How Harry Potter and his friends grew up. How the actors "Harry Potter" changed during the filming in different parts of the film Harry Potter grew up

How Harry Potter and his friends grew up. How the actors
How Harry Potter and his friends grew up. How the actors "Harry Potter" changed during the filming in different parts of the film Harry Potter grew up

According to these, the photos can be traced as the actors from the Garry Potter films series have changed since the first premiere and up to the premiere of the last film.

Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter)

Curious Fact: Redcliff broke more than 80 sticks for all the time filming. The reason for this was his habit of playing them like real drum sticks.

Emma Watson (Hermione Granger)

Curious fact: Initially, the surname of Hremion should have been Packs, which means "Goblin", fortunately, it was changed.

Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley)

Curious Fact: Joan Rowling was close to kill Ron in one of the books. In the comments to the DVD for the film "Deathly Hallows: Part 2", she said the following: "Initially, I planned that none of the guys would die, but then it occurred to me that it would not be bad to remove one of them. It was probably dictated by my not very good location of the Spirit. "

Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy)

Curious fact: Girlfriend Tom Felton, Olivia Jade played Draco wife in the last part of the film.

Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley)

Curious fact: after the first appearance in the film "Harry Potter and the Secret Room", the character of Ginny grew significantly in a professional plan. Subsequently, Ginny became a great player in Kviddich, and then left the sport to become a senior Cvidditch correspondent for the magic newspaper Daily Prophet.

Evanna Lynch (Luna Lavgud)

Curious fact: After the appearance of Lavgud's moon in the film "Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix", Rowling was not going to reduce her with Neville Dolbupps, but after some time found a "connection" between them.

Robbie Coltrine (Rubeus Hagrid)

Curious Fact: Hagrid's hut was collected by a manual film crew in Glenko, Scotland. At the end of the filming, everything, up to the tiny pumpkin itself was destroyed and disassembled.

Alan Rickman (Snezh Severus)

Curious fact: rumors went that Rickman knew about Snape's fate from the moment he was chosen to participate in the shooting. In 2011, Alan Rickman spoke in an interview for Hitfix the following: "When we started shooting the first film, Rowling wrote only three or four books, so no one except her knew how it would end. Before the start of the shooting, she shared with me some information on this matter, which later helped me play a role as close as possible to the character of the book. "

Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom)

Curious fact: by the end of the shooting process, Neville turned into a truly hot guy.

Next, we propose to take a look at the matured children who have made their own careers on the films about the young wizard. Now they are all far from children, but successful young people who know and love all over the world. Pesterian made them in demand actors and many of them still continue to be filmed in films.

Daniel Radcliffe - Harry Potter

In the movie Daniel from 11 years old and in his 26, he is already a famous actor.

Despite a small increase in 165 centimeters, he became a real hipster icon and gain millions of fans all over the world.

Everything is good at Daniel and in person person. It meets with American actress Erin Dark, which is 4 years older than half a half.

Emma Watson - Hermione Granger

Emma is not only talented, but also smart. She studied in Oxford, finished the prestigious Brown University with a bachelor's diploma in the field of English literature.

25-year-old Emma - UN Good Will Ambassador, it stands for the equality of men and women and is a convinced feminist. In the photo of the actress with his new boyfriend. Its elect - 35-year-old William Knight, graduate of Princeton and Columbia Universities and a tech-businessman from a silicon valley.

Rupert Grint - Ron Weasley

He is hardly the only true redhead representative of the cinema clan Weasley.

But that a 27-year-old actor thinks about his kisses with Hermione. "We were friends with Emma from 9 years old, were like a brother and sister, and then suddenly kissing - it was wild. I remember her face, getting closer and closer, I'm in a panic: "Oh, Lord!", A grand moment, everyone is waiting around ... Fortunately, I had enough one dubble. "

Tom Felton - Draco Malfoy

During filming, Emma was in love with this blond. Felton was also not indifferent to it. Despite this, the actors played their roles perfectly, sincerely hating each other on the screen.

