False and true patriotism in the novel War and the world of Tolstoy - an essay. True heroes and patriots in the novel "War and World" l

False and true patriotism in the novel War and the world of Tolstoy - an essay. True heroes and patriots in the novel "War and World" l

"War and Peace" - Roman Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy - National epic dedicated to the heroism of Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812, a featman who perfect people.

I still describe the Shenagraben battle one of the main episodes of Kam-Pania of 1805, Tolstoy showed the feat of Captain Tushina and the soldier of his Bata-Rei. Captain Tushin is an ordinary officer, a person who personifies on-native wisdom and simplicity. During the battle, he fearlessly leads the bombing, showing the example of the courage to soldiers, holy fulfilling his military debt.

Captain Timokhin also makes a feat, and the attack of his company in the critical moment changed the course of battle. Like Tushin, he is ... duty, courage and execution.

According to Tolstoy, the war is "the events nasty human mind in its human nature," but the war of 1812 is a terrible necessity. Stand out the enemy, expel him from the native land - the debt of each Russian man.

If in the highest aristocratic circles only pronounced lush phrases about love for the Fatherland, and in fact, only "followed the ... Flugger of royal grace", then the best people from the nobles came differently: it turns to the army of Nikolai Rostov, goes to the war Petya, gives a million to the militia Pierre Duhov, commands the regiment, seeking to be blues to the people, Prince Andrei, give all the veins of the soldiers, wounded under the village of Borodin, Rostov, condemning themselves to ruin.

The feeling of hateful to the enemies of the Motherland makes the inhabitants of Smolensk and Moscow burn their property so that it does not get the French, and the act of merchant Ferrapontov and the "man in the frieze stolen" - at the measures of true patriotism.

Russian peasants, "Carps and Vlasi", as calling them a thickness not a ho-tel to sell the Frenchman even for big money, burned it. Ka-Lucky Russian man struggled with the enemy in his own way.

Borodino battle is the greatest manifestation of the patriotism of the Russian people. Simple people understood all the importance of this moment "everyone wants to fall on," says one of the soldiers; Preparing for possible death in the upcoming battle, the Men's-militias were put on white shoes. The same mood reigns in the shelf of Andrei Bolkonsky.

Calmly and courageously behave during the battle of artilleryrs on the Battery of Raevsky, ready to die, but to fulfill their duty.

Kutuzov is an expressant of the Patriotic People's Spirit in the novel. He is confident in the courage and perseverance of the soldier, knows that the enemy will be defeated. It is clear and close to Kutuzov this "wonderful, unmatched people." Material from site.

A huge role in the Patriotic War of 1812 was played by a partisan movement. The writer also talks about the detachment of the old age of Vasilisa, which beat hundreds of French, and about the Dyachka who commanded the detachment, and the partisans of De Nisov, and the detachment of Dologov. Talks Tikhon Tikhon's partisan, the Herbrom and the necessary person in Denisov's detachment, distinguishing a special delete. Shcherbatoy - one of those heroes that are quiet and imperceptibly do their job, all that prompted them a sense of love for their homeland.

Patriotism of Russian people of all classes, courage and heroism of officials and ordinary soldiers are the key to the invincibility of the Russian people.

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  • war and World - National Epic
  • patriots in the novel war and peace and why
  • True heroes and pittots in the novel war and world
  • patriots in war and peace
  • true heroes and patriots in the novel war and world

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Secondary school №36

Essay in literature

On the topic: "The theme of true and false patriotism in the novel" War and Peace "

Performed: student

Kirillov A.F.

Checked: Fedulova E.A.

Astrakhan 2005.

The theme of true and false patriotism in the novel


The main theme of the novel "War and Mir" is an image of the jap of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812. The author speaks in his novel and about the faithful sons of the Fatherland, and about falsepatrice, thinking only about their vigorous.

