The best works of Russian literature list. The best modern books

The best works of Russian literature list. The best modern books

The entire romantic pathos, which is enveloped by the Middle Ages, is presented in Ivango. Valoric knights, beautiful ladies, siege castles and political subtleties of vassal relationships - all this found a place in the novel Walter Scott.

In many ways, it is his creation and contributed to the romance of the Middle Ages. The author described historical events that affect the period in the history of England after the third crusade. Of course, it did not cost without serious artistic improvisations and fiction, but this story was only more exciting and more beautiful.

In this selection it was impossible not to include the most famous creation of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. For many schoolchildren, the study of the "dead souls" is the most striking event in the literature lessons.

Nikolay Gogol is one of the few classics who knew how to write about the problems of the Meshchansky life and Russia as a whole in such a sarcastically direct tone. There is neither the epic weight of Tolstoy, nor unhealthy psychologist Dostoevsky. Read the work is easy and nice. However, it is unlikely that anyone will refuse him in the depths and subtleties of the notified phenomena.

Adventure novel "Rider without head" is multicotient: they intertwined, detective and love motives in it. Scene intricateings create intrigue and keep in voltage to the latest pages of the book. Who is this gel rider? Ghost, the fruit of the imagination of heroes or someone's cunning trick? You are unlikely to light until you get the answer to this question.

Charles Dickens was extremely popular in life. People waited for his following novels as well as we are waiting for any "transformers" now. The educated English audience loved his books for the inimitable style and plot dynamism.

"Pickwick Club posthumous notes" is the funniest work of Dickens. The adventures of English snobs, proclaimed by researchers of human souls, are full of ridiculous and comical situations. Social issues, of course, is present here, but it is filed in such a simple form that it is simply impossible not to love English after reading.

"Mrs. Bovarie" is rightfully considered one of the greatest novels of world classics. This title does not detractize the fascination of Creation of Flaubert - the causing history of the love adventures of Emma Storky dare and sucking. After the publication of the novel, the writer was even brought to judicial responsibility for insulting morality.

Psychological naturalism, which is permeated by the novel, allowed Flaux to brightly reveal the problem relevant to any era - the convertibility of love and money.

The most famous work of Oscar Wilde hurts for a living deeply worked manner of the main character. Dorian Gray, Estet and Snob, has extreme beauty that contrasts with internal deformation developing during the plot. Walking up with the observation of the moral fall of Gray, allegorically reflected in the visual change in his portrait, it is possible for hours.

"American tragedy" - the extension of the American Dream. The desire for consistency, respect, position in society, the money is characteristic of all people, however, for most, the path is closed by default for various reasons.

Clyde Griffiths - a leaving from the bottom, which by all the forces is trying to break into the highest society. He is ready for everything for his dream. But society with his ideals of success as an absolute life goal itself is a catalyst of the violation of morality. As a result, Clyde breaks the law to achieve its goals.

"Kill the casting" - Roman autobiographical. Harper Lee described his memories of childhood. As a result, it turned out a story with an anti-racistic message, written by a simple and affordable language. Read the book is useful and interesting, it can be called a textbook of morality.

Not so long ago, the continuation of the novel called "Go Put Storamus". In it, it is so highly turned inside out images of the characters of the classic work of the writer, that the cognitive dissonance when reading cannot be avoided.

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Under Russian classical literature, we mean the works of classics: writers not only exemplary, but also become symbols of Russian culture. Only that person who knows the classic works, appreciates their advantages, feels their inner beauty, can be considered really educated. Today you will learn according to women's magazine Charla.

The top 10 books of Russian literature: "Brothers Karamazov"

"Brothers Karamazov" Intended as the first part of the novel "The Life of the Great Sinner". The first sketches were made in 1878, the novel was over in 1880. However, completing the conceived Dostoevsky did not have time: the writer died a few months after the publication of the book. Most of the "Karamazov brothers" was written in the old Russa - the prototype of the scotoponevsk, where the main action takes place.

Perhaps this novel can be considered the most complex and ambiguous work of the Great Russian writer. Critics dubbed him with an "intellectual detective," many call it the best work about the mysterious Russian soul. This is the last and one of the most famous Dostoevsky novels, it was shielded and in us, and in the West, where, by the way, this is a work in a special honor. What is this novel about? Each reader responds to this question in its own way. The author himself determined his great creation as a "novel about blasphemy and refuting it." Undoubtedly one thing, it is one of the deepest philosophical works of world literature about sin, mercy, the eternal struggle occurring in the human soul.

10 best books of Russian literature: "Idiot" of Fyodor Dostoevsky

"Moron"- Fifth Roman Dostoevsky. Published from 1868 to 1869 in the magazine "Russian Bulletin". This novel occupies a special place in the work of the writer: he is considered one of the most mysterious works of Dostoevsky. The main hero of the book - Lev Nikolayevich Myshkin, whom the author himself called the "positive-beautiful" man, the embodiment of Christian good and virtue. Most of the life is closed, Prince Myshkin decided to go into the world, but he did not know with what cruelty, hypocrisy, he would have to face himself: for selflessness, honesty, humanity and kindness of prince called the "idiot" ....

10 best books of Russian literature: "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina" Lion Tolstoy

Roman-epic Lion Tolstoy "War and Peace" On the times of two wars against Napoleon - 1805 and 1812 - one of the most famous works not only Russian, but also of world literature. This book is from the category of eternal classics, because in it with deep skills revealed the main components of human life: war and peace, life and death, love and betrayal, courage and cowardice. The greatest epic work is of ambitious success around the world: the book was shielded several times, they put on performances and opera. Theroth consists of four parts, the first part was printed in 1865 in the Russian Bulletin.

The tragic novel about the love of Married Anna Karenina to the handsome-officer Vronsky is one of the greatest masterpieces of Russian literature, relevant today. "All happy families are similar to each other, every unfortunate family is unhappy in their own way" - these lines are familiar to every person.

"Anna Karenina" - A complex, deep, psychologically sophisticated work that captures the reader with the first lines and does not let go to the end. The novel of the brilliant psychologist Tolstoy conquers absolute artificial confidence and drama of the narration, forcing the reader to hardly monitor the relationship between Anna Karenina and Vronsky, Levin and Kitty. It is not surprising that this book has conquered not only Russian readers, but also Europe and America.

10 best books of Russian literature: "Master and Margarita" Mikhail Bulgakov

This brilliant Roman Bulgakov wrote for eleven years, constantly changing and completing the text. However, it was not possible to see his published Bulgakov: passed as many as thirty years before one of the greatest works of Russian prose of the twentieth century were allowed to publish. "Master and Margarita" - The most mysterious and mystical novel of Russian literature. This book received worldwide recognition: to comprehend her secrets are trying in many countries of the world.

10 best books of Russian literature: "Dead Souls" Nicholas Gogol

The immortal work of Gogol "Dead Souls" About human tricks and weaknesses must be in the home library. Gogol was very bright and colorfully showed human souls: after all, "dead souls" are not only those who scared chikchiki, but also the souls of living people buried under their petty interests.

