Purple orange what color will turn out. How to get brown from secondary colors

Purple orange what color will turn out. How to get brown from secondary colors
Purple orange what color will turn out. How to get brown from secondary colors

Each person who at least once held a brush and paint in his hand knows that from two or three colors you can get a lot of shades. The rules of mixing and flower combinance determines the science of color. Its base is a famous color circle. The main colors in it are only three: red, blue and yellow. Other shades are obtained by mixing and are called secondary.

What colors of the paints need to mix to get brown

Brown is considered difficult, with its creation you can use all the main colors. There are several ways to get brown:

  • Classic: green + red in proportions 50:50.
  • Basic Trio: Blue + Yellow + Red in the same quantity.
  • Mixing: blue + orange or gray + orange. Various the intensity of the shade can be adding less or more gray.
  • Optional: green + purple + orange. Such a shade is obtained with a pleasant red or red tide. You can also mix yellow + purple - the color will turn out with a yellowish tint.

What colors of the paints need to mix to get purple

The easiest way to get purple is to mix in equal proportions of red and blue. True, the shade will be dirty, and it will need to be corrected.

So that the tone is colder, take 2 pieces of blue and 1 part of the red and vice versa.

To achieve a lavender and lilac, the resulting dirty-purple needs to be diluted with white. The more white - the lighter and softer will be a shade.

Dark purple can be obtained, gradually adding to the original color black or green.

What colors of the paints should be mixed to get red

Red is considered basic color and is present in any artistic palette. However, you can get red, mixing purple (Majer) and yellow in a ratio of 1: 1. You can also mix the carmic hue to mix - it turns out more intense red. You can make it lighter by adding more yellow and vice versa. Red shades can be obtained by adding to the base red orange, pink, yellow, white color.

What colors of the paints should be mixed to get a beige

Beige color is a neutral and non-empty color, it has many shades, which can be obtained by varying the amount of added white and yellow shade.

The easiest way to get beige - mix brown and white color.

To make the color more contrast, you can add a little yellow.

Body beige can be obtained, mixing scars, blue, yellow and white color. The ivory shade is created by mixing a golden ocher and white paint.

Green can be achieved by mixing in equal shares yellow and blue color. It turns out her grass-green shade. If you add white color to it - the mixture will be blighted. Having mixed brown or black pigment, you can achieve an emerald, marsh, olive, dark green shade.

What colors of the paints need to mix to get gray

Classic tandem for gray color is black + white. The more white - the brighter will turn out to be a ready-made hue.

  • You can also mix red, green and white. Color will be with a light yellow tint.
  • The gray-blue shade can be created, mixing orange with blue and white.
  • If you mix yellow with purple and white, the gray-beige shade will turn out.

What colors of the paints should be mixed to get black

Black - basic monochrome color. It can be obtained by mixing purple with yellow and blue. Also, artists are often mixed green and red, but the resulting shade will not be coal-black. Saturated black gives a mixture of orange with blue and yellow with purple. To get a shade of the night sky, you can add a little blue in the finished color, and for clarification - a white droplet.

What colors of the paints should be mixed to get blue

Blue color is the main in the palette and get it by mixing is quite difficult. It is believed that it can be obtained by adding a little yellow in green, but in practice it turns out rather blue-green shade. You can mix violet with blue, the shade will be deep, but dark. You can brighten it by adding white drip.

What colors of the paints need to mix to get yellow

Basic yellow color can not be obtained by mixing other shades. Something similar comes out if you add green to orange. Yellow variations are obtained by adding other tones to the basic. For example, lemon is a mixture of yellow, green and white. Sunny yellow - a mixture of basic yellow, droplets of white and red.

What colors of the paints should be mixed to get pink

The easiest option is to mix red and white. The more white - the brighter it will turn out. It is important to know that the tone depends on what red you choose:

  • Scarlet + white will give clean pink color.
  • Brick-red + white - peach pink.
  • Bloody-red + purple give a shade of fuchsia.
  • Orange-pink can be obtained by adding to scarlet and white yellow paint.

What colors of the paints should be mixed to get orange

Orange color can be obtained, mixing red and yellow.

  • Less saturated shade will be able to add pink pigment in the yellow paint.
  • Terracotta orange is the result of a basic orange mix with blue or violet.
  • Dark shades are achieved by mixing red, yellow and black.
  • If instead of black add brown - it turns out the red orange.

Tone intensity vary by adding more white or black.

Color mixing table

The main colors (blue, yellow, red) is almost impossible to get by mixing other shades. But with their help you can create the whole color palette!

How to get a?