Tolstoy uses the reception of antithesis for the image of both events and the heroes of the novel. Let's follow the events of the novel. In the first volume, he talks about the war with Napoleon 1805-1807, where Russia (the Ally of Austria and Prussia) suffered defeat. There is a war. In Austria, General Mak is broken under Ulm. The Austrian army surrendered. Over the Russian army hung the threat of defeat. And then Kutuzov decided to send Bagration with four thousand soldiers through difficult-to-go bohemian mountains towards the French. Bagration was to quickly make a difficult transition and delay the forty-fighter French army before the arrival of Kutuzov. His detachment had to make a great feat to save the Russian army. So, the author leads the reader to the image of the first great battle. In this battle, as always, muster and fearlessly share. Dolokhov's brave manifests itself in a battle, where "he killed one Frenchman in the emphasis, first took the officer's surrendered collar." But after that, he goes to the regimental commander and reports about his "trophies": "Please remember, your Excellency!" Further, he untied the handkerchief, he pulled it and showed blood blindly: "Wounds with a bayonet, I stayed at the front. Remember, Your Excellency." Everywhere, he always remembers first of all about himself, only about himself, everything that does, does for himself. We are not surprised by the behavior of Zherehov. When, in the midst of Bagration, Bagration sent him with an important order to General of the left flank, he did not go ahead, where the shooting was heard, and began to look for the general aside from the battle. Because of the unnecessary Order, the French cut off the Russian hussar, many died and were injured. There are many such officers. They are not panties, but they do not know how to forget the forget of themselves, career and personal interests. But the Russian army consisted not only of such officers. In the chapters, drawing the Shenagraben battle, we meet true heroes. Here he sits, the hero of this battle, the hero of this "business", small, thin and dirty, sits bare, removing the boots. This is an artillery officer Tushin. "He's big, smart and good eyes, he looks at the included chiefs and is trying to joke:" Soldiers say that having swallowed the little ones, - and confused, feeling that the joke failed. "

Tolstoy does everything so that Captain Tushin appears in front of us in the most unclear, even funny form. But this funny person was the hero of the day. Prince Andrei will justly say about him: "We owe the success of this battery and the heroic stability of Captain Tushina with Rota."

The second hero of the Shenagraben battle is Timokhin. He appears at that very moment when the soldiers succumbed to panic and ran. It seemed that everything was lost. But at that moment the French, who were coming on ours, suddenly ran back, and Russian arrows appeared in the forest. It was the company Timokhin. And only thanks to Timokhin, the Russians had the opportunity to return and collect battalions. The courage is varied. There are many people who are unrestrained brave in battle, but losing on everyday life. The images of Tushina and Timokhina Tolstoy teaches the reader to see truly brave people, their nonsense heroism, their huge will, which helps to overcome the fear and win battles.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy denied war, argued with those who found the "beauty of horror" in the war. When describing the war of 1805, Tolstoy acts as a writer - pacifist, but when describing the war of 1812, the author passes to the position of patriotism. The war of 1812 appears in the image of Tolstoy as a war of people. The author creates many images of men, soldiers, the judgments of which are in aggregate constitute a folk care. The merchant of Ferapontov is convinced that the French will not be allowed to Moscow, "do not", but, having learned about the delivery of Moscow, he understands that "the race decided!". And if Russia is dying, then there is nothing to save his good. He shouts with soldiers to take his goods, if only nothing went to "devils". Men Carr and Vlas refused to sell the hay to the French, took the weapons and went into the partisans. During the grave tests for the Fatherland of the Motherland, the Motherland's defense becomes universal. All the heroes of the novel are checked from this side: whether they are animated with a nationwide feeling, whether they are ready for a feat, to a high sacrifice and selflessness.

In love for the Motherland, the patriotic feeling is equal to the prince Andrei Bolkonsky and the soldier of his regiment. But the prince Andrei is not only an universal feeling, but he knows how to say about him, analyze it, understands the general course of affairs. The mood of all the troops before the Borodino battle is it is able to appreciate and determine. The numerous participants in the majestic event themselves act on the same feeling, and not even unconsciously, they are simply very few of them.

