How to choose the right job. Career coach

How to choose the right job.  Career coach
How to choose the right job. Career coach

Hello dear readers. In this article, I want to talk about how to make the right decision in choosing a job. We spend a lot of time at work, which is why it is so important at the stage of selection not to make a mistake, which can be costly. Unfulfillment, hatred, frustration - this is what can be avoided by doing simple actions before giving preference to a particular job.

"The main thing is not to take time with something, but to find yourself in it"

The lucky one is the one who gets paid for his favorite pastime. Unfortunately, this does not always happen.

One of the simplest and at the same time difficult questions -?

There is a category of people who quickly find the answer in their childhood, talents, or by a happy coincidence. However, many have been trying to answer this question for a long time. If you already know the answer, then it will be easier for you to choose a job, if not, then first try to reflect on this topic.

All people are unique, each has special abilities, thanks to which they can achieve incredible success in their careers. Remember what you loved to do as a child, what fascinated you the most, what did you do best? Think about what you could do if you weren't paid to do it? Answering these questions will help you get closer to understanding your life's work.

Assessment of available options

If you already know what position you are applying for and the choice is limited to several job options, then the first step is to conduct a comparative analysis. A sheet of paper, a pen and an hour of free time help a lot with this.

Write on a sheet of paper all the components of the best, in your opinion, work that are important to you. Write down all the criteria on a sheet, rate the importance of each of them, and then write down the pros and cons of all the options for these criteria.

Workplace: evaluate the location of the company's office, how long will it take to get home, is it convenient to get there? How comfortable is the workplace, is there everything you need. Not all companies purchase office supplies or provide the necessary tools for labor, you may have to buy them at your own expense.

Think about whether the status of the company is important to you, it can be a large organization with a good reputation or a new, unknown enterprise.

How many people work in the company and directly in your department, study the organizational structure, it will become clear to you who reports to whom, because it is no less important.

Financial component: the level of wages, the availability of bonuses or bonuses for successful activities, does the company offer a social package (many companies, taking care of their employees, provide additional health insurance policies, which, of course, is a plus), is it possible for career growth, does the organization pay for telephone calls and the road?

Answer the prepositional questions and add your personal ones to the list - this will help you choose the best between the two works.

Where to go?

If you are just thinking about what to do and have no idea what job to choose, then sit down and try to decide on your desires.

Decide which schedule suits you, five-day or shift, whether you like to work in the morning or in the evening. Decide which option suits you best - or in the office. Whether you are a team player or a loner.

When the issue of working conditions is resolved, think about what you like to do more, what actions to perform, about the process itself (teach, analyze, draw, cook, write, cut, mix cocktails, etc.). List all the actions that you enjoy and enjoy.

Next, you need to decide on the field of activity of the company in which you will be interested. After all, if you like baking cakes, then you can go to a restaurant, or to a pastry shop. If you want to be engaged in woodworking, then you can go to conveyor production, or you can go to a company that produces unique custom-made furniture.

Having collected the answers to all questions, try to understand what position and company will suit your needs and interests, scroll through vacancies on a similar subject, evaluate your job responsibilities and your skills. Perhaps they will coincide, if not, then find your "gaps" in knowledge and skills and fill them.

Choosing a job is not an easy and responsible business, everyone has individual needs and priorities, so the most important thing is to understand yourself and your desires. It's never too late to start, if you are, then think about the possibility of another.

The most important thing is that you wake up in the morning and want to go to work, enjoy the process and be well paid for it.

I wish you the best of luck in choosing your future job, I hope this article will help you make a decision.

You send out your resume, come for an interview, take some kind of test, talk to future management and get a job. But suddenly you are invited to another place where you also wanted to go. How to be in this case, will tell you.

For a good specialist, this situation is not uncommon. If you are an excellent master of the profession, know how to present yourself correctly, and make people feel good, your chances of getting a dream job increase significantly. And when a choice arises, it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons so as not to regret the decision.