Green + red


Red + blue

Majer (purple) + yellow

Brown + white

Blue + yellow

White + black

Purple + Yellow + Blue

Yellow + green

Green + orange

Scarlet + white


Red + yellow

Knowing the basic rules of color, it will be easier to deal with decoration and get the right shade!

Blue is basic color, along with red and yellow. Blue presents a cold color gamut. In the Panton palette, developed in the middle of the XX century. - 180 shades of blue, each of which has its name and number.
When mentioning this color, in the imagination there are infinite images of the sea and sky, space, condensed twilight, lunar light.

How to get a blue color in its absence in the palette?

It is believed that blue can be obtained by mixing green and yellow, but, in practice, the combination of these colors gives olive. Blue is unique and unique. It is impossible to get it by mixing paints.

Traditional color circle

To achieve the desired color or its shade, you can use the color circle.
Basic colors, which include blue, red and yellow, in the mixing process form orange, green, brown and purple.

How to create a classic blue color mixing method

If you have blue, but you want to get another shade, take advantage of the available colors to get the desired tone. The shade is extremely important when creating a work of art, as well as in the design and design of the interior.

In standard sets of acrylic paints, the color of ultramarine is presented as blue, bright and at the same time dark shade with purple notes.

In order to create a brighter tone, we mix 3 pieces of blue + 1 part white.

How to get royal blue

This shade can be characterized as a blue at the junction with lilac.
We mix blue and manezheno pink in equal proportions. In order to make a shade lighter, add white.

How to get a dark blue color

Sometimes the main blue in the colors palette looks too bright and light. In order to get a longer shade, 3 pieces of blue mix with 1 part of black. Thus, the resulting color will be more darkened.

How to get gray-blue

Such a shade perfectly conveys the atmosphere of the sky and water smooth on a cloudy day.
To do this, mix the basic blue color with brown. As a result, a dark gray-blue shade will be obtained, to clarify which will help the white color.

Without presence in your arsenal of the main blue, it is impossible to obtain it using the method of mixing other colors, but if the base blue is available, you can experiment with the creation of its new shades and tones.

    If you mix green and yellow colors in equal proportions, it turns out the color that we are called Salatov. Depending on how light or dark initial colors, the shade of the result will vary from gently salad to olive.

    But if you mix green and yellow in clothes, nothing good will succeed) Such a combination can wear only that only representatives of the color of winter, and then - not worth it)

    If you take a yellow color for the base and add green paint, we get salad color Or a shade, as everything will depend on the amount of paint that you want to add to the base color.

    If you want to continue the experiment, then you can add a little white paint to the salad and we will get lighter and less saturated.

    Yellow will give a green opportunity to wake the most different shades. It will be yellow less - green will only lightly become brighter, golden, if more, then it will be possible to bring green to salad. In general, decide what color you want to get at the exit - more yellow or more green, and depending on this select the desired proportion of the mixed paints.

    Salad color can draw fresh grass, leaves. It will give a picture of a juicy spring character.

    And also mixing green and yellow dyes will be useful to culinary: it is such a salad color that most often found petals in colors on cakes.

    If you mix any two colors, you can get a variety of shades. And depending on how much one paint is mixed to another, the resulting color is approaching either to one or another color.

    If we have two colors: yellow and green, then mixing colors in equal proportions Dust salad color.

    If the green paint gradually add green, then you can see how the resulting paint changes its color, with each new drop approaching green.

    Knowing how to properly get one or another color, you can create completely unexpected shades. And if you add to yellow and green paint another colorYou can get, for example, such colors:

    Answers to this question will be different if you do not specify exact characteristics. The ultimate color when mixing yellow and green depends on their initial shades and saturation. It is clearly seen from the list below.

    If we mix light green and light yellow, we get a gentle-salad color.

    If we mix the saturated green and yellow, we get a saturated salad color.

    If we mix dark green and dark yellow, we get olive color. It can also be strengthened to dark olive.

    By the way, in my life, the combination of yellow and green is quite acceptable, for example, in clothing, these colors are perfectly combined and refreshing a woman, and for men are permissible, although apply less frequently. The same can be said about their use in the interior, let's say, bedrooms.

    It turns out acidic, poisonous-salad color - well, it is only for my personal look!)

    If you mix yellow and green colors, then the blue color will be. Depending on the proportions of the mixed colors, the shade of blue will change. If you add more green, you get dark blue. And if yellow will be greater, it will turn out blue.

    Mixing a green color with any other colors is always a color close to brown or even to an indefinite color.

    But adding green to yellow dates olive color. If yellow is added to add quite a bit, the greine color will become more saturated and TMN.

    Mixing legs and greine colors, then we get bright salad color.