The novel of young talents lasted long. Tom now has been in relationships with the actress Jade Olivia, which in the most recent Ptterian frames appear as a wife of Draco.

Matthew Lewis - Neville Dolgopups

After filming in films, the guy incredibly transformed.

Last year, he was undressed for provocative magazine shooting, thanks to which he won the hearts of millions of girls. User admirations There were no limit.

Tom Redond

In early childhood, Voldemort played 11-year-old Hiro Fayns-Tiffin, now he is 18 years old, and he is actually a native nephew of that Rifinta Rifint, who in the film depicted bald and warrant Voldemort after the resurrection.

16-year-old Reddla from the "Secret Room" we know how Christian Coleson, who was at that time it was 23 years old. And now he is 37, and he looks somewhat different.

Finally, 16-year-old Reddl from Prince-Hydrobcov, which began to passion murders and Crypieces, is Frank Dillein. Then he was 17, and this year turns 25.

Dudley Dursl

At the age of 19, Harry Melling, who got the role of cousin Harry Potter, heavily lost weight and almost talked the filming of the last parts of the film. In the "death gifts" he even wanted to replace, but changed his mind and dressed in a thicker suit.

Below: Left - While another 16-year-old melling in the "Order of Phoenix", on the right - the freshest February photo of a 26-year-old theater actor.

Ginny Wizley

Actress Bonnie Wright aged 10 years and in 25 years:

On his page in Instagram, she shared this photo from filming:

Gemini Weasley.

On the left 15-year-old James (Fred) and Oliver (George) Phelps during the premiere of the first film in 2001. On the right 29-year-old twins in the 2015th.

In real life, guys like sports, especially golf, travel a lot around the world and are engaged in charity.

Lunga Lavgud.

Passionate fan of books about Harry Potter, Evanna Lynch from Ireland entered the acting at the age of 14, first appeared in the fifth film "Order of Phoenix". Of the 15,000 other applicants, it turned out to be the best. "The rest could play the moon, but Evanna Lynch - and there is a moon," the producers said. Now the girl is 24 years old, she actresses, model, designer, health promotion and nature protector.

The premiere of the sub-part of the most successful franchise of the new time took place

On the morning session in the huge hall of a large St. Petersburg cinema, almost all places were occupied, and half - not children. On the big screen were given to the premiere of the final part of Harry Potter. More precisely, the first part of the final series "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" (the second part will be released in the summer). Ten years later, one of the most significant and successful franchises of the new time came up to completion. They say, at the London premiere, the audience sobbed. In St. Petersburg - no, but, judging by the number of tickets sold, not all the same.
History "Grow": Heroes of Lupporem smart kids turned into adults (according to the plot of seventeen, on the fact of Harry roles, Hermione and Ron, twenty-one, twenty and twenty-two, respectively), and the fairy tale herself, which was never Gentle, transformed into a gloomy thriller with elements of teenage erotica. And although formally mourning Harry Potter is still early (the final farewell in front), critics summarize, predicting each of their own: quick oblivion or memory in centuries.
What was it? Successfully fabricated by the insurgent teacher "Case" or a miracle appeared, the conductor of which she became? In any case, Joan Rowling - in history forever, and at the same time with her and the whole team serving the most popular plot in the world.

For shooting in the first part of Harry Potter, the artist of the leading role Daniel Radcliffe received 250,000 pounds sterling. For shooting in the last - 20 million dollars.

At the moment, a series of films about Harry Potter is the most profitable franchise in the history of cinema, eclipsed by the commercial success of Bondian, "Star Wars" and the trilogy "Lord of the Rings".