"Soldiers in my battalion, believe it, did not drink vodka: not such a day, they say," that's all that the prince Andrei hears about the soldiers from Timokhina's battle commander. Pierre Duhov fully understands the meaning of "unclear" and also too short words of soldiers: "All the people want to fall, one word - Moscow. One end to make it wants." Soldiers express confidence in victory, readiness to die for their homeland. In the novel, "War and Peace" Tolstoy describes a war of 1812 only in Russia, a fair war. D. S. Likhachev wrote: "The historical side of the novel in its moral - the victorious part of the whole ends in Russia, and no event at the end of the novel goes beyond the Russian Earth. No in the" war and the world "nor the Leipzig battle of peoples or take Paris. This is emphasized by death at the most borders of Kutuzov. Then this folk hero "is not needed". Tolstoy in the actual side of events see the same popular concept of defensive war ... invading enemy, the invader cannot be kind and modest. Therefore, the ancient Russian historian does not need Have accurate information about Battered, Birger, Torkal Knutton, Magnus, Mamaa, Torkhantamyshe, Tamerlane, Edieca, Stefan Data or any other Estimation in the Russian land: It, naturally, due to just one of this his act, will be proud, self-confident, It is noted, there will be loud and empty phrases. The image of the invading enemy is determined only by his act - his invasion. On the contrary, the Defender of the Fatherland will always be modest, will pray before A speech on the campaign, for waiting for help over and confident in its right. True, ethical truth on his side, and this is defined by his image. "

The whole Russian people rose to the fight against invaders. Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy believed that the role of a separate personality in history is insignificant that we create the history of the millions of ordinary people. Tushin and Tikhon Shcherbatoy - typical representatives of the Russian people, rising to the fight against the enemy.

Tolstoy creates a bright image of a tireless guerrilla, a man of Tikhon Shcherbat, attached to the detachment of Denisov. Tikhon was distinguished by heroic health, huge physical strength and endurance. In the fight against the French, he manifests dexterity, courage and fearlessness. The story of Tikhon is characterized about how four Frenchmen "with herps" attacked him, and he went to them with an ax. This energizes the Frenchman - a fencing man and a Russian carbon black. Tikhon and there is an artistic concretization of "Bubina People's War".

In the detachment, constantly attacking the enemy weapons, there was a lot of weapons. But Tikhon was not needed - he acts differently, and his duel with the French, when it was necessary to get a "language", quite in the spirit of the general reasoning of Tolstoy about the People's Liberation War: "Let's go, I say, to the Colonel. How talked. And they are here Four. I rushed at me with the skeins. I'm on them with such a manner ax: that you, they say, Christ with you, "Tikhon cried out, scratching and grunge, exposing the chest."

Folk patriotism Tolstoy contrasts lzpatrothism of secular nobility, the main purpose of which is to catch "crosses, rubles, ranks." The patriotism of the Moscow aristocrats was that they were eating Russian soup instead of French dishes, and for French words a fine was appointed. The appearance of Alexander I in the Tolstsky depiction is not a little. Damage features and hypocrisy, which were inherent in the "highest light", and manifest themselves in the nature of the king.

They are especially brightly visible in the scene of the sovereign to the army after the victory over the enemy. Alexander concludes Kutuzov in the arms, mumbling at the same time: "old comedian". S. P. Bychkov wrote: "No, not Alexander I was the" Savior of the Fatherland ", as it was dragged to portray the executed patriots, and not among the approaching king it was necessary to look for true organizers of the fight against the enemy. On the contrary, at the courtyard, in the nearest setting of the king, There was a group of candid prisoners led by the Grand Duke and Chancellor Rumyantsev, who was afraid of Napoleon and stood for conclusion with him the world. "

Plato Karatayev - the embodiment of "all Russian, kind and round", patriarchalness, humility, non-resistance, religiosity - all those qualities that Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy so appreciated the Russian peasantry. Lydia Dmitrievna Opubovskaya wrote: "Plato's image is more difficult and controversial, it is extremely much means for the entire historical and philosophical concept of the book. Not more, however, than Tikhon Shcherbaty. Simply, this is another side of the people.

