Planning educational and educational work in the preparatory group "Theater for preschoolers. Thematic planning of the theater week in the middle group of the theater week in the Preparatory Group Planning

Planning educational and educational work in the preparatory group
Planning educational and educational work in the preparatory group "Theater for preschoolers. Thematic planning of the theater week in the middle group of the theater week in the Preparatory Group Planning

Lydia Destroy

From January 18 to January 22, in our kindergarten in preparatory Groups Passed thematic a week" Magic world of theater". Children love not only holidays, but also magic fairy taleswhich they may draw independently and it brings them an indefunctional pleasure.

I was developed a work plan for this topic for the whole week. Theatrical week started began with very entertaining conversations: "Conversation about the emergence theater and its development"," How to behave in theater"," With what professions people work in theater". Also, the guys found out what kinds are theaters.:puppet theatre, finger theatre, table and shadow theaters. Played with them in plot role-playing games and theatrical Staging fairy tales in order to develop creative independence, educate love for theater..

Productive activities were making theater masks. This activity contained certain tasks: Education of the feelings of beautiful, acquaintance with the types of masks, instill love for theater., as well as to develop a fine motor skill, cause interest in creative activity, develop the ability to fantasize and allocate the characteristics of the character in the manufacture of masks. We made a mask of a popular fabulous hero of the hare from the fairy tale "Fox and the hare", and a frog mask from the fairy tale "Frog Traveler"

To do this, we used in advance the prepared patterns of all parts that needed to us for the manufacture of our masks.

And of course a simple pencil, glue, colored paper, white paper, and scissors. The guys really liked this occupation, they diligently lost everything, cut out and glued

Here are such funny frogs from us

And now meet our cheerful)

The masks of our fabulous characters are ready. Can schedule some theatrical Competition between two commands that will be called the "Flag" command and the "Run" team)

Publications on the topic:

"Visiting a fairy tale." Outdoor creative project in the framework of the "Children's Book and Theater Week" in the preparatory to school group The relevance of the project is known that reading experience begins to be laid from early childhood. By putting love for the book, we help.

"Magic world of the theater" (project activities for children prepared for school group) The relevance of the project is due to the insufficient attention of teachers and parents to the art of the theater, weakly formed game skills.

Abstract Node in the cognitive development in the older group "Journey to the Magic World of the theater" Type of occupation: integrated. Type of classes: informative-developing. Topic: Journey to the magic world of the theater. Form of holding :.

Abstract open node "Journey to the magical world of the theater" Author: Mikhailelenko Zoya Evgenievna, tutor topic: "Journey to the magical world of the theater" Objective: to introduce children with the concept of "theater". Educational.

Educator: Guys, today we will travel to an unusual fabulous country. The country is mysterious, magical. Residents of that country,.

Abstract Node "Journey to the Magic World of the theater" Technological map of the organization of joint directly educational activities with children Topic: "Journey to the Magic World of the theater."

NOD on fine activities for children of the preparatory group Theme: "Magic World of Petrikovki" Purpose: expand and deepen the presentation of children about Petrikovsky painting. Cause interest in further study of the foundations of Petrikovsky painting.


  1. develop creative independence, aesthetic taste

In the transmission of the image; Pronunciation;

  1. fasten the ability to use the means of expressiveness (posture, gestures, facial expression, intonation, movement);
  2. bring up love for the theater;
  3. develop independence of preschoolers in the organization

Theatrical activity;

  1. spiritual and moral education of children of preschool age, the formation of cultural values, the development of intellectual and personal qualities.


  1. develop imagination, artistry, courage when speaking in front of the audience; To form a creative principle of the child's personality;
  2. creating a creative atmosphere, feelings of goodwill,
  3. support for educational systems that create conditions for the participation of children in creative targeted joint activities, their moral and aesthetic education, development of the emotional sphere, the formation of confidence in their forces;
  4. strengthening cultural ties between teachers and families of pupils, support for the organization of meaningful leisure in the family, interest in the theater and theatrical activity, the events of the cultural life of the city;
  5. organization of conditions for theatrical games, development in children interest in visiting professional theaters.

monday "Magic world of the theater"


Morning :

Conversation "History of theater" (video presentation)

Purpose: tell children about the emergence of the theater, the history of its development.