Current children do not want to know Ivan Tsarevich, they are without the need of Barbara-Kras. They are in love with the scoker, the clever and redhead, who know how to something in an ordinary world. Psychologist-Consultant Denis Desulting believes that this is all the foundations:
- Vintage fairy tales prepare a person to life, since childhood laying certain values, images and strategies of action and decisions. But the modern child is difficult to identify with Ivan-Fool or Emes, you need some kind of modern image. Just now there are no good allegorical fairy tales, and Harry Potter turned out to be almost the only fairy tale, deeply affecting the problem of the inner world of man. Mortification and gaining wisdom, the chief hero (as well as everyone else) has to solve many psychological problems that every person solves. These are the problems of confidence, teenage competition, betrayal, temptations and temptations, choosing and building relationships, etc. And the decisions come not to marvel the magic stick, the heroes constantly have to make a choice. And this in turn leads them to the side of good or evil. This is really a good work with an exciting plot, and in the film play wonderful actors.

In Ptterian, the whole color of British cinema is occupied: from Alan Rickman, Reefe Fains and Gary Oldman to Imere Stonton and Helena Bonhem Carter. Such was the indispensable Rowling condition: all the more or less significant roles were to give to British actors.

Prepared Inga Bergman

Tom became overnight famous thanks to the role of Droin Draco Malfoy in Fantasy "Harry Potter". In honor of the birthday of Felton, we decided to find out what was with other young wizards "Poterians" as they changed and whether they continue to play in the cinema.

Toma Hero - Student Slytherin, Son of the Head of the Board of Trustees of Hogwarts, the enemy Harry Potter named Draco Malfoy.

It has blonde hair, pale and thin skin, cold-blooded gray eyes, a thin body, disgusting and vile character. Throughout all the series of the film, he hated Harry, Ron and Hermione, built nastyquickens, but ultimately the host of the fourth ended.

In the real life, Tom is very different from his character - he is a kind and cute guy (by the way, Emma Watson was in love with him for a long time), which to "Harry Potter" had experience in movies. For example, it can be seen in the "thieves", "Anne and Korole", "second vision: a game of hide and seek", "Escape from Vegas", "Thirteen Hours", "Rebellion of the Planet Monkeys", "phenomenon", "Teresa Raken" . Tom was able to establish himself as a talented actor who could play any role.

The role of the main wizard and enemy Volan de Mort Daniel received at 10 years.

Interestingly, after receiving the lead role in his life, the boy had to leave the school, since classmates envied him, because of what, to put it mildly, they mock.

Many thought that Radcliffe would host one role and could not get out of the role of Potter, but this did not happen. Daniela was invited and invited to play other movies and theatrical productions.

So, he played a Boy-Kony Alan Streng in the erotic play "Ecvus", however, many parents were shocked by the cardinal change of the image of a "young wizard" and even forbidden their children to watch movies with his participation. Also Daniel played the main roles in the films "December boys", "Woman in black", "Score of a young doctor", "kill your loved ones", "Friendship and no sex?" and "horns." In the near future, other films with his participation will be released on large screens - this is the long-awaited "Frankenstein" and no less interesting "illusion of deception: the second act."

Emma played Hermione Granger - a bold and self-confident zommelier, the best girlfriend Harry Potter, a girlish with an uneven bite and spontaneous hair.

The girl received this role at 9 years old and for a long time there lived a magician, while playing in other films.

Among other roles Emma is a beginner actress Paulina Fusil in "ballet shoes", Assistant Lucy in "7 Days and Nights with Marilyn", an awesome Sam in "Good Tikhoni", the thief of Nikki in the "Elite Society" and Ila to Nikki.

In addition to the game in films, Emma managed to receive higher education in Brownovsky University, launched a global campaign for gender equality He for She, participates in promotional companies of famous brands.

From the cute wizard, Hermione Emma has turned into a real style icon and a truly popular actress.

Rupert received the role of Ron Weasley at 11, and she became for the boy the first acting work.

