Anime learning. How to draw anime with a pencil step by step? How to draw an anime girl

Anime learning.  How to draw anime with a pencil step by step?  How to draw an anime girl
Anime learning. How to draw anime with a pencil step by step? How to draw an anime girl

Most of us dream of having artistic talent, being able to portray different landscapes on paper or canvas. But recently, Anime has become very popular, they not only want to watch it, but also learn to draw. Many people wonder how easy it is to learn how to draw anime with a pencil. Human abilities are limitless, you just need a little theory and more.

How to learn to draw anime

If you are thinking about how to draw a mango correctly, then most likely you are aware of what it is. And yet, it is worth mentioning the involvement in what kind of art it belongs to. Anime is a shorthand for animation, that is, cartoon. Very popular in Asia and Western countries. The main difference between anime and cartoons is that for the most part, it is intended for an adult audience. A distinctive feature is the image of the characters themselves, their disproportionate appearance. The most eye-catching element, these are huge eyes, special attention is paid during their image of every particle. Characters are always emotional, their moods are shown with all kinds of facial lines, additional non-natural pictures, for example, a drop of sweat, swollen veins, and so on. The main production of Anime takes place in Japan, there are more than four hundred specialized studios.

How to learn to draw anime from scratch

If you already have basic drawing skills, great, then it will be easy in the future. If you are a beginner and want to learn the basics of drawing Anime from scratch, it's also good, it's quite achievable. There is a wide variety of characters in this genre, and even very fantasy ones, take at least Pikachu. But for the first steps, you need to start with human forms, gradually moving on to more detailed sketches. In general, drawing all types of Anime is quite exciting, because there is where to turn around, it comes out in contrast, and especially with the help of a pencil. It is not difficult to portray faces in the anime style, the general rule applies here, the eyes are large, and the outline of the oval is approximate. Further, the clothes are always bright and varied.

How to learn to draw anime step by step

As with any image, you first need to outline the outline and contour of the drawing. For a more simplified understanding, let us analyze in stages the images of one of the anime characters. Make a rectangle on the paper for the head, below the neck, going down, two stripes of the shoulders. Starting from the left strip, take one down, this is the hand. On its edge, draw a circle - an elbow, continuing to draw the hand, use rectangles, simple lines. At the end of the right line, also draw a circle for the elbow, going from the line with the rectangle for the brush. And here you can start drawing the clothes of our character, we will not focus on it for now.

Let's start with the most interesting part of the characters - the face. Its shape is also close to a rectangle that connects to a triangle. Make these two shapes and then erase the line that formed after the seams. As a result, you get an oval face, with a pointed chin, finish drawing the final shape. Then, an arc is drawn on top of the face, there will be a cap for the character, ears, hair slightly pointed at the ends. Next, finish drawing the legs, arms, remove the extra lines with an eraser. And we come to detailing the front part. Make a large, slightly elongated upward, eyes with large black pupils. Small growth, just draw with an inverted triangle. Actually, it remains to paint the remaining details, shade and give more contrast. A simple pencil is suitable for this, make more bright shadows.

How to learn to draw anime with a pencil

Drawing with a pencil is always an entertaining activity, the drawing is obtained, despite the plot, of a slightly Gothic shade, but no less beautiful than watercolors. In the anime, as already mentioned, all the characters are quite bright, there is a great emphasis on emotions, it is important to convey the character and mood. Let's break it down point by point:

  1. For the most realistic image and to simplify it, draw the body in blocks. Change the angle and slopes of the parts, in the future we will play with shadows. You can delve into fantasy and portray not a real creature, since in Anime there is no concept of strict realism.
  2. Let's take everything for a beginner, an image of a schoolgirl girl. Draw circles, position guide curves and face outline.
  3. We draw first the upper part of the eyes, then the lower, you can use a slightly thinner pencil. Then an oval, using a pencil with a thicker neck.
  4. Since we are depicting a girl, we will make the eyes more expressive, the pupils with highlights, and the arches of the upper part, make them thicker, as if with eyeliner, and draw three eyelashes to the upper arch.
  5. The point of the nose, in the anime, he is most often portrayed slightly prominent. Let's draw a laughing girl, the already familiar inverted triangle, but wider and more drawn to the chin. Teeth are usually not depicted, only the tongue.
  6. Now shading the eyes with a pencil, shading the entire oval completely, leaving highlights, and select the dark areas.
  7. Hair in this genre is drawn angular, with sharp strands and reflections of light. To do this, shade them completely with a pencil, and go over in some places with an eraser. Well, the eyebrows are just, tick, in the form of a thin line.

