Do it come true from Sunday for Monday. Sunday Sunday Monday, whether dreams come true

Do it come true from Sunday for Monday. Sunday Sunday Monday, whether dreams come true
Do it come true from Sunday for Monday. Sunday Sunday Monday, whether dreams come true

People always gave their dreams a lot of meaning. And this is not surprising, except for the story of the future in touching dreams, they can tell a solution to the problem or warn the danger. And the more science and social life developed, the more criteria for interpretation of dreams appeared. When people began to divide the days of the week, then the interpretations began to take into account this parameter. Therefore, it is not surprising that many girls are very interested in what will happen if the guy dreams from Sunday for Monday.

The meaning of dreams

It has long been an opinion that Monday is a difficult day. But the night from the Sunday for this day also brings their difficulties. And this is a faithful remark, because if we take into account the planetary astrology, it is believed that on this day a very strong influence of the moon.

It is worth noting that in dreams during this period a warning comes. If a person actively behaves, he does something, it means that there is a rather difficult period in front of him, his life will be filled with various difficulties. And if there is water in a dream, it means that there may be disagreements, quarrels and even scandals in the family.

Does dream come true

When a person in the period from Sunday on Monday, the events of which he already thought or plans to fulfill them in the future, should be seriously thinking. It is better to change your plans and find more appropriate solutions to achieve goals, because it usually does not come true, and it cannot be properly in principle. But he can give a prompt about the future, if the guy dreams from Sunday for Monday. It is also necessary to take into account that this night can a man can dream of his unfriendly, the enemy, building insidious plans and goats against him. A person can also get warnings or tips from his deceased relatives in this dream.

Semantics dreams

Any dream may have a meaning and carry a certain meaning. Many girls are interested, if the guy dreams from Sunday for Monday, which it means. Any girl knows that in every dream there may be a tip or advice, sometimes the highest strength try to warn about the coming danger of a person with the help of a dream. In any case, you need to pay attention to the dreams, but under no circumstances will not focus on them. For example, a young man can dreamed, but the interpretation of this sleep will depend not only on the nature of the vision itself, but also from the time when it happens.

If the guy dreams from Sunday for Monday

In this case, according to some interpretations, this means a large number of positive emotions. The girl who saw such a dream can expect bright impressions in relationships with its chosen one. It may also mean that the chosen is the plans for serious intention.

In other words, if the guy dreams from Sunday for Monday, it is seriously configured to build long-term and strong relationships, it may be plans to change, for example, moving or engaging. If the woman was worried that her man wants to quit her, and he dreamed of her during this period, which means things are different, and he seeks to devote more time to his second half. This may mean love and care, his desire to protect it from any extraneous influence from the outside.

Sleep about loved

If the guy dreams from Sunday for Monday, then it can talk about his serious plans about your relationship. This may mean a quick marriage or a desire from the side of the men to start the children.

In any case, despite the negative interpretation of ordinary sleep at this time, the presence of a guy in him makes it more positive and positive. Of course, if the girl herself did not decide to break the relationship with this guy, then his determination can upset her.

Have you seen a bright memorable dream from Sunday for Monday and already build plans for the future? Find out what a dream had a dream, and is it worth treating him seriously. Unfortunately, the night adventure is unlikely to somehow affect your real life.

Dreams from Sunday for Monday very rarely come true and almost do not bear the secret meaning. They won't call them prophetic and grandiose, they refer to the category of pragmatic. At night, you can see events that do not give you peace: problems, small troubles, quarrels with neighbors. But this does not indicate that it all will have to survive you. This is the evidence of your inner state - you are tired and want to be alone so that no one bothers you. And maybe you are just looking for a way out of a difficult situation at work? But you should not ignore sleep: it is better to pay attention to the prompts: where the events flow, what emotions you are worried about what you want to seek.

If the dream is painted in bright colors, you have seen a raging element that absorbs you (fire, water, volcano) - you will have a routine and often little paid work. You can be absorbed by homemade troubles with which you can not cope and have no help to help you. Pay attention to your emotions in a dream: sadness, insult tears foreshadow depression. Joy, satisfaction, fun - you will overcome small problems easily and painlessly. Ice in a dream or iceberg testify to the stagnation in all spheres of life (or in one of them). Try not to postpone important things, otherwise you risk losing a good opportunity or lose a chance for a new job.

