Who is Pezerin Zlodin or the suffering soul. Hero or villain, who to pay more attention

Who is Pezerin Zlodin or the suffering soul. Hero or villain, who to pay more attention

Hey! I know you waited for a very long time, when I finally begin to push the carts again about how the comics should be done ... well, how i find You need to make comics, correction;)

Well, of course, this day finally came, and judging by how everyone likes the article about creating an original character, I decided to continue this line, but I first answer the question, which usually defines myself, or rather - from what to dance when drawing up the plot: From the omnipotent hero or charismatic villain?

Yes, most of the stories and characters in them participating are born in the head just like that, Batz, and there is, but I watched one simple truth: before starting the comic - you should know how you finish it! This means that before demonstrating your "widen" would not hurt, would anyone be able to read it.

The difference between the reader and the author

Before starting the analysis and weigh all the arguments "for" and "against", I would like to raise a couple of conventions, which, probably, and so everyone knows, but the repetition is the mother of teachings and worse from it will only be bore.

We ( you yes i'm yes and we and you) First of all, the authors and from us will not hide any aspect of the story we come up, we must know it entirely from the first to last page. The reader is not the same, in most cases he sees only what the author demonstrates.

If the heroes and villains have long formed in your head, and you know exactly who will betray who will help who will win who is cool, who Lashar, who is bored - demonstrate to their reader it gradually.

Do not give him in the face of a stamped person who will shout with all his might "I'm asshole! I'm asshole! " or "I'm bored! I'm bored. " Do not state the fact of this with the mouth of the hero, better show the reaction of those surrounding on the assholes and the bore, that the reader would have time to digest information and get used to the typical behavior for the character, then the plot twist with a variable character will be much more powerful.

But I'm not talking about it. It is worth remembering that the reader does not know how much the main character As a result, it will become cool, as almighty will be the main villain, and a lot of things do not know, and when the story narrates, it is necessary to keep it in my head and constantly make hints to your reader. Bentally take care of their fans.

There will always be the likelihood that you create a boring or stamped character to whom no one wants to pay your attention and even advice that I cite in this article will not help you. The only thing that can advise is to analyze the causes and respond in accordance with its global goal. We talked about the global goal in another article.

Here I will only partially consider the rules for creating heroes and villains, full versions will appear in the near future.

For me, "primacy" means that I will make a greater emphasis when narrowing, whom I will cut better, and who will be in the background. And now answer the question of what is primary - chicken or egg / hero or villain?

Primary of the hero

So, the situation when we create a story based on the fact that the main emphasis is shifted to the side good guy. According to the rules of creating stories, the main character must overcome something and struggle ( with me, with a villain, with circumstances, etc.). It helps to make the reader empathize to him.

In what cases the hero can overcome something:

  • He is full zero and starts his way to fame;
  • He is super duper, but lost his strength overnight and now either tries to return her, or learns to live like a common person;
  • It has an average number of power, and we encounter it at a certain stage of travelWhen he is not a super duper, but also no zero without sticks.

Remark: If the main character will immediately uber-power or possess any vundervaflee - it will only interfere with the readers to associate yourself with him, because in any case will win, nor looking for anything, and this means that it is not necessary to empathize. .. And for you it will turn into a loss of the interest of readers.

Accordingly, if we come up with the hero and determine its current level of skills, then the villains, aka obstacles, put him on the path of those who will move forward. Each enemy should somehow improve our "center of mass".

When we have a chief focus on the hero, then this is a story about how it grows and develops.

Of the advantages, this approach is interesting in the fact that you can create a successful and long history, after all, enemies can be unmeared, vital wisdom or mythical forces can also be inventing with a skyscraper ( on this and the genre of Soynen in Japanese comics), the method of trial and errors learn to tell the dynamic history and manage the reader's attention.

From minuses I will note that anyway, but all the narrative will spin around one, the main, the character and it is very difficult to maintain the long interest of the reader, you can not calculate and comics to ride in a dull Gav ...

If you have not one hero, but a group, that there is a slightly different scheme. As I spoke in the article about the characters, each key person must have any disadvantages that will make it more alive, so if you have a group of people, then the pattern is maintained, but in this case the disadvantages that one hero has the disadvantages that Compleced by the advantages of the aparters.

Thus, everyone complements each other, and together they "gang !!" ... who else remembers this release of Elash? ;)

Summarizing: I would focus on the main character if I want to make a long history, which the reader will live with the character and love him, or them, with all his heart.