Patriotism and proximity to the people mostly inherent in Pierre Bezuhov, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostova. In the People's War of 1812, such a huge moral force was concluded, which purified and reborn the favorite heroes of Tolstoy, burned in their soul many estate prejudices, selfless feeling. In the Patriotic War, the fate of Prince Andrei goes the same way as fateful fate. Andrey Bolkonsky comes closer to simple soldiers. "He was called" our prince "to the regiment, they were proud and loved him," wrote Tolstoy. He begins to see the main purpose of man in serving people, people. Even before the war, 1812, Prince Andrei realized that the future of the people did not depend on the will of the rulers, but from the people himself. Lydia Dmitrievna Epubskaya wrote: "Already understood the inner springs of war, Andrei Bolkonsky was still mistaken about the world. He was drawn into the top spheres of state life," there, where the future was preparing, from which the fate of millions of millions depended. But the fate of millions decide not to Adam Chartorzhi, not Speransky, not Emperor Alexander, and these millions themselves are such one of the main ideas of the Tolstovsky Philosophy of History.

Simple Russian soldiers also played a decisive role in the moral update of Pierre Zuhovov. He passed through the passion for Masonry, charity, and nothing gave him moral satisfaction. Only in close communication with ordinary people, he realized that the purpose of life in the lifetime itself: "While there is a life, there is and happiness." Already on the Borodino field, even before the meeting with Karataev, Pierre Probrachova is an emergence idea of \u200b\u200bsupporting: "the soldier to be, just a soldier!" Meetings with simple soldiers made a strongest action on his soul, shocked his mind, opened a desire to change their life, rebuild his whole life. Lydia Dmitrievna Opubovskaya wrote: "Sincere calm, confidence in the sense of life Pierre acquires, surviving the heroic time of the 12th year and the suffering of captivity next to ordinary people, with Plato Karataev. He experiences" the feeling of his insignificance and falsehood in comparison with the truth, simplicity and The power of that category of people who finished him in his soul called they. "" The soldier is to be, just a soldier, "Pierre thinks with delight. It is characteristic that both soldiers, even not immediately, but willingly accepted Pierre in their Wednesday and Nickname" Our Barin, "like Andrei" Our Prince. "Pierre cannot become a" just a soldier ", a droplet merging with the entire surface of the ball. Consciousness of his personal responsibility for the life of the whole ball is indestructible in him. He's hot thinks that people should come to his senses , understand all the crime, all the impossibility of war. "

Positive features of Natasha Rostova with special brightness are revealed at the moment when it, before the joining the French in Moscow, an insane with a patriotic feeling, makes it thoroughly and take the wounded and when it is to another, happy and happy minute - Russian dating and happy and joyful minute The admiration of folk music shows the power of the national spirit concluded in it. From Natasha proceeds the energy of updates, liberation from the fake, false, habitual, withdrawing "on free Light".

In the war of 1812, when each soldier fought for his home, for their relatives and loved ones, for their homeland, the consciousness of the danger "Humane." The further Napoleon moved into the depths of Russia, especially the forces of Russian troops grew, the more weaker the French army was weaker, turning into the disgrace of thieves and marauders. Only the will of the people, only folk patriotism, the "spirit of the troops" makes the army invincible. This conclusion makes Tolstoy in its immortal novel-epic "War and Peace".