Fright and distrust that you experience in a dream - witnesses that your loved ones or colleagues fly intrigue for your back, and households do not understand you and are not ready to help you.

Although the dreams from Sunday on Monday testify to the approach of unpleasant events, they do not foreshadow anything terrible and catastrophic. Perceive them as a kind of tip that will help avoid problems. Become more attentive to work, duties, try not to conflict with your neighbors all week, pay attention to your emotional health.

Moon - Monday dream patron

Are dreams come true from Sunday for Monday? As a rule, sleep is performed, but not at all, as he dreamed. The moon controls our emotional state, so it sends us thin prompts. Fatigue, irritation, dissatisfaction with life can be expressed in gray and unpleasant dream. Work, homemade troubles, solving the problem - we so want to run away from all this, but the moon declares us: it is better to "come back" a step back and decide everything today. On this night you can survive your fears, see the events that turn you into despondency and longing is due to the fact that you have a period of dissatisfaction. But nothing terrible will happen, you just need to be attentive to yourself and others. Do not impose all your opinion, causing aggression and dislike.

What dreams a short dream from Sunday for Monday? He does not promise anything bad - it's just a retrospective of past events. But long and strange sleep is better remembered and carefully analyzed at leisure. Pay attention to the details and your emotions. You were born on Monday - your sleep can be a proper. The moon gives you an excellent chance to take advantage of your prompts and solve a lot of problems. Lonely girls starring romantic dreams about new chosentes and those happy, that they were born on Monday, they may soon find their half.

What dreams dream from Sunday for Monday?

So, you want to look into the future - you will learn to interpret seen on Monday:

Did a dream from Sunday on Monday of Love? For unfulfilled people, a dream of a meeting with a beloved or a new acquaintance - can become a prophetic. You will get acquainted with a person who will bring to your life a lot of positive emotions, but whether he will be your beloved - a big question. Romantic Moon can give you a beautiful flirt, but here's a serious relationship - very rarely. Be careful to what is happening events. Quarrels in a dream and a gap with a beloved can become a reality in the near future. Pay attention to the behavior of a person if he is angry, as it looks at you and what claims claims. It is these feelings that your favorite hid, and your communication can pour out a full-scale conflict and even parting.

Did you dream from Sunday for Monday about the wedding? You walk on someone else's holiday (for unfulfilled) - the stars have developed in such a way that it is during this period that you can find your soul mate. The time of active actions and serious relationships, which will turn into a strong family. You are married and visited someone else's wedding - a dream may impose parting with a spouse or wife, betrayal, the appearance of a serious opponent. But to be on your own wedding - to wish the diversity in relations and look for new sharp sensations in reality. Rehend to such a dream with caution - you will have a chance to make a thorough act, which may worsen the attitude with your beloved.

Did you dream from Sunday for Monday about work? Slocks and conflicts at work - forerunner intrigues and gossip in reality. Be careful for your reputation, you have taken an incorrect decision or made a mistake that threatens to become fatal. But the most common measured day in the office - you will soon increase by service. What dreams dream from Sunday for Monday for unemployed (see yourself in position)? A great sign that promises rapid employment and a good salary.

Did you dream from Sunday for Monday on holidays and entertainment? They saw how you are having fun or relax - you need to reduce the rabid pace of work and be sure to go on vacation to restore the strength and get new emotions. Sleep prophetic only for those born on Monday, for the rest - only recommendations for action.

Did a dream from Sunday on Monday about dead and death? The dead man dreams only for change in the weather. Soon a memorial day - be sure to go to the cemetery and check close.

Dreams from Sunday for Monday - What do you mean? Most often, this sleep is neurwax and not memorable, but if he left a trace in your subconscious - the moon gives you important tips and should not be ignored.

Mystical and at the same time pragmatic are the dreams from Sunday for Monday. Nights on the first day of the week patronize the moon - in astrology, it is one of the most mysterious celestial bodies and is responsible for the depth experiences of a person.

