The verbal work of children of senior preschool age in psychological and pedagogical studies. Development of imagination and verbal creativity in children of senior preschool age

The verbal work of children of senior preschool age in psychological and pedagogical studies. Development of imagination and verbal creativity in children of senior preschool age

The spiritual life of the child is full only then
When he lives in the world of games, fairy tales, music, fantasies.
Without this, he is dried flower.

/ Hard. Sukhomlinsky /

The topic of this work "The fairy tale as a source of development of verbal creativity of children of the senior preschool age"Was chosen by me not by chance.

  1. Currently increased requirements educational system to the speech development of children. By the time of release from the preschool institution, children should achieve a certain level of speech development, since perception and reproduction educational materials, the ability to give deployed answers to questions, independently express your thoughts - all these and other actions require a sufficient level of speech development.
  2. An analysis of the literature on this issue has shown that, despite the diversity of methodological developments on the development of verbal creativity of preschoolers, nevertheless, practical material is not enough.
  3. With a fairy tale, children are found in books, in the cinema, theater, on the television screen. They forget about everything and plunge into the life of heroes. They draw from them a lot of amazing knowledge: the first ideas about time and space, about human connection with nature, with subject world; The fairy tale appears brilliant samples of the native language - all this is a necessary and favorable material for writing their own fairy tales.

In this regard, the question of the development of the verbal creativity of children of preschool age using various methods of writing a fairy tale still does not lose its relevance.

Based on the foregoing, the goal and the task of developing the verbal creativity of senior preschoolers in the process of familiarization with the Russians folk tales.

purpose of work - to promote the development of verbal creativity of children of senior preschool age, relevant to the age level of children's development, using various methods Composition of fairy tales and an elastic algorithm fairy tales.

Educational tasks contribute to the mastering of children with a certain amount of knowledge, skills and skills for their comprehensive development:

  1. Development of interest K. artistic culture By familiarizing with the domestic literary heritage, the admission of children to Russian folk fairy tales.
  2. Attracting the attention of children to interpretation of folk creativity through riddles, folk Games, proverbs, sayings, etc.
  3. Study natural phenomena, animal images and vegetable world. Development of research skills.
  4. Familiarization of children with Russian folk decorative and applied art by forming a variety of artistic and creative abilities.
  5. Development monologic speech, the ability to communicate to speak.
  6. Enrichment of the dictionary of children, their education of interest in the word, love for native language and pride for his wealth.
  7. Promoting the development of mental processes such as perception, creative thinking, creative imagination, memory.
  8. Development of acting abilities through interpenetration different species Arts - music, literature, theater.

Educational challenges are aimed at developing moral and spiritual qualities of children:

  1. Increasing the level of creativity (creative organization) of the process of upbringing and training, their awareness and focus.
  2. Admiration for the work of the Russian people; Opportunities to children understand that they are part of this great people.
  3. Development of emotionally positive attitude to objects of aesthetic content.
  4. Education of a friendly relationship, the desire to communicate with each other, the ability to behave in the team of peers.
  5. Education of the ability to respect the results of child labor.
  6. Formation of every child an emotional and positive attitude towards nature.
  7. The development of a child's sense of self-confidence, in their forces, the realization of its capabilities, perseverance in achieving the goals.
  8. Development creative potential Baby, his artistic observation by studying the literary heritage.

On the basis of the preschool educational institution, the GDO No. 25 of St. Petersburg, a system of pedagogical measures was developed and tested, which includes the creation of favorable conditions for the harmonious development of the child, the formation of the basic culture of the personality, aesthetic, moral and physical education of the child.

The nature of the work carried out allowed to develop a cycle of "ABC fairy tales" classes, mnemotables "Fairy Tales", didactic games, pick up various methods of writing fairy tales and testify this material, describing the optimal ways to develop verbal creativity of preschoolers in this work.

In their work relied on the following principles:

  • The principle of the availability and integrity of knowledge obtained by the child (selection of artistic material on various types of folk art: musical, artistic and speech, decorative and applied, subject to a close relationship).
  • The principle of integration of work on the basis of folk art with various directions educational work and types of children's activities (familiarization with the outside world, speech development, various games and etc.).
  • Principle of an individual approach to children; accounting for their individual preferences, inconsistencies, interests, level of development.
  • The principle of careful and respectful attitude towards children's creativity.
  • The principle of systemic and sequence ensuring the relationship of the studied concepts.
  • The principle of visibility; Pretty use of a model approach to learning, i.e. The possibility of representing concepts in the form of real and graphic models that ensure clearly effective and visual different nature learning.
  • The principle of the strength of the knowledge gained.
  • Educating the nature of learning.

