Interesting names of literary heroes. Literary heroines that inspire us

Interesting names of literary heroes. Literary heroines that inspire us
Interesting names of literary heroes. Literary heroines that inspire us

Recently, BBC showed a series of "war and peace" Tolstoy. In the West, everything like us - there, too, the release of cinema (body) adaptation sharply increases interest in literary source. And here the masterpiece of Lev Nikolayevich suddenly entered the name of bestsellers, and with him the readers became interested in all Russian literature. On this wave, the popular literary site Literary Hub published the article "10 Russian literary heroines, who need to know" (The 10 Russian Literary Heroines You Should Know). It seemed to me that this is a curious side view on our classics and translated an article for his blog. I post here. Illustrations taken from the original article.

Attention! There are spoilers in the text.


We know that all happy heroines are happy equally, and every unfortunate is unhappy in his own way. But the fact is that there are few happy characters in Russian literature. Russian heroines tend to complicate their lives. So it must be, because their beauty as literary characters is largely coming from their ability to suffer from their tragic fate, from their "rusticity".

The most important thing to understand the Russians female characters: Their fate is not the history of overcoming obstacles in order to achieve "and they lived for a long time and happily." The keeper of the original Russian values, they know that there is something more in life than happiness.

1. Tatyana Larina (A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin")

At the beginning was Tatiana. This is a kind of Eva Russian literature. And not only because it is chronologically the first, but also because Pushkin occupies a special place in Russian hearts. Almost any Russian is capable of reading the poems of the father of Russian literature (and after several piles of vodka, many will do it). Pushkin's masterpiece, the poem "Eugene Onegin", this story is not only Onegin, but also Tatiana, a young innocent girl from the province, who falls in love with the main character. Unlike Onegin, which is shown by cynical bonvivan, spoiled fashionable European values, Tatiana embodies the essence and purity of the mysterious Russian soul. Including a tendency to self-sacrifice and disregard for happiness, which shows its famous refusal of the person she loves.

2. Anna Karenina (L.N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina")

Unlike Pushkinskaya Tatiana, who is not a temptation to fall with Onegin, Anna Tolstoy throws her husband and son to run with Vronsky. As a real dramatic heroine, Anna voluntarily does not right choice, the choice for which it will have to pay. The sin of Anna and the source of her tragic fate is not that she left the child, but in the fact that it is selfishly hidden with his sexual and romantic desires, she forgot the lesson of the dedication of Tatiana. If you see the light at the end of the tunnel, do not share, it can be a train.

3. Sonya Marmaladova (F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment")

In the "crime and punishment" of Dostoevsky Sonya acts as an antipode of Skolnikov. Slut and Holy at the same time, Sonya takes its existence as a path of martyrdom. Having learned about the crime of Raskolnikov, she does not push him, on the contrary, attracts to himself to save his soul. It is characteristic of the famous scene, when they read the biblical history about the resurrection of Lazarus. Sonya is able to forgive Skolnikova, as it believes that everything is equal before God, and God forgives. For a repentant killer, this is a real find.

4. Natalia Rostov (L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace")

Natalia is a dream of everyone: smart, funny, sincere. But if Pushkinskaya Tatyana is too good to be true, Natalia seems alive, real. Partly because Tolstoy supplemented its image and other qualities: it is capricious, naive, coquetty and, for the lavetles of the beginning of the 19th century, a little sucking. In the "war and the world", Natalia begins as a charming teenager, enjoying joy and vitality. Throughout the novel, it becomes older, knows the lessons of life, tightened his changeful heart, becomes more wise, its character acquires integrity. And this woman, which is generally uncharacteristic for Russian heroines, after a thousand with excess pages still smiles.

5. Irina Prozorova (A.P. Chekhov "Three sisters")

At the beginning of the Plays of Chekhov "Three Sisters" Irina is the youngest and most complete hopes. Her older brother and sisters of Plaxiva and Caprican, they are tired of life in the province, and the naive soul of irin is filled with optimism. She dreams of returning to Moscow, where, in her opinion, find his true love And it will be happy. But, as the chance to move to Moscow evaporates, it is increasingly aware that it is stuck in the village and loses his spark. Through Irina and her sisters, Chekhov shows us that life is just a series of dull moments, only occasionally intermitted by short flashes of joy. Like Irina, we spend our time on trivia, dreaming about the best future, but gradually understand the insignificance of our existence.

6. Lisa Kalitina (I.S. Turgenev "Noble Nest")

In the novel " Noble Nest"Turgenev created a sample of Russian heroine. Lisa is young, naive, clean with heart. It bursts between two workers: a young, beautiful, fun officer and old, sad, married man. Guess who she chose? The choice of Lisa says a lot about the mysterious Russian soul. She clearly comes towards suffering. The choice of Lisa shows that the desire for sorrow and melancholy is no worse than any other option. At the end of the story, Lisa is disappointed in love and goes into the monastery, choosing the path of victims and deprivation. "Happiness is not for me," she explains his act. "Even when I was hoping for happiness, it was always hard on my heart."

7. Margarita (M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita")

Chronologically latter in the list, Bulgakovskaya Margarita, an extremely strange heroine. At the beginning of the novel, this is an unfortunate woman in marriage, then she becomes a mistress and the Museum of the Master, to then contact the witch flying on a broom. For Master Margarita, this is not only a source of inspiration. She becomes Sonya for Skolnikov, his healer, beloved, Savior. When the Master finds himself in trouble, Margarita appeals for help to anyone else, like Satan himself. Enclosing, like a Foust, a contract with the devil, she is still reunited with his beloved, albeit not quite in this world.

8. Olga Semenova (A.P. Chekhov "Dreshek")

In the "dullness" of Chekhov tells the story of Olga Semenovova, loving and gentle soul, simple manwhich is said to live with love. Olga becomes widow early. Twice. When there is no one who can be like to love, it closes in the cat. In the reviews on the "dullness", Tolstoy wrote that intending to ridiculously a nearby woman, Chekhov accidentally created a very relaxing character to himself. Tolstoy went even further, he condemned Chekhov for an unnecessarily sharp attitude towards Olga, urging to judge her soul, and not intelligence. According to Tolstoy, Olga embodies the ability of Russian women to love unconditionally, unknown to men.

9. Anna Sergeyevna Odintova (I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children")

In the novel "Fathers and Children" (often incorrectly translate "fathers and sons") Mrs. Odentyova - a lonely woman of mature age, and the sound of her surname in Russian hints on solitude. Odentyova is an atypical heroine, who has become a kind of pioneer among women's literary characters. Unlike other women, the novels, which follow the obligations imposed on them by society, Mrs. Odenty is childless, she has no mother and her husband (she is a widow). She persistently defends his independence, like Pushkin Tatiana, refusing the only chance to gain real love.