The moon is "lady" a capricious and non-permanent, and therefore it is impossible to say that on the night of Monday. Among Monday dreams there are a lot of such that have no direct interpretation. Dream Interpretation says that the vision of these come true, but, as a rule, everything is the opposite in reality.

What is worth paying attention to the morning on Monday, analyzing your night visions? Moon prompts can be very allegorical, and about the most prosaic things she is ready to tell us in dreams mystical language. On the night of Sunday, as in the rest of the night of the week, the dream book advises to pay special attention to three types of dreams:

  • Long and unusual gerants-adventure.
  • Short, events poor vision.
  • Sad and tightening dream.

If on Monday night, a long, impressive and bright dream, the interpretation of such a vision advises to prepare to solve the mass of household daily issues. Sleep adventure on Monday night is a dream - "Perevilty": the more bright paints and dream impressions, the more you have to do homemade troubles and household problems.

Sleeping from Sunday for Monday showed the sleeping rue of the elements - it means that you will be absorbed by the routine work. If it dreams that the elements absorbed you - for example, you saw that, most likely that all routine household classes will have to be performed alone. Nevertheless, the dream book is convinced: it is better to do all things quickly so that they do not brake on the path of your further development.

Dreamed a short and understandable sleep - interpretation believes that this is the best vision on the night of Sunday. Such dreams mean that the person who seen them feels psychologically comfortably and is able to cope with the working "teaching".

Gray and driging visions, as the dreams say, prompted: it is better to disassemble the stood accumulated home-made as soon as possible. The sooner you do, the sooner get a new chance in order to enrich your own life both in the literal and figurative sense.

Who will come true?

What are dreams with a negative meaning in the "lunar" night and do they come true? It turns out, you should not give too much importance to an unpleasant vision that dreams on Monday from Sunday. If you dreamed of something that you do not like, it is possible that it is only a reflection of what some moments in real life are not satisfied.

There is nothing really terrible in such dreams. Do not make an elephant from fly and attract negative thoughts and scenarios for developing events - this is the interpretation of a dream on Monday night. Dream Interpretation says that after such dreams need to be caught up and care is not only in relation to loved ones, but also in relation to itself: for example, to highlight a little time for what I want to do in reality - whether it is raising the barbell or embroidery.

Interpretation states that the least worried, whether the unfavorable vision of the "lunar" night will come true, it is necessary for the fiery signs of the zodiac - these are lions, firemen and Aries. At the same time, a man born under the auspices of the Sun should pay attention to dreams associated with health and well-being. It is this night that such plots may be of particular import for representatives of fiery signs.

Representatives of the water element - scorpions, fish and cancer - in the morning it is worth remembering whether they did not dreamed something related to or career. Dream Interpretation advises to listen to tips, seen in a dream. Such a tip can serve as the emotions of sleeping during his dream.

If the dream was accompanied by positive emotions, this means that obstacles in financial or service spheres will be overcome quickly and painlessly. If the emotions were not the most pleasant, it does not promise failures, but simply says that the dream is needed a small hand.

Plots dreams

The interpretation of dreams of the night from Sunday says that it is extremely rare in Monday morning, you can see a dream that will definitely come true. However, there is a way to make the dream come true. True, guarantee what this result will be, it is impossible in advance.

According to the legend, if a person on Sunday touter or Sostrig's nails, then his dreaming on Monday night will be fulfilled. Only now it is impossible to say in advance what kind of dream will dream to come true in reality. If you do not want "Monday" dreams to come true, the nails are better cut in the morning of Monday, so that together with them to "lose" and all unpleasant impressions of the dream.

What plots in dreams on Monday interpretation advises to pay attention? First of all, these are dreams associated with love experiences. They may be meaningful for unmarried and unmarried boys and girls.

Why a girl a guy dreams from Sunday for Monday? Meet the "second half" in his Gresses - especially if the vision came early in the morning of Monday, - you are waiting for a romantic meeting and in reality. The same can be said when young man dreams meeting with an excellent stranger.