Initially, the novel thought in three volumes. The first volume was released in 1842. However, further events have a mystical shade: finished the second volume, Gogol completely burned it - there are only a few chapters in drafts. And ten days after that, the writer died ...

10 best books of Russian literature: "Dr. Zhivago" Boris Pasternak

"Doctor Zhivago" - The top of the creativity of Pasternak as a prose. The writer created his novel for ten years from 1945 to 1955. This is a sincere and piercing story of love against the background of the Civil War Chaos, which is accompanied by poems of the chief hero - Yuri Zhivago. These verses written by Pasternak in different periods of his life, as it is impossible to reveal the unique face of the author's poetic talent. For the "Dr. Zhivago" Boris Pasternak on October 23, 1958 received the Nobel Prize. But in the homeland of the writer, unfortunately, the novel caused a grand scandal, besides, a book for many years was banned. Pasternak was one of the few who fully defended the freedom of speech. Perhaps it was this worth his life ...

10 Best Books of Russian Literature: Collection of Story "Dark Alleys" Ivan Bunin

Story "Dark alleys" - Frank, sincere, exquisite sensual love stories. Perhaps these stories can be considered the best example of domestic love prose. The Nobel Prize laureate, a brilliant writer was one of the few authors of his time (stories were written in 1938), who was so open, sincerely and beautifully told about the relationship between a man and a woman, about beautiful love that could last all his life ... "Dark alleys "Be sure to enjoy all women and girls as one of the most piercing stories about love.

10 of the best books of Russian literature: "Quiet Don" Mikhail Sholokhov

Roman-epic. "Silent Don" In four volumes was published in 1940 in the Roman-Gazeta. This is one of the largest works of Russian literature, which brought Mikhail Sholokhov world fame. Moreover, in 1965, the writer was awarded the Nobel Prize "for the artistic strength and integrity of the epic on the Don Cossacks in a turning point for Russia." This is a grandiose novel about the fate of the Don Cossacks, fascinating Saga about love, loyalty, betrayal and hatred. The book, disputes about which they do not subside to this day: some literary critics believe that in fact the authorship does not belong to Sholokhov. In any case, this work deserves to be read.

10 Best Books of Russian Literature: "Gulag Archipelago" Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Another winner of the Nobel Prize, the classic of domestic literature, an outstanding writer of the twentieth century - Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the author of the world-famous documentary and art epic "Archipelago Gulag"telling about repression in the Soviet years. This is more than a book: this is a whole study based on the personal experience of the author (Solzhenitsyn himself was a victim of repression), documents and evidence of many eyewitnesses. This is a book about suffering, tears, blood. But at the same time, it shows that a person is always, with the most difficult circumstances can remain a person.

Of course, this is not a complete list of outstanding books of Russian literature. However, these are the books that every person must know, who appreciates and honors Russian culture.

Alice Terentieva

The entire romantic pathos, which is enveloped by the Middle Ages, is presented in Ivango. Valoric knights, beautiful ladies, siege castles and political subtleties of vassal relationships - all this found a place in the novel Walter Scott.

In many ways, it is his creation and contributed to the romance of the Middle Ages. The author described historical events that affect the period in the history of England after the third crusade. Of course, it did not cost without serious artistic improvisations and fiction, but this story was only more exciting and more beautiful.

In this selection it was impossible not to include the most famous creation of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. For many schoolchildren, the study of the "dead souls" is the most striking event in the literature lessons.

Nikolay Gogol is one of the few classics who knew how to write about the problems of the Meshchansky life and Russia as a whole in such a sarcastically direct tone. There is neither the epic weight of Tolstoy, nor unhealthy psychologist Dostoevsky. Read the work is easy and nice. However, it is unlikely that anyone will refuse him in the depths and subtleties of the notified phenomena.

Adventure novel "Rider without head" is multicotient: they intertwined, detective and love motives in it. Scene intricateings create intrigue and keep in voltage to the latest pages of the book. Who is this gel rider? Ghost, the fruit of the imagination of heroes or someone's cunning trick? You are unlikely to light until you get the answer to this question.

Charles Dickens was extremely popular in life. People waited for his following novels as well as we are waiting for any "transformers" now. The educated English audience loved his books for the inimitable style and plot dynamism.

"Pickwick Club posthumous notes" is the funniest work of Dickens. The adventures of English snobs, proclaimed by researchers of human souls, are full of ridiculous and comical situations. Social issues, of course, is present here, but it is filed in such a simple form that it is simply impossible not to love English after reading.

"Mrs. Bovarie" is rightfully considered one of the greatest novels of world classics. This title does not detractize the fascination of Creation of Flaubert - the causing history of the love adventures of Emma Storky dare and sucking. After the publication of the novel, the writer was even brought to judicial responsibility for insulting morality.

Psychological naturalism, which is permeated by the novel, allowed Flaux to brightly reveal the problem relevant to any era - the convertibility of love and money.

The most famous work of Oscar Wilde hurts for a living deeply worked manner of the main character. Dorian Gray, Estet and Snob, has extreme beauty that contrasts with internal deformation developing during the plot. Walking up with the observation of the moral fall of Gray, allegorically reflected in the visual change in his portrait, it is possible for hours.

"American tragedy" - the extension of the American Dream. The desire for consistency, respect, position in society, the money is characteristic of all people, however, for most, the path is closed by default for various reasons.

Clyde Griffiths - a leaving from the bottom, which by all the forces is trying to break into the highest society. He is ready for everything for his dream. But society with his ideals of success as an absolute life goal itself is a catalyst of the violation of morality. As a result, Clyde breaks the law to achieve its goals.

"Kill the casting" - Roman autobiographical. Harper Lee described his memories of childhood. As a result, it turned out a story with an anti-racistic message, written by a simple and affordable language. Read the book is useful and interesting, it can be called a textbook of morality.

Not so long ago, the continuation of the novel called "Go Put Storamus". In it, it is so highly turned inside out images of the characters of the classic work of the writer, that the cognitive dissonance when reading cannot be avoided.

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In "NG - EXLIBRIS" in the room from 01/31/2008 under the title "From the Divine Bottle of Matra Francois Rabl to the scandalous" Blue Sala "Vladimir Sorokina" published a very curious and skitting list "100 novels, who, according to the team of the editorial board" NG EX Libris, "shocked the literary world and influenced the whole culture."

