What does the attached index finger mean. Thumb up and hoppy a little finger or what means the gesture of "shack" in young people

What does the attached index finger mean. Thumb up and hoppy a little finger or what means the gesture of "shack" in young people

On the Internet, you can often find images of Muslims, raised upwards of the right hand. Like many other gestures, this value has different nations. The Russian rectified index finger at the same time bent the rest is used as a regular pointer, and the raised citizens consider this gesture to be too deliberate and therefore unacceptable. In Muslim society, he has a very different meaning.
Origin gestureIslam is one of the youngest world religions, which has enlightened the experience of many other cultural traditions and beliefs. The gesture in the form of a raised upward finger was borrowed from the pagans of the Mediterranean.
First of all, the Greeks, from whom he denoted an invisible connection with the world of the gods. In the Epoch of the Renaissance, the famous masters of painting were often portrayed with the heroes raised up the heroes of the ancient epic, historical personalities, even angels. This can be noted in the works of Da Vinci, Rafael, other artists and sculptors. Raised up the finger literally points to the sky, where immortal deities live. But Islam as a monotheistic religion could not borrow this gesture from pagans in the same exact value. If the Muslim raises an upward finger, it claims the monotheist. The gesture literally symbolizes that neither in this sublunary world, nor in heaven there is no other Lord, except for Allah. Muslims, as it were, say: "God is one, like this finger raised up." Such a gesture is often used while reading Shahada "La Ilach Hellarlah". This is the main prayer-certificate of faith in the Unified God of Allah and the Pprorok of His Muhammad. Wahhabism and other currents
The gesture in the form of the index finger raised to the sky is not used all Muslims. It is popular with representatives of some currents of Islam, for example, Wahhabism. This is one of the newest areas formed approximately in the XVIII century. Wahhabis often raise the index finger, emphasizing their commitment to the monotheism. Opponents of Wahhabis (usually this is a traditionalist Muslims) do not accept this gesture. Some even argue that he does not indicate a religious zeal, but to the worship of Satan. Satanists often have an image of a devil with a similar gesture. Others believe that it is used by Masons.

Gestures from finger combinations in various cultures have a variety of semantic load. So, for example, the "thumb up" symbol can say both about the decision to pardon the defeated (the famous gesture at the time of the struggle of Roman gladiators), and about the usual request to ride, take a fellow traveler (hitchhiking), if it comes to raised up a big finger Road somewhere in America. The index finger carries other information. Let's look at all more.

What is this symbol - finger up?

It is clear that the symbol value depends on what country and which finger is used. And here the variants are a great set: from greeting and approval to indecent analogies.

  1. The index finger of the right hand, raised up, Muslims is a symbol of the proclamation of monotheism, that is, translated into Russian this means: "There is no God, except for Allah!"
  2. In Germany, this gesture says: "Everything is fine."
  3. In the Slavic countries, the index finger raised up, means a call for attention among others, and in American schools, students in this way ask the teacher permission to answer the question.
  4. If at the time of the conversation you will raise the index finger up and shocked them from the side to the side, then the interlocutor of almost any nationality will understand it as a refusal of the proposed or unwillingness to discuss the topic.

What are we talking about, raising your finger up?

The symbol is the connected index and thumb with the rest of the rest, means in America and most European countries: "Everything is fine!". But in Brazil and Turkey, this gesture is perceived as an insult.

A resident of Holland, inviting you to a friendly break, will raise up the little finger, and the thumb will lead to the side. Here you will probably want to answer him the gesture described above. Still: "Everything is fine"! And the Frenchman can raise in response and the little finger, which will mean: "Get out of me!"

If someone raised the thumb up - the symbol is unlikely to need special decoding - this is a sign of wishes for good luck, recognition that everything goes as needed by agreement with the proposed action program, etc.

True, in Turkey and Arab countries, a similar gesture is a phallic symbol, and in Greece - the requirement: "shut up!".

The most common symbol

Finger up rises in other cases. The truth is not one, but two: we are talking about the V-shaped sign known in the countries of Europe by the index and middle fingers.

He was introduced during the Second World War in the use of Winston Churchill to designate victory, and since then this gesture has become very popular. True, one nuance is important for the British: Which side turns his palm to the speaker at this moment. If the rear, then this is: "Victory" ("victory"), but if the palm, then his interpretation becomes offensive.

