Song contest in the camp. Scenario

Song contest in the camp. Scenario

Musical hour in a summer camp at school. Scenario "Our favorite children's songs"

Author Lyapina Vera Valerevna Primary Class Teacher MBOU SOSH No. 47 Urban District Samara
Description This material can be used in primary school teachers, music teachers in primary schools for spending extracurricular activities.
purpose Intensify the interest of students to music by admonish them to the Song Heritage of Yuri Entin.
- tell students about the life and creative path of the poet songwriter Yuri Entin;
- expand the horizons of students about the authors of children's songs;
- corrected memory, attention, thinking, oral speech, develop the ability to analyze, compare, systematize the studied material, allocate the main thing; develop the ability to be deployed and configure to questions;

Event flow

Yuri Entin is one of the most cited authors of our time. For 30 years, its "winged expressions" do not go from the pages of periodic printing. "There is nothing better in the world ...", "we have any roads of the road," "Oh, it's too early to guard ...", "the best my present is you ...", "and I get hunting ..." And many other quotes from the works of Yuri Entin firmly entered the consciousness of children and adults.

Parents of Yuri Entin - Father-physicist and mother-economist - dreamed of seeing the successor of his professions. But Yuri from school years has become interested in literature and history.
He graduated from first the historical faculty of the Pedagogical Institute, then - the Faculty of Editing at the Printing Institute, he taught history in school for some time.
For 30 years of creative activity, he wrote a huge number of songs, including cartoons, movies, theatrical performances. Among them, to the painting "Therent of the Republic", "Winged swing" to the "Adventures of Electronics", "Beautiful far" to the film "Guest from the Future", songs for the films of the "Adventures of Pinocchio", "Dunno from our yard", "Mermaid" and Not comparable to the popularity of the song to cartoons, such as "Antoshka" ("Merry Carousel"), "Chung-Changa" ("Katert"), "Tell me, Snow Maiden, where it was ..." ("Well, ! ")," I - Water "(" Flying Ship ")," Kauba there was no winter "(" Winter in Prostokvashino ") and many others.
Throughout the creative path, Yuri Entin cooperates with the best composers of the country. Gennady Gladkov, Evgeny Krylov, Vladimir Shainsky, Alexey Rybnikov, Mark Minkov, Maxim Dunaevsky became his constant co-authors. Some of them, he first introduced to the genre of a children's song. His works performed many outstanding actors: Andrei Mironov,

Anatoly Papanov,

Rin green,

Mikhail Boyarsky.

Quiz "Songs Yuri Entin"
According to Yuri Entin guess song and cartoon or film
1. But from greed (kva-kva)
And from misfortune
But from the meanness (Kva-kVA)
And from nonsense,
And from boasting

(Duramara song from the movie "Adventure Pinocchio")

2. Nash carpet - Flower Polyana,
Our walls are pine-giants,
Our roof is blue sky
Our happiness is to live one judge!

(Song of friends from the cartoon "Bremen Musicians")

3. If you suddenly come,
Let your longing do not give you.
The old man has a beard -
She will always help.
Just call the old man
And he will probably come.

(Song about hottabic)

4. Beyond the clock, like a gold key,
Doors YTRA are fun to open!
The windows of the YTP man
Sympak night from street streets.

("Beat the clock on the old tower" from the movie "Adventure Electronics")

5.Corolev Bit Map
Bit and all his detachment.
The case will be Shito-indoor -
Cards are talking to the truth.

("First Song of Robbers" from the cartoon "Bremen Musicians")

6.Fost your concerns, falls and takeoffs,
Do not hump when fate does not behave like a sister.

("Expensive Good" from the movie "Adventures of Little Flour"

We did not pass,
We were not asked for us!
Taram, Pam, Pam,
Taram, Pam, Pam.

("Antoshka" from the cartoon "Antoshka")

8. Focus is in the light of the fools,
Deceive live to us, it became, with hands.

(Song of the Cat Basilio and Foxa Alice from the movie "Adventures of Pinocchio")

9.Tright me a driver
Well, with such a result,
Disgusting ...

(Song "And I am flying hunting! (Water) from the cartoon" Flying ship ")

10.Name do not know peace
Cry and laugh in the nefple!
I myself was like that
Three hundred years ago ....

(Romance of Cherepakhtortili from the movie "Adventure Pinocchio")

11. So happens - if suddenly happens
In the house of your grief-misfortune,
Mom is the best, reliable friend -
Will be with you always.

("Song about Mom" \u200b\u200bfrom the movie "Mom")
12.If someone will decide
To the owners to eat
Who will be able to stand up
And nailed to bite.