For middle-aged people, the dreams of Monday about love meetings are good only if they are not married at the moment. Otherwise, I should be careful with the new acquaintances. The vision of love quarms are extremely unfavorable - they warn that in reality it is impossible to quarrel in any way.

Why dream dead mans on the night from Sunday for Monday? Vision does not carry any negative. Most likely, it's just to change the weather.

Another moment to pay attention to Monday morning, remembering his dream, was the ice at your dreaming in any manifestation? If so, then this is a sign: you need to do all the accumulated important things as soon as possible, so as not to miss your chance that you are ready to give fate.

Very often, we will dream of dreaming in the form of mesboral and unidentified fragments that are difficult to logically explain. Some of the dreams are "empty" and do not carry any semantic load, but there are dreams that have a prophetic gift. It is such a prophetic dreaming worth paying special attention to the interpretation of the smallest details.

But it happens so that falling asleep, we cannot throw out the exciting events of the past day or the problem that it did not work out. And with the onset of the night, we begin to scroll through and understand the events that occurred in a dream. Such dreams only indicate our emotional state, and have nothing to do with our future period in life. How to understand - this is our subconscious about us in a dream of an idea or do we really have prophetic dreams and should we expect their execution in the future? To say with accuracy, will the dream predict further fate, you can wake up, turning attention to the day of the week and the time of day.

What symbolize dreams, dreamed from Sunday for Monday?
Dreams from Sunday for Monday called "bodily". Such dreams, as a rule, indicate the emotional state of the sleeping person, his memories, household problems and current work affairs, which at the moment it is most worried. Usually such dreams are not things and never come true. Therefore, you should not solve the characters that have dreamed in an empty sleep - they are not destined. The exception is the symbols that the dream from the night is repeated on the night. Snah-vision is always true and do not depend on the day of the week. Also, a prophetic dream can be dreamed of any church holiday or the third day of each month.

The only aspect that should be paid to sleep on Monday is its duration. If the dream is short and not remembered with nothing remarkable, then this is a good sign that does not foreshadow any difficulties and trouble in the coming days. But if the dream on Monday is bright and long-lasting - beware, the troublesome beginning of the week indicates a tense coming sevenneve.

In Monday's dreams, there is nothing symbolic and even supernatural. Experts believe that the wines of everything our subconscious, which forces us to scroll through the past or not fulfilled events in a dream. Multiple studies have shown that most often people see gloomy dreams. Less often positive events and other joyful moments. Therefore, before taking a dream to heart and try to interpret it - look at the calendar, maybe today Monday?

To understand whether the dream will come true on Monday, you need to know what time he dreamed.

And in order to interpret it correctly, it is enough to remember what feelings and emotions you have experienced in it. The fact is that the patroness of the first day of the week is the moon, which affects the inner state of people. Therefore, your mood in a dream is so important for his interpretation.

When does dream dream?

Most often, dreaming from Sunday for Monday comes true when it dreams from ten in the evening until the night came. These are bright, memorable dreams in which you are the main character. They can come true in the morning, but it happens more often the next day.

With o'clock at night, up to four o'clock in the morning dreams, which can come true by the end of the week. There are no special sequence of actions in them, sometimes they are not logical at all. A distinctive feature of these visions can be called blur and ambiguity.

In the morning you can see the dreams that come true. They should be memorized with special care, because they are often just forgotten. It is better to write their content, not yet ending with bed. So it will be easier for you to take into account all the details.

Depending on the feelings experienced in a dream, the interpretation of dreams on this night can be different. What did you feel?

1. Joy

If you have experienced a sense of joy in a dream on Monday night, now you are worried about the happy stage of your life. Rejoice in his successes means to mutually fall in love.

If you are happy for a friend, I will soon increase you in position. And to adhere to the success of an unfamiliar person - to prepare to go to the long-awaited journey.

Unless, inexplicable joy in the soul means that the upcoming week will bring you a lot of bright impressions.

2. sadness

Dreams in which you sad, dream book interprets like your stay in an unstable psychological state. For example, if you are sad just like that, then you are worried about heartfelt. And to be sad due to separation - it means to think about the former love.

