Work libraries with children in the summer. MBUK "Volodarskaya Inter-Seless Library" on the library of events in the summer

Work libraries with children in the summer. MBC
Work libraries with children in the summer. MBUK "Volodarskaya Inter-Seless Library" on the library of events in the summer

In the summer, the library becomes a kind of leisure and creativity. The organization of leisure is one of the main tasks of summer projects. That is why the form of leisure organization should be built so that children will be happy to take part in it. All libraries of the district work on creative summer reading programs:

    "The island of reading on the planet Summer" (district children's library)

    "Traveling through the light, together with the book in summer."

    "Book Summary Summary" (Kamarchagovskaya and biggest rural libraries)

    "On all sails in the summer" (Colbinskaya Rural Library)

    "Summer reading - this is an adventure"(

    "33 Sunny Summer Secret" (Novonisk Rural Library), etc.

It is a pity, of course, that programs are not supported financially. All libraries are decorated book exhibitions of summer readings:

  • "Summer books be with me", "Summer - time of bookoys" (district children's library)
  • Book Exhibition "Book Summer Magic" (Vesselogan Rural Library)
  • Book Exhibition "Literary Galaxy" (Verkhne - Esaulovskaya Rural Library)
  • TOnizhnand I Exhibitionbut advertisingbut "In order not to miss the summer, choose what to read"

    "Summer Bookzov" (Territic Rural Library)

    For the guys, mass events are visible in shape and subject.

On July 28, the Terrification Library conducted the "Day of an interesting book." The guys were able to participate in the photo shoot "I advise you to read" and in the loud reading "We read together the stories of Viktor Dragunsky."

During July, the following work was held in the Sugrystinian rural library of children: they read books together, quizzes were held, games. Engaged in drawing. It is especially possible to note the quiz "Ocean Inhabitants". During this event, answering asked questions, children met the inhabitants of the water space of our planet. Find out about their habits, features. I listened to interesting stories, short stories about sharks, whales, dolphins and other inhabitants of the water element.

On July 15, a literary quiz "Summer reading is the adventure" was held in Verkhne - Esaulovskaya Rural Library. All the guys love to read books, but most of all they love to read fairy tales. After all, fairy tales are magic. The librarian held contests on the topic: "The best knowledge of fairy tales", for the correct answer was aware of the token. The tasks were related: with the name of works, the heroes of fairy tales, or with the authors who wrote them. The guys with great interest took part in the competitions: "Guess the hero of the fairy tales", "Magic chest", "Intellectual". Each of them sought to show his knowledge, assessed himself as well as his favorite fairy tales. At the end of the event summed up, as shown counting the toe, the winners were: Ivanova Sofya, Kirkova Lale, Lazareva Marina, Litvinova Lisa.

As a promotion, they were handed small prizes.

In the Nizhne-Esaulovskaya Rural Library for children of 7-10 years old, with great interest, passed a cognitive hour under the mysterious name "Without face in the lichni"

This exciting event was devoted to the origin of mysteries and diversity in our speech.

On the zhurnal table books on the work of great artists -Korovina K.D., Shishkin, Repin, Serov, and others. Many books from the M. Prohorov Foundation. All library users on this day were able to learn more about great artists, take part in quiz "Beauty and the joy of life." Children took part in the contest of the drawings "We draw the world".

In Nizhne-Sulovsky rural library passedpmeeting program with game elements dedicated to checkers. Middle-aged children took part in the program.

Summer holiday program: Presentation "History of Checkers in persons », Pmeaning quiz "Checkers wonderful game ", master class "Checkers for the smallest", competition between checkers lovers.

July is the most appetizing time. Summer in full swing! On July 12, a cognitive contest program was organized in the district children's library."Chocolate fantasies" , locked to the World Chocolate Day.

On this day, readers were pleasantly surprised, as pleasant surprises were expected. The originality of the event aroused interest and gathered children for a holiday, despite the height of the summer. Librarian Chekhlova O. V., told the children about how chocolate do, why he is so called where cocoa beans come from, how to properly keep chocolate, which useful properties this product has. And the brightest part of the "chocolate day" was a holiday on which the guys learned the interesting facts "from the life" of chocolate: His homeland, the creator, monuments and much more, participated in the "Chocolate Quiz" and took part in a chocolate sprint "Who will shoot the chocolateer faster " The atmosphere of the holiday was supported by competitions and quizzes. The children accepted active participation in the auction on the name of chocolate. The guys in need called the names of chocolate chocolates. All participants in the competitions received sweet chocolate prizes, which could be rided from a chocolate tree that grown right in the library. The event reigned a festive-solemn atmosphere. Many events will be remembered by our readers this summer, because by tradition, summer in the children's library is an interesting, colorful, cheerful and noisy holiday, where everything is for interesting communication and acquaintance with the book. All participants were offered delicious chocolate prizes.

July 20 all over the world celebrateInternational Day Chess .

A chess tournament was held at the District Children's Library. And this is no accident, because chess, like no other game, develops intelligence, in particular memory and logical thinking.

For children, a master class of chess was held. The guys got acquainted with chess pieces, played various games, gave way to rebuses and riddles.

And lovers and experts of chess on this day checked their abilities for chessboard. In short, a chess topic captured many!

On July 28, the Orthodox Russia information hour, dedicated to the Baptism of Russia, was held at the District Children's Library. The event was carried out for children, during which, the presentation "Rus Orthodox" was shown. In an affordable form, it reflected the history of Christianity in Russia with Andrei Prolonnoye to Vladimir Red Sunshiko, further dissemination and approval of faith in the state, and also shows the historical significance of the Baptism of Russia and its influence on the further development of countries

News from Pervansk.

July 15, 2016. The guys of the senior and preparatory groups of MBDOU kindergarten "spark" came to visit the first one-country rural library. Library workers showed and told what books are in the library, large and small, musical and speaking, books - puzzles and 3 D.

Activists of the library club "Country Childhood", showed a puppet play "Fox and a rooster". But on this miracles did not end, the magician (Vadim) showed a focus with a magic wand and a magic cap, a magician (Dasha seminar) focus with magic water, and a magician (Urbel Daniel) chemical focus "Volcano".

After such adventures, the guys together with the magicians went to the literary journey to fairy tales. With the help of adults, the guys coped perfectly with the task of leading magicians, and everyone learned that the children love and know many fairy tales.

And in conclusion of the event, the "terrible gangster" (Vitnener Egor) was not called, but he himself came, and turned out to be kind and pretty presented with all the guys sweet prizes.

Ecological tournament of experts "Riddles in the forest at every step"

Cognitive program "Neighbors on the planet"

Live water day

Hour of Ecology "Blue Eyes of the Planet"

Hour of creativity (Gerjul rural library)

The year of Russian cinema and the 80th anniversary of the "Soyuzmultfilm".

"Magic Cinema" - familiarity with the work of E. Ptashkova. "Heroes of books on the screen" - view the fairy tales "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors" (People's Rural Library)

Views of the videos in the summer cinema "Favorite Heroes of Books on Screen" (Nizhne-Esaulovskaya Rural Library)

View Masha and Bear cartoons (Novonykol rural library)

"Journey to Multi-Putty" (Sugrystinskaya Rural Library)

Showing video films "Book on the screen" (Sosnovskaya Rural Library)

Film Cinema "Children's Session" (First Annaya Rural Library)

Biblimality Showing cartoons. Museum-Cineps "Removes Cinema!"

Filmworthy and video views. "Cinema-Pier" (Colbinskaya Rural Library)

Every Wednesday viewing and discussing films and cartoons "Traveling through FilmCars" (Novomihalovskaya Rural Library)

Biblicle "Heroes of Books - on a movie screen" (Anastasinsky Rural Library)

Multi-day. Cinema in the library (Territskaya Rural Library)

World Chocolate Day "Cognitive Competitive Program" Good Lekari Children's Soul "(Vesselogo Rural Library)

Cognitive Competition Program "Chocolate Fantasies" (District Children's Library)

Informative program "Country of Chocolande" (Peaceinsky Rural Library)

World family day, love and loyalty.

    "Under Family Abazhur" (lessenogo rural library)

    Competitive program "Family chest" (Peaceinsky Rural Library)

    Share "Chamomile of Happiness"( Nizhne-Esaulovskaya Rural Library)

    Promotion "For love your heart set up" (district children's library)

    Game family program "Boys and girls, as well as their parents" (Novonykol rural library)

    Hour of creativity "Create! Watch out! Try! " (First Annaya Rural Library)

    Family reading day. "Together fun to read!" (Big Dungal Rural Library)

    Hour of information "Peter and Fevronia - our main story of love" (Kamarchagovskaya Rural Library)

    The exhibition is a holiday "World of Family Hobbies" (Anastasinsky Rural Library)

Almost all libraries shared their space and so small buildings to various areas:

Corner of creativity "Sunny Luche" (Verkhne-Esaulovskaya Rural Library),creative workshop"Carlson" (Novonykol rural library), Workshop of a young artist and "skillful handles" (Sugrystinskaya rural library), Caalea-Malyak's Creative Circle (Colbinskaya Rural Library), Masterka's workshop (Novomikhailovskaya Rural Library), "Plushkin Workshop" (Pokosynsky rural library), corner of creativity "Tube Workshop" (Nizhne-Esaulovskaya Rural Library).

Game zone "Gameka" (Verkhne-Esaulovskaya Rural Library, Nizhne-Esaulovskaya Rural Library),golf games "To be interested" (Firstan rural library),golly games "Game for all summer" (Kamarchagovskaya Rural Library).

Playground for recreation and reading "Reader" (Verkhne-Esaulovskaya Rural Library),niggy salon on the balcony (Perman rural library).

Playground for watching cartoons and films "Cinema Calzal for Sun" (Verkhne-Esaulovskaya Rural Library), toinrovok "Children's Film" (Family Country Library), Film Studio "Childhood" (Colbinskaya Rural Library), "Cinema Slap" (Nizhne-Esaulovskaya Rural Library), Kuzi Kuzi (Rayonna Children's Library)

Regional Festival "Vysotsky and Siberia" 2016

Children's Library Playground "Summer Fun"

On July 15 and 16, the library playground "Summer fun" worked on the Bardovsky Festival "Vysotsky and Siberia".

Not the first year, the district librarians have been conducting various games and contests for any age category. With passion, not only children play, but also adults.

A funny bright clown (Shcherbatenko L.P., head of the Nizhne-Esaulovskaya Rural Library) called everyone to play on our site.

Great popularity used the game "Field of Miracles"dedicated to the Year of Russian Cinema and the 80th anniversary of the "Soyuzmultfilm", which are celebrated this year, where the super-connoisseur of cartoons, a real multimanova, was revealed!

For participation in contests, everyone received small prizes. Games and contests at the Summer Fun Playground were held by the Librarians of the Area: Head of the Children's Library - Kasyanova N.K., Branchinskaya Rural Library - Tsimmermann E.I., Nizhne-Esalovskaya Rural Library - Shcherbat Talk., Verkhne-Esaulovskaya Rural Library - Bulova OV, Stepnobadezheskaya Rural Library - Eric N.G., Kiyayskaya Rural Library - Butikova E.S., Poskosinskaya Rural Library - Kaminskaya V.

Both players and the presenters received a charge of cheerfulness and positive. After all, it is so nice - to give people joy and good mood!

Museum-Cineps "Removes Cinema!"(Big Dungal Rural Library)

Many events are carried out in the fresh air.

POST Views:

In the summer, the municipal libraries actively worked under the Summer Reading Program, which is part of the Izhevsk Vacation City Program.

In this year, 22 libraries participate in the program. They suggested young Izhevsk to 14 years old with benefit and interest to spend their leisure time on summer vacation. Tempets in each library was determined in accordance with such criteria as relevance, diversity and demand.

Due to the fact that 2013 in Russia declared the Year of Environmental Protection, many activities for children were devoted to nature and careful attitude towards the environment. Some libraries raised the environmental state as the entire planet, so, in particular, the cities of Izhevsk.

For example, the central municipal children's library. M. Gorky called its summer program "Library Ecolecyz".

In the library them. V. G. Korolenko - "Sun on pages".

Library to them. N. A. Ostrovsky - "Ecological Sampling".

Library-branch No. 18 - "On a visit to the summer with a green professor."

Library-branch number 20 - "Summer in the book forest".

Library to them. V. V. Mayakovsky - "This is summer - Ekoleto!"

Library-branch number 19 - "Bright Sunny Sveti".

Library to them. P. A. Blinova - "Literary and Environmental Assorted" Forest Gazeta ".

Library to them. Yu. A. Gagarin - "Summer with a book under an umbrella."

Library to them. S. Ya. Marshaka - "Forest Robinsones".

Library to them. I. D. Pastukhova - "Summer Ecological Train".

The library-branch number 24 entails "Wind of Wanders".

In the library No. 25 of the reading, the topic of ecology was also devoted. All events were combined with a single library hippodrome program, the symbol of which was a horse. This contributed to raising in the pedigree, sensitivity to friends smaller, the development of harmony and inner beauty in them.

In the library them. N. K. Krupskaya from the first sunny days began the "summer hunting season, or a bubbivibel".

Library to them. I. A. Krylova He opened the door for his young readers to the world of magic, good, joy, hope. Their program was named in the summer"Magic book."

Nature, history and secrets of the native land dedicated the summer program. Library # 23. Their theme: "Myths of the Big City."

In the library. L. N. Tolstoy the program was called "Mastery, Play, read - the soul is delivering the joy."