List of used literature

1. L.N. Tolstoy, "War and Peace", M., Soviet Russia 1991.

2. A.A. Saburov, "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy. Problems and poetics ", ed, MSU, 1981.

3. L. Libdition, "Living Heroes", M., "Children's Literature" 1982.

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what the heroes Tolstoy in the novel war and the world calls the true patriots of what false and got the best answer

Answer from Galina [Guru]
In the novel, "War and Peace" Tolstoy shares people along the moral principle, especially having a relation to patriotic debt.
According to Tolstoy, the Russian people are deeply patriotic. When the French is classified by Smolensk, the peasants burned the hay to not sell it to their enemies. Everyone in his own way tried to hurt the enemy so that they felt the hatred of the true owners of the Earth. A merchant of Ferapontov burned his own shop so that she did not get the French.
True patriots show residents of Moscow, which leaving the native city, leave the dwellings, as they consider it impossible to remain under the authority of the impostors.
These patriots are Russian soldiers. Their patriotism and heroism is shown in scenes near Shenagraben, Austerlitz, Smolensk, Borodin.
Heroes and true patriots in Tolstoy become externally, no noticeable people. Such is the captain Tushin and soldiers of his battery.
The heroes of this war are representatives of various estates that have little common, but united by the overall goal of protecting the Motherland. This is a decek, "a few hundred captive", Gusar Denis Davydov, "which is owned by the first step" in the legalization of the partisan war, Old Town of Vasilisa, "beat hundreds of French," and, of course, Tikhon Shcherbat.
Kutuzov in the novel - an expressant of the idea of \u200b\u200bpatriotism.
Tolstoy shows that patriotic feelings cover people of various political views: the advanced intelligentsia (Pierre, Andrei), the frontier of the old prince Bolkonsky, conservatively tuned Nikolai Rostov, the meek Princess Marjo. The patriotic impulse penetrates into the hearts of people, it would seem distant from the war - Petit, Natasha Growth.
True patriotism of the main mass of Russian people Tolstoy contrasts the false patriotism of the highest noble light, repelling his false, egoism and hypocrisy. These are fake people, the patriotic words and the affairs of which become a means of achieving lowest goals. Ruthlessly disrupts a thick mask of patriotism with German and middle-door generals in the Russian service, "golden youth" like Anatoly Kuragin, careerists like Boris Drubetsky.
Tolstoy is angry with the part of the highest staff officer, which did not participate in the battles, and tried to get a job at the headquarters and for nothing to receive awards.
The liarpatriotic atmosphere reigns in the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler, Helene Bezuhova and in other St. Petersburg salons: "... calm, luxurious, concerned only by ghosts, reflections of life, St. Petersburg life went older; And due to the course of this life, it was necessary to make great efforts to conscious the danger and the difficult situation in which the Russian people were located. The same exits, balls, the same French theater, the same interests of the yards, the same interests of the service and intrigue. Only in the highest circles made efforts to remind the difficulty of this Regulation. " Indeed, this circle of people was far from awareness of all-Russian problems, from understanding the great trouble and the needs of the people in this war. The light continued to live with his interests, and even in a minute of the nationwide disaster here reigns korestolubie, promoter, service.
Lhapatriotism also shows the Count of Mensorchin, which inks in Moscow stupid "bills", encourages residents of the city not to leave the capital, and then, escaping from the National Angel, consciously sends to the death of the innocent son of the merchant Vereshchagin.
Such a falsepatrice is Berg. Already the initial phrase of the narrative,
eloquently characterizes the system of values \u200b\u200bof this hero: "Berg ... There was already a colonel with Vladimir and Anna on her neck and held all the same deceased and pleasant place of assistant headquarters ..."
This character presentation is built in accurately according to the hierarchy of the values \u200b\u200bof the hero (rank, awards, place).
Such, finally, Drubetskaya, who, thinks about awards and promotion, wishes "to arrange the best position of the adjutant with an important person.

True and false patriotism in the novel "War and Peace"

The novel "War and the World" in the genre attitude is Roman-epic, since Tolstoy shows us historical events that cover a large period of time (the effect of the novel begins in 1805, and end in 1821, in an epilogue); There are more than 200 actors in the novel, there are real historical personality (Kutuzov, Napoleon, Alexander I, Speransky, Rostopchin, Bagration and many others), all social sections of Russia of that time: higher light, noble aristocracy, provincial nobility, army, peasantry, Even merchants.

