How to paint birch in autumn and oak. Birch watercolor

How to paint birch in autumn and oak. Birch watercolor

This lesson fell into the lung category, which means that in theory, a small child can repeat it. Naturally, parents can help with young children to draw birch. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, I can recommend a lesson "" - he will require greater dooms from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What do you need

In order to draw birch, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take a mediated special paper: novice artists will be much more pleasant to draw on such.
  • Compared pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each you need to use for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Shelf for rubbing hatching. You can use conventional paper twisted in the cone. She Lego will rub the hatching, turning it into monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Phased lesson

True nature in all its glory can reveal only if drawing it from nature. Drawing it is much better if you look right on the birches. If there is no such possibility, then ordinary photos can be helped, which in search engines simply in bulk.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to draw your attention to the lesson "". It will help to increase your workshop or just deliver a little pleasure.

Simple drawings are created using contours. You will be enough to repeat something, and only what is shown in the lesson to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to present it. What do draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try to make sketches not with contours, but rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, you will see that it becomes easier to draw.

Tip: Create an outline as few thick strokes as possible. The thicker the outline will be - the more difficult it will be erased later.

The first step is more precisely zero, you always need to place a sheet of paper. This will give you to understand where it will be the drawing specifically. If you place the drawing on the half of the sheet - the second half you can use for another picture. Here is an example of the markup of the sheet in the center:

Draw a birch is easy, because white, with black stripes, the trunk is only at birch. It is not necessary to observe special "geometry" in the drawing of birch, it is important to only correct the barrel and branches correctly so that they do not get the same thickness and narrowed to the edge. And to make you easier to draw a birch, you can use this step-by-step lesson. Phased, draw first trunk and main branches at first, then determine the size of the birch crown and draw.

1. Draw a trunk and basic birch branches

Draw this simple scheme for the trunk and main branches of birch. Do not press hard on the pencil, because in the next step these lines will be deleted.

2. Common contour of birch

Circle a simple pencil outline and remove the original markup. Watch the branches and trunk to be narrowed to the edge, otherwise the birch drawing will be too implausible.

One part of the birch grows straight out of the ground, pay attention to this immediately.

3. Draw birch branches without leaves

Do not necessarily observe the size and number of birch branches. You can draw a birch otherwise, however, do not draw the branches too straight, otherwise it will be more like.

4. Draw a general contour of the birch crown.

If the branches and the trunk are not so difficult to draw, then numerous petty birch leaves draw quite boring and long. Let's simply draw the overall contour of the crown of birch, and after shadows and color will create the effect of leaves.

5. How to draw birch by a simple pencil

First of all, draw a birch-characteristic birch - white background with black stripes. Then, take a soft simple pencil and "ripples" depict the birch foliage. This effect will even slightly revitalize your picture, the crown in the picture will be how to make noise from the wind.

6. Drawing of birch on a graphic tablet

Of course, when you need to draw a winter birch, then the leaves do not need to draw and paint the tree too. But winter birch, it is pretty a sad plot for children's drawing, so let's draw a birch with leaves.

And you will like to draw a birch, you can draw a few more birchings surrounding, sky ,. Then your drawing of Birch will be very beautiful and mood.

Now you know how to draw birch. If you make efforts, I believe that you will achieve everything I wanted. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is as interesting and fascinating. Share the lesson on social networks and show your results to friends.

Master class on drawing "Autumn Birch" for children class 1.

Sagitova Zoya Adolfovna, teacher of additional education MKU to "CVR" RP. Mikhaylovka.
Purpose: Teach children draw pictures with a gouache without preliming pencil.
To acquaint children with the features of the drawing technique of gouache.
Develop the ability to notice the beauty of the surrounding world; The desire to express your impressions and emotional state in the picture.
Develop the ability to organize your workplace.
Educating love and careful attitude towards the nature of the native land.

At first glance, this work may seem simple, but its advantages in brightness, availability. After all, every child wants to get a positive result of his creativity for a relatively short time.

Materials : Gouache, brushes №1, №4-5, album, jar with water.

First paint the background. For the drawing of the Earth, we choose paints: green, yellow, whites. The leaf is starting to paint below the green paint.

Washing a brush, score a yellow paint to the tip of the brush, add it to a cover with green paint, mix. The resulting color is drawing the next strip.

Rinse the brush. We type white paint on the tip of the brush, add to the lid with green-yellow paint, mix. The resulting color is drawing the next strip.

Now we will draw the sky. We will need blue and white paint. We mix in the lid, we get gently blue color. We draw the next strip.

Continuing to add blue paint, we get new shades for the blue sky.