Sadness caused by failure or losses speaks of the disease. And if you dream that you are sad due to betrayal, the dream book advises more time to spend rest from domestic worries.

3. Anger

If on the night of the Sunday on Monday in the dream you have experienced anger, then this week is waiting for you long road. As a dream book writes, angry with himself - it means that in the morning to find out what you are sent on a business trip.

And the dreams, in which you are angry with the opposite sex representative - this is a sign that you will go to a romantic journey. Anger, which arose due to the fact that you have no finance, talks about a trip to another city. And angry with your boss - choose a place where you will go on vacation.

4. Surprise

Sleep from Sunday for Monday, where you experienced surprise, dream of an important event.

For example, if you surprised friends, it means that you are waiting for a conversation with the manual. And the dreams, where you were struck by our own abilities, says that your wedding will be held soon.

Surprise what is happening around - it means to find a new job. And surprise due to the fact that you met a long deceased person - this is a forerunner of moving to a new place of residence.

5. Indeline

To be indifferent to loved ones and important events in a dream from Sunday for Monday means to find what you have no.

Dream Interpretation says the indifference to his beloved person is to acquire a valuable thing.

And to be indifferent to the death of a person - to tie a new novel. If you are shot, in which you are indifferent to the problems of your friends, then soon you update your wardrobe.

If you do not affect the feelings of a person in love with you, the dream book promises you the friendship of influential people.

Having understood what dreams are dreaming on the night from Sunday for Monday, you will have the opportunity to start a week with its planning. Make it will be enough for you enough, because you will know that fate prescribed you.

Former beloved in the dream

Former beloved in a dream, a sign of some unresolved questions, not fading feelings and nostalgia. To figure out what a similar image is dreaming, you should remember my dream in the smallest details, turning attention to the day of the week in which the dream was dreamed. To form a vision in one meaningful image, relate with the circumstances taking place in real life and look into the dream book.

Many girls, swaying with their chosen one, for a long time come to themselves and begin to build their lives in a new way. However, the connection with the past still remains, it can be joint plans, memories or unfinished affairs and persons. The desire to sort out their feelings and decide on the future plans, that's why there is a former beloved.

Many dreams ambiguously interpret a similar vision, the value of which directly depends on the actions of the chosen one and the dreams in a dream. If the girl dreamed of parting with the last love, then the reality of the young lady is afraid of losing someone or something important. If the vision is very often coming in a dream, it means that the person herself did not forget the abandoned guy and subconsciously wants to return the previous relationship.

To see in the dream of the former beloved with a new passion, is interpreted by a dream, as a moral and emotional readiness to break the connection with the ex-guy. As soon as the dreams release his past, immediately will experience relief and meet his ideal man. Also interpreted as a real opportunity to leave the past former feelings and without fear to look into the future.

Kiss with an ex-boyfriend in a dream, is interpreted by dream book as an unexpected surprise, can also warn about a quarrel or twig with the current man.

To see that the former beloved hugs, interpreted dream book, as the need for moral support and the protection that the sleeping person is experiencing can push it into incorrect actions. It costs this time to devote to your loved ones and native people, and do not stay alone.

Interpretation of dreams by day of week

For the interpretation of a dream, the days of the week, in which the ex-boyfriend was present.

To see such a picture from Monday to Tuesday, by the dream book, it means that, despite parting, a young man respects a woman and wishes her only good.

The ex-boyfriend thinks about the young person, recalls the former relationship, regrets the parting. This is what the former lover from Tuesday is on Wednesday.

See such an image from Wednesday to Thursday, means that the guy thinks about a woman and trying to forget her in the arms of other passions.

It is useful to know what to dream former lover from Thursday to Friday. Sleep denotes that the love of dreams still flares in the heart of a young man, the girl still likes him and from it, he suffers greatly and cannot find peace.

What dreams former lover from Saturday on Sunday? Dream Interpretation warns that a man, after breaking, there were unexplained cases, insults and inexpensive.

Dreamed a dream from Sunday for Monday, a man intentionally seeking meetings with a young lady, in order to simply see or talk to her.