10. Nastasya Filippovna (F.M. Dostoevsky "Idiot")

Heroine "Idiot" Nastasya Filippovna gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhow difficult Dostoevsky is. Beauty makes her victim. Wostering in childhood, Nastasya becomes the content and mistress of an elderly person who picked up it. But every time she is trying to break out of the testicles of his position and build his own destiny, she continues to feel humiliated. The feeling of guilt throws the fatal shadow on all its solutions. According to tradition, like many other Russian heroines, Nastasi has several options for fate associated mainly with men. And in full compliance with the tradition, it is not able to make the right choice. Communicating fate instead of fighting, heroine drifts to his tragic end.


The author of this text is a writer and a diplomatic worker Guillermo Erades. For some time he worked in Russia, he knows Russian wells well, is the fan of Chekhov and the author of the book "Back to Moscow" (Back to Moscow). So this look is not quite an extraneous. On the other hand, how to write about Russian literary heroines, not knowing Russian classics?

Hilvero does not explain his choice of characters. In my opinion, surprisingly the lack of princess Mary or " poor Lisa"(Which, by the way, the early Pushkin Tatiana was written) and Katerina Kabanova (from the" thunderstorm "of dislike). It seems to me that these Russian literary characters are more famous for us than Lisa Kalitina or Olga Semenova. However, this is my subjective opinion. And who would you add to this list?

In the world literature, many images of female heroines have developed, which fought in the soul of the reader, loved, they began to quote.Some works of world literature will be shielded and the audience believes that the picture is successful if the plot of booksfully disclosed in the film, and the actors correspond to the loved literary hero.
A very important woman is given a very important and outstanding role in the literature: it is the subject of admiration,the source of inspiration that was lined with a dream and the personification of the most elevated in the world.
Undoubtedly, beautiful women of world literature are different fate: someone is an eternal ideal like Juliet,someone is a fighter and just a beautiful woman, like Scarlett about Hare, and someone is forgotten.For how much heroine literary work linger in the memory of the cheat, directly connected with its appearance,character and actions. Literary heroine, as in life, must be self-sufficient, pretty,patient, purposeful, with a sense of humor and, of course, wise.
Our site site decided to make up Rating of the most beautiful literary heroines. In some photos, famous actresses or models that were not filmed in the roles of the presented literary heroines, but our view is very suitable for these roles. Descriptions of the appearance of the heroine taken from the books of the authors of world literature of England, France, Australia, America, Turkey and Russia. The books who loved us are not yet shielded,but we sincerely believe that this time will not wait a long time.

15. TOarla Saarsn ("Chantaram", Gregory David Roberts)

The main character meets Carlo in the first days of his time in Bombay.It begins the entry of the main character in the Mafia circles. Karl Caerange is characterizedthe main hero, like a wise and mysterious beautiful woman. Karl Brunette with green eyes having oriental roots.Many philosophical considerations and spokes in the book belong to it.

14. Tess Darbefield ("Tess from the family d" Erbervlya ", Thomas Hardy)

It was beautiful girlPerhaps, no more beautiful than some other, but the movable scarlet mouth and large innocent eyes emphasized her downhill. She decorated her hair with a red ribbon and among women dressed in white, was the only one that could boast such a bright decoration. In her face, she was still laughing something for children. And today, despite her bright femininity, her cheeks sometimes brought to the idea of twelve-year-old girlShining eyes - about nine-year-old, and the bending of the mouth is about the five-year-old crumb.
About the color of her face can be guessing on a dark chestnut strand of hair, knocked out of - under the cap ... Her face - the oval face of a beautiful young woman, deep dark eyes and long heavy braids, which are clinging imploring everything that will touch.

13. Helene Kuragin (Bezuhova) ("War and Peace", L. Tolstoy)

Helene Kuragin (Bezukhova) - Outward Ideal women's beauty, Natasha Rostova Antipode.In spite of external beautyAll defects characteristic of helen are concentrated in secular society: arrogance, flattery, vanity.

12. Rebecca Sharpe ("Vanity Fair" William Teckerei)

"Rebecca was small, fragile, pale, with reddish hair; her green eyes were usually omitted by a dolt, but when she raised them, they seemed unusually large, mysterious and mounted ...".

11. Maggie Clery ("Colin McCalow singing"

Maggie's hair, like a true clearing, was burning exactly a lighthouse: all children in the family, except for Frank, got it punishment of all red-haired whirlies, only different shades.Maggie eyes were like "melted pearls", silver-gray.Maggie Cleary had ... Hair of this color, which not to convey words - not copper - red, and not gold, some rack alloy of the other ... Silver - gray eyes, amazingly clean, shining, exactly miserable pearls.... Maggie's gray eyes ... cast all the shades of blue, and violet, and thick blue, the color of the sky in a clear sunny day, the velvet greenery of MCH and even almost markedly - dark yellow. And they gently shine, precisely matte precious stones, in the frame of long curved eyelashes, such brilliant, as if they were washed with gold.

10. Tatyana Larina ("Eugene Onegin", A.S. Pushkin)

The heroine from the first acquaintance captivates the reader with his mental beauty, lack of pretense.

So, she was called Tatiana.

Neither the beauty of his sister
Neither the freshness of her ruddy
She did not attract any eyes.
Dick, sad, silent,
Like lan forest fearless
She in the family of his native
He seemed to be a girl alone.

9. Lara ("Dr. Zhivago", Boris Pasternak)

She was a little more than sixteen, but she was a fully established girl. She was given to eighteen years and more. She had a clear mind and a light character. She was very good.She moved silently and smoothly, and all in it is imperceptible speed of movements, height, voice, gray eyes and blonde hair color was under one friend.

8. Christina Dae ("Phantom Opera", Gaston Lero)

Christina Dae had blue eyes and gold curls.

7. Esmeralda ("Cathedral Parisian Mother of God.", Victor Hugo)

Esmeralda is a beautiful young girl who makes money by dancing and a performance with a jalley trained goat.She is the embodiment of chastity and naivety, not at all similar to the rest.Even the fact that she has to make money dancing, does not corrupt her. She has a good heart.

"She was low in growth, but it seemed high - so built her thin camp. She was smoothed, but it was not difficultguess that in the afternoon of her skin, a wonderful golden shade appeared, inherent in Andaluscs and Romans. Smallthe leg was also a leg of Andalus, "she went so easily in her narrow elegant shoe. The girl danced, flushed,spinning on the old Persian carpet to her casually abandoned her legs, and whenever her shining facearmed in front of you, the look of her big black eyes blinded you like lightning. The crowds of the crowd were chained to her,all mouths are empty. She danced under the roking of the tambourine, which her rounded virgin hands were highly contributed overhead. Thin, fragile, naked shoulders and occasionally flashed from under the skirt with slender legs,black-haired, fast, like wasp, in a golden, tightly fledher waist of the corsight, in the motley swollen dress, shying eyes, she seemed to be a truly unearthly ... "

6. Mercedes ("Count Monte Cristo", A. Duma)

"Beautiful young girl, with black, like Smin, hair, with velvet, like Gazelle, eyes ...".