Morning gymnastics with elements of psychodastics.

Purpose: Increase psychophysical activity, mood.

(Children depict animals from fairy tales, the teacher draws attention to facial expressions, pantomime, tension and relaxation of body muscles).


Puppet Theater "Teremok".

purpose : Develop verbal and pantomimical expressiveness; intensify speech, develop speech expressiveness; Fasten the skills of manipulation of Bi-Ba-Bo dolls.

Stroke stage:

Children are invited to choose the hero of the fairy tale whom they want to voice; Remember the sequence of actions. The educator draws the attention of the child to the features of the selected character.

Mounted shirma. Spectators occupy places. The educator proposes to turn into fairytale beasts and start a fairy tale.

The educator leads the main line of the plot, children voiced by characters.

Upon completion of the presentation, the teacher thanks children for an interesting staging; The audience is interested in which of the characters they liked them more, why.

Staging can be repeated with other children.

tuesday "Such a different theater"


Morning :

Conversations of young theater about theaters.

Purpose: give an idea of \u200b\u200bvarious types of theaters, their goals and appointment.

Day :

Scene-role-playing game "We came to the theater."

purpose : In the game setting, give children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe theater, rules of behavior during the presentation, and intermission.

Game traffic:

The educator collects children and informs them that today they will go to the improvised theater. Do children know how to behave in the theater? What happens in the hall, behind the scenes? Etc. The teacher offers to distribute the roles between the participants of the game. The game passes with the direct participation of the educator who guides gaming activities.

Upon completion, the results are summed up.


Entertainment game- dramatization "Mitten" ("Zimovier").

Purpose: develop expressiveness of speech and pantomime children; Fasten the knowledge of the fairy tale, the ability to use the theater attributes.

Stroke Game- Dramatic:

The educator proposes to call magic items with which you can get into a fairy tale. Children call.

Then the teacher pulls out the mask and invites children to turn into animals from the fairy tale "Manage". In the process of dramatization game helps children. At the end thanks everyone for an interesting staging.

wednesday "We are artists, we are the audience!"



Surprise moment: familiarity of children with a doll "Live Hand".

Purpose: Talk about the dolls of dolls in the theater, give an idea how to manipulate with this doll.

Psychodstastics "Cat Leopold and Mouse".

Purpose: develop pantomime expressiveness, emotional, communicative children, teach regulating muscle tension and relaxation; determine the nature of movements in accordance with the specified way; Develop imagination.


Contest drawings "Magic World of the theater."

Objective: to give the opportunity to kids in the drawing of their vision of theater, scenes, heroes of performances; The development of creative and graphic abilities.


Dramatization games, directorial games using dolls "with a lively hand".

purpose : Develop imagination, pantomemical expressiveness.

Stroke of dramatization game:

The educator proposes to remember that the children learned about the doll "with a lively hand." Wishing wishes for the game is shirma. Children are invited to come up with and beat the plot.

thursday "Masters' Doll Affairs"


Morning : Psychogympics "Save the kindness."

Purpose: distinguish to call emotions of pleasure, surprise, admiration and joy, adequately react to them; Develop attention, learns to relax.

Making figures for theater on flannelhemph.

Purpose: instilling love for manual work, cause interest in creative activity; Learning to allocate the characteristics of the character in the manufacture of figures.


Theater on the flannelhemph in speeches and poems.

purpose : consolidate the knowledge of flows and poems; Develop the speech of children, expressiveness, artistry, develop imagination.

Game traffic:

The educator draws the attention of children to a house and a doll on the flannelhemph. Tells about her. Mysteries to children riddles. Raddows places on flannelph. Then the educator invites children to fulfill the speech about the chosen hero. At the end of the doll invites everyone to drink tea. Theater smoothly goes into the game.

friday "Theater, theater!"