Primary villain

Across your attention on the villain ... Em, I don't like this word to me, let's say better "on who opposes the chief hero," this is the path of bold authors.

When creating a villain, it is likely to fasten it too many stamps of modern mass media to him and get a crude product as a result, which is not interested in anyone.

If the main criterion of "hero" is "exceeding" for me, then the main criterion for which it is worth creating "villain" is his motivation.

The antagonist may have one of the following types of motivation:

  • Motivation from well-being. This is when the "villain" craves all the fact that you can touch your hands: money, gold, diamonds, houses, cities, women;), etc.
  • The desire of power. These are all those cases when our "villain" wants to influence society: to seize the city, the country, the world, to gain power over the minds of people, to enslave them or turn them into stupid animals, thereby becoming better "all the others."
  • Motivation from good. The most interesting cases, in my opinion, this is when the chief "villain" wants to "change" the world and all of his actions are aimed at the good, in a long-term perspective, but commitment to the class "Zlodeev" allows him to not be able to do morally ethical issues and resort to the most Brutal methods to achieve their goal.
  • No motivation. Evil for the evil itself. It is a very difficult option, for if the villain does not have charisma, it risks to roll into a stamped and dull Gav ... something today pulls on this is the most "dull";)

Anyway, "Zlodeev" occurs one of the three types of motivation species. Also, not a small role in good villain plays his charisma, unfortunately, I am not so experienced to teach you how to make a "charismatic" villain, I think in the future I will write such an article in the future, but for now I will continue.

Now I raise the duration of the story. Memorable villains live bright but short life. From the moment of its first appearance, the event around them is beginning to be spinning with a mad speed while in one dramatic moment the surrounding reality will not explode, destroying the source of this disorder and chaos.

Bright example Such a villain is a joker performed by the Hita Ledger in the film " The Dark Knight"- evil for evil, wildly bright charisma and the tragic final ( this is me about Harvey Dent, and not about the actor itself). I think if the actor did not die, then the reappearance of his character would have caused less excitement, for "we have already seen."

The main villain is an absolute evil that should defeat the hero and in accordance with the forces of the "villain" before the same level in terms of capacity should grow and the main character that puts us in a difficult position.

When the main focus on the villain, then this is a story about how "hero" won him, i.e. It makes no sense to reveal the events, the hero needs to either defeat or die and then in his place will come new.

Thus, if the "villain" is very powerful, and the story is relatively short, then the main character needs to overcome a large "distance" in a short period of time and if it is not natural, then the story will seem tight and the whole idea can fly to hell. That is why this is the path either for brave or for experienced.

From the advantages of this approach I want to note the possibility of the villain to become a cult, get a profit from the community and make a bright and memorable history.

Minus one, but the main thing - may not work, or because the villain is not good enough, or because the audience did not come apart ... In general, many reasons, with all the responsibility on you!

Summarizing: If, you decided to "dance" from the villain, then carefully worry it as much as possible and, and the story, make it a multifaceted, and not a cardboard blanch, well, accordingly, pick it up to him in terms of level.

Primary circumstances

And mine favorite development Events are when the emphasis is not on the villains or heroes, but on the circumstances, within which the first and second are born, are replaced, cooperate and ... interact in general.

What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis approach? And in the fact that the world is not to share on black and white, there will always be circumstances in which some will be considered villains, and other heroes and our task will demonstrate the entire multifaceted world.

Initially, you can not show the reader at all, nor "villain", but to introduce "characters", which after a while and some events will take one or another side of the barricades.

After some time, the circumstances will change again and those who were villains will become heroes, and those who were for justice will now turn out to be on the backyards of society. A good similar concept is shown in the Nonon comic, I advise you to read, it is short enough, in a couple of hours you master.

When and why it is worth resorting to this accent? Well, everyone probably decides for itself, my task is only to show the solution solving options, give tools. As they say: "The gun and certificate issued, and then twist as you want, but do not come for a salary."

It was quite interesting to write this article, I hope you were as interesting to read it ... Despite the fact that she came out slightly long;)

By the way on this topic a lot of material on english language... Unfortunately, they do not all speak perfectly, well, or at least in the level suitable) I myself lately began to actively replenish his vocabulary And I can advise the site for all who wants the same. There oooooochin many courses and all kinds of vidos, clips with subtitles and funny texts, i advise everyone =)

Today, everyone, all creative mood friends!