Library to them. V. M. Azina. Worked on the program "Young Locrad".

Library to them. A. P. Chekhov went with his readers "hitchhiking on book galaxy."

Library to them. M. Jalil wandered with the guys "According to the book traps of the summer."

In connection with the 90th anniversary of the pioneer organization in Udmurtia ini climb them. F.G. Cedarized truly "Pionerations". The guys were invited to plunge into those times when their parents, grandmothers and grandfathers were pioneers.

« Bibliere Movement "Organized Library I.A. Nagovitsyna. Summer R.fuck-to-know with the history of the pioneer movement, created the "Bibliery Detachment" in order to help residentsmicrodistrict.


In the library them. I. A. Krylova Vfoye Pink Elephant Poster invited guests to spend the "magical" summer in the library. And on the doors of the reading room "Flaw" magic "Flower-sevenceticism", telling about events held every day in the reading room.

In the summer, the whole library them. Y.Gagarin was decorated with umbrellas by air. They were windows, at exhibitions, on book racks.

Between the trees, the entrance to the library # 20 all summer attracted the attention of the progress of the program with the name "Summer in the bookstore" program.

In the premises of the library them. I.A. Nagovitsyn could clearly see the symbols: red ties, flags, posters with pioneer slogans.

Library to them. N.K. Main thematic composition on the topic of fishing saphishes of events and programmer readings An additional volumetric composition in the showcases of the children's library department.

Library exhibitions

There are no libraries without books and without library exhibitions! In the summer of them are placed, as usual, the most interesting books and magazines. And there may be children's crafts, drawings, games, quiz.

For example, in the library them. V.G. Korolenko in the design of the exhibition of books about the nature "Dari nature kindness" used live flowers, children's crafts, animal figures. Aeagronic exhibition-quiz "Favorite Strategies Carnival" is decorated in the form of a tree. The trunk and roots of the tree are twisted from wrapping paper, leaves cut out colored paper. In the branches of the bird and animals from the painted cardboard. In such a framing, the poems F. Tyutchev, A. Tolstoy, S.Senin IA.S.Pushkinaply the attention of many readers.

The "Magic Book" "revealed" their pages in the reading room at the library's book exhibition. I.A. Crowing unusual design created a fabulous atmosphere. "Magic" book is "Eragon: Guide in the Dragon Country" Christopher Paolini. The section "Little Militars" section, in which the fairy talexis of magical creatures are complemented, supplemented by quiz "Wizards, sorcerers, magicians, magicians." The "Country Fay" section contains wonderful fabulous stories about the winged wizards of the Iviktorin "Magic tools". And the heading "Workshop Danil-Masters" Etopodelki, made by the hands of readers and books to help them.

Ecological theme of the summer was reflected in library exhibitions. For example, a board exhibition was organized in the library of V. Mayakovsky "Lawn-read-ka"with quiz, questions, "Ecological serpentine.

In the library No. 18, the organizational holders "Ecological ArctoWall", "Green Man - Viktor Tuganaev".

Game Book Exhibition "Forest Robinsones" pleased children library to them. S.Ya. Marshak. In the "Living Book" section, artistic books of naturalist writers are presented, the section "Green House and its inhabitants" consists of popular science books about animals and plants.

In the library them. M. Jalil During the summer on the subscription, the past of book exhibitions-quizzes "Academy of Forest Sciences" \u003d "Urman Fә NN ә akadeyatias ":" neeven native nature "(M. Sv'evin); "The Amazing World of Birds"; "Amazing world of plants"; "In the animal world". The guys were happy to guess the riddles, proverbs and sayings about nature, about the inhabitants of the forest, as well as they were invented themselves. It turned out that young readers know the medicinal plants well, and will be able to apply them.

In the CMDB them. M. Gorky Decorated Colorful Library Exhibition on Animal World"We are with you one blood" by films: "Neighbors on the planet", "Formula of Good", "Stories from the shaggy." The heading of "Stories from the Mokhnatny" offered children a book about the adventures of animals told them themselves. For example, Samara M. "Rainbow for a friend", "Formula of Good", Pennak D. "Dog Dog", a collection "My dog \u200b\u200bthoughts", etc. In the design of these exhibitions, hoops were used, personifying the globe. In the circle there are animal toys: monkeys, tiger, birds, snakes, butterflies. On the ceiling space over the exhibition "Pucked" butterflies, beetles, ladybug. There were hosted sites of organizations providing assistance to animals, quotes and statements of outstanding people about love and mercy for wildlife. Along the floor and on the wall, the prints of the animals and birds are made.

Branch Library No. 25 suggested its young readers such exhibitions about Nature: "Library Hippodrome", "Commonwealth of Books and Nature".

Many exhibitions in the libraries were dedicated to the work of children's anniversaries, summer funny adventures and vacation.

Library them F.G. Kedrov chose another subject: at the children's subscription, the book exhibition "Summer Pioneer", which offered contemporary alternative to the computer: interesting reading, various games both mobile and erudition, funny songs, etc.

Library them I.A. Nagovitsyna with helpthe originally decorated book exhibitions-Victorinpo works of Arkadyydar and the fishers, sought to instill the love of the love of the native edge, to raise the feeling of patriotism and humanism.

Many libraries with the help of literary quizzes and bibliographic games give the exhibitions gaming character. Discount games and quizzes can be not only as an additional element of the exhibition, but may have independent character.

Discount games

Children of the city could come to the library in the summer not only to read the book or participate in the library event, but also to work out in any favorite thing or just play.

Didactic (discactory) games are games with ready-made rules. These educational games should be attributed: literary crosswords, correspondence quiz, bibliographic puzzles, mosaic, lotto, domino.The development of new bibliographic games (informographic) firmly entered the practical activities of libraries.

Library to them. Yu. Gagarin prepared discount quizzes for young erudites, for which the guys were answered with pleasure: "Around the world in the balloon" (about nature), "The World of Animals", "Alphabet of Nature", "The mostst", "Trail Trail" , "Sunny city residents", "Vini-Pooh and all-all-all", "fabulous items", "Hello, Mary Poppins", "fabulous airplane".

Library to them. S.Ya. Marshaka complemented the book exhibition about the nature of these games: "In the kingdom of flora" "Guess the animal", "bird conversations".

In the library number 23, all exhibitions were accompanied by quizzes and discharge games. Among the most successful, you can call "urban legends", "taste of dumplings", "long ago", "Mythological zoo" and "mythological puzzles" and others.

In the CMDB of M. Gorky in each department for the summer annually prepared thematic discharge games. For example, on the subscription, the kidnotee to test their own readiness and erudition using such games: Encryption "Funny Journey", the geographical game "Doggy's History", Rebus "Economy". The middle-aged readers are organized by the Quiz "Book Mousetrap" game, the literary crossword " Cats-Mouse ", Rus-Version Rebus, Eco-Rus" Brainstorming ", Fabuline Quiz" On the Rights of the Child "," Dog devotion "and so on. In the reading room, children and adolescents could independently docrossword "Flowers", Lotto "Pearls of the Plant Kingdom", Lotto "Funny Summer" (according to the verses of the Jubilee writer V.D. Berestova), quiz "By the seas around the Earth" (according to the book of the Jubilerta writer S.V. Sakhardov); Crossword "Golden Symbol of Utmurtia - Itamas" (according to the book of Udmurt scientist Buzanova V.A. "Pearls of the plant kingdom"); Coinvor "Entertaining Geography" (according to the book A. Usacheva "Geography for Children"); Games "Color Language" and "Floral Watch" (according to the books "Entertaining botany for kids" and "I will know the world: plants") and t.

"The book and big and small fishing ..." This diary is designed in the library. N. Krupskaya. Etopsychological individual correspondence form of working with children. The diary contains the factory tips, recommendations, exercises, questions and reflections on read works.


One of the main objectives of the "Summer" program is the organization of leisure of children of the city in the days of the summer holidays through the book, reading and various game forms. The library is tightly processing with camps with schools, with children's courtyard clubs and children's gardens, various social organizations.

In early June, in all libraries serving children, brightly and festively passed the discovery of the presentation of the Summer Reading Program. Usually this holiday coincides with the day of protection of children.

Pushkin day

There are dates that libraries are celebrated annually. One of them is the date June 6 - the day A.S. Pushkin. On this day, the library arrange mini-exhibitions of the great poet, conversations and loud readings.

For example, in the library them. Y. Gagarin The children answered the questions of the Quiz on the fairy tales A.S. Pushkin. On this day, in the library number 25, children also competed in the Intellectual Quiz "Pushkin Horseman". Working on the quiz helped them the book exhibition "For a long time I am with a Pushkin sign." The great poet knows, remember and love.

In the library them. I. A. Krylova successfully passed the literary game "At Lukomorya". The experts of Pushkin fairy tales learned the storyheries for "literary portraits", picked up to Pushkin rows, etc. The divorced colorful exhibition "Lukomorye" on the subscription was supplemented by the quiz "Traces of unprecedented animals" and was decorated with a "gold chain on the oak volume ...".

With Pushkin Readings Library I.D. Pastukhov came to the pupils of nearby kindergartens. They found out new biographical histories of interesting historiisisproves, played a fabulous lotto, recalled favorite Pushkin rows. Incidentally, they look at schoolwork, prepared by artists of the library.

In the library them. M. Jalille on the day of memory A. S. Pushkin held conversations, reviews at the book exhibition: "Pushkin and Tukai - the sun of Russian poetry and the soul of the Tatar people." I remembered your favorite heroes of the fairy tales of the Great Poet Little readers at the bottom of A.S. Pushkin "At Lukomory Dub Green" in the library. V.G. Korolenko.

In connection with the year of ecology in Russia and republican environmental readings "in consent with nature", events were held in a number of libraries, dedicated T. village V. V. Tuganaev.

For example, in the library. P.A. Blinova, im. N. Oostrovsky, im. V.M. Azina, im. V.G. Korolenko passed cycles of loud reading books "Green House and its inhabitants" (Tuganaev V.V.)

In the library them P.A. Blinov took place the theatrical presentation of the book of Viktor Vasilyevich Tuganeyev "Green House and its inhabitants", which the librarian spent along with the grasshopper Chikik and the butterfly of the spine. Then followed quiz, games and artistic numbers.

The environmental process "And we don't care" repeatedly passed in the library. I.A. Krylova. It was a trial of a person civilized, over himself. The accusatory material was the books of Tuganaeva V. V., a biologist, professor, "green man of the year". All those present on the process had the opportunity to recognize guilt or not. But everyone agrees that a person has created so much that it will be fixed very difficult or impossible at all.

In the library them. A.P. Chekhov, children attended the acquaintance of the creativity of Tugapanev "I want to know everything."

In the library them. M. Jalille A literary and theatrical representation on the book V. Tuganeyev "Green House and its inhabitants" was held several times.

In the Children's Library No. 18, all the summer of the Department of Green Professor, which is dedicated to Viktor Vasilyevich Tuganeyev.

Work forms

During the summer, various forms of work and library events were used in the libraries, which differed in diversity. For example, traditional library forms include high-profile readings thematic for children of younger school age.

Loud readings

Such a form, as loud reading, has become more active in the libraries. Modern children are much more interesting and easier to listen to the reading of a librarian or peer than to do at home. During the summer, the children listened to the loud readings of the Udmurt fairy tales "with a bodywork-loud, on the forest paths" in the library. V.M. Azina. On Tuesdays in the library them. F.G. Kedrov conducted loud readings with the discussion. The big response of the guys found books about the pioneers heroes. Many took these books to the home for independent reading. The works of A. Rybakova "Kortk", "Bronze Bird", A. Gaidar "The Fate of the Drummer", Balay, L.Pateleev "Republic of the Skid", etc.

In the CMDB them. M. Gorky Throughout the summer, the guys together with the subscription librarian read on the "circle" and discussed the books of such wonderful writers as Vitaly Bianki, Nikolai Sladkov, Eduard Shima, Evgenia Charushin and others.

They read out loud in the summer about horses in the library number 25. The guys got acquainted with the books of V. Astafieva "Horse with a pink mane" .E. Shima "How Horses Sleet", V. Boulevcanker "Horses on the Poddestal", Y. Corynet Yu. "The smartest horse" and others.

A kind tradition to break the tent on Fridays on the gland near the library of the Drawing Loud readings in the fresh air appeared in the library. I.A. Nagovitsyna.


Conversations are the traditional form of library events. At the present stage, they are often accompanied by showing electronic slides in the programPowerPoint. and complementary issues to secure the learned material. It enhances the cognitive function of the conversation and makes this form of modern and relevant.

The cycle slide conversations about the living world passed in the library. I.A. Krylova. It:

"Crocodile, Star and others"; "Orlan-Belochvost - Bird of 2013"; "Frog-Tsarevna, or Frog Tusovka" and "Bird Castle, or the apartment question" about bird nests, etc.

The library number 20 is very popular with the guys used a cycle conversations about the right lifestyle: "On the benefits of charging", "Hygiene - a guarantee of health"; "Oh! Vitamins are a thing! "; "Health: eight magic letters." All conversations were complemented by moving strengthening games, which was very pleased with the listeners.

Library to them V.G. Korolenko conducted a cycle of conversations "We are with nature friends": "Green House and its inhabitants" by creativity V.V. Tugahanaeva; "Pharmacy under the legs"; "On the circus" k150th anniversary of the birth of Durov V.L.; "Korolenkov readings": to the 160th anniversary of the birth of a writer and others.

