santa Assistant

Let's go back to the New Year's topic. According to legend, small assistants of Santa Claus live in the north and help him make gifts for children, and then - to take them home. It is not easy, but very fun work. So deal with how to draw a Christmas gnome, it will be very cool and interesting.

Let's start with the outline. So far, it will be basic figures - circles, rectangles with smoothed angles, etc.

Then draw a beard line, compressed in arms, eyebrows, nose and boots.

Then we will take it with a pointed hat, eyebrows, torso. In one hand, our hero will have a stick with a spherical embodious.

It remains to make eyes, the mouth line, add folds and individual hair on the beard and hair.

At the next stage, it is necessary to erase all the extra lines and make pretty maintenance.

Add paints. In the background, snowflakes will be spinning, the dwarf will be dressed in a blue suit, brown boots and a red hat. His long beard will be gray, and the blush will play on the cheeks.

On this drawing is over - you can put it in the frame and admire your work.

Who does not want to draw such a cute dwarf? Such, I think there is no, especially to draw such a gnome with step-by-step prompts will not be difficult.

Stage 1. To begin with, of course, we need to draw auxiliary circles and lines for which we will be focused on when drawing parts of the body and small details of our gnome. If you do not draw auxiliary circles and lines, then the figures are not quite accurate, because of which the drawing can be unsuccessful.

Stage 2. After that, you can proceed to drawing the gnome head. So, focusing on the previously drawn upper auxiliary circle, draw contours of the face, as shown in the figure below.

Stage 3. Then I draw the bottom of the face, that is, we draw a cute radiant smile of the gnome and in the middle of his big nose.

Stage 4. We continue to draw a face. Immediately over a big nose, of course, focusing on the auxiliary lines, draw the eyes of the gnome and his surprised eyebrows.

Stage 5. Next, that we draw, we will be small, but an important item, it's a hat of our gnome. Draw it in this way, as shown in the figure below.

Stage 6. Purchase to the body of the Gnome. With the help of the second auxiliary circle, which we painted earlier, we carry out the contours of his tummy. It is not necessary to carry out the lines in the same way as they are held in the following picture, you can easily facilitate the task, and the abdominal contours are straight along the border of the auxiliary circle, there will not be a big difference from this.

Stage 7. Draw a heart on the future Gnoma T-shirt (you can draw any other figure, at your discretion). Then we draw clothes, namely, you teach the pants and the strap of our hero.

Stage 8. What a gnome without a beard ?? Let's return to the face of our almost ready-made gnome, and give him a beard here in this way:

Stage 9. FIRST RASTING Auxiliary circles to see what we did. Auxiliary lines should not be cleaned yet, they will be needed in the further drawing of the hands and legs of our gnome.

Stage 10 So, we draw legs, trained in very pretty shoes.

Stage 11. Our drawing is close to completion. Draw a gnome hand, and one hand should be bent into the fist, at the next stage of drawing you will understand what it is necessary. Also do not forget to draw a T-shirt's silence, in which a gnome dressed.

Stage 12. But now we remove the auxiliary lines, they will no longer need them.

Stage 13. Finally, the final stage. Draw a beautiful flower, which our gnome holds in that hand, which is compressed in a cam. That's all, our cute gnome is ready!

Gnomes are a fabulous creatures that have become heroes of a large number of legends and works of well-known authors, as well as cartoons and films. Many novice artists do not know how to draw a gnome, but this task only at first glance seems difficult. In fact, the gnome, of course, looks like a small man, so, knowing the foundations of the image of people, you can paint and charming gnomic.
Before finding out how to draw gnome in stages, it is necessary to prepare:
1. paper;
2. Pencil;
3. Black handle (gel);
4. A set of pencils of various shades;
5. Washing gum.

Then you can start working on the image of the gnome:
one). Draw a circle that will be a gnome head. And to the circle, paint the curved line, thus running out his body;
2). Draw a cap on the gnomic head;
3). Depict a torso;
four). Turn the legs, focusing on the previously drawn line;
five). Draw boots on the feet of the gnomic. Draw on his own sheds, small round bugs, and on stockings - strips;
6). Note the hands of the gnome with simple lines, and his brushes are square. The right hand of the gnome should be straight, and the left - bent into the elbow;
7). Draw sleeves and fingers on the hands of the gnome;
eight). Picture a small watering can, which keeps a gnome in his left hand. Then draw the bottom of its cap;
nine). Now draw a large nose, small eye, cheek, mouth and beard, as well as hair, knocking out of the cap;
10). Note the light lines the location of the chamomile, which watered the gnome;
eleven). Draw a flower and grass. Now you know how to draw a dwarf pencil, but you can not stop at this stage, but continue to work and paint the image;
12). Circuit the image of the handle;
13). Taking advantage of the eraser, delete the preliminary sketch;
fourteen). Now the dwarf pattern must be painted with colored pencils. For this, the face and hands of this fabulous character shake the pencil of a bodily shade, and the blush on his cheeks is pink. The hair and beard of the gnomer slightly fascinate with a gray pencil;
fifteen). Cap Fluster red and seeds with red-brown, and a brush at its end is yellow;
sixteen). Buttons and buckle strap folk yellow, and the belt is brown;
17). Shirt color blue and blue colors;
eighteen). Dark red and brown, as well as blue pencils, color the bottom of the hero;
nineteen). Watering can be painted with yellow-brown gamut pencils. Now you know how to draw a gnome pencil in stages and then paint it, but that work looks complete, it is necessary to make color and chamomile;
twenty). Coloring chamomile;
21). Grass stitch light green.
Drawing ready! How to draw a gnome there is absolutely nothing complicated! Having attached a little patience and effort, you can draw a pretty gnome. It is possible to paint it with markers or by any paints, not just multicolored pencils!

Before drawing the gnome, you should carefully consider drawings with its image. In fact, the drawing process is not so complicated as it seems at first glance.

How to draw a dwarf pencil?

Start drawing best from the face image. It should be noted that the main features in the image of the Dwarves are their large cheeks, ears, noses, eyes and

Master class drawing of all seven gnomes

Since you can draw a gnome in stages not one, and everyone immediately, it will be described here and shown how to do it.

    First, on paper, the sketch of all the figures is made, which consists of circles involving the image of the heads, bodies, limbs - with cereals, palms or fists and shoes. Auxiliary lines should be applied to the faces: one vertical, dividing face in half, and two horizontal, the first of which divides the face in half, and the second - in half a lower half.

    On the upper horizontal auxiliary line there are eyes, on the second - mouth. Between them, the artist must put the fleshy large noses. Ears should also be quite large and outpaced. Some gnomes should schedule beard. Here you should make legs and hands, giving them volume.

    The next stage includes drawing of unique knotted caps, drawing some details of the robes of fabulous heroes: belts, collars, buttons. No need to forget about the fingers of the characters and folds on the shoes.

    The last step is the application of strokes on clothes, which are an important point, since the folds are emphasized, depicting patches on the elbows. Excess lines should be removed from the drawing using the elasty.

If you wish, you can paint the images of gnomes with bright colors. They will be very organically looking at the wallpaper in the children's room as original stickers, can serve as templates for applications for children's clothing or on mats, capes, curtains.