Scenario of the competition-game program "ball-ah-show". Scenario of an event for a summer camp

Scenario of the competition-game program "ball-ah-show". Scenario of an event for a summer camp

Guinness show
Competitive music program for young people

Merry melodies sound in the foyer and in the hall. Hanged posters, narrow foil ribbons, serpentine. In the foyer there are stands: "The longest word", "The most" beautiful handwriting "," The sweetest kiss "," The most original greeting ". Visitors to the House of Culture take an active part in the writing of certain words and greetings. The girls "leave" their kiss. Required condition- indicate the last name, first name, patronymic under the "kiss" and written words. At the end of the evening show, the jury sums up the results of the competition for himself, himself.
On the stage - a panel depicting a laughing face-mask. In the foreground and in the hall - garlands, bunches of multi-colored balloons.
(The presenters come out).
Good evening friends!
We are glad that you came to our show concert again.
And there are much more of you in the hall than at the previous evening.
So you liked our program. A?
(Exclamations from the audience).
Perfectly! Now we will all call her together ...
Guinness show!
Guinness show is laughter, humor and opportunities to have a good rest!
Guinness show is records and victories, competitions and good luck!
Guinness show is a program for those who are on friendly terms with their heads.
Guinness show is a fun, educational and exciting program, during which we will find out who you have in Mileevo is the most, the most, the most!
This word will be heard more often than others today. So ... Together. Guinness show !!!
And at the very beginning we will talk about beauty.
Beauty is a relative concept. Relative to the era, state, etiquette of all times and peoples. Someone and sometime, sometime and somewhere liked and like the thin ones, some fat people... They treated differently and relate to the length of the legs, neck, eye and hair color, to the circumference of the chest and waist. Today we will try to find our ideal of beauty.
So to speak; the ideal of Mileevskaya's beauty.
(Pop music sounds).
The first, our competition will be "Hairstyles". The most of the most! We have an expression in Russia: “Spit - maiden beauty". But sometimes men like to wear long hair... Is that so? (Answers from the audience).
The head of one of the Indian monasteries had hair almost 8 meters long, more precisely - 7 meters 93 centimeters. And which of our men has the longest hair? Those who wish to prove it, please go to the stage.
(Men take the stage. The leader measures the length of their hair with a centimeter. The winner is presented with a hair care kit).
Perfectly! And we ask the girls to show the shortest haircut.
(Girls with step hairstyles from short hair line up on stage. The winner is presented with hairspray and styling lotion).
Isn't that so, both boys and girls with their favorite hairstyles are beautiful? !
(The melody corresponding to the topic of conversation sounds).
Now let's talk about growth. Many women prefer tall men. The tallest man is proven to be Robert Wedlow, who was born in 1918 in American state Illinois. At 22, Robert's height reached 272 centimeters, and his weight was 199 kilograms.
The most tall woman of the world is a native of Chicago Sandy Allen. Her height is 2 meters 31 centimeters! People tall there is also in Mileevo. Now we will find out who is the tallest in our village.
(The winner is awarded a prize).
I am sure that few people think about how much a person can weigh. Is there a limit to a person's weight?
Of course, there is a limit, but there are also very thin people, and very, very fat, there are lightweights, there are heavyweights. The most, the most heavyweight is American Robert Hugo. Its weight is 485 kilograms. Flora Jackson is considered the record holder for women. With a height of 175 cm, she weighs 381 kilograms.
Now we will find out which of our villagers is the most, the lightest, the smallest. I ask all participants of this competition to go on stage. After weighing on a medical scale, the lightest will be awarded the prize and the title "Miss Thumbelina".
(A lyrical melody sounds. There is a celebration of "Miss Thumbelina").
Our Thumbelina has beautiful dark hair! Actually, hair color plays in the life of both men and women. big role... How often do we meet in life with examples when a girl fell in love with a young man. She likes everything about him, but her hair color ... Friends say: "Blond!" And how many dark-haired people would like to become blondes ?! Conversely, many blondes dream of becoming brunettes. Only one hair color is unusual and rare - that is red. Remember that many geniuses had golden hair. In our hall there is also the most, the most golden one. Now we will define it. Gold, please go to the stage!
Folk proverbs say: "He who is strong in shoulder, he does not care about the burden", "Strong in body, rich in deed." It has always been believed that beautiful person- a man must be strong. And who is the strongest among our villagers? The task of the participants in this competition: to inflate the largest balloon and give it to yourself beautiful girl... So, strong men, get down to business!
(The competition is held to the melody of the song "Heroic Power". After it there is a dance pause. Then the second round of the competition begins - "Gentlemen's").
The word "Gentlemen" is always associated with real men: the most ... Help me, dear viewers, complete the set characteristic features gentleman ... Quite right. In general, this is a man who is the most, most of all for his beloved girl.
By the way, about loved ones! Raise your hands for those who have photos of their girlfriend, sister, mother-in-law with them. Oh, how few real male gentlemen are in the hall!
Gentleman is an English word. And I am sure that many English men carry photographs of their loved ones in their inner pockets. And what is in the pockets of our men? I ask those who wish to participate in the "Contents of Pockets" competition to come up on stage.
So we will find out which of our guys is the tidiest! Accuracy is one of important qualities and men and women. But now entrepreneurship is more and more appreciated in men. Which of you, dear gentlemen, is the most adventurous? Anyone willing to prove it? Thank you enough! I give each of you some items: paper clips, corks, newspapers, nails, buttons ... Task: while the music is playing, you have to sell it in the hall. The one who will help out the most money will be the most enterprising.
A gentleman is always distinguished by a chivalrous attitude towards a woman. We invite your attention to the "First Date" competition. Task: to show ingenuity, ingenuity, tact, gallantry to appoint one of us, the leaders, the first date. The most inventive and witty will win.
I personally liked this competition very much. That is how men would treat women with tenderness and love every day! Now, Dear friends, let's remember the old good times, which are now called stagnant.
Exercise; to state more precisely and even verbatim the pioneer oath.
So we will recognize the hero who has the most excellent memory! We present you with a prize - a pioneer tie.
(Pioneer drum roll sounds. Musical pause... The third round is announced. "The happiest").
We have already made sure that there are smart, dexterous, tall, petite, beautiful people among us. But it is not for nothing that they say: "Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy." Any of you can be happy on our show.
Unexpectedly happy! Anyone from the audience calls two numbers: the first is the number of the row, the second is the number of the seat. Whoever sits in this place gets a prize.
And that is not all. When selling tickets, the cashier put stamps on the first and thirteenth tickets. Please bring these tickets to us, and we will award prizes to the lucky ones.
Happy decided! who's the luckiest? Now we will recognize him. On the table are bottles with vodka, milk, glue, kefir and lemonade. All bottles are closed with paper caps so that the audience does not know where what is contained. I will sell them and only after I have collected all the money, I will take off the caps. Like this! The luckiest one turned out to be ... (Names the lucky one).
The time has come to identify "Sherlock Holmes" among us. The "detective" is invited to the stage. Assignment: find a hidden object in the hall. And you, dear viewers, I ask the "detective" to help with remarks: "Cold!", "Hot!"
you saw where this item is hidden. (Under the phonogram of the song to the words of R. Pauls I. Reznik "Sherlock Holmes" in the hall "two" detectives "are working with the audience of the right and left halves of the hall).
Incredible! We hand over to the local
'To Sherlock Holmes,' Arthur Conan Doyle's novel Valley of Fear. (Appeals to the audience). Not tired yet? Then - the auction! Song-musical in certain letters you name the names of the composer, performer, group, song.
Now we move a little and recognize the most active dancer. Maestro, music! We are doing sit-down dances.
Thank you, well done! And now we invite everyone to dance hall, where the jury, with your help, will name himself, himself, himself.
Enjoy your stay! Until next time.