5. Carmen (Carmen, Prospere Merim)

In her hair she was big bouquet jasmine. She was dressed, it was just, perhaps, even poorly, in all black ... dropped on the shoulders of the Mantile, which covered her head, I saw that she was low in growth, young, well folded and that her huge eyes ... her skin, though , impeccably smooth, closely resembled copper. Her eyes were diagonally, but wonderfully cut; Lips are a bit complete, but beautifully outlined, they visited their teeth, whiter purified almonds. Her hair can be a bit rough, were black, with blue, like voronovo wing, with a tump, long and shiny ... There was a very short red skirt on it, allowing you to see white silk stockings and pretty shoes of red safyan tied with fiery ribbons.

4. Irene Forsyt ("Saga about Forsytes", John Golsuorsi)

The gods gave Irene dark brown eyes and golden hair - a kind of combination of shades that attracts men's eyes and, as they say, testifies to the weakness of character. And even, soft white neck and shoulders framed by a golden dress, gave her some extraordinary charm.Zolotovo, dark-eyed Iren looks like a pagan goddess, it is performed by charm, is distinguished by the sophistication of taste and manner.

3. Scarlett O "Hara (" Gone by Wind "Margarett Mitchell)

Scarlett O "Harana was a beauty, but the men were unlikely to give themselves a report in this, if they, like the twins of Tarltonam, became victims of her spell. Very bizarrely combined in her face the sophisticated traits of the mother - local aristocrats french origin - And large, expressive features of the father - the healthy health of the Irish. Swirling, with an accurate chin face Scarlett involuntarily faced his eyes. Especially the eyes are slightly diagonal, light green, transparent, in the rim of dark eyelashes. On white, like petal of magnolia, forehead - ah, this white leather, which is so proud of the women of the American south, carefully guarding it with hats, veluts and mitnesses from the hot sun of Georgia! - Two immaculately clear lines of eyebrows rapidly took off the spray up - from the bridges to the temples. "Hergreen Eyes - Restless, Bright (about how many in them there was a way and fire!) - The manner entered into a dispute with the courteous generous essence of this nature ...

2. Feride ( "Queen of the bird's bird", the decisions of Nuri Gyntain)

The legendary Turkish actress Aidan Shener (biography, photo) starred in the role of Feride

Feride was low in growth, but with early forming figure. In his youth, her funny, carefree eyes ...

Light - blue ... It seemed, consisted of gold dust, dacked in transparent light.When these eyes are not laughing, they seem big and deep as living suffering. But it is worthwhile to appear laugh,they decrease, light ceases to fit into them, it seems that small diamonds are scattered on the cheeks.What beautiful, what are thin features of the face! In the pictures, such persons touch tears. Even in its shortcomings ...Saying some kind of charm ... Eyebrow ... Begin beautiful - beautiful, finely thin, but then climb from the way ...Curved arrows stretched to the most temples. The upper lip was a little short and slightly exposed a number of teeth.Therefore, it seemed that Feride was always a little - a little smiled. ... the creature is young, fresh, as april rose,the dew droplets are covered with a face clear as morning light.

1. Angelica ("Angelica", Ann and Serge Golon)

The role of Angelica starred French actress Michel Mercier (biography, photo)

A series of artistic literary works tells about Angelica, a fictional beauty adventurerist of the XVII century. In the novel, the emphasis is placed on its golden hair and unusually fascinating eyes of a green color.Angelica Muda, an adventure, impressionable, always strives for love and happiness.

In my humble opinion, of course \u003d)

10. Tess Darbefield

The main heroine of Romana english writer Thomas Gardi "Tess from the genus d" Erbervlya ". The peasant girl who stand out against the background of her friends with beauty, mind, sensitivity and kind heart.

"It was a beautiful girl, perhaps, no more beautiful than some other, but moving scarlet mouth and big innocent eyes emphasized her downhill. The hair she decorated with a red ribbon and among women dressed in white, was the only one that could boast so bright Decoration.
In her face, she was still laughing something for children. And today, despite her bright femininity, her cheeks sometimes suggested the thought of a twelve-year-old girl, shining eyes - about nine-year-old, and the bending of the mouth is about the five-year-old crumb. "

This is the image of TESS from movies.

9. Rose Del Valle

Roman Character Isabel Allende "House of Spirits", Sister of the Main Heroine Clara. The first beauty of magical realism.

"Her striking beauty caused confusion even in the mother; It seemed that it was created from some other material other than human nature. Niveya knew that the girl did not belong to this world, even before Rosa was born, because she saw her in her dreams. Therefore, she did not surprise the opening of the midwife when she looked around the girl. Rose was white, smooth, without wrinkles, like a porcelain doll, with green hair and yellow eyes. The most beautiful being, ever born on Earth since the times of original sin, as an obstetric exclaimed, hiding. At the first ablution, the Nyanyushka slipped the girl's hair with Nasty Manzanili, who had a property to soften the color of the hair, giving them a shade of old bronze, and then began to endure her in the sun to harden the transparent skin. These tricks turned out to be in vain: very soon there was a rumor that an angel was born in the family Del Valle. Niveya was waiting for, while the girl would grow, any imperfections will open, but nothing like this happened. By eighteen years, Rosa did not drink, acne did not spoke on the face, and her grace, given not otherwise as a marine element, became more beautiful. The color of her skin with a light bluish tint, the color of the hair, the slowness of movements, silence was given a resident of the water in it. Something she resembled fish, and whether she had a scaly tail instead of the legs, she would obviously become siren. "

8. Juliet Capulety

Do not talk, from where ?;))) On this heroine, we look at Romeo in love with her, and this is a wonderful feeling ...

"She eclipsed the torches rays,
Shines her beauty in the night,
As in the already Moored pearls incomparable
The rarest gift for the world is too valuable.
And I loved? .. No, repel your eyes
I have not seen a beauty so far. "

7. Margarita

Bulgakovskaya Margarita.

"On the thirty-year-old marry of the mirror looked from nature. Curly black-haired woman, twenty years old, unrestrained, rocking teeth. "

"His beloved was named Margarito Nikolaevna. Everything that the master spoke about her, was the truth. He described his beloved right. She was beautiful and smart. To this, you need to add one more thing - you can say with confidence that many women are whatever , I would give to exchange your life on the life of Margarita Nikolaevna. The childless thirty-year-old Margarita was a very large specialist in the same way the most important discovery State value. "

6. Tatyana Larina

What about without it? Smart, beautiful, modest, feminine ... \u003d)) Everything is in it.