"Millennium just started, you can sum up. Including literary. The year is also at the very beginning, we offer you a list of 100 best, in the editorial office of NG-EL, novels of all times and peoples.
In the end, what are we worse? The British / Americans make up their lists of great novels, including there or boring modern English-speaking fiction, or even more boring, but long-time forgotten English-speaking fiction. After adding "for objectivity", several Russian novels, several things from world literature. We are also trendy, we also include only what we know what they are confident - because it is our choice. We really want to be objective, but absolute objectivity in such lists is impossible. Although we, of course, are much more English-speaking novels than the British - Russians. We are not offended. And if you like, so we say - I like it.
Of course, the novels of the living (or recently dead) authors are closer to us, more clearly, so there would be more than it would be. We would have written our list 100 years ago, probably turned on Arzybashev, Welfman, Chernyshevsky, Pisem, Krestovsky, Leskov and Meriazhkovsky (and now it would be worth incorporated, yes the stories and lead from them, like many other non-key, perhaps, all - Better better) and therefore, of course, many have not entered. Those without which literature is unthinkable. Ivan Bunin, for example. Or Edgar software. Or Anton Chekhov. Or Knut Gamsun, the author of many magnificent novels. But the best thing his thing is "Hunger" - a story! Similar history, by the way, with Yuz Aleshkovsky. He has novels, but "business cards" - "disguise" and "Nikolai Nikolayevich" - a story, whether they are very restless!
Others, on the contrary, entered the blatment. Here, let's say, "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin - the poem, but the author called his work "Roman in verse." So, the novel. On the other hand, and the "dead souls" of Gogol, and the "Moscow-Petushki" of Erofeev, according to the authors, are poems. Yes, poems. But if it are not novels, then what are the novels? What is Sergey Minaev and Oksana Robski write? So our position is not a contradiction, it is a dialectic, our editorial arbitrariness.
Despite the exceptional prevalence of the genre of the novel, its borders are still not clearly defined. Most literary criticians believe that the genre of major narrative works called the novel appeared in the Western European literature of the XII-XIII centuries, when the literary work of the third class with the trade bourgeoisie was to be folded. As a result, the genre of Roman came to replace the heroic epic and legend legend, which was dominated by the legend of the antique and feudal-knightly literature. Hegel has not called the Roman "Bourgeois Epopea". Therefore, you will not find in our list of the Golden Ospel of Apulela, nor Parsifaha Tungsten von Eshenbach. The exception was made only for the creations of Rabl and Cervantes, which can be considered embryos novels, or prostromans.
Repeat: this is exclusively our choice, subjective and additive. We, as we were accepted, some included in vain, others, on the contrary, were unfairly ignored. Make your option. Not mistaken one who does nothing.
You can see the list in today's NG-EL number. With brief comments. The novels we placed in chronological order (or by writing time, or by the date of the first publication).

"100 novels, which, according to the team of the editorial office" NG - EX LIBRIS ", shocked the literary world and influenced the whole culture"

1. Francois Rabl. "Gargantua and Pantagruel" (1532-1553).
Extraction of sincere health, coarse and kind jokes, parodiy parody, the catalog of everything. How many centuries have passed, and nothing has changed.

2. Miguel de Cervantes Saoveoverov. "Cherieque Hidalgo Don Quixote Laman" (1605-1615).
Parody survived on many centuries paroded works. The comic character who has become tragic and nominal.

3. Daniel Defo. "Life and amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo, a sailor from York, who lived twenty-eight years in full alone on the uninhabited island off the coast of America near the mouths of the Orinoco River, where he was thrown by shipwreel, during which the entire crew of the ship besides him; With the statement of his unexpected liberation with pirates written by him "(1719).
An extremely accurate embodiment in the artistic form of the ideas of the Humanism of the Renaissance. Bellenized proof that a separate personality has an independent value.

4. Jonathan Swift. "Travel Lemuel Gullivier, first a surgeon, and then captain of several ships" (1726).
The livelihood of a man who collided with the incredible forms of reasonable life - Liliputs, giants, reasonable horses - and found not only a common language with them, but a lot of common features with their tribesmen.

5. Abbot Preview. "The history of Kavalera de Griene and Manon Lesko" (1731).
In fact, "Manon ..." is a story, a plug-in head in a multi-volume novel "Notes of a Noble Man, who has lost from the light." But it was this plumbing chapter that became a masterpiece of a love novel, who was striking not so much contemporaries, how many descendants, a masterpiece, eclipsed by everything else written by Preview.

6. Johann Wolfgang Goethe. "The suffering of a young verte" (1774).
They say, in the XVIII century, young people ended the life of suicide by reading this novel. And today the history of the vane person who is not able to defend his "I" before the face of hostile reality, no one else leaves indifferent.

7. Laurence Stern. "Life and beliefs of Tristram Shender" (1759-1767).
Charming game in nothing and never. Slim postmodernism, cheerful and easy struggle in witty and risky. All text - on the verge, from here, from the opinions of Gentlman Shender, there was not only Sasha Sokolov, not only bits, but even Sigismund Krzhizhanovsky, alas, a storyteller, and not a novelist.

8. SHODERO DE Laklo. "Dangerous connections" (1782).
Moranvatory novel in letters from the life of the curuiest XVIII century. Cleaning intrigue furious intrigue, causing exclaimed: "On times! About the moral! " However, virtue is still triumph.

9. Marquis de Garden. "120 days of Sodom" (1785).
The first computer game with cut-off parts of the bodies and shower of puppet characters, a multi-level soul-soul-ligalkue cut-off part of the body and souls. Plus black-black humor in black and black room in black and black night. Scary, already horror.

10. Jan Pototsky. "Manuscript found in Zaragoza" (1804).
Labyrinth-like romance box in themelles. The reader falls from one story to another, not the time to translate the spirit, and there are only 66 of them. Amazing adventures, dramatic events and mystic samples.

11. Mary Shelley. "Frankenstein, or modern Prometheus" (1818).
Gothic story, who released a whole "brood" of those and characters, subsequently praised by many and exploited so far. Among them is an artificial person, and the Creator who is responsible for their work, and a tragically lonely monster.

12. Charles Mattheurin. "Melm" Skitalets "(1820).
Real Gothic Roman, full of secrets and horrors. Paraphrase on the theme of the eternal Jew Agasfer and the Seville seductant Don Juan. And also the romance of temptations, diverse and irresistible.

13. Onor de Balzac. "Shagreen leather" (1831).
The worst Roman Balzak, the first and best author of the author of the series. "Shagreen leather" is also part of his large TV series, just a piece is less and less, you don't want to finish very much, but it turns into the abyss is uncontrollable.

14. Victor Hugo. "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady" (1831).
The apology of romance and social justice on the material of the French Middle Ages, still having a lot of fans - at least in the form of the Musical of the same name.

15. Standal. "Red and Black" (1830-1831).
Dostoevsky made it from this - from the newspaper criminal chronicle - a tendentious accusatory pamphlet with philosophy. The standal has a love story, where everything is to blame, everyone is sorry, and most importantly - passion!

16. Alexander Pushkin. "Evgeny Onegin" (1823-1833).
Roman in verse. The story of the love and life of the "excess person" and the encyclopedia of Russian life, as for the criticism of Belinsky, we know from school.