What does this dream mean from Sunday for Monday?


° ~ ... Single ... ~ °

Marina, then these relationships are not exhausted,
At least for you. And you seem to
It remains hope that everything else can continue.
It would be easier to "run out" after the conflict,
Stay and forget everything. But these relationships were touched by your depths at the body level, probably, there was or could be sexual harmony. Once this dream dreamed,
We must meet this guy.
Even if you won't be together, it will help you update the feelings and get rid of such dreams. And new impressions will be prompted, whether it was serious or in vain spend your life on the experience of illusory relationships. Slide the situation from the dead point, come up with a reason to cross it somewhere ...


actually dreams from Sunday on Monday - letters.
they most likely display your thoughts than reality

Sleep from Sunday for Monday

Here you can read the dreams in which symbols are found. Sleep from Sunday for Monday. By clicking on the link interpretation of sleep under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretation written by free interpreters of dreams of our site. If you are interested in interpretation of sleep in the dreams - go to the dream link, and you will fall on the page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dreams.

To search for an image of interest, enter a keyword from your sleep in the search form. Thus, you can easily learn what dreams know dream from Sunday for Monday, or what means in a dream to see a dream from Sunday on Monday.

Sleep at Christmas

I will start with the real one: January 6 went to the first date with a young man, I have no guy at the moment.

Sleep for Christmas 1:

I had a hurry preparation for the wedding, as if in the evening I had a hurry I chose in the store things for a wedding. I do not even know there we have wedding rings or not, I call the fiancé, it is not available, can not answer. I choose shirt, I do not like anything. The master of the Gypsy store watches me for a long time. Then I go to another store, but with my own family. There are souvenirs-small giraffes, we buy them for contests.

Sleep for Christmas 2:

I ask a friend's brother-he is a cheerful and sociable man, to be a toasta at the wedding. He makes me an obscene offer. And I am disappointed in it.

What dreams dream for christmas?

Son of my friend

In general, two weeks ago I fell in love with one girl, but she doesn't know about it yet. Camer Shooter My friend dreamed of sleep, as if he was on the ship and sees how I kiss with this girlfriend. Then he lost his wallet with money and went to look for him in the cabin, then sharply falls into some kind of abyss and again sees how I kiss with this girl. Another friend told something about roulette. I ask you to interpret it a dream, I really need. Thanks in advance

Sleep about a black horse

The dream begins with the fact that I supposedly wake up at home, in my bed, with and my husband (by now formerly). The room is cool, light draft. In search of his source, I come to the next room and I find that a balcony lattice fell along with the frame and a young crane horse went into the house. Beautiful, statutory, sides are glorifying. Behaves not aggressively, but carefully. I take a reason and lead a horse in the house.

Later it turns out (as I do not remember - whether the former husband said, or something else) that I have two days to decide - sell, give a horse to someone or leave yourself. I really want to leave a horse myself (it's bad good!), But I am aware that it is unrealistic to contain such an animal in the apartment.

I woke up on this. The dream was very memorable. Help, please explain it - all dreams on this subject are extremely contradictory.

Son of my son

Good evening, Valerio! My son dreamed of a strange dream. We often have dreams related to each other. So this dream from the series ...

He dreamed that he was "wondered" back 12 years of life. He is eight years old. Outwardly, he is an eight-year-old boy, and argues as twenty years old. He warns us, parents about the coming cataclysms in the family. He warns the Father that he can not drink on a certain day, since the accident will occur, and he will receive injury. (Looks like OS). We seem to do not understand him, wonder ...

With respect .. Mikaela.

Sleep before baptism

On the night of baptism, I dreamed of such a dream: I remember his passages but the brightest grimbery is right before the tears.