It is known that the teaching of children creative telling the process is gradual and quite complicated. The most successfully he leaks under the guidance of teachers, parents who help them master these skills both on specially organized classes and in the process everyday life. Preschoolers at the older age are available creative told about events from the surrounding life, about relationships with friends, on topics from personal experience, inventing stories, fairy tales. Therefore, the system of working with children of preschool age on the development of verbal creativity included:

  • Acquaintance S. literary Heritage Russian people, his work, since there are special features of the nature of the Russian people: kindness, beauty, truth, courage, hard work ... Oral folk creativity is the richest source of cognitive and moral development Children.
  • Speech exercises (speech charging). This included not only enrichment vocabulary Pressure school speech and accumulation personal experience Each child, but also the development of articulation motility, as well as the development of connected, monologue speech and testing of non-standard methods for the composition of fairy tales, allowing to develop the verbal creativity of preschoolers. It is not standard - this means to teach children original, unusual, in its own way not only to perceive the content, but also creatively converting the course of the narrative, for example, to create free continuations, translating fairy tales, invent various inspired, ending, introduce unforeseen situations, mix multiple plots in one and T.P. The non-traditional approach is also given to the educator, and the child is able to understand that in a fairy tale or a hero is good, and what is bad, to create a new situation, where the hero has corrected, good truthful, evil it would be punished, not cruelly, and humane.
  • Development of creative abilities by creating a variekteric images of alive and inanimate nature through research, visual and game activities. It is extremely important not only to teach the child to compose, but also show him new opportunities. It was quite often for children offered to portray something or someone from the fairy tale, but there is no standard, for example, to portray the fairy tale schematically, show the episode of the text with the help of gestures, gestures or facial expressions, etc.
  • Development in theatrical activity (together with music leader During the holding open events) By reincarnation in the heroes of various fairy tales and cartoons.

At the first stage, work on the development of verbal creativity was aimed at intensifying the stock of knowledge of the most famous fairy tales. Along with listening to fairy tales, the children got acquainted not only with the author's fairy tales and Russian folk fairy tales, but also with small forms of oral folklore (promotion, riddles, shafts, counters, teasers, sweatshops, proverbs, sayings).

Until recently, it was believed that preschoolers were difficult to understand the portable meaning of proverbs and sayings. However, Research F. Sokhin and other authors showed the failure of this thesis. In order to help children understand the figurative meaning of a small folklore, a fairy tale was selected, where moral education was revealed using the appropriate saying. For example, a tale of "Teremok" "Mitten" was chosen by the saying: "In Tenship, yes, not in disadvantage", to the fairy tale "Zayushkina Hut" saying "do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends," to the fairy tale "chanterelle with a rill" - "What we go - it will get married", etc. .

Not only lexical, but also picture material was selected to a number of works of the literary heritage. For effective assimilation the sequences of events taking into account the speech skills of children were determined by the methodological techniques. Were made support schemes - mnemotable Referring to one or another fairy tale and containing the black and white or color designation of the heroes of the fairy tale, their actions, objects and phenomena of nature. The "Ryabok", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Mitten", "Masha and the Bear", "Mitten", "Masha and Bear", "Merper and Fur", "Stub and Fox", "Fox with a Rock", "Zayushkina Hut "," Three Bear "," Winter Beasts "," Cockerel and Bean Surrushko "," Solnyka Visiting "," Fear of Eyes Great "," Cat, Rooster and Fox "," Wolf and Seven Cats "," Fox - sister I. grey Wolf"," Cockerel and Grandfall "," by whining belane "," Gusi-Swans "," Tinch-Havroshchka ".

This is not by chance, because the results of the last psychological and pedagogical studies have shown that the preschooler is more useful to offer not only the illustration, but it is also necessary to show various directions: abstract, comical, schematic, realistic, etc. All this material has significant assistance in the development of verbal creativity of children, because Visuality and clarity of their execution allows you to hold in memory a large number of Information and flexible modeling the plot.

The work system also included a detailed analysis of fabulous narratives. Children learned to perceive traditional ways to build a fairy tale and organizing the plot in it. To do this was used "Map schemes V.Ya. Proppap ". The functions presented in the schemes are generalized actions, concepts, which allows the author of the fairy tale in the future, when writing his own narrative, abstract from a particular act, hero, situation, thereby developing their creative, creative thinking.

