The synopsis of the nodes on the femp. senior preparatory group. generalization of knowledge about geometric shapes

The synopsis of the nodes on the femp.  senior preparatory group.  generalization of knowledge about geometric shapes
The synopsis of the nodes on the femp. senior preparatory group. generalization of knowledge about geometric shapes

Today we will talk about a fascinating topic - geometry for toddlers. According to the norms, by the age of 2, the child should know 3 geometric shapes - this is a square, a circle and a triangle. By the age of 3, the number of recognizable figures increases to 6-7. An oval, rectangle, rhombus and aerobatics- trapezoid. How to teach a child to distinguish between them?

We study geometric shapes.

From the most early years use concepts such as round (ball), square (stool), oval (table), etc. in conversation with your child. This method works especially effectively when a child sees several objects with the same name, but different shapes and he needs to choose one specific subject. This should be done unobtrusively. For example, when setting the table, you might ask your child to give you a square plate. Or, before going to bed, offer to bring a round book to read. At first, when the child still does not know how to independently determine the forms and is lost in front of a bunch of books, show him which one is round.

The next stage (1.5-2 years) - we cut out shapes from colored cardboard: a square, a circle and a triangle 3-5 pieces each, all of the same color (so that the color does not distract from the shape). And we play with the child the game "Collect the figures", ie randomly lay out the figures on the table and ask the child to collect all the circles, then the squares, etc. We help him if necessary. If the child copes with the task easily, then again cut out the same figures from the cardboard, but already different colors... Start with 4 primary colors - red, yellow, blue and green. And again we play the same game.

It happens that a different color of the figures knocks the child down, help him by specifying the task: "Collect circles of all colors: yellow, and red, and blue, and green." When the child begins to easily cope with the task, add shapes different sizes and use the figures in the game different color and different sizes.

After 2 years, if the child has mastered all the above skills well, you can add new shapes - an oval, a rectangle, a rhombus and, if desired, a trapezoid.

After that, we move on to the next stage.

If the child is good at colors and size, then you can complicate the game - ask to collect certain figures a specific color, such as yellow triangles. Or of a specific size - small circles.

And the top of the skill for your child will be the successful completion of the task of 3 components: to collect certain shapes, of a specific color and size. For example, blue large triangles or red small ovals.

The most important thing is not to rush, go to the next stage only when you see that the child easily copes with the task himself.

We learn to divide an object into figures. Spatial imagination.

After 2 years, the child's imagination begins to form. The child begins to see this or that image in various outlines. At this age, a child can easily tell you that this strangely shaped pattern looks like a frog or a dog. Indeed, upon closer inspection, you will find this similarity.

Use this period to develop spatial imagination. Discuss with your child what shapes this or that object looks like. Use colored pencils, paints or colored paper applique to "turn" an ordinary rectangle into wonderful picture, circles and ovals - into a cute cat, and from a rectangle and triangles "build" a space rocket.

Lay out various objects from the cut out colored cardboard figures: houses, cars, ships and simply beautiful patterns.

Focus the child's attention on the shape of this or that part of the object - that the body of the truck is rectangular, the wheels are round, and the roof of the house is triangular.

We develop volumetric thinking.

All parents know that young children simply love to hide "in" and "under" various voluminous objects. Wherever they go: into boxes and wardrobes, under beds and tables, they build houses and "sticks" from chairs and bedspreads. Don't grumble, but rather encourage these games. Such acrobatic-building activities develop a child's volumetric thinking. It has been proven that children who are forbidden by their parents to play such games in the future face difficulties in school when studying volumetric geometry.

The fact is that sitting, for example, in a house, a child perceives the volume of an object from the inside, realizes the fact that the object has internal space.

Any game that emphasizes the volume of an object will add a plus sign to the development of volumetric thinking of your child. For example, the game "Toy hide and seek". You hide several toys, and the child looks for them. And then vice versa. The main thing is to hide toys in the "right" places: cabinets, boxes, pans, in a closed car body, etc. For small children, leave "tips" - a bunny's paw sticking out of the closet or the head of a favorite bear peeking out of a saucepan.

Buy an educational logical insert toy in which you need to insert various figures into the corresponding cutouts.

Build with cubes. Be sure to use the constructor - this is generally a universal educational toy. The game with the constructor develops the child fine motor skills and coordination of movements, color perception and logical thinking, imagination and, of course, spatial-volumetric thinking.


1. Educational - to fix the names of geometric shapes, to acquaint children with the method of drawing a polygon in a notebook, to practice counting within 20, to name even and odd numbers, to consolidate the ability to make geometric shapes from counting sticks.