17. Alfred de Mussse. "Confession of the Son of the Century" (1836).
"The hero of our time", written by Edward Limonov, only without a mat and loving African Americans. Loving, however, is pretty and here, full of longing, despair and pity for yourself, but there is a sober calculation. I'm the latter, says the lyrical hero. And he is definitely right.

18. Charles Dickens. "Pickwick Club posthumous notes" (1837).
Surprisingly funny and positive work of English classics. All the old England, all the best that it was, was embodied in the image of a noble, good-natured and optimistic old man - Mr. Pickwick.

19. Mikhail Lermontov. "The hero of our time" (1840).
The story of the "excess person", which has become nonetheless, or rather, that is why an example to imitate many generations of young people pale.

20. Nikolay Gogol. "Dead Souls" (1842).
It is difficult to find a more large-scale picture of Russian life on the very deep, mystical level. Yes, even written with such a combination of humor and tragedy. In her heroes they also see the exact portraits written from nature, and images of evil spirits, gagging a nation.

21. Alexander Duma. "Three Musketeers" (1844).
One of the most famous historical adventurous novels is the encyclopedia of the French life of the era of Louis XIII. Heroes Musketeers - Romance, Cutles and Duelists - still remain idols of younger school age.

22. William Teckerei. "Vanity Fair" (1846).
Satira, only satire, no humor. Everything against everyone, Snob sit on snobs and accuse each other in snobsm. Some contemporaries laughed because they did not know that they were laughing at themselves. Now they are also laughing, and also because they do not know that time has changed, not people.

23. Herman Melville. "Moby Dick" (1851).
Roman-parable about American voyages and the consequences of obsession with one-sole unsinkable desire, a whole enslavement.

24. Gustave Flaubert. Madame Bovarie (1856).
The novel, who fell on the bench of the defendants in the form of a magazine publication - for insulting morality. The heroine, who sacrifice the love of family bonds and reputation, is drawn to the French Karenina, but Madame was ahead of Anna for twenty years.

25. Ivan Goncharov. "Oblomov" (1859).
The most Russian hero of the Russian novel about Russian life. There is nothing more beautiful and more detrimental to the breakdown.

26. Ivan Turgenev. "Fathers and children" (1862).
Anti-drug satire, which has become revolutionary guidelines to action, then again satir, will soon be a leadership. And so without end. Because Yenyusha Bazarov is eternal.

27. Main Reed. "Horseman without head" (1865).
The most gentle, the most American, most romantic of all American novels. Therefore, she probably wrote a British, really in love with Texas. He scares us, and we are not scary, for this we love him even more.

28. Fedor Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment" (1866).
Roman contrasts. Napoleonic plans for Roma Skolnikov lead him to a vulgar crime. Not a scope, nor great things - only abomination, dirt and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Even stolen he can't take advantage.

29. Lion Tolstoy. "War and World" (1867-1869).
War, peace and lively Universe of the Human Spirit. Epopea about any war, about any love, about any society, about any time, about any people.

30. Fedor Dostoevsky. "Idiot" (1868-1869).
An attempt to create an image of a positively beautiful person, which can be considered the only successful one. And that the prince of Myshkin is an idiot, so it's just normal. Like the fact that everything ends with the collapse.

31. Leopold von Zaher-Masoch. "Venus in Fur" (1870).
Work on the eroticization of suffering, started by Turgenev, continued his Austrian admirer. In Russia, where suffering refers to the "most important, indigenous spiritual needs" (if you believe Fedor Dostoevsky), the novel causes non-plain interest.

32. Fedor Dostoevsky. "Demons" (1871-1872).
About Russian revolutionaries - atheists and nihilists - the second half of the XIX century. Prophecy and warning that, alas, were not injured. And besides, murder, suicide, fadness of love and passion.

33. Mark Twain. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" (1876) / "Adventures of Geclberry Finn" (1884).
Roman from two books. Forerunity of postmodernism: the same events are shown through the eyes of two boys - ackome (Tom) and older (GEK).

34. Lion Tolstoy. "Anna Karenina" (1878).
Furious love story, a riot of a married woman, her struggle and defeat. Under the wheels of the train. Even militant feminists cry.

35. Fedor Dostoevsky. "The Karamazov Brothers" (1879-1880).
The fatherland in which all the sons of Fyodor Karamazova are mixed in one way or another. Freud read and came up with Oedipus complex. For the Russians, the main thing: is God and the immortality of the soul? If there is, then not everything is allowed, but if not, then sorry.

36. Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. "Lord Golovy" (1880-1883).
The top of the literary activity of the most rigid Russian satiric of the XIX century, the final sentence of serfdom. An unusually relief image of the ugly family - people who are overponsible a set of physiological and social conditions.

37. Oscar Wilde. "Portrait of Dorian Gray" (1891).
Magic, fabulous, wonderful, touching and aerial history of the rapid transformation of a young scounding into the old bastard.

38. Herbert Wells. "Time Machine" (1895).
One of the pillars of modern social fiction. The first demonstrated that in time you can move back and forth, as well as the fact that the light genre is able to raise very serious problems.

39. Bram Stroker. "Dracula" (1897).
The bridge between the measured Victorian literature and the energetic adventure prose of the twentieth century. The work, at first turned the small Orthodox prince, balancing between Islamic Turkey and Catholic Germany, to the embodiment of absolute evil, and then made it a movie star.

40. Jack London. "Sea Wolf" (1904).
Sea romance - only the background for the portrait of Captain Larson, an amazing person who combines gross strength and philosophical thought. Later, such people became the heroes of the songs of Vladimir Vysotsky.

41. Fedor Sologub. "Small demon" (1905).
The most realistic thing from all decadent literature. The story about how to bring envy, anger and limit egoism.

42. Andrey White. Petersburg (1913-1914).
Roman in verses written by prose. In addition, about terrorists and Russian statehood.

43. Gustav Mairink. "Golem" (1914).
The fascinating occult novel, whose action takes place on the verge of Javi and sleep, the gloomy streets of Prague ghetto and tangled maze of the author's consciousness.

44. Evgeny Zamyatin. "We" (1921).
The perfect totalitarian state seen by the eyes of mathematics. Literary proof that social harmony is impossible to check the algebra.

45. James Joyce. "Ulysses" (1922).
Roman-Labyrinth, from which today no one has yet managed to get out alive. Not a single literary test, not a single literary minotavr, not a single literary donal.

46. \u200b\u200bIlya Erenburg. "The extraordinary adventure of Julio Khurenito" (1922).
Satira, in which the chief hero of Julio Gurenito led the XX century. The book, some pages of which turned out to be prophetic.

47. Yaroslav Gashek. "The adventures of the brave soldier Svweyk during the world war" (1921-1923).
Common sense during the plague. The hero, which is declared an idiot for the fact that he is the only normal one. The funniest book about the war.

48. Mikhail Bulgakov. "White Guard" (1924).
The sinking ship of the past is nothing and no one can save. Thus, the toy house, where real soldiers who lost the war against their people will truly killed.