He does not know where to go from boredom on the balas and at home, it is dragging for different women, It is also friends and does not work - this is a typical portrait of an "excess person", Pushkin Evgeny Onegin. This hero appeared in Russian literature no minor - his arrival was due to the epoch of the Board of Nicholas I and the changes that was happening in society in the early 19th century in Russia.

However, not Evgeny Onegin became the first in the row " unnecessary people" Palm Championship belongs to Alexander Chatskomu from "Mount from Wit" A.S. Griboedov. Already with him a smart, educated, a torture young man cannot find a place in the modern world for him. It differs from Onegin and Pechorin in that it is actively fighting with the stuck in the "eyelid" by society, swaying the vices and calling to serve the dedication honestly. He is ready to deal with criticism for everyone who comes on his way.

Evgeny Onegin is a standard of ideas about the "excess person." The hero of Pushkin is a smart, widely formed (although knowledge received little from many and joking). He is in the circle of the Decembrists, the author's friends. He keeps up with the times and even changes the bargain on the lifts. But at the same time he misses much. Balls, lunches, cards, women - Well, how do you not bother?

Pushkin endowed Onegin by force and passion, which while sleeping, peacefully subsicing a monotonous course of life. The hero will find out from sleep at the end, thanks to and contrary to Tatiana and Lensky, but neither the author nor readers know exactly whether it will help him to find his way or not.

The topic of "excess person" continued M.Yu. Lermontov. His Grigory Pechorin is still cynical and angry than pushkin Onegin. However, its longing feeds completely from another source. Lermontov "Hero of our time" is preserved at freedom and defining its place in life. Pechorin not only seeks to freedom, but also pushes (sometimes quite cruel) others: Cherkhenka Balu, Prince Mary, Pereshnitsky. But his invaluable gift is not needed to others and this is more and more and more harder the hero.

Grigory Pechorin plays with fate, he is looking for, where is his way, what his destiny is really. But his searches only lead to disappointments in people and themselves. He is not a fatalist, like Vulch, but does not deny the "God's Providence", although it prefers not to sit back, but to act. The tragedy of Pechorin is that he never found his destination.

The century of "excess person" in Russian literature was not a right: he was already the so-called "new people" on the heels. The latter became Ilya Ilyich Oblomov from the novel of the same name I.A. Goncharov. This type of hero in the eyes of the reader fades and degenerates, he is deprived of passion and penetrating power of Onegin and Pechorin. Oblomov - part of the last world of landowners - is lost in a huge megalopolis. He hides on his sofa, as on the only island of stability, where he looks his dream, sleep about the village of Oblomovka. The hero will not even wake love, he is not capable of passion like Evgeny Onegin, nor in search of a real feeling as Pechorin. His trump cards, prudence, softness, mind - become anchors pulling it back. Ilya Ilyich outstands his friend Andrei Stolz, the embodiment of "new people", active and practical. It was he who, together with Olga Ilinskaya, it is necessary to raise the Obloma Jr.

Relations with beautiful floors from "extra people" do not add up because of their egoism. Men behave either as bastards (Onegin, Pechorin), or as TUnetants (brooms).

Pechorin - the hero of his time. In the 30s, such a person does not find a place where you can make your strength, and therefore is doomed to loneliness. Tragedy of this person, doomed to inaction and loneliness, and there is a basic ideological meaning Roman "Hero of our time." Truthfully, convincingly draws the Lermontov of his contemporary Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin. Pechorin received secular education, first chasing secular entertainmentBut then it is waiting for disappointment, attempts to engage in science and cooling to it. He is bored indifferently refers to the light and is experiencing deep dissatisfaction with his life. Pechorin is a deep character. The "sharp chilled mind" is combined with him, with thirst for activity and with the power of will. He feels the immense forces, but she crashes them into the little things, love adventureswithout doing anything useful. Pechorin makes unhappy people who surround it. So he interferes into the life of smugglers, takes away to everyone without disaster, plays the fate of Bala, love of faith. He wins over the Huschnitsky in the duel and becomes the hero of that society that despises. One above ambient, smart, formed. But internally devastated, disappointed. He lives "out of curiosity", on the one hand, and on the other hand he has a destructive thirst for life. The character of Pechorin is very contradictory. He says: "I have long lived for a long time, but my head." At the same time, having received a letter of faith, Pechorin as a mad, rushing to Pyatigorsk, hoping at least once again see it. He painfully looking for a way out, thinks about the role of fate, looking for an understanding among people of another circle. And it does not find a sphere of activity, applying their forces. Face sides mental life The hero is interested in the author. It helps us understand the ideological and spiritual life of Russian society of the 30s of the last century. This affected the skill of Lermontov, the creator of the first psychological novel. Tragedy of Pechorin is the tragedy of many of his contemporaries, similar to him in the image of thoughts, according to the situation in society.
Pechorin Grigory Alexandrovich- Chief Hero of the novel, in its type associated with characters psychological Romanov R.Shatobrian, B. Konstan (the origin of the Pechorin name from the name of the Pechora River, as well as the names of Onegin, from the name of the Onega River, noted by V.G. Belinsky) The story of his soul is the content of the work. This task is directly defined in "Preface" to "Pechorin magazine". The story of a disappointed and dying peopling soul is set forth in the student notes of the hero with all the merciless of self-analysis; being simultaneously the author, and the hero of the "magazine", P. fearlessly speaks of his ideal gusts, and about dark sides His soul, and about the contradictions of consciousness. But this is not enough to create a surround image; Lermontov introduces to the narration of other narrator, not the "Pechorinsky" type - Maxim Maximich, a wandering officer. Finally, there are other reviews about it in Pechorin's diary: Faiths, Princess Meri, Grushnitsky, Dr. Werner. All descriptions of the appearance of the hero are also died to display the soul (through the face, eyes, shape and details of the clothing). Lermontov refers to her hero is not ironically; But the type of Pechorinsky personality itself, which arose in a certain time And in certain circumstances, - ironic.