"So, she called Tatiana.
Neither the beauty of his sister,
Neither the freshness of her ruddy
She did not attract any eyes.
Dick, sad, silent,
Like lan forest fearless
She in the family of his native
It seemed like a small girl. "

5. Esmeralda

Gypsy from Roman Hugo, which still captivates our hearts with their beauty and dancing.

"She was low in growth, but it seemed high - so built her thin camp. She was smoothed, but it was not difficult to guess that in the afternoon her skin appeared a wonderful golden shade inherent in Andaluscs and Romans. The little leg was also a leg of Andalus, "she went so easily in her narrow elegant shoe. The girl danced, flushed, spinning at her casually thrown under her legs with the old Persian carpet, and whenever her shining face arose in front of you, her view of her big black eyes blinded you like a zipper. The faces of the crowd were chained to her, all the mouths are crushed. She danced under the roking of the tambourine, which her rounded virgin hands were highly ended over her head. Thin, fragile, with naked shoulders and occasionally flashed from under the skirt with slender legs, black-haired, fast, as an Osa, in a goldist, tightly embarrassed her waist in the pastry, in a motley swollen dress, shining eyes, she seemed to be a truly unearthly ... "

4. Assol

I do not even know, maybe she was not beautiful, but for me Assol is a living embodiment of a dream. Isn't the dream of a dream?

"Behind the nut frame in a light emptiness of the reflected room was a thin low girl, dressed in a cheap white Muslin with pink flowers. On her shoulders lay a gray silk brazer. Sea-Pestician, in a bright tan, the face was moving and expressive; beautiful, somewhat serious for her age. The eyes looked with a timid focusing of deep shower. Her wrong face could touched with a fine cleanliness of the outlines; each bend, each bulge of this person, of course, would find a place in a lot of female appears, but their totality, style - was completely original, - Mil ; On this we will dwell. The rest is beyond the words, except for the word "charm". "

3. Scarlett O "Hara

In every woman there is something from Scarlett. But as the heroe of the literary work, it is unique. Such strong female image Could not repeat yet anyone.

"Scarlett O'Hara was not a beauty, but the men were unlikely to give themselves a report in this if they, like the twins of Tarltons, became victims of her Char. Very bizarre was combined in her face the sophisticated traits of the mother - the local aristocrat of French origin - and large, expressive features of the father - the breathtaking Irish healthy. Swirling, with an accurate chin face Scarlett involuntarily faced his eyes. Especially the eyes are slightly diagonal, light green, transparent, in the rim of dark eyelashes. On white, like petal of magnolia, forehead - ah, this white leather, which is so proud of the women of the American south, carefully guarding it with hats, veluts and mitnesses from the hot sun of Georgia! - Two immaculately clear lines of eyebrows rapidly sealed up - from the bridges to the temples. ".

2. Armen.

For me, Arwen is the embodiment of magical beauty. It combines all the best of people and magical creatures. She is harmony itself and light.

"Opposite Elrond, in a chair near the Baldakhin, sat beautiful, like a fairy, guest, but in the features of her face, feminine and gentle, repeated or, rather, a man-minded appearance of the owner of the house, and looked attentive, Frodo understood that she was not a guest , and Elrond's relative. Was she young? And yes, and not. Moraza seeds did not silver her hair, and her face had a juniorly fresh, as if she had just washed with dewy, and her light gray eyes were blued with a clean brilliance of predawn stars. , but they were trampled by the mature wisdom, which only life experience gives, only the experience of years lived on earth. In her low silver diadem, round pearls glowed softly, and on the side of gray, without decorations, the dresses stretched a slightly noticeable garland of leaf-embroidered silver leaves Thread. It was the daughter of Elrond, Arven, which was seen a few mortals - in her, as People's Molva said, the beauty of Luchieni returned to Earth, and the elves gave her the name Andomel; for them she was an evening star. "\\Sienna Gillory as Elena.


They are real heroes. Not just characters of books, namely the heroes: they fight evil. And even if they do not defeat, they are embodied by the ideas of the era about what is good and what is bad. The views on justice and good, the enemies take new bleits, but, despite all the conventions and the impermanence of the rules of the game, even our ironic era appear books about those who fight with injustice. Of course, yesterday's characters may look comical today. But the same thing can happen tomorrow and with the heroes of our time.

1. Ilya Muromets

The epics about Ilya Muromster

Heroilee Muromets, son of Ivan Timofeevich and Efrosiny Yakovlevna, the peasants of the village of Karachair, under Murom. The most popular character of the epics, the second in force (after the Siberian Federal District), the Russian Bogatyr and the first domestic superman.

Sometimes S. eliminous Ilya The real man is identified by the real man, the Rev. Elijah Pechersky on nicknamed Chobotok, buried in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and canonized in 1643.

Years of creation. XII-XVI century

What is the essence. Until 33 years old Ilya lay, broken by paralysis, on the furnace in parental Houseuntil it was miraculously healed by wanderers ("Kalikov overlooking"). Having gained strength, he has equipped his father's economy and went to Kiev, along the way, taking captain of the terrorizing neighborhood of the nightingale-robber. In Kiev, Ilya Muromets joined the squad of Prince Vladimir and found the hero of the Siberiana, who handed him a sword-Clapiest and mystical " real force" In this episode, he demonstrated not only physical power, but also high moral qualities, without responding to the flirting of the wife's wife. Later, Ilya Muromets broke "the greatness of the Great" under Chernigov, dismissed the direct road from Chernigov to Kiev, inspected the roads from Alatyr-stone, tested the young hero of Dobryna Nikitich, saved the hero of Mikhail Pota from captivity in the Saratiqing kingdom, won idolis, together with his buddy won To Tsargrad, one broke the Calina-king's army.

Ilya Muromstsu was not alien and simple human joy: In one of the episodes of the episodes, he walks through Kiev with the "Glands of Kabataki", and his sibling Sokolnik was born out of marriage, which later leads to a fight between his father and son.

What looks like. Superman. The epics describe Ilya Muromets as "Delivent Dorodic Good Well done," he fights the Palcers "in Ninety Pood" (1440 kilograms)!

For what fights. Ilya Muromets and his squad extremely clearly formulate the purpose of his service:

"... stand up one for faith for the Fatherland,

... stand up one for Kiev-hail,

... stand up one behind the church for the cathedral,

... Be careful by the prince yes Vladimir. "

But Ilya Muromets is not only a historicist - he is at the same time one of the most democratic wrestlers with evil, as it is always ready to fight "for widows, for orphans, for poor people."