49. Thomas Mann. "Magic Mountain" (1924).
Tomorrow was war. Only the first world. And so really - the magic mountain. There, at the top, where the mountains, I want to sit down, run away from the plague (anyone, at all times and in all countries is about the same), but only it is impossible. Magic does not work, downstairs are already waiting, and they have very good arguments.

50. Franz Kafka. "Process" (1925).
One of the most complex and multidimensional novels of the 20th century, which has breeding hundreds of mutually exclusive interpretations in the entire range from a well-told dream of the allegory of the metaphysical search of God.

51. Francis Scott Fitzgerald. "Great Gatsby" (1925).
Roman era of the American "Jazz Century". Literary critics are still arguing: whether the author buried the great American dream in him, or simply regrets the eternal delay of today, squeezed between the memory of the past and the romantic promise of the future.

52. Alexander Green. "Waves running" (1928).
An excellent romantic extravagania that helps one who has already overcome the generation of young people and girls to survive a pubertal period and find faith in good and light and in their own top destination.

53. Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov. "Twelve chairs" (1928).
Plutovskaya Roman of the Epoch of Construction of Socialism with the main hero of the adventurer Ostap Bender. Satira on the Soviet Society of the 1920s - on the verge of anti-Soviet, fortunately, almost not noticed by censors of those years.

54. Andrei Platonov. "Chevengur" (1927-1929).
The history of the construction of communism in a separate village. Maybe the most disturbing novel about the explosion of messianic and eschatological sentiment in the first post-revolutionary years.

55. William Falkner. "Noise and rage" (1929).
Modest charm of the magical American south. Legends, fairy tales, myths. They are not allowed, they are still angry with Americans, because they need to be afraid of the past. Falkner comes up with American Zurbagan, only there and you can escape.

56. Ernest Hemingway. "A Farewell to Arms!" (1929).
Military prose, overseas military prose. War without war, peace without peace, people without faces and eyes, but with glasses. Glasses are full, but they drink slowly from them, because the dead do not get drunk.

57. Louis Ferdinand Celine. "Journey to the edge of the night" (1932).
Stylish and sophisticated Chernukha. Without hope. Slums, poverty, war, dirt, and no lumen, no beam, one dark kingdom. Even the corpses are not visible. But they are, the journey must continue until Charon is fun. Especially for tolerant optimists.

58. Oldos Huxley. "O, wonderful new world" (1932).
Interpreters argue: Utopia is it or antiutopia? Be that as it may, Huxley managed to anticipate the benefits and ulcers of the modern "consumer society."

59. Lao She. "Notes on the cat city" (1933).
Cats here have nothing to do with it. Even foxes, traditional for the Chinese, also have nothing to do with it. This is power, these readers in civilian clothes came and knock on the door. It begins fun and allegorically, the Chinese torture chamber ends. Very nice, very exotic, just want to swell and growl, and not meow.

60. Henry Miller. "Tropic Cancer" (1934).
Ston and howl of male, longing for cities and years. The most physiologically coarse poem in prose.

61. Maxim Gorky. "Life of Klim Samgin" (1925-1936).
Almost epic, a political leaflet, written by almost verses, the agony of the intelligentsia of the beginning of the century is relevant and at the end of it, and in the middle.

62. Margaret Mitchell. "Washed" (1936).
Harmonious combination of female prose with the epic picture of the American life of the Days of the Civil War of the North and South; It was deservedly became a bestseller.

63. Erich Maria Remarque. "Three Comrades" (1936-1937).
One of the most famous novels on the topic "Lost Generation". People who passed through the fool of war can not leave the ghosts of the past, but it is the military fraternity that rallied three comrades.

64. Vladimir Nabokov. "Dar" (1938-1939).
Piercing theme of expulsion: Russian emigrant lives in Berlin, writes poems and loves Zina, and Zina loves him. The famous IV chapter is Chernyshevsky's vital, the best of all existing. The author himself said: "Dar" not about Zina, but about Russian literature.

65. Mikhail Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita" (1929-1940).
Unique synthesis of satire, mysteries and love story, created with dualistic positions. The anthem is free creativity, for which they will definitely reward - even if death.

66. Mikhail Sholokhov. "Silent Don" (1927-1940).
Cossacks "War and Peace". The war in the days of the Civil War and the world, which, before founding, we destroy, so that he would never build anything else. Roman dies closer towards the end of the novel, an amazing case in the literature.

67. Robert Muzil. "Man without properties" (1930-1943).
For many years, the Muzil has customized one to the other to the limit of stipped lines. It is not surprising that the filigree novel remained unaccepting.

68. Herman Hesse. "Game in beads" (1943).
Philosophical utopia, written in the midst of the most terrible war of the 20th century. Anticipate all the main features and theoretical buildings of the Epoch of postmodernism.

69. Veniamin Cavery. "Two Captain" (1938-1944).
The book, called the Soviet youth to "fight and seek, to find and not surrender." However, the romance of distant wanderings and scientific search captures and attracts so far.

70. Boris Vian. "Foam of Days" (1946).
Graceful French Harms, Ironist and Postmodern, poured all the modern culture in feathers and diamonds. Culture cannot be laundered so far.

71. Thomas Mann. "Dr. Faustus" (1947).
Composer Adrian Leverkun sold the soul to the devil. And he began to compose great, but terrifying music, where hellish laughter and pure children's choir sound. In his fate it is reflected by the fate of the German nation, giving way to the temptation of Nazism.

72. Albert Cami. "Plague" (1947).
Roman-metaphor about the "plague of the XX century" and the role that the invasion of evil plays in the existential awakening of man.

73. George Orwell. "1984" (1949).
Antyutopia, imbued with a hidden fear of Western society before the Soviet state and pessimism in relation to human ability to resist the social evil.

74. Jerome D. Sallinger. "Above the abyss of rye" (1951).
Touching teenager Holden Colfield, who does not want (and can not) be like everything. It was for this that it was all immediately and loved. Both in America and in Russia.

75. Ray Bradbury. "451 Fahrenheit" (1953).
Antiutopia, which has long come true. Books are not burned now, they simply do not read. Switched to other media. Bradbury, who always wrote about the village (well, let Martian or any other, but still - the village), here is especially Yarosen. And absolutely right in their rage.

76. John R. R. Tolkin. "The Lord of the Rings" (1954-1955).
Three-volume Saga fairy tale about the struggle of good and evil in the fictional world, extremely accurately reflected aspirations of the people of the twentieth century. Forced millions of readers to worry about the fate of the dwarves, elves and the ammunonium hobbits, as for their tribesmen. Formed a genre of fantasy and spawned many imitators.

77. Vladimir Nabokov. "Lolita" (1955; 1967, Russian version).
Shocking, but literary sophisticated story about the criminal passion of an adult man to the youngster. However, lust here strangely turns into love and tenderness. Many touching and funny.

78. Boris Pasternak. "Dr. Zhivago" (1945-1955).
The novel of the genius poet, the novel, who received the Nobel Prize in literature, the novel who killed the poet - who killed physically.

