Formation in children of ideas about the shape of objects. One of the important properties of the surrounding objects is form: it has received a generalized reflection in geometric figures. In other words, geometric shapes are standards with which you can

Formation in children of ideas about the shape of objects. One of the important properties of the surrounding objects is form: it has received a generalized reflection in geometric figures. In other words, geometric shapes are standards with which you can

Formation of ideas about the form, geometric shapes in children preschool age

Mathematical development plays a significant role in the mental development of preschool children. Content, organization mathematical development preschoolers, accounting age characteristics in the development by children of practical actions, mathematical connections and patterns, continuity in the development of mathematical abilities are the leading principles in the formation of mathematical representations.

The mathematical development of preschool children occurs as involuntarily in Everyday life(first of all, in joint activities children with adults, in communication with each other), and through targeted training in the classroom to form elementary mathematical concepts. It is the elementary mathematical knowledge and skills of children that should be considered as the main means of mathematical development.

In the process of mathematical development, children form ideas about the shape of objects and geometric shapes. The first ideas about the form are laid down in preschool age in the following sequence: the distinction of the forms themselves, the distinction of the names of the forms, and only then - the independent naming.

Features of the perception of shape and geometric shapes in preschool children.

One of the properties of surrounding objects is their shape. The shape of objects received a generalized reflection in geometric figures. Geometric figures are standards, using which a person determines the shape of objects and their parts.

The problem of acquaintance of children with geometric figures and their properties should be considered in two aspects: first, in terms of sensory perception of the forms of geometric figures and their use as standards in cognizing the forms of surrounding objects; secondly, in the sense of knowing the features of their structure, properties, basic connections and patterns in their construction, that is, actually geometric material.

Primary mastery of the form of an object is carried out in actions with it. The form of an object, as such, is not perceived separately from the object, it is its integral feature. Specific visual reactions for tracing the contour of an object appear at the end of the second year of life and begin to precede practical actions

The experimental data of L.A. Wenger showed that the ability to distinguish geometric figures are possessed by children 3-4 months. Focusing on the new figure is evidence of this.

Already in the second year of life, children freely choose a figure from the following pairs: a square and a semicircle, a rectangle and a triangle. But children can distinguish between a rectangle and a square, a square and a triangle only after 2.5 years. Selection based on the sample of figures of a more complex shape is available at about the turn of 4-5 years, and the reproduction of a complex figure is carried out by individual children of the fifth and sixth years of life.

At first, children perceive geometric shapes unknown to them as ordinary objects, calling them by the names of these objects:

Cylinder-glass, column,
Oval testicle,
Triangle sail or roof,

Window rectangle, etc.
Under the teaching influence of adults, the perception of geometric shapes is gradually rebuilt. Children no longer identify them with objects, but only compare: a cylinder is like a glass, a triangle is like a roof, etc. And, finally, geometric figures begin to be perceived by children as standards, with the help of which knowledge of the structure of an object, its shape and size is carried out not only in the process of perceiving a particular form with vision, but also through active touch, feeling it under the control of vision and designation with a word.

The joint work of all analyzers contributes to a more accurate perception of the shape of objects. To get to know the object better, children tend to touch it with their hand, pick it up, turn it; moreover, viewing and feeling are different depending on the form and construction of the perceived object. Therefore, the main role in the perception of an object and the determination of its shape is played by examination, carried out simultaneously by visual and motor-tactile analyzers, followed by designation with a word.

However, among preschoolers, there is a very low level of examination of the shape of objects; most often they are limited to a fluent visual perception and therefore do not distinguish between figures that are close in similarity (an oval and a circle, a rectangle and a square, different triangles).

Examination of the figures not only ensures their holistic perception, but also allows you to feel their features (the nature, directions of the lines and their combinations, the resulting corners and vertices), the child learns to sensually highlight in any figure the image as a whole and its parts. This makes it possible to further focus the child's attention on a meaningful analysis of the figure, deliberately highlighting in it structural elements(sides, corners, vertices).

Comparing a figure with the shape of an object helps children understand that different objects or parts of them can be compared with geometric shapes. So, gradually the geometric figure becomes the standard for determining the shape of objects.

The following stages of training can be distinguished. The task of the first stage of teaching children 3-4 years old is the sensory perception of the shape of objects and geometric shapes. The second stage of teaching children 5-6 years old should be devoted to the formation of systemic knowledge about geometric shapes and the development of their initial techniques and methods of "geometric thinking".

In development " geometric knowledge»Children have several different levels... The first level is characterized by the fact that the figure is perceived by children as a whole, the child is not yet able to distinguish individual elements in it, does not notice the similarities and differences between the figures, he perceives each of them separately. At the second level, the child already identifies the elements in the figure and establishes relations both between them and between individual figures, but he is not yet aware of the community between the figures. At the third level, the child is able to establish connections between the properties and structure of figures, connections between the properties themselves.

The transition from one level to another is not spontaneous, parallel to the biological development of a person and dependent on age. It takes place under the influence of focused learning, which helps to accelerate the transition to more high level... Lack of training inhibits development. Therefore, education should be organized so that in connection with the assimilation of knowledge about geometric shapes, children develop elementary geometric thinking.

V middle group develop ideas about volumetric bodies- a ball, a cube, a cylinder and ideas about flat figures - a circle, a square, a triangle - are fixed. Children learn to distinguish special features of figures using tactile-motor and visual analysis. Also, children get acquainted with the rectangle, compare it with other shapes.

V senior group children become familiar with the oval based on its comparison with a circle and a rectangle. Children develop skills in analyzing and comparing figures. Children learn to find objects of the same and different shapes.

In the preparatory group for school, the concept of a polygon is introduced. Children learn to model geometric shapes. The ideas about famous figures are consolidated.

Methodology for the formation of ideas about the shape and geometric shapes in preschool children

To implement software tasks as didactic material in the second junior group, models of the simplest flat geometric shapes (circle, square) are used different color and size. During this period, it is important to enrich the perception of children, to accumulate ideas about various geometric shapes in them, to give them the correct name

The primary role is given to teaching children the methods of examining figures by a tactile-motor way under the control of vision and the assimilation of their names. In conclusion, two or three exercises are carried out on recognition and designation of figures with words (“What do I hold in my right hand, and what is in my left?”; “Give the bear a circle, and the parsley many circles ", etc.). In subsequent lessons, a system of exercises is organized in order to consolidate the children's skills to distinguish and correctly name geometric shapes.

In children of the fifth year of life, it is necessary, first of all, to consolidate the ability to distinguish and correctly name a circle and a square, and then a triangle. For this purpose, game exercises are carried out in which children group figures of different colors and sizes. The color and size change, but the features of the form remain unchanged. This contributes to the formation of generalized knowledge of the figures.

Children are introduced to new geometric shapes by comparing with already known ones: a rectangle with a square, a ball with a circle, and then a cube, a cube with a square, and then a ball, a cylinder with a rectangle and a circle, and then with a ball and a cube.