1. Use the table method

List all the positive and negative aspects of working at specific companies in a two-column table. Write everything that may seem even an insignificant trifle: an ugly office, a chatty secretary, inconvenient parking at the office, and even the color of the walls in the hall. Keep in mind that these very minor flaws can become a serious annoyance in the future. You will start to find fault with them, regretting that you did not choose the alternative.

2. At the material level

It is logical that one of the main selection criteria will be the financial component. On the one hand, it is worth going where the salary is higher. But you also need to take into account the prospects for the future. It is quite possible that where the level of remuneration is higher, there are no bonuses, bonuses and salary increases in the next year, or even two. Therefore, even during the interview, do not hesitate.

3. Decide if a career is important to you

If you want to climb the career ladder as high as possible, choose a job with great prospects, and refuse the second option without a doubt. It is no secret that some companies do not welcome too much, preferring that they always remain in their original position, fulfilling no more and no less than the intended plan.

Therefore, say in advance what you are striving for, and clarify whether the chosen employer can offer you this.

4. Rely on intuition

Listen to your inner voice. Remember what emotions you experienced when communicating with your future boss and colleagues - did you feel comfortable around them. Recall the moment immediately after meeting the company. Very often people choose vacancies at the mental level, and they are not mistaken. Working in a pleasant atmosphere with people who think and live by your principles will always bring more pleasure and results.

5. Be honest with yourself

When you have figured out all the opening prospects, salary and, answer yourself why you need this job, what do you expect from a new project, how you see your life after making the final decision. If you choose a "launch site", give preference to the option with more opportunities for your own development. If you are looking for stability, choose an offer with guaranteed unchanged conditions and so on.

Whichever option you choose, you should never regret anything. Remember that every turn and every new road is always a road to the future, and it depends only on you what lessons you will learn from the consequences of your decisions. wishes you to make the right choice!

Are you looking for a job? Then you wonder how to choose a job that you like. There are a great many vacancies, and a good specialist has a question about what position he wants to apply for. You need to consciously approach the choice of your life path. Read below how to do this.

Work should be liked

Have you received an education and have already gained experience? Or maybe you are just starting your first job search? How to make the right choice? Look at the vacancies that are currently the most in demand. You need to look for a job in your specialty. There is no point in chasing a big salary if you don't like an activity that pays well.

How to choose a job you like? Think in what area you want to be realized? Do you dream of becoming a doctor, artist, officer or sportsman? Think about where to start. You will have to build a career from the very bottom. You can apply for a position that will somehow bring you closer to your dream. If you want to become a doctor, you can go to work as a nurse, if you dream of being a designer, apply for the position of an assistant to a designer.

Starting from the bottom is not scary. If you are a talented person, you can achieve a lot and quickly climb the career ladder. You can get education in the field of your specialty by directly combining work with study.

Stimulus for development

How to choose a job? Personal growth should be one of the mandatory criteria. It is impossible to work in one workplace all your life. Some people do it, but don't worry if you fail. Changing your workplace from time to time is helpful. You will be able to study the "kitchen" of several enterprises from the inside and find out how they work, find out all the pros and cons of the offices.

The main criterion for a person who is looking for himself should be personal growth. If a company gives a person an opportunity to develop, that's good. By bringing your own ideas to life, mastering and practicing new techniques, you can become a good specialist. Don't be afraid to be proactive. It is punishable only where In developing companies, initiative workers are worth their weight in gold. Before accepting this or that vacancy, speak with the employees of the firm. If they say that they like the job, that the company gives them the opportunity to develop, then act decisively, you will not go wrong.


Not sure how to choose a job? Ask at your first interview if you will have a career path. Agree, working all your life in the same place is not a good prospect. A person who has nowhere to strive will quickly get bogged down in his routine. Lack of incentive to develop will have the worst impact on work. When there is healthy competition in the company and a person has the opportunity to climb the career ladder after some time, he will have an incentive to develop. The person will make an effort to work well and efficiently. You will engage in self-development, which means that you will not stagnate.

Friendly team

Find out how the boss treats his subordinates. If the director is a tyrant, then think twice before applying for a vacancy. It is impossible to work with a person who makes decisions based on his mood.