No less popular and one more gesture: "Goat". We are talking about the stable finger and the little finger. On the territory of the CIS, this is the infamous "rocker" symbol. Finger up rises in a similar way as a sign of superiority over anyone, desire to humiliate it. Although in mystical rituals this sign - protection against dark forces.

What does the gesture of the index finger of the Muslims?

Quite often, recently can be seen in the pictures or video recordings, like Muslim militants raise up the index finger. It turns out nothing offensive and by itself this gesture for Muslims does not mean. This is simply a pronounced statement that Allah is one, that is, the index finger denotes a single unit. Although some people seriously suspected that this gesture is an analogue of the European raised middle finger and I even had to read an explanation that this is an offensive gesture, because this finger in the desert lands is considered an analogue of the Russian burdock.


Muslim gesture - raised up the index finger - means "Allah is one" (No God besides Allah).

I do not understand why to do this, to be photographed by performing this gesture and so on.

It is strange when the same gesture makes not Muslims at all (the same militants, terrorists). They themselves contradict: because the murder of people islam does not welcome.


It is noted that there is not a well-known gesture, where the raised middle finger carries an offensive tone. We are talking about a vertically raised upward thumb. This is a religious gesture, such a gesture is considered to be a "Tauhid" sign, which expresses Muslims in the uniqueness of Allah.

Why do Muslims always show an index finger up? What does this gesture mean?

ALLA ㋛ ♠ ♣ ♦

Raised up the finger of the right hand with is a symbol of the proclamation of the monotheism among Muslims) by the way, those who profess Islam, the left hand is considered "unclean." Therefore, if you defier a gift or money with your left hand, you can insult Muslim.)

Evgeny Ardyshsky, Your God Jesus? You do not even know who is your God, how can you call everything else to the shuffle!?
The central personality for Christian worship is the Son of God - Jesus
Christ (hence the name "Christians").
It is through him Christians come
To God Father. God Father is a single image of God for Christians, Jews and Muslims.

I heard the ringing, but do not know where he was coming from! Among the Wahhabis is a common sign - an extended pointing finger. According to the naive ideas of "Salafites", this sign should demonstrate their commitment to the only one - because God is one, like a finger. Wahhabis love to pose in the photo with such a "finger", thereby showing their "monotheism". However, there are no Hadiths who would talk about such a finger as a certain symbol of Islam or monothima.
Where did this gesture come from?
The fact is that the stretched upward finger is one of the main symbols of Masonry, which, in turn, borrowed it from ancient pagan religions, where this finger symbolized the connection of a person with the "highest forces" (that is, Satan).
Also in rituals of black magic, Satan itself is usually depicted with a finger raised up, as can be seen in the photo below.
Thus, since Wahhabism was the invention of the English Masoneria, someone introduced this sign into it so that the Salafites would carry the Satanic mark.

Which means raised up the index finger from Muslims

On the Internet, you can often find images of Muslims, raised upwards of the right hand.

Like many other gestures, this value has different nations.

The Russian rectified index finger at the same time bent the rest is used as a regular pointer, and the raised citizens consider this gesture to be too deliberate and therefore unacceptable.

In Muslim society, he has a very different meaning.

Origin gesture

Islam is one of the youngest world religions, which has enlightened the experience of many other cultural traditions and beliefs.

The gesture in the form of a raised upward finger was borrowed from the pagans of the Mediterranean. First of all, the Greeks, from whom he denoted an invisible connection with the world of the gods. In the Epoch of the Renaissance, the famous masters of painting were often portrayed with the heroes raised up the heroes of the ancient epic, historical personalities, even angels. This can be noted in the works of Da Vinci, Rafael, other artists and sculptors.

Raised up the finger literally points to the sky, where immortal deities live. But Islam as a monotheistic religion could not borrow this gesture from pagans in the same exact value.

If the Muslim raises an upward finger, it claims the monotheist. The gesture literally symbolizes that neither in this sublunary world, nor in heaven there is no other Lord, except for Allah. Muslims, as it were, say: "God is one, like this finger raised up." Such a gesture is often used while reading Shahada "La Ilach Hellarlah". This is the main prayer-certificate of faith in the Unified God of Allah and the Prophet of His Muhammad.

Wahhabism and other currents

The gesture in the form of the index finger raised to the sky is not used all Muslims. It is popular with representatives of some currents of Islam, for example, Wahhabism. This is one of the newest areas formed approximately in the XVIII century. Wahhabis often raise the index finger, emphasizing their commitment to the monotheism.