Morning :

The exhibition is a presentation in a group of different types of theater "Play with us!"

Purpose: show the variety of theaters in the group.

Photocollage "Give us applause!"

Purpose: Show the work of educators and children in theatrical activity organized in the group.

Psychogympics. Etudes: "Flower", "The kitty woke up" and others.

Purpose: develop imagination, ability to adequately express emotions of pleasure joy; Be able to plastic transfer reincarnation.


Theatrical games using dolls

purpose : give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe new form of dolls: "Dolls"; develop imagination, pantomemical expressiveness; To be able to organize your theatrical activity, taking into account the selected character.

Game traffic:

Show children suits for dolls - people; Share on their application and appointment. Share how can be used in theatrical games; Where can I meet such dolls. Suggest organizing the game using the suggested costumes.

If children find it difficult, to propose to stable, play a fragment from a cartoon with a similar character.

At the end, a comparison between various types of the theater; Different dolls: what kind of like more, with what is more interesting to play; What kind of cooking can be used in everyday gaming activities.

* * * * *

Development of standing information for parents on supporting the organization of meaningful leisure in the family, interest in the theater and theatrical activity.

Children's Garden "Nadezhda", which is part of the GOU Education Center No. 1681 "Butovo-3", 18 years old.

It has long been a tradition in our kindergarten to hold a "week of the theater". During the long years of work has accumulated a huge material for theatrical activities with children of all ages.

To this event, teachers, including specialists, are preparing in advance: making attributes, scenery, draw posters, invitation cards, recommend parents, which theaters need to be visited, announcing them, and sometimes offer tickets.

In each age group, a mini-theater is equipped, chose various types of theaters: mittens, puppet, bi-ba-bo, toy theater, flannelugaph, shadow, finger, growth dolls.

Each educator plans all theatrical activities for the week. Children are learning and put performances, staging, dramatization games, choosing themselves, get acquainted with theaters, famous actors.

It became tradition from Monday to Friday every morning of children together with parents to meet a fabulous character (these are our educators create a festive mood, announcing performances in groups, distribute invitation tickets to performances, balarage, joke).

And on Friday there is a closure of the event and as a result - the final performance, supplied by the teachers themselves for children and parents.

We have developed a plan for working with children on theatrical activity in all age groups of kindergarten.

Work with children on theatrical activity in all age groups of kindergarten "Nadezhda" at the week "Theater"

Days of the week

Events in kindergarten "Nadezhda"


Meeting children with scrocers.

Conversation about theater

Acquaintance of children with fabulous heroes

1st younger

"Masha and Bears" (theater dolls of bi-ba-bo)

Folder-mobile "Theatrical activity for preschoolers. Visiting a fairy tale. " "Kolobok" - a plane theater.

"Fishing about fisherman and fish" - reading the fairy tale A. Pushkin. "Aquarium with fish" - modeling fabulous fish.

"Hello, the heroes of fairy tales" - a conversation with children. "Three Piglets" - theater on the rails. "Red Hood" - Bi-Ba-Boy Theater.

"Zaikin House" - Puppet Theater.

Preparatory to school

"Baba Yaga" - play a fairy tale (homemade book made by children). "Gus-Swans" - reading a fairy tale.

Preparatory to school

Folder-mobile "Theater and Children". "Mathematical journey Mashenki to bears." Theater "Development".

2nd younger

"Visiting a fairy tale."

Meeting of children by Cat Basilio and Fox Alice.

"Repka" - reading a fairy tale, drawing.

1st younger

Dolls toys and doll artists. "Three pigs" - the theater-mitten.

Exhausting and drawing poems about profession: locksmith, shoemaker, driver, cook, etc. ... "Mouse-Norushka" - modeling. "Red Hood" - a plane theater.

Cinderella is familiar with a fairy tale. Ushshinsky's lessons "as it will happen, and will respond."

"Terem-Teremok" - reading a fairy tale. "It is in the field of terme-teremok" - a collective applique. "Hare and Yozh", "Fox and Zhuravl" - Shadow Theater (show by the educator).