Decent pay

Salary plays an important role when choosing a job. You must adequately evaluate your skills and abilities. There is no point in working for a penny. People with a good financial condition are engaged in charity work. If you do not have a few extra millions in your bank account, then you should not waste time on low-paying jobs. Evaluate your abilities soberly. Work takes up most of your time. It is she who will feed you and give you the opportunity to rest the way you want. If there is no career development in the company, then you will work for a penny all your life. This prospect is not very bright.

How to choose a job you like? Find a specialty in which you want to realize yourself, and submit your resume to several companies with similar activities. Have you received multiple responses? Clarify immediately what prospects you will have. It's not always worth settling for the biggest paycheck. If you have career prospects, then you can make a long-term investment. In this case, you will exchange time for an experience that will subsequently bring you money.


Working close to home is ideal. If you manage to find a company that is located near your place of residence, consider it a great success. A person spends most of his time at work. Traveling around town is exhausting and takes away precious hours of relaxation.

But it is not always possible to find a job near home. What to do in this case? If you are renting an apartment, then there is no problem. You can rent a house somewhere near the company in which you will work. And if you are the owner of the apartment? In this case, it makes no sense to agree to travel to another part of the city in order to work there for 8 hours. Value yourself and your time. You can find work somewhere closer. Do you think it's silly to give up a dream if it is geographically remote from you? A person who thinks so never spent two hours on the road. Such trips will be tiresome and annoying.

If you cannot find work closer, offer the director of the firm remote cooperation. It's convenient to work from home. You can go to the company not every day, but twice a week, for example.

How to decide on vacancies

A person always has the right to choose a job. You can agree to any option you like. How to choose a dream job? Go to a few interviews, and then write down the pros and cons of the options on a piece of paper. You need to choose the company with more advantages. What criteria should be used to make a choice? Evaluate the location of work, team, leadership, career growth, salary, opportunities for self-fulfillment and motivation for development.

How to choose between two jobs? Sometimes it’s worth making decisions intuitively. A person always knows what he wants. You can flip a coin. You don't have to watch what comes up - heads or tails. The moment the coin is in the air, you will already know for sure which outcome you like best.

Should work be a hobby?

This question plagues many. What is your opinion on this matter? Work takes up a large part of a person's life, so it goes without saying that it should be enjoyable. It's great if you manage to earn a living by doing what you love.

What is important when choosing a job? Moral satisfaction in what you are doing. If you enjoy your day, then the job is right for you. But work is not the only thing a person should live with. Reading, travel, sports, handicrafts, intellectual games - all this can be considered as a hobby. The fullness of life should be maximum for the person to feel good. So don't worry if your job is not a hobby. The main thing is that your life's work is enjoyable. For leisure activities, you can find free time.

Who among us has never worked for hated work?

Perhaps there will be such lucky ones, but most went through this stage in their lives.

It's good if it was temporary. But what about those who stuck in this quagmire? After all, it is very important that the work is not a burden, but brings not only money, but also a lot.

Why do they say that work should be fun?

People spend most of their lives at work, because you have to pay rent, eat, buy things, etc.

All this requires money, but where else can you get it if not at work?

We spend a lot of our personal time trying to earn money, what will happen if it is will bring nothing but money?

If you do not receive any satisfaction from the process, but on the contrary, only disappointment, then soon, it will become a burden.

If you do what does not cause any interest and does not bring joy, then soon professional burnout will occur, which means that performance will decrease and a number of accompanying "complications" (, irritability, nervous breakdown,) will arise.

After all, how bitter it is to realize that instead of doing what you love, you have to frantically look at the clock and count the minutes until the end of the working day.

To build a career and become successful, you need to sincerely love your job. After all, only those who do what they want, will try to do everything even better, will completely devote themselves to their beloved work.

Going up the corporate ladder on, it can bring a little joy, which soon change to despondency and anger.

Finding your favorite pastime does not mean mastering some difficult profession or creating something brilliant.

You can be happy working in some insignificant position and even getting small money.

This is all very individual. Everyone chooses for himself how to live his life. But one thing is certain: any person in this world can find what he likes.

To live comfortably with yourself, it is important to find a favorite business that will bring not only pleasure, but also money. It’s not for nothing that they say that if you find your favorite pastime, then you don’t have to work a single day in your life.