One of the main issues that Tolstoy is worried is the question of patriotism and the heroism of the Russian people, it is considered in the novel very deeply. In this case, Tolstoy does not flow into the false-patriotic tone of the narrative, but looks at the events of severe and objectively, as a realist writer. The author speaks of his novel and about the faithful sons of the Fatherland, ready to give his life for the salvation of the Motherland, about falsepatries that only think about their mercenary purposes. Such a solution to the patriotic topic, Lev Nikolayevich reflected genuine historical reality. It lies in the image of the journal of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812. The author speaks in his novel and about the faithful sons of the Fatherland, and about falsepatries, which are only about their mercenary purposes.

In the novel Tolstoy, someone utters loud words, engaged in noisy activities or useless bustle - someone experiences a simple and natural feeling of the "the needs of the victim and suffering in the consciousness of common misfortune." The first only imagines themselves with patriots and scream loudly about love for the Fatherland, and the second are them and give life to the name of the general victory or leave their own good things for looting, if only it did not get the enemy. In the first case, we are dealing with false patriotism that replies your false, egoism and hypocrisy. So the secular welfares are behaved at the dinner in honor of Bagration: when reading poems about the war, "everyone got up, feeling that dinner was more important than poems." Falzpatriotic atmosphere reigns In the salons, Anna Pavlovna Sherler, Helene Bezuhova and in other St. Petersburg salons: "... calm, luxurious, concerned only by ghosts, reflections of life, St. Petersburg life went older; And due to the course of this life, it was necessary to make great efforts to conscious the danger and the difficult situation in which the Russian people were located. The same exits, balls, the same French theater, the same interests of the yards, the same interests of the service and intrigue. Only in the highest circles made efforts to remind the difficulty of this Regulation. " Indeed, this circle of people was far from awareness of all-Russian problems, from understanding the great trouble and the needs of the people in this war. The light continued to live with his own interests, and even in a minute of a nationwide disaster here korestolubia and promoter.

Lhapatriotism also shows the Count of Mensor, who puts stupid "bills in Moscow" in Moscow, encourages residents of the city not to leave the capital, and then, escaping from the national anger, consciously sends to the death of the innocent son of the merchant Vereshchagin. Meanness and betrayal are combined with self-apparent, peculiarity: "He did not only seem that he managed by the external actions of Moscow residents, but it seemed to him that he was headed by their mood through his appeals and posters, written by the Ernic language, which in his environment would despise the people and Whose he does not understand when hears it from above. "

Such as messengers in the novel is shown Berg, which for a minute of universal confusion is looking for benefits and is concerned about the purchase of Chiffonier and toilet "with the aglitsky secret". He always comes to mind that now is ashamed to think about purchases that are not necessary. Such, finally, Drubetskaya, who, like other staff officers, is thinking about awards and promotion in service, wants to "arrange the best position, especially the position of the adjutant with an important person that seemed especially tempting in the army." Probably, this is not by chance on the eve of the Borodino battle, Pierre notices on the faces of officers this is greedy arousal, he mentally compares him with the "other expression of excitement", "which spoke about the issues not personal, and the general, issues of life and death." War World Patriotism Tolstoy

True patriots in Tolstoy's novel do not think about themselves, they feel the need of their own contribution and even victims, but do not expect for this awards, because they carry the genuine holy feeling of the Motherland in the shower

There is a war in Austria. General Mak is broken under Ulm. The Austrian army surrendered. Over the Russian army hung the threat of defeat. And then Kutuzov decided to send Bagration with four thousand soldiers through difficult-to-go bohemian mountains towards the French. Bagration was to quickly make a difficult transition and delay the forty-fighter French army before the arrival of the commander-in-chief. His detachment had to make a great feat to save the Russian army. So the author brings the reader to the image of the first great battle.