I dream that we are with a young man and his daughter, come to the bay - this is a small bay in front of the open sea. Weather solar, but as soon as we come to the shore, she changed: the sea is not calm, gray, ripples are big, but the waves that are broken about the shore. We sang in a boat, but it's like a boat and not a boat, it looks like a small river ship with a closed cabin, where there is around the window, but the control of the boat itself from the cabin. We sit down, I am at the beginning, his daughter - Masha - in the tail, and he goes into the boat, and I tell him:

Cute, tie a boat to a buoyan (the one that the pier is in the asphalt inserted), and then the sea is a storm.))) Captain You are my distant swimming (this is why I'm joking him, because he graduated from the Water Travel Institute))

Honey, this is not called a storm, and sh ... (here it is a chorus of some word that I never even heard - well, it probably like a shameful).

And goes out. And as soon as he comes out of the boat, putting his legs on the pier, our boat, where we sit with a friend of a friend against a friend very sharply takes away from the shore, very quickly turns us and I look in the windows, and I understand that we are very far from the coast and how to return we do not know (to control us as it were for nothing), and I see how our boat goes to the open sea - troubled gray, and before your eyes it's a ripple sea, the horizon is wide, and I understand - we disappeared - no one will find us, and We will break. I take a mobile and trying to turn it on. From the fright incorrectly picking a pin, and the mobile is blocked, I look again in the window and we have already come out of the bay, and we already get into the open sea ... And then I hear the voice - as if from the top, a yoke calm Male voice - run on Right side of the deck. I scream: Masha, let's right! "She and I overcome and here we understand that our weight turned out and so it's a light ship and we rushed back - to the pier, which is located in the middle of the bay. The wind cares boat, I look like we rapidly rushed to the shore and think "We break up now - but the boat stops straight from the pier gently, and we go out.

Then I turn around and see that there is no one on the coast - the coast itself is small but empty deserted and drowning with water - the coast like a fit of the mountains, and no one, no living soul .. So I understand that the story in the sea is only a split second, I'm looking for His loved one and understand that the sea took him ....... I am very excited and run it to search, run one run. And nowhere is it, nor either hovering on the coast, I see people who gathered at the stairs, there is also no people there, I am climbing on the ladder (she is like two boards on the playground as if with round chopsticks, which are doing focus on legs) , Raised to the top, and there is a door / window that is open, and a woman is turned out of it, and wants to close the door. Shouts: "Well, who else saved after the flood ??" "Girl are you here? And then I close" I am confused saying that I also saved and go to this door window, and she closes him immediately. I get up on the festive table - with a white tablecloth, with disadvantages, everywhere a lot of food, many tables are enough people, the tables as it were arranged in a circle, with distances between each other. And around - summer - the trees are green, the abbils fly, the sun is clear, warm, such a contrast after the gray brown sea gray! I am looking for my beloved, looking for him between everyone and I find the hands of the head face to the sky on the wall of a small shallow daring pond, and around this pond just the tables are festive and placed .... it lies in his green striped sweater, but Very sad !!! And I'm so joyful that I found him, jumping about him, flaron to him, and he was sad, just a little smiled for me ... And around the summer, and together with dreams along and inside this small deepening on green grass, too, people sit on Sun .....

And then I remember in the same dream that I am on some of the floors of the building in which a restaurant type, there are 3 tables with festive dishes, and many slough. Since I was a slast that I redakes goodies from each table, and stopped at one. I sit from the end of the table and it from the outlet of some tasty ice cream or dessert, at the table to the right of me sits my dad eats the chicken boiled, my favorite sits and eats the cucumber fresh green. And here people come unfamiliar to me and think for what table they sit down - where is delicious. And I, since I once redakes them, I advise you to sit for one of the tables - I do not insist, but I do not insist and say how they themselves will decide.

For me, this dream is very emotional, and I wonder how the instability of our relationship with your loved one, despair, which is now present, the search for truth, and how the subtext - salvation - from the gray mountain cliffs - in a warm sunny good summer, just for some reason Sad beloved facing the sky

Sleep with turtles and snails

Dreamed the dream, as if I was on a huge grief, a bulk pile from a huge number of little dried mussel snails (dropped into two halves). I suffered in this mass, but I tried to climb up, it turned out it, and there were dozens of live turtles around me, which also rowed up, very vividly and vigorously. Then I woke up.

In general, a lot of things dreamed of this night, but this dream seemed some bright and juicy. Color.

