Perspective planning for fiction in the older group. Card Node Abstracts in the Elder Dow Group

Perspective planning for fiction in the older group. Card Node Abstracts in the Elder Dow Group
Perspective planning for fiction in the older group. Card Node Abstracts in the Elder Dow Group

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Elena Shcherbakova
Face Literature Card in different educational areas in the senior group

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in different educational areas in the older group

According to the program "From birth to school" by ed. N. E. Veracstes

Amounted to: Shcherbakova E. V.

Moral education

rNS "Lisa and Jug" arr. O. Kapitsa Raising good feelings; Formation of ideas about greed and nonsense

rNS "Winged, shaggy and oily" arr. I. Karnukhova to teach children to understand the nature and actions of the heroes

X. Mekel. "Mr. Au" (chapters, per. With Fin. E. Uspensky

rNS "Havroshchka" arr. A. N. Tolstoy to educate the manifestations of good feelings in relation to each other;

rNS "Zayats-Busthan" arr. O. Kapitsa to educate the norms of moral behavior

rNS "Tsarevna-Frog" arr. M. Bulatov brought up kindness, feeling of mutual assistance.

B. Chergin "Rhymes" to bring up respect for people around

rNS "Squa Burk" arr. M. Bulatov to form in children the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes, express their attitude to them

rNS "Finist-Clear Falcon" arr. A. Platonov to educate the feeling of compassion to others

V. Dragunsky "Childhood Friend", "Top Down, Decoration" to educate attentiveness, love, compassion for the Middle Comrade

S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?"

nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo" arr. K. Balls to promote the upbringing of kindness, care and responsiveness to the native

"Zlatovlask", per. With Cache. K. Poist;

to educate the ability to empathize, to be generous, not to envy others; Relieve self-esteem, mutual assistance in work.

"Three gold hairs grandfather-ousebook", lane. With Cache. N. Arosnieva (from the collection of fairy tales K. Ya. Erbena).

V. Dmitriev. "Kid and bug" (chapters) feel and understand the nature of the images of the literary


L. Tolstoy "Bone" to educate moral qualities of personality: honesty, truthfulness, love for the family.

L. Tolstoy "Jump" awaken in children empathizing the hero of the story

N. Nosov. "Live Hat"; To form the ideas of children about morality standards with the help of children's literature.

S. Georgiev. "I saved Santa Claus" to form a skill to evaluate his actions and actions of heroes, to educate the friendliness, the ability to interact with peers

A. Lindgren. "Carlson who lives on the roof, arrived again" (chapters, in Sokr., Per. From the Swede L. Lunkina

K. POUST. "Cat-Woruga" to educate moral qualities: a sense of compassion, empathy

Mitzkevich Adam "Friends"

To summarize and expand the knowledge of children about such concepts as "friend", "Friendship", "honesty", "Justice"

P. Bazhov "Silver Kopytz" to bring up a feeling of kindness, care for weak

R. Kickling. "Elephant", per. from English K. Chukovsky, poems in the lane. S. Marshak to educate culture of behavior, friendship, mutual assistance, care for loved ones

V. Kataev. "Flower-sevenceticism" to form a skill to represent the peculiarities of their personality in the circle of peers, reflecting the achievements and causes of possible difficulties.

Child in the family and in societyrNS "Havroshchka" arr. A. N. Tolstoy to introduce various family relationships

Y. Koval "Grandfather, Baba and Alyosha" to form in children an idea of \u200b\u200ba family as people who live together, love each other, care about each other.

V. Dragunsky "Deniskin Stories" Formation of ideas about the characteristic qualities of boys and girls.

A. Gaidar. "Chuk and Gek" (chapters)

Learn to evaluate the relationship between close people in the family, draw up characteristics of heroes

E. Grigoriev "Quarrel" to develop the foundations of social interaction between boys and girls; Friendly attitude to the opposite sex

A. Barto "Vovka - kind soul"

E. Bluginina "Sit in silence" continue to form a submission of children about a good attitude to mom

A. Usachev "What is etiquette" to continue learning the culture of speech communication in kindergarten and at home

"Breeding" N. Teshov to educate interest in fairy tales, to Russian traditions

Self-service, workrNS "Havroshchka" arr. A. N. Tolstoy To form the ideas of children about the hardworking person

K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr" Education of cultural and hygienic skills

K. Chukovsky "Fedorino Mount"

rNS "By whining velin", fasten the concept of the importance of human labor in children

A. Barto "Girl-Chumazay" to educate her tidy, careful attitude towards personal things, things of a comrade

Y. Tuvim. "Letter to all children on one very important case", per. with Polish. S. Mikhalkov

Formation of the basics of security S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Stepa Militizer" Fastening the rules of behavior on the streets of the city

E. Segal "Machines on Our Street"

Cognitive development of FAMPCounting

Heroes of fairy tales

S. Marshak "Numbers" familiarity with numbers

Familiarization with the social world G. H. Andersen

Snowman Acquaintance with New Year's traditions of different countries

S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?" Acquaintance with the importance of any profession

"Wonderful stories about the hare named Leka, the fairy tales of the peoples of West Africa, per. O. Kustova and V. Andreeva; Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the peoples of West Africa

A. Gaidar "Fairy Tale about military secret, boyish - Kibalchish and his firm word"

Continue to expand the ideas of children about the Russian army.

nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo" arr. K. Balls familiarity with the life of the peoples of the Far North

M. Boroditskaya "We are waiting for a brother" to form a desire to take care of the kids, develop a sense of responsibility of respect for younger comrades

A. Tverdovsky "Tankista's story" to form in children an idea of \u200b\u200ba feat of the people who stood on the defense of his homeland.

A. Barto "Game in the herd" to expand the knowledge of children about his kindergarten, draw attention to his history, clarify the ideas about the work of the children's garden staff

S. Makhotin "Senior Group"

O. Vysotskaya


T. Alexandrova "Domunok Kuzka" (chapters) to educate interest in the life of Russians in antiquity, love for the history of their people

M. Isakovsky "Go for the sea-Oceans" to clarify the knowledge of the native country.

B. diamonds. Gorbushka Promotion to Russian values;

Familiarization with the world of naturerNS "Zayats-Busthan" arr. O. Kapitsa to form a caring attitude of children to nature, the desire to take part in its protection and protection.