And this is a true statement. You will no longer need to suffer waking up in the morning, will always be on top, and your efficiency will grow significantly.

I can't find something to my liking: what are the reasons?

The fact that we are often engaged in an unloved business, only ourselves are to blame.

There may be several reasons for this.

To find a good job to your liking, you need to know how to do it and where to look for it. To do this, you should pay attention to some tips that can help with the search.

Where to look?

How and where to find an interesting job?

How to choose what to do?

How to choose a job you like?

How to get income from what you love?

How to find a job both for the soul and for income?

After you have decided what you want to do.

All you have to do is find a really good job that will meet all your requirements.

Of course, people want not only to do what they love and what brings them pleasure, but also to receive good money for it. At first it can be difficult to combine both, and other.

Indeed, in any business you need, so to speak, to start from the bottom and gradually move up the career ladder. It is especially difficult for those who completely change their profession and are an absolute beginner.

You should not waste your time on not very good conditions if you are not sure that the employer will fulfill all his promises to raise wages in the near future.

You should try to look for a job that will satisfy all your conditions and needs as much as possible... Of course, it will be difficult to immediately receive mountains of gold, but you are a good specialist who will soon be noticed and appreciated.

Perhaps you should consider an option such as own business. Maybe you have dreamed of opening a cafe all your life and want to do it right now.

This option will not bring instant income, but in the future you can really combine what you love with good money.

Or maybe you are lucky and you will immediately find a high-paying position in a good job. This also happens.

But in general, everyone invests their own in the concept of "good salary"... That for one penny, for another will be a high income.

For it is very important to do what you love in life, for which they will also pay.

The main thing is to understand what you want from life and whether it is necessary to change something in it.

If the answer is yes, then what are you waiting for? After all, our life is too short to spend it in an unloved job that does not bring any joy.

How to find a good job? Job search strategies:

A person spends almost most of his life at work, so it is very important that it be enjoyable.

By doing what you like, you can fully use your potential, reveal yourself and find harmony. Experience shows that a person who loves his job and puts his soul into it reaches career heights. Therefore, already in adolescence, everyone begins to wonder how to choose a job to their liking.

How to find your life's work?

When looking for a job, people do not always understand what exactly they want. Someone is interested in a decent salary, for someone it is important to work close to home. But it is worth remembering that it is extremely difficult to achieve heights by doing an unloved business.

A person must analyze his desires, abilities and dreams, determine what he loves and what annoys him. You need to draw yourself a perfect picture, imagine yourself in a few years. By modulating situations, you need to give yourself honest answers to the following questions:

  • What position do I occupy?
  • Am I satisfied with my salary?
  • Do I enjoy going to work?
  • Do I have a desire to change everything?
  • Am I satisfied with what I do?
  • Am I happy?

Considering various areas of activity and trying to find a job to your liking, you should not forget about your health. Daily work responsibilities should not negatively affect a person's overall well-being. For example, allergy sufferers do not need to work with chemicals, and a person who is afraid of blood does not need to become a doctor.

Listen only to yourself!

A big mistake many parents make is to impose their point of view on their children. This may be done with the best of intentions, but the child is a different person, a separate person, and his preferences can be radically different. It is not uncommon for parents to try to choose profitable and prestigious specialties and are ready to pay for their studies. But the child studies without much enthusiasm, and sometimes honestly says that he wants to quit school, because "this is not his." There is no need to swear and prevent this, it is worth listening and giving a person the opportunity to independently choose their own path in life.

Serious or frivolous profession?

From childhood, children are taught how to choose a job to their liking. It must be a serious, solid profession. But even a hobby can bring good money, it is enough to approach the issue correctly. You should not give up what you like just because it seems like a frivolous occupation, self-indulgence. You need to listen to your soul, a person somehow comes to what he is drawn to.

Often times, people make the mistake of repeating someone else's path in life. An idol can be a father, grandfather, or an artist seen on TV. You should not associate the profession with any specific person. Thinking about how to choose a job to your liking, you need to take into account the peculiarities of a particular type of activity, without associating a profession with a person.