2. Developing - to develop memory, logical thinking, attention, the ability to navigate on a piece of paper.

3. Educational - to educate active curiosity.

Materials for the lesson.

Counting sticks, pencil, notebooks, cards with geometric shapes, geometric shapes.

Course of the lesson:

1. Introductory part

Educator: Guys, please stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tight

And we will smile at each other.

Educator: Guys, I'm very glad to see you. Grasp the handles, give each other a smile. Now give your smile to me. Fine! Now we will begin a lesson - mathematics, in which we will work with geometric shapes. Let's all sit down.

Educator: As usual, we will start our lesson with a warm-up.

Let's count in order up to 20 and back to 1;

Name the even numbers;

Name the odd numbers.

Part 2. The main

Educator: As I said, we will work with geometric shapes. But with which, you have to guess.

Get to know me game

I am a polygon, I have 3 sides (triangle)

I am a polygon, I have 4 equal sides (square)

I am not a polygon, I can be rolled (circle)

I have no corners, but I am not a circle (oval)

I'm a four-sided, but I don't have everything sides are equal(rectangle)

Educator: Well done, all the figures were named correctly. Let's list again what geometric shapes we'll be working with.

(Ask 1-2 children.)

Educator: Guys, do you know that geometric shapes can be drawn, drawn in a notebook, cut out of colored paper. And they can also be laid out from counting sticks. And not one, but several at once. Let's try.

Count three sticks and make a triangle

Count two more sticks and make another triangle

How many triangles are there? (two)

Count four sticks and make a square.

Count three more sticks and make another square

What figure did you get? (rectangle)

How many quadrangles are there? (three)

How many polygons did you get? (three)

Name them. (two squares and one polygon)

Count three more sticks and make another square.

How many sticks have you counted?

What shapes did you get?

Game "Guess the number".

Educator: I suggest you relax and play the game "Guess the number". Let's pick a presenter.

A rooster walked along the shore,


In the river - bukh.

Children form a circle. The leader, standing in the center of the circle, thinks of a number within 10. and speaks to his teacher in his ear. Those who play with the help of questions, to which the presenter can only answer "Yes" or "No", must guess the conceived number. Then the child who guessed the number becomes the leader.

Children sit down in their places.

Educator: And now we will work with cards. Each of them has cards with geometric shapes on the table. You must carefully examine your card and tell exactly how the figures are located on your card.

Where is the rectangle?
The rectangle is in the middle.
- Where is the oval?
The oval is to the right of the rectangle
- Where is the circle?
The circle is at the bottom, under the rectangle

Where is the square?

The square is to the left of the rectangle
- Where is the triangle?
The triangle is on top, above the rectangle.

(In this case, the card can be turned in different directions, changing the position of the figures. And you can ask the same questions.)

The teacher shows the children a pentagon and asks what this figure is called.

Educator: Today I will show you how to draw a polygon in a notebook. First you need to decide which polygon you will draw. I will draw a pentagon. I'll put five points for the vertices (show), connect them with straight lines to each other - we get the sides of the polygon (show). What shape did you get? Let's check if I drew the pentagon correctly.

Children check by counting tops, corners, sides.

Educator: Now each of you will draw any polygon. First, let's knead our fingers.

Finger gymnastics

Girls and boys are friends in our group.

You and I will make friends with little fingers.

Start counting again: 5 4 3 2 1 -

Together we stand in a circle!

Independent work children.

Part 3. Lesson summary.

Educator: Our lesson has come to an end. What we worked with today in the lesson (with geometric shapes). What did you learn in class? (lay out geometric shapes from counting sticks, draw polygons in a notebook)

Now evaluate your work in class. If you have good mood, you were interested in the lesson, everything worked out for you, then raise your hands up, and if you felt uncomfortable, something didn’t work for you, then put your hands down.

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Summary of the GCD class “Cognition. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts ”. Topic: "Generalization of knowledge about geometric shapes"