In the library they are I.D. Pastukhov was a cognitive conversation "Holland - traditional and fashionable". The listeners met the traditional and modern architecture of this country. Girls interested historical, folk and modern suit. Acquaintance with the Dutch needlework ended with the participation of all those present in the "designer" competitions.

The cycle of informative conversations listened to the young readers of the library. F.G. Kedrov .Scisses about pioneers, about their friendly public life, always had an ecological bias. Who always collected waste paper, scrap metal? Who helped in trouble with a wounded animal, cared for them in living corners? Who knew how to correctly, without prejudice to nature to go hiking? It's all - Pioneers! There was a speech on the conversations: "Pioneer and in Ecology is an example", "Green Wealth", "Stay, if you want to be healthy," "Earth is only one", etc.


Informing children and attracting them to reading is impossible without traditional thematic literature reviews. Bibliographic reviews of literature can be both an independent event and an integrated part of an integrated event. Often reviews of literature are held at thematic exhibitions, or from exhibitions of new arrivals. Reviews may also be accompanied by a demonstration of slides.

Overview of the whales and dolphins "Inhabitants of the Sea Depths" was held in the library number 20. He was accompanied by adhesive video sequence. The guys are interested in a story about the life of fish with the most unusual names: Fish-Moon, Fish-Sword, Needle, Belt, Selrian King, Fish-Saw and TD.

Presentation of the library exhibition with an overview of the literature on animals "I am with you one blood" passed several times in the CMDB. M. Gorky.

In the library number 18, reviews of literature were repeatedly held on the exhibition "Green Man - V. Tuganaev".

Lessons and hours

Despite the fact that summer is a vacation, wobbled children can be with the benefit for themselves to cognitive lessons and hours.

Library to them. S.I MARSHAKA invited young readers for the hour of nature on the works of a wonderful writer V. Bianki "In the forest on the riddles." The guys "visited" in the "bird dining room", found out who was powered by, "whose nose is better" and "who sings." Then they guess the riddles about birds and revered the "Forest Newspaper". In the same library, the ecological hour of "Ploy in the Red Book". The children met the symbol of creating a red book, worshiped sad stories as people exterminated animals (about the tour, about the wandering pigeons, about the marine cow). Then they showed erudition: according to the description of the animal, it was necessary to determine its name. The ecological hour of Zoological city "Earth and its residents" ended.

Legal lesson "Environmental protection. The rights and obligations of citizens "passed in the library. I.D. Pastuhov. The purpose of this hunt was the mining of legal knowledge in the field of environmental protection.

In the same library, an informative hour of "Ecology and Transportation" was held. Carefully listened to the story about how closely the history of the development of transport and ecology is closely connected. The game "Earth, water, air, fire" was devoted to methods of movement. During the games "Aboard the ship", "Train" and "Autogonki", the children played the role of both "drivers" and "passengers" of vehicles. Divided into two teams, they answered questions and fantasized how the transport of the future would be.

On the music and poetic hour "Valde but Kytki - Ah, oh, urve!" ("Earth, horses, horses!") Everyone No. 25 in the library was invited. Children gladly read poems and sang songs about loyal and good horses, which for a long time helped a person, both in the farm and in battle.

Gaming forms

Purifying the children of love for reading should occur not boring and not intrusive. The use of game forms in group and individual work with children attracts their attention to the book, turns the process of knowing a new material into an exciting occupation. Games, or game items are present in almost every event for children. Young visitors to all libraries will be happy to take part in intellectual and literary games. The peculiarity of this summer is a combination of intellectual tasks with rolling games in one event in a number of libraries.

In the CMDB, M. Gorky attracted the child's children's "Vucuzo Trade". Mythological characters Vukuzo and Inmar asked questions to the guys on the knowledge of the Udmurt mythology, they made a riddle of the animals and birds. Then it was necessary to call familiar objects of Udmurtski. In the movable relay, it was necessary to carry and not spill water through conditional Bolot, mountains and ravines. At the end, Vumurt loosened and tried to drag the players to himself in the Out - who dragged, he himself became vumurt.

In the same library took placekologic tournament "Fantasy of the flower country". Teams gave ordinary colors riddles,tell melendes and fairy tales, remembered songs about them. The players then showed their practical skills: how to cut the flowers to the bouquet, determine the flower in its aroma. Questions of other contests concerned the symbols of flowers, the benefits of medicinal plants and will adopt colors. The team game has activated and rallied the guys.

In the intellectual game "Taored Robinson" young lovers of nature took the participation of the library. S.Ya Marshak. It was a kind of dedication to Robinsones, checking knowledge about the forest. It was necessary to call the famous benchmarks in the northern forest, list the ways to incite a fire without matches, draw up a menu from edible plants in the forest, list medicinal plants to assist, learn about the folk signs of the weather. The city guys coped with the tasks!

In the library them. P.A. Blinov held the game "Fairy Tale of Forest Out." During the event, the guys were asked for various issues of Oles. Then the literary competitor "the most attentive" and quiz "Medicinal plants" passed.

In the library them. Yu. Gagarin was literary games "And you met with them", "Trap for a book", "Literary Yelash" and sports and environmental: "Sunny and I am the best friends", "big jumps".

In the library them. I.A. Krylova became fascinated by the guys the game "100 to 1" on an ecological and local history topic.

To secure the knowledge gained in the library. F.G. Kedrov took the game on the type of the game "Brain": each field of a drawn square shows how many points you can earn, responding to the proposed literary question. If a smiling "smiley" is depicted on the field, then the glasses are just like that if the "smiley" is sad, then you need to answer another question.

Library to them. I.A. Nagovitsyna confidently uses such a form as a quest game. So this summer, the young friends of the library with pleasure participated in the "Bibliere Dew". They had to look for a magic book hidden by unclean strength, as well as the most important "Biblues" attributes. The goal of the game is to collect hints and following the instructions to a high-end subject. In the process of the game, the guys got acquainted with all the corners of the library and learned to use the catalog.

Finding Summer in the library number 23 was the "Mythological Quest". Moving in the stations, the participants of the game in the fresh air solved the puzzles, remembered mythological characters, got acquainted with the myths of different countries and urban mythology of Izhevsk.

In the library them. V. Mayakovsky Search Quests For the teams of opponents, children themselves came up.

Outdoor games

Summer warm weather and announced environmental protection and ecology contributed to that not only for intellectual, but also for the physical development of children, many events were carried out in the fresh air.

So, in the library them. Y. Gagarin At the beginning of the summer there were funny games called "Up Tormashki and Rear", which included such competitions: "Race Tanitolkayev", running with knitted legs, "Giant Steps", the game "How many seconds in a glass of water", Competition " Guess the opponent, ", game" Kochka and swamp ", running with balloon, etc.

In the library them. I.A. Against assistance also strengthened health and engaged in physical development with the help of all kinds of sports competitions and contests. For example, in the Treated Sports and RoleIng « Bribery Games. "On the basis of the previously obtained knowledge of the area of \u200b\u200bthe OBZH and ecology biblies took part in both mobile sports competitions, and in intellectual quizzes. Each team has its own route list with tasks.

The game "Forest Robbers" took part readers of the library. S.Ya. Marshak.

In the library they are F.G. Kedrov in front of the next morning library event, the children gathered at the morning charge at 9.30 to strengthen health and physical development. Readers of the same library took part in the Pioneer Library game "Zarnitsa".

Thematic days and holidays

I would like to note that especially in the summer holidays it is advisable to carry out comprehensive thematic events that require solid preparation and help of the guys themselves.

Complex activities include holidays conducted in the library walls. These holidays are significant events, such as the abstract and closure of the Summer Reading Program in libraries, thematic days.

At the beginning of summer in the library them. V.G. Korolenko took place the "Sun on the pages" holiday. Children took an active part in the quizzes on the environment, met the main environmental issues, solved how to behave in difficult situations in nature, looked at the puppet play "Three Butterflies" about friendship and the relationship of all living in nature. A large view of the new literature for children "Read the first!" Was issued.

Not the first year of the library number 25 invites his readers for the feast of chocolate, which this year was called "eating horses chocolate?" On this day, he was held on the knowledge of the facts about chocolate and its properties. Then the participants of the holiday played the show-play game "Manege Miracles" and in "Chocolate-Konfesta Zhmurki". All the guys are satisfied with a sweet day.

Chocolate holiday "Medicine for sweet tech" was noted in the library # 23. With the help of puppet theatricalization, the audience was told by the history of chocolate wood and a drink from cocoa beans, about the benefits of chocolate and its unconventional use. Young expensive-sweet kits took part in merry quiz.

In the same library, the traditional was the "Day Neptune" and, as always, he delivered the guests a lot of positive emotions. The guys remembered books about the famous navigators, met maritime terminology, plunged into the sea abyss and sang songs, pleasant Vladyka the seas - It is only a small part of what guests of the holiday were engaged.

Library to them. L.N. Tolstoy celebrated the calendar holiday day Ivan Kupala. On this day, children reading N. Gogol "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala", remembered folk customs, mastered the dolls from flowers, herbs, chips, made "sunshine" from straw, painted herbs and flowers.

At the end of the summer, many libraries of the most active participants in the Summer reading program were invited to fairs, fruit and berry banquets and watermelons (library №20, named after S.Y. Marshak, I. A. A. Krylova, etc.)


And in the library they. P.A. Blinova took place a competition called "Domestic Pets". Children willingly showed their pets, telling about their habits, food and features. Quiz was held about animals, and then the mobile quiz-relay, in which children were suggested to divide into two teams, each of which overcame his stage with guessing the correct answer to the question from the three presented options.

The children's beneficial with the participation of pets was organized in the library. S.Ya. Marshak "Four paws, wet nose." Here it is done no first year. Initially, the guys told about their four-legged friends (the competition "Business Card). The following task - Dresser. Dogs showed a remarkable performance of the main teams. Then the hosts of the pets were competed: who will give more dog breeds and list the profession of dogs, remember the works with dog heroes, etc. Then everyone listened to the review on the Book of Pets and Pet Frienders.

Theatricalized generation

Conducting library events with elements of theatricalization, where librarians or children themselves are in the role of actors, causes live interest among readers from preschool to high school students and promotes the popularization of reading and literature.

At the presentation of the summer program in early June in the CMDB. M. Gorky Children welcomed the Forest King Berendia and his assistants Lesovka and Kimikor. About the upcoming summer children told the experienced traveler. Carefree butterflies spent several games. Roles performed both the librarians themselves and children-activists.

And at the end of the summer in the library. A.P. Chekhov was shown the ecological fairy tale "Gray Cap and Wolf", which the children prepared.

In the Children's Library number 18, the initiative group of readers was gathered, together with which several small performances and scenes were delivered. No event has passed without theatricalization. The children themselves prepared costumes and makeups, learned the songs and put the dances. ActorsRemed upstands: from 1 to 10th grade. By participating in summer readings, children not only have overcome shyness and revealed their talents, but also acquired new friends.

The puppet theater acts as a playing form of library work, uniting the theater - a doll - a book. Experience has shown that the puppet theaters created by their own during libraries attract young readers, they cause them genuine interest in art, theater and literature.

In the CMDB them. M. Gorky continued its activities the theater of the book "Golden Key. In the summer, the children-actors for unorganized readers showed takicucole performances: "Tale of fisherman and fish" to Pushkin Day; local lore-ecological performances "Rooster and Fox", "Old man and birch", "Kotofey Ivanovich"; Ecological performances "Curious Hare", "Hunter and Snake", "Once in the Forest", "Hedgehog in the Tuman", "Boy-Zaknayka", etc.

In the library them. N.K. Krupskaya summer showed puppet performances: "By whining velin", "Fishing about fisherman and dragon" and others.

In the library them. M. Jalil from June 1, he worked a puppet theater "Ә qiyat "-" Tale " Fairy tale children were shown: "Teremok", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Goat and Baran" (Tukai). A play was put on the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky "Fly - Codochoha". Amateur Theater "Chulp" showed for childrenc. conducting "about the grasshopper" according to the book V. V. Tuganeyev "Green House and its inhabitants."

In the library them. V.G. Korolenko in the summer of Friday worked a children's theater studio "Tales of the Scientist Cat".

Library № 19 and CMDB them. M. Gorky on the day of the city went to the open city platform with an ecological mini-play and quiz.

Summer, sun, vacation! Some events are not limited to libraries and closeness of book racks and shelves.

In the library them. Y. Gagarin Librarians and young readers have repeatedly left the library room. For example, they organized the ecological campaign "Rodnik" to clean the spring nearest to the library. Simultaneously with the action, a conversation was carried out on the meaning of water in the life of a person "Water, water, a circle of water". And several times they went out "with an umbrella and a magnifying glass around the summer meadow." The children got acquainted and considered plants growing on the adjacent territory, guess the quiz about plants.

Library to them. S. I Marshak for his readers arranged a walk in the park of astronauts. There was also a conversation in the fresh air about medicinal plants, and on the plants of meadows and fields. Children met with the legends of the colors, they participated in the promtor of the colors, gave way to riddles.

Sense the horse, her soft touch was lucky to readers of the library No. 25. They visited the "Stable of Ksyusha". The guys got acquainted with a horse with a protein, pony root and camel liza. Learned their history of appearance in our territories. The children came to visit animals with hotels, treated them. And then rode from the soul!

Readers of the library V. Mayakovsky went to visit the library number 25 and visited the local history museum. Bible. N. Ostrovsky with young readers came out an offering aide in search of medicinal herbs "we are from all useful diseases."