Way of struggle. Duel with an enemy or battle with superior enemy forces.

What result. Despite the difficulties caused by the numerical advantage of the enemy or dismissive attitude of Prince Vladimir and Boyar, invariably wins.

Against what fights. Against the internal and external enemies of Russia and their allies, violators of law and order, illegal migrants, invaders and aggressors.

2. Protopop avvakum

"The Life of the Avvakum Protopopa"

Hero. The Avvakum Protopop did the way from the rural priest to the leader of the resistance of the church reform of Patriarch Nikon and became one of the leaders of the Old Believers, or Raskolnikov. Avvakum - First religious figure Such a scale not only affected by his beliefs, but also described it.

Years of creation. Approximately 1672-1675.

What is the essence. The native of the Volga region, Avvakum from his youth was distinguished by both piety and a violent temper. Having moved to Moscow, took an active part in church-educational activities, was close to the king Alexey Mikhailovich, but sharply opposed church reforms, which was carried out by Patriarch Nikon. With an inherent temperament, Avvakum led a fierce struggle against Nikon, speaking for the old order of church rite. Avvakum, not at all embarrassed in expressions, led public and journalistic activities, for which he repeatedly went to prison, was cursed and deprived of Sana, referred to Tobolsk, Transbaikalia, mezzan and empty. From the spot of the last link continued to write appeals, for which it was sharpened in the "Earth pit." Had many followers. Church hierarchs tried to persuade Avvakum to abandon the "delusions", but he remained adamant and eventually burned.

What looks like. One can only guess: Avvakum did not describe themselves. Maybe, as the priest looks like on the painting of Surikov "Boyaryn Morozova" - Theodosius of Prokopyevna Morozova was the faithful convergence of Avvakum.

For what fights. For purity orthodox faith, for the preservation of tradition.

Way of struggle. Word and business. Avvakum wrote inductal pamphlets, but he could pursue the screamers to break into the village and break their musical instruments. Considered self-immolation of the form of possible resistance.

What result. The passionate preaching of Avvakum against the church reform did the resistance to it by mass, but he himself was executed in 1682 in 1782 in 1782.

Against what fights. Against the desecration of Orthodoxy "heretical novelives", against all of someone else, "external wisdom", that is scientific knowledge, Against entertainment. Suspects the speedy coming of the antichrist and the welling of the devil.

3. Taras Bulba

"Taras Bulba"

Hero. "Taras was one of the number of indigenous, old colonels: it was all created for a blooming alarm and was distinguished by a rough straight line. Then the influence of Poland began to appear on the Russian nobility. Many admiralized Polish customs, started luxury, magnificent servants, falcons, cutechs, lunches, yards. Taras was not a heart. He loved simple life Kozakov and rebuilded with those from their comrades who were inclined to the Warsaw side, calling them by the Hops of Polish Panov. Always restless, he considered himself a legitimate defender of Orthodoxy. Self-important was part of the village, where they complained about the oppression of tenants and for the increase of new duties with smoke. Himself with his Kozakov made a reprisal over them and put himself a rule that in three cases should always be for a saber, it was: when the commissioners did not respect in what the elders and stood before them in the caps, when they were undelivered over Orthodoxy and did not honor the alert law and, Finally, when the enemies were beursmans and Turks, against whom he considered in any case, permissive to raise the weapon into the glory of Christianity. "

Year of creation. The story was first printed in 1835 in the collection "Mirgorod". The editorial office of 1842, in which, in fact, we all read the Taras Bulbu, differs significantly from the initial option.

What is the essence. Little Kozak Taras Bulba is fighting for the liberation of Ukraine from the oppressors. He, Nice Ataman, is unbearable the idea that native children, flesh from flesh, may not follow his example. Therefore, Andria Taras, who has changed the sacred cause of the son of Andria, kills without thinking. When another son, Ostap, is captured, our hero is specially penetrated into the heart of the enemy mill - but not to try to save the Son. The only goal is to make sure that the Ostap under torture did not show a bit mass and did not reject high ideals. Taras himself dies like Jeanne d'Ark, pre-giving the Russian culture an immortal phrase: "There are no ultrasound holy partnership!"

What looks like. Extremely heavy and thick (20 pounds, in terms of 320 kg), the eyes of gloomy, exhausted white eyebrows, mustache and chub.

For what fights. For liberation Zaporizhia SewFor nochness.

Way of struggle. Military actions.

What result. With deplorable. All died.

Against what fights. Against Lyakhov-oppressors, ingenic Yarma, police despotism, Starlavetian landowners and court satraades.

4. Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov

"Song of the king Ivan Vasilyevich, young scramble and remote merchant Kalashnikov"

Hero. Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov, merchant sucks. Silks are selling - with varying success. Muscovite. Orthodox. Has two junior Brothers. He is married to Beauty Alain Dmitrievna, because of which the whole story came out.

Year of creation. 1838

What is the essence. Lermontov was not fond of the theme of Russian hero. He wrote romantic poems about the nobles, officers, Chechens and Jews. But he was one of the first to find out that the XIX century is rich, except that the heroes of his time, but the heroes at all times should be sought in the deep past. There, in Moscow, Ivan Grozny, I was found (or rather, invented) the bogatyr with the names of the name of Kalashnikov. A young Ochrichnik Kiribayevich falls in love with his wife and attacks her at night, persuading surrender. The next day, an offended husband raises an ryrichnik on a fist fight and kills him with one blow. For the murder of a beloved Ochrichnik and for the fact that Kalashnikov refuses to call the reason for his act, Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich tells the execution of a young merchant, but does not leave the grace and care of his widow and children. Such is the royal justice.

What looks like.

"The eyes of his falcony are burning,

On the scrambler looks intently.

Against him he becomes

Combat mittens pulls

Mighty shoulders straightens. "

For what fights. For honor of his woman and family. Kiribyevich's attack on Alain Dmitrievna saw neighbors, and now she can not seem like honest people. Although, going to battle with the Ochrichnik, Kalashnikov solemnly declares that he fights "for the Holy Trouble-Mother." But the heroes sometimes distort.

Way of struggle. Cutting Fight S. fatal outcome. In fact, murder in broad daylight in front of thousands of witnesses.

What result.

"And penalized Stepan Kalashnikov

Death with luteu, shameful;

And badge inflated

In the blood rolled in the blood. "

But but Kiribyevich buried.

