The brief biography of Vladimir Korolenko is the most important thing. The main dates of life, creativity and social activities in

The brief biography of Vladimir Korolenko is the most important thing. The main dates of life, creativity and social activities in

Vladimir Galaktionich Korolenko - Russian writer of Ukrainian-Polish origin, journalist, publicist, public figurewho deserved recognition by his human rights activities both during the royal regime and in the period of civil war and Soviet power. For his critical views, Korolenko was subjected to repression from the royal government. A significant part of the literary works of the writer is inspired by the impressions of childhood spent in Ukraine and the reference to Siberia.

Honorary Academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences on the category of elegant literature (1900-1902).

Korolenko was born in the family of a county judge, began to study in the Polish guest house, then in Zhytomyr gymnasium, and ended Rivne real gymnasium.
In 1871 he graduated from silver medal and entered the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology. But the need forced Korolenko to leave the teaching and move to the position of the "intelligent proletarian". In 1874, he moved to Moscow and enters the Petrovsky Agricultural and Forest (now Timiryazevskaya) Academy. In 1876, it was excluded from the gymnasium for a year and expelled a link, which was then replaced by an appleful "resident" in Kronstadt. In recovery in the Petrovskaya Academy, Korolenko was denied, and in 1877, for the third time he became a student - the St. Petersburg Mining Institute.

Korolenko considered himself a writer-blunt-flyer "only half", another half of his work was journalism, closely related to its multifaceted public activities. By the mid-1980s, Korolenko publishes dozens of correspondence and articles.In 1879, the Agent of the Tsarist Gendarmerie Corolenko was arrested. Over the next six years, he was in prisons, in stages, in reference. In the same year, the story of Korolenko "episodes from the life of the seeker" appeared in the St. Petersburg journal. Being in the Vyshnevotsky political prison, he writes the story "Wonderful" (the manuscript has spread in the lists, without the author's knowledge, the story was printed in 1893 in London, in Russia - only in 1905 under the title "Communion").
Since 1885, Korolenko was allowed to settle in Nizhny Novgorod. The next eleven years were a period of flourishing of his creativity, active social activities. Since 1885, in capital journals, stories and essays created or printed in reference are regularly published: "Sleep Makara", "in ill society"," Forest Noise "," Sokolinets "and others collected together in 1886, they compiled a book" Essays and stories. " In the same year, Korolenko worked on the tale of the "blind musician", withsting fifteen publications during the life of the author.
Stories made up two groups related to the sources of themes and images: Ukrainian and Siberian. Another source of impressions that affected in a number of Korolenko works is Volga and the Volga region. Volga for him - "The cradle of Russian romanticism", her shores still remember the campaigns of Razin and Pugachev, modes about the fate of the Russian people filled with "Volzhsky" stories and way essays: "Over the icon", "on eclipse" (both - 1887), "in Cloud Day "(1890)," River plays "(1891)," Artist of Alomov "(1896) and others. In 1889, the second book" Essays and Storys "comes out.
In 1883, Korolenko leaves for a journey in America, the result of which the story came, and in fact a whole novel about the life of the Ukrainian-emigrant in America "without language" (1895).
Korolenko considered himself a writer-blunt-flyer "only half", another half of his work was journalism, closely related to its multifaceted public activities. By the mid-1980s, Korolenko publishes dozens of correspondence and articles. From his publications in the newspaper "Russian Vedomosti" included the book "in the hungry year" (1893), in it the amazing picture of a disaster binds to poverty and serf addiction in which the Russian village continued to remain.
As a state of health, Korolenko moves to Poltava (after the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1900 elects it with an honorary member). Here he completes the cycle of Siberian stories ("Sovereigns of Yamchiki", "Frost", "Feodales", "Last Beam"), writes the story "not terrible."
In 1903, the third book "Essays and Storys". Since 1905, Korolenko began to work on a multi-volume "history of my contemporary".
After the defeat of the first Russian revolution of 1905, he opposes the "wild orgy" of death penalty and punitive expeditions (essays "domestic phenomenon" (1910), "The features of Military Justice" (1910), "in a soothered village" (1911), against chauvinistic etching And slander ("Bailisa" (1913).
After leaving on the eve of the First World War to treat abroad, Korolenko was able to return to Russia only in 1915. After the February Revolution, he produces a brochure "Falling the Tsarist Power".
Fighting the progressive heart disease, Korolenko continues to work on the "story of my contemporary", essays "Earth! Earth! ", Organizes food fear for children in Moscow and Petrograd, based on the colony for orphans and streets, is elected by the Honorary Chairman of the League of Salvation of Children, the All-Russian Hungry Committee. The death of the writer came from the relapse of brain inflammation.
One of the main themes of Korolenko's artistic work is the path to the "true people." Meditation of the people, the search for a response to the riddle of the Russian people, so many Korolenko in human and writer's fate, are closely related to the question, which passes through many of his works. "For what, in essence, a man created?" - So raised the question in the story "Paradox". "A man is born for happiness, like a bird for flight," the creature is replied in this story, which is terrible. No matter how hostility is life, "Still ahead - lights!" - wrote Korolenko in the poem in the prose of "lights" (1900). But Korolenko's optimism is not a thoughtless, not closing his eyes to reality. "A person is created for happiness, only happiness is not always created for him." So Korolenko approves his understanding of happiness.
Korolenko - Realist that has always attracted romanticism in life, reflecting on the fate of romantic, high in the harsh, not at all romantic reality. He has many heroes whose spiritual heat, self-incubusingness raise them over stupid, sleepy reality, serve as a reminder of the "highest beauty of the human spirit."
"... Open the identity value on the basis of knowledge of mass," so formulated the task of the literature Korolenko back in 1887. This requirement made in the work of Korolenko himself connects him with the literature of the subsequent era, which reflected the awakening and activity of the masses.

More than forty-year-old creative way Vladimir Galationich Korolenko (1853-1921) is equally distributed between the XIX and XX centuries. His first story ("episodes from the life of the seeker") was written in 1879, and almost a week before death, he still worked on his main work - "The history of my contemporary".

Accordingly, a lot binds a writer with Russian classic literature XIX century, but also a century twentieth century with his persistent search for ways to reorganize life in all its spheres and no less persistent desire to give a new life to art, inhale the new content has had a significant impact on Corolenko's work.

Unusually biography of the writer. His father is a Ukrainian who consisted in Russian public service And the judge with the truly "Don Kikhotsk" honesty, which he inherited his son inherited. Mother - Polka, a religious person who committed his quiet feat of love, "connected with sadness and care", as selflessly as the heroine of the story "blind musician".

Childhood spent his Korolenko in Zhytomyr and exactly small towns of Southwestern Russia, where national problems stood particularly acute. In childhood, tribute to the romantic passion to the heroic past of Ukraine and Poland, the young Korolenko appeals to the "advanced Russian thought", and this leads to the fact that the native becomes "not Poland, not Ukraine, not Volyn, not Great, - and the Great Region of Russian Thought Both Russian literature, an area where Pushkin, Lermontov, Belin, Dobrolyuby, Gogoli, Turgenev, Nekrasov, Saltykov, dominated, dominated by Pushkin, Lermontov.

And B. further life It will repeatedly will put Korolenko to a position when you need to make a choice, and the situation will be like that, that, apparently, no choice will be required. For example, after the murder of the People's Republic of Alexander II, the government demanded that all political affairs convicted on political affairs signed the oath "to loyaling a new sovereign."

For most convicts, it was an empty formality, and the question, to sign or not sign, was not even put. But Korolenko, after a long and difficult reflection, refused the oath, paid for this reference to Yakutia, but never subsequently doubted the correctness of his act.

In the same way when "on the highest command" in 1902 was canceled by the election of M. Gorky to Honorary Academicians, Korolenko, together with Chekhov, was abandoned from this honorary title. Explaining the motives of his refusal, Korolenko wrote: "... my conscience, as a writer, cannot reconcile with silent recognition of believing a view opposite to my real conviction" (10, 346).

When Korolenko's first essays and stories appeared, the romantic orientation of his works, combined with very specific household and even ethnographic descriptions, was first criticized. The topic of the "free volati", to which he always seeks his hero, no matter how little he seemed to himself and others and the circumstances of his life would have emerged, quickly revealed the originality of the creativity of a young writer.