    But in fact, it turns out a bright salad color, it is necessary that the proportions when mixing the paints were the same 1: 1.

    By adding a little more than one color and slightly less than another color, then you can get different colors from brown to TMNo-blue and from blue to blue.

    When mixing green and yellow colors, a salad color of various shades will be released depending on the proportions of these colors. Up to olive color. In general, it's easier to mention it will simply light green.

    Looking at what proportions you will mix yellow and green. If the proportions are the same 1k1, then you will get a salad color. Depending on the increase in any color, the shade will change. For example, more yellow, the color will be light salad and the opposite.

Mixing colors is one of the most complex procedures, with the need for the fulfillment of which a person who decided to make repair independently. The fact is that it is very important to know which colors to mix to create a certain tone. It should be immediately noted that it is better to purchase white paint and compose it in the store with a special machine, so the tone will be uniform. If you decide to do everything yourself, you can further familiarize yourself with how to mix color.

These materials are universal, they are used for a variety of purposes: With their help, you can simply paint the walls, paint the stainedures on the glasses, apply a pattern on the wall and ceiling. In general, the scope of their use is limited to fantasy. The compositions are convenient in operation, well held on the surface. But if you decide to draw a multicomponent image on the wall, then the purchase of paint of all necessary colors will cost too expensive, and after the completion of the work there will remain a large amount of unnecessary material. In this case, it is better to buy a basic row, and to create certain shades to mix acrylic paints.

Mixing the basic colors of paint makes it possible to get a lot of different shades, while you can save significantly on the purchase

Main color series

More from school bench to everyone knows: when connecting yellow and red it turns out orange, but if the same yellow add blue, green will come out. It is on this principle that the mixing table of acrylic paints was built. According to her, it is enough to purchase only the main colors:

  • white;
  • the black;
  • red;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • pink.

You can simply mix acrylic paints of these tones to get most of the existing shades.

Basics of mixing on the table

In order to mix the materials correctly, you can not do without a table. At first glance, it is easy to work with it: to get the desired result, it is enough to find the color and see which components will be required. But in the color mixing table, the proportions are not specified, so it is necessary to gradually add the caloring material to the main paint and apply a mixture to some unnecessary product: a sheet of plywood, plasterboard and so on. Then you need to wait until the material is dry. If the color corresponds to the necessary, you can start working on the main surface.

Technique COLOR

Now about how to get colors. By mixing acrylic materials, it is possible to achieve the formation of two main tones: light and dark. Basic tones: earthy, green, orange, purple. To create a color, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Light. In this case, the main material is Titanium Belil, to which one or two color compositions add. The less additional LKM will be used, the brighter will come out. So you can make most shades of light palette.
  2. Dark. For the formation of shades of this type, you should act on the contrary. Before mixing colors, it is necessary to prepare a base tone, the black dye is gradually introduced. Working with black paint, you need to be careful because it can make color not dark, but dirty.
  3. Green. In the main palette of this shade there, so you will need to mix yellow and blue. Accurate ratio can be found only in an experienced way.
  4. Purple. This is a cold color that is obtained as a result of mixing blue with pink or red. In some cases, it will also be necessary to add black to darken the material.
  5. Orange. To create this color you need to mix red and yellow. For more saturated orange, it is recommended to add more red and vice versa. If you want to create a soft color, for example, coral, then you need to clarify the material by Bellyl. Is it possible to add dark dyes? Yes, it is possible, but as a result of mixing the paints, a dirty tone can get.
  6. Earthy. Here is the main color is brown. By adding various shades to it, get a color from beige to dark wood.

Rules for working with palette

To begin with, a basic set of paints, brushes, water containers and a palette are required (you can take any surface, including school products for drawing).

In the center it is recommended to place Belil because they are used in creating most shades. In the deepening around (if there is) placed dyes of the main color row. Mix you need carefully, gradually adding the caloring material and constantly checking the result. After mixing the colors, the brush should be ringed in water tanks.

On a note! Working with the materials based on acrylic resins using the table and the palette is quite simple. The main thing is to practice more, every time the result will be better.

Oil paints

If you compare this material with watercolor or acrylic, then the oil is more fluid. Because of this, it is necessary to mix the compositions of different colors very carefully. On the one hand, this is a flaw, but on the other - this feature allows you to get the following effects:

  • Subject to thorough mixing, a uniform tone will be. Such material is perfect for both complete staining of surfaces and for partial decoration.
  • If it is partially mixed, the coating will appear the differences.