A wide brush, white paint draw the trunk of a tree. At the top of the trunk make thinner. We transmit the nature of the location of the branches.

Now change the brush. For drawing thin twigs, we use black paint. Do not forget to show cracks on the core of the trunk.

Then decorate our birch leaves. With a wide tassel of tiles we apply paint to the drawing.

We definitely use different shades of paints, because the leaves are also yellowing unevenly.

This work can be inserted into the frame and hang on the wall or give a friend!

Birch - amazing and very useful for people tree. In Starina, Berezu was used not only for various crafts and construction of houses, but also for therapeutic purposes. From the bark of the lapties, in the spring, birch juice was collected. And besides, agree that birch is also a surprisingly beautiful tree, so they often planted them next to the house.
Draw a birch It is easy because white, with black stripes, the trunk is only at birch. It is not necessary to observe special "geometry" in the drawing, it is not necessary to observe, it is only important to draw the barrel and branches correctly, so that they do not get the same thickness and narrowed to edge and the top of the crown. And to make you easier to draw a birch, you can use this step-by-step lesson. Pategorically draw first trunk and main branches, then determine the size of the birch crown and draw the leaves.

1. Draw a trunk and basic birch branches

Draw this simple scheme for the trunk and main branches of birch. Do not press hard on the pencil, because in the next step these lines will be deleted.

2. Common contour of birch

Circle a simple pencil outline and remove the original markup. Watch the branches and trunk to be narrowed to the edge, otherwise the birch drawing will be too implausible. One part of the birch grows straight from the base of the tree, pay attention to it immediately.

3. Draw birch branches without leaves

Do not necessarily observe the size and number of birch branches. You can draw a birch Otherwise, however, do not draw the branches too straight, otherwise it will be more like a Christmas tree.

4. Draw a general contour of birch crown

If the branches and the trunk are not so difficult to draw, then numerous petty birch leaves draw quite boring and long. Let's simply draw the overall contour of the crown of birch, and after shadows and color will create the effect of leaves.

5. How to draw birch by a simple pencil

First of all, draw a birch-characteristic birch - white background with black stripes. Then, take a soft simple pencil and "ripples" depict the birch foliage. This effect even slightly "revitalizes" your picture, Crohn in the picture will be like noise from the wind.

6. Drawing of birch on a graphic tablet

Of course, when you need to draw a winter birch, then the leaves do not need to draw and paint the tree too. But winter birch, it is pretty a sad plot for children's drawing, so let's draw a birch with leaves. And if you like to draw a birch, you can draw a few more birchings surrounding the forest landscape, the sky, the sun. Then yours figure Birch It will be very beautiful and sentiment.

This lesson on how to draw maple leaves. The leaves of the birch are not at all and with even the weak wind they are "noisy."

In the birch forest, various mushrooms grow, but most often there are white and boomes.

The hare is not always white fur. Summerly "fur coat" he changes on white only in winter so as not to stand out on the snow and be invisible for fox and wolf.

/ Nature

Do you know how to draw trees? Today we will learn to do it.

These markers are created taking into account the peculiarities of children's hands and increased requirements for convenience and safety. Do not dry without cap 24 hours.

Water-based ink is not toxic, there are no smell, easily dispensed with any kind of fabric and wash off. Ergonomic body shape. Ventilated caps.

Birch drawing with stabilo wovers on paper for drawing.

We conceal the grayster of gray with two vertical lines converging at the same line, birch trunk.

The same gray felt-tip pen from the middle of the trunk height draw branches with lowered to the bottom. From above, the branches are reduced along the length and form a crown curb.

Light green marker over branches draw abris foliage.

Sharch the circular motions designated zones with light green color.

Under the zones of light green color arbitrarily shaped dark green. We form a drawing of the crown in the form of an oval.

Gray felt-tipper hatching the lower part of the birch trunk. Then we introduce clarifications in the drawing of the barrel and the branches of the felt-tip pen of black.

In the previous lesson, we talked about drawing viburnum and strawberries. And here you will learn how to draw birch. Unlike viburnum, birch is a good tree! Firstly, the juice is harvested in the spring. I, too, once as a child with my father, went to collect juice from birch. Birch juice - a delicious natural drink. From it then there are still wine, syrup and kvass. I recommend you to drink birch juice when this possibility is provided, it is useful and tasty! But be careful when collecting birch juice! The loss of multiple liquids can exhausate a tree, and in wounds on the cortex can penetrate different pathogenic bacillos. Birch sick and may die. If you want to drink every year birch juice - take care of the trees!

Since now autumn (I wrote this article in September - a note.), I will not be able to drink juice yet. We'll have to wait for the spring. But we can draw it. What we will deal with this minute.