Response to requests for its time, Korolenko in critical articles, diary records, letters often reflect on what requirements for literature put forward a modern epoch, which should be the art of the new time, which can take from the past and that prevents its further movement.

Corolenko's statements are widely known that realism and romanticism are like literary directions The absolutment of the two opposite methods of the image of a person and society in their relationship. Korolenko believed that realism, the main requirement of which is "the loyalty of reality", likes the literature to the mirror reflecting "what is", "this state of society".

And since the literature depends entirely on this state of society (as a scientific substantiation of such a dependence, Korolenko, in particular, refers to the theory of I. Tan), then to give the correct reflection of reality - this means to reveal the caused condition of life phenomena reflected by literature.

It is so understood by realism, wrote Korolenko in 1887, goes along the same way as "pure science", but for all their proximity, the goal of science and art are still different: "And while the goal scientific work - give accurate knowledge of the subject in its ratios to others, the purpose of the artistic work includes the first and adds to it new: it seeks to establish the immediate connection of this subject with deep cautions of your soul through your imagination, by reflected sympathetic feelings, etc. "

The combination of the task of art to establish the "causes and inevitable consequences" Korolenko considered the misconception due to the mixing of one of the most important principles of art with its goal. Realism for him "Only the condition of artisticity, a condition corresponding to the modern taste, but<...> He cannot serve itself in itself and all artism does not exhaust. "

Repeatedly emphasizing that human activity cannot get out of the limits of causality "and, therefore," our ideals will find our character, our past, "Korolenko at the same time argued that although this reflection is an important condition of art, his purpose is all same - "in motion, in certain ideals."

Later in a letter to V. Goltsev (1894), Korolenko opposes two points of view on artistic creativity: Chernyshevsky, 6 writing that artists "Only weak copyists" of nature, and therefore "phenomenon is always above the image", and what you need to strive "to the real truth As the limit, "and Maupassant, who emphasized that the artist" creates his illusion of the world, what is not in fact, but that he creates in return what is. "

Korolenko calls on to connect into one positions, because there can be no illusion of the world "without attitudes to the real world," and in dreams, ideals, illusions of the heroes of artworks or their creator always manifests "born in us a new attitude of the human spirit to the world around us" .

Ideal Korolenko determined both as a "Higher Presentation of the Truth", living in the soul of the artist, and as a dream, "the best criterion of reality", and as a "general concept of the world", according to which the artist groups the phenomena of the surrounding life, and simply as "Possible reality."

From here, the goal of a true artistic work is the thought of Korolenko, in order to perceive it could or imagine the criterion, with whom the artist comes out for the reflection of reality, or in this reflection itself could find what matches the "Higher Presentation of the Truth", developed by artist. The last requirement makes the writer (and this is very important for understanding Corolenko's creativity) to portray "Not one thing that is dominant in this modernity."

Korolenko does not take naturalism, in the works of representatives of which reality is laid and deprived of the heroic principle, and the person is fully determined by living conditions and is not able to rise above them. Returning due to naturalists for an attempt to master the achievements of natural sciences and for attention to new phenomena of life, Korolenko believed that the average, ordinary person became the lot of naturalistic literature.

At the same time, romanticism, focusing on a person an outstanding, heroic, standing outside of society, is not able, according to Korolenko, explain how such a person has developed, and it does not matter such a goal.

Therefore, a new direction in the literature should be the synthesis of realism and romanticism, in which the extremes of these areas will disappear. In accordance with this, the attitude towards the hero will change. "Open the identity value on the basis of the mass of the mass - this is the task of new art, which will come to replace realism," writes Korolenko. 8 such synthesis in the literature of the late XIX century did not happen, but the realist of Korolenko never forgets in his work on the romantic and heroic start in life.

For Russian public thought of the late XIX - early XX century. An exacerbated interest in sociological problems is characteristic. At this time, in addition to the articles of N. Mikhailovsky, the sociological works of P. Lavrov, V. Bervi-Fleoovsky, S. Yuzhakova, M. Kovalevsky are very popular. The works of philosophy and sociology I. Tan, Spencetra, O. Kont, Tard, P. Lakomba, E. Durkheim, are read and discussed with great interest.

In the 90s. There is a passion for Marxist sociology. This feature in the development of Russian social thought well expressed in his memoirs D. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky: "Sociology", not for me one in that era, there was a word special, word with charm and power, - one of those from whom young ignited souls - and his magic force Did not inferior the power of such trust words, what are the freedom, progress, ideal, etc. Sociology is the crown of a scientific building. It will open the laws of social life and progress and thus will give humanity the opportunity to overcome all the negative sides, all disasters and ailments of civilizations. "

In the 80s. For most of the freight Russian intelligentsia, the inconsistency of practical forms and methods of the struggle for social justice nominated by populists became an obvious inconsistency. But there was another side of the theory of populists - ethical.

And if the process of understanding a number of people's dogma is quite quickly ended with a refusal of them, then the ethics of populists has fed Russian society for a long time. The idea of \u200b\u200bdebt and conscience, thirst to bring himself sacrificing simple people, the feeling of righteous anger for an unfair public device - all this was maintained in the minds of the Russian intelligentsia as values \u200b\u200bthat could not have the right to come true, thirsty of good and justice.

The ethical wealth of the people's theory, the heroic sacrifice and the height of the spirit of the populic intelligentsia could not be unconditionally rejected by the radical representatives of the border of the ages, as the new ethics equal to the value of the people's value, at this time essentially not yet been created. That is why for many representatives of the generation of Korolenko, the full refusal of moral norms and criteria would mark the rejection of democratic ideas, from the search for ways to transform society.

The emergence of a new look at life based on both the discovery of sociology and natural sciences and the combination of a sober study of reality with the construction of "social utopia", in which "reality is predicted tomorrow"Korolenko binds precisely with the defeat of the people's methods of struggle.

When numerous representatives of the People's Movement went "to the people" and showed it a "table of unfair social arithmetic", the peasants not only did not enter the path of revolutionary struggle, but on the other hand, most often gave their sincere benevolences in the hands of those who took care of the preservation of the existing order . "And we were amazed by the complexity, contradictions, the surprises that met," says Korolenko about this tragic unsuccessful "meeting" of intellectual-belt and a simple peasant.

For some part of the intelligentsia, the result of a meeting with a "smaller brother" was frustrated by the people; For another, and Korolenko, including the awareness of the extraordinary complexity of those problems that are so narrowly simply interpreted by the previous generation, and the desire to find new ways of understanding a person.

The chief representative of the new subjectively sociological direction in the Russian public thought, N. K. Mikhailovsky, whose articles he "got carried away<...> And promoted them between comrades, "still during study in the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy.

The answer to the question of how Mikhailovsky's teaching was reflected on creative principles Korolenko helps to comprehend the peculiarity as aesthetic views Writer and his public position.

Formulating the basic concepts of their sociology, Mikhailovsky wrote in 1875, that "the subjective method is called such a way to satisfy the cognitive need, when the observer puts himself mentally in the position of the observed" and thereby "approaching the truth as much as he is able to experience someone else's life." Moral ideal Mikhailovsky acquires a completely definite specific historical content when he puts forward the requirement to "survive the life" of the peasant, stand on the point of view of the people and subordinate the general categories of "civilizations of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe people."

The meaning of the above views of Mikhailovsky well explains the essays of the city of Asspensky, affecting the problem of mutual misunderstanding between the peasant and the "intellectite-peasant".

Trying to comprehend the reasons for this misunderstanding, Assumptionsky makes an important discovery: actions, views, moral norms of the peasant, which seemed to the author of the story, not clear, illogical, rationally not explained, in fact represent a slim system of world relations, the individual components of which are so expensive that it is impossible Remove one or another "brick", no matter how much this is the author who is outside this system and estimating it from the position of an enlightener intellectual.

So, if the narrator in the essays "Power of the Earth" and "Peasant and Peasant Labor" indicated that some moral norms of the peasant were good, and other bad, in this case it would only be possible to find out which of these norms he himself considers true, But it could not be understood why the peasant in his life was guided by these ethical principles.

Lacking to the point of view of the peasant, Assumption realized that within the framework of the currently existing peasant culture, these norms are due to the entire system of representations of this social layer and measure their norms of another culture as ridiculous as they attempt to measure the area with a thermometer.