L. Tolstoy. "Lion and dog", "bone", "jump" to expand the ideas about the life of animals

G. Snagire "Penguin Beach"

K. POUST. "Cot-Voruga" to educate love and careful attitude towards nature, kindness;

V. Bianki "Owl" continue to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship and interdependence of living beings, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe literary genre "Cognitive Fairy Tale";

B. Skod "Gray Asterisk" to raise a sense of empathy and love for nature and man, the ability to resist evil

S. Yesenin "Cherry" help to feel the beauty of nature in the poem

R. Kickling. "Elephant", per. from English K. Chukovsky, poems in the lane. S. Marshak to develop a small motility of hands, attention and interest in the animal world and his diversity

P. Bazhov "Silver Kopytz" to educate sensitive attitude to animals, love for nature

Speech development Development of all sides of speech

Acquaintance with genres

Explanation of strangers, outdated words

Artistic and aesthetic developmentPromotion to art V. Konashevich Meet the illustrator artists

I. Bilibin

E. Charushin

Activity Drawing illustrations for works

Musical activityP. I. Tchaikovsky "Nutcracker" (fragments) Acquaintance with the musical image of heroes and images of works

P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons" (fragments)

N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov "Tale of Tsar Saltan" (fragments)

S. Prokofiev "Peter and Wolf"

Physical development

Node and leisure in plots of works

Heroes of works

Publications on the topic:

NOD in the second youngest group. Reading fiction "My Bear" Z. Alexandrova Approximate technological map of direct educational activities. Type of educational activities: Reading fiction.

Reading, memorizing fiction in the older group on topics Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" Hello expensive colleagues. I want to offer your attention material by.

Card file of moving games of "different nations" African salts in a circle (Tanzania) play 10 or more people. Games: Need a sheet from a tree. Players get up in a circle face to the center. Per.

Abstract Node. Reading fiction in the preparatory for school "Nikita Kozhemyak" Developed: Bondareva Elena Dmitrievna. A student "Volgodonian pedagogical college" Purpose: Development of the ability to briefly retell.

Fiction - invaluable source of wisdom, the strongest means for the development of speech, as well as intellectual, aesthetic and spiritual enrichment of the child's personality. The artistic word feeds the emotions of the baby, stimulates the imagination, develops a figying worldview, brings up a speech culture. Reading stories and fairy tales awakens sincere interest in the feelings and experiences of the main characters, teaches to understand the motives of their actions, perceive the plot plot. The joint efforts of parents and teachers will help to open the kids of the senior group the magical world of literary adventures and fabulous wonders.

Organization of classes for reading fiction in the senior group of kindergarten

Senior preschoolers due to accumulated life experience capable of perceiving the figurative speech of the author, more deeply realize the meaning of the work, analyze the characters of the main characters. All this awakens an authentic interest in the books, the desire to know new literary plots.

Bridge the taste for reading and let it read, and you will inevitably make it happy ...

John Heerschel

Senior preschoolers awaken an authentic interest in the books, the desire to know new literary plots

Objectives and objectives

Objectives of reading in the older group:

  • the formation of a child of genuine interest in the book and the internal need for reading fiction;
  • education of the competent and sensitive reader.

Educational tasks:

  • expand the horizons, form a holistic picture of the world;
  • learning to listen to poems, stories, fairy tales, emotionally perceive, and also understand the content of the work;
  • learning to analyze the causes of the hosts of the main characters, see the hidden contexts, encourage to talk about their understanding of character characters;
  • develop the skills of expressive reading of poems, help participate in role-playing theatrical games and stages;
  • prepare for comprehensive literary education, organize a primary acquaintance with an illustrated book, folk creativity, to acquaint with information about the genres of works, writers and poets.

Developing tasks:

  • aesthetic and moral development of the child's personality;
  • the formation and development of competent literary speech.

Educational challenges:

  • bring up the ability to emotional perception of literature;
  • promote the formation of literary and artistic taste.

Children learn to listen to poems, stories, fairy tales, emotionally perceive, and also understand the content of the work

Pedagogical techniques for working with artwork

When learning reading, visual, verbal and game techniques are used. Among the visual most popular:

  • acquaintance with the author of the work (demonstration of the portrait of the writer);
  • consider and comparative description of book illustrations;
  • demonstration and discussion of thematic presentations, slide show, video devoted to a particular work (this is advisable to use after reading the book);
  • children's drawing, as a way to transfer impressions from the heard fairy tale or story.

The verbal techniques are varied and are designed to work with all the text and its parts and even separate words. This includes:

  • expressive reading on the book or by heart, focused on fixing the ability to listen, hear, perceive the content of the work;
  • told with elements of free improvisation (replacement of words, their permutation);
  • the conversation that builds around questions to determine the genre, the plot, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, the means of artistic expressiveness;
  • selective reading key fragments of the text of the book, which strengthens the emotionality of perception and activates the attention of children;
  • explanation of the meaning of strangers:
    • substitution synonym in the process of reading, for example, "Crown - Crown", "Cute - Sly"; acquaintance with new words during the demonstration of pictures;
    • discussion of unknown revolutions and phrases during an introductory conversation.
  • creative tasks for inventing the plot, continuation of the story, selection of rhyme, comparative descriptions, epithets.

How gaming techniques are used by all sorts of games and staging (subject to excellent knowledge of the text of the work of the work):

  • costume setting with the participation of children;
  • theatrical performances and games (desktop, puppet);
  • didactic literary games and quizzes.

In the study of artistic literature, the reception of the theatrical game is actively used.

Quiz "Learn a fairy tale" using a multimedia presentation (the picture appears on the screen, if the children answered the questions correctly and called the fairy tale).

  • In this fairy tale, the grandfather raised a harvest, but I could not pull out from the ground. Pulled, pulled, but did not pull out. To the aid, he came to the grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat. Who did I forget to call? What did they pull out? Did you find out this fairy tale?

    Slide to the Fairy Tale "Repka"

  • An old man with old man lived in the next fairy tale, and more Forest animals (bunny, fox, wolf), who meet our main character. Lisa ate him. Who ate fox? How was he in the forest? Which animals did I forget to call?

    Slide to the fairy tale "Kolobok"

  • The characters of the fairy tales found a cozy house in the forest and settled in it, but for someone, the house was too small. He decided to live on the roof, jerked to the house and ruined him. Who was that? Name anyone who lived in a house. What is the name of the fairy tale?

    Slide to the tale "Teremok"

  • Someone with a cunning yes deception took the bunny house. Bear, Wolf, Doggy wanted to drive an uninvited guest, but could not. And who could? Who helped the bunny and freed the hut? What is the name of the fairy tale?

    Slide to the fairy tale "Zayushkina Hug"

  • There were a goat in the house alone. Helloing mother's orders not to open the door to anyone. How much did the goat? Who and how did they manage to deceive them?

    Slide to the fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats"

  • And in this fabulous history, the mother and father left for affairs, left the daughter and son of the house of some. The eldest sister was instructed to look after a small brother. The girl played with his friends, the request of the father and Mother had forgotten, and the brother evil birds were taken to Baba Yaga. What kind of birds stole a boy? What trials happened to go through the girl in the search for brother? Who helped her?