How to learn to draw an anime character

Having learned the basics of drawing an anime, a human image, you probably also want to try to portray a fairy-tale character. All famous Pokemon named Pikachu, a cute and kind animal from the popular comic book. So, we draw a good man:

  1. We depict a figure like a mushroom, without a pronounced cap. We make more oval outlines.
  2. We draw three circles in one in different sizes, these will be the eyes. We shade the one in the middle, we get a cute reflection.
  3. The nose is slightly lower in the form of a small triangle, there are two circles on the cheeks, and the mouth is in the form of an inverted tick and a doga pulling down. Looks like he's delighted.
  4. His ears are slightly directed to the sides with black tips. And the tail is in the form of an elongated zigzag.
  5. Legs are small, crossed on the tummy.
  6. There are similarities to well-fed squirrels.

Studying anime, you can delve into a variety of their styles, connect fantasy and maybe even come up with your own character.

How to learn to draw anime?

Anime characters have long been loved by millions of teenagers and young people around the world. This cartoon genre, which appeared in Japan, is very popular today and has its own characteristics. If you know all the nuances, then learning how to draw anime is not at all difficult.

The image of a guy or a girl in this style differs from the usual drawing with large, wide-open eyes, a small, inconspicuous nose and mouth without protruding lips. In addition, anime characters have long hair in separate strands and disproportionately long legs.

Stage 1: sketching

In the anime style, very cute girls are obtained. Every aspiring artist can learn how to draw female images by adhering to certain rules. You will need a sheet of paper and a simple pencil.

Stage 2: drawing the face

  1. In accordance with the applied markings, clearly draw the upper eyelid, pupil and iris of the eye.
  2. The anime girl's pupil should be vertically elongated and dark in color.
  3. The iris is slightly lighter.
  4. The lower eyelid does not need to be carefully drawn, a thin line is enough.
  5. The eyebrows will be thin. They need to be depicted quite far from the eyes.
  6. Now we need to draw a small sketchy nose.
  7. Immediately below it, draw a mouth in the form of a thin horizontal line. Lips do not need to be done.
  8. The ears will be at the level of the tip of the nose.
  9. Make the chin small and pointed.
  10. Now it remains to outline the line of hair growth and depict the strands, loosening them or styling them into the hair.

Stage 3: drawing the body

Moving on to the body. The anime girl needs to draw:

  • thin neck
  • graceful hands,
  • to indicate a thin waist,
  • thigh line,
  • lush breasts.
  • the legs will be slender and unusually long.

You need to come up with clothes and depict them on the body. The body, in contrast to the head, is performed according to the rules of the classic drawing.

When all the details of the drawing have become clear and expressive, you can erase the extra lines and start painting. In the image of anime characters, there are always contrasting colors, bright details. Hair can be of any, even the most unexpected colors. The same can be said for clothing. When drawing anime, you do not need to darken and highlight individual areas.

Drawing anime characters is a popular trend among creative youth. Many art historians, cultural scientists and sociologists argue about how good or bad the fascination with Japanese animation is. And this sensational art of the land of the rising sun continues to win the hearts of children and adults around the world with amazing speed.

Does your child love Japanese comics and animation? Do not limit his interest! The anime drawing course is the dream of all children who are fond of these popular Japanese cartoons. And now you can give your child the opportunity to fulfill his dream. Our course will help him understand all the originality, power and expressiveness of this style of drawing, as well as imbued with the philosophy of the genre. Classes are designed for children from 9 years old

Where to start learning?

First you need to understand a little about the concept and style of drawing. Anime is a popular Japanese cartoon genre.