competition show program

"The grandmother of my dreams"

A touching melody of the London genre sounds, a man is flashed in the center in front of the stage with a gun, George Gordon (emigrant) is standing by the sound of rain.

At least in a dream, let's see you.

In the window, it was either rain or cereal in the morning.

And then knocks knocks….

How I need you now!

I would see.

Remember everything.

Behind the wall they are talking about something.

I don’t hear, but probably - about you!

I try to remember the face - I can't.

Let's see you at least in a dream

The light goes out and the GZK sounds

Attention, attention, flight 215, London - Uray has landed. We ask all those who meet to go to the waiting room. The curtain opens. Planned closed

The picture "Meeting the Lord". On the stage there are girls with bread and salt, people with a poster "George Gordon", and a presenter.

Leading: Quiet, everyone, all lined up, the girls quickly got up here. They stood up so beautifully. Loaf bread, everything is fine. Raise the poster higher. Like this. Everybody is smiling, we must do everything in in the best possible way... Clear? (looks in and sees that he comes out). Smiles. This is it coming.

Emigrant: Hello Dia Ladies and Gentleman ( Hello dear ladies and gentlemen!)

Leading: What did he say?

Leading: Come on, bring him a loaf, smile.

Emigrant: Senkyu veri mach bat ai du note vont e lauf, (thank you very much, but I don’t want your loaf).

Leading: Why they didn’t tell me that this lord doesn’t speak Russian, I would at least take a translator. Who knows how to say, now we will show you the city !?


Emigrant: A! NS! I speak Russian, don't worry.

Leading: How wonderful! (addresses the crowd) everybody go, thank you, go, I'm telling you. (to the lord) Hello Mr. Gordon, I will be your guide today. Well, where do we start?

Emigrant: I don't need anything, I came to find an image ideal woman

Leading:(interrupts) Yes, you told me. Please present to your attention best girls of the city of Uray!


Emigrant: You understood me wrong. The girls are beautiful, but the fact is that I want to find a grandmother, you know, the Ba-Boo-Shku of my dreams. Just listen attentively to the words: “Grandma! Granny, Granny !! " What a gentle, beautiful, affectionate and warm word! Who does not know that the house is supported by the grandmother - the source of kindness, care for all household members, large and small? Everyone is used to seeing grandmothers who are busy with household chores, but no one thought about the fact that our grandmothers are active social life, go to choirs, participate in city events, and each of them is interesting and unique.

Leading:(to the emigrant) It's okay. Everything will be now.

At this moment from the top entrance auditorium Oleg Marushchak descends and sings a song remade "How many good grandmothers", during the song brings all the participants onto the stage.

ISSUE: OLEG MARUSCHAK "How many good grandmothers"

Leading: So our lovely ladies, welcome! (Announces the participants)

DEFILE OF PARTICIPANTS (in the final they leave on different sides)

1. Agliullina Zinaida Khalikovna

2. Dayanova Lyudmila Vladimirovna

3. Snigireva Kapitalina Andrianovna

4. Datskevich Alfinur Kamilievna

5. Zykova Lyubov Alexandrovna

6. Bulgakova Lyudmila Alekseevna

7. Popova Vera Gennadievna

Lord: Oh, how amazing, attractive, charming they are, well, just perfect grandmothers. I cannot choose, because each of them is interesting and unique in its own way.

Leading: This is not a problem, I have invited experts for you to help you find the grandmother of your dreams, here they are:

(Jury introduction)


Lord (swept over):

When we meet one day

And let's get to know each other, of course,

And we will quench our thirst for communication

And let's say something about eternity ... ..

Leading:(interrupts) Let's get to know our grandmothers better, they will tell about themselves.


1. Dayanova Lyudmila Vladimirovna

2. Snigireva Kapitolina Andrianovna

3. Agliullina Zinaida Khalikovna

4. Popova Vera Gennadievna a

5. Bulgakova Lyudmila Alekseevn

6. Datskevich Alfinur Kamilievna

7. Zykova Lyubov Alexandrovna

Leading: Well, what have you decided on the grandmother of your dreams?

Emigrant: I can’t understand what it should be like !?

Leading: OK! I have an idea

Emigrant: Yes!

Leading: Tell me where could you meet her?