Against what fights. Evil in the poem personifies the scramction with foreign patronymic Kiribayevich, and also a relative of Malutes Skuratov, that is, the enemy in the square. Kalashnikov calls his "Basurman's Son", hinting in the absence of a Moscow registration from his enemy. Yes, and the first (he is the last) blow, this face of Eastern Nationality causes the merchant, but in orthodox cross With my relics from Kiev, what hangs on the youth breast. Alena, Dmitrievna, he says: "I'm not a thief of what, the ruin of the forest, / I was a king's servant, the king of Grozny ..." - that is, hides the highest grace. So that heroic deed Kalashnikova is nothing but a deliberate murder on the basis of national retail. Lermontov, who he himself participated in the Caucasian campaigns and wrote a lot about wars with Chechens, the topic of "Moscow for Muscovites" was close in her antibasurman.

5. Danko "Old Man Izergil"

Hero Danko. Biography unknown.

"We lived in the light of the old people, impassable forests They surrounded from the three sides the tabor of these people, and from the fourth was the steppe. There were funny, strong and bold people ... Danko - one of those people ... "

Year of creation. Novella "old woman Izergil" was first printed in the Samara Gazeta in 1895.

What is the essence. Danko is the fruit of the irrepressible fantasy of the oldest Izeregil, whose name is Namella Gorky. Sultious Bessarabian old woman with rich past tells beautiful legend: In the days, he had a redistribution of property - there were disassembly between two tribes. Without wishing to remain in the occupied territory, one of the tribes went to the forest, but there the people had a mass depression, because "nothing work, no woman exacerbate the bodies and souls of people in the way the dwarf dooms are exhausted." At the critical moment, Danko did not allow his people to go to the conquerors to the conquerors, and instead he proposed to follow him - in an unknown direction.

What looks like. "Danko ... Young handsome man. Beautiful - always bold. "

For what fights. Look to know. In order to get out of the forest and thereby ensure their people freedom. Where guarantees that freedom is where the forest will end, it is not clear.

Way of struggle. An unpleasant physiological operation indicating the masotic warehouse of the personality. Self-depletion.

What result. With dual. From the forest got out, but immediately died. A sophisticated mockery over his own body is not passed. Thanks for your feat did not get a hero: his own self-torn out of his chest, the heart was trampled by a heartless heel.

Against what fights. Against collaboration, conciliatory conciliation and low conquerness.

6. Colonel Isaev (Stirlitz)

Corps of texts, from "diamonds for the dictatorship of the proletariat" to the "bomb for the chair", the most important from the novels - "Seventeen Moments of Spring"

Hero. Vsevolod Vladimirovich Vladimirov, he is Maksim Maksimovich Isaev, he is Max Otto von Stirlitz, he is Estilic, Brune, Brunn. An employee of the press service of the Kolchak's government, a cheeky underground, intelligence officer, a professor of history, exposing the conspiracy of the followers of Nazism.

Years of creation. The novels about Colonel Isaev were created for 24 years - from 1965 to 1989.

What is the essence. In 1921, Chekist Vladimirov frees Far East From the remains of a white army. In 1927 it decides to send it to Europe - it is then that the legend is born about the German aristocrat Max Otto von Stirlice. In 1944, he saves Krakow from the destruction, helping the group of Major Vortex. At the very end of the war, he was committed to the most important mission - disrupting German separatic negotiations with the West. In Berlin, the hero pecks his hard thing, passing the Radine Kat, the end of the war is already close, and the Third Reich collapses for the song Marika Rekk "Seventeen Moments of April". In 1945, Stirlitz was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

What looks like. From the party characteristics of the NSDAP member since 1933, the Stirlitsa, SS Standardfürera (VI Department of the RSH): "True Aryan. Character is nordic, weathered. He supports good relationships with comrades. Imcorrusive performs official debt. Ruthless to the enemies of Reich. Excellent athlete: Berlin champion in tennis. Single In the links that flashes it, was not seen. Marked by the awards of the Fuhrer and thanks to the Richsführera SS ... "

For what fights. For the victory of communism. It is unpleasant to admit to this, but in some situations - for the homeland, for Stalin.

Way of struggle. Intelligence and espionage, places deductive method, seducker, skill-disguise.

What result. On the one hand, he saves everyone who needs it, and successfully leads subversive activities; Receives regularly speaking agent networks and defeats the chief enemy - Chief Gestapo Muller. However, the Soviet country, for the honor and victory of which he fights, thanks his hero in his own way: in 1947, he had just arrived in the Soviet ship, they were arrested, and by order of Stalin, he was shot by his wife and son. Stirlitz comes out of prison only after the death of Beria.

Against what fights. Against white, Spanish fascists, German Nazis and all enemies of the USSR.

7. Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev "Look in the eyes of monsters"

Hero Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev, poet symbolist, Superman, Conquistador, Member of the Order of the Fifth Rome, Soviet History and Fearless Dragon Shrouder.

Year of creation. 1997

What is the essence. Nikolai Gumilev was not shot in 1921 in the dungeons of the CC. From the shooting, he was saved by Yakov Wilhelmovich (or James William Bruce), a representative secret Order The fifth Rome created in the XIII century. Having gained the gift of immortality and power, Gumilev steps on the history of the 20th century, generously leaving its traces in it. Marilyn Monroe stacked in the bed of Kura Agate Christie, gives the valuable advice to Jan Fleming, asked the nature of the character with Mayakovsky and, throwing his clad corpse in Lubyansky passage, running, providing militia and literary critic to the version of suicide. Takes part in the congress of writers and sit on the xerion - a magical dope based on dragon blood, which gives members of the Order of immortality. Nothing - problems begin later when evil dragon forces begin to threaten not only the world at all, but the Gumileev family: the wife is Annushka and the son of the steppe.

For what fights. First for good and beauty, then he becomes no longer high ideas - He just saves his wife and son.

Way of struggle. Gumilev participates in the unthinkable number of battles and battles, owns receptions of hand-to-hand combat and all kinds firearms. True, to achieve a special agility of hands, fearlessness, omniplication, invulnerability, and even immortality he has to be thrown by Kserion.

What result. No one knows. The novel "Look in the eyes of monsters" breaks up, and without giving a response to this burning question. All the continuations of the novel (and the "hyperborean plague", and the "march of ecclesiasts"), firstly, where to a lesser extent recognized as fans of Lazarchuk - Assumption, and secondly, and this is the most important, also do not offer the reader of the attendant.

Against what fights. Having learned about the real causes of disasters who fell on the world in the 20th century, he struggles primarily with these misfortunes. In other words, with the civilization of evil lizards.

8. Vasily Terkin

"Vasily Terkin"

Hero. Vasily Terkin, ordinary stock, infantryman. Come from under Smolensk. Single, children are not. He has a reward on the totality of exploits.