Author: Ustinova Elena Aleksandrovna teacher of the preschool preparation group of the branch of MBOU Sosnovskaya secondary school No. 1 in the village of Semikino, Sosnovskiy district, Tambov region.
Material description: I offer you a summary of a lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations on the topic "Generalization of knowledge about geometric shapes." It will be useful for teachers working with older preschoolers. The summary of the lesson is aimed at ensuring that in game form to generalize the existing knowledge of the older preschooler about geometric shapes and their properties.
Educational area: cognition.
Direct view educational activities: the formation of elementary mathematical representations.
Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health", "Reading fiction"," Artistic creation ".
Audience: the summary of the lesson is designed for teachers working with older preschoolers, as well as for parents of older preschoolers, children 5-7 years old.
Target: generalization of the previously obtained knowledge about geometric shapes and their properties.
teach the ability to find geometric shapes in the surrounding space; visual recognition and transformation of geometric shapes, their recreation according to presentation, description.
promote the development of spatial representations, figurative and logical thinking, creative imagination;
to instill in children an interest in geometry, skills in working in groups.
Methodical techniques:
Verbal: explanation, reminder, clarification, assessment of children's activities, indication, conversation, artistic word, questions.
Visual: Shows pictures with geometric shapes.
Practical: coloring drawings, highlighting and counting figures, designing objects according to previously prepared sketches and templates, working with signal cards, physical. minute, finger gymnastics.
Game: creating a game situation.
Problematic: help Masha and the Bear put the picture together, get home.
Integration of areas:
cognition: (improve the counting skills of children, exercise in counting within 10, teach to construct objects from geometric shapes, learn to recognize geometric shapes in surrounding objects);
health: to consolidate with children the knowledge gained in conducting a complex of games, dynamic pauses, practical exercises; to help increase the overall performance of children, relieve mental stress, easily switch from one type of activity to another;
socialization: to encourage children to be included in a joint play situation with adults, to develop emotional responsiveness, benevolence;
communication: master the basic skills of speech etiquette;
fiction: reading poetry and riddles about geometric shapes;
artistic creation: drawing kittens using geometric shapes, coloring coloring pages with colored pencils.

for the teacher - a computer, a projector, a multimedia board, pictures of geometric shapes, visual aids with figures, pictures with fairy-tale characters;
for children - coloring, colored pencils, set geometric shapes-templates, cards with numbers.

Direct educational activities.

1. Org. moment.
- Guys, they came to our lesson today fairy-tale heroes Masha and the Bear.
They did not come empty-handed, but prepared assignments and questions for us, to which we must find the correct answers. If we answer correctly, we will earn prizes from our heroes.
1) Riddle:
My little brother, Seryozha,
Mathematician and draftsman -
On Baba Shura's table
Draws all sorts of ... (figures)
- Our lesson is devoted to geometric shapes. Let's remember with you what geometric shapes we know (the teacher shows drawings of figures and reads a poem).

He is my friend for a long time,
Every corner in it is straight,
All four sides are the same length
I'm glad to introduce myself to you, but my name is ... (square!)

We stretched a square
And presented at a glance
Who did he look like
Or something very similar?
Not a brick, not a triangle -
Became a square ... (rectangle).

Three peaks are visible here,
Three corners, three sides -
Well, perhaps that's enough! -
What do you see? - ...(triangle)

The wheel rolled
After all, it is similar,
How visual nature
Only a round figure.
Have you guessed, dear friend?
Well, of course, this is ... (circle).

A slice of watermelon is a semicircle,
Half a circle, a part of it, a piece.
Knowing about shapes is very important, friend.
No wonder it is among these lines!
If I took a circle
I squeezed a little on both sides,
Answer the children together -
It would turn out ... (oval)

The triangle was filed
And the figure got:
Two obtuse corners inside
And two sharp ones - look.
Not a square, not a triangle
And it looks like a polygon (trapezoid).

Slightly flattened square
Invites to identify:
Sharp angle and obtuse
Forever bound by fate.
Guess what is the matter?
What is the name of the figure? (rhombus).

Six obtuse angles inside
Consider on the figure
And imagine that from a square
Got his brother.
There are too many corners here
Are you ready to name it? (hexagon)

We get down to business again
Examining the body again:
Maybe he will become a ball
And fly a little.
Very round, not oval.
Have you guessed? This is ... (ball).

How can we not twirl it
There are exactly six equal faces.
We can play loto with him,
Just be careful:
He is neither kind nor rude
Because it is ... (cube).

Top cover, bottom bottom.
Two circles connected
And we got the figure.
What is the name of the body?
Need to guess quickly (cylinder).

Here is a cap on my head -
This is a clown on the grass.
But the cap is not a pyramid
This is immediately, brothers, you can see:
Circle at the base of the cap.
What is his name then? (cone).

Egyptians folded them
And so cleverly made,
That they have been standing for centuries.
Guess kids, yourself
What kind of bodies are these
Where is the peak visible to everyone?
Have you guessed? Because of the view
Everyone knows ... (pyramid).

It seems to be a bucket,
But a completely different bottom:
Not a circle, but a triangle
Or even a hexagon.
The body is very capricious,
Because it is ... (prism).