Opponents of Wahhabis (usually this is a traditionalist Muslims) do not accept this gesture. Some even argue that he does not indicate a religious zeal, but to the worship of Satan. Satanists often have an image of a devil with a similar gesture.

Others believe that it is used by Masons.
Source: What Muslims Raised Up Muslims Means

What does the index finger raised up?

Slavic peoples regard this gesture as a request to pay attention, desire to kill the speech speech, or make an emphasis, pause (depending on the text). If the index finger is to bring to the chin, it may mean that a person listens carefully and thought, and if you bring to the lips - then to silence the interlocutor about the request. In Muslim countries, this gesture of the right hand denotes the monotheist "there is no other god except Allah." In France, you can ask for another glass of wine from the waitress with this gesture, in Germany - "everything is fine", "excellent." In American schools, this gesture is an analogue of the raised hand in the lesson in our schools, if you wish to give an answer. Well, if you raised the index finger to shake from side to the side, then it is almost everywhere perceived as a denial, disagreement, "no!".


Each people have their own concepts on this.

For example, the Slavic peoples raised up the index finger can mean what the interlocutor wants to interrupt you to say something.

This may be an objection.

It can be attracting the attention of the interlocutor (for example, a teacher at school when children are silent at the lesson). It may be cursing, like a nununa! And maybe just an indication of the direction upwards. It all depends on the context that accompanies this gesture. It concerns Slavs.

In the Muslim world, this gesture means only one thing:

And there is still the meaning of this gesture in the dance "Lezginka":

And now a little humor on this topic.


People with a raised finger in the photo meet it is not difficult, which means this gesture, what a trend? Somewhere even interpreted as a sign taken from Satanism. But the most believable explanation is quite simple. Muslims this gesture bears an expression, God is one like an index finger. The gesture used in one nation is different in other people. In the Philippines, this gesture would indicate that you evaluate a person with whom communicate below yourself and the gesture is used to humiliate a person. In the picture, the gesture does not carry anything bad.

Most likely, such a gesture means that a person thought and invented that something. Perhaps a man visited the idea that he really likes. In general, the index finger at the top may mean anything, it all depends on the situation.

Question Muslims and to those who know. What means raised up the index or in the Unnamed finger?

3. Family of Iran
In the name of Allah, gracious, merciful
1. Alif. Lam. Mime.

2. Allah - there is no deity, except for him, a lively supporting life.

3. He sent you Scripture with the truth in confirmation of what was before him. He sent Taurat (Torah) and Indezhil (Gospel),

4. which were before the leadership for people. He also sent a distinction (Koran). Truly, those who do not believe in the signs of Allah, are taken serious torment, because Allah is a powerful, capable of retribution.

5. Truly, nothing will hide from Allah either on earth, nor in heaven.

6. He is the one who attaches you in the womb such a look, which wishes. There is no deity, except for him, mighty, wise.

7. He is the one who sent you a Scripture, in which there are clearly outlined Ayati, which make up the mother of Scripture, as well as other ayats, which are allegorical. Those whose hearts evade to the side, follow allegorical agents, wanting to sump and achieve interpretation, although no one else knows the interpretation of this. And those who have thorough knowledge say: "We believed in it. All this is from our Lord. " But remember the edification only possessing the mind.

It is usually believed that, showing someone outperfilled up the thumb in praise, we repeat another gesture of ancient Romans - a thumb, looking up, meant "spare". But this opinion is not true.

D. Morris in the book "Gestings" clarifies that the Romans supported the defeated not hopping a thumb, and covering his hand. When the spectators wanted the gladiator to finish the enemy, they were waving his hands, retreating thumbs up (Morris believes that it was to depict the dagger).

And, indeed, the thumb tilted in any direction meant death for defeated, symbolizing a naked sword. And to preserve the life of the war, the audience showed a compressed fist, which meant a sword hidden in the sheath.

Artist Jean-Leon Zherom

If the gesture with a raised thumb really originated in Rome, it would be necessary to expect that he also retains popularity in the Mediterranean. But, as it turned out, it was in Italy and Greece, in contrast to other European countries, this gesture is extremely rarely used in an approving sense. In many areas of Greece and southern Italy, the stuffed finger is generally perceived as an obscene insult. In Australia and Nigeria, he means "falling from here!" At the same time, the direction of the intended departure is indicated with a thumb. In Europe, he means "excellent!" Or is used by traveling hitchhiking to stop the machine.