Years of creation. 1941–1945

What is the essence. Contrary to popular belief, the need for such a hero appeared before the Great Patriotic War. The Tvardovsky came up with Terkina during the Finnish campaign, where he, together with pulls, mushkina, protircanic and other characteristics of newspaper felloons, fought with Belofinnes for their homeland. So in 1941, Terkin entered an experienced fighter. By 1943, Tvardovsky from his unspexed hero was tired and wanted to send him a resignant on the injury, but the letters of readers returned Terkina to the front, where he spent two years, was contused and hit the surroundings three times, retavated large and small heights, led Fights in the swamps, dismissed the village, took Berlin and even spoke with death. His rustic, but sparkling wit invariably saved him from enemies and censors, but here it did not attract the girls strongly. Tvardovsky even turned to readers with a call to love his hero - just like that, from the heart. Nevertheless do not possess soviet heroes Snorzka James Bond.

What looks like.Beauty was endowed not he was excellent, not high, not so much, but the hero is a hero.

For what fights. For the case of the world for life on Earth, that is, the task of him, like any soldier-liberator, global. Terkin himself is sure that fighting "for Russia, for the people / and for everything in the world," but sometimes it mentions and soviet power - How would not happen.

Way of struggle. In war, as you know, any means are good, so everything goes into the course: tank, automatic, knife, wooden spoon, fists, teeth, vodka, power of belief, joke, song, harmonica ...

With what result . Several times was in the hairs of death. It was supposed to get a medal, but because of the typos in the list, he did not find the hero.

But it was found to find imitators: by the end of the war, in almost every company, there was already his "terkin", and in some - and two.

Against what fights. First against the Finns, then against the fascists, sometimes against death. In fact, Terkin was called up to fight with depressive moods at the front, which was successful and did.

9. Anastasia Kamenskaya

A series of detectives about Anastasia Kamenskaya

Heroine. Nastya Kamenskaya, Major Mura, the best analyst of Petrokes, a brilliant operative, in Miss Marple's manner and Erkulya Poirot Increased grave crimes.

Years of creation.1992–2006

What is the essence. The work of the operative suggests difficult weekdays (the first testimony of this is the television series "Streets of broken lamps"). But Nastya Kamenskaya is difficult to wear around the city and catch bandits in dark alleys: she is lazy, weak the weak and most of all loves peace. Because of this, it periodically arises difficulties in relationships with leadership. Only the first her head and the teacher for the nicknamed Kolobok believed in its analytical abilities infinitely; Other things have to prove that it is best investigating bloody crimes sitting in the office, drinking coffee and analyzing, analyzing.

What looks like. High thin blonde, facial features inexpressive. Never uses cosmetics, clothes prefers a little, comfortable.

For what fights. Definitely not for a modest police salary: Knowing five foreign languages And having some connections, Nastya can leave with a palate at any moment, but does not do it. It comes out, fights for the triumph of law and order.

Way of struggle. First of all, analyst. But sometimes Nastya has to change their habits and independently go to the war path. In this case, acting abilities, the art of reincarnation and the female charm.

What result. Most often - with brilliant: criminals are exposed, caught, punished. But in rare cases, some of them manage to hide, and then Nastya does not sleep at night, smokes one cigarette after another, goes crazy and tries to reconcile with the injustice of life. However, so far prosperous finals are clearly more.

Against what fights. Against crime.

10. East Fandorin

Romanov series about Erast Fandorina

Hero. ERAST PETROVICH FANDORIN, nobleman, son of a small landlord, losing a family state in the card. He began his career in the rapid police in the rank of college registrar, managed to visit the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, serve in the diplomatic corps in Japan and cause Nicholas II. Rested to the Stat adviser and resigned. Private detective and consultant at various influential persons since 1892. Phenomenally lucky in everything, especially in gambling. Host. It has some children and other descendants.

Years of creation. 1998–2006

What is the essence. The turn of the XX-XXI centuries was again the epoch, which is looking for heroes in the past. Akunin found his defender of weak and oppressed in gallant XIX centuryBut in the professional sphere that is becoming particularly popular now - in the special services. Of all the styling undertakings of Akunin, Fandorin is the most charming and therefore lively. His biography begins in 1856, the action of the last novel dates back to 1905th, and the end of the story is not yet written, so that Petrovich's Erast can always be waiting for new achievements. Although Akunin, as before Tvardovsky, since 2000, everything breaks down to donate with their hero and write about it last Roman. "Coronation" wears the subtitle "The Last of Romanov"; Written after her "Death Lover" and "Lover of Death" were published as a bonus, but then it became clear that the readers of Fandorin would not let go. Needed, the people need an elegant detective, knowing languages And enjoying frantic success in women. Not yet "cops", in fact!

What looks like. "It was a very milled young man, with black hair (which he was secretly proud) and blue (alas, it would be better too black) eyes, pretty high height, with white leather and damned, indestructible blush on the cheeks. " After the experience of misfortune, his appearance acquires the intriguing ladies the part is gray whiskey.

For what fights. For an enlightened monarchy, order and legality. Fandorin dreams O. new Russia - improved to the Japanese manner, with firmly and intelligently established laws and their scrupulous execution. About Russia, who has not passed through the Russian-Japanese and first world War, revolution and civil war. That is, Russia, which could be if we had enough good luck and common sense to build it.

Way of struggle. The combination of the deductive method, methods of meditation and Japanese martial arts with almost mystical successfulness. By the way, a female love has to and, which Fandorin enjoys in every sense.

What result. As we know, that Russia, which Fandorin dreams of, did not happen. So globally, he suffers a crushing defeat. Yes, and in small things, too: those whom he is trying to save, most often dying, and the criminals do not fall behind the bars (die, or bother off from the court, or simply disappear). However, Fandorine himself invariably remains alive, as well as hope for the final celebration of justice.

Against what fights. Against the unenmended monarchy, revolutionaries-bombers, nihilists and socio-political chaos, which in Russia can come at any time. In the course of the case, he has to fight with bureaucracy, corruption in the highest echelons of power, fools, roads and ordinary criminals.

Illustrations: Maria Sosnina

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Heroes famous books And the films we sometimes perceive as good acquaintances, but still remember that these characters fictional. And the more interesting to know that the writers on their creation inspired real people. They have the authors borrowed appearance, habits and even favorite words.

Editorial website Collected prototypes famous heroes Films and books are just incredible that they really lived.

"Scattered" Marshak -
Academician Ivan Heads

It turns out that the "man scattered from the street of the pool" from the poem Samuel Marshak existed in fact! They were the famous Chudak, Academician Ivan Heel, who was famous for its impracticality and scattered. For example, instead of the words "Chemistry and Physics", the professor often spoke to students "Chemist and physiya". And instead of the phrase "the flask burst, and a piece of glass got into the eyes." He could have turned out: "The lopa scum, and a piece of eyes got into the glass." The expression "Mendelshutkin" meant "Mendeleev and Menshutkin", and the usual words of Ivan Alekseevich were "not at all" and "I, that is, not me."