Assessment of talents and abilities

In a certain period of time, almost every profession acquires external attractiveness. This phenomenon is temporary, therefore it should not become the main criterion when choosing a life-long business. In addition, if she is far from a person's talents, he is unlikely to achieve success in this area.

First of all, you need to evaluate your own capabilities and abilities, directing all energy to their disclosure and improvement. Then climbing the career ladder will go at a fast pace without much difficulty.

Teenagers often choose a university "for the company", and then in the end they are forced to work where they do not like. This path is initially doomed to failure. Choosing a profession, you need to evaluate it from all sides and imagine everyday life at work. It is important that nothing annoys you, and the case arouses genuine interest.


Experts advise you to try a method that helps you understand how to choose the right job. On a piece of paper, you need to write 10 things of interest that you enjoy doing. You can express your wildest dreams, even if now they seem fantastic and completely unrealizable. It is necessary to indicate all aspirations, talents and areas of activity in which a good result has already been achieved. People love when they succeed, this is one of the best incentives.

A person should describe what he would be doing if he did not need to work and earn money at all. Once you're done, you need to analyze which of these hobbies could generate income if you put in the effort.

Career guidance tests

When considering how to choose a job to your liking, it is advisable to use career guidance tests. There are various techniques that help to choose the area that is closest to a person's abilities.

Any test is based on the principle of assessing talents that can be implemented in various fields of activity, as well as mental stability. A person evaluates his own emotions when doing something, both positive and negative or neutral. In this way, you can find the most interesting area for yourself.

The methods make it possible to determine the ratio of the level of professional preferences with the level of self-responsibility, which is required when performing a specific job.

Similar tests can be found in any books on psychology. Some people prefer to go through them on their own, but it is better to ask for help from specialists. They will more accurately determine which job is better to choose. In addition, psychologists will prepare individual tests and draw correct conclusions. Questionnaires and projective techniques can become additional sources.

In addition to tests, a personal conversation with a specialist is also important. It is used as a tool to identify skills, knowledge and abilities. In addition, it is possible to determine if there are contradictions between the expectations of a person and his capabilities.

Whatever profession a person chooses, you should not treat it as something that predetermines the future. It is never too late to change the field of activity and master new radical specialties. You need to do what brings true pleasure and a feeling of happiness.

Find a twist

How to choose a job to your liking, if there is no opportunity to abruptly change the field of activity and remain without a salary for some time? You need to start by trying to make your job loved. To do this, you need to find a zest in everyday work duties: it can be creative implementation, helping people or creativity. Having connected imagination, you need to work with what you have: equip your workplace well and find the advantages of your own profession.

If the desire to change jobs is conscious and deliberate, you need to understand in which direction to move. Perhaps there is no need to change the field of activity, it is enough to go up the career ladder. In the event that this option does not work, you should not be afraid to change everything. New goals are a great incentive to gain knowledge, master certain skills, and enjoy life. And profit will be a nice bonus to your hobby. Over time, hobbies will become work, and will bring a stable income.

Prestige and salary

For most young people, prestige and income become the criterion for choosing a job. To avoid disappointment, you need to understand that any start begins with small earnings. As you grow professionally, your salary will also increase.

Prestige is a fluid concept. Choosing a specialty today does not mean at all that in a few years it will also be popular. Thinking about how to choose a good job, first of all, you need to evaluate your own strengths and future prospects.

Practically speaking, you need to choose such professions so that you always have the opportunity to get a job and earn money. For these purposes, you can get a higher education as an accountant, economist or lawyer.

At all times, reflections on what kind of work to choose a man are relevant. Working specialties are always in demand, and salaries in this area are quite high. In vocational schools, you can choose the direction that is closest.

Professions with a perspective

Every year, specialties in the field of advanced technologies are becoming more and more popular: alternative energy or nanotechnology. In the near future, the demand for urbanists and agricultural specialists will increase.

When developing a plan for how to choose a job without experience, you should pay attention to those companies that offer training courses and conduct trainings. Today, more and more enterprises are recruiting young employees without experience in order to "educate" them for themselves.