In conclusion of his work, I would like to note that through the use of fairy tales - samples of literary and national heritageIn the process of classes in children, the love of their native language and pride in its wealth is being made, monologous speech is improved, interest in verbal creativity, independence in the selection of "native language figurative means", the ability to express their thoughts.

Fairy tales contribute to the enrichment of children with knowledge of the environment, affect moral education. Children learn to see the relationship of various types of art. They develop acting and artistic possibilities, creative imagination, logical memory; Children's activity, research skills, observation, curiosity and other abilities are also developing. Thus, fairy tales are an excellent source of scenes, examples for writing their own narrative.


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  5. Propp V.Ya. Historical roots Magic fairy tale. - L-D, 1986.
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  7. Fairy tale as a source of creativity of children. / Scientific Hands. Lebedev Yu.A. - Vlados, 2001.
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By definition of psychologists, creativity is activities,

as a result of which a person creates something new, original, showing imagination, realizing his intention, independently finding means for its incarnation.

The largest domestic scientist and psychologist L.S. Vygotsky Dal next definition Concept creative activity: "Creative activity we call such a person's activity that creates something new, anyway, whether there will be a creative activity of a thing of the outside world or the construction of the mind, or a feeling that lives and detecting in the very man." In addition, he emphasized that "imagination does not repeat the impressions that accumulated before

and builds some new rows from previously accumulated impressions. The introduction of new things in our impressions and the change in these impressions so that as a result there is a new, previously not existing image. "

L.S. Vygotsky disclosed the mechanism of creating images of imagination: "The person accumulates the material from which his fantasy is consequeled. The following is a very complex process of processing this material. The most important component parts This process is dissociation and association of perceived impressions. "

An analysis of psychological and pedagogical studies showed that creativity is characterized by scientists with two main indicators: it should represent public value And give completely new products.

In order to determine whether children's creativity meets these indicators, it is necessary to refer to the research of psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, B.M. Teplov, D. B. Elkonin) and teachers (N.A. Vetlugin, E.A. Fleina, A.E. Shibitskaya). They prove that creative activity meets the needs and capabilities of the child, accompanied by its emotional and intellectual activity,

and ensures the formation of methods for the uniform creative knowledge implemented in various activities

In the works of B.M. Teplova, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Hanger emphasized the leading role of upbringing, learning, determining pedagogical activity In the development of artistic and creative abilities. The transformation of the imagination into deliberate, purposeful - the task of the teacher, and at a certain work with it, the preschooler is formed by recreation imagination, the result of which is the creation of an image in accordance with the description, drawing, scheme, task. The image created by the child is always a personal education, therefore even the most elementary cognitive act leading

to create a subjective image, begins on the initiative of the subject, determined by its internal installations and emotions, i.e. Reflects his internally (L.A. Wenger).

Theheeva E.I. emphasizes that in nature children's creativity is synthetic, often wears improvisational nature and makes it possible to fully judge about individual manifestations And to identify them in a timely manner.

In the development of children's artistic creativity N.A. The veloga allocates three stages. At the first stage, the role of the teacher is

in the organization of those vital observations that affect children's creativity. If the child has to reflect the life impressions

in a fairy tale, a story, then it should be taught to a figurative vision of the surrounding

i.e. perception having aesthetic coloring. The figurative vision should be holistic: the child must consider the phenomenon is not isolated, but in its multilateral connections. This brings up his ability to find a relationship between various objects and phenomena. Observations of children help the development of combinatorial abilities. It is important that they realize that some phenomena can be changed.

and converted.

In the development of the perception of children special role Plays art.

It helps the child is sharper to feel beautiful in life, enriches the world of his mental experiences, contributes to the birth of artistic images. This stage is preceded by creative activity, but the development of perception, accumulation of artistic and life experience Closely related to the subsequent artistic and creative activities of children.

Second stage - the actual process children's creativity.