The main task of teaching older children is to consolidate the system of knowledge about geometric shapes. Children are given the figures they know, and are asked to examine the boundaries of a square and a circle, a rectangle and an oval with their hands and think about how these figures differ from each other and what is the same in them. They establish that the square and the rectangle have "corners", while the circle and the oval do not. The upbringing and education program in kindergarten envisages acquainting older preschoolers with quadrangles. To do this, children are shown many figures with four corners and are asked to independently come up with a name for this group.

An important task is to teach children to compare the shape of objects with geometric shapes as standards of object form. The child needs to develop the ability to see which geometric figure or which combination corresponds to the shape of an object. This contributes to a more complete, purposeful recognition of objects of the surrounding world and their reproduction in drawing, modeling, application. Having mastered the geometric shapes well, the child always successfully copes with the examination of objects, highlighting in each of them the general, basic shape and shape of the details.

The knowledge of geometric shapes in the preparatory group is expanded, deepened and systematized. One of the tasks of the preparatory group for school is to acquaint children with the polygon, its features: tops, sides, corners. The solution to this problem will allow the children to generalize: all figures with three or more corners, vertices, sides belong to the group of polygons.

Didactic games in the section "Geometric Shapes"

1) Only one property

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the properties of geometric shapes, to develop the ability to quickly select the desired shape, describing it.

Material: a set of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle and rectangle) in four colors (red, blue, yellow and white), small size... The same set includes the same number of the listed figures of the specified colors, but larger in size. In total, for the game (for one participant), 16 small geometric figures of four types and four colors and as many large ones are required.

The course of the game: two children playing on a full set of figures. One (the one who starts the game) puts any piece on the table. The second player must put a piece next to it that differs from it only in one way. So, if the first one puts a yellow big triangle, then the second puts a yellow big square or a blue big triangle, etc. An incorrect move is considered if the second player puts a piece that does not differ from it by more than one sign. In this case, the player's piece is taken away. The one who is the first to be left without pieces loses. (Variants are possible).

The game is built like a domino. In the course of the game, a quick orientation of the players in the color, shape, size of the figures is required, hence the impact on the development of logic, the validity of thinking and actions.

2) Broken car

Purpose: to teach to notice violations in the depicted object.

Material: a machine made up of geometrical figures on which a part is missing.

The course of the game: a machine consisting of geometric figures is built on the flannelgraph. Then all the children, except for one - the leader, turn away. The presenter removes any part of the car. Whoever says before others what is gone and what form it is, becomes the leader. If the kids are easy on the task, you can remove two parts at the same time.

3) Who will see more

Purpose: consolidation of knowledge about geometric shapes.

Material: flannelgraph, geometric shapes.

The course of the game: various geometric shapes are placed in random order on the flannelgraph. Preschoolers examine and remember them. The leader counts to three and closes the pieces. He invites children to name as many geometric figures as possible that were on the flannelgraph. The one who remembers and names more figures wins. Continuing the game, the host changes the number of pieces.


Cognition of geometric shapes, their properties and relationships broadens the horizons of children, allows them to more accurately and versatilely perceive the shape of the surrounding objects, which has a positive effect on their productive activities (for example, drawing, modeling).

Of great importance in the development of geometric thinking and spatial representations are actions to transform figures (make a square from two triangles or add two triangles from five sticks).

All these types of exercises develop spatial representations and the beginnings of children's geometric thinking, form their ability to observe, analyze, generalize, highlight the main, essential, and at the same time bring up such personality qualities as purposefulness, perseverance.

So, in preschool age, the mastery of the perceptual and intellectual systematization of the forms of geometric figures occurs. Perceptual activity in the cognition of figures is ahead of the development of intellectual systematization.


1. Beloshistaya A. V. Formation and development of mathematical abilities of preschoolers: textbook. for universities. - M .: Vlados, 2004 .-- 400s.

2. Erofeeva T.I. Preschooler learns mathematics: method. a guide for educators. - M .: Education, 2005 .-- 112s.

3. Leushina A. M. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children. - M .: Education, 1974 .-- 367 p.
4. The program of education and training in kindergarten: M. A Vasilieva. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2005 .-- 208 p.
5. The program of education and training of children in kindergarten / Ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbovoy, T. S. Komarova. - M .: Publishing house "Education of a preschooler", 2004 - 208s.

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  • Introduction
  • 1. Formation of ideas about the form in preschool children
    • 1.1 Features of children's perception of the shape of objects and geometric shapes
    • 1.2 Analysis of program content in the section "Form"
    • 1.3 Methods of work on the development of ideas about the form in preschool children
  • 2. Analysis of work on the development of ideas about the form in children early age
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


V modern society more and more attention is paid to training, education and development of the younger generation. Special role in education belongs to preschool pedagogy. It is in preschool childhood, in the process of socially organized and stimulated activity, that the formation of mental processes, personality traits develop (P.P. Blonsky, L.S.Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin, etc.).

Formation of readiness for schooling is an important task of all educational work with preschoolers aimed at their all-round development- physical, mental, moral, aesthetic. One of the most difficult subjects in school is mathematics.

Mathematics provides tremendous opportunities for development cognitive abilities, which are the basis for the formation of mathematical thinking in the future, and the formation of such thinking is a guarantee for the successful assimilation of mathematical content in the future.

By the time they enter school, children should have learned relatively wide circle interconnected knowledge of the set and number, shape and size, learn to navigate in space and time.

The mathematical development of preschool children is carried out mainly under the influence of purposeful teaching in collective lessons in mathematics. In parallel with this work, work is carried out with children in everyday life and in other activities.

One of important properties the surrounding objects is the form: it received a generalized reflection in geometric figures. In other words, geometric shapes are standards with which you can determine the shape of objects or their parts.

In preschool age, one gets acquainted with the basic standards of shape (circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle, polygon), size (long - short, high - low, thick - thin, etc.), colors (basic colors of the spectrum, white, black ) in the process of practical and play activities... In this case, the use of sensory aids - insert pyramids, “ Mailbox"," Seguin boards "," Logic cube "and others significantly increases the efficiency of all work.

Highlighting named properties on initial stage acquaintance, when children do not yet possess generally accepted reference concepts, is carried out by correlating objects with each other. At a higher level of development, recognition of shape, size, color is achieved in the process of correlating the properties of objects with the mastered standards.

The purpose of this work is to study the features of the formation of ideas about the form of an object in preschoolers.

1. Formation of ideas about the form in preschool children

1.1 Features of children's perception of the shape of objects and geometric shapes

One of the properties of surrounding objects is their shape. The shape of objects received a generalized reflection in geometric figures. Geometric figures are standards, using which a person determines the shape of objects and their parts.

The problem of acquaintance of children with geometric figures and their properties should be considered in two aspects: in terms of sensory perception of the shapes of geometric figures and their use as standards in the knowledge of the forms of surrounding objects, as well as in the sense of knowing the features of their structure, properties, basic connections and patterns in their construction, i.e. the actual geometric material. Sensory education - purposeful pedagogical influences that provide the formation of sensory cognition and the improvement of sensations and perception. Kozlova S.A. Preschool pedagogy / S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikova. - M .: Academy, 2007 .-- P.142.

To know what and how to teach children on different stages their development, it is necessary, first of all, to analyze the features of the sensory perception of the shape of any object by children, including the figure, and then the ways of further development geometric representations and elementary geometric thinking and, further, how the transition from the sensory perception of the form to its logical awareness is made.