    Slide to the Gus-Swan Fairy Tale

  • Grandfather da Baba cut off a snowy girl. What happened to her next? What is the name of the main heroine?

    Slide to the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"

Work forms used in learning to read

To instill with preschoolers a persistent interest in reading, such forms of work should be introduced into a permanent practice:

  • daily reading of various products in the genre;
  • independent acquaintance of children with a book in a specially equipped literary corner;
  • organized planned classes;
  • miscellaneous communication of the teacher with children on the basis of fiction during games, walks, activities of other activities;
  • fruitful cooperation with parents, popularization of home reading:
    • consulting work on the optimal choice of literature for reading, taking into account the age characteristics of children;
    • parents' participation in the design of book exhibitions, quizzes, literary holidays;
    • registration of information stands and mobile books;
    • conducting open classes for parents.

The corner of fiction, as a rule, is present in all groups of kindergarten. The main goal is to strengthen interest in the book, create a special cozy, secluded place where kids can safely and focus with the book, gladly extract her pages, carefully consider illustrations, remember the excitemental episodes, "live" together with the people who loved the heroes of their history.

The main goal of the book corner is to strengthen interest in the book, create a particular cozy, secluded place where kids can safely and concentrately chat with a book

Rules for design Corner book:

  • It is located away from a noisy and dynamic game zone, creating conditions for thoughtful leisurely pastime.
  • There is a proper daylight (near the window) and the evening (local electric).
  • It is drawn up with a shelf or tables.
  • Books are selected in accordance with the age characteristics of children.

The range of interests of the senior preschoolers expands, so the book exhibition may include ten-twelve books, providing the opportunity to each child to individually choose the book that interests him. Be sure to familiarize children with the rules:

  • take books with clean hands;
  • overclock
  • do not tear, not to mine;
  • do not use for games;
  • after looked, always put the book in place.

Thematic Book Exhibition

Thematic books are usually devoted to issues of cognitive interest in children, as well as anniversaries of writers or festive dates. The topic should be meaningful, duration of no more than a week, since the interest and attention of children will continue to be reduced to the demonstrated books.

Thematic book exhibitions are usually devoted to the issues of interest to the guys.

Ideas for motivating start classes

Answer the cognitive interest of children to literary works is the priority task of the educator. Thoughtful approach to the organization of classes, comprehensive preliminary training will create an informal, living environment, will increase the performance and emotional returns of children.

To enhance the attention of their pupils, the teacher can use questions, poems, riddles, multimedia presentation

To enhance the attention of their pupils, the teacher can use an exciting conversation, poem, riddles, didactic games, the elements of the costume view, demonstration of illustrations, listening to the joke of the musical work, viewing multimedia presentations, video or animated films.

  • An interesting option of the beginning is the appearance of a fabulous hero who will involve children in the game or will invite a fantastic journey. For example, the group enters Pinocchio and shares with his own problem: "I was invited to visit the fairy forest Bear from the fairy tale" Masha and the Bear ". I love tea with pie, but I'm afraid to travel through the mysterious forest. Guys, I ask you to help me find the road to the house of the Bears. "
  • With the children of the senior group, you can conduct short introductory conversations on familiar works (6-8 questions). For example, such a conversation will be appropriate to the "Russian folk tales" theme:
    • What fairy tales do you know?
    • Who invented these fairy tales?
    • What animals are the characters of fairy tales?
    • What fairy tales is a bear? ("Masha and the Bear", "Three Bear", "Teremok")
    • Heroes of what fairy tales became a bunny, chanterelle, wolf?
  • Hobbies children and a story that introduces the personality of the author's favorite work. For example, about P. P. Bazhov, the creator of the fairy tale "Silver Xields", can be told so:
    Guys, today I will introduce you to the author, who loved the folk tales so much, that and their invented stories called fairy tales. What is a fairy tale? It is more important than the legendary legend, which the mouth of the mouth was transferred from grandfather-great-grandfather to grandsons. In a fairy tale, real life and magic miraculously intertwine, near earth heroes there are supernatural forces that can be good assistants, and can manifest themselves as evil forces. These fairy tales came up with Pavel Petrovich Bazhov.
    P. P. Bazhov born in the family of the mountaineer of about one hundred and forty years ago. The plant was on the distant Urals, under the city of Yekaterinburg. The boy studied in the spiritual seminary, where he met a wonderful teacher of verbost, who taught his disciples to understand, appreciate and love fiction. Bazhov gladly taught the memorization of the poem, already at nine years he could tell the whole selection of poems of favorite poets.
    Having matured, the Bazhov went in the footsteps of his teacher and began to teach Russian children, during the civil war fought in the Red Army, and after he became a journalist. From the young years of the Bazhov was fond of popular legends, carefully collected works of folklore. People's legends "breathe" all his works collected in the book "Malachite Box".
  • The didactic game as a motivating reception will be appropriate if it is not too different and will be carried out in a rapid pace, otherwise it needs to be moved to the main part of the lesson.
    The didactic game "Remember the story" (on the works of N. N. Nosov). The teacher proposes to consider pictures with drawn items: cucumbers on a vegetable garden, shovel, phone, pan with porridge, hat, pants with a patch. The guys need to remember the name of the relevant stories of the favorite children's author ("Cucumbers", "Gardeners", "Phone", Mishkin Poros, "Living Hat", "Patch").

Photo Gallery: Didactic Game on Works N. N. Nosova

Task for establishing the correct sequence of events The correct sequence of questions on the knowledge of the text Select the Suitable Sequence must be properly connected words and pictures

Table: Card Signs for fabulous topics

Krasno Girl is sad
She does not like spring.
She is hard in the sun,
Tears pour a poor thing. (Snow Maiden)

I flew Arrow and got into the swamp,
And in this swamp caught her someone.
Who, having sneaked with green skin.
Made cute, beautiful, fitting? (Princess Frog)

Put her grandfather in the field
Summer grew grew.
The whole family was drawn
Was very large. (Repka)

All the riddles guess and the heroes were called.
You present friends
Was a wicked yesterday at a party
What did you run, just - ah!
All pictures are confused
Tales all my he confused
Puzzles you must collect
Russian fairy tale!
(Children from puzzles collect a picture of fairy tales and call it.
Tales: Masha and Bear, Ivan-Tsarevich and Gray Wolf,
Three bears, porridge from the topor, Morozko,
By whiteway, the vein).