The professor read the poem, and once he recalled Brother Marshak, writer Ilyin, shook his finger: "Your brother, of course, methyl in me!" In the draft Marshak there is such an option of the beginning of the poem, in which the hero was directly named after the name and surname of the prototype:

In Leningrad lives
Ivan heel.
He calls himself
Ivanov heel.

Sources: Miron Petrovsky "Books of our childhood », « Moscow's comsomolets »

Dr. House - Dr. Thomas Bolt

Dr. Thomas Bolt, whom the "real house" was called, is also distinguished by eccentricity. Here he is rushing to the patient, circling cork on the rollers.

The creators of the series about Dr. House are interested in the history of Tomas's doctor Bolt from New York, who cured the owner of the gallery, 40 years old suffering from migraine. The man walked around several dozen doctors who were pucked by his bunch of medicines from headaches. And Thomas Bolt clinched for the fact that the patient did not tolerate egg yolk. He once again carefully studied the tests and realized that the patient had been suffering from poisoning with heavy metals for 40 years. After treatment, a man forgot what migraine is. And this is not a single case - talent and erudition allow the cake to be taken for the most difficult cases. He is even called a "medical detective."

Howe's creators were inspired by cases of cruise practices and several eccentric behavior. He himself from the series is not delighted: "Yes, there is some similarity between us, but I don't like the film. I am categorically opposed to go on heads like a house to make a diagnosis. " But by the way, after that, the doctor's career had gone to the mountain, and now he is the official doctor of the MTV office.

Sources: HistoryTime., REALDOCTORHOUSE.

Dorian Gray - Poet John Gray

The English poet John Gray, with whom Oscar Wilde met in the late 1980s of the XIX century, became the prototype of Dorian Gray. The sophisticated decadent poet, intelligent, beautiful and ambitious, he inspired the writer the image of the forever young and beautiful Dorian Gray. After exit the famous novel Many began to call John Gray by the name of the hero, and the poet himself signed at least one of his letters Wilde Dorian. It's amazing that after 30 years, John Gray refused bohemian life, became a Catholic priest and even received a parish.

Sources: The Man Who Was Dorian Gray, « Wikipedia "

Sherlock Holmes - Professor Joseph Bell

Sherlock Holmes has a lot in common with Professor of Edinburgh University Joseph Bella, who has Conan Doyle He worked as an assistant in the hospital. The writer often recalled his teacher, spoke of his Orlin profile, an inquisitive mind and amazing intuition. Bell was high, dried, cutting in movements and smoked the tube.

He knew how to accurately determine the profession and character of his patients and always called for students to use the deduction. He invited to lecture unfamiliar people And asked students to say who they are and from where. Once he led to a man's audience in a hat, and when no one could answer Bella's questions, explained that since he forgot to remove his hat, then, most likely, in lately He served in the army. It is customary to stay in the headdress in order to give honor. And since he has signs of fever characteristic of West Indies, then arrived, apparently, this man from Barbados.

Sources: " School of Life ", « Historical truth »

James Bond - "King of Spies" Sydney Rake

On the prototype of James Bond, disputes are being conducted, and the image of this largely collective (former scout Yang Fleming gave the hero and his own traits). But many agree that the character is very similar to the "king of spies", the British intelligence and adventurer of Russian origin Sydney Railil.

Incredibly erudite, he owned seven languages, loved to play politics and manipulate people, adored women and twisted numerous novels. Raili did not fail any trusted operation and was known for what could find a way out from any position. He knew how to instantly reincarnate in a completely different person. By the way, he is great "Heritage" in Russia: in his all service list Even preparation for the attempt on Lenin.

Sources: " AIF ", Book Robin Bruce Lock Carta "Sydney Railil: Spy Legend of the XX century »

Peter Peng - Michael Davis

On the wonderful book About Peter Pan writer James Barry inspired the son of the friends of the writer, Silvia and Arthur Davis. He was familiar with Davis for a long time, was friends with all of their five sons, but it was four-year-old Michael (a brilliant boy, as they talked about him) became the prototype of Peter Pan. From him he wrote off character traits and even nightmares that tormented a frisky and brave, but sensitive child. By the way, the sculpture of Peter Pan in the Kensington Garden is Michael's face.

Christopher Robin - Christopher Robin Miln

Christopher Robin from the books about Winnie Poham Alan Milna is the son of a writer, who just called - Christopher Robin. As a child, the relationship with parents did not make up - the mother was engaged only by himself, his father - his work, he spent a lot of time with a nanny. Later he would write: "There were two things that overshadowed my life and from which I had to save: the glory of my father and the" Christopher Robin "." The child was very kind, nervous and shy. "The prototype is simultaneously Christopher Robin and Piglet," as psychologists will say later. The boy's favorite toy was Teddy's beater, whom the father gave him the first birthday. And the bear, as you already guessed, - this is best friend Robin Winnie Pooh.

Sources: BBC NEWS., Independent

"Wolf with Wall Street" - Broker Jordan Belfort

On the left - Jordan Belfort, and it is about his biographies that we learn from a successful Hollywood film. Life raised the stock broker to the top and dropped in the dirt. At first he plunged into beautiful lifeAnd later, almost 2 years he went to prison for fraud on the securities market. After the liberation of Belfort with ease, I found the use of my talents: he wrote 2 books about his life and began to conduct seminars as an orator-motivator. The main rules for success according to his version are: "Act with the limitless faith in yourself, and then people will believe you. Act as if you have already achieved tremendous success, and then you really achieve success! "

Sources: HistoryTime., well urnal "Spark"

Ostap Bender - Osip Shore

The fate of the proteotype of Bender is no less surprising than the history of the "Grand Combinator". Osip Shor was a man of many talents: he played football perfectly, perfectly understood in jurisprudence, for several years he worked in a criminal wanted list and visited the multiple stroke, from which he left with the help of artistry and inexhaustible fantasy in half with arrogance.

His big dream was to go to Brazil or Argentina, so Osip began to dress in a special way: he wore bright clothes, a white captain's cap and, of course, a scarf. Writers and branded phrases have borrowed, for example, "my dad is Turkish". It was the first scor's scam - to avoid calling to the army, he decided to give himself to the Turk and faked documents.

The preference of the Aventurist Osip was incommenssed: in 1918-1919 in Odessa, in order to extract the means of existence, he appeared to the artist, then a chess grandmaster, then a representative of the underground anti-Soviet organization, which was selling places in paradise. And once he asked Ilf and Petrov money - "For the image" (then admitted that this is a joke). About these events, tells Valentin Kataev in his book "Diamond Crown".

Sources: " Russian planet, « Wikipedia "