"Fox and girl" - dramatization. Fingering gymnastics "Bird", "Owl". Moving game "The sea is worried."

Preparatory to school

Improvisation based on Russian folk fairy tales, playing Russian folk fairy tales - a plane theater. Drawing a house for the fairy tale "Three Bear". Musical Games Day.

2nd younger

"Fox and Wolf" - the dramatization of the Russian folk fairy tale. "Chicken and Cockerel" S.Nasaulenko - Expressive reading and playing.

2nd younger

Meeting of children professor and princess.

"Kolobok" - reading a fairy tale, drawing.

1st younger

"Where dolls do." Beating with children poykhs A. Barto.

"Three Bear", "Red Cap" - reading fairy tales. Games based on Russian folk fairy tales "Bear in Boru", "Gusi-Guse". The evening of mysteries on the works of "Tale of a fisherman and fish", "Red Cap", "Masha and the Bear", "Cinderella", "Muha-Cocotuha", "Fedorino Mount", "Rack", "Kolobok".

"Fox with a rock" - theater on the flannelhemph (show by the educator). "Tanya disappeared" - the diagnosis of children (the younger groups are invited).

"Who is eating" - a theatrical game.

Preparatory to school

"Friendly Run" - showing fairy tales. We play the tale of "Teremok", "Zayushkina Hut" - a plane theater.

Preparatory to school

Day Fairy Tales, "Jokes to joke - people embrace" - a theatrical game, the origami-fairy tale "Three Bears" (creating a book with your own hands), leisure on the physical education "Day of mobile theatrical games".

2nd younger

"Elephant went to learn" - dramatization of the fairy tale D. Samylov, "Zayushkina Hut" - theater on a magnet, a bench-top theater.

2nd younger

Meeting children Cheburashka and Crocodile Geno.

"Repka" - a plane theater.

1st younger

"The main miracle of the puppet theater" "Kitzat and Wolf" is a plane theater.

"Teremok" - showing fairy tales to children 9 groups.

"Hare in the garden" - reading using Bi-Ba-Bo dolls. Lessons of the Ushinsky "Morning Rays".

"Who told meow?" - showing fairy tales with children (younger groups are invited), "Chicken and duck" - reading a fairy tale, modeling "I am a chicken, I am duck".

"Cat, cock and fox" - dramatization of the fairy tale.

Preparatory to school

Acquaintance with the folklore of the peoples of the world: "Estim ...", Russian folk songs, sweatshirts, counters, riddles: "sent a young man", "Squa Burka" - reading a fairy tale, "Baggage" - a tale drag.

Preparatory to school

"Three Bear" - show fairy tales (everyone is invited).

2nd younger

Creative tasks for the development of pantomimics: "Jokes-Baby", "New Pants", "Executive Kids".

2nd younger

Meeting of children Carlson.

Theatrical doll performance "Bubaremchik and his friends" (by the forces of educators).

"Rack", "Kolobok" - a plane theater.

1st younger

"Try it yourself", "Ryaba chicken" - a finger theater.

"Three pigs" - Theater Bi-Ba-Bo.

"Hare in the garden" - dramatization of the story, acquaintance with small folklore forms.

View filmfilms

"Little Indian", "Prince is looking for a princess" - theatrical games.

Preparatory to school

Preparatory to school

Viewing posters, illustrations of theaters, listening to audio "everything about theater".

2nd younger

The use of bi-ba-bo dolls in free theatrical activity.

Theme of the week: "Day of the theater"

Purpose: Creating conditions for attachment to theatrical art and forming a positive attitude towards him.

Sections of the thematic block:

Where does the theater begins?;


Theater and children;

Regional component (artistic and aesthetic development).

Duration: 2 weeks of April.

Final event: The joint work of children and adults, theatrical ideas (showing and performances, mutual action).

Responsible for conducting a final event: educators: Kobyz S.V., Moomedzyanova N. Ah .., Music leader: Boyko S.V., Instructor in physical culture: Fedyukova G.P.