Oh you, petya, simplicity,
Spook a little
Did not obey cat
Looks out in the window. (Cat, cock and fox)

There is no river, no pond,
Where to get drunk?
Delicious water
In a hole from the cooler.
(Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka)

Near the forest, on the edge
Three live in the hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs.
Three cribs, three pillows.
Guess without tips,
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)

In heaven and on earth
rides babe on a broom,
Terrible, evil
who is she? (Baba Yaga)

Everyone in the world he wants
He treats sick animals.
And once hippopotamot
He pulled out of the swamp.
He is famous, famous
Good doctor ... (Aibolit)

Grandma girl loved very much.
Red hat gave her a hat.
Girl name forgot your own.
Well, tell me the name. (Little Red Riding Hood)

On sour cream disturbed.
On the window sheaves.
Round side, ruddy side.
Rolled down ... (Kolobok)

Father had a boy strange
Unusual - wooden.
But loved dad son
Fatizer (Pinocchio).

Ever the evening approached
And the hour long-awaited
To me in a gilded carriage
Go to the fairy ball!
No one in the palace knows
Where am I, as I call,
But only midnight will come,
I'll be back in the attic. (Cinderella)

On the path stepping cheagle,
Water is dragging the water. ("By whining cord")

Round nose, patch,
It is convenient to rummage them in the ground,
The tail of a small crochet,
Instead of tufels - hoofs.
Three them - and what
Brothers friendly are similar.
Guess without tips,
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three pigs)

We plan to read artistic literature classes in the senior group of kindergarten

The duration of occupation increases compared to the middle group for five minutes and is now 25 minutes.

Classes are traditionally held once a week, but should not be limited to narrow temporary framework for promising educational planning. Daily free reading, gaming literary situations and conversations during a walk or spontaneous creative games outside of organized classes will help to introduce children to the world of fiction.

Temporary plan and types of classes

Structure classes:

  1. The organizational part is a motivating occupation, an introductory conversation (3-5 minutes).
  2. Basic - reading a work (15-20 minutes).
  3. Final - The final analytical conversation teacher with children. Children teach argued to formulate their point of view and independently talk about their perception of the content of the work, to evaluate the characters and actions of the main characters (3-5 minutes).

Types of classes:

  • Target reading one work.
  • Comprehensive reading of several familiar and new works of different genres, combined with one subject (New Year, the arrival of spring, forest animals, etc.).
  • Combining works that represent different types of art:
    • acquaintance with book in combination with watching illustrations, slide, movies, cartoons;
    • fiction and background sound of a musical work;
    • reading using theatrical improvisation (dolls, toys, cardboard figures).
  • Reading as a structural part of speech development.

Methodology for holding

The choice of work is carried out in accordance with these criteria:

  • age and psychological and peculiarities of perception;
  • simplicity and availability of style and composite solution, degree of fascinating plot;
  • value from the point of view of artistic skills and educational effect;
  • compliance with software requirements and pedagogical tasks.

Reading can prevail a brief introductory conversation of an introduction character, which includes a small story about the writer's personality, mentioning other works of this author, with which the children met earlier. Next, it is necessary to voice the genre of the work. The interest and emotional involvement of children in the work will strengthen the successfully selected mystery, poem, illustration, a fragment of a musical work or an excursion to the museum spent on the eve.

During reading, it is important to maintain close emotional contact with children. Reading should be solid, intonational and figuratively expressive, not interrupted by questions and comments to children.

It is important to take place to directly children's reaction, first impressions and experiences from the listened work, which will allow the guys to fully experience satisfaction from communicating with the book, fill their inner world with new feelings and thoughts. It is more advisable to offer a serious analytical conversation when reading.

Children of the five-six years hard to cope with monotonous monotone work, so it is desirable to spend the moving, finger or respiratory gymnastics in time with small fidgets, connect the movable games of the literary orientation in the process of work.

Card file to artistic reading in the senior group

Genre variety of literature for reading in the older group:

  • Russian folklore, as well as folklore works of the peoples of the world ("like a granny goat", "Swallow-swallow", "The house that Jack built", "Wessenka").
  • Russian and foreign folk tales ("Tsarevna-Frog", "Zlatovlask". "Teremok").
  • Poetic and prosaic works of domestic and foreign authors (A. S. Pushkin, I. S. Turgenev, I. Bunin, S. Yesenin, V. Dragunsky, N. Nosov, R. Kipling, A. Lindgren).
  • Literary fairy tales (V. Bianki, P. Bazhov, A. Volkov, V. Kataev, B. Sadoda).

Table: a card file of literary works for the senior group indicating the purpose of study

V. Dragunsky
"Enchanted letter"
Learn to analyze an artistic work, develop the ability to understand the character of heroes, enrich the speech by phraseologism
Favorite poems. Stories, fairy tales about autumn. Bianks "September"
Pushkin "Sky in the autumn breath"
Develop oral speech, form the ability to analyze the signs of autumn, to educate the love of their own nature.
careful attitude towards nature, which generously gives us with their wealth.
Explosion. Tolstoy "Autumn, is attacked our poor garden"Develop a poetic hearing, to form the ability to reproduce figurative expressions, pick up comparisons, epithets, fix the ability to form different forms of verbs.
Reading the fairy tale I.Telshova "Breeding"Expand the reader's horizontal, enrich the vocabulary.
To help understand the motives of the actions of heroes, clarify the concepts of genre features of the fairy tales.
Reading the story of Dragunsky
"Childhood friend"
To acquaint with the work of V. Dragunsky, reveal the character of the main character of Denis.
Explore poems
M. Isakovsky "Go beyond the sea"
Learn expressively read by heart a poem, independently select epithets, develop the ability to feel the observance of the language
"Princess Frog"
Learn to perceive the figurative fairy tale content; Allocate in the text figurative expressions. Fasten knowledge of genre fairy tale features.
A.ldgren "Carlson who lives on the roof" (chapters)Teach to understand the characters of fabulous heroes; select figurative definitions to words; Feel the humorous content of the work. Develop a sense of humor.
I. Surikov "Here is my village" (memorizing) songs and functions about nature.Learning to listen carefully, express your attitude to the content.
Secure the knowledge of flowes and folk songs about nature.
"Hare Busthan"
To help understand the meaning and the main content of the fairy tales. Learning to allocate artistic expressive agents. Maxue with Fairy Tale Illustrations
"Live Hat"
Teach to understand humor situation. To clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe characteristics of the story, its compositions, differences from other literary genres. Prompted to invent the continuation and end of the story.
Reading Winter PoemsTo acquaint children with poems of winter, to attach them to high poetry.
S. Marshak "Melting a month young"
Remember the work of the work of S. Marshak.
Help remember and expressively read the poem "melting a month of young".
P.Bazhov "Silver Kopytz"To acquaint children with a fairy tale P. Bazhova "Silver Kopytz"
S.Gorgiev "I saved Santa Claus"
To introduce children with a new artwork, help understand why this story is, not a fairy tale.
"The cat sings, the eyes narrowed ..."
Develop an understanding of the figurative speech. To form an idea of \u200b\u200brelated relationships. Rail interest in your pedigree. Learning to invent stories on their pedigree.
A.Gaidar "Chuk and Gek" (chapters, reading)Secure knowledge about the peculiarities of the prosaic work. Teach to understand the motives of the actions of heroes; Express your attitude towards them.
Reading the story E. Vorobyov "Lock Wire"To acquaint children with a work about the defenders of the Motherland during the war years, to educate in children respect for war veterans.
"Poems about mom"
Learn to expressively read the poem. Fasten knowledge about the difference in poetic and prosaic works.
Reading a passage from the work of the K. Pautovsky "Cat - Voruuga"Develop speech, logical thinking to educate kindness, responsiveness, love for animals.
Reading the work of N. Leschkevich "Traffic light"Introduce the content of the poem, repeat the rules of the road.
Coloring the poem of I. Beluusov "Spring Guest"Continue to develop the interest of children to artistic and cognitive literature