The term "anime" itself comes from the English word animation - "animation, animation", but today it means exclusively Japanese works of this genre. Borrowing some technologies from European animators and adding their own traditions and peculiarities, the Japanese created real masterpieces that could conquer the whole world in less than half a century and have become one of the visiting cards of Japan.

Japan is the most drawing country in the world. Often the Japanese resort to drawing to explain an idea. They use pictures in many instructions, posters, which are widely filled in their daily life.

Anime drawing lessons are very popular in Japan. Another concept is closely related to this style - "manga" - Japanese comics. However, they are not only intended for children. Manga is part of the national Japanese culture. Surprisingly, in Japan, most of the books are written in the form of comics. Children and teenagers, successful businessmen and even grandmothers read manga! Each type of manga is adapted for people of a certain age. There are many colleges and schools that study anime and manga drawing. The training lasts several years - from the basics of drawing to a complex multi-page project.

There are many genres in anime:

Shounen - anime for teenage boys (popular TV series "Naruto")

Shojo - anime for teenage girls (famous TV series "Sailor Moon");

Spokon - tells about the adventures of young athletes, their friends and opponents; (the famous TV series "Yuri on Ice!");

Kodomo is an anime created specifically for young children (Pokémon);

Josei - anime designed for a female audience over 18, but not having an age limit ("Paradise Kiss Atelier")

In addition, anime includes genres such as fantasy, mystery, drama, cyberpunk, and many more. There is animation based on traditional Japanese legends, myths, legends and parables. Real high-quality anime is a treat for true connoisseurs of Japan. That there are only one unique classic masterpieces of Hayao Miyazaki and his studio Ghibli "Spirited Away", "Howl's Moving Castle", "My Neighbor Totoro" and many others, filled with amazing goodness and magic.

Characters from anime cannot be confused with other characters from ordinary cartoons. Their creation is a complex system of graphic representation of people, their characters and emotions. Their distinctive feature is their bright appearance and large eyes. Eyes in anime are distinguished by amazing drawing, precision of lines, convey the mood with the play of shades. The role of the eyes is taken up by all other attributes of appearance. Unusual hairstyles and hair color, clothes allow literally at first glance to determine the character and characteristics of the character, to recognize his emotions. It is the transmission of emotions that is the basis of all anime culture. For them, special techniques and a whole system of changing the shape of the face, figure and other details, including clothing, have been developed.

Anime drawing lessons for beginners from the CODDY school are aimed precisely at studying the features of the style and mastering the main techniques and techniques of the genre. Learning the basics of drawing anime is best started with a pencil. It is familiar, convenient and practical. However, most anime drawings are drawn in ink. Our course consists of several modules. At the first stage, the guys will master the basics of drawing with a pencil, learn certain techniques, and get imbued with the history, culture and philosophy of Japanese animation. In the second module, we will create artwork in color using markers and paints.

After completing the course, your child will learn to:

  • draw in popular anime styles;
  • correctly depict eyes, facial features, clothing, body and face from various angles;
  • understand the structure of the body - observe the correct proportions, draw complex poses, a figure in motion, etc.;
  • think over the images and character of the characters;
  • understand causal relationships and justify the actions of the characters;
  • to convey with the help of a drawing the emotions and character of the character, to make him "alive".

Learning takes place in an easy playful way, so every child on our course is engaged with pleasure and with certainly a successful result. Together with an experienced teacher and a group of like-minded people, every young anime lover will develop their artistic skills and will be able to invent and create amazing characters, fascinating stories and fantastic worlds. And you, having seen the results of his work, will be able to better understand his passion. Present your child with endless possibilities for creative development!

How do we understand that the student has mastered the program?

During training, we evaluate both the practical side of the question (how to do this?) And understanding the topic (why and why).

Students demonstrate their knowledge by solving problems in their own way, explaining algorithms in their own words, helping classmates correct mistakes, and creating presentations on their completed projects.