Library to them. I.A. Nagovitsyna never ceases to amaze new checks. July 31 in this library passed the action "Anthill good deeds." The goal of the action is to draw the attention of the inhabitants of the industrial area to the library, book and reading, make all the inhabitants and happier. The activists and friends of the library came out with the spreading of positive flyers. Another young biblies on this day helped passersby carry heavy bags, accompanied to the house in the rain under a large umbrella and arranged "hugs". In total, 20 biblies took part in the promotion, 60 ads were disclosed, 40 passersby were hugged, 30 good deeds were made!


In all libraries, a schedule was drawn up for a week - during certain days, the children drew on a given topic, masters or composed.

In the library number 20, a master class was held on the creation of "environmentalizing" crafts from resellers called "nine lives of one thing".

All summer in the library them. Yu. Gagarin Dashivaeko-workshop "100 ideas from unnecessary things." The guys are mastered from paper bulk balls, cowudam flowers, made bookmarks (scrapbooking), made key rings from buttons, Mastered funny clothespins.

All July in the library them. L.N. Tolstoy worked a puppet workshop, where from a different material (clay, candy, herbs, chopsticks, fabrics) could be learn to make a ceulatory and play with them. Decorated "Gallery of children's drawings". By the end of the summer, the library opened the exposition "Museum of Children's Creativity".

In the library them. I.D. Pastukhov classes in the creative workshop were devoted to the secondary use of old things: from foam and paper guys making trails for the future railway line; From plastic bottles and old fabric - toys, old denim and satin ribbons were used to create new handbags and other accessories.

In the library them. V.M. Azina Children learned to make wanings for happiness.

All summer visitors to the children's library. I.A. Krylov was pleased with the art exhibition of the best children's drawings "Bird of the Year", which was organized by the framework of the ecological project. Young artists soluble incentive prizes. And in the library number 24Deti painted the library of the future.

In the library number 19, the films watched a film about how the cartoons are created and met with the work of the writer V. Suteev. Then they tried their strength in creating a cartoon on the fairy tale V. SUTEEVA "Apple".

The most important achievement of this summer in the library number 20 was the establishment of the auto film on the motives of the "edible fairy tales" Masha Dourub "Kasha Manya". The technical side of the process was provided by a specialist, an employee of the library. A friendly team of five creative young readers created "cough" heroes from cereals and plasticine, cut the scenery, discussed the script, laid out individual frames.

Video views

In libraries, in the presence of technical means, children are invited to the video viewing of cartoons and movies on certain topics, or the screening of literary works with their subsequent discussion.

In the library them. I.Krylova films and cartoons were shown: "The Mystery of Egor, or extraordinary adventures by ordinary summer." This film is a participant in the international festival of human rights "Stalker". The cartoon "Epic" is an exciting story about the protection of nature, about cunning and honesty, about evil and good. The library summer event in this library is the retro view of the film on the artistic work of Jack London "White Fang". For the first time in life, modern children watched Filter. Personal participation in the creation of a miracle: Preparation of a darkened hall, art reading text to personnel, their rewind, left unforgettable impressions in children. In the library them. V.G. Korolenko on Wednesdays all summer watched cartoons. In the library them. F.G. Kedrov, im. V. Mayakovsky and some other libraries viewing cartoons were accompanied by a discussion.


In the summer, children not only rested, played and read. The young assistants of the librarians took part in landscaping of flowers, the care of flowers, the repair of the dilapidated books, processing new literature, dust of library funds.

Residents ul. Bummashevskaya were surprised by the library assistants. I.A. Nagovitsyna, who took the patribution over the railway flower beds.

In May the library them. F.G. Kedrov, with the help of readers, an environmental map of the microdistrict was developed, on which the places of unauthorized landfills are indicated or simply poorly retractable, inconsiser. During the summer, the Ecological Library Tent as much has changed the appearance of this card, where flowers bloomed instead of danger icons.

In the library number 25, young assistants took part in the labor entrance: the repair of children's magazines and books, dusting library funds.


In the library them. S.Ya. Marshaca The reading screen was created - "Daras Loving". Guys attached leaflets on the birch. On the leaflets (in the form of birch leaves), the name of the participant and earned points was recorded. From these leaves, it turned out at the end of the summer beautiful birch!

In the library them. I.A. NEOGOVITSE Every good deed was rewarded with library currency - "biblies", and was taken into account in a special personal case.

In the library number 25 at the end of the summer, the "Finish" auction was held, where the children acquired a stationery for earned library currency "horseshoes". Throughout summer in the library, L.N. Tolstoy kids led waylies. In the library them. V. Mamakovsky children earned "beacons" - library currency. The number of bakelov earned by the readers of the CMDB IM.M. Gorky amounted to a record 16,000 conventional units.

Press. media

Information about the conducted library events is adjusted to the population in various ways: ranging from ads in each library and handouts on the street, ending with printed melectric media, television and radio communications.

The press release of the upcoming summer could be read on the site

City Guiderogram "Summer readings", which includes events of the MBU CBS, placedon the site of the administration of Izhevsk .

On reading and summer events in municipal libraries, in the Light "Person" on the GTRK "My Udmurtia" Krasnopoorov Natalia Vladimirovna, Deputy Director for Work with the Children of MBU CBS G. Izhevsk.

Throughout the summer library. I.A. Krylova attended a radio consecration reporter (sand, 13) Dina Sedov and took several interviews, both with children readers and librarians, heads of children's reading. Notes on summer events were repeatedly posted on the portal of the administration of the city of Izhevsk.

About the work of the library. M. Jalil, according to the Summer Reading Program-2013, was removed the plot of the Branch of VGTRK GTRK "Udmurtia". Successes library them. V.G. Korolenko also covered local television. Other libraries also provided information to the local press. In the summer of the library cooperate with municipal, social and public children's organizations.

For example, June 1 on the Day of Children's Day Library. S.Ya. Marshak participated in the holding of a children's holidaythe microdistrict is metropolitan together with the center of the aesthetic education of the industrial area. Games, quizzes were held.

For children from MBU Center for Social Assistance Family and Children of the Industrial District of Izhevsk "Hepudom" in the library. P.A. Plinka was held during the summer three events.

In Tsmdbim. M. Gorky For children with disabilities from KCSO No. 1, slide conversations were held, browsing art and cartoon films with quiz.

In June, the children's library. Yu. Gagarinoprovella three events for compatinals of a correctional colony of minors No. 9 of the UFSIN of the Russian Federation at the Udmurt Republic.

Library to them. I.A. Krylova prepared and spent the summer events for the children's hospital number 7 (in need of the children of the October and Industrial District).

Library to them. I.A. Nagovitsyna collaborated with the Izhevsk and the Children's Department of the Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital. Library No. 25 conducted events with children of the Center "Family", where children with disabilities and children in a difficult life situation were included.

For children of the children's office of a psychoneurological dispensary and a social and rehabilitation center for minor library. I.D. Pastukhov organized and conducted a number of events. Library to them. F.G. Kedrov collaborated with School No. 96 (boarding school) and the Correction School No. 23.

In the Palace of Children's Creativity at the presentation of the book "What is the Motherland?", Published in connection with the 90th anniversary of the Pioneer Organization, were the guys, the young readers of the library them. I.A. Nagovitsyna with artistic numbers.

This is such an exciting and fruitful summer in the municipal libraries of the city of Izhevsk. At the end of the summer, the best participants of the program "Summer Reading-2013" MBU CBS were invited to the astronauts park for the holiday "That summer has passed." They looked at the performance of the theater "Let Five" Children's School of Art No. 1,

Information and library service department.

Bright and colorful book exhibitions were drawn up. Events were held - 364, visited the events - 4658 people.

The summer period always begins with the International Children's Day. In all libraries of the district, festive events were held on this day. In the Novopoltavsky rural library was held holiday "Childhood, I love you!"The leading congratulated all those present on the holiday and the beginning of the summer holidays. Children read poems, singing songs together, with pleasure they took part in various contests. The festive mood of this day was reflected in the drawings of the guys, which they had the ability to draw chalk right on the asphalt next to the library. And smiling faces became another proof that the holiday was a success. In the conversion rural library passed competitive program "With a golden key on the field of miracles." The guys gave the riddles, read poems, sang songs, answered questions quiz "Literary Assorted", Took part in competitions: "Types of Transport", "Cheerful Ball", "Guess Flower". The best participants in the holiday were awarded prizes. In Ermakovsky Children's branch, young readers participated in contest drawing on the asphalt "Flowers and children".

On the sixth of June, the Pushkin Day was celebrated across the country. The Nursesuetuksky rural library celebrated this date literary game "Once - step, two - steps".In the course of which the guys answered questions quiz "Name a fairy tale", took an active part in competitions: "Bureau of Finds", "Guess the Hero", "whose words".In Verkhneusinsky rural library passed literary evening "Lyceum years of genius"Where a conversation was about the life and work of A.S. Pushkin, poems sounded. Ohsk rural library for his readers spent evening - poetry "I again read Pushkin rows."

Much attention in the summer period librarians of the district paid the environmental education of children. For example, the Ermakovsky Children's branch invited younger students on ecology hour "Symbol of Russian Nature. The presenter told why Birch was white, how many species exists than it is useful. Children read poems, guess the riddles, constituted proverbs about Russian beauty. The event was interesting and informative. In the Novopoltavsky rural library passed eco Competition "Eco - WE".Readers of Verkhneusinsky rural library received practical skills in environmental game "Go to the campaign".The guys got acquainted with the rules of behavior in nature, took an active part in games and competitions: "necessary things in the hike "," Gather Backpack "," Forest cuisine "," Defined the Medicinal plant "," Guess Mushroom", On various features determined "What will be the weather",solved "Environmental tasks."In connection with forest fires throughout the country, conversations were held in the libraries of the district with children about the rules of behavior in nature.

Due to the fact that 2012 was declared the Year of Russian History, in the libraries of the district, measures were carried out on the formation of patriotism in children and adolescents, pride in their homeland and enhance interest in her history. By the day of memory and grief in the Ermakovsky Children's branch was held memory lesson "The most bitter and long day per year."The presenter told the guys about when and whom the war began, where the first battle occurred, about the Leningrad Blocade, about the young heroes of the war. The story of the librarian was accompanied by a slide show. At the end of the event, children read poems.

The Great Patriotic War forever will remain in the memory of people as the greatest patriotic feat. To the 70th anniversary of one of the greatest pages of that terrible war, a great battle on the Volga - the battle for Stalingrad in the Novopoltavsky rural library passed history lesson "70 years of Stalingrad Battle". The guys learned about the progress of the Stalingrad battle and about the exploits of Soviet soldiers and officers who stood two hundred fiery days and nights. The story of the librarian was accompanied electronic presentation "Bow land harsh and beautiful" At the end of the meeting, all those present honored the memory of the victims of silence.

A lot of attention in the summer period of the Library of the district continued to pay for educational events that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Ermakovsky Children's branch invited his readers on An entertaining lesson of health "We are doing - jump and run." The lesson was carried out in the fresh air in the summer courtyard. During the meeting, there was a conversation about how to take care of her health that you need to do not hurt, the children remembered the proverbs about health, Dr. Gradsman explained that it denotes the word "vitamin". Then the guys with excitement participated in merry relay and contests. In the Nikolaev branch was held health hour "Live without risk." Readers of the semennikovskaya rural library really liked cognitive program "Journey to the Country of Health". Aibolit invited on the journey. He told the guys how to strengthen his health, about the benefits of vitamins, which should be known and be able to avoid diseases and accidents, how to provide first aid. The guys solved the puzzles of Moydodyra, answered questions quiz "Nazovy medicinal plant "Participated in sports relay. Everyone present for himself understood, the most valuable thing is that a person has health. Preferring it from early years.

All libraries of the district continued to work zones for children. Where librarians were spent with children creative classes: "Crafts from buttons", "Romashkovoy Divo", "Magic Flowers", "Tili - Tili Dough", "with their own hands", "origami", "funny animals".

Special place in working with children and adolescents is the regional studies. The time of centuries, a man considers his land, began his land all started. From here, our life path begins, here we rush out of the far gave, we return sometimes to worship a small homeland, for us a small homeland is the Siberian Earth. In the Ohsk rural library passed literary - the musical composition "My Edge is thoughtful and gentle."The guys read poems and sang songs of the poets of the native land. Readers of the Nikolaev branch became participants quiz "My Malaya Motherland."Quiz is dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the village of Nikolaevka. The leading questions were related to the history of the villages, animals and the floral world. Ermakovsky Children's branch for adolescents held the poetic hour "Siberia is a source of inspiration."

Purifying the children of love for reading should occur not boring and not intrusive. The use of game forms in group and individual work with children attracts their attention to the book, turns the process of knowing a new material into an exciting occupation. Young visitors to all libraries with pleasure took part in intellectual and literary games. Readers of the Salbian rural library liked literary game "Sea battle".Migninsk rural library invited the guys on the game is the journey of "Fairy Tales of Foreign Readers".Children's library with younger schoolchildren spent gaming program "In the kingdom of a shard game without deception." The king of balloons - Sharoran arranged a holiday about his own birthday. The guys with Azart took part in the merry games and Competitions: "Statues"," Above above "," in the rhythm of Limbo "," Run with a newspaper "," crabs "," The sea is worried "," Running with a wheelbarrow "," Run with the ball "," Running in bags "," Penguin " . Competitions were carried out in the fresh air in the summer library courtyard. All those present received the charge of cheerfulness and fun.

Ermakovsky children's branch of children's health sites of Esosh№1 and No. 2 were actively visited. Their attention was offered: the game show "Time of fabulous travels", the game program "Our favorite Charles Perra", the literary game "in the world of books", the literary tournament "Visiting Pavel Bazhov", quiz "Multi-Putti". Guys younger school age liked presentation of the exhibition - watching "Book in the Rays of the Sun". In the game corner for readers, the clocks of mysteries, quizzes, loud readings, conversations for read books were arranged. The reading room was watching fairy tales and cartoons, board games tournaments. This is how interesting and with the benefit of the guys spent the summer holidays.

Methodist for working with k.m.Gadrickson


"" Summer under the book umbrella "Methodical advice on organizing the work of libraries with children in the summer period of Art. Kalininskaya ... "

MKU "Kalininskaya Inter-Sectory Library"

Organizational and methodical department

"Summer under the book umbrella"

Methodical advice on organizing libraries with

children in summer

art. Kalininskaya

Holidays, vacation ... children dream about them, often and seriously

adults are reflected, whose childhood is already gone. And no less this topic is worried

librarian, educators, workers of summer camps.

Summer is the luxurious days of the school holidays, when children open the world and themselves in this world.

Summer is the time of action, samples and inspection of their forces, the time of development and understanding of the surrounding world. Every day, every hour of summer vacation is amazing and unique. By organizing their lives, their activities, the children will be clever, spiritually rich, become better.

What to take guys during vacation? How to organize leisure children?

Properly organized walks, excursions, hiking will become an effective educational agent only if they are combined with quiz, games, various contests and competitions. This allowance is an indispensable assistant in such a matter.

Methodical recommendations Organization of summer recreation of children and adolescents - the traditional direction of activity of public libraries. In the summer, the main task of all libraries is to cover the meaningful holiday as many schoolchildren as possible, expand their horizons, teach the work of communication, to instill love for the book, careful attitude towards nature.

The libraries of the district cooperate with schools, children's gardens, with holiday camps to organize summer holidays.

How to fill in the free time of children and adolescents, how to make in the summer they were interested in with a book. Summer programs are sent to the solution of these issues.

They include:

Attracting children and adolescents to the library,

Organization of their summer leisure;

Development of schoolchild intelligence through the game and book;

The joint work of children and their parents to replace individual events come comprehensive and profile summer programs, which reflect all the variety of thematic areas of work, are drawn up with the specifics of various age-related categories, which increases the interest of children to all the events. Here are examples of summer programs for which libraries can work:

"Amazing holidays", "Summer Kaleidoscope", "Summer. Book. I am friends, "" Summer with a book "," Journey through the book universe "," Vacation with a book "," Mystery in the book, a book - mystery. "

These programs are aimed at enjoying children to enjoy reading, experience the joy of encouraging to knowledge and artwork. They are interested in what makes it possible to combine reading with creative and gaming activities, discussing books with movies and cartoons.

In summer, it is advisable to carry out work, applying summer travel programs, leisure programs, summer reading programs, environmental programs, creative workshops.

But summer is not only reading books. This is a big change that is given to the guys to strengthen their health, physical hardening. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out mobile games, sports holidays, Olympics.

Events are held both with organized children (attending summer playgrounds at schools, houses of culture, sports facilities), and with inorganized children - those who, for a number of reasons, did not go on vacation and was granted himself.

Events conducted by libraries in the summer, distinguishes a large thematic diversity, covering various areas of knowledge:

literary criticism, ecology, geography, history, regional studies, etc., as the tasks are put here, in addition to filling out the leisure of children and attracting to read, have also received new knowledge on various topics.

Special popularity in children and adolescents are used by such forms of library work as: theatrical submissions, reviews, literary cruises, geographical information, art historical investigations. In short, not only reading is limited to the leisure of children and adolescents in the summer in the library. Some guys seek to shine with erudition, solving crosswords and charades, answering the questions of the Quiz. Others prefer to show themselves in literary creativity - they write poems, stories, letters to the favorite heroes. Third try themselves as artists, the embodulating images of book heroes in the drawings.

Despite the mobile summer fun, the guys with enthusiasm attend classes of "School of Morality", "School of Young Pedestrian", "Magic School of Politeness", which are opening in the summer period during libraries.

The cycle of computer literacy lessons helps the guys to communicate with this smart technique on "you".

Special attention in the library must be paid to exhibitions focused on a specific reader's audience. Teenagers can offer an exhibition-crossword "I am looking for a reading friend." To solve this crossword and find the right answers, they had to read the books presented at the exhibition.

Her goals:

Activation of the work of the library to help humanitarian development

Strengthening cooperation in the promotion of books and reading with youth organizations Propaganda of the best works of fiction

Attraction to reading teenagers and youth

The formation of a positive attitude to the book and the library for intellectual leisure lovers to work libraries can be introduced a new form "Erudes-Cafe". This is the cycle of cognitive classes with children not only in the walls of the library, but also the way out of its limits: excursions to the local lore museum, the central library, in the Park of Culture and Leisure. The topics of meetings in the cafe are the most diverse: conversations about love and friendship, partnership, local lore quiz about their native land and famous countrymen, literary contests and intellectual fights.

Many libraries can actively use their technical capabilities for creating video galleons, organize the display of cartoon films and slides, karaoke tournaments, checkered tournaments.

This form of work is interesting - as the organization of the summer reading room. The purpose of this work is to advance the reading among villagers by means of periodicals through the reading room in the open sky. An important aspect of its functioning is information and educational and leisure activities. Designed for a children's and adolescence audience, this work includes the conduct of fun games, cognitive quizzes, interesting competitions.

Libraries open mobile libraries in day stay school camps. Recreation there are invited children in the walls of the "book kingdom", where they introduce new literature, children's newspapers and magazines.

During the summer holidays, many libraries can attach children to "young library activities. You can organize a librarian school "," Corner of book Aibolit ", clubs for repair books" Knikina Hospital ", spend the action" Live for a long time, book! "You can attract children even to editing directories and card files.

Traditionally, all the events held during the summer holidays reflect several priority areas:

Environmental education

Regional science

Moral and aesthetic education

Increasing interest in reading

Creative development of children Such a variety is the undoubted advantage of libraries and the key to the successful implementation of the summer campaign. Let us dwell on each of the specified destinations.

Environmental education in summer period libraries is paying much attention to environmental events. Work in the libraries of the program and projects of an ecological orientation, environmental clubs.

The goal is to educate in children of environmental literacy through acquaintance with the works of Natukov's writers, Svavina, Pouustovsky.

Work forms are the most diverse: loud readings, games, intellectual lotto, quiz and riddles, discussion of works. The guys with great pleasure take part in a meeting of the Round Table "Earth - our home", it is possible to create our "Declaration of Nature", to take an active part in creating an environmental book.

To increase interest in the native land, its nature, see and try to solve his problems, the libraries carry out events with way out:

"Live spring" - an entertaining ecological tour "We go to the campaign" - an environmental game can be organized by the "ecological landing" on cleaning the forest surveyor from garbage.

The game-imagination "Forest book of complaints and suggestions" is enjoyed constant success in children and adolescents, the Day of Health, on which the "Tree of Healthy Habits" is made, a correspondence tour of the forest, for which it is necessary to equip the environmental expedition of young local historians "on forest paths "

Unique interest causes a literary-biological KVN in the Forest "Bear Games", which ended with a forest harvesting from domestic garbage and preparing a treat for forest residents; Share on landscaping "Flowering Planet Childhood", in which the most active readers of libraries take part.

Regional science without this direction of work can not be submitted to the activities of the library today, especially children's. Library workers are in constant search for the most effective forms of working with a local lore book, propaganda of local lore knowledge.

Summer readings can pass under the motto "Remember: Peace do not know, not knowing the edges of your own." The program can be called "my land of the native - the particle of the Motherland is big."

The work of libraries in local lording enlightenment includes three main directions:

"Our common friend is Nature" (nature, ecology of the region) - June "Belebey Literary" - July "By his native land" - August to upbringing love for his native land - such a task is set by the library of the city and the district. The librarians offer readers the work of the writers of the native land, participation in contests, quizzes, the fulfillment of various creative tasks, meetings with interesting people of the city and villages.

Within the framework of the summer holiday program, children need to organize a variety of activities:

"What I see my village" - the contest of the drawings "Native Street" - the informative hour of "The Region of Miracles" - a local history game-quiz "Listful pages of history" - a tour of the story "Better to see once" - a local history journey of the program "My Territory" Native - Motherland's large particle "- Grandpa-Region. It is from his face to develop booklets with tasks.

This is what the words drawn Grandpa-Region to participants reading: "Dear friend! I am glad to meet you. I am the Grandpa-Region, leading you with the help of cards, books, mysteries, competitions in the amazing world of nature, will introduce the story and literature of the region, I will tell you how to see unusual in the usual one. At the end of the summer holidays, it is possible that you will get one of the prizes in the nominations: the leader of local lore reading, the artist reader, reader-writer, reader-aidator. "

The results are summarized on a community-born holiday, where the winners of summer readings will be awarded.

Moral and aesthetic education, the instigation of interest in reading the organization of leisure of children, attracting them to reading, expanding the horizons and the formation of aesthetic perception of children of the surrounding world has always been priority areas in the work of libraries in the summer.

In addition to the traditional children's reading week, which passes during the spring holidays, especially much attention to the children's reading "not by the curriculum" is given to libraries in the summer. To attract children to reading, they use game forms of work, conduct contests, create various mugs, clubs, associations.

All activities are carried out so that those present are not only viewers, but also full participants of what is happening, for example:

"Poets Tournament": a poetic contest "Journey to Chitai-City": a holiday for lovers of books "Unusual Adventures": The literary quiz traditionally in many libraries of the campaign for organizing work in the summer period begins with Pushkin days. Libraries are carried out blitstures, literary marathons, quizzes dedicated to the heritage of great poets and writers.

"Literary gazebo" Under this name, you can organize the program of summer readings in the library. Program participants have the opportunity to show their literary abilities in it, develop fantasy, acquire communication skills.

Such events are not just entertaining, but they carry saturated information, the charm of the book, awaken fantasy.

The creation of a gaming situation removes a painful "check of abilities" for children, and their inclinations and habits are revealed more fully.

Creative childhood development

Solving the task of attracting children to reading, the library contributes to the development of literary and creative abilities.

Especially popular in summer contests drawings on asphalt: "Ah, this is summer!", "Let there be always the sun", "drawing on asphalt".

In the summer you can organize the creative workshop "The Motley Town", on the basis of which children will draw, engage in plastic, make crafts from natural material. The result of the work of the creative workshop will be the exhibition of children's creativity "Nature and Fantasy" and the exhibition of drawings "Fabulous Country".

The libraries can organize a whole city with its own "entertainment" area, the crossroads of "hobbies", the "Health" boulevard, the street of "good deeds", and its own publishing house.

Events conducted in libraries in the summer period are developed taking into account the interests of children and adolescents, their age features and are distinguished by multiplicity: this is the watches, puppet performances, theatrical views, role and literary games, the competition "Book gives inspiration", drawings "My Favorite Tale ", writings" Favorite book of my family. "

Summer readings affect the quality of the libraries and librarians. They contribute to the comprehensive disclosure of the Fund, significantly increase digital indicators and professional interest in work.

Creative and fruitful work of libraries in the summer period confirms the demands of libraries, increases its prestige in society. With confidence it can be said that the summer is not a "dead" season in working with readers, and the time of creativity, fantasy, the activation of all forms of individual and mass work.

Summer reading program "Summer on Treasure Island"

Summer is a wonderful time with benefit to spend your free time, replenish the luggage of knowledge; Find an interesting lesson; communicate with peers;

Take part in contests and quizzes, holidays and other library events.

Program name - "Summer on Treasure Island"

Program symbol - Parrot Kesha.

The motto - "Summer is not for boredom if you took the book!"

Program objectives:

Organization of leisure of children and adolescents in the summer;

Stimulating the reading of children in summer, extension of the horizons;

Formation in children of ecological culture;

The development of the creative abilities of children based on the book;

Organization of joint creativity of children and parents;

Providing methodological assistance to other institutions and organizations working with children in the summer.

Stages and deadlines:

Summer program "Summer on the island of treasure" is conditionally divided into three blocks:

I block - "Merry Journey to the World of Nature" (June) II Block - "Fans of Mysteries and Tyne" (July) III Block - "On the joy of children and their parents" (August)

Program implementation plan:

I block "Merry journey to the world of nature"

"Storeroom health" - a journey into a green pharmacy.

"Mystery of the Lesovichka" - a mysterious tour of the forest.

"Time of joyful clauses" - Exhibition-game II Block "Fans of Mysteries and Tyne"

Green Pages: Biolean-Environmental Quiz "Alphabet Health": a journey game.

III block "On the joy of children and their parents"

"Cheerful zoo" - informative-entertainment hour.

Competition of crafts and drawings "Merry Zoo" (individual preliminary work.)

School of Yunnov: Book Exhibition-Council.

Treasure Island Vegetable Competition (Individual Preliminary Work) Participant of the Summer Reading Program may be each. You will be waiting for an amazing journey through the pages of books, as well as interesting contests.

The winner will be the one who successfully cope with all the tasks. This will help you book exhibitions, recommendation lists and librarian tips.

Each participant of the program is awarded a "reader's ticket", in which the librarian will notice how much the participant scored.

The reader's ticket is decorated colorfully, with a symbol - a parrot of Keshi.

Read the book - you get a pianast.

On the island of Treasure, we will find with you "Treasure". And this treasure will be every happy.

Basic conditions for obtaining points:

Read the book - you get a pianast. Choose Piastra Color: Copper Good Book, Silver - Very Good, Golden - Wonderful. The name of the book and the author is written on the Piastra. (1 point for the book)

Draw an illustration to the read book. (5 points)

Draw or make a "surprise frame" or a contest of beginner photographers. "As I rest in the summer." (5 points)

On the island of treasures, grow your vegetable and participation in the exhibition of vegetables in August. (5 points)

Competition "Cheerful Zoo". Draw or make from any material of the animal or bird that you read about in the book. (5 points)

Make the herbarium of the medicinal plant. (5 points)

Competition fairy tales and poems. Write a poem or fairy tale, not very long and not very boring. You can (and even need) in difficult situations when creating your work, resort to the help of parents (5 points)

Visit the activities of the Treasure Island (10 points) at the end of the summer (August 30) Parrot Kesha will call the richest reader of the Treasure Island and will give him the prize of the winner.

The most active will be placed on the stand under the palm trees. A stack of piastr will rise above their name, which will give it clearly to see the guys who became the richest. Books of the pianast will be named books that received the highest appreciation of the "Wonderful Book" from the guys.

Expected Result:

Attract as many children as possible to reading books and magazines;

Expand the horizons of readers;

Integrate children and parents to participate in all entertaining library programs.

To identify the most active readers of the library and reward them.

"Summer holidays - Favorite time"

Scenario of the entertainment program for children of middle school age goals: the development of creative thinking, fantasy and the imagination of children, prompting to speech activity, attracting to read poems about summer.

Design: Layout of books with pictures; Kuzazy's grasshopper (doll or illustration) actors: presenter, book, summer presenter: again summer laughs in an open window, and sun, and light full, full of full!

Again, the shale and T-shirts lie on the shore, and the lawns are not like in the chamomile snow.

Hello guys! I am very glad to meet you. And not only me, but also our wonderful book. Do you want to see a book that will help you remember and tell about summer? Then smile cheerful, because now it will appear in front of you.

Sounds "Song about the summer" from M / F "Santa Claus and Summer", the book is published to the music: Hello, my long-awaited readers! How I missed you. The whole summer did not see you, even dusted all. But as soon as I learned that you came to the library, immediately dust shook off myself, the pages were placed - to you. Did you miss me? My books were friends with the books? Read them? And what book read in the summer, did you remember most?

The guys answer the lead: what else did you do in the summer, except reading books?

Children tell the book: what summer is so wonderful?

The guys answer the presenter: and wonderful it is the fact that only in the summer there are some extraordinary phenomena. What miracles are only in the summer? I suggest you take part in the game "Yes - No."

I will call you these wonders, and you say loudly "yes" and raise your hands up, if these phenomena are in summer, and "no" if they occur at another time of the year.

Senokos - yes; Knowing - yes; Frost - no; tan - yes; Snowfall - no; thunderstorm-like;

thaw - no; leaf fall - no; Rainbow - yes.

Well done boys! Do you know that many poems are written about summer and summer wonders. Book, and whether there are no such poems on your pages?

Book: Yes, of course, there is. Only now the trouble: my pages were confused, and all verses were mixed: about summer and winter, spring and autumn. Help me: Choose only those telling about the summer.

Niva is compressed, groves goals, fog and dampness.

The wheel behind the mountains of the mountain sat richly rolled.

S. Yesenin "Autumn"

The thunderstorm passed, and the white rose branch in the window breathes the aroma.

Another grass is full of transparent tears and thunder away rattling risp.

A. Block "Summer"

Cut, shoulder!

Space, hand!

You smell in the face of the wind from noon! A.Goltsov "Summer"

Snow melts, the streams are running, the window has been raised in the window ... they will witness soon nightingales, and the forest will dress foliage!

A.N. Svetcheev "Spring"

The hotter the day, the sweet one in Bor to breathe dry resinous aroma, and I had fun to wander in the morning for these solar chambers!

I. Bunin "Summer"

Well done boys! You perfectly coped with this task. This suggests that you like to read and know these works.

Host: Summer is a travel time. Tell us where you visited vacation?

Children answer


I ask myself a question:

What is summer?

Maybe it's thunder thunder?

Maybe the lace of light?

Maybe these songs are rocks?

Maybe the sea of \u200b\u200blight?

Maybe all I said.

Is this summer?

Guys, do you know what is remarkable today? I will tell you the secret that today the summer warm, summer red will come to us for the holiday.

Melody sounds. Leaves summer.

Summer: Hello, friends! Today you gathered here on my holiday!

For the holiday of the Sun! Holiday of Light! Sun, sun, hotter Gray, the holiday will be fun.

I am the summer, it has come to warm up all of you. I came to you with games, songs, dancing. Well, the ka dwarf, you will rattle in the circle, cheerful, the game begins!


Playing form a circle. The host of the game is inside the circle and offers the guys to do those or other movements. Playing must fulfill them, but only when the lead in front of his team will pronounce the word "please". Without this word, the team is not performed.

That Who is mistaken, takes one step forward to the center of the circle. The game is repeated 4-5 times. The guys who were mistaken, at the end of the game should perform anything (sing, dance, talk tweak, etc.) game "Change of numbers"

Plays become in the overall circle shoulder to the shoulder and are calculated in order of numbers. Everyone remembers its number. In the center of the circle is leading. He loudly calls two any numbers. The numbered numbers must quickly change places, and the leading tries to take one of the places.

The remaining without space becomes leading. You can call 3-4 numbers to revitalize the game.

Game "Hall

8 people take part in the game. In the center of the hall are 8 chairs. To the music guys run around chairs. How music ceases to sound, they stop and put some kind of subject of their clothes on a chair standing nearby. So lasts 3-4 times. Then the "half-stone" command sounds and the guys must quickly collect and wear their things. Who coped with this task first, he receives a prize.

Summer: Guys, you have now demonstrated to us, what are you clever, strong and brave. As long as you humble and having fun, the book prepared the next competition for you - intellectual.

Book: racks from colorful roots, blue, green rays.

The racks meet me: "Hello, in our kingdom, get a visa!

Here we have doctors and stars.

Millions of disputes and ideas here are the most complex calculations of the most independent people.

This world: harsh and magical, he will bring good luck to you ... So, dear guys! I invite you to take part in the quiz "Questions for all occasions"

1. What is the name of a strong storm at the sea? (Storm)

2. What is the found holiday of the wires of the Russian winter? (Maslenitsa)

3. How do you not open the door? (Violin)

5. The most hardworking insect. (Ant)

6. Name the second name of the alphabet. (ABC)

7. What metal was made by a soldier in a fairy tale GK. Andersen (Tin)

9. Who makes the furniture? (Joiner)

10. Which animals have a bag? (Kangaroo)

11.How flower called StarM7 (bell)

12. Only in the Russian alphabet of vowels7 (ten)

13. With what device can you determine the parties of the world? (Compass)

14. There are seven rainbow colors. (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Blue, Purple)

15. What can you see with closed eyes? (Sleep)

16.Musical team from Basni Grandpa Krylov (Quartet)

17. How much rings in the Olympic flag? (Five)

18. How can you find out the age of trees? (By the number of rings on the cut)

19. Collection of dried plants (Herbarium) Book: What guys you are smart and erudented. I am very pleased to communicate with you, because you know the answer to any question.

Summer is a time when you can read not what they asked the program, but what I want! As soon as a person is mastering a diploma, it turns out to be on the shore of a huge book sea: fairy tales and detectives, fiction and adventure, books about nature, science and technology. And what books do you like to read?

(Guys answer chorus):

A good book is my companion, my friend, you are more interesting with you leisure.

Book: Guys, I think you all love fairy tales.

Now I will spend a quiz "Visiting a fairy tale" and see if you will cope with my questions:

In which Russian fairy tale, the peasant son should have been swimming in three big boilers - in milk and in two waters?

(P.Reshov "Konk-Gorbok")

The heroine of which Russian folk fairy tale was an agricultural product?


Furnace Racer? (Emel)

Champion on turns on the spot. (A hut on chicken legs)

What fairy tale is the heroes are fruits, vegetables, berries?

(J. Rodari "Adventures Chipollino") Book: Well done, kids! All questions answered.

Host: And now we will compose a story about the summer. I offer you a creative exercise "Compose a story about summer."

Children come up with stories themselves or by pictures proposed by the lead. Summer appreciates and rewards the prizes of the best storyteller.

Host: Guys, I think you will agree with me in the fact that without a bright warm sun, summer would not be so long-awaited and joyful. Let's say good affectionate words with a sun, and at the same time play the ball, because the ball looks like the sun. I will tell you suggestions, and you must finish them. But he continues to whom the book will throw the ball. Having finished the offer, you must return the ball a book. Listen carefully.

The sun has rays, so it ... .. (radiant) Sun is hot, like ... (ball) The sun is good, like .... (Mom) Silver moon. And the sun ... (golden) The sun shines brightly, like ... (lantern, fire) The sun looks like a hero of the Russian folk fairy tale, whose name is ... (Kolobok) love the sun all around, this is our good ... (friend) leading: Well done guys! You are real friends Sunny.

And so that the sun is always friendly with you, look at him more often, smile to him and repeat good shasky words:

You are so clean.

Good, radiant!

If we got you, we kissed you!

Book: Good in summer! You can jump, run and play! Let's play!

Rhythmic minute "dance"

Children get up in the dance. The book is in the center.

On the lawn in the morning we started the game.

(Jump) You are a chamomile, I am a bindweigh (show your hand on the book and for yourself) become our wreath.

One two three four.

Spread the circle wider.

(Spread the circle) And now we are the streams.

We run food.

(Running on the spot) Right to the lake will be the lake in the lake.

(Hands on the sides) times, two, three, four.

Spread the circle wider!

(Spread the circle) become in the circle again.

We will play in the sun.

We are cheerful rays, (raise hands up) we are abrupt and hot.

One two three four.

Spread the circle wider!

(Spread the circle) Host: Guys, what do you think, for which you can say "Thank you"?

Thank you, thank you, good time!

Thank you for all the colors, for the bird whistle in the morning ... And thanks to the grove, and the wake of water, and more often thanks - there is a joke in the nest ... there is a deaf trail.

There is Belkin's dress, there is a Ryzhik, there is a hedgehog - a spiny swab ... there I found the blue cleaner!

It is very, very sorry for us that it passed ... Host: Guys, let's say everything together: "Thank you! Thank you, good time! "

Summer: I promise you a lot of sun, so that you can swim, sunbathe and every day I presented to you, willingly wait again!

Summer is leading leading: And so that we do not forget this wonderful time of the year, draw pictures about the summer, for which you will watch in winter and remember funny warm days.

So we took paints in your hands - and did not become boredom in the house.

To be fun, bright paint do not regret!

Book: To draw summer, you need to decide what color it is. This will help you poems.

So summer seized - the strawberries turned red, turning to the sun sideways - all hills the scarlet juice.

In the field - Red Carnation,

Red clover - Looking for:

And the forest rose hips in the summer is all molded in red ... it can be seen, people are not vain called summer red!

M. Ivensen Blue-Blue Vasilek.

You are your favorite flower!

The noisy yellow rye you laugh at Mezh.

And the bugs are dancing a joyful gurby.

Chernye green all edges.

Green pond.

And the green frogs sing singing.

Chernye Host: And now take pencils and draw each picture about the summer. Then we will bring all your page drawings together, and we will get a bright, wonderful book of summer.

"Forest Miracles": travel game

Objectives of the event:

expanding the children's horizon;

Acquaintance with the healing properties of forest plants

Education of the careful attitude towards nature

Hall registration:

On the wall, place the map with the route of the trip: Stations - "Zagakkno", "Forest", "Pharmacy under the legs", "Flower Polyana", "Mushroom", "The Kingdom of Birds and Beasts".


Leading, Readers, Guide, Lesovka, The grass sounds a quiet melody, the readers go

Reader (1):

Very kind, very light, golden clear day we will go to visit to the summer to visit the sun go.

Reader (2):

Strawberry and flowers will meet us and forest, and meadow, our songs with us will sing birds around.

Reader (3):

Early in the morning the bright ray is shaken in a dense foliage.

River will teach us teaching us, the wind is to run on the grass.

Host: Hello guys. You probably guessed that we are going on a trip to you today. What is summer?

Summer is a vacation, it is a forest, river, hiking, sea, mountains, fun games, movies and books. Try multiple words to explain what summer means for you. (Guys answer) The route of our imaginary travel you can see on the map (demonstrates), and our location and movement will be denoted by the figures of two men. Well, now on the road!

Excursion: Our fascinating journey begins with Zagokkno station. Guys, have you ever wondered why all the children love puzzles so much. Yes, because the riddles open us secrets and make you think and think. And now we will check whether you know the riddles that, of course, are connected with the summer.

Kolobok, Kolobok, Golden side.

For the Christmas trees dived, fell asleep there.

And by morning I woke up.

Smiled for the whole world. (Sun) came on the roof.

Lean - no one heard. (Rain) Cloud hid the sun, collapsed the bridge, and there is no pinch (rainbow) it is, thoughtful, in a yellow wedge, dark freckles on a round face. (Sunflower) stronger than the sun.

Weaker wind.

No legs, but goes.