His hero grew up in a large family of wizards, was the first to make friends with Harry Potter, having deliberate with him in different grief and was a real "asshole" (at least he considered Hermione for the first few years). As we grow, Ron (and Rupert, respectively) became courageous, brutal and ... more and more irresistible.

In addition to shooting in the series about Harry Potter, Rupert was filmed in other projects - "Thunder in the pants", "Driving Lessons", "Cherry Bomb", "Wild One", "In White Captivity", "Dangerous Illusion", "Club" CBGB "and" Super Clyde ". To focus on the acting career, Greent had to quit school. Interestingly, as his hero Ron Weasley, Rupert is afraid of spiders. After the filming of the filming of Poterians, Daniel, Emma and Rupert retain friendly relations.

Irish actress played eccentric, good and always surprised student of Cogtevran.

Evanna was a real fan of a series of books about Harry Potter, which brought himself to anorexia, and rewritten from Joan Rowling. Evannaya could not believe his happiness when she was approved for the role of half-lavgud, and the first time the girl appeared in Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. " The actress did not just play his character, she became them.

None of the viewer did not have doubt that the half-one looked somehow differently than Evanna plays her. It should be noted that the acting career Lynch stalled on Ptteriana, although she appeared in the episodes of some films and serials.

Gemini Brothers, who played Fred and George Weasley in the screening of the Romanov series Joan Rowling: They always go together, are distinguished by an unsurpassed sense of humor, especially during training in the School of Wizard and Magic Hogwarts.

Fred and George did not finish school, and opened the store "All sorts of magic pests". Further acting career James and Oliver developed not so rosy, like their colleagues.

In addition to "Harry Potter", the actors played only in the TV series "Peter Kingdom will not quit you", the films "District 3", "Latin Quarter" and "Hamlet". But who knows what awaits them in the future?

The actress played another participant of the Large family Weasley, - Ginny.

The Heroine Bonnie has a good taste, bottomless eyes and fiery-red hair, masterfully owns the spell of the "flying evil eye" and is passionately in love with Harry. By the way, these feelings will gradually become mutual. Starting from the fourth course, Ginny becomes very attractive, which is why it takes great attention of the opposite sex.

In addition to Ptterians, Wright was shot in other paintings, among which "Robinson Family", "Dubli", "Geography of the Unfortunate Heart", "Philosophers. Survival lesson, "Shakespeare's daughter," "before bed" and others.

Currently, Bonnie participates in the filming of four paintings, actively removed in advertising and is one of the most promising young actresses.

The actor became famous for the role of clumsy, forgetful and fellow Neville Dolbupps (which was before his adult).

Closer to the end of the "Percerans" of his character, as well as appearance, is strongly changing - he becomes fearless, even brutal and participates in most dangerous missions of the main characters.

Matthew appeared in all eight films "Poteriana", and also time to play in other paintings: "This is called life," Delzil and Pasco "," heartbeat "," Children's holiday in the palace "," Pusty "and" Sweet Shop " .

After his wonderful transformation into the sex symbol of Hollywood, Matthew was just a cumome of millions of girls around the world.

Svetlana Mynmark (born on December 16, 1992) - Life-Style journalist, on the main formation of the philosopher, and on the second is a lawyer. From 15 years writes for,,, About psychology, celebrities and beauty .. in people appreciates honesty, favorite occupation - View good cinema, and a personal recipe for good mood - beach holidays .