2) Logical tasks:

Name the shapes. Which one is superfluous? Why? Name the color of each shape.

- What do these figures have in common? What is the difference? Find two identical shapes. What signs of triangles do you know?

- What are the names of the figures? What do they have in common? Which figure is superfluous and why? What is the largest figure in a row? And which is the smallest?
2. Physical education (performed according to the drawing on the board)

How many points are in this circle
Let's raise our hands so many times.
How many sticks to the point
Let's stand on our toes so much.
How many green trees
So many bends.
How many circles do we have here,
So many jumps.
3. The game "Fold the picture".
- Masha and the bear offer to put together pictures from geometric shapes using ready-made cards. To do this, we will split into two groups. Each group will add their own picture. But first, let's take a closer look at the cards. What are the geometric shapes that make up the pictures? How many pieces are there? What color is the figure? First you need to fold the picture, looking at the card, and then from memory.

4. Riddles from Masha and the Bear.
Look at the figure
And draw in the album
Three corners. Three sides
Connect with each other.
It turned out not a square,
A beautiful ... (triangle).

I am a figure - anywhere,
Always very even,
All angles in me are equal
And four sides.
The cube is my beloved brother
Because I…. (square).

It looks like an egg
Or on your face.
This is such a circle -
Very strange appearance:
The circle became flattened.
It turned out suddenly…. (oval).

Like a plate, like a wreath
Like a funny bun
Like wheels, like rings
Like pie from a warm oven! (circle)

Slightly flattened square
Invites to identify:
Sharp angle and obtuse
Forever bound by fate.
Guess what is the matter?
What is the name of the figure? (rhombus).

This figure is a brother to our square
But he only has two sides equal,
And the corners are all the same ... (rectangle)

It's a month in the clouds
And the floor is apples in hand.
If you suddenly break the circle,
You will get ... (semicircle).

5. Finger game"Kittens" (author: Pakhomova E.V.)
(We fold our palms, press our fingers together. Elbows rest on the table)
Our cat has ten kittens,
(We shake our hands without separating them).
Now all kittens are in pairs:
Two fat, two nimble,
Two long, two cunning,
The two smallest
And the most beautiful ones.
(We tap the corresponding fingers against each other from thumb to little finger).

- Compare the kittens. How are they similar and how are they different?
- Count how many triangles are in the picture?
- How many circles?
- Try to draw your kittens. Other shapes can be used.

6. Practical work "Geometric coloring".

- Masha and the Bear ask you to paint a picture with colored pencils and count how many geometric shapes you have found.
- How many circles?
- How many triangles?
- How many squares?
- How many rectangles?

7. Testing knowledge.
- Children, Masha and the Bear really liked how you worked in class today. They have prepared a surprise for you. And now they need to go back. But our heroes forgot their way. Let's help them get home. A map will help us with this, on which objects are depicted in geometric shapes.
- How do we get across the river? (by bridge or boat)
- What geometric shapes did we see? (semicircle, trapezoid)
- In the form of what figure is the path in the forest depicted? (curved line)
- On the way, we met a lake, what figure is it depicted? (oval)
- Around the lake, the path leads past flower meadow? What figure is she depicted in? (around)
- So we came to the Bear's house. What is the figure of the fence near the house? (broken line)
- What figures is the Bear's house built of? (rectangles, triangle, circles). Well done guys, you did a great job!

Many parents believe that it is not necessary to learn geometric shapes with babies, because in kindergarten or school they will study them anyway. Actually this is not true. The study of geometric shapes allows you to better navigate in the world around you and develops spatial imagination. And it is better to do it in a playful way together with the Kapuki Kanuki channel.

All episodes of the cartoon

Select series

Cartoons about cars - geometric shapes - educational cartoon 3

Plot and features

It should be noted that the Kapuki Kanuki studio has a lot of cartoons dedicated to this very topic. For example, there is a series "Merry Mosaic", in which the Sun collects different images from geometric shapes - for example, a sailboat, a car, etc. There is a cartoon series about the Truck that also helps you learn geometric shapes. In any case, by asking the appropriate request, you can watch online cartoons“Learning geometric shapes. Kapuki Kanuki "on our website. And your kid himself will select those videos that he likes the most.

All cartoons talk exclusively about simple geometric shapes, because the baby is still very familiar only with such shapes as a triangle, circle, square or rectangle. And he has not yet uttered words such as "parallelepiped", and the figure itself is too complex for his perception. In cartoons, however, are used flat figures, and even in such a funny game form that the baby will surely remember them.