("It knows all" from the movie "Electronics Adventures")

13. He would have come to us a blizzard
On the day at least
And bullfinch did not sit on a fir,
Kaba, kaba, kaba ...

("Kaba was not winter" from the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino")

14. Since it does not happen in the world,
What does not happen in the world
And people with wings are found
And people in the sky fly away.
On the wings of faith in the impossible
They fly to the country of dreams
Let be grinning cautious
I will fly there
I will fly there
I will fly there, and you.

("Where are the wizards?" From the movie "Dunno from our yard")

15. On the head of his cap,
But there will be an enemy.
Villain he will show nose
And laugh friends to tears,
He will very soon be here
Tell me, what is his name?

("Buratino" from the movie "Adventures of Pinocchio")

16.Tee my gifts guys
And you will get from me
Finally all dreams come true
My best present is you

("Tell me, Snow Maiden" From the cartoon "well, wait!")

Competition "Guess the composer"
1. A composer who wrote songs: "Beautiful far", "Kaba was not winter"
(Evgeny Wildov)

2. Compositor, writing songs: "Pinocchio", to the cartoon "Wolf and Seven Cats for a new way"
(Alexey Rybnikov)

3. Compositor that wrote songs: "Or maybe a crow", to the cartoon "Bremen Musicians"
(Gennady Gladkov)

4.Compositor, writing songs: "Chung-Changa", "Clouds"
(Vladimir Shainsky)

5.Compositor, who wrote songs: to the cartoon "Flying ship", "PIF-PAF, Oh-oh!"

Today, Yuri Entin chairs the world, meeting with children of China, America, Russia and chatting with them their old and new songs. And recently in the US, he was shown a book where it was scientifically proven that it was the poet Yuri Entin who changed the course of the history of the Soviet Union with his children's songs.
Yuri Entin, Poet: "What I created some kind of fantasy, the dream another, and did not write pioneer songs, but wrote songs about freedom!"
The new century begins with the new songs of Yuri Entin. And his "old" songs continue to sound, transmitted from generation to generation, without losing its popularity and relevance. Disks, cassettes, video, karaoke with its works are sold in all corners of Russia and beyond.

Holiday scenario for camp "Hello, Sunny Summer"

Scenario for 1 Summer Leng For Children's Camp. Interesting and cheerful scenario for children. Poems and many songs, fun games for schoolchildren. Active persons: two leaders, children - readers. What is needed when preparing: to learn songs and poems with children, organize squads, decorate the scene.

Yumor Day in the Children's Camp

Scenario of the day of humor in a children's camp. Interesting and cheerful scenario for children. Poems and many songs, fun games for schoolchildren. Active persons: leading, team teams. What is necessary in preparation: props - paper and cardboard, handles, headscarves, plastic bottles, hoops, cell phones, Chinese hats, cardboard thermometers.

Opening scenario camp shift

Opening scenario Camp shift in a children's school camp. Oath at loyalty to the camp, other interesting rituals aimed at strengthening friendship between children. Active persons: Two leading, children. What is necessary when preparing: Children need to draw posters, emblems of their squad, come up with motto, the name of the squad, the detachment song.

Dating scenario in camp

The event for the first day in the camp, when children are not yet familiar with each other, educators and laws of the camp. Games for acquaintance for schoolchildren in order to learn each other in a game form. Active persons: educators, children. What is needed in preparation: educators should prepare props for games, to conduct instruction for children.

Scenario for Summer Summer Hepage Camp

The scenario of the event in the wellness school camp for children from 7 to 10 years, which is in an interesting form of traveling on imaginary stations. Active persons: leading for each station, team. What is needed in preparation: preparation and design of tasks; venues; formation of teams, jury; Making cards.

The scenario of the event dedicated to June 1 - the Day of Protection of Children in the Children's Camp. On this day, children are talking about the holiday. Collective games for children in the camp. Active persons: Leading, Cat Basilio and Lisa Alice. What is needed in preparation: props for games, prizes, decoration of the room, the costumes of fairy-tale heroes.

Scenario for the day of protection of children in the camp "Holiday Childhood"

The scenario of the game presentation dedicated to the International Children's Day. It is desirable to spend this event on the street where book exhibitions, playgrounds are equipped. Active persons: Lead, clowns, artist, Uncle Stepa, Fiona, Assistant Fiids 2-3 Girls, Robot - Palamarchuk. What is necessary when preparing: props for games, costumes of heroes, room facilities.

Scenario for kindergarten or school camp on the topic of the holiday - the day of protection of children. Held on the street. Children led by funny leaders play games, guess the riddles. Acting persons: Victims, clown of Myshashkin (fulfill adults). What is necessary when preparing: costumes of heroes - leading, props for games.

Scenario for the summer musical and sports holiday camp "Long live children throughout the planet"

Scenario of sports events in the open air for the children's camp. The holiday is held on the street, children are divided into teams and participate in rolling games. Active persons: leading, grandmother, two girls. What is necessary when preparing: a plot, beautifully decorated with balloons, ribbons, flags, props for games.

Scenario for the Summer Summer Camp

Sun scenario for a children's camp is perfect to combine and make friends. Games, riddles, interesting facts from the sun. Active persons: presenter. What is needed in preparation: the design of the site by a multitude of "sunshine", the costume "Sunny bunny", music, a poster with quiz's questions about the sun.

Scenario Events for the Summer Camp "Day of Miracles"

Scenario of a funny interesting holiday for a children's camp. According to the script 2 children's teams should find a magic tree on the map fragment. Active persons: Lead, Baba Yagi, Cat Basilio, Lisa Alice. What is needed in preparation: buy bananas in the number of children - participants and spend them on a tree, prepare maps and tasks for teams, costumes of heroes.

Scenario "Day Day" in the summer camp

The script for a very fun holiday in the School Summer Summer Camp "Day". The holiday is developing fantasy, creative abilities of children. Cheerful games and contests. Acting persons: two leading, two lies. What is needed when preparing: On the eve, each detachment should compose to the competition in an incredible ridiculous story on the topic of life in the camp. We also need propumes for competitions, cheerful music.

Scenario of the competitive program for the summer camp "Most-most"

The scenario of the competitive program "The most - the most" is ideal for entertaining children in a school summer camp. Competitions should be assessed both intellectual and sporting achievements of children, erudition, mixtalk. Active persons: two leaders, jury. What is necessary when preparing: awards for winners, props for contests, funny music.

Scenario of the holiday "Day of Creativity" in the summer camp

The scenario is a very interesting holiday for the summer camp of schoolchildren. Creative contests for the nominations "Dancers", "Fashioners", "Writers", "Artists", "Poets" should help each child show their talent. Active persons: leading. What is needed in preparation: assignment sheets for each detachment, props for creative contests, award winners, music for a dance competition.

Scenario Games for the Summer Camp "Hall

Merry mobile game script for summer school camp. The essence of the game is that the teams pass contests and as a result reached the place in which a large box of candy for winners is hidden. Active persons: leading. What is necessary when preparing: tasks for teams, props for contests, candy, music. You can spend the game both on the street and indoors.

The scenario of the patriotic holiday for the day of Russia for the summer school camp. Beautiful poems and songs about Russia. Well, if children read and their poems about their homeland. Active persons: leading, poech readers. What is necessary when preparing: to see songs and poems, decorate the hall with flags and balls under the color of the flag of Russia, set tables and chairs.

Scenario for closing shift in the summer camp

Scenario Closing the shift in the summer camp "Welcome to the opposite!". A fun holiday is ideal for farewelling children with camp. Active persons: 2 buckle, presenter, Padisham, Translator, Gardener, Nurse. What is necessary when preparing: compose poems, couplets or songs about every leader, tutor, etc., distribute words in advance, because They are quite complicated.

Disco Scenario with Competitions in the School Camp

Scenario of the fun disco in the summer school camp. Dance and other contests on the disco will make it more interesting for participants. Active persons: Leading discos, fishermen. What is necessary in preparation: costumes of fishermen, props for contests, awards for winners, musical instrument.

Scenario of the holiday dating when opening a school camp

This scenario of the dating feser is proposed to be held in the format of "Sparky" when opening a school camp. The goal of the holiday is to give children to meet each other, create an atmosphere of confidence in the camp. Active persons: lead, counselors. What is necessary when preparing: asterisks from cardboard with questions for children, come up with river.

Scenario of Olympic Games in the summer camp "Faster, above, stronger"

Scenario of sporting event for a school summer camp, which can be held as an Olympic Games. Sports, contests, interesting facts about the Olympics. Active persons: Leading, Prometheus, Zeus. What is necessary when preparing: props and sports equipment for sports, awards for winners, music.

Scenario Opening School Camp Shift for Children 7 - 10 Years

This scenario of opening a shift in the school camp is suitable for younger students - children 7 - 10 years. The goal of the holiday is to give children the opportunity to get to know each other, to express yourself. Games, riddles for children. Active persons: presenter. What is necessary when preparing: props for contests and games.

Scenario of opening camp shifts with the participation of growth dolls

This scenario of opening a shift in a summer camp is quite time-consuming, but very bright and interesting. Games, contests, riddles for children, representation of counselors, story about the camp. Active persons: 2 leading, growth dolls: Baba - Yaga, cat, hare, tiger. Hut. What is necessary in preparation: costumes of growth dolls, music recordings, treat, T-shirts for counselors.

Scenario of the concert of counselors when opening a change in the camp

The concert of the council will be a good event when opening a shift in the summer camp. Children will be able to learn more about their counselors and make friends with them. Finish the concert needs to be a detachment to the evening fee. Active persons: counselors, children. What is necessary when preparing: costumes for counselors, asterisks to give children.

Scenario of the solemn line on the opening of the shift in the camp

Usually the opening of the camp shift begins with a solemn rule. We offer a ruler scenario with the end of Russia's flag and welcoming words of the leadership of the camp to children. Active persons: counselors, educators, head of the camp, children. What is necessary when preparing: the flag of Russia, the musical instrument, microphones.

Scenario Gaming Entertainment Program for Children's Day

The playing entertainment program dedicated to the International Children's Day is designed for senior preschoolers - children 5 - 6 years old. Games and contests for children are desirable to spend on the street. Active persons: 2 leading, children - readers, harmless (adult). What is necessary when preparing: props for games, costume is harvested, prizes to the winners of competitions, music.

Show program "Music Sky". Scenario for summer camp

The scene is decorated with posters, photographs of popular pop artists. The evening begins with team presentation. The fans of each team are preparing for artistic amateur numbers, which will be shown in musical pauses. Teams are invited to participate in the following contests.

"Brain strains"

Each detachment is awarded an improvised "disk" (from cardboard) on which the letters are written. Task: From these letters to fold the name of the group. Who quickly? The jury exhibits stars: the team that took 1st place - 3 points, 2nd place - 2 points, 3rd place - 1 point. The rest is 0.

Answer: "Disco" Accident ".


Each detachment prepared a music number (clip, song, dance). There is a draw among the teams. Teams in turn will perform, but ... after each subsequent competition. The jury does not forget to evaluate speeches on a 5-point system.

Star alphabet

For 1 minute, the team must write as many performers, groups, names, surnames or names of which begin with the letter "A". Then the draw is called them out loud. Who will not be able to call, he comes out of the game.

The beginning is - the end will be

Leading. I take turns call the commands the beginning of the artist's name (group name, songs), the team must continue:

"Outlets ... (fraudsters)",

"Hands up)";

Alla ... (Pugacheva);

Irina ... (Allegrova, Saltykov);

"Ivanushki ... (International)";

"Agatha Christie)";

"Golden ring)";

"Tea for Two)";

"High ... (Fi)";

"Tender May)";

"Prime Minister)";

"Mummy ... (troll)" and others.

Guess the melody

Participate by one player from the team. Music "Karaoke" is included, participants guess the melody. Who's first raises the hand, he answers. For the correct answer, the team receives a stars.

Star quiz

In turn, the teams are asked "Star" questions about the work of famous performers. Who will give more correct answers? For the correct answer, the team gets

1 -2 score.

1. Which group used in its title the coach team in physical education ("Hands up")

2. The name of which rock band is directly connected with the name of the English writer, the author of detective novels? ("Agatha Christie")

3. What kind of pop singer told in one of the songs about his experiences about the care of her beloved army? (Alena Apina)

4. What song did Alsu on Eurovision debut? (Solo)

5. What are the name of the stewardess, who became famous thanks to the song of Vladimir Presnyakov? (Zhanna)

6. Who became the winner of the musical project 1 channel "Star Factory - 3"? (Nikita Malinin)

7. Pick up the antonym to the phrase "White Zaporozhets" and get the name of the popular song. ("Black BMW")

8. With the name of which group, an enterprise is associated, manufacturing various products, for example, a clothing sewing company? (group "Factory)

9. Who became the winner of the Music project I channel "Star Factory- 1"? (group "roots")

10. What song has become the anthem of the musical project "Star Factory"? ("Cool you got on TV")

Unusual singing

Leading. How to sing, many know. But sometimes the stars sing "in the right one" happens not interesting. Try to perform a song from the repertoire of any star (at your discretion), but with the condition ... about which a little later. While choosing a song.

When children are ready, they go on stage, leading gives a task.

Spread your favorite song:

- clamping a match between the teeth;

- Pulling the nose with your fingers; - draw inside the cheeks;

- biting a lower lip;

- shutting your ears;

- lying on the floor;

- smiling in full mouth;

- folding the hands of "Hour" at the mouth;

- Sunpent in the mouth of a lollipop or chups;

Leading. An entertainer is a person who announced during the concert the names of the artists. In addition, the entertainer fills the pauses between the numbers, telling all sorts of entertaining stories. As a rule, all the entertainers possess a beautiful voice chamber and a superbly delivered diction. But there are situations that neither the timbre, nor dictation matter. This happens when the entertainer will lose his voice. Imagine yourself with such an entertainer who lost the voice, and try the following number with the following number and gestures, and the team should guess. So acts:

- group "Factory";

- Show-ballet "Todes";

- group "Tea together";

- toothless Shura;

- Alla Pugacheva;

- Verka Serdiuchka;

- Nikolay Baskov;

- Valery Leontiev:

- group "TATU";

- Group "Lyceum."

And now the word jury is provided to summarize the overall results and awarding the winners.

Speech by the jury awarded

Riddles, Crosswords and Creative Music Tasks

What other musical instruments do you know? Try to guess these musical riddles.

Musical riddles

In the hands you take her,

That will stretch, then you will be squeezing.

Ringing, elegant,

Russian double row.

Will, only tribal.

What is her name? ... (harmony).

I'm glad to play she,

Invites you!

Oh, she rings, rings,

All I'm happy to merge!

And just three strings

She needs music for music.

Who is she? Guess

This is our ... (Balalaika).

Balalaika, Balalaika,

Fun play-ka!

Sings very fun

If Doust is in her.

You all play on it

And immediately guess.

Du-do, do-do-do, yes yes, yes, yes!

That sings it always.

Not a wand, not a tube,

And what is it? ... (Dudge).

3. Petrov

On a sheet on page

Whether the points, or the birds.

Everyone sit on the ladder

And twitched songs. (Notes.)

Movement smooth Wamchka

Lead in the thrill strings,

Motive murmurs from afar,

Sings the lunar about the evening.

Wooden girlfriends

Dance on his painter,

Beat him, and he threatens -

In my leg, everyone will say. (Drum.)

He has a stroke shirt

He loves to dance if

He dances and sings -

If you get into your hands.

Dreamy motif sounds

How clear sounds overflowing.

In them joy and smile

Her name ... (violin).

Forty buttons on it

With pearl fire.

Each tool

There are strings and pedal.

What is this? Undoubtedly

This is a glorious ... (piano).

B. Sadier

Before, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si -

Sparrows flew.

At my notebook satie

And the melody of sank (notes).

Triangular shape body

Well, try, guess?

This is our (Balalaika).

He will take the sun

Gentle sound comes.

In Jazz, the very first one -

Silver ... (saxophone).

Assurance tasks

If you carefully look at and listen, you can meet the presence of music literally everywhere and everywhere.

1. Find the presence of music in the subjects around you.

Prompt: saltCo. laska beforehorns ffish labuzz reka s.reny repa beforemina, P. midor., domak, K. laksa s.h. rethat fgoth, pep salt, beans., mi.cast remont et al.

2. Recall six famous great singers, musicians or composers, the names of which begin with the letter "sh". Enter them in "Solar races".

Answer: Schuman, Chopin, Shatapin, Schinitka, Shostakovich, Schubert.

3. Sleep the secret of this amazing flower. An unmatched flower in the fact and is unmatched that keeps the famous names of the great composers whose names begin with the letter "b".

Answer: Bizeta, Bargok, Bach, Beethoven, Borodin, Balakirev.

a) Hoffman;

b) Tchaikovsky;

c) Mussorgsky.

Answer: Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

5. Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin became famous as a talented chemist scientist or an outstanding Russian composer?

Answer: A talented professor of chemistry, engaged in scientific work at the Medical and Surgical Academy, entered the history of Russian classical music as an outstanding composer and the founder of one of the musical directions - epic simphonism (wrote the epic opera Prince Igor),

6. The name of this famous for the whole world, the composer is called one of the delicious pastries.

Answer: Georges Bizé (1838-1875) is an outstanding French composer, the author of the opera "Carmen".

7. Among the letters are hidden the names of musical instruments. Try to find them. (Words are located in a straight line in any direction.)

Answer: Harp. Guitar. Drum. Trumpet. Violin. Piano.

8. This is a Russian folk song based on multiple repetition of a small couple. Rhythm clear, dance. It is usually accompanied by the game on the balalaica or accordion. At all times, the people have great popularity.

Tip: This word is derived from the word frequent, that is, repeated many times ...

Answer: Paganini.

11. Famous guitarist, our contemporary and compatriot, a talented improviser and a performer of classical works in their own handling.

Answer: Zinchuk (Viktor Zinchuk).

12. 3 Project proposal to a semantic rhythm word:

As is known from newspapers,

London is ride to us ... (Quartet).

Symphony gorgeous quartet

In the philharmonic gives only one ... (concert).

Who wishes to go on .... (concert)?

I have extra ... (ticket).

Once upon a time on the forest edge

The concert started animals.

Kuznets-violinist Rhapsodia played.

The applause caused ... (Skwall).

Drank "Cossack"

Beauty-fly and ... (cricket).

Shy sullen rhino

Suddenly Osmeleev, read his ... (monologue).

Two cute frogs

Furnished for everyone ... (Chastushki).

Cheered animals and cockroach,

With relatives, he fulfilled ... (Kankan).

A terribly thick hippopotamus from laughter trancheled ... (belly).

And the stork would even be satisfied: "I have long been so not ... (having fun)] .."

The public from the concert under the sounds of a mosquito ... (duet).

E. Arsenina - Fragment of the poem "Amazing Concert"

Cheerful Game Show "School of Kukaryamba Science"

Pre-selected funny melodies. The hall is decorated with drawings of funny face, posters, multi-colored balls.


Hello, dear guests!

It's good that you came to smoke dice!

Check more convenient. Place is enough for everyone!

Indicates the floor.

Hello guys, as well as girls!

Dear adults, and hello to you!

And I have no more greeting!

Rather, catch my hello!

Throws the ball - "Hi."

Caught? Excellent! Hello everyone!

Now welcome me back!

Children choir say: "Hi!"

Yes, not everyone greeted me as it should. Unfortunately, some greeted me nor hot - neither cold, nor wet - neither dry, nor bitterly - neither sweet nor Valko - nor Shalko, or in a joke - not a serious.

We must say hello again, but now is not quite the usual way. Let the most beautiful girls say in French "Bonzhur" and send me an air kiss, and the strongest, deft and bold boys shout "Salute!" And you will admire my hands. One two Three!

Children greets.

Greeted perfectly

Entertaining now cool.

We will sing, joke, play

And, of course, dance!

Oh yes! I completely forgot. With me, you greeted me, and with each other? Let's get each other again with my help. I will speak the words and show movements, and you repeat together for me and movements.

Children repeat the leading movement.

Let's fall with hand! Like this! (Masut by one hand, welcoming each other.)

Let's feel another! Like this! (Masut by another hand, welcoming each other.)

Both together, friendly! (Mashat with two hands.)

That's how we meet friends!

Let's deprecate your neighbor. Like this!

(Hug a neighbor on one side.)

Let's deprecate the other. Like this!

(Hug a neighbor on the other side.)

Let's get around together, friendly.

(Hug a neighbor on the right and left.)

That's how we meet friends!

Leading. So, we begin classes at the School of Kukaryamba sciences. The first lesson, I will not say what. Those who want to start learning, on stage!

Stand in the circle. Repeat for me all movements. Stand straight, put your legs on the width. Raise the left hand up, make it, shake it. Then lift your right hand up, not by omit left. Hearing with both hands, jerk, how the trees are noisy: "Sh-sh-sh-sh and ..." Distribute your arms to the sides, be ahead, like aircraft: "Zhr-zh!" Hands, how to make bird wings, and shout: "Kysh-Kysh-Kysh!" My congratulations! You got "excellent" in the lesson of garden frightened! I ask you to sit down!

As soon as I will pronounce the word "change", all the girls choir will scream "Dzin-Dzin!", And the boys "Hurray!" Cut. Turn!

Children. Dzin-Jin! Hooray!

Leading. As soon as I say "lesson", all girls choir will shout "Dzin-jin!", And the boys "Atas!" Cut. Lesson!

Children. Dzin-Jin. Atas!

Leading. Excellent! First change.

Children. Dzin-Jin! Hooray!

Leading. The game "Here is such a parsley!" We repeat behind me movements and sounds.

Stopped a beater: Tuk-Tuk-Tuk-Tuk!

(Depict hammers.)

Breeding the ribbed: Bryak-Bryak Bryak Bryak!

(Knock on the knees.)

Mooked here Martushka: ha ha ha ha ha!


He came running to her girlfriend: top top top top!

(Top legs.)

And fed a frog: Kva-kva-kva-kva!

(Jumping in place.)

Furged a loudly Mushka: Zhr.

(Massemuk, portraying flight.)

A cuckoo answered her: ku-ku-ku!

(Hands with mouthpiece.)

Nonaching jackets: ko-ko-ko!

(Hands on the belt.)

Tashed here: Mu-Mu-Mu!

(I depict horns on your head.)

Hang with her Khryushka: Hrew-Hrew-Hrew-Khrew!

(Show Piglet at the nose.)

And squeeze with them a splice: sleep-sleep-sleep!

(I close your eyes, tilting your head.)

Balabahal suddenly the cannon: Bakh-Bakh-Bakh-Bach!

(Hands with slabs, kicking.)

The old woman was frightened: "Oh-oh-oh-oh!"

(I wrap my head with my hands, swing her.)

Here is such a parsley! Yes Yes Yes Yes!

(We are nodded.)

Leading. I declare the following lesson! Children. Dzin-Jin! Atas!

Leading. And it is called "Hands up!" Who wishes to comprehend the science of hands-making - I ask for the scene.

Sounds cheerful fun music.

Stand up near the wall, face to her, pull hands forward, relying about the wall of the palms. Palms should be at the same level. Now I will ask you questions. If you give a positive answer, then raise a bit of your palm up the wall, and if negative is down. The top five receives the one who, who, who's above all their hands are raised. So questions:

Have you cleaned your teeth today?

Do you have brown eyes?)

Do you have blonde hair?

Do you have hands longer legs?

Do you have a neck longer nose?

Do you have your mouth to ears?

Do you have eyebrows above your eyes?

Do you have a clean ears?

Do you have a good mood?

Do you know your name well?

Are you normal reasonable creatures? So why do you climb on the wall?!

All praise and love! All fives distribute! Turn.

Children. Dzin-Jin! Hooray!

Leading. Rather on a tank. And again I ask you to repeat words and movements for me.

Food on the tank. Cut with hands.

I see a cow. Hand show binoculars.

In the header-ruck Show "ears" caps.

With horn healthy. Show big horn with movement bent palm from his forehead.

- Hello, cow! Stretch forward hand for handshake.

How are you? To breed with hands as in surprise.

- Do you speak English? Fresh the index finger.

- What you call! Show fist.

Leading. We start the following lesson.

Children. Dzin-Jin! Atas!

Leading. He is called - "Kukaryamba". Who wants to comprehend the secrets of the Kukarymba - I ask for the scene! (Cheerful music sounds quietly.)

I ask you to squat in a circle, closely clinging to each other. Hands pull forward. Now I ask the question, which then must ask each in a circle. I sit next to you and ask a neighbor: "Tell me, please, what do you know about Kukaryamb?" He answers. And since you have not studied this science before, the answer will be obvious: "I don't know anything about Kukarymba." And so this question is asked in a circle to each other, while I do not reach me again. So, started! (The game goes in a circle and comes to the lead.)

Leading. I also do not know anything about Kukarymba. So why do you leave here?! (Pushes all playing in the side, arranging cheerful fluster.)

Leading. And again we have a change.

Children. Dzin-Jin! Hooray!

Leading. This time - cheerful dance-reincarnation. Play all those present. Now the dance melodies will now sound loud. Every 2-3 minutes I will call any animal, and you should immediately reincarnate in it and dance as it would make an animal that I will name. Music! Dance and reincarnate in ...

Geese (dancing, sitting squatting);

Monkeys (dancing, depicting a jumping macaque);

Bears (dancing, moving in turn);

Dolphins ("Dance Dolphins on Water");

Zaitsev (dancing, depicting running and jumping hares);

Frogs (dancing, sitting squatting, and jump).

Well done! Take your places. It's time to start the following lesson!

Children. Dzin-Jin! Hooray!

Leading. Wear horse riding! The possibilities of our Kukaryamim hippodrome are small, so I invite 5 participants to participate in arrival. That horses are already at the start (chairs back forward). According to my team, you start "jumping" to the specified place, waving the flag above your head and shout at the same time "and-go! And - go! " Win in the arrival of the most "humorous" rider! Attention! March! (Check in ".) I think that everyone has tried from the soul, therefore everything is announced by the winners. Something is not heard a call to change!

Children. Dzin-Jin! Hooray!

Leading. We listen to funny poems on attention. Your task is to "take it up" the last word.

Wolf Misley Wolves

In the winter month of April. (In February)

For perina and pillows

Soft fluff give frogs. (Geese, ducks)

When the belt beat us for pranks,

We ask everyone: "More, please!" (Sorry)

All year round in cube

Children walk in the fur coat. (In shorts)

For who unhealthy,

Call doctors. (All right)

Do you hear the screams of the shepherd?

He drives into a herd of a rooster. (Cow, sheep)

Winter night

Summer shorter. (Longer)

In tea Slores of our Ole

We put five spoons of salt. (Sahara)

You will "cloud" with "I" write,

You will get five at once. (Two)

In the morning who will come to the pond,

He carries the hares of PUD. (Fish)

Difficult only for heroes

Know all eight cases. (Six)

Before bedtime, putting to pajamas,

Kiss your mom's cheek. (Right)

If guests come to you,

We all shine from anger. (From happiness)

We all shine from joy, because the next lesson begins.

Children. Dzin-Jin! Atas!

Leading. Fill the smiles of the School of Kukaryamba sciences can not only jokes, jokes, games, but also songs. Wishing to thoroughly submit their vocal skills to the scene. (The presenter chooses 7 people.)

These songs, friends,

Sing is completely easy

And with the orchestra you can sing,

And without orchestra - too!

Even if you have a bear

Stepped in ear

These songs can be singing,

The presenter distributes cards cards with tasks.

Tasks for the competition of vocal skill

1. Singing the morning serenade of the rooster.

2. sing the song of the Martam Cat.

3. Single a dog dedicated to the moon.

4. To fulfill the donkey Aria.

5. Single a mouse song dedicated to the cat.

6. To fulfill the Solo Solo.

7. Sing the night serenade of the frog.

Players read the task and perform it.

Leading. Applause to our Canary! And again change! Children. Dzin-Jin! Hooray!

Leading. All you know the game "And I!" This time you will play "And we!"

I wake up for a call, (and we)

Long beaten on the side ...

Having knew, I get up ...

Bent my bed ...

I put the kettle on the stove ...

Quickly floor I will get ...

Cheerfully doing charging ...

Under the table, the dance is directed ...

I hear tea already boils ...

The lid jumps, tauralit ...

Gas I quickly turn off ...

I pour a cup of tea ...

Sugar sugar, two or three spoons ...

I add two potatoes ...

I want to be delicious ...

Sandwich squeeze soap ...

Gather your notebooks ...

I will play with a cat in hide and seek ...

I repeat poems ...

Shoes Intore jam ...

Fast school I run ...

I'm a minute shore ...

On the way I saw a fight ...

Black cat biting a dog ...

The cat mounted and then

Moved his tail ...

I walked past the store ...

I see the elephant lies in the basket ...

Passing the garden ...

Look, on ate crocodile ...

I resort to my class

Late for an hour ...

Leading. And now I invite the visculture lesson.

Children. Dzin-Jin! Atas!

Leading. I invite you to the scene of young gymnasts (chooses 5-6 people). Now we will proceed to the fulfillment of the Kukaryamba gymnastics complex. Before you are mattresses, expand them. (Players unfold mattresses, and in them - socks.)

They took the initial position (music sounds): legs together, spokes apart. Step forward - climb the socks, step back - go down to the full foot. Once, two, three - we continue. Once, two, three are enough.

Go to slopes. Doing the tilt forward, reached the socks with the tips of the fingers. Rose socks up and smoothly spread them on the sides. Lose socks. Once, two, three - we continue. Once, two, three are enough.

Go to stretching. Take the right sock into the right hand. I pull it as high as possible. I pull my sock, pull ... Well done. Now I pull the left sock. We try. Well, well, well. Well enough.

Next exercise. The right hand reached the left sock, with his left hand reached the right sock. Raise your hands up, spread to the sides, lower them. Now shake socks. Okay.

Go to water procedures. Here is a basin with water. Rinse as socks. (Gymnasts wipe socks in a basin.)

Now at the expense of "three" end the complex of the Kukaryamba gymnastics. (Gymnasts go.)

We continue our evidence. But at first I climb and we will weaken "Bravo!" Our gymnasts! (Applause.)

Sorry in some sports. Now I will be invited to the scene for two people who themselves will choose a token card with the name of the sport in which they will compete.

Kinds of sports

1. Throwing the kernel. (The kernel is an air ball.)

2. Fencing. (It happens with the help of rapira-matches, while someone from the opponents it will not be broken.)

3. Talking the rope. (Pull the thread. The one wins, who has a scrappy of the threads will be longer.)

4. Jumping from a springboard. (Springboard is not very high - just jump from the sheet of newspaper in length.)

5. Sprint. (Participants need to be kneeling, clap the hands of the feet and in such a position, moving on the knees, break the chair set at some distance.)

Leading. Close and in a friendly weigher "Bravo!" Own athletes! Turn!

Children. Dzin-Jin! Hooray!

Leading. In continuation of the yeast lesson, we will carry out a chatter change. You do not yaw on the dangling, but let's talk to everyone than hanging out that it is called hands and legs. (Leading to the music shows the movements of "chat" with his left hand, right hand, both hands, left foot, right foot, both legs, left hand and right foot, etc. Children repeat.) Check, please, please do nothing? (He checked in children.) Finally, our last

Children. Dzin-Jin! Atas!

Leading. And he is called "Kukaryamba Cooking". The subject of the lesson is the repetition of what we know, and if we do not know, I remember.

What do you think people prefer the people of the following professions?

Conductor - ... (corn sticks).

Sanitary - ... (fried duck).

Doctor -... (ledge).

Fireman - ... (stew).

Okulist - ... (glazing).

Fashion designer -... (яжян).

Dentist -... (Torchka).

Shoefer -... (Branca).

Locksmith -... (Stroganin).

Veterinarian -... (hedgehogs).

Chemist - ... (soluble coffee).

Dictator - ... (tongue under sauce).

Kuznets - ... (chop).

Agronom - ... (siny caviar).

Concrete -... (filler).

Boxer - ... (compote from pears).

Kinologist - ... (Sausages "Dogs fried").

Parachutist - ... (Pellet, Egg Sky).

Shepherd - ... (boiled horns).

LOR doctor ... (ear)

That's all! I close the school of the Kukaryamba science on the castle (shows a huge boutophy cardboard castle with a funny face painted on it). But our evening continues. I invite everyone to the disco!