How Harry Potter and his friends grew up

(06/29/2007, The Telegraph interview with Trio)

Who is the real hero of Daniel Radcliffe? How does Emma Watson estimate his abilities? And why Rupert Grint bought a fur chain with ice cream? Harry Potter stars talked with John Hussok.
They spent almost half of their lives at the Harry Potter Film, an adult in the magical, but the fictional world of the School of Foreignness and Magic Hogwarts.
The names of the main characters "Harry Potter": Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson.
But now, on the eve of the release of the seventh book, Joan Rowling and the release of the fifth film, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", scheduled for July 12, the world without Harry Potter seems to be our Trinity with some vague, unclear.
Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson allocated time this week - shooting the next film will begin not earlier than September - to weigh their past and think about the future, which is waiting for them after graduating from Hogwarts.
Seventeen-year-old Radcliffe already dropped Harry Potter's gown for a while to take part in the well-adopted spectators "West End", where Dan played a restless young man who blinds the horses in Ekus. His film "December boys" is waiting for his release, and Daniel will soon have to start working in another picture - "My boy Jack".
His height is 5 feet and 6 inches - maybe it will prevent the superhero career, but nothing will do nothing with his ambitions. He has a great sense of humor, he is a snack, and, with Peter Sellers as a role model, throws views both dramatic and carefree comedic industries.
"It was fantastic - playing Ekulya, but I still don't think that after my only single role, people will suddenly begin to perceive me as a regular actor, not a guy who playing Harry Potter," says Dan. "But perhaps, if I continue to play any other interesting roles, the audience will be able to perceive me differently."
Daniel said it in the suite at the Klaridge Hotel, when the paparazzi flashed nearby in a black T-shirt with the inscription "Flying plates for everyone." "This slogan would have become, perhaps my policy, if I were the main thing in some government," Dan calmly states.
"Someone today asked me, what would I do if there was a country in the steering wheel, in which the plates would fly and were in the go of a single bicycle - well, everyone would need one-wheeled bicycles."
According to Dan, recently he was obsessed with strange dreams, which, nevertheless, cannot be connected with the door of Harry Potter, which tormented the Hero Rolling in a dream. "In a dream, I was pursued by an English cricket player. I don't know what caused this nonsense, because I watched a lot of cricket matches, but someone said Andrew to Strauss, so that he pursued me! I woke up with a bat for a cricket in my hands! ".
The ninth of July, Radcliffe perpetuates his glory, leaving the imprint of his hand on the Hollywood Walk of Glory, although he still considers this idea strange. "This is one of those things that confuse me - because I have a huge honor! These are such perspectives! ".
Despite the fact that almost all the childhood of Dan and his friends passed under the watchful observation of the audience, the guys are amazingly simple in communication and very "without stars." "People often ask me, if I think my childhood is normal - and I answer that if normal childhood is happiness and health - then my childhood is absolutely normal!", "Says Dan.
"I do not feel that I missed something in this life. Just, perhaps, I matured faster than other my peers, because, starting from eleven-year-old age, I was all the time surrounded for mostly adults than children. I also worked mostly with adults, and my good relationships with them, of course, helped my development. Looks like, so I matured so fast.
"On the other hand, someone once said that the seventh film about Harry Loss will most likely come out only in 2010. If this is true, then in this case it will turn out that I gave the Potter a huge piece of my life - as many as 10 years! In general, I will be very upset that my era will end in this matter. But equally, it seems to me that I will be very excited from what I go out of this world. "
Daniel is also burning exactly from impatience, like other fans of Harry Potter, he will also crave to find out the fate of his hero, which will be known after the release of a new one, the seventh book, which is called "Harry Potter and Death Relics". "Of course, Harry can and die. I was told here that there are bets in Las Vegas, Harry will survive or not. Cool, yes? Does the death of Harry upset me? Not! I think Harry will die with a hero, and this is the most important thing! ".
Sixteen-year-old Emma Watson, the smallest in Trio, became an attractive girl and out of the film, but she seems to be less confident in their abilities. Now she sees a lot of features inherent in the nature of Hermione. "We are both very stubborn, loyal, decisive and feminists in study. She believes in his talent, but now dwells in thought, whether the acting career is continuing after Harry Potter.