Most likely, the birthplace of this gesture is completely in other places.

It is not easy to trace his origin - however, the history of gestures in principle is difficult to study, since the sources are not even contradictory. One can only refer to Morris and other authoritative specialists. They believe that Western culture as a whole is inclined to associate the movement from the bottom up with positive feelings and optimism, and the movement from top to bottom - with negative sensations and pessimism. Finger, hopped upwards, is directed toward the sky. In the 1970s, an index finger, stretched up, became a symbol of christian fundamentalists. They have this gesture not only means "God is one" or "There are no other ways to salvation, except for our", but also reminds where God lives and where good Christians will fall out.

Perhaps we hope the thumb into the approval sign just because it is easier to do physically. Try to hang out some other finger, bent all the rest.

1. Middle finger

Thanks to Hollywood, the middle finger has become famous all over the world. At the same time, in any country, this gesture does not mean something positive or peace-loving. The classic meaning of this phallic gesture is very tough, and it means a sharp end of the conversation and a wish of a trip in a known direction.

According to the Anthropologist Desmonda Morris, the demonstration of the middle finger, symbolizing the offensive demonstration of the genital organ, is one of the most ancient gestures known to us. In ancient Greece, it was considered a grave insult in the ancient Greece, since he meant an accusation of passive homosexuality.

In the comedies of Aristophan "Clouds" Socrates, holding the sciences of the usual peasant Straptsiad, asks whether he knows the poetic size of the Dactyl (literally "finger"), to which streptyad will readily demonstrate the middle finger. The philosopher Diogen said that "most people are only a finger from madness: if a person pulls out the middle finger, it will be considered crazy, and if the index, then will not be considered." He was also told about him that "when visiting wanted to look at Demosthene, he pointed out a middle finger on him with the words:" Here is the ruler of the Athenian people. "

In ancient Greece, the average finger indication accused of homosexuality

In Rome, the gesture, and with him the middle finger named "Shameless finger". The gesture is mentioned in a number of Roman authors, for example, in one of the epigram march, an old man, proud of health, demonstrates the middle finger to doctors.

2. Raised up or down the thumb

The gesture with the use of thumb often demonstrates the attitude of a person to what he had a chance to see. Raised up the thumb - "I like!"; Finger, lowered down - "I don't like it."

This sign is often associated with the tradition of the ancient Roman fighting of gladiators. French historian and archaeologist Zherom Karkopino in the book "The daily life of ancient Rome. Apogus of the Empire "noticed that when the crowd seemed to be defeated by defended what was forces, the audience was waiting with their scarves, raised her finger into the air and shouted:" Let him go! ". If the emperor was agreed with their wish and raised the thumb up, the defeated forgred and they were allowed from the Arena alive. If the audience, on the contrary, believed that the defeated earned by his cowardice and the reluctance to continue the battle, they lowered the finger down and shouted: "Dir!". Then the emperor, lowering the thumb down, managed about the miscarriage of the defeated gladiator, and nothing remained anything else, how to substitute the throat for the "blow of mercy".

In Iran raised up the thumb - the threat of violence

The thumb raised up in many countries is interpreted differently. If in Germany he is peaceful-neutral and means figure 1, then in Greece this gesture will be similar to the phrase "yes you went!". In Uruguay and Iran, proudly raised thumb symbolizes the men's sexual body, and the gesture itself means the threat of sexual violence.

A sign in the form of a ring formed by index and thumbs gave people divers, which thus report to the partner that everything is in order with them. There is also a version that this invention of journalists who sought to reduce the most running phrases.

However, in France, Portugal and some countries of Latin America, the gesture "OK" is perceived by Americans and many Europeans is perceived as indecent and symbolizes anus. Especially acute this can be fought in Turkey, where the ring of fingers is an open charge of homosexualism. But in Tunisia, this gesture can interpret how a threat to kill a person. In the US and Russia, the gesture is perceived normally, which cannot be said about Brazil, where it is considered very obscene.

In France, the gesture "OK" - anus symbol

We also note that the ok gesture has more than 2500 years of history. In the ancient Greek, he was a symbol of love, personifying kissing lips. He was also used to praise the speaker for his speech.