79. Jack Keroac. "On the road" (1957).
One of the cult essays of the culture of hipsters. Poetics of the American motorway in all its gross charm. Chase after hipster, which ends with nothing. But chanting interesting.

80. William Burrow. "Naked breakfast" (1959).
Another religious essay of the culture of hipsters. Homosexuality, perversion, glitches and other horrors. Interzone populated by secret agents, insane doctors and all sorts of mutants. And in general, a hysterical rape, repulsing and fascinating.

81. Witold Gombrovich. "Pornography" (1960).
Despite the fact that the provocative name does not correspond to the content, none of those who mastered this sensual metaphysical novel, did not remain disappointed.

82. COBO ABE. "Woman in the sands" (1962).
Russian longing without Russian expanses. Vertical escape. From skyscrapers to the sand pit. Escape without the right to return, without the right to stop, without the right to recur, without any rights at all. A woman can only cover sand, just fall asleep. What she does. Escape is considered successful: fugitive not found.

83. Julio Cortasar. "Game in the classics" (1963).
Roman woven from novels. Interactive games, call, Mr. reader, in a live broadcast, I will make how you say. Latin Americans love to play, they are very excited. This novel is a game of gambling literary games in large. Some wins.

84. Nicholas Nosov. "Dunno on the moon" (1964-1965).
Roman-tale. Only here is very little fairy tale, but a lot of funny and terrible. The most accurate, the most profitable antioticopia of the twentieth century. And now this book is still coming true and comes true.

85. John Falez. "Volkhv" (1965).
The life and terrifying adventures of the soul and the meaning of modern robinsons Cruise on, alas, the inhabitable island of solid nightmares. No one will ever forgive anyone and nothing.

86. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. "One hundred years of loneliness" (1967).
Full of drama history of the fictional city of Macono, founded by the passionary leader-tyrant, interested in the mystical secrets of the Universe. The mirror in which the real story of Colombia reflected.

87. Philip K. Dick. "Whether the electoral robots are filmed" (1968).
The work led by the question "And we, for whom we accept themselves, and such is the reality that our eyes see it?". Forced to refer to fantastics of serious philosophers and cultures and at the same time infected by a specific paranoia of several generations of writers and cinematographers.

88. Yuri Mamleev. "Schituns" (1968).
Metaphysical novel about the mysterious esoteric mug, whose members are trying to escape from the everyday world to the foregoing.

89. Alexander Solzhenitsyn. "In the first circle" (1968).
Roman about the "good" camp, a novel that, it would seem not so scary, because apparently, it acts so much. In full nightmare you already feel anything, but here - when "you can live" - \u200b\u200bhere and you realize that there is no life and can not be. The novel is not even devoid of humorous scenes and from this also acts even stronger. We will not forget that the circle, maybe the first, but this is not a lifebuoy, but one of the circles of Kolyma hell.

90. Kurt Vonnegut. "The slaughterhouse number is five, or a crusade of children" (1969).
Funny and crazy novel in schizophrenic-telegraph style. Dresden's bombardment by the Americans and the British in 1945, aliens, clarifying Billy Pilgrim on the Planet Tragliador. And "such cases", pronounced whenever someone dies.

91. Venedict Erofeev. "Moscow-Petushki" (1970).
The underground encyclopedia of the Russian spiritual life of the second half of the twentieth century. Funny and tragic bible Dervisch, alcoholic and passionwater - who is closer.

92. Sasha Sokolov. "School for fools" (1976).
One of those rare novels in which it is more important than, but as. The main character is not a schizophrenic boy, but a tongue is complex, metaphorical, musical.

93. Andrei Bitov. "Pushkin House" (1971).
On the charming conformist, the philologist Leve Odoyevtsev, who leaves the vile "Soviet" 1960s in the Golden XIX century, in order not to go. Truly the encyclopedia of Soviet life, the organic part of which is the great Russian literature.

94. Eduard Limonov. "This is me - Edka" (1979).
Roman-Confession, which became one of the most shocking books of his time thanks to the ultimate author's frankness.

95. Vasily Aksenov. "Island of Crimea" (1979).
Taiwanese version of Russian history: the Crimea in civilians did not get the Bolsheviks. The plot is fantastic, but the feelings and actions of the heroes are real. And noble. For what they have to pay very expensive.

96. Milan Kundar. "Unbearable ease of being" (1984).
Intimate life against the background of political cataclysms. And the conclusion - any choice is not important, "what happened once could not happen at all."

97. Vladimir Winovich. "Moscow 2042" (1987).
The most sophisticated writer writing. Four utopias inserted into each other like netreys. Tricks with chronotope and other fun. And also - the most eccentric manifestations of Russian mentality in all its glory.

98. Vladimir Sorokin. Roman (1994).
The book is primarily for writers. Roman, Hero "Romana", comes to a typical Russian village, where he lives in typical rustic life - everything is both in realistic novels of the nineteenth century. But the final is special, Sorokinsky - symbolizes the end of traditional romance thinking.

99. Viktor Pelievin. "Chapaev and emptiness" (1996).
Buddhist thriller, a mystical action movie about two era (1918 and 1990s). Which of the epoch is real - it is unknown, and it does not matter. A sharp sense of life in different dimensions, coincided by branded irony. Sometimes even captures the spirit. Scary and fun.

100. Vladimir Sorokin. Blue Salo (1999).
The most scandalous novel of this author. Stormy plot, whirlpool of events. Fascinating game with language - as in Symphony. China's Chinese Russia, Stalin and Hitler in the past and much more. And in general, when you read, pierces to tears.

To read any book requires time and often considerable. The number of books can be said, infinite, and life - alas, on the contrary. So, it is not necessary to read everything. Here then the difficulties arise: "What is good and what is bad?". But, there is one small subtlety that facilitates the search for a response to this question. Any book has already read anyone. In the worst case - only the author and the best - millions and millions. But the number of people who read one or another book does not always talk about the quality of the book. Especially tastes of people have a wide variety. So, it is worth choosing to start people whose opinion you can rely on.

100 best writers and 100 best books
XIX-XX centuries

That's how it all began. As a result, the plate turned out to be below. This is the result of a generalization of about 20 ratings, opinions of various literature authorities, lists of winners of various premiums (including Nobel). In these ratings there is nothing personally from me (author of this text: Andrei Matveyev). The only thing here is my choice of the period (19-20 century). Of course, these ratings do not say that all works should be read and biographies of all writers must be examined from crust to peel. Moreover, the basis of this list is basically Anglo-American ratings with a roll, which is natural, in English-language literature. However, the result was curious and familiar with him seem to be.

Andrei Matveyev, 2001

100 best writers

1. Faulkner William. (1897-1962) W. Falkner
2. Joyce James. (1882-1941) J. Joyce
3. Dickens Charles. (1812-1870) Ch. Dickens
4. James Henry. (1843-1916) James.
5. Woolf Virginia. (1882-1941) V. Wulf.
6. Hemingway Ernest. (1899-1961) E. Hemingway
7. Dostoevsky Fyodor (1821-1881) F. Dostoevsky
8. Beckett Samuel. (1906-1989) S. Bekket.
9. Mann Thomas. (1875-1955) T. Mann.
10. Orwell George. (1903-1950) J. Orwell
11. Conrad Joseph (1857-1924) J. Konrad.
12. Kafka Franz. (1883-1924) F. Kafka.
13. Steinbeck John. (1902-1968) J. Steinbeck
14. Tolstoy Leo. (1828-1910) L. Tolstoy
15. Lawrence D. H. (1885-1930) D. G. Lawrence
16. Nabokov vladimir. (1899-1977) Vl. Nabokov
17. Sartre Jean-Paul (1905-1980) J.-P. Sartre
18. Camus Albert. (1913-1960) A. Kama.
19. Below Saul. (1915-) S. Bello
20. Solzhenitsyn Aleksandr. (1918-) A. Solzhenitsyn
21. TWAIN MARK. (1835-1910) M. Twin
22. Mill John Stuart. (1806-1873) J. S. Mill
23. Morrison Toni. (1931-) T. Morrison
24. Roth Philip. (1963-) F. Rot
25. Emerson Ralph Waldo. (1803-1882) R. Emerson
26. IBSEN Henrik (1828-1906) Ibsen
27. Marquez Gabriel Garcia. (1928-) Markes.
28. ELIOT T. S. (1888-1965) T. S. Eliot
29. Freud Sigmund. (1865-1939) Z. Freud.
30. Melville Herman. (1819-1891) Melville
31. Forster E. M. (1879-1970) E. M. Forster
32. James William (1842-1910) W. James.
33. Shaw George Bernard (1856-1950) J. B. Show
34. Yeats William Butler. (1865-1939) W. B. Yets.
35. Fitzgerald F. Scott. (1896-1940) F. S. Fitzherald
36. Nietzsche Friedrich. (1844-1900) F. Nietzsche
37. WHARTON EDITH. (1862-1937) E. Worton
38. Rand Ayn. (1905-) E. Rand.
39. Cather Willa. (1873-1947) V. Katter.
40. Huxley Aldous Leonard (1894-1963) O. Haxley
41. ELIOT George. (1819-1880) J. Eliot
42. Hardy Thomas. (1840-1928) T. Hardy
43. Flaubert Gustave. (1821-1880) G. Flaubert
44. Whitman walt. (1819-1892) W. Wheatman
45. Salinger J. D. (1919-) J. D. Sallinger
46. Stein Gertrde. (1874-1946) G. Stein
47. Calvino Italo. (1923-1985) I. Calvino
48. Borges Jorge Luis. (1899-1986) H. L. Borheses
49. RILKE RAINER MARIA (1875-1926) R. M. Rilke
50. Styron William. (1925-) W. Stayron.
51. Singer Isaac Bashevis (1904-1991) I. B. Zinger
52. Baldwin James. (1924-1987) J. Baldwin
53. Updike John. (1932-) J. Appdayk
54. Russell Bertrand. (1872-1970) B. Rassell
55. Thoreau Henry David. (1817-1862) D. Toro.
56. Kipling Rudyard. (1865-1936) R. Kipling
57. Dewey John. (1859-1952) J. Dewey
58. Waugh Evelyn. (1903-1966) I. V.
59. Ellison Ralph. (1914-1994) R. Ellison
60. WELTY EUDORA. (1909-) E. Welt
61. Whitehead Alfred North. (1861-1947) A. N. Whitehead
62. Proust marcel (1871-1922) M. Prost
63. Hawthorne Nathaniel. (1804-1864) N. Gotorn.
64. McCarthy Cormac (1933-) K. McCarthy
65. Lewis Sinclair (1885-1951) S. Lewis
66. O "Neill Eugene (1888-1953) Y. O "NIL
67. Wright Richard. (1945-) R. Wright
68. Delillo Don. (1936-) D. Delilelo
69. Capote Truman. (1924-1984) T. Keep
70. Adams Henry. (1838-1918) Adams.
71. Bergson Henri. (1859-1941) Bergson
72. Einstein Albert. (1879-1955) A. Einstein
73. Chekhov Anton. (1860-1904) A. Chekhov
74. Turgenev Ivan. (1818-1883) I. Turgenev
75. Neruda Pablo (1904-1973) P. Neruda
76. Wolfe Thomas Kennerly (1931-) T. Wolf.
77. Warren Robert Penn. (1905-1989) R. P. Warren
78. Pound Ezra. (1885-1972) E. Pound
79. Brecht Bertolt. (1898-1956) B. Brecht
80. Cheever John. (1912-1982) J. Chiver
81. Mailer Norman. (1923-) N. Mailer
82. O "Connor Flannery (1925-1964) F. O "Connor
83. Chesterton G. K. (1874-1936) K. Chesteton
84. Pynchon Thomas. (1937-) T. Pinchon
85. Carson Rachel. (1907-1964) R. Carson
86. Achebe chinua. (1930-) C. Achebe
87. Golding William. (1911-1993) W. Golding
88. Maritain Jacques. (1882-1973) J. Marita
89. Robbe-Grillet Alain (1922-) A. Rob Grij
90. Paz Octavio. (1914-1998) O. Paz
91. Ionesco Eugene. (1909-1994) E. ionesko
92. Malraux Andre. (1901-1976) A. Malro.
93. Montale Eugenio. (1896-1981) E. Montale
94. Pessoa Fernando. (1888-1935) F. Pesosa
95. Pirandello Luigi. (1867-1936) L. Pilandello
96. Stevenson Robert Louis (1850-1894) R. L. Stevenson
97. Strindberg August. (1849-1912) A. Strindberg
98. Rushdie Salman. (1947-) S. Rushdi
99. Carroll Lewis. (1832-1898) L. Carolle
100. Malamud Bernard (1914-1986) B. Malamud

