Almanac back to the future. Back to the Future

Almanac back to the future. Back to the Future
  • Michael Jay Fox was originally the main candidate for the role of Marty, but at that time he actively starred in one of the family TV shows and could not afford to shoot in another project. The first three weeks in the role of Marti was shot by actor Erik Stolztz, but he did not meet the requirements of the director and therefore was soon dismissed. The studio had to move the entire material from scratch.
  • Michael Jay Fox agreed to take part in the filming, without refusing from the serial "soap". The producers of the series "Family bonds" (1982-1989) released Michael on the filming "Back to the Future", provided that the film will not hurt his employment in the series. Therefore, Fox was filmed in the "bonds" during the day, and at night played in the picture of Robert Zeekis. Every day, after recording the next series, he immediately rushed to the set of paintings. The filming was conducted 6 hours a day - from 6.30 pm to 2.30 nights. Fox during the filming of the film slept only 5-6 hours a day.
  • The scripts could not understand for a long time, how to present a time machine. In the first version of the script, this device was a laser installation in Dr. Brown's laboratory. There was also a refrigerator option, but this idea was rejected because of the concerns that had arisen that small kids would start checking their refrigerators for the presence of a similar device in it and the door closes the door. Only in the third version of the script the time machine has become a Delorean car.
  • When Robert Zemkis tried to sell the idea of \u200b\u200bhis film, he turned to the company, famous for his family paintings, is Walt Disney. However, they defeated the scenario to the root, calculating that the image of love relationships of Mom and Son, even through the prism of time (by the way, the difference in the age of actors performing these roles in fact is only 10 days) will be a pretty risky event for the company. With his reputation.
  • When Ronald Reagan (the current president of the United States) looked the picture for the first time, he was so struck by the replica of the dock: "Yes, how did the actor become the president?" That asked the staff of the cinema to stop the film, rewind and scroll through this moment again.
  • The orchestra under the control of Alan Sylvestree, attracted to record the soundtrack to the film, became the most numerous in the composition at the time of the outlet of the picture in the light.
  • Within the framework of the picture, the first appearance on the screen of the actor Billy Zayn, subsequently played the role of the main villain in the film "Titanic" (1997).
  • Many candidates for the role of Jennifer were rejected only because of too high growth - all of them were above Michael Jay Fox (height 1.64 m).
  • The head of the Universal Pictures of Syneberg LED was resolutely against the use of the word "future" in the title of the picture. He himself insisted in the next title - "Alien from Pluto", linking the fact that the appearance of such a name with Marti jokes, sounding along the course of action.
  • John Litgou was tried to the role of Dock.
  • Christopher Lloyd created the image of his character - dock, based on the behavior of Albert Einstein physics and Leopolda speakers.
  • Despite the fact that the picture is a fictional character, and it is actively exploited by travel travel theme, the film crew had to use special effects only 32 times.
  • In the course of the shooting, three Delorean brand was used.
  • Actress Lie Thompson had to spend about 3 hours in the dressing room every day, so that from a 23-year-old girl to turn into 47-year-old.
  • When the first film was completed, the continuation was not planned. Following the flying delorean, final titers immediately went. When the second and third part later came out, and the first appeared on the video, the insert "To Be Continued ..." was added between the final scene and the titers. For the DVD version, this insert was reappeared again, restoring the original cinema.
  • Michael J. Fox is only ten days under Lii Thompson, who played his mother, and almost three years older than his screen father performed by Crispina Glover.
  • On Delorean stand good year tires.
  • For the scenery of the main street of the city, the decorations of the film "Gremlin" (1984) were used.
  • The exact same tower with a clock can be noticed in the movie "Kill Mockingbird" (1962).
  • "Home Energy Converter Mr. Fusion" is actually a Krups coffee grinder.
  • The device to which Marti connects its guitar in the laboratory of the Braun dock, contains the "CRM-114" label. In the same way, the decoder was called on the B-52 in the film "Dr. Strajnjlav, or as I learned not to worry and loved the atomic bomb" (1964), the same serial number was at Jupiterokhoda in the film "2001: Space Odyssey" (1968).