4. V (Victoria)

This is one of the most common gestures in the culture, meaning victory or peace. It is shown in the index and middle fingers, directed up in the form of the Latin letter "V".

The history of the origin of the gesture "Victoria" goes its roots in the Middle Ages. According to this version, during the century war, the captive English and Welsh archers, who guessed the french on the French, cut off these two fingers on his right hand, so that they could not use their bows in the future. Archers, knowing about it, teased the French before the battle, showing them intact fingers - "Fear, enemies!".

During World War II, this sign strongly popularized Winston Churchill for the designation of victory, but for this hand turns the back side to the one who shows it. If, with this gesture, the hand turned his palm to the speaker, the gesture acquires offensive importance - "shut up".

During the Second World War, Churchill popularized the gesture "Victoria"

Another meaning of this gesture is associated with the popular film "V means Vendetta", in which the V is knowledgeable the main character, anarchist terrorist, wearing a mask of Guy Fox.

5. Cross sign

In Christianity, this gesture indicates a prayer rite, which is an image of a cross movement of a hand of hand, the goddling is performed in different cases, for example, at the entrance and outlet of the temple, before or after pronouncing the prayer during worship, as a sign of confessing his faith and in others cases; Also with the blessing of anyone or anything.

In Orthodoxy, the congestion characterizes the bodily expression of Christian dogmas, confessing faith in the holy Trinity and the God-man of Jesus Christ, the expression of love and gratitude to God, protection against the action of dark forces. Three persecution options are used: two-per-flow, triple and a named perspective.

So, two hundred and the baptism of Russia and prevailed to the reforms of Patriarch Nikon in the middle of the XVII century and was officially recognized in the Moscow Rus of the 100th Cathedral of 1550.

It was practiced until the middle of the XIII century and in the Greek East. Later was crowded with three-work. When performing two fingers of the right hand - index and medium - join together, symbolizing two nature of the United Christ, while the average finger is obtained slightly nagged, which means divine condescension and inclusion. The three remaining fingers are also connected together, symbolizing the Most Holy Trinity; Moreover, in modern practice, the end of the thumb rests on the pads of other two, which cover it from above. After that, the tips of two fingers (and only by them) concern sequential foreheads, abdomen or lower part of Perseus (chest), right and left shoulder. It is also emphasized that it is impossible to be baptized at the same time with a bow; Bow if it is required, you should commit after the hand is lowered.

Using triplee, the three first fingers of the right hand (large, index and medium) are folded for the making of the signs (large, index and medium), and the two other fingers are flexing to the palm; After that, consistently concern the forehead, the top of the abdomen, the right shoulder, then the left. Three folds folded together symbolize the Most Holy Trinity; The symbolic value of two other fingers could be different at different times. So, in Russia, under the influence of controversy with the Old Believers, these two fingers were rethought as a symbol of the two nature of Christ: Divine and Human. This interpretation is now the most common, although others meet (for example, in the Romanian Church, these two fingers are interpreted as a symbol of Adam and Eve, falling towards the Trinity).

Orthodox priest, blessed people or objects, folds his fingers into a special reposit, called named. It is believed that the fingers folded in this way depict the letters of ICXS so that the name of Jesus Christ in ancient Greek writing.

Catholic prayer prayers, speaking of the procession, usually lead only to the pronounter of the prayer (in Nomine Patris, Et Filii, Et Spiritus Sancti), saying nothing about the combination of fingers. Even Catholics-traditionalists, usually sufficiently strictly belonging to the rite and its symbolism, allow the existence of various options here. The most accepted and common option in the Catholic world is to commit the gloor sign five fingers, open palm, from left to right, in memory of five wounds on the body of Christ.

Any gesture or action should be assessed only in the context of a certain event, the values \u200b\u200bof the same act may differ greatly depending on the actors, situations and cultural media. But you can at least try to understand what a reducing finger means upwards, and what is the meaning in this action.

Subtext gestures

The main differences in the perception of non-verbal signs are related to the environment in which they are used. The subtext can wear almost any character:

  • Religious.
  • Political.
  • National.
  • Regional.
  • Subcultural.

Therefore, before dealing with the gesture itself, it is better to look attentively, from whom the sign itself comes. Turn the labels is not the most noble lesson, but at the moment it is necessary for a complete understanding of the situation.