Table: Didactic Literary Games Card, Used in Reading

"Tell a fairy tale right"There were moms and dad. And they had a son Shrochka. I went a shrock into the forest for candy and got lost. Rachel Shurochka on the house. In the house huge lion. He became for him to live, cook porridge. I was conceived by the shrock home to escape, prepared cookies and told the lion to take mom and dad, and he hid himself in the backpack. The lion came to the village, and there the rooster as he began to sneak, the lion was frightened, the backpack threw, and he ran away. And Shuroka returned alive and healthy.
"Change the plot of fairy tales"The guys are invited to change the fairy tale about the buncher so that the fox did not eat it.
"Book Market"Before children, a set of five books, all of them, except for one copyright literary fairy tales. The guys need to determine the extra (folk) fairy tale and explain their choice.
"Literary Lotto"Visual material: cards with the image of fabulous and literary heroes.
Children alternately take cards and call the characteristics of the drawn character, for example, a wolf - gray, terrible; Kolobok - round, ruddy, tasty, etc.
"Waste words to the toy"Children become a circle, in the center on the floor sits a soft toy. The educator throws the ball a child and says: "This is Cheburashka. What? Call his friends. Who did they help? Etc.". Children in turn lists the characteristics of the fairy-tale hero, answer questions and return the ball to the tutor.
"Prove"Work on the development of speech (development of the argument skills). Educator:
- Guys, I think the bear is a bird. Do not agree? Then prove, and you begin to formulate your thought: if ... (the bear was a bird, then he would have a beak and he could peck).
"Explain the meaning of words" (the fairy tale of K. I. Chukovsky "Fly Casting")Costochuha - to make unusual sounds with a syllable "CSC".
The villain is one who is able to make evil, bad things.
Birthday man - the main heroine celebrates his name day, invites guests.
"Come up with your fairy tale" (with elements of dramatization)Children come up with their fabulous plot on the example of the Russian folk fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats", then show their stories for a specially prepared table, on which the layout and carved figures of fabulous characters are standing.
"Fabulous telegram"The educator reads the texts of the telegrams who sent the heroes of fairy tales, and the children guess their authors, say the name of the fairy tales:
The evil and cunning wolf ate the six my brothers. Please, help!
My lubyany hut occupied fox fraction. Return my house!
Dear Ia, congratulations on your birthday, we wish you happiness in your personal life!
I locked me in the room "Housekeeper" Freken side. Help!
My brother kidnapped a terrible Baba Yaga. Help me save him!
I lost a crystal shill! Help me find!
I love winter fishing very much, but my tail remained in the hole!
Calm, only calm! I have ended all jars with jam and sweet pies!
"Flower-seven-family"On the demo board, the model of the magic flower with the missing petals:
First - Yellow
Second - red
Third - blue
Fourth - green
Fifth -
Sixth -
Seventh -
Educator Questions:
- Why is the flower magic? What petals are missing? What desires did the petals? Why did the fulfillment of desires did not bring the girl joy? What desire was the most valuable?
"Magic Screen"The game consolidates the understanding of the author's fairy tale from the folk. One child shows the book, and the children call the writer or poet who wrote it.
"Find shadow"The task is performed individually. The child connects the image of the character with his silhouette and calls the name of the hero and his fairy tale.
"Guess the fairy tale"Carlson loves this book very much, he so often reads her, which read it almost to the holes, some letters disappeared. I will read the remaining letters, and you try to learn a fairy tale: "Count .. Poles .., Poland .., Vz .. Yes, and show .. - from the window .. on the lava .., with Love .. on the floor, by the floor ... to two .., pr .. Cher .. pore .. - yes in the sen .., out of the seven .. on the curl .., with a curl .. for the dv .., with dv .. for the thief .., gave .. and gave ... "
"Tired pictures"Children cope with the task in small subgroups. The pictures you need to decompose in the correct logical sequence of development of the plot of fairy tales. For example, from the literary fairy tale about Pinocchio's adventures: Book-Alphabet, Cat and Fox, Live, Wooden Doll Boy, Gold Coins, Magic Key.
"Evil and kind heroes"On the table, the mixed cards with the image of fabulous characters. Children choose the hero and explain why they determined him as good or evil.
"Correct mistakes""Wolf and seven kittens (goats)", "Sasha (Masha) and a bear", "Cockerel (chicken) Ryaba", "Boy with a leg (finger)", "Gee-chicken (swans)", "Mishkin (Zayushkina)" Hut "," Tsarevna-turkey (frog) ".
"Vasilisa-remand" - a game with a ballThe child who caught the ball must continue the name of the character or the name of the magic item: Baba Yaga, Koschey Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich, Bunny-Pumpcharchik, Chanterelle-Sitver, Wolf-gray barrel, boots, boots, tablecloth-self-ban, hat-invisible, mouse - Drunk, boy with a finger, snake Gorynych.

Table: Fizkultminthka on the topic of fairy tales

(The children alternately bend fingers. On the latter line clap your hands.)
We will count your fingers, (vigorously compress and squeeze your fingers)
We will call fairy tales.
Mitten, teremok, (children alternately bend fingers)
Kolobok - ruddy side.
There is a Snow Maiden - the Beauty,
Three bears, wolf - fox.
Do not forget Sivka-Burku,
Our things canoe.
About the heat-bird a fairy tale know
We don't forget the repka
We know the wolf and goat.
These fairy tales are happy. (cotton in your hands)
We are a nice family kids
We love, jump and jump (bouncing on site).
We love, run and play,
We love horn beyond (become pairs and index fingers
both hands show "Horn")
The fairy tale walks, the fairy tale wanders (walking on the spot)
The fairy tale itself finds us. (I hug yourself with both hands)
The fairy tale we make to run (imitate running on the spot)
Straight in the warm bed. (put on the cheek)
The fairy tale gives us a dream, ("We swim in a dream", closing your eyes)
Let him be beautiful! (Get straight, hands on the sides, up).
The mouse quickly fled (running on the spot).
The mouse is a ponytail (imitation of movement).
Oh, the testicle dropped (leaning out, "raising the testicle").
Look, ka, broke (show the "Egg" on the elongated hands).

Table: Fragment of the abstract study of the student of the story L. N. Tolstoy "Bone" of Uburya Hope Sergeevna

Stage NodeStage content
Organizational partIntroduction of the game torque.
Guys, do you like to travel? Do you want to go on a trip to me? Then, I will make you a riddle. If you answer correctly, you will find out what we will go on a journey.
  • On the waves sails bravely, without banking a quick move,
    Only buzzing the car is important what? (steamer)

So, occupy your places, we go on a journey through the sea. Guys, tell me who commands on the steamer? (Captain) What should be the captain and sailors on the steamer? (Strong, honest, brave).
And now let's read the story of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy and solve, can a boy - the hero of the story be a captain on the ship?

Main partReading a story.
Conversation according to its content:
  • What did mom bought? (plums).
  • How did Vanya behave? (walked around the plum and all their sniffed).
  • Why did they interest Vanya? (He never ate drained).
  • How did Vanya behaved when one in the room remained? (Grabbed one plum and eaten).
  • Who noticed that one plum was not? (mum).
  • Did Vanya admitted in his act? (Vanya said he did not eat drain).
  • Why did the dad worried? (He said that if any of the children sinks - it's not good; but the trouble is that there are bones in plums, and if anyone swallows the bone, then you die every day).
  • What answered Vanya? (That he threw the bone in the window).
  • Why did Vanya cry? (He was ashamed of his act).
  • What would you do on the site of Vanya? (waited when mom herself gives drain, would admit himself).
  • There is such a proverb "The secret always becomes clear." How do you understand her? (You need to immediately admit that I made a bad act, because they still know about it).

Fizminutka "The sea is worried"

  • Guys, we are in the open sea, I suggest a little rest.
    The sea is worried - once! (Step on the spot)
    The sea is worried - two! (tilting torso left - right)
    The sea is worried - three (turns of the body to the left - right)
    Marine Figure Zamri! (sat down)

The story has such an expression: "blushed as cancer," what does it mean?
Children: the shame was red as boiled cancer.
Educator: What is the hill?
Children: Bright, beautiful room.
Educator: How do you understand the word "found"?
Children: counted.
Educator: swallowed?
Children: quickly ate.
Educator: Pailed?
Children: Became white, pale from fright.

  • What do you think the story story is inventing or in fact, this can happen?
  • Why do you think so?
  • What genre can be attributed to the story? (Tale, verse, sown)
  • This is the basis for the basis of the real events that actually happened.
  • Why Tolstoy called the story "Bone", and not "plum"?
  • What he wanted to teach us (be patient, honest, to have the power of will).

Summing up working with children

A competent summary conversation on the work is no less useful than the introductory. It allows children to consolidate and systematize the knowledge gained during the reading process, develops the memory, the ability to allocate the main thing from the heard.

Sometimes after reading the work, several questions are enough, but they must be meaningful and direct children to highlight the main thought. Thus, the final questions to the story of N. N. Nosova "Fantasies" can be approximately such:

  • What did you like this story?
  • Who are such fantasies?
  • Why did the author named his story so?
  • Which of the heroes of the story would you call fantasies and why?
  • How to distinguish a lie from the fictional story?
  • Why after the story, which Igor told, the boys did not want to be friends with him?
  • What was the difference between his story from the stories of other guys?

You can also conduct a final part in the form of a repeat conversation that helps to remember and consolidate the ideas about the structure of a fairy tale for example, a conversation on the fairy tale S. Aksakova "Scarlet flower" may be of such a content.

The fragment of the musical work sounds. The educator asks questions:

  • Guys, what mood creates this music? (Magic, Wonderful, Mysterious)
  • What fairy tale did you meet?
  • How to understand that this is a fairy tale, not a poem or story? (The fairy tale begins and ends with certain words, for example, "there were an old man with an old woman ...", "And they began to live-wait yes good to find ...")
  • What wonderful changes occur with the heroes in fairy tales? (The frog turns into a beautiful princess, overseas overseas in a young prince)
  • What magic items help good win? (Boots-booms, tablecloth-self-bare, saucer with an apple, magic mirror, etc.)
  • How many daughters had a father in the tale "Scarlet Flower"?
  • What was the youngest daughter?
  • What did your daughters asked the Father to bring from a distant journey?
  • How did the youngest daughter belonged to the mandes?
  • What made her return to the father and sisters?
  • What an act made sisters? Why? Would they like to help their younger sister?
  • What do you think about the character of the killed?
  • What happened to him when the promise given to him the younger daughter was broken?
  • How did it all end?

Since reading classes are held not the only sole skill to listen to and memorize text, but for the most part for educational purposes, the moral and ethical side of the works and the formation of positive qualities and behavior models should be focused on the moral and ethical side of works. The educator must also express its own assessment of the work and occurring in it of events, its attitude towards the characters and their actions, thereby giving the children moral guidelines.

Video: Literary Quiz

Video: poetic evening in Dow

Video: Song for the introductory part

Video: Exchange "Travel to the country of fairy tales"

The preschooler can be called the reader conditionally, he is more attentive and active listener. His acquaintance with the world of books is entirely depends on the literary taste and preferences of an adult, whether it is a parent or educator. It is the surrounding baby adults determine the circle of artwork, help to interpret complex texts, awaken interest in the perception of the book. In many respects, the educators will depend on whether the baby will be in the future competent, deeply thinking and felt by the connoisseur of the book, or his acquaintance with the world of literature will remain a superficial, passing episode of his life. The teacher who was passionate about his business will be able to give the child to communicate with a book, will open a rich world for him, in which he will never feel lonely.

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Maria Moochalova
List of works of fiction for reading children on lexical topics. Senior Preschool Age (Part 1)

Subject: Flowers bloom (in the park, in the forest, in the steppe)

1. A. K. Tolstoy "Bells".

2. V. Kataev "Flower-Semichetics".

3. E. Blagoinina "Dandelion", "Cherry".

4. E. Serov "Lily of the Lily", "Carnation", "Forget-me-not,".

5. N. Sladkov "Family Lovers".

6. Yu. Moritz "Flower".

7. M. Zanknan "Dandelion"

8. E. Trutneva "Bell".

Topic: autumn (autumn periods, autumn months, trees in the fall)

1. And Tokmakova "Trees", "Oak", "The conversation of an old willow with the rain"

2. K. Ushinsky "Spore of the Trees", "Four Desires", "Stories and Tales of Autumn"

3. A. Plescheev "Spruce," Autumn has come. "

4. A. Fet "Autumn".

5. Skrvytsky "Autumn".

6. A. Pushkin "Autumn", "The sky is breathing in autumn."

7. A. Tolstoy "Autumn".

8. A. N. Mikov "Autumn".

9. S. Yesenin "Niva is compressed ...".

10. E. Trutneva "Autumn"

11. V. Bianki "Sichkin Calendar"

12. F. Tyutchev "There is an initial autumn ...

13. M. Isakovsky "Cherry".

14. L. N. Tolstoy "Oak and Oshness".

15. Tuva Yanon "at the end of November" - about the adventures of Mimi Troll and his friends

16. I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov "Autumn", "List Falls", "Forest in autumn", "Autumn in the forest", "Fly Summer flew", "Autumn in Chuna".

17. K. G. Paust "Yellow Light", "Story about Autumn", "Gift", "Ball Nose", "Farewell to Summer", "Dictionary of the Native Nature".

18. K. V. Lukashevich "Autumn"

19. I. S. Turgenev "Autumn day in a birch grove"

20. I. A. Bunin "Antonovsky Apples"

21. "Autumn fairy tales" - a collection of fairy tales of the peoples of the world

22. M. M. Privina "Poetic Miniatures on the Autumn", "Storeroom Sun"

23. S. Topelius "Sunlight in November"

24. Yuri Koval "Neckoba"

25. M. Demidenko "How Natasha Papa was looking for"

26. G. Snegolev "like birds and animals for winter are preparing", "blueberry jam"

27. D.N. Mamin-Siberian "Gray Shaika"

28. V. A. Sukhomlinsky who was waiting for Rowan "," Swans fly away "," Autumnal outfit ", how the fall begins," "Autumn rains", "As an ant transferred through the stream", "Autumn Maple", "Iva - like a girl Golden "," Autumn brought golden ribbons "," Corroducer and Mole "," Swallows say goodbye to the native side "," red-hot squirrels "," shame in front of the gallery "," Sun and Ladybug "," Bee Music "

29. E. Permyak "To School"

30. Fairy Tale "Cat - Workot, Kotofeevich"

31. V. Sladkov "Autumn on the threshold"

32. K. Tvardovsky "Forest in autumn"

33. V. Strokes "Insects in the fall"

34. R.N. from. "POH"

35. B. Skodnika "Winnie - Pooh and all-all-all"

36. P. Ershov "Konk - Gorbunek"

37. A. Barto "We did not notice the beetle"

38. Wings "Dragonfly and ant"

Topic: Bread

1. M. Svhavin "Lisukin Bread"

2. Yu. Rain from seeds.

3. L. Kon from "Books on Plants" ("Wheat", "Rye").

4. I am angunting the "Hands of Man" (from the book "Sings".

5. M. Glinsky "Bread"

6. Ukr. n. from. "Rugged".

7. Ya. Thai "all here."

8. V. A. Schomlinsky "" KK from the grain grew by spikes "," Bread is a work "," gingerbread and spikelets "

9. "Lightweight Bread" Belarusian fairy tale

10. A. Mityaev "Bag of oatmeal"

11. V. V. Konovalenko "Where did the bread come from"

Topic: Vegetables, Fruits

1. L. N. Tolstoy "Old man and apple tree", "Bone"

2. A. S. Pushkin "... It's a ripe juice full ..."

3. M. Isakovsky "Cherry"

4. Yu Tuvim "Vegetables"

5. Folk fairy tale in the processing of K. Ushinsky "Tips and Fur".

6. N. Nosov "Cucumbers", "About Rust", "Garders".

7. B. Zhitkov "What I saw."

8. M. Sokolov-Mikitov "List Falls,

9. V. Sukhomlinsky "smell like apples"

10. "Chrome duck" (Ukrainian fairy tale, "Many and Bear" - r. N. P.

11. "Come to the garden" (Scottish song E. Ostrovskaya "Potato"

Topic: Mushrooms, Berries

1. E. Trutneva "Mushrooms"

2. V. Kataev "Mushrooms"

3. A. Prokofiev "Borovik"

4. Ya. Thai "about berries", "About mushrooms"


Subject: migratory and waterfowl

1. R. n. from. "Swan geese"


4. D.N. Mamin-Siberian "Gray Shaika"

5. L. N. Tolstoy "Swans"

6. G. H. Andersen "Nakadky Doton".

7. A. N. Tolstoy Zhastuhin.

8. K. D. Ushinsky "Swallow".

9. G. Snagire "Swallow", "Skzorets".

10. V. Sukhomlinsky "Let the nightingale and the beetle", "shame in front of the gallery", "flunate swans", "Girl and a cynic", "Coruser and Mole"

11. M. Privine "Guys and ducklings."

12. Ukr. n. from. "Chrome duck".

13. L. N. Tolstoy "Bird".

14. I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Fly cranes".

15. P. Voronko "Cranes".

16. I. Sokolov Mikitov; "Frequent cranes" "Swallows say goodbye to the native side"

17. I. Tokmakova "Bird flies"

Topic: Our city. My street.

1. Z. Alexandrova "Motherland"

2. S. Mikhalkov "My Street".

3. Song of Yu. Antonova "There are Central Streets ..."

4. S. Bajuadin "The country where we live."

Topic: Autumn Clothing, Shoes, Headwear

1. K. Ushinsky "As a shirt in the field has grown."

2. Z. Alexandrov "Sarafanchik".

3. S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?".

4. BR. Grimm "Brave Tailing".

5. S. Marshak "This is what scattered."

6. N. Nosov "Live Hat", "Patch".

7. V. D. Berestov "Pictures in the puddles".

8. "As a brother Rabbit reached Brother Lisa," process. M. Gershenzon.

9. V. Orlov "Fedya dresses"

10. "Sneak"

Topic: Pets and their cubs.

1. E. Charushin "What a Beast?"

2. Oster "Kitten by the name of the GAV".

3. L. N. Tolstoy "Lion and a dog", "Kitten".

4. BR. Grimm "Bremen Musicians."

5. R. n. from. "The wolf and the seven Young goats".

6. S. Ya. Marshak Poodle.

Topic: Wild animals and their cubs.

1. A. K. Tolstoy "Squirrel and Wolf".

2. R. N. from. "Zyushkina Hut"

3. G. Snegolev "Deer Trail"

4. R. n. from. "Hare Misle"

5. I. Sokolov - Mikitov "Medvezhya Family", "Proteins", "Belyak", "Hedgehog", "Lisa Nora", "Lynx", "Bears".

6. R.N. from. "Winter".

7. V. Oseev "Hedgehog"

8. Squrevsky "On Forest Polyanka."

9. V. Bianki "Bashing Bear", "Preparing for Winter", "hide"

10. E. Charushin "Volchonok" (Volchishko, "Morzha".

11. N. Sladkov "How the Bear scared myself", "Desperate Hare".

12. R.N. from. "Tails"

13. V. A. Sukhomlinsky. How the hedgehog was preparing for winter, "" like a hamster for winter is preparing "

14. Sentain. "He lived - there was a bear"

15. A. Barkov "Blue Zvek"

16. V.I. Miroys "Boy"

17. R.N. from. "Two bear" "

18. Yu. Kushak "Postal Story"

19. A. Barkov "Proteka"

Subject: late autumn. Prime

1. A. S. Pushkin "So in the autumn of breath", "Winter. Peasant triumph ... "

2. D. M. Sibiryak "Gray Shaika"

3. V. M. Garin "Frog - Traveler".

4. S. A. Yesenin "Bereza", "Sings Winter - Aukets."

5. I. S. Nikitin "Meeting of the Winter"

6. V. V. Konovalenko "How preparing for winter beasts and birds"

7. Tale "Grandma Metelitsa" Translation of Eremenko

8. Tale about the beginning of winter.

9. V. Arkhangelsk Fairy Tale "Snowflake -pukhinka"

10. Squrevsky "First Snow"

11. A. Block "Snow and Snow"

12. S. Kozlov "Winter Tale"

13. R.N. from. "Frost, sun and wind"

14. Fairy Tale "Hot Pancakes for Winter Winter"

15. E. L Malovanova. "How the beasts and birds prepared for winter"

16. I. Z. Surikov "Winter"

17. I. Bunin "First Snow"

Topic: Winter. Winter birds

1. N. Nosov "On the hill"

2. K. D. Ubychinsky "Promotions of the Winter Olders"

3. G. H. Andersen "Snow Queen"

4. V. Bianki "Sichkin Calendar".

5. V. Dal "Old Man - Godovik".

6. M. Gorky "Vorobanyishko"

7. L. N. Tolstoy "Bird"

8. Nenets People's Tale "Cuckoo"

9. S. Mikhalkov "Finch".

10. I. S. Turgenev "Sparrow."

11. I. Sokolov - Mikitov "Glukhary", "Tetherov".

12. A. A. Block "Snow and Snow Circle."

13. I. Z. Surikov "Winter"

14. N. A. Nekrasov "Moroz - Governor".

15. V. V. Bianki "Owl"

16. Squrevsky "What do birds feed in winter?"

17. V. A. Sukhomlinsky "Bird Storeroom", "Curious Woodpecker", "Girl and Sichka", "Christmas tree for sparrows"

18. R. Snegirev "Overnight in winter"

19. O. Chusovitina "hard birds to winter."

20. S. Marshak "Where to dined, Sparrow?"

21. V. Berestov "Tale about a day off"

22. V. Zhukovsky "Bird"

23. N. Petrov "Bird Tree"

24. G. Sapgir "Dytel"

25. M. Privine "Woodpecker"

Topic: Library. Books.

1. S. Marshak "How did the book printed?"

3. "What is good and what is bad"

Topic: Transport. Traffic Laws.

1. S. Ya. Marshak "Bagazh".

2. Leila Berg "Stories about a small car".

3. S. Sugarnov "The best steamer."

4. N. Sakonskaya "Metro Song"

5. M. Ilyin, E. Segal "Machines on our street"

6. N. Kalinina "How the guys passed the street."

7. A. Matutis Ship "," Sailor "

8. V. Stepanov, "Airplane", "Rocket and I", "Snowflake and Trolleybus"

9. E. Moshkovskaya "Indecisive tram", "The bus that has learned badly", "buses run to us"

10. I. Tokmakova "The CDA in the cars are driving"

11. Brothers Grimm "Twelve Brothers"

12. V. Volin "Shiphod"

Topic: New Year. Winter entertainment.

1. S. Marshak "Twelve months".

2. All year round (December)

3. R. N. from. "Snow Maiden"

4. E. Trutneva "Happy New Year!".

5. L. Voronkova "Tanya chooses the Christmas tree."

6. N. Nosov "Fantasyrs", "on the hill".

7. F. Gubin "Gorka".

8. I. Z. Surikov "Childhood".

9. A. A. Block "Old Hut".

10. S. D. Yezhin "Grandfather Frost".

11. S. Black "Mitch, like a wind, ice skating," ice skating "," Winter fun ".

12. R.N. from. "Two frost."

13. R.N. from. "Visiting Grandpa Frost."

14. R.N. from. "Morozko".

15. L. Kwitko "On the rink"

16. V. Livshitz "Snowman"

17. T. EGner "Adventure in the Forest of the Christmas tree - on the hill"

18. N. Kalinina "About the Snow Cobble"

19. T. Zolotukhina "Mistel".

20. I. Sladkov "Songs under the ice".

21. E. Blaginina "Walk"

22. N. Pavlov "First Snow"

23. N. A. Nekrasov "Frost - Governor"

24. N. Aseev "Frost"

25. A. Barto "Christmas tree in Moscow" "In defense of Santa Claus"

26. Z. Alexandrova "Santa Claus"

27. R. SEF. "The fairy tale of round and long little men."

28. V. Dal "Girl Snow Maiden"

29. M. Klokova "Santa Claus"

30. V. Odoyevsky "Moroz Ivanovich"

31. V. Chaplin "Misel"

32. E. L. Mallovanova "New Year"

33. S. D. Yezhazh Grandfather Frost

Crafts of children "New Year's Miracles do it yourself" here and came to us winter. Wonderful time! Snow-white bedspreads enveloped the earth. Clean and beauty! White snow decorated the city, the new year is here - it will come, and in the Christmas tree very soon every will find each surprise! In each kindergarten with the arrival ...

In our kindergarten passed the action "Take care of the Christmas tree". Volunteers of the preparatory group did not bypass it! They actively accepted in organizational work. On his site, educators and volunteers organized a flash mob called "Tregesting the Christmas tree", where they invited children of the older group for ...

Form of holding: meeting in a cafe. Participants: Parents, educators. Purpose: Development of interest in the knowledge of your child, the emotional convergence of all participants in the educational process, the organization of their communication in an informal setting. Preliminary work: - production of booklets for parents; - Questioning of parents on the topic of the meeting. Registration: The hall is decorated in the style of the cafe (on the tables - tea, sweets, sounds calm ...

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten combined species №246" of the factory district of Saratov Abstract Node in the second youngest group using the game technology "Birthday Chicken" Educator: Gerasimenko E.S. Saratov 2019 Main Educational Program "Municipal Preschool Educational Institution" Kindergarten Combined Type No. 246 "...