  • Marti's travel date in the past (November 5), was also used in the "Racer in Time: the adventures of Laila Svanna" (1982).
  • Wardy Joe Sberber, who played Linda Macfly, for three years older than Liya Thompson (Lorreain McFigh) and six years older than his screen father performed by Crispina Glover.
  • The scene in which Dock Brown hangs on the clock arrow, reminds the scene from the film "Sins of Mr. Didlobok" (1946) with the participation of Harold Lloyd, who, in turn, is a remake "Finally safe! "(1923).
  • On the bed of Marty you can see the magazine "RQ", which is decoded as "Reference Quarterly", and is a printed edition designed for librarians.
  • In one of the remote scenes of Marty, hesitates for Lorreain during the control in school and sees that it writes off the neighbor.
  • Dog Dock Brown, Einstein, returns from the first time in time at 1:21. It is noteworthy that 1.21 gigavatta electricity is required to travel in time.
  • Delorean Room - 3CZV657 - Really Existent Automobile Room, Registered in California.
  • The hours of hours on the tower exactly coincides with the clock in the movie "Time Machine" (1960), shot on the book of Herbert George Wells.
  • The episode with Darth Vader first appeared in the third version of the script. Initially, Marty had to appear to his father George in the Southell Suit.
  • The name of Dr. Brown - Emmett (Emmett) is the opposite to the word "time" (Time), only spoken by syllables (EM-IT).
  • The initials for the average name of Dock Brown - "L", but for three films we never learned how they decipher. Bob Gale, a screenwriter film, opened the veil of secrets: the average name Brown - Latrop (Lathrop), which is the opposite as a read word "portal" (Portal).
  • One scene was removed from the film. In the interval between the family dinner and the call of Braun's dock, waking up Marty, the latter wanted to send an audio cassette to a record company. Marty did not decrease this to do and left an empty envelope on the table. In the scene, which entered the film, he goes for breakfast, holding a sealed envelope in his hand, which indicates that he still decided to send his promotional records to a record company.
  • The house of Dock Brown is located on Vestmorend Avenue in Pasadena, California. Until 1966, the house belonged to the family of gambles. After 1966, he was converted to the University of Southern California. Currently, in this building there is a historical museum.
  • Marty McFalap was considered Corey Hart and Si Thomas Housella.
  • "Delorean" - DMC-12 Models of 1981 with a six-cylinder PRV engine (Peugeot / Renault / Volvo). The base for the nuclear reactor served as a cap closing the central part of the Dodge Polara wheel. In a special edition of the film on DVD it is mistakenly argued that this model car has a four-cylinder engine.
  • The film was so much like Ronald Reagan that he included a reference to the picture of Zeekis in his appeal to the nation in 1986: "And as it was said in the film" Back to the Future "," Where we go, we will not need roads. "
  • In the initial stage of the film, all the hours are shown 7:55 (behind 25 minutes), with the exception of one hours that lie on the floor next to the suitcase with plutonium: they show the right time (8:20).
  • Initially, Ron Cobb was to create an external design "Delorean". However, he preferred to work on another project, and Andrew Probrot came to replace him.
  • In French dubbing the film, when Marty wakes up in 1955, his young mother calls his Pierre Cardin instead of Calvina Klein. In the Italian dubbing she calls his Levi Strauss.
  • The candidacy of Jeff Goldblum was considered by the role of Dock Brown.
  • On a stream capacitor, you can see two inscriptions: "Disconnect the stream capacitor before opening it." And "protect your eyes from the light."
  • When Marty is his father in the form of Darth Vader from the planet Volcano, it inserts a magazine with the inscription "Van Halen" into the player. The composition under which George McFly wakes up, is an unnamed composition of Edward Van Hallena, written for the film "Without brakes" (1984), where Lia Thompson played one of the roles.
  • According to Bob Gaila, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe film came to his head when he stayed at his parents and found his father's school graduation photo album. He learned that he was a senior class. Then he remembered the elder of his class, with whom he was not friendly. And he thought - and if he were with the father of one age, they would be friends.
  • The Cinema Hill Valley is a film called "Queen of Cattle from Montana" (1954), where the main roles played by Barbara Stanvik and Ronald Reagan. The latter was re-elected for the second term of the US president in 1984. Next year, "back to the future" entered the film distribution.
  • According to the British Canal "Channel 4", the film ranked 7th in the list of "best family films."
  • In the film "Marti" (1955) the chief character is called the same as Marty McFeew. In addition, the owner of the cafe is also called Lu. According to Robert Nazekis and Bob Gale, the same character names are just a coincidence.
  • LED Sheinberg, head of the studio "Universal Pictures", made a lot of changes in the film, among whom were: - Dock Brown instead of Professor Brown. - Initially, the dock should have been chimpanzees as a pet. Sid suggested a dog named Einstein. - The initial name of Mother Mother - Meg. Then he was changed to Isline. After that, LED insisted to change it to Lorreain. Just called his wife - Lorreain Gary.
  • Dock's telephone number in 1955 - Klondike 54385. The letters "k" and "l" are on the figure 5. Consequently, the dock number begins with the prefix 555. Thus, it turns out that this is a fictional number.
  • Robert Zedekis specially created the initial scene, repeating the beginning of the film "Time Machine" (1960), as a tribute to the film George Pala. The panel showing the time where you are sent, present and the last journey, flashes red, green and yellow lights, respectively. Exactly the same colors were used for the time control panel in the Pale.
  • In order to find coordinators for scenes, where Marty rides on a skateboard, Bob Gale went to the beach in California and saw two skaters, one of whom, Per Linder, subsequently became the champion of Europe, and the second of them became Doubles Eric Stairs. However, after Eric left the project, Dubler also replaced.
  • To create an ENEY effect, a nitrogen returned from the journey was used - Delorean was literally frozen. The fiery traces left by the clever machine - the usual diffuse fuel, which was allocated manually. Cinematographers decided to use these relatively cheap effects, although a long time was considered a version with stretching and compressing, like a rubber tape, Delorean. But as a result, they refused such a special effect: it was expensive to do it for a long time, and today he would probably look hopelessly outdated.
  • Attention! Further fact of facts about the film contains spoilers. Be careful.
  • In the first versions of the script, the time machine received the lack of energy in the Nevada desert on nuclear tests, but the producer headquarters considered that one scene only inflates the budget to astronomical limits, and stopped at an option with zipper.
  • When Marty is trying to restart Delorean, being in 1955, the headlights of the car ABC Morse denote the SOS team.
  • When Marty makes a jump in the past, it turns out to be on the Farm owned by the Pibada family (the last name can be found on the mailbox). Sherman's son's son's son. In the same way, the name of the boy who traveled in time in the episodes "Peabody`s Improbable History" Animation Show "Adventures of Belchonka Rocky and Losenka Bulluninkle" (1961-1964).
  • According to the film "Back to the Future 3" (1990), the clock on the tower began their move at 20:00 fifth of September 1885. In this film, Zippers falls into the clock tower at 22:04 of the twelfth November 1955. Thus, the clock on the tower functioned for 70 years, 2 months, 7 days, 2 hours and 4 minutes.
  • A supermarket, near Marty Macfly and Dock Brown, are called "two pines". Doc says that the entire land in the district belonged to Farmer Pibada, who grown pine. When Marty gets into the past, he knocks one of the pines on the ground Pibada. When Marty returns to 1985 at the end of the film, then on the sign to the supermarket it is written: "Lonely Pine".
  • In the original film scenario, dated 1981, the rock and roll speech of Marty led to the riots, for the suppression of the police were thrown. In addition, Marty told a dock about the "secret ingredient", who forced the time to work, the usual "Coca-Cole". These circumstances led to a change in the course of time. When Marty returned back, he fell into the alternative 1980s, which corresponded to the concept of science fiction writers of the 1950s. Moreover, many revolutionary inventions were created by Dock Brown and worked on Coca-Kole. Marty also found that rock and roll was never created, and he intended to start a deferred cultural revolution. Marti's father found an old newspaper in which there was an article about the School Bunte in the 1950s, and in the photo recognized his son.
  • The test view of the film "Industrial Light and Magic" did not have time to finish the special effects for the last scene of the film, where we see the flying "Delorean", so the last minutes of the picture were shown in black and white format. But it was absolutely no matter, because the public was terribly liked.
  • Guitars on which Marty plays:
      - Erlewine Chiquita (in the initial scene of the film);
      - Ibanez Black Strat Copy (Scene, where Marty plays with his group in the 1980s);
      - Gibson ES-335 (scene on the ball).
  • At the very beginning of the film in the dock room, you can see the clock, on the arrow of which the little man hangs. In the scene with zipper, the dock also hangs on the clock arrow.

The multi-stage epic on the young man of Marty, who traveled in time, and his good friend dock is a cult fantastic saga, swallowed not only to reproduce the atmosphere and interior of the past, but also looking in a distant future. Predictions on which the director of the picture Robert Zedekis decided in his film was very curious in 1989 inhabitants. It is always interesting to know what will be ahead in several decades. In the second part of the film, published 4 years after the first, is told about the 2015th year and the peculiarities of the world of the future. So, as contemporaries of directing fantasies, we should consider as critical as possible to the predictions of the film "Back to Future 2" and find out what turned out to be true, but that fiction.


Endless sequels and 3d

In one of the episodes of Marty, it turns out to be unpleasant for him when a giant shark is trying to devour the unlucky aliens from the past. But in fact it turned out that this is just a 3D model of the advertising post "Jaws 19". In this case, a direct coincidence with infinite continuations of the same films, as well as 3D movies, 3D graphics is counted.

Video calls

With absolute accuracy, the existence of video calls was predicted. Modern Devsi allow you to freely communicate with a person who is located on the opposite hemisphere. The same "Skype" or the "Google Chrome" browser. True screens in the film are huge, communication is literally on TV. But having in mind the ability to optimize the TVES in 2015, the director and screenwriter in one person completely guess.

Virtual Reality Wireless Points

There are similar glasses both in the film and in our reality. Take the same "Google Glass" - the newest invention of the interactive world giant. The multifunctionality of such glasses in "Back to the Future 2", of course, wider than now, but we still have a whole year to catch up the prediction from the film. Yes, and the scene during dinner, where young people do not pay attention to their relatives because of high-tech Deviles and trying to eat faster and leave, very much reminds people hanging in the iPhone.

"Justice bodies in the future work quickly. After all, lawyers were canceled. "

Dock Emmett Brown. "Back to the future 2".


Flying skateboard

This is where Zemkis has frightened. Military technologies using airbags for a long time are not a secret and are distributed in many army parts of the countries of the world. But in civil use, these achievements have not yet entered. Therefore, imagine how in our days teenagers cut the streets directly through the air on the boards without any wheels, it is incredibly difficult. With great interest, we will wait for such a type of movement, under conditions of suffocable plugs invention will have to be by the way.

Flying cars

One item comes out of another. No flying skateboard, it means there are no flying machines. Otherwise, we would instantly moved to the world of the "fifth element" and walled the heavenly spaces, ahead of swallows and other birds. It was always interesting, is there any rules of the road in such conditions?

Super shoelaces

An ideal invention for the lazy resident of the XXI century is shoelaces that are corded by themselves. How long would it save how many unpleasant drops could prevent. So I urge the entire progressive scientific elite to quit all the cases and rush to the invention so useful shoelaces. Zemkis would have approved such.


The biggest devastors of the director and the scriptwriter. For some reason, the creators of the film decided that in 2015 we will communicate through fax. In general, it is strange if we take into account that in the same film was the assumption of communication between people through video calls. Why then need faxes?

For a similar scheme, you can compare other pictures about the future. For example, it is interesting that our descendants will think about us, looking at fantastic films on the plot, filmed today?

1. In the initial scenario, Dock Brown did not know from the 50s where to take energy in 1.21 GW, and decided that the source of such power could only be with a nuclear explosion. Heroes decide to go to the nuclear power plant. It was too expensive to remove such an episode, and they decided to refuse. It was invented a storyline with lightning and clock.

2. Doc and Marty utter "Gigavatt" as "Dzhigovatt". The fact is that Robert Zemkis visited the seminar on physics and misunderstood this word.

3. Demonstrating Marti Time Machine, Doc calls different historical dates, in any of which he could go, including December 25 Zero year - Christmas of Christ. But in all over the world, the time reference system is not zero year: until the first year of our era was the first year before our era. However, for the duty set device, the zero year is really there.

4. In the future, the film "Jawsti 19" is in the cinema, director - Max Spielberg. Spielberg really has a son named Max.

5. The first time the Time Machine appears from the van from which the pairs are poured. It turns out that at the initial plan, the time of time was to become this van, and not the car, but in the process of shooting the director changed his mind. The scene with the van was left not to throw money into the wind, spent on the already captured duplicate.

6. Dock video camera - JVC GR-C1 is one of the first VHS-C format. There is a doubt - whether it could be compatible with a TV in 1955.

7. The well-known Soviet comedy "Ivan Vasilyevich changes the profession" the American viewer is known as "Ivan Vasilyevich: Back to the Future."

8. Lea Thompson (playing Lorreine) and Christopher Lloyd (who fulfilled the role of the dock) was filmed together in six films: the trilogy "back to the future", the pictures "Dennis-tormenid", "the right not to answer questions" and the television film "Haunted Lighthouse". However, for all this time, they had only one spoken scene:

Marty: This is a dock ... My ... Uncle! Doc ... Brown.

Lorreine: Hello.

Doc: Hello ...

9. In the scene in which Marti attends George at school, in the background hangs the poster "Ron Woodvord - to the presidents of the class!". Ronald Woodword - Main Defense Movie.

10. In the dock laboratories, portraits of four famous scientists hang: Isaac Newton, one of the first physicists of modernity, Benjamin Franklin, who opened electricity by hitting lightning, Thomas Edison, the inventor of modern power plants, and Albert Einstein, who opened the theory of relativity. Modern physics, lightning strike, electricity production and time travel - the key to the plot of the film.

Frame: Universal Pictures /

11. Mark "Kelvin Klein" was a little-known in Europe in 1985. Therefore, in Italian dubble, Marty in 1955 is called "Levi Strauss." In French dubbing his name is "Pierre Cardin".

12. The Mayor of Goldie Wilson was called so because of his golden tooth.

13. LED Shainberg, Head of the Studio "Universal", demanded from Robert Zeekis and the author Bob Gale change the script. First, Marty's mother had to get the name Lorreine in honor of the wife of Shainberg. Dock Brown as a satellite relied on a dog, instead of chimpanzees on the scenario. Finally: Shainberg demanded to change the name to the "Space Alien from Pluto". Shainberg sent the corresponding memorandum. In the first two cases, the authors of the film gave way, but the name change categorically did not want. Stephen Spielberg came to the aid: he sent a note "Thank you, LED, for a successful joke - we are very laughing." To save the face, Shainberg did not insist on changing the name of the film.

14. California Raisin, a raisin manufacturer paid $ 50,000 for the fact that their product appears in the film. But for the raisin there was no place in the scenario, in addition, according to Bob Gale, "Izyum looks like a handpie for a handful of manure. Therefore, the company's logo drew on the bench, at the end of the film he sleeps the bum ed. The firm protested, and she was returned to the fee.

15. Dock Brown always carries a few watches.

Frame: Universal Pictures /

16. When the film "Back to the Future" came out in Australia, Michael J. Foxh had to be held in a special video for Australian television and warn the public about the danger of clinging for cars on a skateboard.

17. October 26, 1985 at 1:20 night at the parking lot of the Puente Hills Mall shopping center, where the "Two Pines" shopping center was shot, a lot of fans gathered to see if there would not happen there. The film was released in the United States in June 1985, therefore, the 1985 events shown in the film were still the only ones.

18. At the beginning of the film, Marti approaches the dock to the "Two Pines" shopping center. Since he crushed one of Pibody's pines in 1955, at the end of the film the shopping center is already called "Lonely Pine".

19. The film was so like Ronald Reagan that he included a reference to Zemkis's film in his appeal to the nation in 1986: "And as was said in" Back to the Future ": where we go, the road is not needed!". He was also invited to the role of mayor, who opens the festival in Hill Valley, but he could not participate in the shooting. Reagan really liked the trilogy "Back to the Future", and when he first saw the scene from the first series - "Who is the president in 1985?" - "Ronald Reagan!" - "Actor?!" - He laughed so much that he asked the film mechanic to rewind the film to watch this scene again.

20. In the Test Test Scene, the license plate is covered from it, which is written "Out a Time" (out of time). Until the end of the first part, Delorian drives without a number, and only after returning from 2015, a barcode number appears on it.

Frame: Universal Pictures /

In the yard of 2015. It's time to master the sports almanac 1950-2000 and get rich! So I thought Marty in the second part of the film "Back to the Future", and in the track behind him and harmful biff. We will not resemble the entire twisted plot, deftly played with movements in time, just offer you to become the owner of the "sports almanac Grace".

Curious fact: Biff from 2015 transmits himself in 1955 Sports Almanac. Look at him in a glimpse, he and Ironia says "Florida will win the 1997 Baseball Championship, well, of course." The film was released in 1989. Eight years later, a team of Florida, Florida Marlins really won at the World Cup Baseball Championship. The most interesting thing - in 1989, Florida did not have his baseball team at all, and "Florida Marlins" did not exist!

Read more about the product "Sports Almans Grace 1950-2000"

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  • Contains real main sports results of matches on basketball, football, boxing, horse racing, etc.
  • Almanac comes in a dust pack
  • An accompanying check from the "Blast from The Past" store ("Hello from the Past"), which received Marty when buying almanac
  • Size: 22cm x 15cm

The film "Back to the Future" this year turned 30 years old. The film premiere took place in 1985. The second part of the trilogy was first shown in 1989. This date, special for all fans of the film. It is in this date that the main hero of the second part of the film went from the past. A gift was made to the anniversary of the film for all fans. Worldwide, the film will be shown in the cinemas in 3D. In honor of this event, we decided to publish the most unknown facts about the picture.

1) All film studios in America rejected this film. Besides Disney

When the director of the picture Robert Zeekis was looking for a film studio, which will take pictures, he ran into a problem. No film studio wanted to take pictures, considering that the idea of \u200b\u200btraveling in time by car is not interesting than young people of the 80s. The topic of the film, according to the critics of the studios, was too soft when as a rebellious youth at that time demanded something else.

But in the end, the director was lucky. Disney film studio agreed to shoot, under one condition. Exclude from the scenario of the scene of the Marti Kiss with Mother.

2) Every teenager in the world could be Marty McFeew

The creators of the film wanted the role of McFray played Michael Ja Fox, who was the star of the series " Family bonds". But the creators of the series did everything possible that the actor could not get acquainted with the script "Back to the Future". As a result, Johnny Depp, John Cuseac and Charlie Tires were considered, but were not approved. At some point, the creators of the paintings stopped believing that they would find the necessary actor. As a result, it was decided to consider any actor from any country. The role of Marty also considered such actors as Christopher Colli and Robert Downey Jr.. But ultimately, the actor became Michael Ja Fox.

3) Initially, the pets of Braun's dock should have been chimpanzee

The original scenario assumed that a monkey lives at the baroon at home. But the manufacturer of the film was insisted that the chimpanzee in the film was not. In their opinion, participation in the shooting of chimpanzees has never been successful in the film industry.

As a result, the monkey turned into a dog named Einstein.

4) In the original script, the time machine was located in the back of the car

Also, the initial scenario provided that while in the past Marty and Doc, in order to send a car to the future should have been brought to the location of nuclear waste, in order to send a car on a trip over time with the help of a nuclear reaction. But during filming, the director decided that waiting for a lightning strike in the tower more mysteriously and more exciting.

5) Eric Stolz participated in the filming of the film in the role of Marty McFeew

Many of this do not know, but in the first four weeks of filming the role of McAglet performed by Eric Stolz. But as a result, the creators of the film, the director and the screenwriter did not like the actor game. The reason was that Eric was not a comedy actor and did not possess the necessary comicness.

That is what caused why the actor had to refuse. After the problem with the main hero, the director persuaded the producer of Michael Jay Fox to transfer the script to the actor. As a result of the incredible efforts and the long persuasion, Michael was released on the shooting of the first part of the trilogy "Back to the Future".

6) Delorean had to make a special speedometer

In 1979, the 39th US President, Jimmy Carter signed the law, which provided for installation on speedometer cars with a maximum speed mark of 85 miles per hour. Thus, the US President tried to dissuade people to exceed the speed on cars. This law was canceled only in the late 80s. But when the shooting of the film "Back to the Future" law was still acted. But according to the scenario, the time machine installed in should accelerate to 88 miles per hour to go on a time trip. In order for everything on the screen it really looked, it was necessary to install a speedometer with an appropriate speed.

7) Initially, the film "Back to the Future" was to be called "Cosmonaut from Pluto"

Producer Film LED Sheinberg hated the name "Back to the Future", not understanding how this could be in reality. In his opinion, the name of the film did not make any sense. He offered his name "Cosmonaut from Pluto". The director was in a panic from the proposed option.

In order to convince the producer to leave the original name Zedekis turned Stephen Spielberg, who advised the plan of explanation, telling in detail what he means the phrase "back to the future." Also Spielberg advised Zedekis to make parody alternative names on the name of the film proposed by producer. Then the director showed these jokes of LED Sheinberg, saying that a good joke called "Cosmonaut from Pluto".

Producer did not have anything left, as agreed with the original name of the film, as he could not confess that the name proposed by them is not a joke.

8) The original story "Back to the Future-2" suggested a trip in the 60s

Instead of returning to the past in 1955, the hero was supposed to go in 1967, where he would see the heroes familiar to us a little older than Marty met in the first part of the film. But, in the end, it was decided that it would be more interesting in the second part of the picture to return to the events that we saw in the first film.

9) Initially, Marty Macflage brother was supposed to become an alcoholic

When Marty attends the grim alternative to 1985, he meets his brother, which became an alcoholic. But during filming from this scenario decided to move away.

10) The creators of the filmmakers came up with real things of the items and technology of the future

When designing the future world - 2015, Designer John Bell came up with the rule "15:85". This rule regulated the percentage of the ratio of unrecognizable and unfamiliar for that time of items and technologies to the recognizable and all familiar for that time.

This is an internet:

That is why the future mailbox in the film looks recognizable, but with the exception of the digital interface where you can enter the necessary information. That is why many devices in appearance were very familiar, but, nevertheless, they were very strange for us.

Photos from the filming of the movie "Back to the Future" who remained behind the scenes