In this battle, as always, muster and fearlessly share. Harbor he manifests itself in battle, where "he killed one Frenchman in the emphasis and first took the surrendered officer for the collar." But after that, he goes to the regimental commander and reports about his "trophies": "Please remember, your Excellency!" Further, he untied the handkerchief, he pulled it and showed blood blindly: "Wounds with a bayonet, I stayed at the front. Remember, your excellency. " Everywhere and always worry worried about themselves, only about themselves, all he does, makes for himself.

We are not surprising and the behavior of GERKOV. When, in the midst of battle, Bagration sent him with an important order to General of the left flank, he did not go ahead, where the shooting was heard, and began to "look for" the general aside. Because of the non-transmitted orders, the French cut off the Russian hussar, many died and were injured. There are many such officers. They are not cowardly, but do not know how to forget the forget of themselves, career and personal interests. However, the Russian army consisted not only of such officers.

Heroism in the novel looks everyday and naturally. In the chapters, drawing the Shenagraben battle, we meet true heroes. In describing this battle, the author shows how the confusion covered the infantry shelves when writing around. "The moral oscillation, the decisive fate of the battle, was obviously resolved in favor of fear." Here he sits, the hero of this battle, the hero of this "business", small, thin and dirty, sits bare, removing the boots. This is an artillery officer Tushin. "Large, smart and good eyes, he looks at the included chiefs and is trying to joke:" Soldiers say that, having swallowed out, "and confused, feeling that the joke failed. Tolstoy does everything so that Captain Tushin appears in front of us in the most unclear form, even funny. But this funny person was the hero of the day. Prince Andrei will justly say about him: "We are owned by the success of the day, more than all the action of this battery and the heroic resistance of Captain Tushina with Roth."

The second hero of the Shenagraben battle is Timokhin. The battle seemed to be lost. But at that moment the French advancing, suddenly ran back ... and Russian arrows appeared in the forest. It was the company Timokhin. He appears at that very moment when the soldiers succumbed to panic and ran. His actions occur at the kettling of the heart. Not numerical superiority, not complex plans of the commander, and inspiration of the Rott, who behaved with the soldiers, decides the outcome of the battle, it was his determination and militancy forced to retreat the enemy. "... with such an insane and drunken decisiveness, with one sgonment ..." Only thanks to Timokhin, the defenders had the opportunity to return and collect battalions. The Russians were won "the victory of moral, the one who convinces the enemy in the moral superiority of his enemy and in his impotence."

The courage is varied. There are a lot of people unrestrained brave in battle, but losing on everyday life. The images of Tushina and Timokhina Tolstoy teaches the reader to see truly brave people, their nonsense heroism, their huge will, which helps to overcome the fear and win battles.

In the war of 1812, when each soldier fought for his home, for relatives and loved ones, for his homeland, the consciousness of danger was rated for power. The deeper Napoleon moved into the depths of Russia, the more Russian troops grew, the more the French army weakened, turning into a gathering of thieves and marauders. Only the will of the people, only folk patriotism makes the army invincible. This conclusion follows from the novel L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

The colossal prose cloth "War and Peace", which was reflected with the incredible sincerity and truthfulness of the real paintings of the people of the people in the Puchin of the complex events of the first decades of the XIX century, became one of the most important works in the domestic literature. It deserved his high meaning thanks to the seriousness of the problems. True and false patriotism in the novel "War and Peace" is one of the central ideas, the relevance of which does not pass more than 200 years.

War - Personality Character Test

Despite the exploration system of the characters of the work, its main character is the Russian people. As you know, people show their true qualities, being in difficult life situations. There is nothing more terrible and responsible for both individually, and for the nation as a whole than the war. It is like a magic mirror can reflect the true face of each, thoring the masks of pretending and pseudopatriotism of some, to emphasize heroism, readiness for self-sacrifice for the sake of civil debt of others. War becomes a kind of test for personality. In the novel, the Russian people are depicted in the process of overcoming this test in the form of the Patriotic War of 1812.