Now about how to mix oil paints. A table is also used to mix colors of paints on an oil base. It indicates the colors obtained by connecting a variety of caloring components. In addition, here you can find such an indicator as a gloss combination. If you add a little gloss in the matte foundation, then the result will not be almost not, and if you come around the contrary, then the shine will be slightly muffled.

Mixing methods:

  1. Mechanical. In this case, we are talking about mixing two or more varnotonic materials in one container. Color saturation is controlled by the number of bright shades. The desired color is created even before processing the wall or ceiling.
  2. Color overlay. Phased applying several smears over each other.
  3. Optic. This is the most difficult method that is only available to those skilled in the art. It implies mixing glossy and matte bases while applying paint to the surface. You can mix colors of paints only on the surface being processed, otherwise it turns out a more even tone.


The first method fully meets data in the table. If it comes to applying color, then the result is unpredictable. One of the most simple options for optical illusions is the lesing: a dark tone is applied to the surface, after drying it, the paint is a little lighter, and then completely light. As a result, each color will be viewed through the upper layers.

Thus, there is no some specific scheme. To find out which colors you need to mix, not only take and look at the table, it is important to practice constantly and not be afraid of experiments. So you can create a new effect that will make the interior unique. It is also important to remember that the mixed shade is very difficult to repeat, so you should remember the proportions.

Now the question is how to make paint properly, does not seem so difficult.

Brown is universal color, which has many possible applications, but it is not always possible to be found in the sets of accessories for drawing. Fortunately, various shades of brown can be obtained by mixing three main colors: red, blue and yellow. Just mix three of these basic colors, and you will get brown. You can also start with secondary, such as orange or green, and add the main color to it until brown turns out. To achieve the desired shade of brown, add more than one of the main colors, use some black or mix two or more different shades.


Mix basic colors in equal proportions

    Squeeze to the surface for mixing along a small drop of each color. Apply a red, blue and yellow paint palette on the palette or sheet next to each other. The exact amount depends on how many brown paint you need. It is important that each paint is equally equal.

    • Leave some place between colors. In this free place in the middle, you will mix different paints.
    • To get a brown of basic colors, you just need to mix them in equal amounts.

    Tip: In principle, such a combination can also be used for oil sticks, watercolors or color pencils, but the final color can be in an inhomogeneous, as they are harder to mix.

    Fully mix colors. Swipe the end of Mastichene on the inner edges of all three colors to tighten them to the center. Then all wider circular movements, mix the paints with a flat bottom surface of the tool. At the same time, you will notice that the mixture gradually acquires a saturated brown color.

    Add a bit white to give brown depth. After you mix the paint and get a brown, add a little white paint and continue to mix until it completely disappears. Be careful and do not use too much white paint - as a rule, it is required no more than ⅓ on the total paint.

    How to get brown from secondary colors

    1. Mix together red and yellow to get orange. Start with a sufficient amount of red paint and gradually add yellow paint into it to achieve a rating of 1: 1 as a result. At the same time, mix the paints until you get dark orange.

      • To bring brown enough dark enough, you can use a little more red paint.
    2. Mix orange with blue to get brown. Use slightly less blue than orange - the proportion of blue paint should not exceed 35-40%. How to mix the paints until you get a chocolate brown.

      Mix red and blue to get purple color. Use these two colors in an approximately equal proportion. The perfect combination of red and blue will give purple color, and if you deviate from the exact proportion, you will get a magenta or similar red shade.

      • The correct purple color is pretty difficult. If the final mixture will have a reddish or bluish shade, add a little opposite color to achieve a balance.
      • If you add too much blue paint, purple color will be harder to fix. It is easier to achieve the correct shade when an excess of red.
    3. We gradually add to purple yellow paint until you get brown. As the colors mix, you will notice how the dirty brown shade begins to appeal. Continue to add yellow paint with small portions until you get the color you need.

      Mix blue and yellow to get green. Sull a large drop of blue and gradually add yellow paint into it. As with orange color, you should start with the most saturated green and move to the middle of the spectrum.

      • For better results, green should be closer to dark blue than to light aquamarine.
    4. Add in green the right amount of red paint to get brown. First, mix quite a bit red and continue adding and mixing as needed to get a darker color. A mixture of green with red can give from an earthen olive-brown to a heat-burned orange shade.

      • To get as much as possible "real" brown color, the mixture should contain 33-40% of red paint. With an equal proportion, the red will be slightly prevalent.

      Tip: Brown, obtained with a mixture of red and green, is perfect for landscapes and images of nature.

      How to get different shades

      Add some more red or yellow paint to give brown a warmer shade brown. If you want to clarify or enhance the brown, just add a small amount of one of the warm main colors. Add paint with minor portions and move continuously until you get the desired shade.