It is directly related to the emergence of the plan, with the search for artistic agents. The process of children's creativity is not very deployed

in time. The creative act is "in one breath". The child gives a quick discharge to his feelings and, according to L.S. Vygotsky, "Create

in one reception. "

The role of the teacher is, according to a number of authors, in creating a joyful atmosphere, full of interesting, sometimes unexpected experiences, which is necessary for the successful implementation of the child's creative activity and ensuring the internal need of self-expression in creativity. It is important to ensure the variations of situations,

in which the child has to act, as it activates his mental activity. To form creativity, it is necessary to change the conditions from time to time, combine individual

and collective work. Special attention should be paid to the development of the objects of sensory survey of objects. The wider the orientation of children in a wide variety of properties of items

and phenomena, the more vitality and the more creativity will be their creativity.

So that the child eased and fluently expressed himself in creativity, he must own the simplest artistic means. The task of the teacher is to help him in this.

The third (final) stage is characterized by the creation of new products. At this stage, the child begins to be interested in the quality of the products of his creativity and is experiencing aesthetic pleasure, seeking to give them a completeness. But the experiences of preschoolers will be even more fully, if he is convinced that his work is interesting not only to him, but also around. Therefore, the analysis of children's products conducted by a teacher is so important.

M.V. Fadeeva offers a system that will help determine the level of creativity and methods for the development of children's creative abilities. As criteria for this level, it calls such moments as the desire to choose from their own ideas or topics;

to express them with their own means; To organize their own methods. On the modern stage The search for the most effective ways and methods for the development of children's creativity are being searched.

So, the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue showed that artistic creativity can not be carried out without the involvement of an adult who helps the child to create

and assumes the functions of criticism and partially creator, i.e. Functions inaccessible to the preschooler due to its age features

(N.A. Starodubova).

In the development of the artistic and creative abilities of children, upbringing and training plays a leading role. An adult teaches a child to special skills and skills that are the basis for the development of creativity.

Due to the lack of or bad learning, the "decline of creativity" occurs. Only with proper pedagogical guidance and training you can achieve high results.

The concept of "verbal creativity", according to the so-called. It is possible to apply to any occasion of creativity related to the word.

At the same time, it refers to two although connected, but still fundamentally different areas: creativity in speech and creativity in the language. Speech creativity leads to the creation of a new speech product, i.e. new text, oral or written, any volume, in any form - prosaic, poetic, codified, free, monological, dialogic, etc. Unlike speech, with language creativity, processes that lead to transformation in the language system itself - both in a separate person and in the nationwide language

Studying the problem of developing verbal creativity of children due to the complexity and multifaceted nature of speech phenomena is closely in contact with the provisions of psychology, linguistics, psycholinguistics and pedagogy.

Psychological aspect includes the features of perception of the literary work (L.M. Gurovich, A.V. Zaporozhets,

N.S. Karpinskaya, O.I. Nikiforova, S.L. Slavina, O.I. Solovyov,

E.A. Fleerina, N.A. Civanuk) and the activities of the imagination of children

(L.A. Verger, L.S. Vygotsky, O.M. Dyachenko, S.L. Rubinstein,

MM Rybakova) as the foundations of speech creativity. Creature speech work It occurs as a result of the processing of visual images - representations obtained during the perception, and the transfer of selected combinations into the language of verbal signs, adequately reflecting the content of images.

As part of the linguistic approach, a coherent statement (text) is considered as a product of speech activity with its own internal structure and categorical features

(SI. Gindin, I.R. Galperin, T.M. Dridze, L.A. Kiseleva, L.M. Losev,

O.I. Moskalskaya, E.A. Referovskaya, G.Ya. Solgan).

In pedagogical studies devoted to the problem of the formation of verbal creativity, it is proved that creative speech activities are successfully implemented in senior preschool age under the influence and as a result of special training, which is the choice of funds (L.M. Vorosnina, E.P. Korotkov,

ON THE. Orlanova, O.N. Somakova, E.I. Tikeeva, O.S. Ushakova, E.A. Fleirina


Cleaning creativity is a process associated with the general development of the child. There is a direct relationship between the development of the speech of children and their creativity. The very creativity is unthinkable without mastering the child, the richness of the language that speaks, thinks. Of course, this mastering we understand according to the peculiarities of preschool age.

In the domestic pedagogy, the problem of verbal creativity of preschoolers was considered in the works of E.I. Thaiyeva, N.C. Karpinskaya, O.S. Shushakova, etc.

In particular, in the study of O.S. Shushakova, the author shows how the development of poetic hearing affects the development of creative verbal activity Children, helping to raise in children the flair to their native word, susceptibility to the artistic literature, understanding the features of genres. And, most importantly, the poetic hearing helps children to move away the learned words and expressions to their writings, helps to realize the connection of the content of the literary work with its artistic form, more subtle the beauty of the artistic word.

In the formation of artistic, in particular, verbal, children's creativity N.A. Vetlugin allocated three stages.

At the first stage, experience is accumulated. The role of the teacher is to organize vital observations affecting children's creativity. The child should be leaning with a figurative vision of the surrounding.

The second stage is the actual process of children's creativity, when the intention arises, the search for artists. The emergence of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe child passes if an installation is created for new activities (invent a story). The presence of a plan encourages children to find the means of its implementation: search for compositions, selection of actions of heroes, choosing words. Of great importance here are creative tasks.

In the third stage, new products appear. The child is interested in her quality, seeks to complete her, experiencing aesthetic pleasure. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the results of creativity by adults, his interest.

Knowledge of the features of the formation of children's verbal creativity makes it possible to determine the conditions necessary to teach children creative telling.

1. One of the conditions for the success of children in creative activity is the constant enrichment of the experience of children with impressions of life. This work may have a different character depending on the specific task: excursions, work observations of adults, viewing paintings, albums, illustrations in books and magazines, reading books.

2. Forwards, the enrichment and activation of the dictionary is considered an important condition for successful learning creative telling. Children need to replenish and activate the dictionary due to words-definitions; Words to help describe experiences, features of the character of acting persons.

3. Theory story is a productive activity, the end result should be a connected, logically consistent story. Therefore, one of the conditions - the ability of children to talk to talk, own the structure of a connected statement, know the composition of the narrative and description. We will skills, children are trained in the previous age stages, reproducing literary texts, making a description of toys and paintings by inventing the stories on them. Especially close to the verbal creativity of stories about one toy, thinking of the end and started to the episode depicted in the picture.

4. Another condition is the correct understanding of the instructions of the task "to come up", i.e. Create something new, tell about what was really not there, or the child did not see this, but "invented" (although in the experience of other such a fact could be).

If a modern normally developing child to 4.5 - 5 years old must master the entire system of the native language: to talk connected, fully express their thoughts, is easy to build expanded complex sentences; easily retell stories and fairy tales; Proper use all sounds; His vocabulary is up to 4-5 thousand words, the other picture is observed in children with speech impairment.


Verbal creativity - the most sophisticated view Creative child activity. The possibility of developing creative speech activities arises in the senior preschool age when children appear a fairly large supply of knowledge about the environment, which can be the content of verbal creativity. Children seize complex forms Svyaznoy speech, dictionary. They have the opportunity to act according to the plan. Imagination from the reproductive, mechanically reproducing validity turns into creative.

In preschool age, the emotional and expressive function of speech is significantly enriched. The child assistens the meaning of words expressing emotional state, an emotional attitude to objects and phenomena, the meaning of words associated with the experiences of emotions, words denoting the socially significant characteristics of a person. The assimilation of words is due to a deeper and clear difference in signs, objects and phenomena.

Development of the emotionally expressive function of the speech of children - good basis For the emergence and formation of artistic perception and elements of artistic imagination in verbal creativity. In enrichment of perception, art is of particular importance.

The word can be not only a means of imagination, but also its "building material". The activity of the child is implemented in mastering the tongue. This manifests itself in the verbal work of children in the broad sense of the word, children manipulate, play poetic forms (rhythm, rhyme, images).

The concept of "creativity" is initial to understand the essence of verbal creativity. Creativity B. wide sense It is the most important social and significant type of human spiritual and practical activity, which is a targeted change in the objective world. A.L. Wenger notes that children's creativity is a form of activity and independent activity a child, in the process of which it retreats from the sample and stereotype, experiments, modifies the world, Creates something new to others for yourself.

I. A. Kyshin suggests that verbal creativity is a complex type of child's creative activity, is considered as an activity arising under the influence of the perception of works of art and manifest in the creation of successful combinations - stories, fairy tales, poems. The verbal creativity is understood as a two-one process of accumulating impressions in the process of pedagogical activity and creative processing of them into the language of verbal signs.

According to O. S. Ushakova, verbal creativity - productive activities that arise under the influence of the work of art and impressions of the surrounding life and expressing in the creation of oral writings.

L.I. Bogovich, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Eleontyev, E.A. Medveveva, N. Sellyanina, R.M. Chumicheva, D. B. Elkonin, U.V. Yulenenkova noted that Among the types of artistic creative activities, verbal creativity occupies a special place as a vital, communicative and socio-personal function, which is formed in the process of activity under the influence of the medium, including artistic.

According to the researchers L.M. Gurovich, N.I.Vileva, O.N.Somova, E.I.Theyeva - the verbal creativity of preschoolers can manifest itself in the following forms: wordiness, essay of poems, own stories, fairy tales, creative Repears, inventing mysteries and non-pieces.

At the heart of verbal creativity, O. S. Shushakov notes, lies the perception of works fiction, oral folk creativity, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, riddles, phraseologism) in the unity of content and artistic form. The relationship between the perception of fiction and verbal creativity, which interacts on the basis of the development of poetic hearing is noted. The verbal creativity of children is expressed in various forms: in writing stories, fairy tales, descriptions; in the composition of poems, mysteries, nonfilts; in the wordiness (creating new words - neoplasms).

Let us dwell on the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the verbal creativity of children of preschool age. The formation of creative activities of children is traditionally considered by psychologists in connection with the development of imagination. According to the idea of \u200b\u200bL. S. Vygotsky generally accepted in the domestic science, the imagination begins to develop in the game, and then continues its development in other activities: in constructive, visual, musical, literary and artistic.

Promotes the manifestation of creativity and the image of the thinking of the preschooler. It provides freshness, non-cracking of the children's perception of the world, contributes to the development of imagination and fantasy. A. V. Zaporozhets repeatedly emphasized that the figurative nature of child thinking should be considered as dignity and develop it in preschool age, as it underlies the creative activity of artists, writers, designers, etc.

The perception of works of art and verbal creativity is associated together by means of poetic hearing. Thus, O. S. Ushakov believes that the perception of works of fiction, oral folk art is the basis of verbal creativity, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, riddles, phraseologism) in the unity of content and artistic form. At the same time, the poetic hearing should be understood more widely as belonging to the perception of any works, not only poetic genre. "The poetic hearing is the ability to feel expressive means Artistic speech, distinguish between genres, understand their features, as well as the ability to realize the connection of the components of the artistic form with the content of the literary work. "

So, for the active and successful participation of the child in verbal creativity, a psychological platform is needed in the form of developed imagination, thinking, perception.

Fantasia (Greek φαντασία - "imagination") - the situation submitted by an individual or a group that does not correspond to reality, but expressing their desires. Fantasy is improvisation on free topic. Fantasize - it means imagine, compose, represent.

Fantasia - required condition The creative activity of man, which is expressed in building an image or a visual model of its results in cases where information is not required (pure fantasy) or not enough. An example of this may be fragmented archival sources, on the basis of which the writer creates a solid work, complementing through its own fantasy possible ligaments, as well as bringing a lively impression to its talent.

The world of child fantasy is huge and diverse. Do not be fantasy and imagination, we would not have developed science, and we would have remained in the Stone Age. The first dumpet was a man who was able to consider in a simple stone stick-digger and moved all civilization forward. And Russian dreams of folk talers about the carpet-plane and self-propeller stove, embodied in the construction of a spacecraft and a car? Without imagination modern schoolboy It would not be understood by a single item, because I could not design images in your head and operate with abstract concepts.

The development of fantasy in children is happening in preschool age, and its active development begins after 2.5-3 years, but before that age there is still preparation. As far as the child is developed imagination, depends on the period of life they lived from 1 year to 3 years. At this time, the kids still do not play, but study the properties of objects, and close people should assist in this.

The next stage of the development of fantasy continues from 3 to 7 years, and at this age, the game is the game. And the kids in the game is coming Development of attention, perception, memory, intelligence, imagination. Here in the development of imagination, plot-role-playing games are important in which several people are eager. To the game you need to treat very carefully, because it is considered leading activities aged from 3 to 7 years.

The development of fantasy in children depends also on the items necessary for joint games. But the overabundance of toys in stores that are very realistic today, unfortunately, prevent children in the development of fantasy. Yes, these toys are attractive and beautiful, but they are not able to wake the imagination due to the fact that "fully prepared for use." And parents complain that the baby is quickly losing interest in them.

The child needs simplicity for fantasy, for its development should be semi-finished products - sticks, pieces, glands, pieces of matter, pebbles. Take a rule once and forever not to throw out without the knowledge of the child belonging to him. You never even come to mind that the machine without wheels is a "secret" installation, which can lie in the box for months, but the baby still remembers about it and, without finding it, he will be very upset.

The verbal creativity is one of the types of children's creativity, which allows the child to show the level of his speech activity, the ability is creative, it is advisable to correctly use the language in various situations of being. It has great importance For a child as a means of knowledge and self-knowledge, cultural and self-expression and self-realization.

In studies, verbal creativity is defined as the artistic activities of children who have arisen under the influence of works of art, as well as impressions of the surrounding life and expressing in creating oral writing.

The development of verbal creativity of preschoolers is an integral part common development their creative abilities in different kinds artistic activities And affects the cognitive and emotional-willed sphere of the child.

The development of verbal creativity is carried out initially in speech activity, is significantly enriched due to the subsequent inclusion in the theatrical and fine activity: The speech of children becomes more expressive, figurative, emotionally enriched. In addition, verbal creativity affects the development of different artistic abilities Child: visual and theatrical (ability to create a stage image corresponding to the content of the performance, preparation of scenery, costumes, etc.).

Work on the formation of verbal creativity is carried out on the basis of the development of the artistic imagination of the child, its communicative abilities and the development of all parties to his speech (lexical, grammatical, phonetic).

The initial for the development of verbal creativity is the formation of a holistic perception literary works In the unity of their content and artistic form.

The use of the method of contamination of different literary works is developing the imagination of a child, the ability to create on their scripts to their motives and then put the performances.

The relationship of various types of artistic activities of children (speech, visual, musical, theatrical) enriches creative skills child helps correlate artistic imagearising from the perception of works of art and creating their own essays.

N. Kudykina notes that a large role in the development of verbal creativity of children should be assigned to the targeted pedagogical effects of an adult, his educational leadership organizing creative process Baby. The leadership is expressed in the creation of conditions for the formation of verbal creativity, in determining the leading, most effective methods, in finding various pedagogical techniques and in a rational combination of them with the applied method. And also needed work in two main directions:

1) according to the general enrichment of the speech of the child;

2) to improve speech in its aesthetic function, including verbal and non-verbal means of expressiveness.

In the work on enrichment of children's speech, the leading method is to independently play the text of the memory (retelling). To develop the expressive side of the speech, it is necessary to create conditions that allow the child to show their emotions, feelings, the desire to publicly act.

Modern research this issue Allow to talk about the wide educational possibilities of theatrical activity. By participating in it, children get acquainted with the world around the world throughout the images, paints, sounds, and the correct questions are forced to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. In the process of working on the expressiveness of the replicas of characters, the dictionary of the child is imperceptibly intensified, the dictionary is improved. sound culture His speech, her intonational system. The executable role, spoken replicas put the child before the need clearly, clearly, understandable to express. He improves a dialogic speech, its grammatical system.

In temporary requirements for the content and methods of work in preschool educational institution The special section "Development of a child in theatrical activity" was highlighted, in which the criteria are emphasized that the teacher is obliged:

Create conditions for the development of the creative activity of children in theatrical activities (encourage performing creativity, to develop the ability is freely and limited to stay while performing, to encourage to improvise by means of facial expressions, expressive movements and intonations, etc.);

Attach children to K. theatrical culture (to acquaint with the device theater, theatrical genres);

Ensure the relationship of theatrical with other activities in the Unified pedagogical process;

Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults.

The content of theatrical classes includes:

a) Look puppet performances and conversations on them;

b) dramatization games;

c) playing a variety of fairy tales and stages;

d) exercises for the formation of expressiveness of execution (verbal and non-verbal);

e) exercises on the socio-emotional development of children.

It should be emphasized that theatrical classes must perform at the same time cognitive, educational and developing functions and in no way be reduced only to the preparation of speeches. Their content, forms and methods should contribute to simultaneously achieving three main objectives:

1. Development of speech and skills of theatrical performance;

2. Creating an atmosphere of creativity;

3.Social and emotional development of children.

Theatrical activity is the most effective tool Development of verbal creativity of children of senior preschool age. Since the theatrical activity of children is a type of artistic activity, including the fulfillment of its or author's plan in dramatization, dramatization games, in the production of different types of theater. Theatrical activity allows you to most fully implement the main areas of work on the development of verbal creativity: Public, the most expressive independent reproduction of a previously perceived or composition text artistic work baby.

For the effective development of verbal creativity, as a type of children's creativity, conditions are needed identified for the development of children's creativity in general. Accordingly, the process of developing verbal creativity in the theatrical activities of children of senior pre-school age requires compliance with the following pedagogical conditions:

Selection of literary works, taking into account the possibility of the scenic embodiment of their content;

Holding special creative tasks, developing theatrical abilities of children (connection of movements with expressiveness of speech, with facial expressions and gestures).

Mastering connected oral speechThe development of fantasy, imagination and ability to literary creativity is the most important condition for high-quality training for school. An important part of this work is: development of figurative speech, education of interest in the artistic word, the formation of the ability to use artistic expressiveness In an independent statement. The achievement of these purposes contributes to a number of games and exercises, consider some of them.

The "Increase - Reduction" game.

Here is a magic wand, it can increase or reduce everything you want. What would you like to increase, and what to reduce?

This is how children answer:

I would like to reduce the winter, and increase the summer.

I would like to increase the weekend.

I want to increase the rain drops to the size of the watermelon.

Let's complicate this game with additional questions:

What would you like to increase, and what to reduce? Why do you want to increase or decrease?

Responses of children:

I want to increase the candy until the size of the refrigerator so that you can cut off the slices with a knife.

Let the arms be at time become so long that it will be possible to get an apple from the branch, or say hello through the window, or get a ball from the roof.

If the trees in the forest decrease to the size of the grass, and the grass before the sizes of the match, then it will be easy to look for mushrooms.

If the child is difficult to give independent fantasy, offer to fantasize together, ask him auxiliary questions.

The game "Review the subject".

This game involves giving the objects of inanimate nature of the abilities and the qualities of living beings, namely: the ability to move, think, feel, breathe, grow, rejoice, multiply, smoke, smile.

What kind of living being you would have turned balloon?

What does your shoes think about?

Game "Gift".

Children get up in a circle. One give a box with a bow asked to convey her neighbor with warm words: "I give you a habit of", or "I give you a goat, the horns have not grown yet", or "I give you a big candy," in the cactus box, not covered. "

The game "Change the character of the character."

Come up with a fairy tale with such an incredible plot: Fox has become the most rustic in the forest, and her all the beasts are cheating.

Game "Zoo".

The participants of the game are received by the picture without showing them to each other. Everyone must describe his animal, without calling it, by this plan:

1) appearance.

2) Where does it live?

3) What is food?

The game is "different eyes."

Describe the aquarium from the point of view of its owner, and then, from the point of view of the fish, which is floating there, and the host cat.

The game "Describe the situation".

Participants of the game are issued the same story pictures. They are invited to describe the situation from the point of view of its different participants, whose interests may be opposite. For example, from the point of view of fox and hare, bear and bees.

"Come to the continuation" game.

Read the beginning of the fairy tale and ask to come up with how events will develop in a fairy tale than it will end.

The game "How lucky I was."

As I was lucky, "says sunflower," I look like the sun.

As I was lucky, "said Potato," I feed people. "

As I was lucky, "says Berez," fragrant brooms make me.

Game "pick up the metaphor."

The metaphor is the transfer of the properties of one object (phenomenon) to another on the basis of a trait common to both items. For example, "Speaking of Waves", "Cold Look".

Explain what properties in the given metaphors and to whom are transferred.

Soft character. The cheeks are burning. Drowned in two. Hold in heroic mittens. Relieved from anger. Annoying like fly. Hardworking as a bee.

The game "Autobiography".

I will present myself the subject, thing or phenomenon and from his behalf I will lead the story. Carefully listen to me and find out this way, find out what comes or what we are talking about.

"I am in the house in every person. Fragile, transparent. From a negligent relationship, you die, and it becomes dark not only in the soul ... (light bulb)."

The game "Cheerful Rhymes".

Select the rhyme words.

Candle - stove; Pipes - lips; Racket - Pipette; Boots - Pies, etc.

The people say: "There is no consideration without imagination." Albert Einstein said that the ability to imagine above the multi-consciousness, for it believed that without imagination could not be discovered. Well developed, bold, managed imagination is an invaluable property of the original non-standard thinking.

Children subconsciously learn to think in the game. This should take advantage and develop imagination and fantasy from early childhood. Let the children "invent their bikes." Who did not inlets bicycles as a child, he will not be able to invent anything at all. Fantasize - should be interesting. Remember that the game is always immeasurably more productive if we use the child in pleasant situations that allow you to perform heroic deeds And, listening to the fairy tale, see its future full and promising. Then, having enjoyed the game, the child will quickly master the ability to fantasize, and then the ability to imagine, and then rationally think.