Emigrant: I do not even know. But when I lived in Russia, I went to dance floors. Just imagine Beautiful music, lights, dancing couples and here she is ... .. (dreaming)!

Host: (addresses the emigrant) Great, here we are and will immerse you in during your youth.


Leading: So what do you think?

Emigrant: Oh, what a wonderful time it was. How beautiful were all the girls on the planet?

Leading: What were they like?

Emigrant: Yes, different.

Leading: Well, have you decided what kind of grandmother of your dreams she is?

Emigrant:(arriving in dreams) She, she is so airy in white socks, in a light dress, in a beret, and in such graceful boats.

DANCE "Waltz"(Snigireva Kapitalina Andrianovna)

Leading: Well, what is she?

Emigrant: Do not know! She was also perky. And we danced the twist.

DANCE TWIST(Popova Vera Gennadievna)

Leading: Could it be she?

Emigrant: You know, she is such a Turgenev young lady, refined, with excellent manners and graceful, we dance the waltz.

DANCE "Waltz» Datskevich Alfinur Kamilievna

"Charleston" - Bulgakova Lyudmila Alekseevna

And in a row without an announcement

"Narodnaya" - Dayanova Lyudmila Vladimirovna

"Rio Rita"Zykova Lyubov Alexandrovna

"Rock'n'roll" -Agliullina Zinaida Khalikovna

All the participants are included in rock and roll, dance and stop in a freeze frame.

Emigrant: Ah, that's white tengwit.

Leading: Here?

Emigrant: I am completely confused, they are all perfect, beautiful, gorgeous ...

Leading: Know problems . I will remind you…. Danced for you:

1 .Snigireva Kapitalina Andrianovna

2. Popova Vera Gennadievna

3. Datskevich Alfinur Kamilevna

4. Bulgakova Lyudmila Alekseevna

5. Dayanova Lyudmila Vladimirovna

6. Zykova Lyubov Alexandrovna

7. Agliullina Zinaida Khalikovna

(members leave)

Lord: Mister, I need to rest, get together and think about which of them is more suitable for the title of the grandmother of my dreams.

Leading: Good. While you are gathering your thoughts, I bring to your attention the choreographic ensemble "In Motion", "Eaglets"


Emigrant: Well, it's all gone! Now I am completely confused. They are all so wonderful, gorgeous, chic, talented and for sure creative personalities.

Leading: Well, of course. Let's take a look at what our grandmothers are capable of.


1. Popova Vera Gennadevna with the song "Molodushka is young!"

2. "The most expensive" fairy tale for you is read by Snigireva Kapitalina Andrianovna

3. Dayanova Lyudmila Vladimirovna with the song "Black cat around the corner"

4. Gypsy dance is performed by Datskevich Alfinur Kamilyevna

5. Bulgakova Lyudmila Alekseevna, Asadov "About you"

6. Agliullina Zinaida Khalikovna and her granddaughter will perform a Tatar dance.

7. Zykova Lyubov Alexandrovna "Cinderella's Dream"

Leading: We ask our esteemed experts to go to the meeting room.

NUMBER: NUMBER: ___________________ Trefilova

NUMBER: People's circus "Youth" "Pippi long stocking Likhacheva Anastasia


Emigrant: Here I am interested to find out from my compatriots, but what, in your opinion, should be a grandmother, so that you could say: "yes, this grandmother of my dreams."

As soon as the jury goes backstage, the event continues

Lord: How quickly time flew by after my return to Russia, and I am very happy to be here with you, and I am doubly happy: after all, I found the grandmother of my dreams, she is the most charming, magnificent, incomparable, but what to tell, PERFECT GRANDMA

Leading: We made sure that all the participants deserve to rightfully wear this high title of "grandmother". Let's say hello to our grandmothers. The word for the award is given to:


And we move on to the ceremonial part
1. The title of the Most Elegant is awarded

2. The title of the most organic is awarded

3. The title of the most charming is awarded

4. The title of the most original is awarded

5. The title of the most extravagant is awarded

6. The title of the most Creative is awarded

And the title of "Grandmother of My Dreams" was won by _______________________________________________________________

Lord: I would like to express my deep gratitude to those people without whom this holiday would not exist

Beauty salon "Before and After"

include chairmen of trade union committees

Emigrant: In parting, I would like to wish you happiness and good luck in everything! Family well-being and family joys, and most importantly - good spirits and youthful soul!

Good luck and sincere laughter,
I wish you health for many years!
We wish you success in all matters,
And glad new meeting we always!

Leading: We would like to thank the participants from the bottom of our hearts. We would like to thank the members of the jury and you, dear spectators and fans.
The Yunost Shaima Cinema and Concert Circus Complex does not say goodbye to you, but tells you goodbye.


Tyumen region. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

Nizhnevartovsk region.




competitive entertainment program:

"Guinness Show"

Prepared by: Komalova Lyubov Aleksandrovna

2017 - 2018 academic year

Targets and goals:

acquaintance of children with each other in an interesting and entertaining way;

team building;

acquaintance of children with the capabilities and abilities of people according to the "Guinness Book of Records";

awareness of their individual capabilities, their uniqueness, striving for self-improvement;

development of creativity.

Materials for competitions:

    air balloons, meter tape;

    whole peas ( better beans- does not crumble), plates (according to the number of participants);

    whole pieces of plasticine (according to the number of participants), boards for modeling;

    small toys (lego), blindfolds (according to the number of participants), plates (according to the number of participants);

    two chewing gum for each participant;

    many newspapers, kinderyaytsa (by the number of participants);

    A4 sheets, felt-tip pens (according to the number of participants);

    tennis balls, tea or wooden spoons(the latter complicate the task) - by the number of participants;

    pencils with a flat surface at the bottom (according to the number of participants);

    a bowl of water, more transparent measuring glasses and tablespoons (according to the number of participants);

    music for competitions;

There are posters in the class: "The longest word", "The most beautiful handwriting", "The most original greeting". The guys in the class take an active part in writing certain words and greetings. A prerequisite is to indicate the last name, first name under the written words. At the end of the event, the jury sums up the results of the competition for himself, himself.

(Leaders come out - class students).

Lead 1: Good afternoon friends!

Lead 2: We are glad that you and your parents came to our Guinness show!

Lead 1: Guinness show is laughter, humor and opportunities to have a good rest!

Lead 2: Guinness show is records and victories, competitions and good luck!

Lead 1: Guinness show is a program for those who are on friendly terms with their heads.

Lead 2: Guinness show is a fun, educational and exciting program, during which we will find out who is the best, the best, the best in our class!
Lead 1: This word will be heard more often than others today. So ... Together. Guinness show !!!

Lead 2: Well done! With such active boys and girls, you can safely start our "Guinness Show" program! And on this occasion, your thunderous applause!

Lead 1: The Guinness Book of Records registers the achievements of mankind, as well as records of the world around us.

Lead 2: And today we will set our records. But our records will be unusual and funny! And everyone will receive their own medal.

    contest "Bumblebee".

The one who buzzes the longest is the winner.

( a medal is awarded"Longshevshekhbugger »)

Host 1: Well done! Congratulations to the winners and move on to the next competition, it is called "Chimpanzee Race". Who is the fastest in our class?

Lead 2: Contest Chimpanzee Race.

Players stand side by side. At the signal, lean forward and grab your ankles. In this position, without bending your knees, you move to the finish line and back. The winner is the one who gets there first. If someone releases the ankle from the grip, then he must return to the starting point and start all over again.

(a medal is awarded« The fast panzane runner »)

Host 1: Guys, you are just great! Well, we keep breaking records. I ask participants for the next competition!

Lead 2: Contest "The pusher »: To then he will throw a balloon on.

(a medal is awarded "Pusher")

Host 1: It's time to find out who is the most agile among us! Come on, dare to enter the competition!

Lead 2: Contest " Pea harvester " : who will collect in a mug in 30 seconds more peas scattered on the table. It is allowed to take one pea at a time.

(a medal is awarded « Pea harvester ")

Lead 1: Competition for the funniest, smiling, laughing boys and girls!

Lead 2: Contest " Long-ginger ». You need to shout the sound "A" in one breath. Whoever lasts longer will win.

(a medal is awarded "Long-talker" )

Presenter 1: Guys, do you like to sculpt different objects from plasticine? We leave!

Lead 2: Contest "Long-platenososiskokatator" : who will roll the longest sausage from a piece of plasticine in 30 seconds

(the medal is awarded " Long-platenososiskokatatel ")

Host 1: Are you tired? Then go ahead! Look for toys.

Lead 2: Contest "Toy Seeker" : who blindfolded will collect large quantity toys off the floor in 30 seconds

(a medal is awarded "Toy Seeker" )

Lead 1 : Love to inflate chewing gum? Then this competition is for you.

Lead 2: Contest " Chewing gum inflator " : In 30 seconds, you need to inflate the bubble. Whoever got the bigger bubble won.

(a medal is awarded « Chewing gum inflator " )

Host 1: Let's check who we have can quickly repeat a tongue twister.

Lead 2: Contest « Patter repeater " : who will repeat the tongue twister three times without hesitation. Each participant has his own tongue twister(a medal is awarded « Patter repeater ")

Host 1: Do you like surprises? Now we will check it.

Lead 2: Contest " Surprise miner ": Who can get the" Kindersurprise "toy wrapped in ten newspapers faster without tearing the newspapers.

(the medal is awarded " Surprise miner »)

Host 1: Now I invite guys who love to draw.

Lead 2: Contest « Ophthalmologist ": who in one minute draws on a piece of paper with a felt-tip pen a six-eyed umbilicus. Whose drawing is funnier and more original?

(the medal is awarded " Ophthalmologist " )

Lead 1: The next competition is for those who like to play with teaspoons at the table.

Lead 2: Contest « Ball clutch ": who quickly picks up a tennis ball from the table with a teaspoon without using the other hand.

( a medal is awarded « Ball clutch ")

Host 1: Guys, did anyone try to hold a pencil in their palm? Let's check it out now! Come out!

Lead 2: Contest « Pencil holder " : who will assemble the longest chain from paper clips in 30 seconds

(a medal is awarded « Pencil holder " )

Host 1: Well friends, our Guinness Show has come to an end. And we have the last competition left.

Lead 2: Contest « Leak in the boat. " You are invited to save a sinking boat - for certain time it is forbidden to scoop out water from one basin to another with improvised means, while touching the basins themselves, lifting them and pouring them directly is prohibited.

(the medal is awarded " Scraper ») .

Lead 1: At the beginning of the show, competitions were held:The Longest Word, The Most Beautiful Handwriting, The Most Original Greeting. The jury will present the winners with medals: "Long-Word Writer", "Beautiful Writer", "Original Creator".

Lead 2: Well friends, our Guinness Show has come to an end. And I want to wish you not to be afraid to stand out from others, strive for victories and win!

Options for tongue twisters:

Grandfather Dodon hummed in a dudu,

Dimka's grandfather touched a pipe.

Gave Varenka boots,

Valenka - mittens.

Kota Potap clapped his paw,

And the cat drowned from Potap.

Barbara was making jam,

She grumbled and said.

Four little black, grimy little imp

They drew a drawing in black ink.

Extremely clean.

The cap is not sewn like a cap,

It is necessary to repack it and knock it out.

Osip yells, Arkhip does not lag behind-

Who will blow whom.

Osip Osip, Arkhip is hoarse.

We have a courtyard in our yard.

The weather is damp.

You can't re-talk all tongue twisters,

you can't overspeak.

Thirty-three ships were flying,

they did it, but they didn’t.

Senya carries hay in the canopy,

Senya will sleep in the hay.

Budgetary institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

"Centre social assistance family and children "Rostok"

Department for the rehabilitation of minors with physical and mental disabilities

Competitive - game program.

"Cooking show"

Compiled by:

music director

Bauer L.M



Target : Harmonization of relations between parents and children in the process joint activities.

Tasks .

1. Establishing emotional contact between teachers, children and parents, creating a relaxed atmosphere.

2. Promote healthy

  1. Foster love, gratitude, and respect for moms
  2. To develop the creative and acting abilities of children and parents, the desire to arrange holidays for loved ones.

Create a warm moral climate between mothers and children.

Preliminary work: mothers have a conversation about the upcoming event, where they can present their culinary masterpieces for the competition.

The director comes out. On his head is a baseball cap, headphones, a tablet under his arm. He examines everything critically, checks and writes down on the tablet.

Director .

The studio is ready. Fine. Operators on site? .... Cameras on me .... Stop! Fixed. Is the sound engineer ready? Give us a screen saver

A musical intro, fanfare sounds.

Order. So where are the hosts? ( looking at his watch ). Three minutes before the air, and you can't get them out of the dressing room. If only the way out is to rehearse where the stars are.

Okay, the main thing is the crowd scene. (Examines everyone, changes places of some of the spectators, then addresses the audience). Where are you from? (The audience responds).

So the children of the Rostok center, their parents and relatives, listen here. As soon as the splash screen sounds, give a round of applause - friendly, loud, and prolonged. Clear? Let's try.

Yes-ah-ah-ah, they said that is understandable. I said in Russian that it was together, loudly, for a long time. Let's try again.

The screen saver sounds, the audience applauds.

Well done. And that's how it goes throughout cooking show... And so we are in live we shoot everything without takes. After the contests - applause, and after the performances we add to the applause shouts "BRAVO", "BIS"! We are rehearsing.

Game "Bravo - bis"

The director divides the hall into 2 parts. At the command of the leader (raise right hand) the right side shouts "BIS"! When left hand left side the audience shouts "BRAVO" If both hands are shouting and stomping, we clap.

The game is repeated several times.

Director ... Fixed. If anything, I’ll give you a signal, but don’t let you down. Everything seems to be ready. And here are the presenters - The screensaver has gone.

The screen saver sounds, the audience applauds.

Leading 1 ... Good day! Today for the first time on all TV screens of our country and neighboring countries ... ... ..

Leading. 2. We are launching ... Entertaining .... Educational ... holiday super show ...

Together ... "Culinary gatherings".

Leading 1. The first release of our programdedicated to international day March 8. And I would like to give the floor to ………. children. Please welcome!

Music sounds. Children come out.

1 child. Hello, our dear mothers, grandmothers, guests!

2 child. Let me start our program with a happy message.

1 child. Today is an unusual day

The sun is brighter than yesterday

And the smiles are prettier

And the kids are happier.

2 child. What is this going on

It is not difficult for us to explain

On a bright day, March 8

Celebrating the holiday of mothers.

1 child. All the guys are looking forward

Waiting for your arrival

Wishes, congratulations

The time has come again.

Music sounds, children come out, stand up in a semicircle.


Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Celebration of grandmothers and mothers,
This is the kindest holiday
he comes to us in the spring.


This is a celebration of obedience
Congratulations and flowers,
Diligence, adoration -
A holiday of the best words!

Children are performing the "Song of Good Mood".

Leading. 1 Thank you guys for the congratulations. I ask you to take a seat in our studio. And we continue our "Culinary gatherings".

Leading 2 ... And today the famous gourmet and deli, doctor of culinary sciences, professor of sour cabbage Karp Seldereevich Govyazhiev-Baranovsky has kindly agreed to give an interview.

The professor appears.

Leading. 2 Dear Karp Seldereevich, don't you think that festive table should be something different from the usual - everyday.

Professor . Undoubtedly.

Leading 2 Then could you please give our show attendees some recipes.

Professor ... Here I am experiencing certain difficulties. The fact is that a person has been consuming food since time immemorial.

This custom has survived to this day. Everyone eats, and, as a rule, willingly. However, if in the diet of Muscovites, silver hake predominates, then northerners, in particular, Igrim residents, prefer Sosvenskaya herring.

In addition, in grocery stores, as you know, there are cases when it is not always possible to see artichokes, lobsters,

Leading 2 ... Karp Seldereevich still has two or three pieces of advice to our viewers.

Professor ... Well remember. It is not recommended to reheat cold appetizers before serving. Conversely, a hot dish should not be cold. Add salt to taste. Last but not least, do not use a cookbook …… .. Just because there is internet.

Leading 2 ... Thank you for the informative pre-holiday interview.

Professor ... I am always glad to pass on my experience to the masses.

Leading 1 ... And now there is another one on our channel musical composition... And it will sound in honor of the most gentle, kind, charming lovely mothers. Meet the Shalunishki group.

Child 2

Our dear mothers,

We declare without embellishment:

That your holiday is the most,

Most joyful for us!

Child 3.

Children all came to congratulate

Mom, grandmother, sisters.
Glad to amuse you with a song.
Our cheerful children's choir.
Song "Dear grandmothers and mothers".

Leading 2 ... Well that was just charming, but it's time to introduce our guests. Rather, our competent jury

(jury presentation)

Lead 1 ... And so I am announcing a "Minute of Glory" for our participants. Each of them will receive not only a share of fame, success, applause, but also prizes.

Lead 2

Today we offer everyone's attention and review of the masterpieces of culinary art, prepared by the caring hands of mothers, grandmothers and their assistants for the competition of the signature dish “I want to eat everything at once”.

(culinary parade, Child and mom present their culinary products).

Leading 1. From the heart

In simple words

Let us, friends, introduce the participants in our Culinary duel.

1 child. My mother is the most wonderful, dearest,

The nicest and dearest, and her name is …………………

We have prepared our signature dish (name).

2 child ... My mom is the best

She has a crystal laugh.

Her hands are golden …………….

Her name.

3 child. There are seven miracles in the world

I opened the eighth

They call him mom

Her name is ……………………

Present their signature recipe

4 child. My grandmother is like a princess

She does not go

Any business can handle

She will only wave her hand.

And her name is …………………… ..

Present their signature recipe

5child ... From my mom's smile

All around blooms

Even the wind, even the clouds

Run away somersault

And her name is ………………

Present their signature recipe

6child. Affectionate hands, gentle soul

I don’t know boredom with her

………………… .this is mom ( my sister.

Present their signature recipe

7 child. I need more air

Without her, as without water

No, kinder her in the world

There is no more charming beauty.

This is your mother, and her name is ……………….

Present their signature recipe.

Lead 1. I would like to thank the participants for presenting their specialties. Our jury goes to work

Leading 2. Or rather, for tasting. Why are you smiling?

Presenter 1 Yes, because it's March. ... Spring came.

Lead 2 .It's clear and March is a song!

Lead 1 And March is a fairy tale!

Lead 2 And March is all miracles and spring!

Lead 1 And March is freshness.

Lead 2 And March is a holiday for kind and lovely mothers!
Lead 1. The holiday is big and bright
Today in the whole world!
Listen, moms, listen!
Children congratulate you!

The song "You Mom Forgot Everything"

The director shows signs with the words "Bravo" and "Applause"

Children read poetry.

The director shows signs with the words "Bravo" and "Applause"

The song "Apples for Mom"

The director shows signs with the words "Bravo" and "Applause"

Leading 1 I want to introduce you to our guest. Meet the representative of the school of carving for vegetables and fruits Arbuzov (Kulebyakova) Fyokla Ukropovna. She kindly agreed to give a master class on decorating festive dishes.

A master class is held. "How to decorate a cake"

Suddenly …… runs into the studio.Manya enters with a bandaged hand .. With his free hand, he drags the game props.

Manya ... Good day! May I come to you? Moreover, I have already come in anyway. Tell me, will this be a competition here today?

Leading. Yes.

Manya. Phew! So I was not mistaken. And then where I don't look - children read poems from pieces of paper. And I want to play.

Director. Stop, stop, stop ... This is not in the script.And who are you? What is your name?

Manya ... My name is Manya. I'm a body maniac. Why are you quiet? Don't be afraid of me.

Director. How to understand this?

Manya. Well, in the sense I like to take part in various shows to play by itself. Recently in the "Big Race"took part, funny game... Broken a little, but I can walk nothing. Our whole family is like that - and dad,and brother and sister. And mom is the most important game maniac.

She and her grandmother are now standing under the saucepans of juice, who will override whom. They stand for the third day. And she told me, go, play for me and in my honor, son.

Mother's holiday is how not to play. Do you agree? Then let's call our competition "Game-Mom-Mania!" In honor of my mother and the honor of your mothers and all mothers in the world.

Director . This is what it is. Please leave the studio.

Host 1. Wait, and that this is an unexpected turn in our show, and interesting name... Moreover, in this studio, on the field of wit and improvisation, family teams of parents and children cross their cooks.And we already have a jury.

Manya ... And the rating system will be unusual. On the wall, you see 2 colored circles - this is the middle of the future flowers.

For the victory, the team receives a petal for their flower, the winner will be the team whose flower will have more petals.

The "Paws" command collects petals - red.

The Suns command is yellow.

The jury members will raise cards of the color of the team that they like best.

Presenter 1 Manya, can you help us with the competition?

Manya. With pleasure. I took the props with me. And here is a list of games that I propose to play.

Director. Okay, okay. Only we will not change the name. Give a screensaver.

The splash screen sounds, the Director gives the go-ahead. The audience is applauding.

Manya ... Our first game is called Kidalovka (zakidushki).I propose to compete who will cook compote and soup faster. Here are the products, here are the pans. We are divided into two teams - each with 2 mothers with children. You need to take 1 item, run to the pan, put it in it and return to your team. One team collects products for the soup, the other for the compote.

(after the relay race, the results are summed up - how carefully the participants completed the task).

Leading ... Now is the time to test the participants for their erudition. There are different words in the world; cutlet, broth, salad, candy. We can say that these words are tasty and when pronouncing these words you can immediately feel their taste. About these tasty words we'll talk to you now.

Choose the correct answer.

Botvinya what is it;

Cold green soup with kvasrm +

Tops braised in butter

Apple pie.


Cheese made from sheep's milk +

Camel milk.


Noodles with meat +

Roasted beef slice.

Melon drink.


QPie with Meat +

Small pie with fish.

Salad with shrimp.

Artichoke (vegetable)

Carp (fish)

Persimmon (fruit)

Pistachios (nuts)

Boiled pork (Meat)

Mullet (fish)

Kohlrabi (vegetable)

Watermelon (Berry).

WITH German language this word translates as "bread and butter" What can it be (Sandwich).

Quiz "Recipes"

Players must answer which dishes can be prepared from the listed ingredients.

Rice, carrots, onions, sunflower oil, lamb.(Pilaf.)

Mushrooms, onions, potatoes, noodles, salt, water, herbs.(Mushroom soup.)

Minced meat, onions, eggs, salt, pepper.(Cutlets.)

Meat, potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, cabbage, salt, pepper, water.(Borsch.)

Flour, eggs, yeast, butter, sugar.(Buns.)

Groats, milk, sugar, butter.(Porridge.)

Mayonnaise, eggs, canned fish, onions.(Mimosa salad".)

The word of the jury.

Manya. And now let's check how quick our "mistresses" are.

Relay "Waiters"

Players must carry a plastic cup from the start line to the finish line using two pencils. The task is to do it quickly, without wrinkling the glass.

The word of the jury.

Manya. Applause is heard for the "best hostess".

The director shows the signs with the words "Applause"

Leading The next competition will test your cohesion.

Game "Recipe for Dishes".

The word of the jury.

The director shows the signs with the words "Applause"

Mani's the phone rang.Hello mom what happened…. So they were invited on television to show a family breakfast. Well I'm already running.

You can go crazy! I'll run soon. I want to get on a new gear.

And you have already shown yourself as true connoisseurs of culinary. The jury only has to take stock. I congratulate all women on the holiday.


Leading 1 ... Our show is on air again and we, its hosts ...

Leading 2 And it's time to appreciate the masterpieces of mothers and their assistants. I ask the jury to announce the winners of the “I want to eat everything at once” competition. it honorary title won the signature dish …………., made by…. (name, patronymic of mother), which is awarded a prize.

for the original design

for the original recipe

for "golden pens")

for the courage shown at the stove

for patience and work

for the courage shown in the delivery of the signature dish to the center

The director shows signs with the words "Applause".

Leading .1. And in conclusion, dear mothers and grandmothers are in a hurry to congratulate you once again with your children. Meet the group "………………" with the song "Thank you Mom"

Song "Thank you Mom"

1st presenter. Cognitive ...

2nd leader. Entertaining ...

1st presenter. Intelligent ...

1st presenter. Show "Culinary gatherings"

2nd leader. We declare it closed.

The script of the competitive entertainment program "Guinness Show"

Targets and goals:

Introduce children to each other in an interesting and entertaining way;

To acquaint children with the capabilities and abilities of people according to the "Guinness Book of Records";

To teach to be aware of their individual capabilities, to affirm the desire for self-improvement.

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes. Venue: the area in front of the dining room. Props: hoops, basketballs, skipping rope, toilet paper roll, soccer balls, ruler.

Venue for the event "Guinness Show"

These contests do not require special training in the squads. They are held as the first gathering of detachments in the camp area. For competitions, it is necessary to draw a rectangle with the numbers of the detachments from the youngest to the oldest on the site for collecting. The guys from the first day should get used to the organized construction of the camp on the square and know where their squad is located during the event.

Two presenters enter the stage to any groovy music.

1st presenter. Good day!

2nd leader. Hello, hello, hello!

The guys answer.

1st presenter. Something you guys don't say hello to, let's say hello to you even more friendly, louder! Can you?

2nd leader. If you can, then we can safely go on an exciting journey through the "Guinness Book of Records".

1st and 2nd leading (together). Hello guys!

The guys greet each other amicably.

1st presenter. Well done! With such active boys and girls, you can safely start our "Guinness Show" program!

2nd presenter And on this occasion your thunderous applause!

1st presenter. But first, I want you and me to know how the Guinness Book of Records came about.

2nd leader. A bit of history. It all began on November 10, 1951, when the Englishman Sir Hugh-Beaver, the manager of the Guinness Company, was hunting with friends in a place called Northern Mud in the southeast of Ireland. A dispute broke out between the hunters who is the most fast bird Europe - golden plover or black grouse.

1st presenter. And then Sir Hugh thought that such issues are being discussed in all the counties of England and Ireland. Since 1955, thanks to Hugh Beaver, the Guinness Book of Records has been published annually in all major languages ​​of the world. This book records the achievements of mankind, as well as the records of the world around us.

2nd leader. Today we will get to know the most outstanding boys and girls of our camp. We will definitely enter their names into the Guinness Book of Records of the Zvezdny health camp. Your applause!

The 2nd presenter takes out a blank scroll and sits down at the table, where a feather and prizes for the winners are prepared, the 1st presenter holds contests.

1st presenter. Let's start. Attention, each squad is given a minute to choose one representative who can spin the hoop at the waist longer than others.

There is a meeting in the detachments.

By the way, let's take a look at the Guinness Book of Records. The longest in the world was played by the American Roxanne Rose. Her record performance lasted 90 hours! I invite those who want to break her record to take the stage. We meet!

Girls come out on stage from the detachments, the 2nd presenter distributes hoops to them.

So, your task is to spin the hoops until all your rivals are out of the game. Let's start!

Sounds funny music, the girls start spinning the hoops.

In the meantime, our girls are winding kilometers, I invite those who have the shortest last name in the squadron to the stage.

The detachments confer.

Yes guys, want to know what the shortest surname in the world sounds like? The shortest surname in the world consists of one

the letter "O" and it prevails in Korea. Well, the discussion is over, everyone who has Korean surnames, go on stage.

The guys go on stage, the 1st presenter lines them up in one line facing the viewer. In the background, girls are spinning hoops.

All that is required of you, dear friends, is to clearly and understandably say your name into the microphone.

The winner is determined.

So, the shortest surname in our camp is that of a boy (girl) from the detachment. Let us support him (her) with thunderous applause! Come to the table your name for eighteen days will be entered in the "Guinness Book of Records" of the health camp "Zvezdny". Don't forget to get your sweet prize. And we continue. Now each squad will choose a person from the very long last name, that is, one where there are more than 10 or maybe 12 letters. Let's start!

Discussion in the detachments.

By the way, the longest surname in the world is Scottish, and it consists of 29 letters. I hope that you will not ask me to voice it, otherwise it, guys, will drag on for a long time. That's it, your time is up.

The guys come on stage, line up in one line, the 1st presenter chooses the person with the longest surname. The girls keep spinning their hoops.

Our "Guinness Show" continues! And now it would be logical to invite to the stage the boys and girls who have the shortest name in the squadron.

Meeting in the detachments.

We are conferring, and on my own behalf I will add that for several generations of newborns in the Lincoln family from England they have been given a name consisting of one letter - A. What is the shortest name in our camp, we will now find out.

The guys go on stage, the 1st presenter chooses the person with the shortest name, rewards. The girls keep spinning their hoops.

Let's now see which of the guys in the camp has the longest name, I wonder who it belongs to - a boy or a girl.

Meeting in the detachments.

And the longest name in the world belongs to a girl from Texas USA. And it sounds like this: Rashandiatelaineshiannevesheni Koyaanfskuatsiuti Williams. It remains to find out the owner of the longest name in our camp.

The guys go on stage, the winner is selected and awarded. The girls are spinning hoops.

And now I ask in my detachments to choose a boy or a girl with the most rare name... And that's where we end up with names.

Meeting in the detachments.

Friends, this is an interesting question for you: what do you think, how long can you grow a mustache? Here at Birgem Pellasu from Sweden they are 2 m 77 cm. And I invite to the stage those who, in the opinion of the detachment, have the rarest name.

Applicants go on stage, the 1st presenter conducts a survey.

Let's decide together which name you like the most. Your applause to participant # 1 ... (Lists the participants.) The one who was clapped the loudest wins this competition!

Rewarding of participants. The girls keep spinning their hoops.

It's time to choose yourself tall man in the detachment. Gulliver, so to speak.

Meeting in the detachments.

And I will read you the following interesting information. It turns out that the tallest man in the world was American Robert Wadlow. In June 1940, his height was 2 m 72 cm. And I invite distant relatives of this American to the stage.

The guys go on stage, the winner is determined, there is an award in the "Gulliver" nomination. The girls are still spinning their hoops.

We know the tallest man in the camp. Well, this begs the question, who is the smallest? Where are the boys with little fingers and little thumbs?

Meeting in the detachments.

Yes, I must say that the smallest person in the world was Pauli Musteres, who was born in the Netherlands. At the age of 19, her height was 55 cm.

The guys go on stage, the winner is determined and awarded. The girls are spinning hoops.

Well, now let's choose in our squads a boy who loves and knows how to play basketball well - your "Basketball".

Meeting in the detachments.

Maybe someone will be interested in information of this kind: the longest basketball dribble was performed in May 1999 by the American Jamie Borges, who dribbled the ball over a distance of 156 km without jogging.

Participants of the next competition take the stage.

So what do you need to do. At my command, you need to spin the ball once and hold on index finger as long as possible. Let's split into two teams so we don't get crowded.

The first team plays, then the second, then the final is held between the two leaders, an award is held in the "Basketball" nomination. In the background, only one girl is already spinning a hoop.

Here she is - the winner. Loud, thunderous applause for the girl who has been spinning the hoop for the longest time in our camp!

The winner is awarded in the category "Miss" Wasp Waist ".

And our Guinness show continues. And let's find out in which squad there is a daredevil who can ride the rope for the longest time.

Meeting in the detachments.

The longest jumping rope marathon is 13 hours 30 minutes. The record was set by the Dutchman Edwin Lagerwij. And the most big number jumps in 1 minute is 334. This record belongs to the Englishman Albert Reiner.

Participants of the competition come on the stage, the 2nd presenter distributes a rope to each of them, and on command the competitors begin to jump.

And we will not waste time and find out which of the boys can hit a soccer ball the longest.

Discussion in detachments.

By the way, Michael Polmqvist from Sweden kicked the ball for 14 hours and 14 minutes, preventing it from falling.

Participants of the competition enter the stage, line up in one line. The first team is given soccer balls, on command they begin to fill, after which the second team plays. The final is held between the two leaders, the winner is awarded in the "Mister stuffed" nomination. The girls continue to jump rope.

More information for football fans. The biggest football player was England goalkeeper Willie Fulk, who, with a height of 1 m 90 cm, weighed 165 kg. Once, because of him, the match had to be interrupted, as he broke the crossbar ...

It's time for girls to show off their beauty. We choose the longest-haired in our squad.

Discussion in the detachment.

And the longest hair in the world belonged to Swami Pandarasannadi, the head of a monastery in India, and they were almost 8 meters.

Long-haired girls rise to the stage, the 2nd presenter measures the length of their hair, chooses the winner, awards her in the nomination “Barbarian beauty - long braid”.

Now choose the most tanned boy in your squads. I invite to the stage those who like to spend their time in the sun.

The most tanned guys leave the squads, the 1st presenter chooses the winner, awards him in the "Chocolate Bunny" nomination.

So we waited for the moment when we find out the name of the girl who can jump rope for the longest time in our camp.

The winner of the contest in the category "Girl-energizer" is awarded.

And now I invite to the stage those who have the most dexterous fingers, know how to quickly tie and untie knots. We are meeting.

Meeting in the detachments.

Food for thought: how many hoops do you think can be rotated simultaneously on the body? So, 82 hoops, this was achieved by Lauren Lomeli from the USA.

The participants of the next competition go up on the stage, the 2nd presenter distributes to each of them a piece of toilet paper.

So, my friends, all you need is to tie as many knots as possible on this piece of paper in 1 minute without tearing it. Let's support our participants with applause. Let's start!

The nodes are counted, the winner is awarded in the "Sea Wolf" nomination.

Our Guinness show continues. And each squad must choose the girl with the longest nails.

Meeting in the detachments.

Surprisingly, the longest nails in the world belong to a man. They were grown by Sridhar Chilali from India. The nails of his left hand had a total length of 6 m 15 cm, that is, on average, there is 1 m 25 cm for each nail.

The girls, selected in the detachments, rise to the stage, the second leader measures the length of their nails with a ruler and chooses the winner, she is awarded in the "Frau's claw" nomination.

On this stage we invite those who can whistle the loudest in the squadron.

Meeting in the detachments.

And by tradition, we find out what they write about the whistle in the Guinness Book of Records. The loudest whistle was made by the American Roy Lomas in 1983. A whistle of 123 decibels was heard at a distance of 2.5 km. And the record for the longest whistle belonged to Canadian David Frank, he whistled for 30 hours and 10 minutes in a row.

Participants of the competition go up to the stage, line up and take turns whistling. The winner is determined, he is awarded in the nomination "Nightingale the Robber".

The next competition for the most cheerful, smiling, laughing boys and girls.

The participants of the competition go up to the stage.

You need to portray the most infectious laughter... In general, all you need is to laugh into the microphone to cheer up all the squads.

The contestants take turns laughing, the winner is selected, he is awarded in the Smesharik nomination.

The Guinness show is gradually coming to an end, all that remains is to choose in your squad those who will sparkle and shine for you the whole shift. We choose the most red-haired and freckled guys and girls.

The guys take the stage and are awarded in the "Sunshine" nomination.

Well, friends, your thunderous incessant applause to all those whose names were included in the "Guinness Book of Records" of our camp for 18 days! And I ask the owners of the longest and longest short surname, and the longest and the longest short name, and a man with a rare name, our "Gulliver", "Thumbelina" and "Thumbelina", Miss "Wasp Waist", Mr. "Nabival", "Barbarian beauty - long braid"," Chocolate Bunny "," Frau Claw "," Girl Energizer "," Sea wolf", And our" Sun ". Clap louder, louder, "Star"!