The requirement of the city of Assumption and Mikhailovsky "Stand on the point of view of the peasant", therefore, it was not reduced to the natural and necessary image of the world through the consciousness and perception of the hero. This requirement there was a refusal to the elementary-valued position, in which the reader was well represented by the author's worldview, the criteria for its estimates, while the object of the author's research itself largely remained "closed".

The simplest assessment of certain sides of the culture of the studied social layer with all the external justice of its justice did not allow to understand the interconnectedness, the interdependence of the "bad" and "good" parties, which, being extended from the living organism of culture, often acquired another meaning, other significance. Korolenko takes this provision, finding that the artist should take into account when depicting his heroes and other people's points of view. We will explain this on the example of one of the early works of the writer - the story "Wonderful", written in 1880 in a forwarding prison, but published in the Russian press only in 1905

The will of fate gendarme Gavrilov meets with a courageous, volitional girl-revolutionary frost. Their attitude towards each other is predetermined by the system of representations, which has developed in their social environment and the justice and the morality of which is not questioned.

Gavrilov before the meeting with the reference "diligence" served in the squadron, dreamed of raising and firmly knew that "the bosses would not punish in vain." Therefore, a revolutionary girl for him is a criminal, "Smereusha", "Noble Great". Morozova, on the contrary, "diligent" violated the basic laws of the state, the "bosses" in which he was punished and encouraged according to the rules very far from justice, and therefore Gavrilov for her first of all the "enemy", as it is dressed in the gendarme sinel and consists in the service states.

"Survive someone else's life," to get up to the point of view of Gavrilov and see the good heart of the peasant Morozov's good heart for hated gendarm uniforms is not capable of. And so the cruel of her words at the end of the story at its address: "Forgive! here's another! Never forgive, and do not think, never! Soon soon ... So I know: I did not forgive! ".

In the consciousness of Gavrilov, which has fallen on Wednesday of exile revolutionaries, there are still barely noticeable, but irreversible changes. He loses interest in the service and even the news that he will not be awarded the title of Unter-Officer, to which he once sought so, takes now with full indifference.

And if earlier Gavrilov always knew how to treat life and people, I had all the right answers and, in his opinion, the only right answers, now he is already in many respects doubt and ask his question: "And all I am this young lady to forget I could not, and now the same thing: so it costs, it happens before your eyes. What would this mean? Who would explain to me! ".

Already in this early work Korolenko finds his way of refraction of reality, thanks to which he opens in psychology, social behavior, the worldview of his heroes such areas, which were not yet quite mastered Russian classical xIX literature in.

History of Russian literature: in 4 volumes / edited by N.I. Protkova and others - L., 1980-1983.

Korolenko Vladimir Galaktionovich

(1853-1922) - Prose, publicist.
Korolenko was born in the family of a county judge, began to study in the Polish guest house, then in Zhytomyr gymnasium, and ended Rivne real gymnasium.
In 1871 he graduated from silver medal and entered the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology. But the need forced Korolenko to leave the teaching and move to the position of the "intelligent proletarian". In 1874, he moved to
Moscow and enters the Petrovsky agricultural and forest (now Timiryazevskaya) Academy. In 1876, it was excluded from the gymnasium for a year and sent a link, which was then replaced by an applied "resident" in Kronstadt. In recovery in the Petrovskaya Academy, Korolenko was denied, and in 1877, for the third time he became a student - the St. Petersburg Mining Institute.
In 1879, the Agent of the Tsarist Gendarmerie Corolenko was arrested. Over the next six years, he was in prisons, in stages, in reference. In the same year, the Korolenko "episodes from the life of the seeker" appeared in the St. Petersburg journal. Being in the Vyshnevotsk political prison, he writes the story "Wonderful" (the manuscript has spread in the lists, without the author's knowledge, the story was printed in 1893 in London, in Russia - only in 1905 under the title "Command").
Since 1885, Korolenko has been allowed to settle in Nizhny Novgorod. The next eleven years were a period of flourishing of his creativity, active social activities. Since 1885, stories and essays created or printed in the link are regularly published in metropolitan magazines: "Sleep Makara", "in a bad society", "Forest Noise", "Sokolinets" and others. Collected together in 1886, they compiled a book " Essays and stories. " In the same year, Korolenko worked on the story of the "blind musician", withstanding fifteen publications during the life of the author.
Stories made up two groups related to the sources of themes and images: Ukrainian and Siberian. Another source of impressions that affected in a number of Korolenko works is Volga and the Volga region. Volga for him - "the cradle of Russian romanticism", her shores still remember the campaigns of Razin and Pugacheva, thinking about the fate of the Russian people filled with "Volzhsky" stories and path essays: "Over the icon", "on eclipse" (both - 1887), "on a cloud day" (1890), "River playing" (1891), "Artist of Alomov" (1896) and others. In 1889, the second book comes out Essays and stories. "
In 1883, Korolenko leaves for a trip in America, which was the result of the story, and in fact a whole novel about the life of the Ukrainian-emigrant in America "without language" (1895).
Korolenko considered himself a writer-Belletrist "only half", another half of his work was journalism, closely related to its multifaceted public activities. By the mid-1980s, Korolenko publishes dozens of correspondence and articles. From his publications in the newspaper "Russian Vedomosti" was a book.
"In the hungry year" (1893), in it the amazing painting of a disaster binds to poverty and serf addiction in which the Russian village continued to remain.
As a state of health, Korolenko moves to Poltava (after the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1900 elects it with an honorary member). Here he completes the cycle of Siberian stories ("Sovereigns of the Yamchiki", "Frost", "feudal", "the last beam"), writes the story "not terrible".
In 1903, the third book "Essays and Storys". Since 1905, the Korolenko work on the multi-volume "history of my contemporary" began.
After the defeat of the first Russian revolution of 1905, he opposes the "wild orgy" of mortal executions and punitive expeditions (essays "domestic phenomenon" (1910), "The features of the Military Justice" (1910), "in the soothed village" (1911), against chauvinistic etching And slanders ("Baleis Case" (1913).
After leaving on the eve of the First World War to treat abroad, Korolenko was able to return to Russia only in 1915. After the February Revolution, he produces a brochure of the "Fall of the Tsarist Power".
Fighting the progressive heart disease, Korolenko continues to work on the "story of my contemporary", essays "land! Lands!", Organizes the fear of food for children of Moscow and Petrograd, based on orphan colonies, is elected by the Honorary Chairman of the League of Saving Children, All-Russian Assistance Committee starving. The death of the writer came from the relapse of brain inflammation.
One of the main artworks of Korolenko is the path to the "true people." Meditation of the people, the search for a response to the riddle of the Russian people, so many Korolenko in human and writer's fate, are closely related to the question, which passes through many of his works. "For what, in essence, a man created?" - So raised the question in the story "Paradox". "A man is born for happiness, like a bird for flight," the creature is replied in this story, which is terrible.
No matter how hostility is life, "still ahead - lights!" - wrote Korolenko in the poem in the prose of "lights" (1900). But Korolenko's optimism is not a thoughtless, not closing his eyes to reality. "A person is created for happiness, only happiness is not always created for him." So Korolenko approves his understanding of happiness.
Korolenko is a realist who has always attracted romanticism in life, reflecting on the fate of the romantic, high in the harsh, not at all romantic reality. He has a lot of heroes whose spiritual heat, self-burning challenge raise them over stupid, sleepy reality, serve as a reminder of the "highest beauty of the human spirit."
"... Open the value of the personality on the basis of knowledge of the mass," so formulated the task of Korolenko's literature back in 1887. This requirement made in the work of Korolenko himself connects him with the literature of the subsequent era, which reflected the awakening and activity of the masses.

Personality and creativity V. G. Korolenko

"The conscience of the era", "Light Spirit", "Righteous" - said about Vladimir Galationich Korolenko (1853-1921) contemporaries. His moral authority was equal to L. Tolstoy's authority. I. Bunin, as a rule, reservedly responded about contemporary writers, spoke in one of the interviews about Korolenko: "You enjoy what he lives and live among us, as some Titan, who cannot touch all those negative phenomena that So rich our current literature and life. When L. N. Tolstoy lived, I personally did not scary for everything that was going on in Russian literature. Now I, too, no one and I'm not afraid of anything: because the beautiful, immaculate Vladimir Galatiovich Korolenko is alive. " Contemporaries really saw in Korolenko perfect image Russian writer, intellectual, public figure. After the February Revolution in a conversation with R. Rollan A. Lunacharsky expressed the idea that if in Russia it would be necessary to elect the president, he would put forward Korolenko's candidacy. The feeling of "unshakable trust" caused Korolenko and at Gorky, who considered him his teacher: "I was friendly with many writers, but none of them could inspire that feeling of respect, which inspired in (Ladimir) Mr (Alaktionovich) from my first Meetings with him. He was my teacher for a short time, but he was him, and this is my pride to this day. " "I am ready to swear that Korolenko is very good man. It is not only nearby, but even behind this guy - fun, "wrote Chekhov.

Answer the question of how, from which "life composition" there was a personality of the writer and a public figure, for each word of which almost all reading Russia listened, in many ways helps autobiographical book Korolenko "The history of my contemporary". At the very beginning, her Korolenko writes about his father of Galaktion Afanasyevich, which occupied the position of county judge in the spent provincial townsFor which truly Donkiotovskaya honesty was familiar and natural. Korolenko leads such a case from his judicial practice.

Galaktion Afanasyevich led the process of inheritance. A rich landowner, a graph, a man with large connections, and a poor widow were sued. The count probably offered the judge bribe. Galaktion Afanasyevich flared, stuck with a stick, rudely chopped him and kicked out. Thanks to the honesty, the judges, the process won the poor widow, which immediately became one of the richest landlords in the province. An attempt to "thank" his benefactor's widow also ended with exploring her from home. Then, in the absence of a judge, she poured all his living room with gifts, among whom was huge beautiful doll. "When the father came from the court," Korolenko writes, "one of the most stormy flashes broke out in our apartment, which I only remember. He scolded widow, threw the matter to the floor, accused the mother and calmed down only when the cart appeared on the entrance to which all the gifts died and sent back. But then an unexpected difficulty came out. When the queue reached the doll, the sister resolutely protested, and the protest accepted this dramatic character that the father after several attempts was still giving way, albeit with great dissatisfaction. "I became a bribe," he said angrily, leaving his room. "

But, speaking in the "History of My Contemporary" about the Galaktion of Afanasyevich, no longer as a father, but as a representative of his time, Korolenko will celebrate the other side of his personality. Being consistently personally honest, he never knew what a sense of guilt for a public lie. Korolenko recalls how deeply and sincerely worried his father harsh convicts. But "these were tears of regret about the" victim of the law ", and not the corrosive consciousness of their guilt, as its guns" (V, 21). The judge did not experience responsibility for bad laws, as the creation could not depend on it: "The king and law are also not available to the human court, and if at some applications of the law, the heart turns into the chest from pity and compassion - this is a natural misfortune, not None generalizations. One dies from the typhoid, the other - from the law. Unhappy fate "(V, 21).

All life practice and all the diverse creativity of Korolenko is a difficult experience of connecting personal morality with "heavy", "corrosive", but the creative consciousness of responsibility for the "whole order of things."

"Sustainable equilibrium of conscience", when everything in the world and public relations It seems once and forever data and fixed, is the main feeling that the wiser's early childhood stained. Determining the tone of relations between father and mother - love and goodwill. An example of social harmony is the relationship between his relative-landlord and peasants. The peasants love the lady, and she loves her fortress and cares about them. Early digesors Korolenko and the religious faith of the father, too, a simple, solid and unregistered doubt, in accordance with which "God is omnipotent and fair, but on Earth there are many triumphant villains and suffering virtue. This is included in unknown plans of higher justice - and only "(V, 21).

In addition, faith was determined by one of the most important features of the individuality of Korolenko - his ability of the sympathetic perception of nature. One of the very first memories of the writer about how he stayed alone in the forest and, "as enchanted", "he listened to the quiet whistle, then the ringing, then a vague talk and sighing forests merging into a long, deep, endless and meaningful harmony" ( V, 12, 13). In general, the definitions of "meaningful", "conscious" - the most frequently used in the descriptions of nature in Korolenko.

V. S. Solovyov in the article about Tyutchev opposes two types of artists. Some "give us life and soul of nature, but at the same time they are convinced that she is lifeless and soulless that their feeling and inspiration are cheating." For such writers, the animation animation in the artistic work, when the thoughts and experiences of a person are transferred to it - only artistic reception. Others "those who experience the live beauty of nature are accepted and understand not as their fantasy, but as truth " . Korolenko belongs to the second type of artists.

The same first impressions of Korolenko became the truth for him, which he carried through his whole life. Probably, therefore, children in his works of his works, as the story "in a bad society", "blind musician" or the story "At night", are aware of those primary lives that unknown adults or forgotten them.

However, soon the children's perception of the world as complete, unchanged and harmonic begins to change. First of all, this refers to the sphere of social relations. Hitting the village to uncle, he is convinced that love relationship Between landlords and peasants - no more than a beautiful illusion. The events associated with the abolition of serfdom finally destroyed this illusion. By the way, Korolenko was one of the few Russian writers, the former witness and wrote in his works about such milestones of Russian history as the abolition of serfdom and revolution 1905 and 1917.

No less influenced on him and the Polish uprising of 1863. It was at that time that he first looked at himself and asked a perplexed question: "Who am I?" And to answer him was very difficult. Since childhood, Korolenko was put in a choice of choice, and this concerned even what a person is given outside his will, the very fact of birth. This applies, for example, to nationality, social origin, religion.

In its social affiliation, Korolenko nobleman, but, as he writes in the "History of my contemporary", his father never sought to "restore his offacarial-noble rights," and the children after the death of the father were "without any real connections with the noble environment, yes, It seems, and with any other "(V, 15).

Far from any certainty was for Korolenko and its national affiliation. His mother is polka, the Father is a Ukrainian, which consisted in the Russian public service. Childhood his Korolenko spent in Zhytomyr and exactly small cities of southwestern Russia, where national problems stood especially acute. As Korolenko wrote in the "History of my contemporary", at that time three "nationalism" (Polish, Ukrainian, Russian), "Of which everyone declared the right to own my defenseless soul, with a duty hate someone and hate" (V, 123). Probably, therefore, Korolenko becomes the enemy of all nationalism, seeing the extreme manifestation of the narrowness of views and one-sided thinking, and his homeland will call Russian literature, which "left national disputes aside and reconciled them in the overall slogan: freedom" (x, 348).

And already truly "interpolar" was the situation of young Korolenko, when the Polish uprising broke out. Mother - entirely on the side of Polish rebels, his father considers the rebellion of "lawless" and takes part in the judicial investigation on the affairs of the rebels. If you add to it that the writer's father is Orthodox, and the mother is Catholic, it is not difficult to imagine how the writer has been subjected to heterogeneous influences from the young years and how difficult it was to make him one or another choice.

Korolenko often successfully saddown the title for his ages and stories, concentrating the main symbolic meaning of the work. For example: "In a bad society", "blind musician", "without language". Uniquely it life situation Corresponds to the title of the story "On both sides".

Duality of it social status, national affiliation, opposite political influences contributed to the formation of a rare human talent, without which the writer is unthinkable and talent, - the ability to get up to the point of view of another person and see the world through the prism of his concepts, principles, ideas.

From here there is an exceptional sensitivity of Korolenko to any manifestation of dogmatism, one-sidedness, whether it is naive faith of populists in the peasant wisdom, which comes well as a writer knew well life experience, from sincere, albeit unnecessary "head", "theoretical" love for the people, or the dreams of terrorists with the help of several heroes to establish social justice in Russia, or hopes for the iron historical necessity, thanks to which harmony in human society will be carried out.

In general, contemporaries amazed in the appearance of Korolenko, a man and a writer, a combination of difficult-to-see. Unusual softness, kindness, the desire to get up on the point of view of another person and at the same time the hardness, the irreconcilability of views and opinions, the determination of actions, when the honor and conscience of the writer demanded a clear estimate and concrete actions.

In the first gymnasium years, Korolenko and whole and immediate religious viewslearned by them under the influence of the Father. He meets the ideas of the Sixtiets, or "Thinking Realists" - on the terminology of Pisarev. Korolenko, as well as on the hero of his story "On two sides", the walking formulas of mechanistic materialism produce a big impression, which in the "History of My Contemporary" so: "Ten explains the strong passions of Shakespeare's heroes, their fiery monologues and frantically rude swearing The fact that the ancestors of Shakespeare - Anglo-Saxons - stalled with raw roast beasts and beer ... "Thought," says Fokht, - there is a brain isolation, as bile has liver selection. " "Matter" and "Power", the simplest atom and its mechanical properties, aligning, give everything that we feel as spiritual processes. Spread the inspirational impulse into components - the number of atoms with them will remain, and nothing more ... a person is a car and a chemical preparation together. So it should be studied "(V, 303). Conscious of the logical force of this point of view and in the future, Korolenko felt that his own peace could not meet the framed framework.

Throughout his work, Korolenko will search for images and wording so that "from two sides" look at the nature of the person and answer the question that it defines it. Biological basis, reflexes and instincts formed as a result of the long evolution of the whole living, or the presence in the person of the highest consciousness, the spirituality, which is not dedicated directly from biology and physiology. It will be able to get up to the point of view of the "sixties", read the many books on biology, physiology, sociology, will explore Darwin and Chernyshevsky, Bund Ta and Pisarev, Spencer and Mikhailovsky.

Chekhov wrote that "there is a God" between "there" and "no God" lies a whole huge field, which takes the true sage with great difficulty. The Russian person knows some of these extremes, the middle of them is not interested in him, and he usually knows anything or knows anything very little. "

The wisdom, which is here in the mind of Chekhov, was indeed inherent in Korolenko. The attractive truths of philosophical positivism are one field of field. Another - faith, in the high meaning of the ideal human aspirations and the living sense of the harmony and beauty of the world. And the stronger is perceived by the contradiction between them, the intensive energy of the thought that requires finding an opportunity for their synthesis.

Go to the last class of gymnasium Religious issues for Korolenko lost their severity: "Not that I solve for myself the main problems about the existence of God and Immortality (...) My mental horizon was filled with new facts, concepts, real world issues" (V, 309). There was a lot of deep interest in Russian literature, especially to Turgenev and Nekrasov, a talented teacher of the Gymnasium V. V. Avdiyev. Real life did not satisfy the gymnasian Korolenko as well as attempts to find a replacement for her in the romantic past of the departed Cossack life, in the Knight's times of Poland, or wandering "in the Millet of the Ghost, not subject to solving issues" immortality and eternal life. All this was replaced by the works of Russian writers, where, on the one hand, there are "" simple "words, which give a real unaccusted" truth "," and on the other, "the life immediately rises above the ceremony, opening its widths and Dali (...) Illuminated Light "(V, 265, 266).

After graduating from the gymnasium in the city of Rivne in 1871, a suit dressed in a local tailor "from some very durable and hard matter with yellow miniature bouquets on a brown field" Korolenko arrives in Petersburg and begins to study at the Institute of Technology. "Pink fog" free student life, dating with "ideal students", participation in "mysterious gatherings", where young people decide the fate of Russia, quickly dissipates, and Korolenko understands that he will not be able to bring ends with the ends due to the lack of funds, The study is hopelessly launched, and the opinion of uncle that he was only worse in St. Petersburg for the year in St. Petersburg, "fairly. In 1873, he leaves the metropolitan Petersburg and enters Moscow to the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy, where he listens to K. A. Timiryazev with great interest, gets acquainted with really interesting, thinking students, is fond of articles of P. L. Lavrov and N. K. Mikhailovsky. A deep understanding of the Sociology of Lavrov and Mikhailovsky will come to Korolenko later, while he assimilates the idea of \u200b\u200bthe potential wisdom of the people, which "is waiting for only the final formula to express themselves and scre-stalling in his likeness all his life" (VI, 140). The dream of becoming a writer is almost completely completely forgotten, and he is looking for ways to converge with the people and incarnation into the life of populic ideals. This helped him the government itself. By 1876, the first social speech of Korolenko belongs. He wrote and first subscribed under the statement of students of the Academy, where it was indicated that some of the internal regulations for students insult their self-esteem in them. The proceedings followed, after which students refused their requirements. Almost two remained hard: Korolenko and his friend V. Grigoriev. Korolenko was excluded from the Academy and sent to the Vologda province, but the path was returned and married to the police supervision in Kronstadt. He did not allow him to return to the Petrovsk Academy, and he enters the third educational institution - the Mountain Institute in St. Petersburg. But in 1879, by mistaken suspicion of the "community with the main revolutionary figures", Korolenko was sent first in the eyes, and then even further - to Berezovsky repair.

The first story of Korolenko "Episodes from the life of the" seeker "was written in 1879, during the second link, and the story of" Sleep Makara ", who brought fame to the writer, - in Sloboda AMGA, in the Yakut link, is everyday life, but also The most successful in the creative sense, since it was here that they were conceived and partially created many of his works.

The reason why Korolenko was in the Yakut link, was far from usual. After the murder of Alexander II, the population of Russia had to bear the oath of the new king, but the political referee demanded that they would be sneevive individually and in writing. Most exiles rightly saw in such an act of an empty fiction of officials, much on writing new formalities, and signed the oath. Otherwise, I treated this Korolenko. After very difficult oscillations, reflections and doubts, he refused to fulfill this indication and wrote a statement in which it was directly said that the conscience does not allow him to promise a promise to a new state. Commenting on your decision, Korolenko wrote in the "History of my contemporary": "... Looking at this episode of my past, I must say that then I did exactly as my conscience required, that is, my nature, and calm, coming for me Immediately after the decision made, it was clear that in this respect I was right "(VII, 205). The requirements of personal morality and in this case turned out to be higher logic and practical considerations.

The hero of the story of Korolenko "Episodes from the life of the" seeker "also solves the problem of personal morality, and he is named" seeker "because it is not inclined to go on the already fared roads, although the general direction of movement is quite clear to him -" Go to humiliated, go to offended " Looking for a hero of the story and the method of the holistic perception of the world.

An important place in aesthetics Korolenko occupies an attempt to determine the specifics of art, comparing it with science. The delimitation of the role of art and science in the knowledge of man and society, Korolenko, in one of the critical sketches of the eighties, wrote that the movement of mankind forward without "faith in the meaning of life", "without a logical resolution of the contradictions in which we are so scary" is impossible. Science, by nature, is closely related to the "definitude", responding to the most common issues of human existence, while "burns" one after another "its final formulas". At the same time, art, "dealing with a guessing, with general impressions of life, not so accurate, but rather of catching, although foggy, but still different," - "moving", "receptive", "less connected with a logical arsenal ", Because" among chaos and fog, it is able to distinguish the lungs, unclear more outlines of the ideal. "," Support faith in humanity "in the meaning of life and" give direction critical thought" The holistic knowledge is possible if scientific truths are enriched with the discoveries of art and, on the contrary, the artistic comprehension of peace and humans acquires strength and completeness, when confirmed by scientific discoveries.

It is precisely such a way of holistic knowledge of the world, although in a naive and declarative form, argued the hero of "episodes from the life of the" seeker ":" Poetry and statistics, numbers and rhymes, "dreams and sounds" and vivisection - all this got into me in an amazing consent and harmony. The poems shed their soft light into numbers, the numbers with friendly solidarity confirmed the elusive truths of poems ... It was officially officially on the natural faculty, I studied political economy and statistics, wrote lyrical poems, hugged with a microscope, absorbed historical monographs. "

For more than twelve years, the first edition of Korolenko "Blind Musician", released in 1886, is separated from the latter, which not only significantly exceeds it in terms of volume, but in many respects otherwise interprets the problem set at the initial editorial office.

The years of thinking about this work was required by Korolenko because he interested his problems he wanted to solve not only artistic means, but also scientific, putting artistic study On the solid foundation of philosophical, biological, physiological, sociological discoveries. The advantages and disadvantages of the Tale are largely due to this particular task, which many have set themselves writers XIX. and XX centuries.

What makes you suffer from a blind musician? "Teasing the mystery of the unattainable luminous world," the author answered this question in a letter of 1916, or otherwise: a teasing mystery of some complete knowledge, inaccessible specifically Peter Popelsky and in general to all people.

Indeed, how to find out what light, color, space, if there are no facts for this, because a man is blind from birth? It is from these questions that the story of Korolenko "Blind Musician" begins, in the first edition of which one of the chapters was called "intuition".

In the first minutes after the birth of the child, the mother does not feel joy, but a sharp suffering. She suffers because she knows: her child was born blind, although there are no facts from which she could do this conclusion.

IN autumn evening Blind boy, his mother and Evelyn sit on the playground in front of the house. At this time, meteor sweeps over the sky, leaving behind a bright track. "What was it?" - asks blind, although he could not know anything about what happened. "He knows a lot ..." So "," says Evelyn. "So", that is, intuitively, and not as a result of the logical correlation of any specific sensations, perceptions, ideas.

An instant of sudden knowledge, according to the writer, is preceded by a complex and long-term process, which passes unconsciously, but this does not mean that it cannot be investigated.

In many of their works, Korolenko sought one way or another to analyze the process of thinking. So, the hero of "episodes from the life of the" seeker "is trying to understand the incoherent speeches of the illiterate peasant Yakuba and is convinced that his incoherent ingenution was" only part of peculiar, but slender and natural processes of thought, which a capricious fate provided to appear in the form of sounds, whereas the rest Parts of the same processes, often the most significant in logically, remained in the mind of the old man. " In Pain the last work "The stories of my contemporary" - Korolenko directly claimed: "The thought, clothed in an exact concept and the word, there is only the ground part of the plant ... But the beginning of all this is under the soil ..." (V, 160). Korolenko wrote the same thing in a letter to 1889, indicating that " target There is nothing but strong desire The root of which is in the processes of unconscious, where our life merges unnoticed with the immense region of universal life ... "(x, 115).

Based on the story lies a serious study by the writer scientific Labors. The authors of some of them called Korolenko himself. This is an English psychologist and physiologist V. Carpenter and Russian sociologist, critic and publicist N. K. Mikhailovsky.

V. Carpenter in his work "The foundations of the physiology of the mind" justifies the concept of "unconscious brain activity." For this, he gives an example known to each of everyday practice. A person wants to remember the name, phrase or case, and, in vain by passing all the means, leaves this attempt as fruitless. However, it takes some time, and, busy by completely different thoughts, suddenly, unexpectedly for himself and completely without any effort, he recalls what seemed hopelessly forgotten. Here, Carpenter appreciates the visibility of the following fact: "... anyone who observed his own mental processes should agree that since the case goes about his conscious" I ", the search is made without him. This task does not give him no pleasure, no displeasure, no work ... At this time, his conscious "I" works, suffers, rejoices in completely different reasons. "

Analyzing the process of cognition or the insight of the hero, one can conditionally allocate three stages in it. The first is the formation of mind. The logic itself is an element necessary, but insufficient to be opened the road to light to the highest truth. The second is the formation of an artist, a musician. Music language is much more concreteen than the word, since it is directly addressed to feelings and at the same time more abstract, gives holistic image. No wonder the rationalistic thinking uncle Maxim initially does not approve of hobbies of his nephew with music. Music is unnecessarily irrational for him, he understands only words. And the third stage is the formation of morality, humanity.

The connection of these three stages gives new quality, new synthetic unity. It is not equal arithmetic sum Each of them occurs unexpectedly and unconsciously, as suddenly and without the will of the "Conscious" I "" pops up in the consciousness of a person's fact or the name, which he had tried unsuccessfully to remember. Although the external push was: Peter Popelsky reported that he had a sore child.

"The unconscious" I "" is not only the processes that are not fixed by human consciousness. It is largely determined by the fact that Korolenko calls "hereditary ideas." Not only physiological instincts inherit a person from the ancestors, argued by N. K. Mikhailovsky, stressing: "It would be, however, it would be mistaken to think that the entire amount of knowledge, feelings and desires of each person is given by his personal experience. The experience of ancestors, no doubt, produces in general a number of generations more or less deep changes in nervous systemSo the brain of the newborn baby is not Tabula Rasa. "

"Man," the author asserts the narrator in the fourth chapter of the "blind musician", - one link in an endless chain of lives, which stretches through it from the depths of the endless future, "and therefore" the impetus of nature, her gift revelations (...) delivered to the child Such ideas that could not be acquired by the personal experience of the blind ", and his brain" from hereditary ideas and from the impressions received by other paths "," worked in the dark of his own world. "

In the first editorial office, Peter Popelsky saw a kind of prehistoric landscape in the final: "And there was something strange on all this landscape, some special flavor, as if spoken blind, that this is only a ghost that if someone seen this sky and this land , then the ancestors who lived outside of the Millennium. "

"Hereditary ideas" did not give the hero to reconcile forever with her blindness and became one of the reasons for his conscious and unconscious spiritual work.

In the story of Corolenko, with all its poeticity, still gives herself to know a rather hard rationalistic frame. Therefore, it can serve as a good material for clarifying the theoretical views of the writer. The story gained wide popularity, during the life of Korolenko was translated into many languages, although the author himself once called her "embankment".

The year of publishing the first edition of the "blind musician" (1886) is probably one of the happiest in the life of Korolenko. One after another there are stories and essays of the writer in the most popular magazines and newspapers: "Forest Noise" - in "Russian Thought", "Tale of Floor" - in the "Northern Herald", the essays "containing" in the newspaper "Russian Vedomosti". In the same year, the first separate edition of "essays and stories" comes in St. Petersburg. Correspondence Korolenko in the Volzhsky Bulletin and in "Russian Thoughts" become widely known.

In 1886, he marries Avdata Semenovna Ivanovo, who met back in 1875, and it was happy marriage. They are born to the daughter of Sophia, which then became his faithful assistant, secretary, and after the death of a writer - editor, publisher and commentator of his works. In the same year, Korolenko is elected by a member of the society of lovers of Russian literature and meets L. N. Tolstoy.

In the ideological evolution of the writer, the end of the eighties is characterized by a sufficiently clear awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of population. For Korolenko, the population had a much broader basis than only specific theories of Lavrov, Mikhailovsky, Tkachev. After the cancellation of serfdom, the most different directions in Russian public thought, Korolenko believes, turned to the people. The central place people occupied in the teaching of Slavophiles; Ratops and conservatives pointed to the wisdom of the people, who, in their opinion, consciously supports autocracy; For the Dostoevsky people was the "Godron". The secondary writer N. N. Zlatovratsky, whose works about the people put on the young Korolenko a certain influence, in the story "Golden Hearts" brought the intellectual from the people, who "speaks almost intensely, but everything feels that he knows something unknown to rolling intellectuals And when he speaks at the right moment, then some new, real word will say. " Korolenko holds a parallel between this very weak work of the Zlatovsky and the "war and the world" of Tolstoy. Plato Karatayev "also can not associate the right sentence, but his brief sayings Pierre Duhov recalls all his life, trying to interpret them in some mysterious and almost mystical sense"(VI, 141).

In the "blind musician" Korolenko proves that most of Thinking processes occur unconsciously, intuitively, instinctively, their result is not always expressed in the Word, and Peter Popelsky understands a lot of "so." Maybe a concrete jagged peasant Zakhar Tsikunov, who knew no more than three tens of words and served as a prototype of the hero of the story "Sleep Makara", possesses some kind of deep wisdom, but only silent, since he "without language"? Peasants-wise men did not depict Korolenko. "Sleep Makara" is a work on justice and mercy in the Christian interpretation of these words. From the point of view of justice, personified the Great Toyon, Makar Dameman and Dick, and his life is wrong. From the point of view of mercy, which is the son of the Great Toyon, he is a man, it can be understood and forgive.

Naive, unconscious, reflective impulses and actions ordinary people In the stories, Korolenko find their embodiment in the desire for the "free volatile", in immediate, illogical actions, they do not give his heroes to finally accept ("Falcon and-Nez"), to submit to the wrong law ("Yashka"), forced paradoxical actions, Fighting for justice, not even believing the opportunity to achieve it ("Clever"). This is essentially an anthropological, natural science view of a person close to positivism.

If you take everything works of art Korolenko in aggregate, then in them you can highlight two types of people from the people. The first is characterized by a clear social certainty. The views and customs of these characters are hard, unshakable, opinions are unequivocal and unchanged. The most striking example of this type is Timokha from Marusi-Noise. He is a peasant, Pakhacar, and whatever the conditions of Timoka is set, he will implement his social look. That is why it is compared with the hero of the epics Mikula Selinianovich. On the other hand, this almost epic hero is no more than a "pah care machine". His hardness and non-flashlights have rolossover: the inability to change, development. Accordingly, if we talk about it as a person, its main property is the inability to reflect. The question is why he lives this way, and not otherwise, why should these views, and not others, he can never come to mind. His life is unreasonable, instinctive activities. But what is especially characteristic of Korolenko's works, the instinct here is not an expression of a biological essence, but solely a consequence of deeply choring social norms.

Another type of person from the people is presented in such works as "wonderful", "Fyodor Nearby", "without language". The writer is withdrawing his hero from the usual social environment for him, the members of which are characterized by a sustainable system of representations, certain value orientations, habitual moral criteria, and immerses it on Wednesday with a different system of representations, and for Korolenko in this case it is important not a simple oppression of certain looks , concepts, opinions, and the image of how a person, facing other principles of world-up-way, begins to "think", and sometimes even comes to an understanding of the relativity of his own views and opinions that previously seemed completely indisputable to him. So the heroes of Korolenko fall into a situation where they see themselves as if from the side, and begin to think about the fact that she had not even could even be the subject of their reflection. The indisputable becomes controversial, the absolute truth is one-sided and incomplete. Not from ignorance to the knowledge are the characters of the works of Korolenko, but on the contrary: all-life and all-possible are replaced by questions, doubts, analysis that for Korolenko always means a higher level of understanding of the "complexity of life".

The intermediate position between these two types occupies the hero of one of the best stories Korolenko "River Playing." Usually, the ideological center is considered to be the chapter, where it is described as a minute of danger, when recording the river threatens to carry a ferry, TULIN relieves the usual laziness for him, apathy, submission to fate and circumstances. It becomes decisive, solid, able to take the only right decisions. But the danger passed, and together with her it goes out of his volitional impulse and activity. This episode for Gorky, very highly appreciated the story "River Playing," was a symbolic expression of a Russian national nature. In his opinion, TULIN "KERNERY LOCKED ONLY ON A RUSSIAN HUMAN - Hero for an hour, - in which an active attitude to life awakens only in minutes of extreme danger and for a short time."

The remark of Gorky for a long time determined the interpretation of the story, but did not exhaust it. The question at the beginning and end of the story, why the TULIN eternally suffering from the hangover and the peasants surrounding him seem to the author - a man of a book, as he determines himself, - so native and loved ones, and in his own way educated scores, with their disputes about true veraThe impression of score-free longing and disappointment impressed it, makes it possible to expand the problem of the story.

An important place in this work occupies the reflection of one of the heroes about how different and even directly opposite the morals of the inhabitants of the three nearby villages. "That neither the city, then they say. People, Norov, that neither the village, then the custom "(III, 229). But, despite this incompleteness and opposite, the hero relates to them with respect, understanding or good-natured-mocking smile. "Well, where else thought I think there would be such a tolerance for someone else's custom?" - Specifies the rhetorical question author-narrator. The Tulin's relation to others differs in the same good nature, sincerity and "unconscious humor", which is based on the ability to recognize even mutually exclusive points of view. The attitude of a person to a stranger or unusual for him, the rules of behavior, views, the customs is determined for Korolenko his mental and moral content. It is on this principle that in the story the inhabitants of the windy villages and the "Urenevsky Names", with whom the story was met by the light of L Oya Re. While the representatives of other religious sensitors would be eagerly entered into the controversy, the Urenevs kept the hassle, dismissively and did not enter into disputes. They were firmly confident that all the questions were only solid and finally decided, and "all holiness" focused only in their environment. The complete denial of any other views and customs, severity, neglect and arrogance towards people are not from their own medium - this is what distinguishes them from good-natured and indulgent chivotohan.

Nobody loves the Urenev, but they are all afraid and, most importantly, obey. Wise skepticism, a beneficial doubt, the ability to recognize the most prominent opinions are weaker than a straightforward, unequivocal, but persistent, unrecognizable faith that simplifies the real complexity of life, but always gives the feeling of strength both by this faith, and those who are confronted with them. Their authorities are subject to TULIN, and the peasants surrounding it, and although the author's sympathy on the side of the Vellogan, he gives riberately and the position of Urenevtsev.

The question of the ratio of the explicit faith that gives force, and doubt moving the thought and warning from final and unequivocal decisions, was sharply delivered to Korolenko a year earlier in the philosophical fantasy "Shadows". Wise Socrates, rightly believed that his refusal of escape and death will set new doubts and make fellow citizens of the justice of the rules and views of the rules and views, after death in the world of shadows, meets with a rich horsemen, who, like Urenevtsy, have never visited any doubts about unconditional truth of their moral norms. The argument of Socrates with the Tanelot is a subtle sociological analysis of how morality, grafted by a person, becomes no longer so much a system of views and rational estimates, as an instinct, before which are powerless the most fair arguments of the mind. In the dispute, it wins, of course, Socrates, but the question that Socrates Cronid is confused by the philosopher himself. What is the point in the fact that instead of faith, albeit outdated and not responding with modern times, but giving people to confidently to perform actions, does he offer some doubts about? They contribute to the promotion of truth, but destroy calm self-confidence, lead to an understanding of the relativity of any ideals and moral rules. "Eternal night of inexitant doubts, a dead desert, deprived of the living spirit of faith" - this is what, according to Cronid, leads skepticism of Socrates (II, 351).

The paradoxical answer that Socrates sounds not only in his words facing the Cronid, but also in the allegorical story preceding them, who lost his father and all his life I searched for him. More than once, I wanted to admit the eternal wanderer to recognize with my native people who gave him a shelter and affection. But time passed, he noticed the line of imperfection at the sheltered people and left the hospitable shelter. So the desire to find a native father, that is, the ideal, won the desire to finally take a comfortable and familiar faith. Therefore, dissatisfaction, incessant doubt in the open truth, the unwillingness to turn into faith, carefully guarded from the devastating analysis, and are a solid foundation that the truth, often seemingly endorous, still exists.

On the other hand, in many of their works, Korolenko explored, as the idea turns into faith, the theory - in the "strict charter of the ideological monastery", partial knowledge - in the absolute truth explaining the whole world. Moreover, it also applies to faithfulness from the people, and to the faithful to intellectuals.

Korolenko, in contrast, for example, from Tolstoy, was a writer who is not characterized by sharp ideological shifts. Therefore, HIS early story "Wonderful" can be correlated with one of his last works - "Letters to Lunacharsky." He elements of the revolutionary sectarianism, he also noted in populists, and other figures of the 1917 revolution. In the "letters to the Lunacharsky" he emphasized that the lack of publicity could not be justified by any, even revolutionary circumstances, sharply opposed the idea of \u200b\u200bclass morality, against the maximal of the Bolsheviks, with whom he met, awaiting the onset in the very near future of communism and therefore not want to reckon with reality.

The beauty and power of the spirit defending their idea of \u200b\u200bthe heroes of Korolenko paradoxically contrasts with the narrowness and dogmatism of their thinking. So, the revolutionary Morozov from the story "Wonderful" looks like a boyfriend of Morozov from the article "Two Pictures", boldly walking on flour, defending a bobber-to-face sign, heavy suffering will suffer an inflexible jacob-stuffer from the story "Yashka" for the perfectly fantastic "right The law ", destroy myself" Clever "from the story of the same name, believing in the rattle theory of the root, almost perish the pretty Purana from the philosophical parable" Necessity ", obeying the need absolutely. "You know a little, and you think you know everything ..." - these simple words Could become an epigraph to many works of the writer. But the very deep problem "man and the idea" is investigated in the final book of the writer - "the stories of my contemporary".

The autobiographical prose, to which Korolenko also previously, turned out to be exactly the genre in which the writer managed to combine interest in the unstasted areas of human psyche, intuition, subconscious, with sociological analysis of the individual and society, the study of the laws of thinking. In the "History of My Contemporary", over which the writer worked since 1905 until the last days of life, Korolenko showed how the ideological system of ideas was changed and his reality, as an ideological prism, through which his hero looks at the world, determines The perception of this world.

Preparing a complete collection of its writings in 1914, Koroleno all his works divided into four large groups: Siberian stories, South-Russian stories, allegorical works, journalism and memories of writers. And each volume included works of all four groups. With all the oddity of such a composition of Tomov (against which, for example, sharply rebelled K. Chukovsky) This was its logic. Korolenko believed that his artistic works could not be comprehended outside his journalism, and the memories of writers were as saturated with philosophical content, as well as his "allegorical" works. Indeed, the ability to reflection is one of the determining qualities of the closest to the author of heroes, whether it is a peasant or an intellectual. In journalism, exploring the public consciousness, Korolenko formulates the concept of "social reflection". In the "terrible" used material (diaries of people sentenced to death) essays with contrasting their contents by the name "domestic phenomenon" (similar to the story with the tragic plot called "not terrible") the writer so reveals this term: "The struggle of opinions, party self-determination, Party disputes and encountered inside the opposition programs - in the eyes of all politically enlightened government element social reflection, Which in itself weakens the wild passion of the struggle, turning it from the immediate impulses into the sphere of thought, oscillations, doubts, studies "(IX, 502).

Korolenko was an artist, thinking socially, and a sociologist who knows how to distract from unnecessary rationalistic, dry schemes. As an artist, he was able to trust his immediate feeling, and sociological thinking allowed him to avoid the usual primacy of the participant of events, identifying their inner historical pattern. Publicistic articles Korolenko often became major phenomena of public life and at the same time bright milestones of his biography. It was Korolenko and L. Tolstoy who attracted the attention of the entire reading Russia to the famine of 1891-1892 and many contributed to the fight against it. Korolenko saved the whole people (veydokov) from the clutter and false accusation of murder with a ritual purpose, publishing a series of articles about Multansky business. In the articles "Several thoughts about nationalism," Declaration V. S. Solovyov "he clearly formulated the difference between patriotism and nationalism. He was the first in Russian press with the truthful and bright paintings of how peasant unrest are packed. On January 9, 1905, a large article was able to respond only to Korolenko, which he said that the events of the "bloody Sunday" - "The first steep breakner of our horizon, beyond which, in the mysterious fog, others are already drawn - and above, and inclusiveness, and cooler. "

A man of rare kindness and softness, Korolenko with a decisiveness and unshakable wrestler and a citizen defended the idea that there should be such moral "temperature" in society, which would help "hardening" virtue.

Close Korolenko Man who collaborated with him in the journal " Russian wealth", Critic A. G. Gornfeld noticed that the person and creativity of Koroleno constitute a rare artistic unity:" O best work Korolenko hardly disputes. His best work is not "Sleep Makara", not "frost", not "without language": his best works - he himself, his life, his being. The best is not because moral, attractive, instructive, but because the most artistic. "

Personality and creativity Korolenko were sable new Type man and artist. His works were ahead of their era. Probably, it is now that period comes when Corolenko's work can be meaningful in all his diversity and depth.

B. Averin


1) lit. inheritance. 1973. T. 84. KN. 1. P. 377.

2) See: ROLLAND R. Journal Des Annees de Guerre 1914-1919. Paris, 1952. P. 1140.

3) Gorky M. Cons. So.: In 30 t. M., 1955. T. 29. P. 444.

4) Chekhov A. P. full. Cathedral cit. and letters: at 30 t. M., 1975. T. 2: Letters. Pp. 240.

5) Korolenko V. G. Satr. So.: 10 t. M., 1954. T. 5. S. 19. In the future, references to this publication are given in the text (Roman figure means Tom, Arab - page).

6) Solovyov V. S. Cathed. So: in 10 tons. St. Petersburg., [b. d.]. T. 7. P. 123.

7) there. P. 118.

8) Chekhov A. P. Full. Cathedral cit. and letters. T. 3: Letters. P. 111.

9) Archive V. G. Korolenko // GBL. F. 135. 1. Ed. xp 15. L. 92-93 about.

10) Korolenko V. G. Full. Cathedral So.: at 9 t. g., 1914. T. 9. P. 376.

11) Korolenko V. G. Full. Cathedral So.: In 9 t. T. 9. P. 311.

12) Carpenter V. Physiology of the mind. St. Petersburg., 1868. P. 114.

13) Mikhailovsky N. K. Op.: At 6 t. St. Petersburg., 1896. T. 1. P. 113.

15) Gorky M. full. Cathedral So.: In 30 t. M., 1973. T. 16. P. 423.

16) Biala G. A. V. Korolenko. L., 1983. P. 71.

17) Korolenko V. G. Full. Cathedral So.: In 9 t. T. 6. P. 327.

18) Gornfeld A. G. V. G. Korolenko // Life and literary creativity V. G. Korolenko. GH., 1918. P. 13.

A future writer was born in Zhytomyr in the family of the judge. In 1871 he entered the Institute of Technology, but because of the lack of money was forced to bring to the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy in Moscow to the scholarship. The sense of justice prompted him to replenish the ranks of the revolutionary people movement. And for active activities, he was expelled from the Academy and was exiled to the port city of Russia Krondstadt.

After graduating from the link enters the institute again. During this period, Korolenko is actively engaged in public activities and literature. For the first time in the magazine "The Word" was printed by him. But it is soon kidding him again from the institute and refer to the most northern city of glazes. After that it is transferred to another locality, serve the sentence, but because of the unauthorized ability, the Korolen is sent to Turm. But the incident to his case is discussed by the commission of him. He did not end on this test again at times he had forced to Siberia. All this did not break, but the opposite helped to form a rich inner world Writer. Often in his works reflected problems of that time. He boldly expressed his point of view and was not afraid to defend the oppressed.

Thanks to his work, his admirers were as in his homeland and abroad. "Sleep Makara", "in a bad society", "blind musician" - all these works brought unprecedented glory.

Seeing the success of Korolenko, the power has become more tolerant of his social activity. Koroleno travels a lot of Crimea, the Caucasus, Chicago.

In 1990 he chose the city in Ukraine Poltava, here and settled to live, but the shortness fell ill and died. So died great writer, a bold public figure, but the memory of him is not forgotten. Four of his novels were filmed films. Many libraries, schools and other buildings wearing his name, museums were created. Many cities have Corolen Street.

Biography of Vladimir Korolen about the main

V. G. Korolenko (1853 -1921) - a famous Russian writer. All his conscious life devoted public activity.

Under the royal rule, during the civil war, in the formation of Soviet power, human rights activities were engaged. Many works were written by him, based on personal memories of childhood and the youth of those who passed in Ukraine, about their deprivation during references and repression.

Father, Galaktion Afanasyevich, served as a judge, was a harsh and low-consuming person. His mother, Evelina Josephovna.

Little Volodya began his studies from the boarding house in Poland, then there were years of study in Zhytomyr. When the Father on his service was transferred to Rovno, Volodya entered the studies here in the School. Another young boy became interested in literature, dreamed of learn to a lawyer.

In 1871, A.G. Korolenko enters the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, but soon the training had to be left due to severe material situation. In 1874, he moved to Moscow. Here the future writer entered the Academy. During his studies, he actively takes part in the student life of the Academy, opposes the administration, is fond of people's ideas. From the Academy, soon, too, were also excluded and sent under the supervision of the police to Kronstadt.

After serving the sentence, the writer returns to St. Petersburg. In 1877, again arrives at the same institute, from where for revolutionary views, in the spring of 1879, the writer is expelled. The next six years (1878 - 1884) he spent on stages in prisons or references. In the link, the writer was engaged in heavy peasant labor, he got acquainted with their vitality, made an outline for his future stories.

In 1879, the first story of "episodes from the life of the seeker" is published, he is printed in one Petersburg magazine. Harsh life testsV.G. Korolenko did not break his will and character. The years carried out in references and prisons only strengthened his consciousness, formed an adult writer from the young men, were a source for future creations.

In 1885, V.G. Korolenko is allowed to live in Nizhny Novgorod. From 1885 and to 1895 the flourishing of the writer's creativity begins, it is actively involved in public life: Engaged in collecting products for children, creates colonies and shelters for orphans. This decade can be rightfully called a burst of talent.

In 1886, V.G. Korolenko and Evdokia Semenovna, after a long acquaintance, decide to get married, they had two children, she was with him until the end of days.

"Essays and stories" is the first published writer's book, issued in the world in 1886. The book includes stories written in the link: "In a bad society", "Sleep Makara", "blind musician". Soon "Pavlovskaya essays" were printed, where the author describes the Nishchenskoye, hungry to live the beauties.

In the period from 1895 to 1900, the writer lives and works in St. Petersburg, is engaged in the editors. Then the novels "Marusina Zaimka" and "moment" are printed.

In 1900, as a state of health, the writer is forced to go to live to Ukraine, here he spent the rest of his life.

Dreaming of the creation of the artistic chronicle of his generation, in the period from 1906 to 1921, the writer works on the creation big Romana "The history of my contemporary", but the novel was not completed. A.G. Korolenko died working on the next volume.

Popularity A.G. Korolenko was huge not only in the country. He is his talented and relevant works, his active activity Aimed at the benefit of a man attracted the attention of people to the most acute, concerns of reality.

Interesting facts and dates from life