"I think I will be a little in my own, when everything is over," says Emma. "It's very difficult for me to present my life without Harry Potter." This film was the most important and significant part of my life, it will be somehow supernaturally when everything is over. "
"I, I never participated in any samples and didn't professionally got professionally got the greatest film of all times; I can say, came from nowhere to the top! Well, where am I getting out now? I feel that I need to retreat and start your journey again. It would be really interesting for me to participate in some classes or training, because I feel that it should not be here. I should have done much more. "
What did she get? Well, most importantly, very valuable experience. And she was growing to the point that the director David Yets could calmly and confidently, whether such a number of doubles enters the contract? (Yets, uncle, who is about 30, politely answers "yes").
"Films about Harry Lost are the wonderful lessons of acting skills," says Watson. - When I received my role, everything I had - a little congenital, natural acting abilities. I knew nothing before creating movies, and I had to understand a lot and learn about any technique. "
"I spent the first two films, staying in some reverent fear, not knowing exactly if I do everything right or not, did I feel good on stage and in general, why am I here?".
"To date, I worked with four directors, all different nationalities, ages and characters. I also dealt with animals, the most diverse special effects and tricks. And I feel that I have already seen a lot that I have already done a lot, so I still lucky and feel well-tuned to any other, new projects. This is my fifth big exit, and in my role Actresses I feel already more confident. "
"Watson, wearing blue Diesel jeans and pink top" Chanel ", will receive two million pounds (approximately 4.7 million bucks - approx. Translator) for each of the two remaining films about Harry Potter. However, the young star insists that all these contractual conditions are not money for the sake of. "This is mostly help with the surrender of exams, admission to university and creating rollers," says Emma.
In addition to clothes, the most expensive purchase is a mega-time laptop, although young actress is going to buy a car in the near future. She will buy it when driving a driving test. "I take driving lessons," Emma sighs heavily, "but it's so difficult, a nightmare!".
She is also all waiting for a new book. "It feels that I have always been waiting for this book! What it was eternal expectation! I actually want to know what happens there. Remember that guy who said that hacked computer ownership rowling and read the seventh book? He said that Hermione dies in the seventh part, and it must be admitted, it missed me. I absolutely did not assume her death! "
Watson, whose parents divorced when she was five, going to take a break for a year to enroll in the university. And if then everything goes, as conceived, Emma will return to the shooting platform. "I'm still growing, constantly changing, and I hope that I'm talented enough to try myself in some other role. I think it will be a great test for my acting abilities! "
Of all the three 18-year-old Rupert Grint, playing Ron Weasley, seems to be the least concerned about the end of the whole project about Harry Potter.
He has already played in two other films - "Ground Pantalonians" and "Driving Lessons" - and, after graduating from school at 16, most of the time spends either on the golf course or on the set.
"Cool" - his favorite adjective. Usually this word belongs to his truck with the ice cream, which he bought and now picks up on Herrtfordshire.
"I myself do not know why I bought this van, but it's really cool! - says Rupert. - I was always interested in the Ice Cream Industry. This thing is really cool! She has a refrigerator in the back and even a kitchen with pipes! There is still a call that can play melodies. In general, it is cool! "
"I have only risen all the time in recent years. I enjoyed every moment. Of course, in a publicly losing a little, because the time to talk with friends is already quite almost no, but when I am on the playground, really close people are surrounded, we have become very close for these years! Now I am perfectly spent time, removing "
"I learned a lot about all the acting materials, because I participated many times in school productions! And I would like to continue to do this case. "
Grint believes that "cool," when he is recognized on the street, although, according to him, "this is the only thing that can strain me." For the Merchant Greent, the death of Ron in the final will also be "cool", but actually did not think about it.
"It would be cool to participate in the deadly scene, especially if it is some cool battle, but I have no theories on this matter," says Rupert. - It seems that it will be very difficult when all this tale will end, it will be somehow unreal, almost supernaturally, because it is a huge part of my life! "
"But I'm going to engage in other things after" Harry Potter ", so I'll just wait that there will happen there. I always have a vant with ice cream and, if it is successfully working, I will definitely be fine! "