Art reception comparison

During the image of the war, the author resorts to the reception of a comparative comparison of sentiment and behavior of both military and secular society, comparing 1805-1807, when the battles occurred outside the Russian Empire, from the 1812-M - a period of the French invasion of the state to the territory of the state, forced people to rise On the defense of the Fatherland.

The main artistic technique, which by masterfully operates in the work is an antitz. The opposition method is also used in the table of contents of the Roman-epic, and in parallel jurisdiction of scene lines, and in creating characters. The heroes of the work are opposed to each other not only by their moral qualities and actions, but also by their attitude to civil debt, the manifestation of true and false patriotism.

Protecting true patriotism

War touched various segments of the population. And many try to make their contribution to the case of a common victory. The peasants and the merchants burn or distribute their property only to ensure that it does not get the invaders, Muscovites and residents of Smolensk leave their homes, not wanting to be under the oppression of the enemy.

With special penetration and pride, Lion Nikolaevich images of Russian soldiers are created. Heroism and courage they demonstrated in the episodes of hostilities under Austerlitz, Shenagraben, Smolensk and, of course, on the Borodino battle. It was there that the incomparable courage of ordinary soldiers manifested itself, their love for homeland and perseverance, readiness to sacrifice their own life for the sake of freedom and fatherland. They are not trying to look like heroes, emphasize their delets against the background of others, but only try to prove their love and loyalty to the dedication. Unwittingly in the work is read by the idea that true patriotism cannot be shown and Pozersky.

One of the most striking characters personifying true patriotism in the novel "War and Peace" is Mikhail Kutuzov. Designed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian army, despite the royal will, he managed to justify confidence entrusted to him. The logicality of his destination is best due to the words of Andrei Bolkonsky: "While Russia was healthy, Barclay de Tolly was good ... When Russia is sick, she needs his own man."

One of the most complex decisions that Kutuzov had happened during the war is an order of retreat. Only far-sighted, experienced and deeply patriotic commander could take responsibility for such a decision. On one cup of the scales was Moscow, and on the other - all of Russia. As a true patriot, Kutuzov decides in favor of the whole state. His patriotism and love for the people demonstrated the great commander and after the expulsion of the invaders. He refuses to fight outside the country, believing that the Russian people fulfilled their duty to the frayment, and no longer makes sense to shed his blood.

A special role in the work was allocated to partisans, which the author compares with a double, "rising with all its concern and the majestic strength and, without asking against the draws and rules, the nailed French, until all the invasion died."

The spirit of sincere love for native land and the state is noticeable not only by the military, but also to the civilian population. The merchants handed out their goods for free, so that the invaders did not get anything. The family of growth, despite the closest ruin, assists the wounded. Pierre Duhov puts its funds in the formation of the regiment and even takes an attempt to kill Napoleon, despite the consequences. Patriotic feelings are peculiar to many representatives of the noble class.

False patriotism in the work

However, not all the characters of the work are familiar with the sincere feelings of love for the homeland and the separation of popular grief. A real fighters with the invaders of Tolstoy opposes false patriots who continued to have a gorgeous life in the salons, visited the balls and spoke in the tongue language. The author is not only a secular society, but most of the officers of the Russian army. Many of them are welcome to war as a way to obtain orders and career growth. The author denounces most of the officers, which comes in the headquarters and does not participate in battles, hiding behind with simple soldiers.

Reception of antithesis in the image of a taller and real patriotism is one of the ideological lines of the Roman-epic "War and Peace". According to the author, the true feelings of love for their native land demonstrated representatives of a simple people, as well as those nobles that imbued with His Spirit. Those who have no rest in the moments of total grief, and reflect sincere love of the Motherland. This idea is one of the main works, as well as in writing on the topic "True and false patriotism in the novel" War and Peace ". This belief is depicted through the thoughts of Pierre Zuhovova, who realizes that real happiness in unity with his people.

Test on the work