Mail gmail login to your page. How to create and secure your Gmail inbox

Mail gmail login to your page.  How to create and secure your Gmail inbox
Mail gmail login to your page. How to create and secure your Gmail inbox

To work with Gmail, you need to create a google account.

How do I create a google account?

Google account - allows you to use all google services without additional registration.
To enter any of them, you must enter your account username and password. - mail login to e-mail - login and password.
If you have already created a google account on your tablet, phone, or have used gmail, google + or youtube services, then you already have a google account. Using the username and password you already have, you can log into any new google service.

Otherwise, create a new account.

Germany (DE). City: unknown

gmail - anyone can register a free mailbox on the google server - gmail mail.

To register on the gmail mail server, go to the page -

Or a page - login - google accounts... by clicking on the link - Create an account
(if you already have a google account, you can sign in here.)

To create your own unique email address on Gmail - google's free email service

[email protected]([email protected]),

you need to come up with and enter in the fields of the registration form in google services - name, surname, username, password, date of birth. For example:
aleks petrov
[email protected] *
(keep in mind that the username you choose may already be taken, so you may need to come up with a different one.)

You can use letters (in different cases), numbers and other symbols in the password. the minimum password length is eight characters. Do not use passwords from other sites or words such as "password", "password", or combinations of sequential characters such as "qwerty", "qazwsx", "abcd1234". when entering simple passwords, a message will be displayed -
this password is very common. protect your account from hacking - create a more complex password.

In order not to ask questions on the help forum: I can not enter gmail, I forgot my gmail username and password ...

Be sure to save your gmail login and password in your notebook.

Enter data in all fields of the registration form and click on the button - Next

Providing a backup email address is optional.

If you have not entered your phone number in the account registration form, then you will be asked to do this on the next page.

Google account verification via sms

click on icon - (google apps) and then mail -

gmail mail login from another computer.

Gmail supports 2-Step Verification.

When you log into your account from a new device, you will have to enter not only a name and password, but also a verification code.

This is a six-digit combination (after g-), which is sent to the phone via sms or using a voice message - g-297979

If you enter your gmail mail from another computer, then

confirm that it is you

You are not logged in as usual. confirm
that it is you by completing the task below.

Enter your phone number to receive
confirmation code in sms or
using a voice call

Enter confirmation code
sms with a confirmation code was sent to the number +79374709535

Here, taking care of your account recovery Try to lay out additional phone numbers and email addresses.
"If you forget your password or become a victim of a hack, you won't be able to regain access to your account without a phone number and an additional email address."
You don't have to add an additional phone number and backup email address

Click on the button - Finish

Click on the icon - (google apps) and select - Mail gmail.

In the folder - Inbox, your Gmail mail, you will see a message -
your account is signed in from a Windows device through the Firefox app.

Security Alerts:
google will notify you when your account data has changed.

your account is signed in from a windows device through the firefox application

to account [email protected]* logged in through the "firefox" application
on a windows device.

aleks petrov
[email protected] *

Friday, January 13, 2017 8:53 AM Yekaterinburg Standard Time
yekaterinburg, russia * firefox

You didn't?
view a list of recently used devices.

This email was sent because google is serious about security and wants you to be up to date with your account. could not determine if you have logged into your account using this browser or device before. you may be logged in for the first time on a new computer, phone, or new browser. in addition, you could browse your mail while in incognito mode, or simply delete cookies. if you haven't done anything like this, chances are high that your account has been hacked.

more information can be found in the google accounts help center.

Checking your mailbox on

Attention! if you have a personal gmail mail address (ends with, the location of the dots in it does not matter.

if you use dots in your username, you can receive messages sent to an address that is similar to yours, but differs in the number or location of dots.

all messages sent to these addresses will go to one user:

Click on the - (google apps) icon and select - Gmail.

From the folder - Inbox by clicking on - Write

Write and send an email to your Gmail address.

In the folder Inbox, click on the line - first test message.

And read the letter you sent yourself.
Your Gmail email is working.

Gmail login - problems?

If you forgot your password, don't remember your gmail username or email to log into your account, remember your username and password, but can't log into your google account.

The only way to restore access to your google account is only the form on the page - find a google account. try to get verified on the desktop computer that you most often use and the one you used to register your account find your google account

You will need to answer questions to confirm that the google account belongs to you.

Google account recovery form - find account

Enter your gmail email
([email protected]),
which you use to sign in to your google account.

google - create data archive. how to download my data?

You can export and download data from google products (such as gmail, calendar or google photos) for local storage or use in other services.

Go to the page - My account and click on the link - Content management.

On the page - google - my account, In chapter - Downloading and transferring data
click on the link - create archive.

Select data
Select google services and change the settings for each one. The archive with these services will be available only to you.

  • Specify the data from which google services you want to export. to see detailed information and additional settings, click on the arrow icon

Select, to save your account details,
file format - zip
Choose a way to get the archive
getter method - by reference

and click on the button - Create archive

Attention. to create an archive, depending on the amount of information in your account, it takes from 5 - 10 minutes to several hours (and sometimes days).

Over time, the amount of information on 14 services of your google account will reach tens of gigabytes (only a google disk can store 15 GB.)
When the archive is created, you will be sent an email with a link to download it.
As a rule, the link to download the archive is received on the day of the request.

There is no need to wait for the end of the archive creation.

In the folder - Inbox, mail Gmail, open the message -
Data export - data archive ready.

Your account is your data.
google data archive requested on 19 Jan 2017 is ready.
the archive contains data for the following services:
groups, tasks, bookmarks, search history, maps (your reviews and locations), fit, google photos, hangouts, hangouts live, keep, Gmail, contacts, drive and google play books.
The archive can be downloaded until January 26, 2017.

In the received letter, click - Download archive.

Enter the password from your gmail inbox. again.

On the page - data export: archives, read the warnings and click - download.

If you decide to upload your photos, documents or other files to any online service, be sure to check if you can then download them back to your computer. Perhaps one day you will stop using the service, but your files will remain there. Do not download your archives on public computers or upload them where other users can see them.
After downloading the data, you can change your account settings or delete it at
Note. Content from google play music is not included in the archive. you can download it using the download manager.

Save the archive to a safe place on your computer,
where there is enough free space.

If unauthorized people have access to the computer, export the data to a google drive or to another storage that only you can use.

mail is reliable, convenient and secure mail service, which is very popular among users, so it has more and more fans around the world.

In addition to being able to receive and send letters, photos and documents, google mail provides many additional services that greatly simplify and enrich the user's life.

Directly in your mail browser, you can quickly find the following Google applications and services:

  1. Managing your account.
  2. Google search engine services. You don't need to go to The search is already among the applications.
  3. Google Maps.
  4. YouTube and Google Play.
  5. Social network Google+.
  6. Access to photos and documents.
  7. Translator, calendar and other useful services.

Before you can use all these benefits of the Google mail service, you must, of course, be logged in. To do this is as easy as shelling pears if you are a registered user of gmailcom mail: logging into e-mail is carried out in a standard way, using a username and password.

  1. Hammer into the address bar "g-mail", if anything) and the system takes you to the Google mail service. There is also an easier way - in the Google search engine in the upper right corner there is a button "Mail".
  2. By going to the mail page, you enter your email address(this will be the login) and your password.
  3. If you forgot your password, under the icon for input, click on the "Need help" option. Select the I forgot my password problem and click Continue. The system will prompt you for the password you remember. If you cannot enter any password, the system will prompt you to use your phone number or the second mail address (if you have one). Password recovery via phone provides that an SMS code will be sent to your number, which you will enter along with the new password.
  4. When the mail address and password have been entered, the login to the gmailcom mail through the login and password is considered successful. Congratulations, you are now in your mail account, referred to in some circles as "My Page".

What else attracts users to google mail so much?

  • Regular updates of emails(number of unread), from whom the letter came, and what is the subject of the letter.
  • You can create mail with your domain, that is, you will not just have an email address, but your own stylish name, for example [email protected]
  • Ability to archive emails if they are not relevant.
  • Mark important emails.
  • The ability to filter emails by address, on the topic, etc. and create shortcuts.
  • Using Google mail on your phone and other gadgets.

Video: Sign in to Gmail

Almost all of us have our own mailbox where e-mail goes. There is no doubt that it is convenient, important, necessary and necessary. There is nothing to do on the Internet without e-mail. Almost on any site, forum, online store, on a social network, you will be asked to register and indicate your email address.

There is no doubt that you need to know your email address by heart, just like the password to it. And for those who still do not know how or do not know it, I advise you to register your mailbox, learn the address and password, and use the possibilities of the Internet to the maximum.

That mail needed - figured out. Now about where you need to register your mailbox. As you know, there are several such mail services. I will name the most famous and popular of them:,, and Many frivolously choose a postal service, but the choice must be taken seriously. And be sure to take into account several important parameters. Now I will highlight 2 of them, and the rest will be discussed further.

1. Convenience.

2. Security.

My story

Not so long ago, namely a year ago, I successfully communicated with the world through And to be honest, everything suited me there. I used the standard features for a non-advanced user, and for me everything was clear and understandable.

At the same time, I saw that my son was using some kind of tricky mail, which was difficult to understand the first time, and moreover, he communicates with friends on the new social network Google+. In general, from the outside it all looked like a Mercedes in comparison with my Zhiguli. On the persistent advice of my son, I decided on a housewarming, and moved to a new address [email protected] I decided only because my son promised me to make sure that mail from was delivered to this new address.

At first it seemed uncomfortable, but I quickly got used to it, and after a short time, the feeling of nostalgia for the previous “apartment” did not arise at all. Well, as I was told that working with this mail I should have more opportunities, I began to actively study them. To be honest, I still study it.

So, we come to the most important thing. Gmail is Google's free email service. And Google is a whole world of exciting possibilities. To want to know about the possibilities, let's first discuss the benefits, perhaps because of them you will want to change your mailing address.

  1. All mailboxes that you have can be connected to gmail. You can check all your mail in one place.
  2. Wasn't it annoying that several mailboxes could not be opened in one browser at the same time? Rather, it was possible to open them, but when it was necessary to send mail from one mailbox, it was sent in a completely incomprehensible way from another, open address in our browser. I have come across this more than once at work. Now you can quite easily open several mail accounts and work with them.
  3. Design. Simple, straightforward, convenient. There are no comrades here for taste and color, as they say. Over time, you will like it too.
  4. Large volume of mailbox. Attachments can be sent up to 20 mb.
  5. Chat and video chat (for those who have a camera). Great thing. On the left, a list of people who are in the chat is displayed. You can not only correspond, but also talk with your interlocutor in real time.
  6. With a system of shortcuts, tags and folders. You will use that. whatever is convenient for you. I will not go to shortcuts in any way, I still use folders.
  7. A great search. The desired letter is quickly found by the keyword.
  8. There are no ads.
  9. You may not need to download all attachments to your computer. There is a great browser view feature.
  10. With the help of the Gmail Lab, you can customize a bunch of different tricks. For example, launch Twitter using a gadget in a mailbox.
  11. G mail can be used on any mobile device.
  12. Scan emails using thread letters. Thus, you can view the entire history of the correspondence. True, this function can be turned off.
  13. Subscribe to your favorite sites and view them in Google Reader. Thanks to it, you can read emails using other RSS-clients.
  14. There is a spell checker. There is a translation of the letter into Russian.
  15. There is a notebook for keeping a list of tasks.
  16. Possibility to customize the theme of your mailbox. There are over 30 themes to make your inbox look original.
  17. Calendar provides the ability to plan your tasks.
  18. You can easily and quickly navigate to Gogle +, You Tube, Google Analytics, Blogger, and more.
  19. Can distinguish spam from regular emails. This is his feature.
  20. With account synchronization with all Google services.

This is not a complete list of everything that you can purchase by receiving the @ mailing address. Look at the calendar. What year is it? 1999 or 2003? Love and enjoy the very best of the best. By becoming an advanced user of this email service, your efficiency is bound to increase. Use in your letter and your clients will feel safe getting to know you for the first time. The first impression can only be made once.

Please tell us in the comments about the advantages of your mail. It is possible that our tips will reveal benefits that not everyone knows about.

And our guest today is the talented Alina Orlova with the song "Miracles". Her hands are like birds, and her voice is like the sun ...

Gmail is an email from Google. Today this free service is the most popular among ordinary users, business people and large companies. is characterized by a user-friendly interface and an abundance of features and capabilities. Gmail mail can be accessed from any device connected to the Internet. If you still use the computer version of the mail program, it's time to register your email account and evaluate its benefits.
In addition to a convenient web interface and a number of functions, Google mail does not allow spam to pass through, which captivates mailbox owners. Many users who have e-mails on other services set up mail forwarding, because they are sure that will not miss dubious emails. Another advantage of Google's email service is handling correspondence. This includes sorting letters in all possible ways, and marking them, and importing, and moving, and sending, and receiving, and quoting, and various filters and other useful, convenient options.

The Google mail service maintains a secure connection, which is very important to protect confidential information. If someone tries to access your mail from a different address, you will be immediately warned about this. That is why we decided to tell in detail everything about - a free email service from Google corporation.

Foreign users give the palm to Gmail mail, although quite recently it seemed that the giant Hotmail (the new name of Outlook) would not be bypassed by anyone. But domestic users prefer the mail service from Maybe out of habit, because it was created much earlier. Although, recently more and more business people are switching to - there are more opportunities.

Registering and creating a mailbox in Gmail

So, let's start by registering with the service and creating a mailbox. Before we do that, let's take a little digression. The domain does not belong to Google, and it appeared long before the "birth" of mail. It is possible that at one time they tried to get it, but the attempt failed. Now the domain of the same name RU is a service that sends e-mail from SMS, Jabber, ICQ, etc.

And we will register at. This is Google's email service.

If you do not have an account with Google, you will be prompted to create one, and at the same time register your mailbox in this service. A single account is valid for all services. Click the corresponding link button and start registration. You will be redirected to a page with web forms. It is necessary to fill in each line, while doing it carefully and deliberately. Do not forget to choose an original mailbox for yourself, although, admittedly, this is not at all easy due to the huge popularity of the postal service. But if you dream up, you will get a nice name.

Gmail allows dots in the mail name. And web resource owners can write the name of their web site.

If you purposefully plan to use your inbox on, be serious about filling out the data in the form. But do not forget about the security of the confidential information you enter. The email service from Google uses an encrypted connection and is very well protected from unauthorized entry, but resourceful attackers will always be found.

For example, if you come up with an easy or frequently repeated password, your mail could be hacked. And if, for example, you use this mail to withdraw money from an electronic wallet? When hacked, the attacker receives a confirmation code and easily steals your money, transferring it to his wallet or card.

So take your password seriously. Compose it on a piece of paper by mixing large, small letters of the English alphabet into a single phrase and adding various signs to them. If you do not know how to come up with complex passwords, use a special utility. It will not only generate a complex password, but also save it so you don’t forget it. The most popular of these is the free password manager. It will be easy for even an unprepared user to understand the program.

Another way to protect your mailbox from hacking is to specify a real email. Don't ignore this point. If your mail is hacked or you forget your password, an additional email account will allow you to regain access to your account. There is one more way - indicate your real mobile phone, which will also help you recover in case of password loss or hacking. However, the number you indicate must be real, because without a confirmation code you will not be able to complete the registration.

But we settled on an additional (real) mailbox. Specify its details so that if something happens, you can get a confirmation code and solve problems with losing your password and restoring access, if such a situation arises.

To continue registration, carefully fill in each field, traditionally agree with all the terms of use of the service and click submit the web form. You can upload a photo immediately, or you can make all the settings later. You will find yourself on a new page where you need to enter the name of the mail and password. Now you can manage your email account: get acquainted, customize, write and receive correspondence.

Login and get familiar with the Gmail interface

If you already have an account, then you have mail. Log in from any search engine service. At the top right, if you are logged in, you will see your name. Click on it and select a postal service.

Or copy into the address bar and press enter. If you are logged into your account, you do not need to enter any passwords or names - you will immediately find yourself on the main mail page. So what do we see in the interface? Simplicity, convenience and information content are the main features of Google mail. And the developers try not to change anything, probably guided by the saying: the best is the enemy of the good.

The top menu bar contains sections with "Unsorted" and advertising (offering a product or service) letters and correspondence from social networks. And if you click on "Plus", "Forum" and "Alerts" will open.

The know-how of a service from Google is chats. In this case, the user can communicate in traditional and video chat. Users have not yet appreciated all the delights of this function, since Google has not abandoned the abundance of advertising messages. An annoying pop-up advertisement that is constantly out of place and at the time does not allow you to communicate normally.

Google's email service supports all browsers, it only displays mail in different ways. At the time of download, the capabilities of the browser are evaluated, and depending on this, the correct version is included. If you use a modern browser, you will be able to appreciate the beauty of the web interface. If you are using, for example, an old version of Opera, the mail will be loaded in HTML. And if you are not satisfied with the loading speed of interface elements, you can choose a light version of the mail service.

15 GB of free space - a lot or a little? Probably, for letters - a huge amount, but for photos and documents saved in the cloud service - not so much. But the storage capacity is easily expanded, albeit for a modest fee.

Going to the post office, you will see a couple of letters. This post service information service tells you what you get as a result of creating an inbox and also advertises the Google Plus social network.

Pros and cons of GMail, security settings

If you used other mail services before creating your mailbox, continue doing so. Rather, the easiest way would be to use the convenient function of forwarding all correspondence. Collecting letters is a great opportunity not to abandon other mailboxes, but also not to go through authorization to read new correspondence. We'll tell you a little later how to collect all the letters in one box.

Google Mail can also be used on a smartphone that supports Android. Do you know what is the beauty of using Gmail mail, and not a program installed on a computer-phone? You will forget about syncing between all your devices.

At the same time, it should be recognized that the mail program is still going one step ahead of the web interface in terms of capabilities. But is catching up, offering the mailbox owner more and more options. And now Jimile is an excellent alternative to non-mobile mail.

When Google first launched its email service, it caused a storm of indignation, and here's why. When a user enters his inbox, he sees contextual ads. And each of them has something in common with the subject of the letters. For example, you ordered a jacket on a site with outerwear, and you received a letter for payment. And then adverts with jackets are shown to you. It is logical that the owner of the box is outraged. But not by showing ads, but by matching them with the context of the letter. And the postal service was suspected of reading letters.

Time passed, and scandalous passions subsided. Many felt that the invasion of space was disproportionate to the good that the postal service offered. In a word, the good outweighed the evil.

Now we will touch upon an important topic - how to work with your mail safely. All this needs to be configured, and we will deal with it. All settings are made in a separate section. Click on the gear and go to settings.

If you want to configure login by IP address, click on "Additional Information". It's at the bottom of the interface. It contains all the information about entering the mailbox.

If you have nothing to fear, and you receive regular emails, for example, from friends, you may not care much about data protection. But if the received correspondence is very important (passwords, confidential information, documents are transmitted in it), protect your mailbox as reliably as possible. And it can be done. Jimile provides two-step authentication. Yes, it will not be easy to work with such a mail service, but it is very reliable. Firstly, in order to enter the mail, you will have to go through authorization by entering the traditional name-password, and secondly, indicate the SMS code received on the phone. Configure this authentication using "".

Do not ignore the opportunity to secure your work with the mail service, so that intruders do not become aware of confidential information.

We will cover authentication in two steps. Here's what's available to you:

Shortcuts (folders) and their setting in Google mail

To sort letters in the mail service, you need to use filters and shortcuts (folders). Filters are configured according to different criteria and allow you to automatically sort correspondence into separate folders (labels). Unlike traditional folders that exist in various mail services, shortcuts in Gmail have advanced features. Each folder can be customized to suit your needs. You can, of course, leave the set of shortcuts to the left and created by default, and not change.

To delete, change these shortcuts, go to Settings by clicking on the gear. The second tab is responsible for setting the menu on the left. Activate or, conversely, remove the jackdaws from the desired shortcut, delete, move.

And using the corresponding button, you can create a new shortcut. You can do it differently. When you read a specific email, click the label and follow the instructions.

If you are confused about the interface elements, customize it so that not icons are shown, but familiar text labels.

After setting up everything falls into place, and we realized that the folder with the incoming correspondence in the Gmail is a shortcut. This mail service has an attachment option. One, main, shortcut can contain several secondary, subfolders.

For example, it will be very convenient if you create a label with advertising correspondence, and then add several folders (labels), fleshing out the advertising products.

In the menu on the left, you will see all your shortcuts. And to edit, change, rename, delete, use the arrow on the right. And the arrow on the left allows you to manage attachments. When you click on it, they expand and are available for editing.

If you want to edit the shortcut, click on the right arrow and bring up the context menu. After opening, you will be presented with a list of changes. Select the desired item and save the edited shortcut.

For example, the first thing you can do is change the colors of the labels. It's comfortable. You can immediately see which letter, from which label (folder) you received. But we recommend that you do not store such letters in your inbox, but immediately redirect them to the appropriate labels. Automatic redirection is a handy feature. And all you have to do is set up forwarding according to certain criteria. And let the inbox contain correspondence that does not fall under the filters, and you yourself will distribute it when you read it.

While viewing the correspondence, you can immediately delete the shortcut by clicking on the cross.

If you delete "Incoming" correspondence, it will go to the archive. Emails, even deleted ones, are not lost, since they are saved in the "All mail" label. If it seems to you that such an interface does not simplify, but rather complicates the work with mail, this is temporary. To shortcuts, etc. you need to get used to and adjust everything to your needs.

If you do not want to filter your correspondence automatically, use the manual method. Read the letter and move to a suitable label or delete. This can be done using a dedicated menu button. This method is laborious and only suitable for those who do not receive many emails. And for the rest there is automatic redirection or filtering according to the specified parameters.

Filters in Jimile and a detailed example of their use

So how do you use the great email service tool - filters? Go to the menu by clicking on the gear. A tab with filters will open if they have already been created by you. You can edit, delete, change them. If there are no filters, click the corresponding button to create them.

You will be redirected to a new window. Filters are not difficult to create, but you have to think about using logical thinking. An algorithm must be set, according to which the service will filter all letters matching it into one folder (shortcut). If you have a mail program installed on your computer, and you actively use it, you are familiar with filters.

Don't be afraid to create the wrong filter. If the system does not understand the algorithm you specified, you can change it until everything goes well. Which filters should you choose? By the name of a friend, the name of the organization, the subject of correspondence, address, term, etc.

When the algorithm is created, you will have to choose what the system should do with these letters falling under it. For example, it should automatically redirect to a shortcut called "Ads" or "Friends" or "Work". Or maybe delete or send to a different address? If you need to filter correspondence from other mailboxes collected by the system, do as in the picture:

So, what we see in this filter we created:

You see how simple it is. Check the created filter. If there are errors in the algorithm, fix them. If everything works as expected, you'll see how filters make it easy to work with mail. Most importantly, they organize your correspondence.

Import of contacts and letters into Gmail, work with old mailboxes via Google mail

So, you registered on, figured it out, you liked everything and you want to continue working with the service. But you also have other mailboxes where contacts, important letters, confidential information, etc. are stored. How to move to Gmail and not lose "on the way" everything that has been accumulated over time? The transition is carried out, although not difficult, but for a long time. To transfer all letters and contacts, you will have to move for two days. And even though Google will provide you with a range of options. The only consolation is that the “move” is automatic. And all that is needed is the appropriate settings and a bit of patience.

Do not be afraid to move: you will not lose anything, but, on the contrary, gain. Everything that you used before, firstly, will be improved, plus new functionality will be added. Secondly, you will not lose your old contacts, because they will not understand that you have refused or rarely visit your old mailboxes. All correspondence that continues to flow there will be redirected to the new mailbox. Collecting correspondence works great and not a single letter gets lost. In this case, all contacts will be the same.

To configure everything that we have described above, go to the " Accounts and imports". Click on the appropriate option to import mail and contacts. And click the link like the following picture:

You can import correspondence and contacts from anywhere, even from the oldest mailboxes. The entire list is available at this link, check it out. The import wizard will start from the first step. Indicate from which mail service you want to collect mail by entering your email address. Then you need to log in to this mailbox.

In the third step, you must decide on the content to import. You also choose further actions: continue to import all letters that arrived later, and save them in a separate folder (shortcut).

When you choose what suits you, click "Import". This process, we repeat, is lengthy, so do not be afraid to miss something and do not be nervous. Go to settings to see that the process is complete.

Useful settings and Gmail lab

So, we looked at all the possibilities of mail, except for the chat function and a few others. You can try how the chat works for yourself. We do not think that it is so difficult to understand it. There is one more feature in Gmail - smart mode. It can be configured in such a way that all new correspondence in the Inbox will be filtered by the system as important and unimportant. There is also a Themes tab. Well, everything is clear here, and you yourself will figure out how to change the appearance of your mail. Design so that the web interface is pleasing to the eye.

So, what else is left in the "General" tab in the Settings:

These are the basic settings. What we missed is not that important or is present in other mail services and does not need detailed mentions. But this does not mean that these options do not deserve attention. Study them, perhaps they will be useful and relevant to you.

So, at the final stage, we will tell you about the Gmail Laboratory.

For five years, the developers have been testing the mail service, and it is for these innovations that the Laboratory was responsible and continues to do so.

First, a certain add-on appeared in it, tested, and then went into the settings and took up a permanent place. This innovation helps the company improve its postal service, introducing only those innovations that are popular and take root among users.

So, what is useful in the Laboratory, and how we can use it:

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Google is the world's largest search engine. She has her own mail service Gmail, where you can create an email address for free and with it get access to several other services, including YouTube.

To start registration, you need to go to gmail website. Now click on "Create an account" login to the profile.

A simple form will appear that you need to fill out.

In the fields of the name and surname, it is best to indicate real data. This can be useful for using other services, as well as if you need to return access to the mailbox if you lose your password. You can hide your details, so don't worry, no one will find out more about you than you allow.

Username (nickname) is your login... It will appear in the name of your mailbox. You need to come up with a login yourself. It can consist of Latin letters, symbols and numbers.

The password should be chosen so that it is as complex as possible. In addition to the fact that with its help you will go to your mail, it will also protect your mailbox from hacking. In combination, you can use Latin letters (it is desirable to combine small and large letters) and numbers.

! You can write down the password in a safe place so as not to forget.
! Otherwise, you will not be able to access your mail.

Phone, country and alternate mail address can be omitted - they are not needed for registration.

If after you pressed « Further", some of the fields are highlighted in red, it means you missed something or entered something incorrectly. Correct the error and press again "Further".

After all the fields are filled in, you will be prompted to read "Terms of Use" .

There are no items that you are sold into slavery, so feel free to click "I accept" - registration cannot be completed without it. Now you will be shown a window where the address of your mailbox will be written. Write it down somewhere so you don't forget.

To go to your mail, you need to click on the button Go to Gmail Service .

How to come up with a username for gmail mail

It can be difficult to create a username. The fact is that each such login in the Google system must be unique, that is, two identical addresses cannot exist.

If the login you entered is already taken, the system will inform you about it (red text will appear under the field) and offer several unique options that you could use.

They are created based on the entered first name, last name and login. If you don't want to choose from what the system has suggested, come up with another nickname.

An additional parameter for the username is its length. It must not be shorter than 6 characters and longer than 30.

You cannot change the name after creating the box, so think carefully before choosing the final version. If you need mail only for registration on some resources, then the name is not important.

Your Google Mail Username

As mentioned above, the username will be displayed in the name of your mailbox, and it will be your email address. After creating a mail, “@” will be added to it. Your address will look like this:

It turns out that the name of the mailbox is made up of the username and the name of the mail service, connected to each other "Dog" ... The address is written in one piece, the dot is placed only before "Com" .

You can give this address to friends, acquaintances or clients to contact you.

How to find out your google mail address

Once logged into your profile, you will see a welcome window that explains why Google Mail is the greatest, and more.

You can safely close this window, you will not be shown it again.

To find out your email address, you need to click on the icon with the letter of your name in the upper right part of the window. A small hint will appear where the address will be written.

How to log into your Google mail

To go to your mail, you need to do a few simple manipulations. Typically, browsers remember our data so that we do not have to constantly enter it.

Therefore, to enter, you just need to go to google site and in the right corner, click on the icon with squares.

From the drop-down menu, select the Mail icon and that's it. The box will open and you can use it.

If the browser has not saved your data or you are accessing your mail from another computer, you will need to enter your username and password. And first you enter your username, then the password

Features of gmail mail

The most obvious features of mail are receiving and sending letters. It can be both work and friendly correspondence. You can attach different files to letters, such as photos or documents.

In addition to mail, registration gives you the opportunity to use other products. Here's what's available to you after you create your Google account:

  • Disk ... You can store files up to 15 GB in total for free. Here you can upload data from a PC or mobile device, and then open or download them from another computer or device. In addition, you can make it so that other users can also view your files.
  • Documentation . The service is an online editor. Here you can create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, etc. They are saved on your disk. You can download, forward and edit them at any time.
  • Youtube ... This is the most famous video hosting in the world. You can watch videos without registering, but through the google mail address, you can log in to the site, subscribe to different channels, leave comments and upload your videos.
  • Google play ... It is a platform for mobile devices from which you can install applications, download music, movies, etc.
  • Google + ... Social network like Facebook and other projects.

Together with your email address, you simultaneously get access to several services. This is a big advantage of Google Mail.

Sincerely, Alexander.