Primary mastery of the form of an object is carried out in actions with it. The form of an object, as such, is not perceived separately from the object, it is its integral feature.

Specific visual reactions for tracing the contour of an object appear at the end of the second year of life and begin to precede practical actions. The actions of children with objects at different stages are different.

Kids tend, first of all, to grab an object with their hands and begin to manipulate it. Children 2.5 years old, before acting, in some detail visually and tactile-motor acquaint themselves with objects. There is a particular interest in the perception of form (perceptual actions). However, the importance of practical action remains the main one.

Sensory perception of the shape of an object should be aimed not only at seeing, recognizing the forms along with its other features, but also being able, abstracting the form from the thing, to see it in other things as well. This perception of the form of objects and its generalization is facilitated by the knowledge of standards by children - geometric shapes. Therefore, the task of sensory development is to form the child's ability to recognize the shape of various objects in accordance with the standard (one or another geometric figure).

Already in the second year of life, children freely choose a figure from the following pairs: a square and a semicircle, a rectangle and a triangle. But children can distinguish between a rectangle and a square, a square and a triangle only after 2.5 years. Selection based on the sample of figures of a more complex shape is available at about the turn of 4-5 years, and the reproduction of a complex figure is carried out by individual children of the fifth and sixth years of life. At first, children perceive geometric shapes unknown to them as ordinary objects, calling them by the names of these objects:

cylinder - glass, column, oval - testicle,

a triangle - with a sail or a roof, a rectangle - with a window, etc.

Under the teaching influence of adults, the perception of geometric shapes is gradually rebuilt. Children of older preschool age no longer identify them with objects, but only compare: a cylinder is like a glass, a triangle is like a roof, etc. And, finally, geometric figures begin to be perceived by children as standards, with the help of which the knowledge of the structure of an object, its shape and size is carried out not only in the process of perceiving a particular form with vision, but also through active touch, feeling it under the control of vision and designation with a word.

To get to know the object better, children tend to touch it with their hand, pick it up, turn it; moreover, viewing and feeling are different depending on the form and construction of the perceived object. Therefore, the main role in the perception of an object and the determination of its shape is played by examination, carried out simultaneously by visual and motor-tactile analyzers, followed by designation with a word. However, among preschoolers, there is a very low level of examination of the shape of objects; most often they are limited to a fluent visual perception and therefore do not distinguish between figures that are close in similarity (an oval and a circle, a rectangle and a square, different triangles).

In the perceptual activity of children, tactile-motor and visual techniques are gradually becoming the main way of recognizing form. Examination of the figures not only ensures their holistic perception, but also allows you to feel their features (the nature, directions of the lines and their combinations, the resulting corners and vertices), the child learns to sensually highlight in any figure the image as a whole and its parts. This makes it possible to further focus the child's attention on a meaningful analysis of the figure, deliberately highlighting the structural elements in it (sides, corners, tops). Children are already consciously beginning to understand properties such as stability, instability, etc., to understand how peaks, corners, etc. are formed. Comparing volumetric and flat figures, children already find commonality between them ("The cube has squares", "The bar has rectangles, the cylinder has circles", etc.).

Comparing a figure with the shape of an object helps children understand that different objects or parts of them can be compared with geometric shapes. So, gradually the geometric figure becomes the standard for determining the shape of objects.

In senior preschool age, there is an improvement and complication of ideas about the form of the subject. With the help of adults, he learns that the same shape can vary in angles, aspect ratios, that curvilinear and rectilinear shapes can be distinguished.

The first ideas about the shape, size and relative position of objects in space, children accumulate in the process of games and practical activities, they manipulate objects, examine, touch them, draw, sculpt, design and gradually isolate their form among other properties.

By the age of 6-7 years, many preschoolers correctly show objects in the shape of a ball, cube, circle, square, triangle, rectangle. However, the level of generalization of these concepts is still not high: children may not recognize the familiar form of an object if the object itself has not been encountered in their experience. The child is confused by the unusual aspect ratios or angles of the figures: a different than usual arrangement on a plane and even very large or very small sizes of figures. The names of the figures by children are often confused or replaced with the names of objects.

Therefore, the task of the first stage of education (children 3-4 years old) is the sensory perception of the shape of objects and geometric shapes. The second stage of teaching children 5-6 years old should be devoted to the formation of systemic knowledge about geometric shapes and the development of their initial techniques and methods of "geometric thinking". "Geometric thinking" is quite possible to develop even in preschool age.

Several different levels can be traced in the development of "geometric knowledge" in children.

The first level is characterized by the fact that the figure is perceived by children as a whole, the child is not yet able to distinguish individual elements in it, does not notice the similarities and differences between the figures, he perceives each of them separately.

At the second level, the child already identifies the elements in the figure and establishes relationships, both between them and between individual figures, but is not yet aware of the community between the figures.

At the third level, the child is able to establish connections between the properties and structure of figures, connections between the properties themselves. The transition from one level to another is not spontaneous, parallel to the biological development of a person and dependent on age. It takes place under the influence of purposeful learning, which helps to accelerate the transition to a higher level. Lack of training inhibits development. Therefore, education should be organized so that in connection with the assimilation of knowledge about geometric shapes, children develop elementary geometric thinking. A.A. Carpenter Formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers / A.A. Stolyar. - M .: Education, 1988. - S. 233.

Children also learn the relationship between the number of sides, angles and the names of the figures ("A triangle is called this way because it has three corners"; "A rectangle is called this way because it has all right angles"). Counting the angles, children correctly name the shapes: "This is a hexagon, this is a pentagon, a polygon, because it has many angles - 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and maybe more, then it looks like a circle."

The assimilation of the principle of designating figures with a word forms in children a general approach to any new figure, the ability to attribute it to a certain group of figures. The knowledge of children is systematized, they are able to correlate the particular with the general. All this develops the logical thinking of preschoolers, forms an interest in further cognition, and ensures the mobility of the mind.

Cognition of geometric shapes, their properties and relationships broadens the horizons of children, allows them to more accurately and versatilely perceive the shape of the surrounding objects, which has a positive effect on their productive activities (for example, drawing, modeling).

Of great importance in the development of geometric thinking and spatial representations are actions to transform figures (make a square from two triangles or add two triangles from five sticks). All these types of exercises develop spatial representations and the rudiments of geometric thinking in children, form their ability to observe, analyze, generalize, highlight the main, essential, and at the same time bring up such personality qualities as purposefulness, perseverance.

So, in preschool age, the mastery of the perceptual and intellectual systematization of the forms of geometric figures occurs.

Perceptual activity in the cognition of figures is ahead of the development of intellectual systematization. Knowledge of the simplest properties of geometric shapes, as well as an understanding of the relationship between certain types of geometric shapes, becomes available to children.

1.2 Analysis of program content in the section "Form"

The program for the development of elementary mathematical representations for preschoolers is based on mandatory minimum the content of the federal component of the state standard.

Development Objectives ideas about the form in conditions kindergarten are implemented as part of the program for the formation of elementary mathematical representations. Form, like other mathematical concepts, is an important property of the surrounding objects; she received a generalized reflection in geometric shapes. Those., geometric figures- these are standards with which you can determine the shape of objects or their parts.

Children junior group are engaged in the most important activities for their age - playing, designing, drawing. Great attention is given to classes on sensing, in which children, playing didactic games, imperceptibly for themselves master such properties of surrounding objects as color, shape and size. The program is limited to the pre-number period of study, which is propaedeutic not only for learning to count individual items but also to measuring activities. Already in this group, children begin to familiarize themselves with the shape of objects, learn to distinguish spatial directions and orient themselves in time.

V middle group children continue to engage in construction, drawing and fiction, but at the same time decide more challenging tasks... New types of activities appear in mathematics as well. In the program of the middle group, the main attention is paid to counting with the help of numeral words, at the same time, the important sections in the program of this group are "Value", " The form"" Orientation in space "," Orientation in time ". It is stipulated that the educator continues, somewhat expanding and complicating, the work begun in the second junior group. The program tasks for the development of children's ideas about geometric shapes- children should be able to see geometric shapes in everyday objects.

In senior and preparatory groups lessons in mathematics are no longer narrowly pragmatic in nature, but general developmental.

V senior group the complication of exercises in the grouping of objects in comparison with the previous one is expressed in the following: increase the number of compared figures and types of figures; use models that differ in a large number of features (color, size, material); the same models are grouped by different signs: shape, color, size; exercises in grouping are combined with teaching ordinal counting, with the study of the composition of numbers from units and the relationships between numbers. The teacher encourages children to make an assumption how the figures can be grouped, how many groups there will be. After making a guess, they group the shapes. Much attention is paid to exercises in establishing the mutual position of geometric figures, since they are essential for the development of geometric representations.

Program preparatory group provides for the compulsory assimilation by children of the material studied in previous groups, and is built taking into account the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. An addition is the introduction of group counting (counting groups of two or three subjects and naming the total number of objects in these groups). Introducing children to geometric shapes, they are taught to modify them (for example, to make a quadrangle out of several triangles).

The content of the program for the academic year in the preparatory group:

- Clarify knowledge of known geometric shapes, their elements (vertices, corners, sides) and some of their properties.

Give an idea of ​​a polygon, a straight line, a straight line segment.

Learn to recognize figures, regardless of their spatial position, depict, place on a plane, arrange by size, classify, group by color, shape, size.

Learn to compose figures from parts and break into parts, construct figures according to verbal description and listing their characteristic properties; to compose thematic compositions of figures according to their own design.

Analyze the shape of objects as a whole and their individual parts; to recreate objects of complex shape from separate parts according to contour samples, according to description, representation.

The program is compiled taking into account interdisciplinary connections in the following sections:

"Construction, manual labor" - get acquainted with geometric bodies, examine, sketch them in different positions (front, side, top view), learn to work with a plan, navigate on a sheet of paper.

"Visual activity" - develop the ability to compare objects with each other, depict objects, conveying their shape, size.

"Game", where the knowledge and skills obtained in the classroom are used by children in play activities.

The content of the program for the academic year for children 5-6 years old:

To consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval.

Strengthen the ability to see geometric shapes in the shapes of surrounding objects.

Introduce a geometric figure - a trapezoid.

Learn to transform one shape into another (by folding, cutting, laying out from sticks).

Introduce the squared notebook.

Learn to draw geometric shapes in a squared notebook.

Learn to draw symbolic images of objects from geometric shapes in a squared notebook.

Learn to lay out geometric shapes from counting sticks: a circle, a square, a triangle, a rectangle, an oval, a trapezoid.

Learn to lay out symbolic images of objects (house, boat, Christmas tree) from counting sticks.

Reinforce knowledge of geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle.

Introduce geometric bodies: ball, cube, cylinder.

Form an idea of ​​what shapes can be different sizes.

Learn to see geometric shapes in the shapes of surrounding objects, symbolic images of objects.

This program is based on the acquaintance of children with sensory standards, which are samples of the main varieties of each property, including 5 geometric shapes... The initial stage of learning is familiarizing children with sensory standards. When getting acquainted with the main samples, children compare different standards with each other, select the same ones, remember their names. Then there is a more subtle differentiation of the assimilated standards: acquaintance with variants of geometric shapes, differing in proportions, individual parameters magnitudes. All this makes it possible to master the grouping of geometric shapes. The program is designed for two sessions per week, each 15-20 minutes long. All lessons are structured in such a way that the ideas about the standards are necessary condition performing game and practical tasks that are interesting for children.

This is a common and very a brief description of programs for the development of elementary mathematical representations in kindergarten, including representations of form.

1.3 Methods of work on the development of ideas about the form in preschool children

Familiarizing children with the shape of objects the best way occurs when combined different methods and teaching techniques.

Are used visual methods and techniques: "Look and find the same figure", "What does the figure look like", etc. They are widely used in teaching practical methods and techniques: "Find, bring, show ... lay out, draw, make a pattern", etc. Along with visual and practical verbal methods and techniques: “What is it called, how they differ, how they are similar; describe, tell "...

Work on the development of ideas about the form is carried out in parallel and is organically linked with teaching counting, with exercises in comparing the sizes of objects. It is of great importance to establish a connection between this work and teaching different types of visual activity, since the need to recreate an object (to draw, sculpt, construct) necessitates a clear, dismembered perception of its form.

While teaching counting, the teacher simultaneously reinforces the children's idea of ​​the figures. He invites the children to trace the contour of the model, feel it, select the models of the specified shape (select, say, all the squares). Children compare the number of figures of different types or of the same type, but of different colors or sizes. ("What is more: squares or triangles? Big or small triangles?", Etc.). Children are introduced to new geometric shapes by comparing models with already familiar ones or with each other: a rectangle with a square, a ball with a cube, a cylinder with a cube and a ball. First, they are compared in pairs, and then groups of figures are compared, for example, squares with triangles, etc. The examination and comparison of figures is carried out in a certain order: “What is this? What colour? What size? What are they made of? What is the difference? How are they similar? " Metlina L.S. Mathematics in kindergarten: a guide for a kindergarten teacher / L.S. Metlina. - M .: Education, 1984 .-- 255 p.

A certain order of questions teaches children to sequentially examine and examine figures, make comparisons based on homogeneous characteristics, highlight essential properties and distract from non-essential properties (color, size, material, position in space). It is important to organize various actions of children with models of figures, since the level of ideas about them is determined by the richness of the experience of perceiving the form.

Tactile-motor examination of models is of great importance. Connecting the hand to the work of the eye improves the perception of form. Children feel the model with their fingertips, trace its outline. The teacher encourages them to follow the movement of the finger along the contour of the figure: "Look how the finger will run!" The outline of the model is completed by dragging your hand over its surface. Acting with models, children try to roll them, put them in different provisions and reveal their stability or instability. The mutual imposition of one shape on another - a circle and a square, a square and a rectangle, a square and a triangle - allows you to more clearly perceive the features of figures of each type, to highlight their elements.

Exercises in grouping figures by shape and other properties, in laying out figures in ascending and descending order of size are of great benefit. In the middle group, play exercises and didactic games "What's gone?" or "What has changed?" Children say which figure was hidden or replaced. The game "Wonderful Sack" is held in different options... Children recognize figures, find them by touch according to a visually perceived pattern, or, on the contrary, visually find figures according to a perceptible pattern. Games "Find your house", "Airplanes" allow you to develop constancy (stability) in the perception of form. Houses, airfields in these games are squares, triangles, etc. made of cords. It is advisable to increase the size of such houses and airfields when these games are repeated. For individual exercises, the games "Find a pair", "Pick figures to the card", etc. are used. Children correlate the color and outline images of figures, select the appropriate forms.

N.A. Sakulina proposed a methodological model for teaching children to examine objects, defining the form as their main feature, it is distinguished: Theory and practice of sensory education in kindergarten / Ed. A.P. Usova, N.P. Sakulina. - M .: Education, 1965 .-- 188 p.

holistic perception of the subject;

analysis of an object - isolating characteristic essential features, determining the shape of individual parts of an object (round, square, triangular, long, rounded ...), assimilating this part to a geometric figure that is closest in shape;

motor-tactile sense of form - circling movements with simultaneous pronunciation, that is, examination of the object;

again a holistic perception of the subject;

building a model from given shapes or parts.

Based on this scheme of teaching children, a specific methodology was developed - a sequence in the formation of knowledge about geometric shapes (3.E. Lebedeva, L.A. Venger, L.I.Sysueva, V.V. Kolechko, R.L. Nepomnyashchaya): Shcherbakova EI Theory and methods of mathematical development of preschoolers: Textbook. allowance / E. I. Shcherbakova. - Voronezh: Publishing house NPO "MODEK", 2005. - P.143-148.

Demonstration of a geometric figure and naming it.

Examination of a geometric figure through specific practical actions.

Showing several more of the same geometric shapes, but different in color and size. Comparison of geometric shapes. At the same time, the attention of children is drawn to the independence of the form from the size and color of the figure.

Comparison of geometric shapes with objects similar in shape; finding among the surrounding objects those that are close in shape to this figure.

Comparison of objects in shape with each other using a geometric figure as a standard.

Comparison of familiar geometric shapes, identification of common qualities and differences (oval and circle, square and rectangle, etc.).

Fixing the properties of geometric shapes by measuring, sculpting, drawing, laying out, building, etc.

Children should learn the basic steps for examining the shape of objects. Inspection of a geometric figure is carried out by means of specific practical actions (tracing along the contour). An important element of the survey is the comparison of figures of different shapes and sizes. After the children have learned to compare geometric shapes with objects that are similar in shape, it is necessary to provide them with the opportunity to consolidate the properties of geometric shapes in drawing, modeling, appliqué, and design.

Children should be taught to correctly show the elements of geometric shapes (corners, sides, bases, etc.). When recalculating angles, the child should only point to the apex of the angle. The teacher does not explain what the top is, but shows the point where the two sides connect. Showing the sides, the child should run his fingers along the entire segment - from one vertex of the corner to the other. The angle itself, as part of the plane, is shown simultaneously with two fingers - thumb and forefinger. V volumetric figures children distinguish and name the sides and bases.

In each age group, the method of acquaintance with geometric shapes has its own characteristics. So, in second youngest group children learn to distinguish between a ball and a cube; a circle and a square, using the method of pairwise comparison: a ball and a cube, a cube and a bar - a brick; circle and square; ball and circle; cube and square. In this case, the object should be held in the left hand, and forefinger right hand circle it along the contour.

To demonstrate geometric shapes, it is necessary to use shapes of different sizes and colors. Children examine and compare the ball and the cube, find common and different things in these objects (figures). When addressing a question to children, the teacher draws their attention to the features of the figures: "What is this?", "What color are the balls?", "Which one is smaller?" On the instructions of the teacher, one child picks up a small ball, and the other - a large one. Children pass balls in a circle: a small ball catches up with a large ball. Then the direction of movement changes. In the process of such games, children clarify the features of the ball - it is round, it has no corners, it can be rolled. Children compare balls different colors and sizes. Thus, the teacher brings them to the conclusion that the shape does not depend on the color and size of the object.

Similarly, the knowledge of children about the cube is refined and generalized. Children take the cube in their hands, trying to roll it. It doesn't roll. The cube has corners and sides (faces), it stands steadily on the table, floor. From cubes, you can build houses, posts, placing one cube on top of another. The most important point when acquainting children with the form, there is visual and tactile-motor perception of the form, a variety of practical actions that develop his sensory abilities. In the organization of work to familiarize children with the shape of the object, a significant place is occupied by the display (demonstration) of the figure itself, as well as the methods of its examination. The teacher teaches children, when examining an object, to hold the object in their left hand, with the index finger of their right hand to circle it along the contour.

To develop in children the skills of examining the shape of an object and accumulating the corresponding ideas, different ones are organized.

So, in order to assimilate the name and clarify the main features of individual geometric figures, the teacher organizes games: "Name a geometric figure", "Magic bag", "Domino figures", etc. In the game "Magic bag", the teacher teaches children to choose figures by touch, find according to the sample. Geometric figures familiar to children are placed on the table, and the same ones are folded into a bag. First, attention is drawn to the geometric shapes placed on the table. Children call them. Then, at the instructions of the teacher, the child finds in the bag one that is on the table and shows it. If the child cannot complete the task, then the teacher once again reminds the methods of examining the figure: with his right hand he slowly draws around the edge (contour) (you can also help with your left hand). When the game is played again, the number of geometric figures increases. In the games “Find an object of the same shape”, “What's in the bag?”, “Geometric lotto” children practice finding objects using geometric patterns.

Such tasks are difficult, but generally accessible to children. They develop in them the ability to analyze the environment, to abstract when perceiving the shape of objects. The child, perceiving the print that hangs on the wall in front of him, is distracted from the plot of the picture, and only highlights the shape of the frame (square).

In their free time, children of this age group They are very fond of games with cut pictures, mosaics, building materials.

In the teaching method of children middle group a more detailed examination of geometric shapes is distinctive. The child develops the ability to see which geometric figure or which combination corresponds to the shape of an object.

First, children practice matching geometric shapes with similarly shaped objects. They match items to model figures. So it is possible to separate the models of geometric figures from other objects, to give them the meaning of samples. Game exercises are conducted: "Find an object of the same shape", "Find what I say", etc. Children are introduced to new geometric shapes by comparing their models with already familiar ones or with each other: a rectangle with a square, a cylinder with a cube or a ball ...

From a direct comparison of objects with geometric patterns, children move on to a verbal description of their form, to generalization. The order of viewing and comparing figures can be as follows: what is it? What colour? What size (size)? What are they made of? What is the difference? How are they similar? For exercises, objects of a simple shape are first selected that do not have parts. It is advisable to use objects of both the same type (different shapes - flags, plaques, etc.), and different types (square scarf, rectangular scarf, kerchief, triangular tie). Children choose objects of the specified shape (from 4-5 pcs.), Pick up pictures with the image of objects of the corresponding shape; call what shape the objects are drawn on the table.

Later, they are asked to find objects of the specified shape in certain places of the room (“Look if there are objects that look like a cylinder on the shelf”), they play the games “Traveling through the group room”, “Find what is hidden”.

They constantly use the techniques of tactile-motor examination of objects. Children trace the contour of objects, feel them. You can ask, for example, such questions: “How did you guess that the scarf is triangular and the plate is round? How are objects similar? " Children make generalizations based on shape. At the end of the year, they are asked to describe the shape of objects consisting of 2-5 parts (tumbler, car, etc.).

The main techniques can be: practical actions with objects (roll, set); overlay and attachment; contouring, feeling; grouping and ordering exercises - didactic games, exercises to master the features of geometric shapes; matching the shapes of objects with geometric patterns; analysis of complex shapes. Children are required to provide a detailed verbal designation of their actions (describe the shape of an object consisting of 2-4 parts: a tumbler, a car, etc.).

L.A. Venger, L.I. Sysueva, T.V. Vasilieva developed 3 types of tasks in the field of familiarizing children of the fifth year of life with the shape of objects and geometric shapes, tasks:

Mastering geometric shapes;

To compare forms real objects with geometric shapes;

For spatial analysis of a composite shape.

In the older group, the examination of the geometric figure becomes even more detailed and detailed. An important element of the methodology is the measurement of a conditional measure. The work on the formation of ideas and concepts about geometric shapes is based on the comparison and opposition of geometric shapes. The models are first matched in pairs, then 3-4 figures of each type are matched at once, for example, quadrangles.

Of particular importance is the work on the image and recreation of geometric shapes: laying out from sticks, strips of paper. Based on the identification of essential features of geometric figures, children are brought to the generalizing concept of "quadrangles". As a result, children acquire the ability to transfer the acquired knowledge into unfamiliar situation, use them in independent activity, in the design class.

Older preschoolers learn to dismember a complex pattern into its constituent elements, name their shape and spatial position, make a complex pattern of geometric shapes of one or two types, different in size (size). The methodology for the formation of geometric knowledge in the group of the sixth year of life does not fundamentally change. However, the survey is becoming more detailed and detailed. Along with the practical and direct comparison of known geometric figures, superposition and application, measurement by a conventional measure is widely used as a methodological technique.

All work on the formation of ideas and concepts about geometric shapes is based on comparing and contrasting their models. So, introducing children to a rectangle, they are shown several rectangles, different in size, made of different materials(paper, cardboard, plastic). “Children, look at these figures. These are rectangles. " At the same time, attention is drawn to the fact that the shape does not depend on the size. Children are offered to take in left hand shape, and with the index finger of your right hand, circle along the contour. Children reveal the features of this figure: the sides are equal in pairs, the angles are also equal. Check this by bending, superimposing one on top of the other. Count the number of sides and corners. Then they compare the rectangle with the square, find similarities and differences in these figures: the square and the rectangle have four corners and four sides, all corners are equal to each other. However, a rectangle differs from a square in that all sides of a square are equal, and only opposite sides of a rectangle are equal, in pairs. Particular attention in this group should be paid to the depiction of geometric shapes; laying out from counting sticks, strips of paper. This work is carried out both with a demonstration (near the teacher's table) and handouts. At one of the lessons, the teacher lays out a rectangle on a flannelgraph from strips. “Children, what is the name of this figure? How many sides does a rectangle have? How many corners? " Children show the sides, corners, vertices of the rectangle. Then the teacher asks: "How and what shapes can be obtained from a rectangle (create smaller rectangles, squares, triangles)?" This uses additional strips of paper. Children count the sides in the received figures. Based on the identification of essential features of geometric figures, children are brought to the generalized concept of "quadrangle".

Comparing a square and a rectangle with each other, the children establish that all these figures have four sides and four corners. This number of sides and angles is a common feature that underlies the definition of the concept of "quadrangle". Next, the children compare the quadrangles of different shapes. Children are convinced of the equality of sides and angles when superimposing one on top of the other.

In older preschool age, children develop the ability to transfer acquired knowledge into a previously unfamiliar situation, to use this knowledge in independent activity.

Acquaintance with the form, as a rule, takes part of the lesson in mathematics, as well as in design, visual activity. During classes, overlay, attachment, drawing along the contour, shading, measurement are widely used. Children cut out flat geometric shapes, volumetric ones - sculpt from plasticine, clay. Knowledge about geometric shapes is widely used, refined, consolidated in the classroom for visual activity, design.

First, all together sequentially examine the sample, establish from which parts (figures) each detail is made. In the same sequence, children create an ornament. The teacher shows two or three ornaments and invites the children to choose one of them, after carefully examining it, to lay out the same ornament. In volumetric figures (cylinder, cube), children distinguish and name the sides and bases. At the same time, they can be shown with several fingers or with the whole palm. Children perform practical actions, manipulate geometric shapes, and redesign them. In the process of learning, the "mathematical" speech of children is enriched.

This work is closely related to teaching children the elements of writing: outlining cells, drawing circles, ovals, drawing straight and oblique lines. Children get acquainted with notebooks in a cage, consider how the pages are lined in the notebook. The teacher invites children to find and circle the cells in different parts pages: top, bottom, left, right, middle; draw seven squares one cell in size with two (three) spaces between them. In doing so, he shows different ways completing the assignment: designation initial contour dots, drawing lines from left to right and from top to bottom.

Future schoolchildren are taught to distinguish and name polygons (triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon allow children to acquire skills in division complex pattern into component elements, as well as create drawings of complex shapes from one or two types of geometric shapes of different sizes. So, during one of the classes, children are handed out envelopes with a set of models of geometric shapes. The teacher shows the application of a "robot" made up of hexagon squares), name and show their elements (sides, corners, vertices), divide geometric shapes into parts, compare with each other, classify by size and shape. The work is aimed primarily at improving the quality of this knowledge: completeness, awareness.

Geometric material is widely used during classes as a demonstration and handout in the formation of numerical concepts, dividing the whole into parts, etc.

Thus, during preschool age, children are taught to examine a simple and complex shape objects, adhering to a certain sequence: first, allocate general contours and the main part, then determine the shape, spatial position, relative size of other parts.

They should be taught to notice not only similarities, but also differences in the shape of an object from a familiar geometric figure. It has great importance to improve the visual and other types of independent activities of children.

geometric shape preschool didactic

2. Analysis of work on the development of ideas about the form in young children

V cognitive development a young child's first mathematical successes take a significant place. Formation in children three years of age ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space - is necessary for their full perception of the world around them. Cognition begins with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Thus, the child's sensory development, on the one hand, has an independent meaning, since it provides a clear understanding of the environment, on the other hand, it forms the foundation of the child's general mental development, which is impossible without relying on full-fledged perception. Sensory standards are generally accepted samples of the external properties of objects. So, the standards of form are geometrical figures, the standards of size are the ratio of objects in terms of size as a whole and in terms of its individual parameters, a system of conditional and ultimately metric measures.

The sensory education program in the younger group involves the formation of a general sensory ability, understood as the ability for the most elementary form of mediation - the use of sensory standards.

Goals and objectives of the program:

1.Select criteria for assessment, regulation cognitive processes young children.

2. To select and adapt diagnostic techniques that correspond to the behavior of children in the process of implementing sensory-mathematical representations.

3. Stimulate and support the search for ways to solve practical problems.

4. Draw the attention of children to the properties and relationships of surrounding objects, their sizes, names and quantities.

5. Organization of various, interesting activities for children, aimed at their sensory-mathematical development.

This program is based on the acquaintance of children with sensory standards, which are samples of the main varieties of each property: 5, then 7 colors of the spectrum, 5 geometric shapes, 3 gradations of size.

The initial stage of learning is familiarizing children with sensory standards. When getting acquainted with the main samples, children compare different standards with each other, select the same ones, remember their names. Then there is a more subtle differentiation of the assimilated standards: acquaintance with the shades of color tones; variants of geometric shapes, differing proportions, individual size parameters. There are clear ideas about the varieties of each property. All this makes it possible to master the systemic connections and dependencies between the varieties of properties: the arrangement of colors in the spectrum, the results of their mixing, the sequence of light shades, the sequence of increasing and decreasing values, the grouping of geometric shapes.

The program is designed for two sessions per week, each 15-20 minutes long.

Early Childhood Sensory Mathematical Development Curriculum



Once a week

Didactic games and exercises

2 times a day

Individual work


Self cognitive activity children, in a specially organized developmental environment.

In accordance with the mode and plan of work

At the discretion of the teacher

Experimental games

4 times a month

10-15 minutes


Once a quarter

15-20 minutes

The content of the program is a system of conducting classes of cognitive sensor-mathematical content, a system didactic games, their planning in the daily routine.


Teach children to correlate objects by color; to acquaint with the concept - "round". Form an idea of ​​the extent of objects.

Sheets of paper with stripes pasted on them, red and yellow color... Three pictures in the image of objects of red and yellow flowers, one red or yellow balloon for each child: two boxes red and yellow

Introduce children to the square; to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name the colors red, blue, green; learn to relate the object to its outline on paper by overlaying.

Matryoshka dolls by number of children. Sheets of paper with the outlines of a red circle with a diameter of 6 cm, a green square 6: 6, a blue rectangle 6: 3, circles, squares, rectangles cut out of paper, corresponding in size and color to those shown in the figure blank slates paper, green pencils

Teach children to correlate a figure of a certain shape (a circle with an object of the same shape - a ball); learn to navigate in real space and on a piece of paper; build grammatical structures with the preposition "y" and "on"; carry on concepts big, small.

Square sheets of paper with a 3: 3 green square outline, a 3 cm diameter pattern of a red and yellow ball, nesting dolls for each child and a small bear.

Exercise in distinguishing between primary colors by pattern matching; activate the dictionary at the expense of words denoting color.

Flannelegraph, narrow strips of paper or cardboard of different colors 15: 0.5; Six circles of the same color, diameter 10 cm /. Threads and balls for every child

Didactic games and exercises

Collect a basket of autumn leaves

Reinforce the concepts of "one", "many", "big", "small"

To the toys

Get the ribbon

Fix colors (yellow, red, green). Develop fine motor skills

Find what I say

What this figure looks like.

Hid from the rain

Reinforce knowledge of primary colors

Identify the object by touch

Ability to find objects (square, krag) tactilely.

Guests have come to us

To consolidate knowledge about the size of objects in the immediate environment

Collect the beads.

Fix the name of the flowers and the size of the beads.

What this figure looks like.

Find objects of the appropriate shape in the environment (circle-sun, square-handkerchief, etc.)

To the toys

To consolidate knowledge about the size of objects in the immediate environment

Autumn leaves

To consolidate the concepts of "one", "many".

To continue to form in children the simplest techniques with the help of which it is possible to establish whether homogeneous objects are the same or different in color: to consolidate the ideas "one", "many".

Two large sheet white, green papers, glue, brushes, one yellow and green mug for each child.

Teach children the simplest techniques with which you can establish whether homogeneous objects are the same or different in color: to consolidate the idea of ​​a round shape.

Two dolls in red and yellow beads, one red and one yellow ball for each child, in a red and yellow box. Flannelegraph, 5-7 pictures depicting round objects, 3-4 pictures depicting objects of a different shape.

Teach children to compare objects in size by superimposing them on top of each other and find two objects of the same size, i.e. develop an eye; to acquaint with the "brick" figure. Learn to fold the image according to the sample from the proposed figures.

Three green and three yellow bricks, one green and one yellow ball for each child and for the teacher: strips of white paper, large circles with a diameter of 6 cm and a small one with a diameter of 4 cm, two circles cut out of paper of blue color corresponding in size to the contours on paper.

Reinforce the idea that different objects can have the same shape. Continue to teach, compare objects in size: to acquaint with orange: learn to distinguish between a circle, a square, a rectangle

Flannelegraph, 5-6 pictures depicting round objects: sheets of blue paper with green stripes pasted on them, occupying a third of the sheet for each child.

Didactic games and exercises

More less

Continue to learn to distinguish between the size of objects.

Sit on your bench

Arrange shapes according to a given pattern.

Identify the object by touch

Ability to determine the shape of an object.

Colorful lanterns

Fix color names, rounded shape

Assemble, disassemble the pyramid

What it looks like.

Learn to distinguish between a rounded shape (apple, cabbage, tomato, cherry, etc.)

Collect the picture

Develop creative thinking... Learn to make a whole in two parts.

Choose by size

Find and match the specified items.

Find what I say

Consolidate knowledge of objects and their shape. Find objects of the appropriate shape in the environment.

Geometric Liners

Arrange shapes in accordance with the frames of the insert.

Assemble, disassemble the pyramid

Consolidate knowledge of size, colors. Develop fine motor skills.

Guests have come to us

To consolidate knowledge about the size of objects in the immediate environment

Teach children to build a house from a cube and a prism; introduce you to the triangle; consolidate the ability to lay out shapes by superimposing and combining other shapes.

Psychological features perception of the shape of objects by preschool children. Teaching preschoolers to solve puzzle problems. Organization of experimental experimental work on the problem of the development of older preschoolers' ideas about the form of objects.

thesis, added 08/13/2011

Psychological features of the perception of geometric shapes by preschool children. The value of mathematical entertainment in introducing preschoolers to them. Revealing the possibilities of puzzle tasks in the development of ideas about the shape of objects.

thesis, added 10/24/2014

Features of perception by children of early age of the spatial arrangement of objects. Formation of ideas about space in children with the help of didactic games and exercises. Teaching preschoolers to orientate themselves in physical culture lessons.

term paper, added 01/14/2014

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of preschool children. The role of the game situation and didactic exercises and their application in the process of forming cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age. The main purpose of the rules of the game.

thesis, added 07/17/2016

Features of upbringing sensory culture in preschool children. The role of didactic games and play exercises in the formation of sensory culture. Didactic principles and conditions for playing games, exercises and classes with young children.

term paper, added 01/08/2011

Analysis of the methodology for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children. Investigation of the peculiarities of children's perception of the mass of objects and the stages of mastering a given value. Descriptions of the main differences between weight and mass of an object.

abstract, added 12/12/2011

Features of mastering generalizing words by preschool children. Disclosure of the content of didactic games as a means of familiarizing children with generalizing words. Experimental work on the development of children's speech by means of didactic games.

term paper, added 06/23/2015

The influence of various types of arts on the development of creativity in preschool children. Experimental research the level of perception of works of art by older preschool children. Technology of familiarizing children with still life and illustration.

term paper added 01/06/2011

Analysis pedagogical literature and systems by problem patriotic education preschool children. Features of the formation of ideas about nature in preschool children. Conditions for the formation of ideas about natural monuments.

The main part is devoted to work, ensuring the development of children's ideas about the form, in 3-4 lessons, as well as a small part (from 4 to 8 minutes) in another 10-12 lessons.
In mathematics classes, children are taught to distinguish between models of similar in shape figures (a circle and a figure bounded by an oval), to make an elementary analysis of perceived figures, to highlight and describe some of their properties. Children are introduced to different kinds triangles, oval-shaped figures, they teach to see changes in shape, to find identical figures. Children are taught to consistently examine and describe the shape of objects, to find its similarity and difference from a geometric pattern.
Form ideas are not only developed in the classroom. The use of didactic games is essential. Didactic games are organically included in the system of this work. They allow not only to clarify and consolidate children's ideas about the form, but also to enrich them.
The widespread use of visual material contributes to the formation of generalized ideas about geometric shapes. In the older group, each figure is presented to children by models of different colors, different sizes and with different ratio sides made of different materials (paper, cardboard, plywood, plasticine, etc.). Use tables and cards to individual work, in which drawings of figures of the same type or different types located in different spatial positions. All work is built on the basis of matching and contrasting models of geometric shapes. To identify signs of similarity and difference between fissures, their models are first compared in pairs (a circle and an oval-shaped figure, a square and a rectangle), then immediately from 3 to 5 figures of each type are compared.
In order to familiarize children with variants of figures of the same type, up to 5 variants of figures of this type are compared: rectangles and triangles with different aspect ratios, figures bounded by an oval, with different axis ratios. Children find identical figures (game exercises "Find a pair", "Pick a key to the lock"). The characteristic properties of each of the geometric figures are revealed by comparing 4-5 of its models, differing in color, size, material.
V junior groups, considering models of figures with children, the teacher adhered to a certain plan. The questions were asked: “What is this? What colour? What size? What are they made of? " Now, when considering models of figures, they ask questions that encourage children to highlight the elements of the figures, to establish relationships between them. For example, examining a rectangle, the teacher asks: “What does the rectangle have? How many sides (corners)? What about the size of the sides? "
A certain order of examining and comparing models serves to develop the ability in children to consistently identify the shape of geometric shapes, compare their homogeneous features, highlight essential features (the presence of parts, their number, size ratio) and distract from insignificant ones (color, size, material, etc.) ...
Children get their first skills in inductive thinking. Based on a number of facts, they make the simplest conclusions: the sides of the red square are equal, the blue square is equal, the green square is also equal, which means that any square has equal sides.
Varying a particular feature of square models (coloring) made it possible to identify a common characteristic of a square - the equality of its sides. By comparing the figures, the teacher gives the children maximum initiative and independence.
For children of the sixth year of life, the use of the technique of tactile-motor examination of models is still essential. The teacher reminds children of the technique of tracing the contour of a figure with a finger and invites them to follow the movement of a finger or pointer along the contour. They continue to use overlay techniques and applications to identify signs of differences from each other. Children count the elements of figures, compare the number of sides and angles of models of figures of the same type, but different colors or sizes, as well as the number of sides and corners of a square and a triangle, a rectangle and a triangle.
Note. It is important from the very beginning to form their correct skills in displaying elements. The top is the point. Children should place their finger or pointer exactly at the point where the sides join. The sides of the polygon are line segments. While showing them, the child should run his finger along the entire segment from one vertex to another. Angle - the part of the plane enclosed between two rays (sides) emanating from one point (vertex). Showing the angle, the teacher puts the pointer on one of its sides and turns it until it coincides with the other side. Children show an angle by moving their hand from one side to the other.
To consolidate the ideas about the figures, along with the techniques that were used in the middle group, new ones are also used. So, children divide the figure into equal parts. different ways, make up whole figures from parts. Some figures are made up of others, they are laid out from sticks of different lengths of the same shape with different aspect ratios, they are molded spatial figures(cube, ball, cylinder) from plasticine.
In the older group, the complication of exercises in the grouping of objects in comparison with the previous one is expressed in the following: the number of compared figures and types of figures is increased; use models that differ in a large number of features (color, size, material); the same models are grouped according to different characteristics: shape, color, size; exercises in grouping are combined with teaching ordinal counting, with the study of the composition of numbers from units and the relationships between numbers. The teacher encourages children to make an assumption how the figures can be grouped, how many groups there will be. After making a guess, they group the shapes.
Much attention is paid to exercises in establishing the mutual position of geometric figures, since they are essential for the development of geometric representations. First, children are asked to determine the relative position of 3 figures, and later - 4-5. Consideration of a pattern made up of geometric shapes is carried out in a certain order: first, the figure located in the center (in the middle) is called, then at the top and bottom, left and right, respectively, in the upper left and right corners, in the lower left and right corners (in in the latter case, cards with 5 different geometric shapes recommended by E.I.Tikheeva are used).
Children should learn not only to sequentially highlight and describe the arrangement of figures, but also to find a pattern based on a sample and description. Later, they learn to reproduce a pattern made up of geometric shapes, according to a visually perceived sample and at the direction of the teacher.
Exercises in establishing the mutual position of figures are often carried out in the form of didactic games (“What has changed?”, “Find the same pattern!”, “Find a pair!”). Children gradually acquire the skill to dismember a complex pattern into its constituent elements, to name their shape and spatial position.
The prerequisites are created for the development of analytical perception of the form of objects consisting of several parts.
Analysis and description of the shape of objects. Very important from the beginning school year to consolidate the ability of children to correlate objects in shape with geometric patterns, to describe the shape of objects consisting of no more than 1-3 parts (their shape is close to geometric patterns). Children determine the shape of the objects drawn in the picture, represented by the applique. In the classroom, these exercises take 3-5 minutes. The teacher invites children to play outside classes using the games "Geometric Lotto", "Seven in a row", "Dominoes".
In the future, exercises of this type are complicated: the children are asked to determine the shape of objects consisting of all more parts. This contributes to mastering the ability to analyze and describe the shape of objects. Much attention is paid to this work outside the classroom. In the process of didactic games ("Find by the description!", "Which hut?", "Who will see more?", " Flower shop") Children learn not only to analyze the shape of objects that are complex in design, but also, by playing, to recreate it (" We make up Petrushka "," Quick laying out of forms ", etc.).

L.S.Metlina, "Mathematics in kindergarten", a manual for a kindergarten teacher, M., 1984

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If you had a bad dream ...

If you dreamed of some bad dream, then it is remembered by almost everyone and does not go out of my head long time... Often a person is frightened not so much by the content of a dream itself, but by its consequences, because most of us believe that we see dreams not in vain. As scientists have found out, a person most often dreams of a bad dream already in the morning ...