Anime is a special Japanese painting technique. Drawings in this style differ from other genres, primarily in how the face and eyes are drawn. There are different types of anime, for example comics or manga. It also includes a popular cartoon about Pokemon. There are a large number of Pokémon, but Pikachu is considered the main one, with its owner. Drawing characters in this genre is quite exciting, because the picture comes out in contrast, even if you draw with a regular pencil. It is not difficult to portray anime-style eyes and face, because the eyes are usually always large, and the oval of the face can be approximated. Characters in this genre always have colorful, bright clothes, with rather simple elements, which makes the drawing process easier. The main thing is that the colors look juicy and bright. Even if you are going to create with a simple pencil, it is worth making the picture very contrasting, with practically no penumbra. In this article for beginners, you will learn how to draw anime step by step using a pencil.

Anime guy's initial outlines

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When you draw any picture in stages, it is necessary at the first stage to correctly mark the outline of your drawing. To draw a boy, you first need to draw his main outlines.

To make it easier for you, make a primary path from rectangular shapes that fit the body parts. First a rectangle for the head, below the outline for the neck. From it, lower 2 arcs, they will indicate the shoulders. Draw another line from the left shoulder line, which in the future will be the boy's hand. Draw a circle on the edge of the arm line, it will indicate the elbow. Then continue to draw the hand using rectangles and simple lines. At the end of the right shoulder line, draw a circle for the elbow, and then draw lines from it with a rectangle for the wrist. And now you can roughly outline the details of the costume of your drawing.

How to draw an oval face

The face shape in the anime genre is like a rectangle that is connected to a triangle. You need to draw and then connect these two shapes, and then remove the line that formed after joining. As a result, you will have an oval face, with a sharply narrowed chin. At this point, you can add some details to the costume.

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Add more detail to the picture

Now you can delete all unnecessary contours with an eraser and start detailing them. Along the lines that you have, draw in the final shape of the face. Then draw an arched visor on top of the face, with a round base for the cap. Now draw the ears and next to them the triangles that will represent the hair. Starting with the sleeve, along the previous outline, outline the arm. Then you need to highlight the legs and draw a collar. In the right hand we will draw a Pokemon. To do this, draw a rectangle for the torso and a circle for the head. If the picture at this stage has exact proportions, then the most difficult thing is over.

The final stage of drawing

At this stage, you need to learn how to decorate the images with details, the main of which are the eyes and face. It's worth starting with the face. Make the eyes a large, elongated upward shape with large black pupils. Draw the mouth in the form of an inverted triangle, and the mouth as tiny. This technique is used to give human faces the shapes and proportions of anime.

Now add small details of clothing: belt, pockets, buttons. Don't forget the T-shirt. Draw gloved hands from rectangles on the wrists. Then turn the hair triangles into the hair itself. Using the eraser from the outline for Pikachu, remove the excess and draw a regular face, which consists of circles. Add a tail, arms and ears.

Paint the resulting image

Well, in the end, make the drawing contrasting and bright. Sharp, vibrant colors are the main feature of the designs in this style. You can shade the image with a simple soft pencil, just add contrasting, bright shadows.

Video lessons

Even without an art education, you can create unique anime characters at home! In this article, MirSovetov will describe the basic techniques of drawing anime, and you will see how simple and exciting it is.

Anime history

Initially, anime was positioned as a story in pictures. The oldest archaeological finds in Japanese culture indicate that the foundations of anime began long before the advent of animation and printing. In the tombs of ancient Japanese rulers, drawings are still found, the structure and ideology of which clearly resembles classic anime.

Osamu Tezuka is considered to be the creator of the modern style of anime and manga. He created his own unique style, which was loved by people around the world, and became an example to follow. Over the years of his creative activity, Osamu has drawn more than 500 comics, some of which were not limited to a couple of pages, but took up to 5 volumes! He was a real comic book fan. Obsessed with a passion for anime, Tezuka conveyed his emotions to artists around the world and left a great legacy that lives on to this day.

Unlike many other cultures, Japanese animation is not afraid of losing its individuality and constantly borrows artistic techniques from other peoples. Despite this, anime is only becoming more diverse and rich, while remaining a unique and recognizable style. It is so deeply rooted that even if Japanese animators try to create something purely "European", they cannot get away from the traditional manner of anime.

