How to draw summer holidays. How to spend summer vacation with benefit? Vacation in Australia

How to draw summer holidays. How to spend summer vacation with benefit? Vacation in Australia
How to draw summer holidays. How to spend summer vacation with benefit? Vacation in Australia

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This summer was truly strange. I practically did not leave the house, I have long been did not see my friends and almost never for all summer He took the guitar. I was busy with a different business. It truly captured all my attention, I went with my head in my new hobby! I stopped sleeping at night, because the night, this is a short period of time when you are truly free and belong to yourself. Night is the time of magic. And I really worked the magic all summer. I drew pencil drawings!

When I began to draw in front of me, it was just an unlimited world of fantasy flight. The world in which I was and God and the king. In which I solved, who bloom, and who wage. Who can rule, and who will be subject to. This is my world that I myself invented and endured for paper every night. This is a world in which there are no standards, laws of physics, criminal code or morality items. This is the world which I want to see or the world in which I'm afraid to live. These are the people who once were the roads, but also those whom I hated all my life. Pictures are not just art. Pictures are a whole life. And a pencil is a magic tool that endures all my dreams and fantasies on paper. Giving them life and right to exist when some other thoughts disappear forever from my memory - what I paint forever remains with me.
I painted the whole summer. I discovered this new world for myself and after that I my old life seemed boring and meaningless. Call me fanatic? Psychic? Let it be. Everyone has his own path. You may have a pleasant to live in cells and hear every day in the box that you are free. And I am more pleasant to be a "psychic", which himself creates his own world, writes his story. Which itself decides what will be tomorrow. And unlike you, I am able to fix my world. After all, I need only an eraser for this. And you destroyed your world so much that nothing else saves him. And when you meet someone who does not live on the imposed rules, you just can't forgive him. You can't understand why he is not like everyone else? Why doesn't he go in one herd with you? And you start angry, because you yourself are not capable of. And I am capable. Because I am an artist. And my world has no boundaries. And your world is only one of them.
All summer I just did that I drew pencil drawings. That is how I spent my summer. And you know what I will tell you? It was the best summer of my life. Even despite the fact that this summer I got into a psychiatric hospital.

Started school time and on the agenda of the summer holiday of children in many three months. According to statistics, every second child stays at home for summer holidays. Each family decides in its own way than he will do while adults at work. Interestingly, how do parents in other countries cope with such a task?

Summer holidays in schools of different countries

Japanese vacation

In Japan, children learn a lot to get high-paying work in the future. Therefore, vacations of children Japanese moms consider how the ability to improve the situation on some school subject. Teachers for "Summer" give assignments that students are performed under alert supervision of strict moms. On vacation younger schoolchildren lead summer diaries, where they draw hieroglyphs, developing their ability to write and draw.

Vacation in Australia

On the largest island in the world, Australia, children are interested in vacation. Many sporting events in step accessibility, thematic festivals allow children to lead an active lifestyle.

Vacations for French children

In France, parents develop the spirit of rivalry from their children. Parents use any opportunity to pull up their children in some subject. Vacation, as a rule, turn into daily training on the learning of knowledge to get a high score on the exams.

Italian vacation

In the freedom-loving Italy, children from the mid years are involved to evaluate their own performance. Before adolescent age, Italian mothers indulge their children than raising. Holidays children spend, in a family circle.


American children vaccinate independence. They usually occupy themselves. Communication on the Internet and television broadcasts is widespread.


In Canada, focused in schools pay communication skills. In schools, students, teachers constantly shuffle. So in children, from the point of view of psychologists, the right relationship with the surrounding is formed. Children tend to travel in vacations as part of the groups of peers.

Summer holidays for children in Russia

In our country with its stands, attaching to friends, there are pros and cons. Laying deep relations with others on the one hand, form a mysterious "Russian soul" with its compassion for people, on the other hand, can draw in destructive relations with marginal layers of society. Therefore, vaccinated from excessive emotionality of our children can serve as various summer wellness programs that will allow the child to develop their individual abilities. Today, such programs are widely represented in the market for organizing a children's rest. From summer sites at schools before departures in the summer camps, both within the country and abroad. And there are in mind the specialized programs that not only organize holidays of children, but also help the child not to forget during the vacation period. For example, linguistic, sports or travel programs. Children, like adults, need a change in the situation, new positive impressions. What is only necessary to take care of parents in advance - this is to instill a self-service skills.

How I will spend the summer holidays, pictures for children

We all love summer - the time to rest, vacation, games, adventure and bathing. Personally, I just adore summer on the whole pile of the reasons, and therefore I suggest you draw this time of the year with me in a phased pencil.

So, what do you associate with summer? Personally, I have - with a clean sky, the sun, greens and a house in the village. Let's try to draw such a carefree landscape, which is perfect for illustration to your story about holidays and summer.

First we split our sheet of the line, indicating the horizon. Draw a simple pencil so that you can sometimes erase all the extra lines.

At the top of the sheet, we draw a sun and clouds. You can draw a cloud sky, and you can clean.

Add a couple of tree trunks.

Well, of course, what summer without juicy, bright foliage? Draw a lush trees crowns.

The general landscape is ready, now the time to draw a house away from the trees. By the way, in the following lessons, I want to show how to draw at home. So, draw the basis of the house of two rectangles.

Add a roof to rectangles. Do not forget to remove all the extra lines so that they do not distract you.

To add another element and pipe to the roof.

Dorisour doors and windows.

Summer is flowers, butterflies, bright blue sky and green grass. It is just such a picture today and draw. From this picture you can make a postcard.

Necessary materials:

  • White paper sheet;
  • Colored pencils of yellow, orange, red, pink, dark green, light green and blue colors. Pink color can be replaced with purple, then the real rainbow will turn out;
  • Thin marker of black color;
  • Simple pencil (preferably soft 3B);
  • Eraser.

First, make a simple pencil, where the flowers will be located. Lines should be very lightweight, barely noticeable. Flower shape fits in oval. Ovals Place in the bottom of the sheet, at different angles to the edges of paper and to each other.

At the top, remove the place for the butterfly, the light lines determine its size and flight direction.

If you connect the corners of the wings of any butterfly with lines, it turns out a trapezoid. Therefore, to draw a butterfly to start with this figure. By running it out of the contours, divide the trapezium of the line in the middle. From the corners to the center of the trapez, round the shape of the wings. Mark the torso and head.

Now draw flowers. In the middle of each outlined oval need to make oval smaller.

From these little ovals, carry out divergent lines separating petals.

Round the petals without disturbing the designated flower shape.

Light lines Mixate the location of several leaves. They must be located in different directions. First, run the middle line of the sheet, then from the tip two line corner. Draw the leaves, spinning lines.

The resulting contours of colors, leaves and butterflies gently circle the marker. Try the lines to be smooth.

Take a blue pencil. Paint the horizon line in the middle of the sheet, as well as the hills lines. Light strokes toned the sky. Start the tint from the top corners of the sheet to the horizon line, gradually relaxing the pressure.

From the line of the horizon is also very easy, loose strokes with a gradual weakening of pressure indicate the distance with the hills.

Yellow pencil paint the wings of the butterfly. It is necessary to do it with small strokes with uniform pressure. Do not press the pencil too much, it is better to pass a hatching several times at one site until you get the right tone.

Butterfly torso filter with orange color, and draw small parts with a marker: specks and black corners on the wings, eyes and mustaches.

Now it's time to do flowers. Yellow pencil hold the middle.

Then start tinting petals. To the toning look neatly, blaming and paint each petal separately. Strokes should be small, and push on a pencil uniform.

On our drawing is red, orange and pink flower. But you can come up with another combination.

The leaflets color thus: one half of the sheet is dark green, and the second - light green color.

Finish the drawing by working out the details of the marker. In the middle of the flower, apply multiple points, draw a streak on the leaves.

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