I would be grateful to someone who disperses me the meaning of sleep, and will tell me what to expect in the near future.

Thank you.

Sleep to the 3rd degree

I will try to explain. I dreamed that I see a dream in which I sleep and in this dream at the same time, I dream that I sleep and see a dream in a dream. It was a deep failure, which deepened on 3 levels of sleep. And with each level, the feeling of failure and misunderstanding of what was happening intensified.

Sleep about name

My husband dreamed of a dream, it seems I say to him - that my real name of Isolde and the patronymic of some kind of eastern, like my real father was different. Although Yana Isold)) in life. What it can mean at all.

Sleeping about the city of the future

Dreamed of an interesting and unusual dream! I suddenly found the outskirts of Kiev in the future, in 30-50 years!

The dream was very real and color-and I felt. What is this future!

I was in a hurry that was hurried to the station, either at the airport and was looking for the nearest metro station and was, as I spoke on the outskirts. Suddenly, ahead of him, I saw a little elevation - very beautiful immentable in a bright living greenery. But it was not struck by me, but at home that was very organically combined with nature-t. E. Were with her in complete harmony.

I am struck by an unusual architecture of the buildings - its distribution of volumes and a variety of forms that combined with each other! The houses were all painted in warm colors - very unusual forms, I did not see this on Earth, but I felt that they were not fantastic, but real, from the future. Bygoing this hill, I saw a wonderful lowland, which was also drowned in bright greenery and there were others among it, no less beautiful home-orders to whole complexes of houses or residential arrays, which were other forms and other color shades. And everything was in such complete harmony, that it is difficult to describe in words, I just felt it!

I so wandered around this place for a long time, almost lost, and every time I discovered all new and new arrays, the same beautiful and beautiful. The only thing that overshadow is what was needed to find the metro station, but did not want to leave.

And as soon as the thought took about it in my brain, the main place was to suddenly change, no matter how such a visual wave, reality and everything began to turn into a gray familiar architecture: gray panel buildings, gray, hurrying somewhere, people. And on this I woke up!

I am not crazy))))

Sleep about God

I see a huge walking crowd of people of different nationalities, but I do not understand where they go, and still confesses near and go along with them, people still join us and also, and here I understand that something terrible should happen. I will run out of the crowd and run towards the forest, the girl runs after me (this is my classmate, with whom I never really talked), we run through the forest, and hear the sounds of explosions, we see the flame pillars. I understand that the whole crowd is blown up, which is apocallipis. The flying saucer hangs on us and God descends out of it. I do not remember how he looked, but one thing I felt exactly- it. He encourages my classmate and says that he will take her with him to heaven, I ask him to take me with me, that I also want to be in paradise. And here in a dream I remember that shortly before that moment I had some kind of performance. I went to the scenes to look at people in the auditorium, but instead I saw a golden crucifix, from which the radiance was shunk and heard the song Ave Maria. God reminds me of this moment, but does not explain what he meant and says that people on Earth have almost completely destroyed and my mission now is to give life a new generation of humanity. Here I turn out in the ringer train, turn out of the car to the car, behind the windows of the landscape from the destroyed houses, like after bombing. Here I meet some young man and understand that this is my future husband and it is with him I have to continue the genus. I take his hand and we find out in the destroyed city that we have to revive.

I seemed to sleep very strange, given that there were always pretty standard stories. I would like to understand what he means. Man I am a believer.

Sleep from Friday on Saturday with haircut

Today from Friday on Saturday somewhere in the morning dreamed of a dream, as I stand in the bathroom and stream myself myself, my hair is no longer long and not short, and I begin to cut myself at the top, I take the biggest nozzle and see what happens a little Whether not under 0, I stop and I want to go to the hairdresser to do it!

In general, some nonsense, what can it mean at all?

Now something afraid to go to the hairdresser))

Dreams at all dreams of very rarely MB over the past six months this is a 1st dream, please explain that it may be denoted.

Now I'm still passing a medical examination for admission to one of the universities in which I just dream to do. Is it not connected with this?

What dreams dream from Friday to Saturday with a haircut? Thank you in advance!