Roman "The hero of our time" is the disclosure of the complex and controversial nature of the main character, where the problem of personality is central problem romanticism, and reality in the novel is a way to know the world and man and hero is The recognizable, ordinary person, a representative of his time. In the novel combines romanticism with realism, the character of Pechorina is revealed through the real actions, and the main character is alone and unhappy, the desire to ideal leads to the tragedy of a strong personality.

Chapter "Taman" -domantism in interlacing with realism. Landscapes, the free life of smugglers intertwined with the reality, the truth of life and the scarce spiritual world of heroes. Pechorin, like a lyrical hero, another young, but already becoming a hero of his time. author.

The characteristic of Pechorin in the chapter "Bal" is given to Maxim Maximych. The false captain is trying to understand the internal contradictions of Pechorin's character, through external, pronounced features and posts. The student is not trying to analyze the complex character of Pechorina, Maxim Maximich describes the facts from his life. The background of the raging nature, the romanticism of Love Bala and the played tragedy - Bal, father's father, and the son of Prince, Azamat, leaves the family forever.

The head of "Maxim Maximych" -Production of realism, through the actions of Pechorina. The memories were unpleasant to the memories associated with Maxim Maximić, the events in the Caucasus, the death of Bali. For him, this is the living stage and he will strike out from life. Not for Gregory, it shows His attitude towards people.Pechorin becomes alienated, cold and puts himself above the surrounding society, only a dispute with himself, which always remains unfinished. Support is a pity, he is alone in his wandering, rejecting all friendly relations.

"Princess Meri" -Dava full romanticism, feelings and nature, meeting with Mary, who brought frustration. Yeser the feeling for faith, the only one of the women who could understand Pechorin, to appreciate and accept it, what it is, with all its shortcomings, vices and the fortune. But it only emphasizes the reality, painful loneliness of the hero, against the background of raging passions. Duele does not change anything in the fate of Pechorin, friendship is an extra feeling for him, like love for which he was also unable, without knowing how to sacrifice it for Others.

The chapter "Fatalist" is the confrontation of life and death, rock in the fate of a person. Manthism, the test of fate, believing in fate or rock, to be a fatalist or not-everyone makes the choice. Dealism is written on the basis of real events, the case of M. Lermontov. Fatalist not only Serbian Colonel Wrich, Pechorin-Chief Statistanist, who himself predetermined fate. Putting, the author reveals the hero's soul, drawing a deep and comprehensive image of Pechorin, logically summing up the philosophical reasoning of Pechorin himself in the final chapter "Fatalist".

Neither the genius began.

Over the world we will pass without noise and trace,

- so reasoned Decembrists. But the next generation for them looked at the world otherwise:

I believe that the time of "extra" people has passed that our generation will feel the absence of the meaning of life. And I hope that it will be impossible to say about my peers:

Like a feast on a celebration of someone else's holiday.

Unfortunately, Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin actually reflected the Duma and the mood of many brilliantly educated and talented nobles. He did not accomplish nothing worthy, although he could do a lot. Best years And the energy of youth left without benefit, they went to achieve the goals that are not too necessary and bringing pain and grieving to others. Full of immense, demonic forces, he is looking for them to use: Abducts Bal, for example. Because of this, Pechorin knocks off the clock of Azamat's boy, which, most likely, "the Abreks stuck, and folded the violent head." He deprives Kazbich's beloved horse. He does not give a damn on Bal, and she dies.

And life is tomit, like a smooth way without a goal,

Our time is not bad.

Live and burn from everyone in the custom

Portable infrared sauna.

Crowd sullen and soon forgotten

Suddenly they will be encroached on the "holy"

Pechorin: Villain or Victim

Mistakes of fathers and late their minds

Epoch after the uprising and execution of the Decembrists - one of the most gloomy periods in russian history. Mistra and barracks, living, bold ideas were pursued. The country is like a shot. During these years, people appeared, the characters of which the writer gathered into the image of Pechorin, explaining that the "hero of our time" is a portrait made up of generation of the 19th anniversary of the 19th century.

In general, I don't live my mind!

Without sacrificing neither malice, nor love:

One of the main weak Parties Pechorina is the absence of a goal in life, so he is torn, not knowing how to take idle days similar to each other. Pechorin could go on any of the roads: could benefit public service, could do science, art or social activities, awakening best feelings To people and condemning injustice, could live in their estates, enriching the debris and caring about the peasants. Finally, just live families and educate children. But he does not choose any of the roads. Of course, Pechorin himself is to blame for a lot. At any time you can do goodies. But in some extent, Pechorin can be considered a victim of the era. Hurts for the country in which best minds and strong characters They squander their lives on trifles and splinters. Such a state of affairs speaks of the crisis of building. Images of unnecessary people, starting with Onegin, are present in masterpieces of the first half of the 19th century.

What kind of era could suppress the best people? Pechorin - the hero of the transition era, when the old one has no price, and there is no new one. Without taking comedy masks secular societyHe closed in himself and died alone. Strong nature, broken by emptiness of life, can cause the reader only regret, but not dislike. He had no need to fight for a worthy existence, and the person supplied to the exceptional conditions turned out to be superfluous in life.

When the fire is boiling in the blood.

... Why did I live? For what purpose did I born? ... and right, she existed, and rightly, there was a high appointment, because I feel in my soul of my strength, immense ...

- So wrote this poet. He cut. The scholar disorder in the family ... Of course, our parents and nobles were financially in very different conditions. But they have one of them: the inability to find and implement their goal in life.

We are rich, barely from the cradle

And we hate we, and we love, by chance,

But Pechorin suffers. He himself is not happy with his nature and mighty energy. But his suffering continues to the meeting of prince Mary, and the previous regrets took place: new entertainment appeared. Pechistan falls in love with a girl, brings her disappointment, at the same time, "Madly quarreling with the Grucnitsky, who had previously considered a friend. Pechorin, seduced by the raysterity of the mystery, destroys the life of "honest smugglers." And only in the "fatalist", it seems, does something useful: neutralizes drunk Cossack, risking life. But as if some evil rock pursues him. After all, everything ends tragic death Voolich predicted by Gregory Aleksandrovich. It seems that the author says between: "The case it is necessary for him a lot, useful to everyone so that life gains meaning for him!". But you are the era of "stagnation", which was the time of the reign of Nikolai 1, large, the present cases are always not so much ...

And reigns in the shower some cold secret,

They say, time is cyclically, and everything that has already occurred in history should repeat again. Our recent time is very similar to the 30s 19th centuries: there were also many "unnecessary" people. No wonder so much appeared in the society of the fallen intellectuals. They had no place to make strength and knowledge. From the stories of the mother I know that two of her university friends, poet and scientist, tried in vain to serve the country. The frozen society does not need talented people.

The victim is the way to read

So expressed Lermontov about his peers in the "Duma". And this poem could be an epigraph to the "hero of our time" (if it was necessary).

But life then only indifferent

When she is to the light and greatness

Without throwing either thoughts of fertile

"Hero of our time" - a novel, built on the chronicle principle, we are given the most interesting episodes famous life Pechorin. Tired of her, he goes to die into Persia. About the worst for each person a fatal minute, he says simply and everyday: "What? die so die! Loss for the world is small; And I myself is decently boring. " Why a young, healthy, rich nobleman, successful in friends and love, having all the opportunities for service and creativity, does not find a place in life. After all, he even loves boredom, believing that a new passion will be eternal.

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