There is no eye, but crying. (Cloud) warm, warm, long day.

At noon - tiny shadow.

What for the month?

Tell me! (June) hot, sultry, silent day.

Even chickens are looking for a shadow began saving breads.

Time of berries and mushrooms.

His days is the top of the summer.

What, tell me, for the month it? (July) Host: Well done guys! Immediately you can see that you love very much and look forward to this time of year.

Reader (1): Reader (2):

I asked the field: I asked the forest:

"What is summer?" "What is summer?"

I said to me: the forest answers me:

"Our summer is" our summer is the spikelets of the saturated voices of perky grains are rich. And the mushrooms are selected fat, poorest, full of baskets of the sun dashed! " Sugar raspberry "

Guide: Dear, guys! Our journey continues, and the next forest "Forest".

Forest ... This is the fabulous world of the good king Berendea. Consider and listen ... Forest is full of riddles and sacraments. He sheltered many. Here live animals and birds, lizards and frogs, beetles and butterflies. And how many in it are different berries and mushrooms!

Large and small flowers look at us from grass. They invite everyone to admire, rejoice in beauty, breathe clean and kind forests.

The forest fairy tale is the most beautiful silence in it, and rustling, and peace.

The water in the stream is transparent and clear and stump covered with soft foliage.

In it, the Sun illuminates childhood with joy, there is so much incomprehensible sometimes, the blueberry manitis is freshly sweet.

And the mushroom takes into account.

There are so many trills of calling, noisy, joyful, there is no limit and good fortune in it.

And if you want pleasure sweet, then we go to the forest in the morning.

Host: Guys, as you think, who is the most important person in the forest. Does he follow the order guards him? That's right - this is a loving. Today he came to visit us to help us make a journey through the mysterious forest.

Loving: I am a loving! I live in the woods and all the trees, I know all Trestinkylins will in line. Many plants began to disappear from the forest, so I guard them. And the flowers allow us to tear only those that many.

I love to wander around the green country, here friends make a lot like me.

On surprises, the many silent people and for what will give, nothing takes.

In that country - grace, amazing light.

I wish us to solve: what is the main secret?

Ploy-ka with me in this glorious life and with a green country forever gate!

(E.Serova "Green Country") Let us introduce that we are in the forest, just entered into it. What awaits us on the forest path? I suggest you to answer the questions of the Quiz "Forest Catching". You answer asked questions in short "yes" or "no."

Is a tree sleeping? (not)

Squirrel dries mushrooms on branches? (Yes)

Raspberry - evergreen plant? (not)

Does hedgehog sleeping in winter? (Yes)

Klezles love fir bumps? (Yes)

Crow puts his eggs in other people's nests? (not)

Amanita poisonous? (Yes)

Sparrows fly to us only in winter? (not)

Rosehip is a wild rose? (Yes)

Wavy called weak tree? (Yes)

Boosions grow on the stump and destroy them? (No) Lescript: Well done! Familiarity with the forest began successfully, and now I will complicate the task. Listen to me carefully and answer the questions:

1. On the tincture of this plant in the old days they said that it was "more expensive there is Zlata Dragov and go to all a few." In the XIX century, scientists investigated this plant, and doctors began to apply a healing tincture as a medicine against heart disease. Need to remember. However, that plant is poisonous!

2. Honey, which is collecting bees from this plant, is better than many others: and delicious, and useful, and the aromate! Healing properties have the leaves of this plant, and shoots, and flowers. Well, about the berries and there is nothing to say: in any form - fresh, cooked, dried - it is a treat, and a medicine.

3. It is said that in the thickets of this shrub, forest gnomes hide their wealth. And in fact, the berries are not only tasty, but also extremely helpful. They are particularly well helped with eye diseases. (Blueberry)

4. The healing properties of this plant are known to humans from unneasotely. The tincture of his root is a good sedative. The name of the plant comes from the Latin word "shaft" - "be healthy".


5. This is an inconspicuous plant - one of the most fragrant in the world. It is often used in cooking, its extract is added to many medicines. With confidence you can say that you and today met with him - when we cleaned your teeth!

(Mint) Lesovka: Well done guys, pleased me with your answers. But it's time to me: you need to have time to go around our own possessions. Goodbye friends!

The ladner is leading the lead: our journey continues the next station "Pharmacy under the legs". Guys, imagine this situation: we went to the forest with overnight, put the tents, lay a fire. Okay! Songs, we swim in the river, play. And here suddenly remember that they forgot the first aid kit. What do we do? To be upset there is no reason, because in the forest so many herbs and many of them are healing. And in what cases they are used - do you know? On these questions will help you answer the girl herbal.

The herbal is coming out. Train: Welcome to Our Forest Kingdom! Having answered the Questions Quiz "Forest Doctors", you will learn a lot of interesting things about the healing properties of plants that they surround us and then no diseases will not be terrible:

With what plants can you take a toothpache?

(St. John's wort, chamomile, sage, oak bark)

What is this "grass from 99 diseases"? (St. John's wort)

What plants can be used for tea brewing?

(Mint, oregano, hunter, raspberry, strawberries, linden, chamber)

This is a remedy for colds, everyone knows about anywhere.

Although this color is not explored, but there is no useful tea, with angins and colds drink healing this tea (lime color)

Who coughed the heels? The plantain will help come back, guys! The plantain will cure!

(Plantain) Host: Many medicinal plants on the clearing, and you do not mention.

But answer me to such a question: "Who has a hat without a head, and a leg without a boot? That's right in the mushroom. We have imperceptibly reached the Mushroom Station.

Now we will hold the Competition "Mushroom Lukoshko".

For the competition you need two small baskets, drawings or illustrations of mushrooms, which unfold on an improvised forest glade.

Rules of the game: Two players collect edible mushrooms in their baskets, he wins the one who scores more fungi and correctly call them.

While our players collect mushrooms, we will guess mushroom riddles:

Proudly stood on the leg strong in apron and a red cap formation a remote.

View of a pleasant, Norov Angry (Amanita)

This pink girlfriend is wonderful waves on the top of the top.

For lovers to salt it takes her praise (wave)

I do not argue - not white.

I, brothers, simpler.

I usually grow in a birch grove (underbrazovik)

The man went into the pine tree, found a white slug to quit a pity, eat - damp.

What kind of guys on the hemp piled by a friendly handy and keep umbrellas in their hands, clouded with a torment? (Wall) Host: Guys, pay attention, the carpet spread ahead, and so colorful, multicolored. What do you think it is? That's right, it is a flower glade.

Man on Earth is a recent guest in comparison with nature. Our sullen ancestors who are not able to understand the beauty of the surrounding nature, were still hiding in the caves, and in the meadows they had a variety of flowers!

And you know guys that meadow flowers are the most beautiful. Nature awarded them by a nonsense, but harmonious beauty.

When people get tired of the root of the highways, from the sad monotony of concrete walls and plastic coziness of apartments, they are chosen on nature, where their mood doors are trees, birds and flowers. Proximity to colors, contemplation of their unique perfection and fine beauty softens the soul and reveals the best faces of a human character. You agree with me?

Now you have to guess the riddles of the colors. Ready, then started:

They are apparently invisible, do not count them!

And who only invented them - funny, blue?

Must be, pulled off the sky.

A little bitleled and made a flower.


Standing the river sister-free eyes, white cilia.


From under the snow blooms, before all the spring meets.


White ball fluffy I fly in the field clean.

Putul a light breeze and stayed stalks (dandelion)

White peas on a green leg (valley) presenter: The world of flowers is mysterious and wonderful. Enjoy them, study and defend it!

Excursion: Guys, our journey continues and ahead of us is waiting for a lot of interesting and unknown. Live-living the forest inhabitants in the hotel, do not know the grief, and they go to lunch, you will not believe in the real "forest canteens".

For any, there is a dining room in the forest, everything is cooked for us there.

Furniture there is oak, firing.

Music? Symphony and jazz!

Restaurant "Oreshk" somewhere in more often, the squirrel will hold you there.

And in the stall "ink" go more often, closely there, yes it does not matter. (E.Serova) Host: Guys, let's, and we will look into the forest dining room, for sure, meet familiar.

Do you want to know that they are served to lunch for lunch? Then you have to answer the questions of the Forest Menu Quiz:

Such landscape brothers in green nests are crowded (nuts)

Two sisters in the summer of green, for the autumn one - blushes, the other - black.


There is an Antoshka on one leg, a small himself, and a big hat (mushroom)

Red Sheep, White Heart (Raspberry)

Like on the stitch, on the track I see scarlet earrings.

For the one leaned, and ten came.

I clone - not lazy, I scored a mug with top.


What is the fetus for the winter lives?

Does not indulge the oak of children, clothes without clauses:

All in his family wear tubets (acory) guide: that's our journey over an amazing "green country". Love the forest and its inhabitants, take care of them, and if you cannot do something useful, then at least do not lose!

Reader (1):

We love the forest at any time of the year, we hear the river slow speech.

All this is called nature, let's always protect it!

Reader (2):

We, as joy, are needed and understandable to the noise of forests and streams is a clambling speech.

So let's together guys, native nature take care of!

Host: That ended our journey in an amazing "green country." But summer continues. And there are many more, travel, games, quiz. And all this gives us summer!

The material was prepared by the organizational and methodological department of the municipal state institution "Kalininsky Inter-Sectory Library".

Compiler Chief Librarian Omo E.V. Stupid.

Circulation 20 copies.

- & nbsp- & nbsp-

1. Abramovskaya, TA Summer with a book / TA Abramovskaya // Library.-2004.c.47-50

2. Akhmatayev, Z.F. No vacation in the country of literary session / Z.F. Akhmatayev // Library.-2005.-№6.- p.43-44

3. Akhmatayev, Z. We do not have a vacation / Z. Akhmatayev // Library. - 2010.

- № 8.- P. 39

4. Belusa, L.M. Rest, do not throw a book! / L. Belusa // Library.-2005.c.47-48

5. Bogeva G. "Library under the Umbrella": Summer version / Giant // Bibiloofol. - 2010. - № 5. - P. 34

6. Boaeva L. Book on vacation, or Summer Library Strada / Boeva \u200b\u200bL. // Bibliofole. -2010. - № 6. - P. 20

7. Bondarenko E. Knowledge No vacation / E.Bondarenko // Library.-2011.c.45

8. Burakova E. Summer Marathon Boyochoe / E. Burakova, T. Kruglik // Bibliofole. - 2010. - № 7. - C.21, No. 8. - P. 21; № 9. - p.39

9. Krasova T. ah, Summer, Summer! Healthy time / T. Krasova // Library. - 2008. P. 4

10.Lakhova, I.A. "Summer, book, I am friends" / I.A. Lyakhova // New Library. 29-31

11.Syrina O. Summer reading - Favorite leisure / O. Nosyrin - // Bibliool. - 2009. - №5. - P. 2.

12.Sadovnikova, T. Under the blue skies: about the work of the outbound reading room in the days of the summer holidays / T. Sadovnikov // Bibliofole.-2007.-№4.-p.38-39

13.Samuseva, in the courtyard Spring: Organization of summer holidays of children /G.Samusev // Bibliofol. - №3.-S.53-54

14.Taustobov, N. Summer of Red Sketch - Marathon Intellectuals / N.Tautobov // Library. 2008. - №4.- S.73-74.

For those who want to learn English, German, French or Italian. All camps offer a standard package of daily classes and excursions that ... "Tula State Pedagogical University. L.N. Tolstoy G. Tula Polunina Lyudmila Nikolayevna Sandidate of Pedagogics, Assistant Professor Chair of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bTula ... »Features of reflexiveness at listeners d ..."

"Ways to socialize the individual in the context of continuing education mentoring as a socio-pedagogical resource for improving the quality of training of future specialists in the article considers a phenomenon on ..."

"State budgetary educational institution Secondary school No. 180 with an in-depth study of the English language of the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg Parental Community Lecture

"Summer under the book umbrella"

It has already become a tradition for all libraries of the district work with a book during the summer holidays on summer reading programs. After all, summer readings are activated by the guys of interest in the book, bring to the culture of reading, develop child fantasy and creative abilities. In addition, summer readings to some extent solve problems of employment of children and adolescents on vacation days.

This year, the Library of the RMBC "Tatar MPB" worked under the Summer Umbrella program.

The program consisted of:

District Competition: "Funny travelers" dedicated to the 120th anniversary of M. Zoshchenko;

The District Competition "Library Vernissage" for library workers who contributed to the involvement of readers to the library with the design of original book exhibitions;

Regional Competition "Jubilee Vernissage", in promoting children's books - Yubiles 2014;

Mass events.

The purpose of the program: to increase the status of the book, reading, the role of the library in the organization of leisure of children and adolescents. To withdraw a book and reading beyond the library, to show the library opportunity to society in the reader's development of children and adolescents.

For June - August 2014 Libraries visited 21466 Children and teenagers. Again recorded - 1114 human. It was issued 42557 specimens of literature. Conducted 510 Mass events whose participants have become 8679 human. Decorated more 30 Book exhibitions and thematic shelves.

To date, the results of the district competition "Cheerful travelers", dedicated to the 120th anniversary of M. Zoshchenko, in which took part 89 children.

I. a place:

Readers of the City Children's Library No. 5 - Librarian Kamaltynova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Kamaltynov Timur, 10 years old, Tatarsk

Osipov Sasha, 11 years old, Tatarsk

Sergeeva Julia, 10 years old. Tatarsk

Fedotova Tatiana, 9 years old, Tatar

Golubny Maxim, 9 years old, Tatarsk

Kozluk Danil, 9 years old, Tatarsk

Readers of the Kochensky Rural Library, Branch No. 13 - Librarian Gridin Natalya Anatolyevna

Chernova Valeria, 10 years old, p. Kochkun.

Mullabaeva Alina, 10 years old, p. Kochkun.

Beloslyudseva Daria, 8 years old, p. Kochkun.

Reader of the Krasnoyarsk rural library, branch number 14 - Librarian Semenova Natalia Petrovna

Guprin Roman, 10 years old. from. Krasnoyarka

II. a place:


Baranova Ksenia, 9 years old, p. Udalsk

ReaderCity Children's Library No. 5 - Librarian Kamaltynova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Salalegaev Daria, 9 years old, Tatarsk

ReadersCity Library No. 2 - Librarian Britis Natalya Mikhailovna

Frieshkin Daria, 10 years old, p.

Pogs Vasily, 11 years old, p. Self

Sushkova Daria, 8 years old and Dolbin Elena, 7 years old, p. Self

ReadersNikolaev rural library, branch number 18 - head of rumbling Natalya Vladimirovna

Shonggauer Alyona, 11 years old, p. Nikolayevka

Gritsenko Alena, 10 years old, p. Nikolayevka

Shonggauer Victoria, 10 years old, p. Nikolayevka

ReadersSevetotar rural library, branch number 30 - librarian Fisher Lyudmila Viktorovna

Scarf Veronica, 9 years old, p. Severnotarsk

Logunova Elizabeth, 9 years old, p. Severnotarsk

Kuznetsov Alexey, 8 years old, p. Severnotarsk

Fisher Danil, 11 years old, p. Severnotarsk

Radionova Maria, 11 years old, p. Severnotarsk

III a place:

ReadersUrevskaya Rural Library, Branch No. 31 - Lakkar Laktyushina Elena Viktorovna

Lysova Daria, 11 years old, p. Udalsk

Usova Elizabeth, 11 years old, p. Udalsk

Zinina Maria, 10 years old, p. Udalsk

ReaderAssumption Rural Library, Branch No. 28 - Librarian Kotlyar Svetlana Mikhailovna

Miroshnik Elena, 11 years old. Assumption

ReaderKiev rural library, branch number 10 - Sidorov's librarian Evgenia Vladimirovna

Gunkin Anastasia, 10 years old, p. Kyiv

ReaderKrasnoyarsk rural library, branch number 14 - Librarian Semenova Natalia Petrovna

Yudina Polina, 9 years old, p. Krasnoyarka

ReadersKazatkulsky rural library, branch number 8 - Head of Areshchenko Evdokia Aleksandrovna

Karamyshev Vladimir, 9 years old, p. Kazatkul

Baranova Diana, 10 years old, p. Kazatkul

ReadersPlatonovskaya Rural Library, Branch No. 25 - Librarian Pauls Marina Anatolyevna

Alenich Alexey, 11 years old, village Platonovka

Adamson Tatiana, 9 years old, village Platonovka

Watrushkin Ksenia, 11 years, village Platonovka

ReadersNovopravomayan rural library, branch number 29 - Librarian Azope Ekaterina Igorevna

Abdrakhmanov Alexander, 11 years old, p. Novopervomayskoye

Sidorova Ksenia, 11 years old, p. Novopervomayskoye

Guryanova Julia, 9 years old, p. Novopervomayskoye

Senko Stepan, 9 years old, p. NOVOVOKOK

Results of the contests: "Library Vernissage" and "Jubilee Vernissage" will be subordinated after September 10th.

In all libraries, the presentation of the summer program "Summer under the book umbrella" was held on June 1, on the International Children's Day, during the festive program and promotion in support of reading "Read with us! Read yourself! ", Like the start of working with children in the summer. In rural libraries, the Cas' Complex, Kiev, Uvalskaya, Novoaleksandrovskaya, Kazatkulskaya, Nikolaevskaya passed theatrical programs "This is what summer", "Country of Happy Childhood", "Hello, Summer!".

Novoaleksandrovskaya rural library, branch number 20

Festive theatrical program "Hello, Summer!"

In urban libraries No. 5, №3 Recractive-game programs "To the sun shone, so that it is enough for all of it," "all the kings are most importantly children." The children took part in literary, gaming and musical competitions and in the summer contest of drawings on the asphalt "Rainbow Childhood". For artistry and originality, the children received prizes.

On International Day for the Protection of Children in the Kochensky Rural Library, together with club workers, a large festive event was held "Traveling with flowers - seven specialty", which helped make a trip to the fabulous glade, where everyone was waiting for wonders and fabulous heroes!

In conclusion, the event for children was organized tea party at the festive table. The holiday was bright and colorfully, atmosphere atmosphere of good mood and coziness. The guys got a lot of positive emotions and positive impressions. The event was attended by 23 children, age from 6 to 12 years.

Love for the Motherland ... Today we are sometimes shyring to express this feeling - one of the most noble in man. It is impossible to make love the Fatherland. Love must be educated. It is such a goal that the work of libraries in this is the most important direction. The events held for the Day of Russia, the Day of Memory and Grief, the Day of the Russian Flag, were held without exception in all libraries.

Very interesting and meaningful events dedicated to the Day of Russia: the thematic lessons "I live in Russia", "Russia begins with you" in the Krasnoyarsk C / B and the City Library No. 4; Literary - the poetic composition "Take care of Russia, without it we can not live!" In the city children's library number 5 and Kazatkulsk, s / b. At events, children read poetry, performed songs about Russia.

City Children's Library number 5

Music and poetic hour "Take care of Russia, we can not live without it!"

June 22 in our country - day of memory and grief. On this day, many libraries of the district took place hours of memory: "An unforgettable 41th", "remembers the world saved", "there everyone was a hero", dedicated to the courage of those who defended our homeland in the terrible days of the Great Patriotic War.
In the Assumption rural library, the librarian told the invited to the event to schoolchildren on the first days of war, about the power of the enemy and the heroic actions of Soviet people in the rear and at the front. The guys learned about the basic battles of the Great Patriotic War, about its turning point. At the event they sounded poems of front poets - K. Simonov, A.Partovsky. The participants of the event laid the flowers to the monument to countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War and honored their memory of a minute of silence.

Assumption rural library, branch number 28

The lesson of courage "there everyone was a hero ..."

To the 100th anniversary of the First World War in all libraries, hours of history and information "Another war, another victory" passed.

All activities were carried out in order to form a patriotic position from readers, upbringing to the defenders of the Fatherland and the bright memory of those who died, fighting for their homeland.

Regional science is one of the most important areas in working with children in the library. All rural branches passed conversations, quizzes, information hours, etc.

Very interesting was the virtual excursion "The Edge of My, Droplet of Russia" in the Holy S / B. Traveling virtually, the librarian showed the wealth of the vegetable and animal world of our region, and the guys with enthusiasm shared their impressions about the local places where they were with their parents and read poetry. A virtual excursion contributed to improving interest in the study of the native land.

The love of his small homeland, children love to express in the drawings, so without the contest "My village" was not dealt with Novopokrovskaya, Kozlovskaya, Osolavskaya, Nikolaev rural libraries.

Environmental education of children and adolescents is an important area of \u200b\u200blibrary activities. From our activities today depends on what our planet will be in the future. To introduce children with the ecology of our region, and its problems, held the events on this subject: the quiz "Earth - our common house" and "full of miracles of mighty nature" - the Hona C / B, the day of information "rare and endangered plants, animals" - City Library No. 4, the competition program "Forest paths" is the Casual S / b.

Within the framework of the regional competition "Let's make the world around yourself clean and beautiful!" The aclemental rural library spent a great job. The librarian was drawn up and implemented the project "Bright Summer". The purpose of this project was to form the ecological culture of the younger generation and attracting the attention of adolescents to the problem of environmental pollution by household waste and their disposal. And the result of the project was the registration of a fabulous corner at the court territory of the administration of solid household waste.

The project turned out to be fruitful, I am his presentation - bright and memorable.

The guys from the school camp School No. 4 were happy to take part in the game-competition "The Sun shines to everyone" - the district children's library.

Hold the "biological" examination "Whose leaves?", Answered questions "Is it true that ...?", Played in the game: "Water, air, earth and fire" and "Masterbor". Also, the district children's library for the guys from the school camp School No. 3 held an ecological marathon "Miscalic nature", fun and interesting. With the help of multimedia, the voices of birds gave way, recalled medicinal plants growing in the Tatar district. For the contest "Fabulous birds", an exhibition of books was issued in which the bird was attended, and the guys had to find it. This event once again showed children that our nature should be preserved so that we could listen to the singing of birds, admire the beauty of forests, rivers and fields.

Our libraries constantly lead to propaganda among the younger generation about the benefits of the head. Spent a cycle of events on the topic: "To grow us strong."

Very interesting was the health day "Hot day in Sportsia" in the Novoaleksandrovsky rural library. Sports competitions took place on the playground in the fresh air. In the program - 12 different types of competitions. Children left the holiday tired, but very satisfied!

There were also events for the anniversary dates of writers, artists and books.

As part of the Pushkin Day in Russia, events were held in all libraries. The city library number 5, for school number 9 held the game KVN on the work of A.S. Pushkin "Collected Penter Heads", a contest of drawings on fairy tales, 2-4 classes, attended 25 people.

"We will dedicate our Pushkin to our holiday by filling the hall with wonderful verses. About Pushkin today speak. Poetry magical words " - Such line opened a competitive-game program "Through the century and generation, he will not get to surprise" in the Kazatkulsky rural library. A wonderful trip to the amazing world of creativity of the author committed children from a school camp (50 people). The experts of Pushkin fairy tales answered quizzes' questions, carried out the competitive tasks "tell me the words", "from which fairy tales of items", etc. The event was very interesting.

To the 215th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin In the district children's library, an exhibition-quiz "Through the rows of Pushkin Pychs" was framed. The exhibition consisted of sections: "Word about Pushkin", "Let's Pushkin read" and quiz "Scientist Cat". All those wishing to participate in the quiz on Pushkin fairy tales chose their own question and were looking for an answer from books and on subjects that were at the exhibition. Having answered 3 questions, the reader received a coloring on the fairy tales A. S. Pushkin.

District Children's Library

Quiz "Through the strings of Pushkin poems"

Events and other anniversary dates were also passed: the literary hour "Boys of my childhood" / to the 100th anniversary of the D.R. Yu Sotnik, the game program "Menchotherapy" / to the 120th anniversary of the D.R M. Zoshchenko - Krasnoyarsk s / b; Jubilees Day "Lermontov for Children", Matinee "On Anniversary to Writer" / Dedicated to Writers, Yu Sotnik, E. Wellistov, N. Aseev, M. Zoshchenko - Novoaleksandrovskaya s / b; Quiz on the works of M. Zoshchenko "I remember and laugh." - Hona s / b etc.

The formation of the reading person begins at an early age, which means that the main process of admiration for reading is carried out primarily in the family and library. Despite the existing problems in the field of children's reading, it can be said with confidence that the book in the life of children still takes an important place. This is also facilitated by the whole daily, creative and truly agile activities of librarians who guide their efforts to attach children to reading.

So in the Novoaleksandrovsk C / B at the beginning of the summer, an action "Resting with a book in the summer" was announced in the library. Wednesday - every week was declared the day of reading books, and Friday - the day of mass events. Library for the first year, asked the day of reading books with the participation of members of the Chitai-Ka club. Reading days were devoted to the topics: "Our Homeland is Russia"; Selection of poems and a contest for expressive reading "Ah, this summer", day of courage, the day of the anniversaries "On the anniversary of the books", reading and discussing the book "Take care of honor", "Lermontov for children", "Funny and instructive stories M. Zoshchenko "

Library events were not limited to the walls of the library. To attract readers and increase the interest in reading the Librarian Severnotar S / B organized a summer platform of the "Library outside the walls", went out with books into the courtyards, on forest cleans, where various literary games, quiz and such as a book picnic - "Summer Eeria",

literary landing - "With a book on a bench"!

Summer holidays - the time of moral hardening of children, their spiritual enrichment, samples of forces in labor, time of vivid impressions, amateur creativity, active knowledge of new in nature, comrades and in themselves.
At the same time, summer is the time of exciting games, competitions, colorful holidays. And the organization of leisure of our readers in the summer has become an integral part of the work of the Assumption rural library. It is the library that turns the summer holidays guys in a fascinating journey, given the interests of the guys, their age characteristics. The library was held - 18 events of different subjects: the ecological expedition "for the purity of his native land", the day of friends "Long live friendship", the folk holiday "From the mouth of the mouth was transmitted",

entertainment and gaming program "Breakfast on the grass", etc.

Assumption Library At the beginning of the summer created its own page on the site "Odnoklassniki", where there was information about the activities carried out and shared experiences. According to the results of working with children during the summer period, Kotlyar S. M., the librarian Uspenskaya S / B occupied 1 place.

I would like to note the work of the Novopokrovsk rural library. The librarian held the following events: the summer holiday of umbrellas, folklore holiday "from mouth in the mouth", the literary hour "rebellious genius inspiration" on the work of M. Yu. Lermontov, a competitive program "Journey in a balloon", literary tournament "The best summer reader" and The cycle of a variety of thematic exhibitions is also decorated. Your report on working with children in the summer, the Novopokrovsk rural library presented in the form of a presentation "Rainbow over the Book Sea" (see below)