It is worth noting that most gestures express strong emotions that the interlocutor sometimes makes it difficult to convey words. So, hitting a different language or cultural environment, it should be read as quickly as possible at least with a minimum set of signs and gestures that are used in it. Incomprehensible warning or even threat can lead to sad consequences.

The meaning of the index finger in Islam

In our country, the gesture is used by the majority of the population in order to draw the attention of the interlocutor or interrupt someone's speech. Recently, this sign is not used as often, but if a person raised the index finger in the midst of the conversation:

  1. Opponent has something to argue.
  2. The interlocutor does not want to interrupt you and will be ready to wait until you express.
  3. As soon as you finish your speech - be prepared to listen to objections.

If at the same time the person moves the index finger from the side to the side, it can only mean one thing - with your ideas categorically disagree and are not even ready to discuss them seriously. In such cases, it is better to stop the conversation. What is interesting - in almost all cultures, this sign is interpreted equally.

But more often you can see photos of the Caucasus natives, on which representatives of different nations pull up the index finger. It would be possible to think about some kind of national question, but this is the representatives of almost all nationalities and peoples from this region.

What unites them all? Islam. And the thumb raised up symbolizes the monotheism and faith in their single god - Allah. With each prayer, the Muslim should raise an index finger to the sky, so that the Muslims demonstrate their pivot. Or just follow the old habit, imitating the older generation.

Europeans and raised up finger

Faced with the demonstration of this gesture can be alone from the native land. For example, in the same Germany. It would be possible to think that the wave of migration from the Middle East finally overwhelmed this region and now his population is now praised by his piousness. But the point is not at all this:

  • Raised up index finger - old German gesture.
  • Information about him leave at least 3-4 centuries deep into centuries.
  • The sign can be literally translated as: "I have everything wonderful."

While the whole world like the Romans raised the thumb up the thumb up, the Germans decided to go their own way. The initiative can and commendable, but perceived quite unusual.

A somewhat similar gesture is also available at the Dutch, only the interlocutor to the raised upward finger adds also tapping itself on the forehead. In this context, the gesture is interpreted unambiguously - the interlocutor appreciated your intellectual abilities.

That's the truth that this gesture is used in the Netherlands not so often. Not from the fact that local residents are really smart, he just outdated, like many other non-verbal signs. All languages \u200b\u200bof the world in the last 20 years show a tendency to simplify, so now even a complex thought can be expressed using a couple of words or a simple set of cuts.

Index finger in visual art

And even raised up the index finger can be found on many works of art. Including on the works on Christianity. For two thousand years this gesture has no single interpretation in art:

  • Satan is almost always portrayed with a raised upward or index and middle fingers.
  • Many Christian saints on the canvases pull the index finger to the sky, which symbolizes their connection with something magical and unbearable for awareness.
  • Higher to the sky, the finger also shows the desire of a person depicted to know the secrets of the surrounding world.

It turns out, the main topics are secrets, mysticism, magic and knowledge of the surrounding world. Thus, in the pictures with the help of this gesture, a person's desire for something more, not always useful for the immortal soul.

Perhaps sculptors and artists have invested in their works even some hidden text. That's just not all the canvas, sculptures and bas-reliefs reached us. What to say about some records and explanations. Especially if we consider that in most cases they simply did not exist initially. Art people prefer to leave at least some kind of riddles.

What does the index finger mean up?

If the interlocutor suddenly raised an index finger to the sky:

  1. He wants to interrupt you to object and paste your argument.
  2. Your idea did not interest him and he does not want to discuss her.
  3. Muslim suddenly remembered the unity of Allah and decided to remind about it.
  4. German says he is all wonderful.
  5. Dutchman enthusiasm your mind.
  6. Dagestan says

To understand which of the five options is suitable for this situation, it remains only attentive to consider the interlocutor. However, sometimes very funny coincidences. If you see a finger raised on the photo, and the photo is made somewhere in the forest, and all positive in military uniform and with beards - the gesture is religious.

The problem of terrorism in some regions is not yet fully resolved, but the life expectancy of members of illegal armed formations has declined sharply in recent years. So most likely and similar photos every year will be less and less.

It is worth learn all the meanings of a new word or gesture, before use. Finding out what the index finger raised upwards can get rid of himself from entering delicate situations.

Video about gestures

In this roller, Muslim will tell you that can mean gesture: raised index finger, and what does this have to do with Islam: