Description of human appearance. Slove portrait of man

Description of human appearance. Slove portrait of man
Description of human appearance. Slove portrait of man

Description of human appearance - This is a description of the face of a person, his figures, gestures, manners, characteristic poses, clothes. The main task of such a description is to find characteristic features, the main thing in the appearance of a person and can be able to convey them with words. They may be associated with a feature of the manner, gait, its classes and professions, characteristics of character.

The source of writings-descriptions of appearance can be anything. As for other descriptions, it may be a life experience, when a verbal portrait is recreated by memory (for example, "the appearance of a person I saw once ..."). Or imagination ("My portrait in 10 years").

Exemplary Working Plan:

1. Entry.
2. The overall impression (figure, height).
3. Face features (sulfur faces, eyebrows, eyes, nose, forehead, lips, chin, cheeks). Hair (color, length and shape of hairstyles). Ears.
4. Clothes.
5. behavior manners (gait, manner talk, pose ...).
6. Conclusion.

Possible definitions:

Eyes - green, gray, brown, blue, black, blue, celestial, grayish blue, radiant, dark, expressive, pensive, blond, large, small, cunning, running, narrow, oblique, diagonal, evil, kind, with Masthakaya, wild Friend, incredulous, cunning ...

Eyebrows - beautiful, straight, thick, thin, sobular, wide, shaggy, spreads, fragile, asymmetrical ...

Forehead - high, low, open, straight, Socratsky, wide, wrinkled, sloping, flat ...

Sight - confused, attentive, expressive, smart, curious, ironic, flirty, loving, embarrassed, indifferent, envious, surprised, cheerful incredulous, outdoor, sad, enthusiastic, cunning, gusty ...

Nose - straight, with a hortalized, wide, wide, narrow, smoky, long, short, ugly, beautiful, small, potatoes, clarification ...

Hair - short, long, brown, bright, blond, straw, gray, with smart, thick, lush, curly, shiny, straight, wavy, sticking out like a panel, braided in braids, cramped in tail, combed back, unwitted, laid in a hairstyle ...

Figure - good, slender, high, large, full, thin, squat, male, female ...

Gait - fast, leisurely, light, silent, heavy, collected, rotational, strange, bouncing, funny ...

Pose - majestic, tense, elegant, beautiful, picturesque, strange, relaxed, comfortable, uncomfortable ...

An example of the description of the appearance is conscientious at M.Yu. Lermontov (from the novel "Hero of Our Time"):

"It was medium height; Slender, thin mill and wide shoulders argued strong addition, able to transfer all the difficulties of nomadic life and climate change, not defeated by the depravity of the capital's life, nor storms of spiritual; A dusty velvet sleeper, fastened only on the two lower buttons, allowed to see dazzlingly clean linen, who had the habit of a decent person; Its blurred gloves seemed to be detachable in his little aristocratic hand, and when he took off one glove, then I was surprised by the worship of his pale fingers. His gait was careless and lazy, but I noticed that he did not swing his hands, is a faithful sign of some character of character. However, these are my own comments based on my observations, and I don't want to make you blindly in them.

When he sank on the bench, then the straight mill bent it, as if he had no bones in his back; The position of all his body depicted some nervic weakness: he was sitting like Balzakov's thirty-year-old coquette on his down chairs after a tedious ball. At first glance on his face, I would not give him more than twenty-three years, although after I was ready to give him thirty. In his smile there was something nursery. His skin had some female tenderness; Blonde hair, curly from nature, so picturesquely outlined his pale, noble forehead, on which, only on a long observation, one could notice the traces of wrinkles, crossed one different and, probably, more clearly more than anger or spiritual concern. Despite the light color of his hair, his mustache and eyebrows were black - a sign of breed in man, as a black mane and a black tail near a white horse. To finish a portrait, I will say that he had a little rolled nose, teeth of dazzling white and brown eyes; About my eyes I have to say a few more words.

First, they did not laugh when he laughed! - You did not happen to notice such a strangeness in some people? .. This is a sign - or evil in the same way, or in the deep constant sadness. Due to semi-finished eyelashes, they shone in some kind of phosphoric glitter, if you can express it. That was not a reflection of the heat of spiritual or playing imagination: it was a shine, a glitter of smooth steel, dazzling, but cold; His look - a short, but insightful and heavy, left an uncommon's impression on himself an unmodest question and could seem bother, if it was not so indifferently calm. "

Olga Kostyaeva
Drawing according to the story of E. I. Charushina "About Tomka" (the chapter "Atoms were puppies") in the preparatory group

Software content. Develop a figurative perception of literary text and illustrations to it. Learning to allocate figurative characteristics of animals, the position of the author. To form in children the ability to transfer an external appearance of an adult dog in the drawings ( TomkaHer puppies, their poses, color, character. To develop in children aesthetic assessment of the created images - both at the child himself and his peers.

Prior work: Reading e. story. AND. Charushina"Pro Talka» (chapter"W. Tomka were puppies» )

Structure occupation

Guys, look today a dog came to visit us. And her name is Tomka. She became boring one and she asks us draw for her friends. Let's help and draw for Tomka her friendshow they describe them in its story« Tomka» E. I. Charushin. After all Charushin is not only a writerBut the artist. For their own stories he draws himself.

Let's remember the guys story E.. AND. Charushin« Tomka» And let's see how he describes his puppies. (You can first ask children, activating their memory as it was tyku puppiesread the passage to them status and show illustrations):

"Here is one puppy - eats yes sleeping. From it, the lazy will turn out. Here is an evil puppy - angry. Rugs and climbs to fight everyone. I won't take it, I do not like evil. But even worse - he also climbs to everyone, just does not stick, but lick. This and game can take away. One puppy ribbed wood. He has a tree and hiding him, he found it - this will be a good hunter. " (Discussed with children puhnkov, having considered an illustration)

And now think what kind of picture with puppies would like to draw to this story: can draw the whole family, you can several puppies, and you can depict some one by focusing on the transfer of its characteristic features, postures, movements, etc.

I suggest you go with me to the pictures and see how your animals drew E.. AND. Charushin. To draw the attention of children when viewing paintings by E.. AND. Charushina how he painted a pile.

Fizminutka: One, two, three, four, five!

We start again.

Together to walk together.

One two three four! Hands on the side of the sewn!

One two Three! Turn body housing.

Once, two! The head is there here.

Time! I got to the seats all the prosecution.

Think wherever you put your dog or puppy on the sheet of paper. First, you run the main parts of the image with a pencil, easy to press it to be fixed, something will turn out not as I would like (Showing how paint) And then proceed to paint paint, trying to portray fur Tomki and Puhnkov, (during drawing pay attention to how children create illustrations, remind them of passages from statusAlso about what you need to try draw your picture, not sproving by the artist).

(Remind children that you should carefully paint the images; when animals are drawn, Show all children, as bristled bristle, color pencil convey fur fluffiness puppy):

Brushless brush (adhesive) It is necessary to dry into the paint of a darker or brighter tone, remove all the drops from the pile, having spent the brush along the edge of the jar with the paint (you can pre-try on a separate piece of paper, thin veins are obtained) and deprote the veil on the main color of the fur cover. If the paint on the brush is driving, the brush should be hushed into the paint, remove the extra drop and continue to portray the pile.

Pamuni pencil is drawn with separate strokes. It is clearly visible in the artist's illustrations. VILLINE PR drawing Their pencil can be lighter, then darker. It turns out with a different naja on a pencil during drawing(Pay the attention of children when showing an image of animal wool) Draw a pile and pencilAnd it follows the brush only when the paint covering the image is in one color will dry - otherwise the paint will spread and will not work beautifully, expressive.

We are with you drawn paintings and let's show them Tomka. See how she was delighted, seeing so many friends. I also like, all your drawings look, what are all the beautiful dogs turned out. Did you like it to paint the pictures? tell us, you are welcome (child name) About her dog. And what you depicted a dog (child name). Look like my dog \u200b\u200bdepicted (but) (child name).

Guys, let us make our exhibition with you dogs. Let your moms, dads, grandmothers, will also look at these pictures.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract Node "Acquaintance with the work of E. I. Charushina" (Technology of Lapbuk). Preparatory group Purpose: Continue to develop the interest of children to the artistic literature. Tasks: Expand the ideas about the artists-illustrators of the children.

Literary living room "Animal Mir E. I. Charushina". Event together with parents (preparatory group) Objective: to stimulate independent activities of pupils, awakening interest in reading books in children and parents. Tasks: 1. To summarize.

Open ledging on fiction. Reading the story "Yozh" E. Charushina (senior group) Artistic literature. Topic: "Reading the story E. Charushina" Yozh ". Objective: Acquaintance of children with the story "Yozh" Tasks: Educational:.

Retelling the story Charushina E. "Lial" SENIOR GROUP. Retelling the story E. Charushina "Lysyata". Purpose: 1. Teach children to expressly retell literary text without the help of questions;

Plan NOD in familiarization with the story of E. Charushina "What a beast?" In the senior group Objective: to acquaint and become interested in children with the content of E. Charushina "What a Beast?". Tasks: 1. Develop aesthetic perception.

Works E. I. Charushina in the literary reading preschoolers It is no secret that recently our children reading artistic works is no longer so interesting as we are in due time. Perhaps it.

Good day to everyone who reads this review! I think most of those who are interested in the book of Evgenia Charushina "about Tomka" are most likely parents. And for each parent, truly important is that he will read his child, what thoughts of the one or another book will put him in the head. And what conclusions the child will do it yourself.

Publisher - "Speech".

This book is really similar to that very much that I read a son since childhood. It is worth noting that this is all thanks to the illustrations that in all embodiments left original, that is, the authorship of the Charushina Evgenia Ivanovich himself.

One puppy appeared at one puppy, but all different! One was too lazy, the other is too angry, the third is too gentle. And the fourth - Tomka. Tomka was a real hunting dog! In short stories about Tomka, we can observe how it grows, knows this world, studying on his mistakes. The child must mentally identify himself with these heroes, seeking to be like he, seeking to understand how interesting to learn something new about our world every time! But the child must oppose other puppies, after all, laziness, anger and excessive caress (here is clearly meant: this is what should be firmly associated with a child with a bad model of behavior, which he takes exactly exactly! It is thanks to the short stories of Evgenia Charushina a child and learns such, at first glance, simple things. And you know, I believe that reading such books for the child in childhood is much more useful than, let's say, to include all the adored Masha and Bear. After all, children are really too susceptible, and then parents are still surprised why they become the same naughty and uncontrollable as Masha.

In general, for the right adequate world-carriage of the child, I extremely recommend reading the story of Evgeny Even "about Tomka", as well as another book of his stories for the smallest - "Types, Tomka and forty". After all, such good books teach children also to love animals, some secrets of nature will reveal. Since the book is written very simply and affordable, it will be clear to an absolutely any child. It can be read for two years.

Video Overview

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At the hunter, I saw a peel. He is what. The ears are long, the tail is short.

The hunter told what kind of dog is dirty, as a hunt helps, and smartly, and not dirty ... From this pion, he says, there are puppies. Come look. And we went with him.

Small puppies - just learned to walk. "Which one of them," I think, will I have an assistant on the hunt? How to find out who is sensible, and who is not suitable? "

Here is one puppy - eats yes sleeping. From it, the lazy will turn out.

Here is an evil puppy - angry. Rugs and climbs to fight everyone. And I won't take it - I do not like evil.

But even worse - he also climbs to everyone, just does not stick, but lick. This and game can take away.

At this time, the puppies are scratching their teeth, and they love to nourish anything. One puppy gnawed wood. I took this area and hid it from him. Has he honors it or not honorably?

Puppy began to search. Other puppies of everyone sniffed - they don't have a bore. No, I did not find it. Lazy sleeps, evil root, kindly evil licks - persuades not angry.

And so he began to sniff, sniff and went to the place where I hid it. Hopefully.

I was delighted. "Well," I think, "this is a hunter! Not hid from such a game." Called him Tomka. And he began to raise assistant.

How Tomka learned to swim

We went for a walk and took Tomka with you. They put it in the portfolio so that he was not tired.

They came to the lake, sat down on the shore and began to throw pebbles into the water - who will quit further. And the briefcase with a tray on the grass was put. So he got out of his portfolio, he saw the pebbles in the water, and ran.

Tomka runs on the sand, closure, clumsy, his legs in the sand and brazen. I got to the water, put the paws into the water and look at us.

Go, Tomka, go - Do not be afraid, do not help!

Climb the volume into the water. At first, the tummy went, then on the neck, and then all plunged. Only tailbirds sticks out out.

Tied, she was objected yes suddenly how to pop up - and let's cough, sneeze, sprinkle. It can be seen, he decided to breathe in the water - water and fell into his nose yes in his mouth. Did not take the pebble.

Here we took the ball and threw it into the lake. Tomka loved to play with a ball - it was his favorite toy.

Slopped the ball into the water, twisted and stopped. Lies on the water, as on the smooth floor.

I learned the Tomka my favorite toy and did not bother - ran into the water.

Runs, scatters. But now the nose does not fall into the water. She walked, she walked and swam. I fell to the ball, his DAC in my teeth - and back to us.

That's how I learned to swim.

Tomka frightened

When Tomka was completely a small puppy, I took it with myself hunting. Let it be taught.

Here we go with him. Tomka for butterflies, for dragonflies is chasing. Grassnechikov catches. On birds barks. Only can't catch anyone. All fly away. He ran, ran - so worried that he put his nose into the bodily and fell asleep. Still small. And it's a pity to wake me.

Passed from half an hour. Bumblebee flew. Bourchit, flies over the most tomkin ear. Tomka woke up. Disconnected, looked: who interferes with this to sleep? He did not notice the bumblebee, but he saw a cow and ran to her.

And the cow grazed far, far and, it must have appeared to the Tomka very small, not more than a sparrow.

Tomka's cow runs up, the tail will raised the tail - he never seen the cows. Ran up closer, and the cow is not with the sparrow - it seems to the cat in the cat. The Tomka ran a little bit off, and the cow is not with the cat, and with the goat grown. It was terribly Tomka. He closely did not fit and sniffs: what kind of beast is?

At that time, the cow moved - she was probably bitten by someone. And ran Tomka from her!

Since then, he does not fit close to cows.

Tomkin Dreams

When Tomka sleeps, he barks in a dream, heats up, and sometimes she moves his paws, as if he runs somewhere.

Ask me guys:

Why is this Tomka barking? After all, he sleeps!

He sees dreams - answer.

And what?

Yes, probably, some kind of dog dreams, - about hunting, about animals, about birds. A person does not see such dreams.

That's interesting! - They say the guys.

They survived the Tomka, look like he sleeps. And Tomka slept, slept and mounted with a thin voice. I ask the guys:

What does he see in a dream? Do you understand?

It is clear - they say the guys. - It he saw a little bunny.

Tomka slept a little more and his paws stirred.

Here, "they say the guys," this Tomka ran.

For whom did you run?

Yes, not for anyone, but from the goat. He saw her, and she comes out.

Here Tomka buried, lay down.

Wake up! - shouted guys. - Wake up, Tomka! After all, he will eat you now!

Who, I ask, - Eat?

Bear! Tomka wants to fight him. Bear is what scary! Tomka cannot cope with him.

How Tomka did not seem stupid

Tomka does not like when they laugh at him, it will be offended, turns away. And then he learned to pretend that he was not laughing at him, but over someone else.

Somehow noticed the Toka chicken with chickens. Going closer - wants to smell.

And the chicken is scattered as he jumps on Tomka - and went on it. Rides, pecks Tomka and screams. So hear how she speaks: "Ah you, such a fucking, non-public! Here I am! Here I am! Do not dare to the chickens approach!"

Tomka was offended, but did not want to seem funny and immediately pretended that no one was peeling him, no one shouts at him.

And then the chicken jumped off him and returned to chickens.


Says Nikita Tomka:

Well, Tomka, now I will treat you.

She put on Nikita to himself a bathrobe from the sheet, the glasses climbed on the nose and took the doctor to listen to the duff. Then he went out the door and knocked - this doctor came. Then she climbed a towel - this doctor washed his hands.

Bowed to Tomka's puppy and says:

Hello Young man! You swear, I see. What hurts you?

And Tomka, of course, does not answer anything, only the tail is wagging - it does not know how to talk.

Lower, a young man, "says Dr. Nikita," I will listen to you.

The doctor turned the Tomka upstairs to the belly, attached to the stomach a shirt and listens. And Tomka to hug him for the ear!

What are you biting! - shouted Nikita. - After all, I doctor!

An angry doctor. He grasped Tomka behind the paw and put a thermometer-pencil under the mouse.

And Tomka does not want to measure the temperature. Straps. Then the doctor tells the patient:

Now you open the mouth and say: aa-ah. And touch the tongue.

I wanted to look a language. And the Tomka squeals and the language does not prove.

I register you a medicine, "says Dr. Nikita, and teeth teeth. I see that you, a young man, sludge, do not love your teeth to clean. I took Nikita my toothbrush and began to clean my teeth in Tomka.

And Tokka as grabbing the brush to the teeth! I broke out from the doctor from the hands, dragged the brush and sprinkle it into small pieces.

You are stupid, Tomka! - Screaming Nikita. - After all, they are not so playing!

So did not learn a Tomka to play the patient.

We meet every day with different people: good, sad, strange, high, fat, beautiful, cheerful ... Everyone, with whom some kind of communication takes place, leaves a certain mark in our psyche. These "traces" do not fail without a verbal description of the appearance of the subject. In your mind or in a conversation with a girlfriend, we always rely on aspects of the description of the human appearance.

Description of human appearance: goal

There are sciences that are engaged in the study of the appearance of people, such as psychology, philology, criminalistics and some others. The physicians are faced with the elements of the description of appearance, when the diseases of the disease or psychotic patient are studying. Without this process, do not do in business, especially show business. In modeling agencies, the appearance of a girl or a guy plays a key role, so in absentia acquaintance with the desired model of the investor or the director first meets the verbal portrait of the subject.

The description of the appearance in everyday life is expanding the horizons, contributes to the formation of taste and evaluating people. In addition, the interlocutor can easily form the image of the person described in consciousness according to a certain adjective.

In psychology, the appearance description is also in an important place. Whole theory of personality and its behaviors are built on the appearance of individuals. For example, the theory of the Krechera directly connects the temperament, the nature and direction of the person with its physique. And not only he noted a certain relationship between the external data and the inner attitude of people. Over the years, our emotions and stress impose an imprint on the appearance in the form of wrinkles, gait, gestures.

In jurisprudence there is a huge section called criminalistic. This science also uses a scientific description of the human appearance, identifying the criteria and rules of this process. Here, the description is also an important process, since according to the external data of the victim and witnesses remember the criminals. In this science, attention is paid to every element of the person, the body, human limbs. Along with this pay attention to clothing and other signs when they are looking for missing.

Types of description appearance

There are many varieties of theories and rules that allow as accurately as possible to describe a person outwardly. But this process as a whole can be divided into two main types:

  • arbitrary - which is characterized by the use of ordinary folk words, not structured, so important moments may be overlooked;
  • systematized - Used with the use of scientific or special terms, composed according to the method of verbal portrait.

What does it relate to the anatomical signs of a person?

Description of the appearance of a person - with which many people face when communicating. There are cases when you need to tell about a particular person, describing his appearance. Children of school age can also face with this, for example, if they were given a task to write an essay: "Description of the appearance of man."

Anatomical features of a person include organs and parts of the body, for example, such as head, chin, forehead, face or torso.

In the anatomical features you can define half a person, its age, growth and physique. You can also determine the anthropological features of the appearance of a person, the structure of its body and head, and another person element. Since the person is considered to be a "cover", which characterizes the appearance of a person, he is paid to special attention.

What specifications relate to the functional description?

The description of the appearance of a person cannot occur without the definition of its functional signs. The latter are manifested during human life. They characterize motor and physiological functions. A functional description of the appearance of a person displays the features of the manifestation of its livelihoods. Features related to functional features include posture, gestage, facial expressions, gait and speech.

Creating a verbal portrait of a person, a description of the appearance and determination of its functional signs, first of all, many pay attention to posture. It can be traced on the position of the head - its attitude towards the body. The posture is also determined by the position of the body relative to the vertical. Describing it, you can apply such adjectives: the ground, sutula, free, straight and dissolved. For example, hands can be located along the body, on the hips, behind the back or in your pockets. And the head is thrown back, tilted forward or is inclined to one of the sides.

When the student writes the thematic essay: "a description of the appearance of a person", then it can with the help of adjectives to characterize the gait of this person. It happens, for example, a slow, screaming, heavy, bouncing, blazing, fast, seed, rotate and swinging hands.

A verbal description of the human appearance on functional signs can still be continued for a long time, because, as mentioned above, there is also gesticulation, and facial expressions, as well as speech functions.

Methods of verbal portrait

A verbal portrait is called a criminalistic way to describe the appearance of a person using special terms. This method is carried out by a specific system in order to criminalize (for example, wanted list and identifying live people or corpses).

Methods of verbal portrait are used to identify personality. This can be done by presenting for identification, comparison of appearance with a photo portrait, with a verbal portrait, as well as comparison of a verbal portrait with photography.

Arbitrary description appearance

Characteristic of a person and a description of its appearance can be made arbitrary. They are given witnesses-eyewitnesses with words and expressions used in everyday speech. It can be household terms, local dialects and the like.

Arbitrary description can give any person who has seen an incident. And he does it with the help of words familiar to him without using scientific terms. Such descriptions often help criminologists find the right person.

Systematization in the description of the appearance of a person

The description according to the method of verbal portrait is systematized. The basics of systematization at the end of the XIX century laid an Alphonse Britillon. Such a description helps uniformly characterize the elements of the appearance of people, their signs and equally perceive the result of the description. There are also the basic principles of the description of appearance, which is achieved by uniformity. These are the principles:

  • on the use of standardized terminology;
  • about compliance with the sequence in the description;
  • about maximum completeness;
  • about the description in the famine and in the right profile;
  • a description that is carried out in relation to the standard position of the head and the state of appearance;
  • about the description, in which special signs are distinguished.

What are the rules in the appearance description?

There are also developed by criminologists the rules for describing the appearance of a person, with the help of which characterize the identity by the method of verbal portrait. This includes the completeness of the appearance description. After all, from this, first of all, the speed of the person's search depends, because it is unknown, for what kind of signs it can be found.

The following rule is a description sequence. This includes such advisory signs as the floor and age. Then an anatomical description is already occurring (for example, a figure in general, neck, shoulders, chest, back, head, including face).

Then there is a description with the help of special terminology. It is necessary in order to ensure a uniform understanding of the information received. But sources of information are divided into subjective and objective.

Application of adjectives in the description of a person in the picture

At first glance, it may seem to make a description of the human appearance in the picture is not so difficult. But it will not be difficult if we know a good person, and if not, you will have to make some efforts. The first thing you need is to know the adjectives well with which you can make a description.

For example, looking to the picture, you can describe a person's head, applying adjectives that talk about its size: small, medium or large. It is possible to characterize the human hair in the picture using such criteria: abundance, length, type, color or frontal line. Hair can be thick, medium or rare. Length - short, medium length or long. Hair type can be straight, wavy and curly. Color - light-blond, blond, dark blond, black and red. And the frontal line can be straight, arcuate, wavy and broken.

Looking at the picture, you can write a person's face as a whole adjective, his forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, lips, teeth, chin, ear and neck. Also characterize the shoulders, chest, back, arms and legs.

Characteristics of the appearance of the Russian man

Another mystery for ethnopsychologists, physiognomists, philologists is the appearance of a Russian person. The description of it is not very easy to do, because it is a very blurry concept. Many say that a real Russian man should have blue eyes, blonde hair and a flat high figure. But if you affect the deeper this question, then it can be bright or dark brown or blue eyes, as well as all the colors and shades of green. Hair is light or dark blond and very thick, and the figure is slim, high. There is no regularity in the form of nose and lips of the Russian man. They can be absolutely different. But the skin among the Russians is often bright and matte.

The ratio of human characteristics and descriptions of its appearance

A few centuries ago, some scientists noticed the correspondence of the appearance and some character traits, characteristics of the personality. Full person is characterized by addies (for example, to food), that is, he has a weak power of will. Such people are focused on the opinion of others, friendly and love communication.

People who have visually large head and shoulders love risk, prone to physical activity, but are not distinguished by mercy and compassion.

Slept people with a high forehead and narrow chest are characterized as sensitive, loving privacy, quiet, secretive, inactive in communication.

There are theories that bind the complexion of the face, its asymmetry, impulsiveness with the way of life, which leads a person. The appearance description in this case will rely on the external characteristics and characteristics of human activity.

In addition, there is a reverse side of this process. You need to pay attention to who makes a description of the appearance of a person. Example: Personality, prone to all control, will first describe the leader's leaders and his behavior in this vein. Subjects seeking to constantly enriched will pay attention to the cost of hours, cosmetics on face and clothing and so on.