Style features

The main feature that distinguishes the anime style from other comic book styles is the developed symbolic graphics, which allows you to display the most complex human emotions with just a few strokes. The smallest nuances convey the character of the hero, tell his story ... In this anime, it is similar to ancient Eastern drawing techniques, when one line could tell the viewer a whole plot.

One of the most important distinctive features of anime is the image of the eyes. Their size and degree of shine indicate how young the hero is - the younger the character, the larger and brighter his eyes.

The growth of the hero also plays an important role. Tall and stately figures indicate that this is a brave and courageous character, and caricatured small sizes are a sign of youth and childishness.

Western comics tend to focus on superhero and sci-fi stories. Anime is not limited to fiction, but covers the full spectrum of human life. Among the anime stories, there are fairy-tale legends, historical chronicles, horrors, dramas. This is a full-fledged genre that is open to any topic. It follows from this that the target audience is not only children and adolescents, but also adults.

Drawing a girl's face

Anyone can become a professional anime artist, regardless of their level of artistic skill. All you need is practice and patience. All drawing is done with a pencil, and only the final outlines are made with a pen, marker or ink. You can color the drawing with watercolors or using a graphics editor if you prefer to draw on a tablet.

Draw a circle and divide it in half with a vertical bar. This is necessary for the symmetrical display of facial features. Over time, you can draw a vertical line in different variations depending on the type of face and the turn of the head.

Just above the middle of the circle, draw a horizontal line to indicate the location of the character's eyes. Again, depending on the type of face, the position of the eyes can change. Since you are drawing a girl, her eyes will be large (young character). This is an important point to always keep in mind when drawing anime.

The pupils also play a big role. Large pupils with multiple highlights indicate that the character is surprised or delighted, while wide-open eyes with tiny pupils indicate horror and fear.

Draw in the details of the girl's face. The nose is usually straight and slightly pointed, the mouth is small with narrow lips. Boys have a larger nose than girls. If the character is joyful, the nose is drawn slightly higher than it should be and make it more rounded.

Eyebrows are a powerful means of expressing emotions, both in real life and in anime comics. If the character is angry, they will have a slanted eyebrow. Raised eyebrows reflect amazement, straight ones - indifference, etc.

Draw in the hair. Here you can show all your imagination, because there are no special rules for drawing hair in anime. The hairstyles of the characters, as well as the hair structure, can be very varied and unusual!

Finish the drawing by tracing the outlines with paint or ink. Traditionally, anime artists use watercolor or natural ink for this.

Drawing eyes

The eyes are the most important means of expression in the art of drawing anime. Before you start coming up with characters, learn how to draw eyes. Pay special attention to this, as the slightest mistake can ruin your drawing or convey the wrong mood of the hero. By and large, if you learn how to draw anime-style eyes, then you have practically mastered this interesting science!

Despite the well-defined rules for the graphic representation of the eyes, there are no strict templates that can be applied to a particular character. Eyes can be with or without eyelashes, with one glare or with a scattering of small reflections, with a round iris or without it at all.

When depicting eyes, you can show all your imagination, but you should remember a few simple rules:

  • the larger the eyes, the younger the character;
  • a large number of highlights speaks of the "openness" of the hero to the world;
  • male eyes are narrower and shallower, and unlike female eyes.

Drawing any eye can be divided into several standard steps:

  1. First, sketch out the eyeball in accordance with the proportions of the face.
  2. Draw a line for the upper and lower eyelids, create a section of the eye. The wider the eyes, the more naive and "childish" the character will seem.
  3. Draw the iris in accordance with the direction of the hero's gaze.
  4. Draw eyebrows. You can choose the bend of the eyebrows as you wish, but remember that male and female eyebrows are significantly different. The position of the eyebrows on the face (high, low, sloping, straight) creates the mood and character of the hero.
  5. Finish the details - a lens flare, eyelashes, etc.
  6. Erase auxiliary lines and enjoy the result!

Pay special attention to highlights. They can be located on the iris itself, or they can cross it. Glare is not only bright white, but also translucent, with clear or blurred borders. The brighter and thicker the iris and pupil contour, the more expressive your character's eye will be. Try to draw different types of eyes and choose the one that you like the most!