100 best books

1. Joyce James.
J. Joyce.
Invisible Man.
R. Ellison.
3. Steinbeck John.
J. Steinbeck.
The Grapes of Wrath
4. Proust marcel.
M. Prost. In search
lost time
5. Orwell George.
J. Orwell.
6. Faulkner William.
W. Falkner.
Noise and rage
7. Nabokov vladimir.
Vl. Nabokov.
8. Morrison Toni.
T. Morrison.
9. Marquez Gabriel Garcia.
One HundRed Years of Solitude
One hundred years of loneliness
10. Achebe chinua.
Things Fall Apart
C. Achebe.
And the destruction came
11. Fitzgerald F. Scott.
The Great Gatsby.
F. Fitzherald.
The Great Gatsby
12. Capote Truman.
In Cold Blood
T. Hood.
Absolutely cool
13. Huxley Aldous Leonard.
Brave New World.
O. Haxley.
About the wonderful new world
14. Salinger J. D.
J. D. Sallinger.
The Catcher in the Rye
15. Woolf Virginia.
To The Lighthouse.
V. Wulf.
On the Mayak
16. Lee Harper.
To kill a mockingbird
X. Li.
To Kill a Mockingbird
17. Flaubert Gustave.
Madame Bovalary.
Madame Story.
18. TWAIN MARK. The Adventures
of Huckleberry Finn.
M. Twin. Adventures
Hekelbury Finn
19. Lawrence D. H.
Sons and Lovers.
D. G. Lawrence.
Sons and lovers
20. Mann Thomas.
The Magic Mountain.
T. Mann.
Magic mountain
21. Joyce James. A Portrait Of.
J. Joyce.
Portrait of an artist in his youth
22. Camus Albert.
The Stranger.
A. Kama.
23. Warren Robert Penn.
All The King "S Men
R. P. Warren.
All royal Raint
24. Tolstoy Leo.
Anna Karenina.
L. Tolstoy.
Anna Karenina
25. Styron William.
Sophie "s Choice
W. Styrone
Sophie makes a choice
26. Carson Rachel.
Silent Spring.
R. Carson.
Silent Spring
27. Dostoevsky Fyodor.
F. Dostoevsky.
Crime and Punishment
28. James William. The Varieties.
of Religious Experience.
W. James. Manifold
religious experience
29. Dostoevsky Fyodor.
The Brothers Karamazov.
F. Dostoevsky.
Brothers Karamazov
30. Eliot George.
J. Eliot.
31. Kafka Franz.
The trial
F. Kafka.
32. Faulkner William.
As I Lay Dying
W. Falkner.
On deathbed
33. Delillo don.
White Noise.
D. Delillo.
White noise
34. Thoreau Henry David.
G. D. Toro.
Walden or life in the forest
35. Wright Richard.
Native Son.
R. Wright.
Son of America
E. Worton.
Century innerness
37. Rushdie Salman.
MIDNIGHT "S Children
S. Rushdi.
Children of midnight
A Farewell to Arms
E. Hemingway.
A Farewell to Arms!
39. Heller Joseph.
J. Heller.
40. Mitchell Margaret.
Gone With The Wind
M. Mitchell.
gone With the Wind
41. Adams Henry.
Education Henry Adams.
42. Kipling Rudyard.
R. Kickling.
43. Forster E. M.
E. M. Forster.
Trip to India
44. Orwell George.
Animal Farm.
J. Orwell.
The Sun Also Rises
E. Hemingway.
And the sun rises
46. Lowry Malcolm.
Under The Volcano.
M. Lauri.
At the foot of the volcano
47. Bronte Emily.
Wuthering Heights.
E. Bronte.
Wuthering Heights
48. Conrad Joseph.
Lord Jim
J. Konrad.
Lord Jim.
49. Whitman Walt.
Leaves of Grass.
W. Whitman.
Leaves of grass
50. Beckett Samuel.
Waiting for godot.
S. Beckett.
Waiting for year
51. Faulkner William.
Light in August.
W. Falkner.
Light in August
52. Walker Alice.
The Color Purple.
E. Walker.
Purple color
53. Dostoevsky Fyodor.
The iDiot.
F. Dostoevsky.
54. James Henry.
The Ambassadors.
55. Kerouac jack.
J. Keroac.
On the road
56. Kuhn Thomas. The Structure.
of Scientific Revolutions.
T. Kun. Structure
scientific revolution
57. Freud Sigmund.
Z. Freud.
Interpretation of dreams
58. Below Saul.
The Adventures of Augie March
S. Bello.
Adventure Odi March.
59. Burroughs William S.
Naked Lunch
W. Burrow.
Naked breakfast
60. Tolkien J. R. R.
D. R. R. Tolkien.
Lord of the Rings
61. Melville Herman.
Moby Dick.
Moby Dick
62. Mill John Stuart.
J. S. Mill.
On freedom
63. Tolstoy Leo.
War and Peace.
L. Tolstoy.
War and Peace
64. Faulkner William.
W. Falkner.
Avasal Avasal!
65. Keynes John Maynard. Their
General Theory of Employment
Interest and Money.
J. M. Keynes.
General theory of employment
percentage and money
66. Beauvoir Simone De.
The Second Sex.
S. de Buduar.
Second floor
67. Agee James and Walker Evans.
J. Ejie. Walker.
Let's praise celebrities
68. Nabokov vladimir.
Pale Fire.
V. Nabokov.
Pale flame
69. Joyce James.
J. Joyce.
70. Forster E. M.
Howard "s end
E. M. Forster.
Howard End.
The Moviegoer.
W. Percy.
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Their eyes saw God
73. Morrison Toni.
Song of Solomon.
T. Morrison.
Song Solomon
For whom the bell tolls
E. Hemingway.
For whom the Bell Tolls
75. Solzhenitsyn aleksandr.
The Gulag Archipelago.
A. Solzhenitsyn.
Archipelago Gulag
76. Camus Albert.
The Plague.
A. Kama.
77. Woolf Virginia.
MRS. Dalloway.
V. Wolfe.
Mrs. Dalloway
78. Turgenev Ivan.
Fathers and Sons
I. Turgenev.
Fathers and Sons
79. Pynchon Thomas.
Gravity "s Rainbow
T. Pinchon.
Rainbow gravity
80. Irving John.
The World According to Garp
J. Irving.
Peace from Garpa
81. Malamud Bernard.
The Fixer.
B. Malamud.
82. Proulx E. Annie.
A. Pruh.
Navigation News
83. Roth Philip.
Portnoy "s complaint
F. Rot.
Complaints of tailor
84. Vonnegut Kurt.
K. Vonnegut.
Slaughter number five
85. Lawrence D. H.
Women In Love.
D. G. Lawrence.
Lovers of women
86. McCullers Carson.
The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
K. McCallers.
Heart - Lone Hunter
87. Conrad Joseph.
Heart of Darkness
J. Konrad.
heart of Darkness
88. Borges Jorge Luis.
H. L. Borges.
89. Malraux Andre.
A. Malro.
Purpose of man
90. Miller Henry.
Tropic of Cancer.
Tropic of Cancer
91. Rand Ayn.
A. Rand.
A source
92. Agee James.
A Death In the Family
J. Eji.
Death in the family
Collected Stories.
Yu. Welt.
94. Carroll Lewis. Alice "S.
Adventures in Wonderland.
L. Caroll.
Adventures Alice in Wonderland
95. Emerson Ralph Waldo.
R. U. Emerson.
96. Waugh Evelyn.
Brideshead Revisited
I. V.
Return to Brightshead
97. Rand Ayn.
Atlas shrugged.
A. Rand.
Atlant riped shoulders
K. Marx.
99. McCarthy Cormac.
All The Pretty Horses
K. McCarthy.
Horse horses. . .
100. Melville Herman.
Billy Badd Form-Mars