Term of the final event: 04/08/2016

Interaction with family and society:

1. Folder moving: "International Day of theater".

Date: 04.04.2016

2. Consultations, conversations, survey on the topic and blocks of the week.

Responsible for conducting a final event: Kobyz S.V., Moomedzyanova N. A

Date: 04/06/2016

3. Top up the centers of the attributes group.

Responsible for conducting a final event: Kobyz S.V., Moomedzyanova N. A

Date: 04/08/2016

Morning Gymnastics Complex No. 19 "Merry clowns"

Purpose:create conditions forpreservation and strengthening the health of children; development of motor activity; Education of organizedness, gradual restoration of the body n / day sleep ..

1. "Mopic up". I.P.: Standing, legs on the width of the shoulders, the pigtail to keep both hands behind the back at the bottom.Performance:1-raise pigtail back-up, no head, hands straight, movement from the shoulder. 2.- Return to I.P.Repeat 8 times

2. "Slop to the parties." I.P: standing, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands with a pigtail omitted.Performance:1-raise straight hands with a pigtail up.2-slope to the left side, hands hold over your head, elbows do not bend.3.-straighten, hands with a pigtail above. 4. - Back to I.P. Also on the right side.Repeatby6 times in each direction.

3. "Triangle". I.P.: Lying on the back, pigtail in lowered hands (on hips).Performance:1- At the same time raise straight arms and legs, touch the socks to the pigtails (make a "triangle"), shoulders from the floor not to tear off. 2-Return to I.P.Repeat8 times

4. "Frames of a pigtail." I.P: The main stand, pigtail in the right hand, the hands are omitted, hang.Performance: 1- Hands to Party.2. - Connect your hands ahead, shifting the pigtail to the left hand.3. - Hands to the side.4. -The lead in I.P. The same hand.Repeat6 Twice each hand.

5. "Put the braid further." I.P.: Legs wider shoulders, pigtail in both hands, downstairs.Performance:1-tilt, put a pigtail as far as possible in front of yourself, knees not bend.2- straighten, the hands are omitted. 3.-Tilt forward, raise the pigtail. 4-straighten.Repeat6 times.

5. "Jumping through a pigtail." I.P.: The main rack sideways to the pigtail, the pigtail lies on the floor.Performance:1-8 jumping with two legs sideways through a pigtail, moving a little forward. Walking, hands on the belt.Repeat8 times.

Gymnastics after day sleep complex №19

I. . 1. "Brevdnyshko". From the position lying on the back (legs together, the hands are elongated above the head). In this position, ride several times first in one, then to the other side.

2. "Kolobok". Lying on the back, tighten your knees to the chest, grab their hands, tighten your head to the knees. In this position, ride several times first in one, then to the other side.

3. "Drawing" -I.P.: Sitting. Both hands are simultaneously moving in one direction, then in the opposite. At first, the child draws straight lines, then inclined, then different circles, ovals, triangles, squares.

4. "Cams" -I.P.: Sitting on the knees and on the heels, hands lie on the knees. One hand is compressed in a fist, a thumb out. Squeezed. Shrinking into a fist, thumb inside. Squeezed. The other hand is fixed. Change your hands. The same two hands together. Then the phases of movement are shifted (one hand is compressed, the other is simultaneously squeezed).

5. "Loca-knee" -I.P.: Lying on the back, legs together straight hands stretched out over your head. Right hand and right 9.

6. "Step in place." The child marches in place, high raising his knees. Hands hang along the body.

7. "Tin Soldier" -I.P.: Standing on one leg, hands along the body. Closeing eyes, we hold the balance as long as possible. Then we replaced the leg.

II. . Walking on the "Health" track. Correctional track: Rubber mats, buttons.

I. Half of the day:

Morning joyful meetings : Create conditions for

1. Observations on houseplants, experiments, work. Watering in houseplants, caring for flowers.Purpose: Create conditions for education Desire to participate in the care of plants in the corner of nature.

2. Individual work: (Education of cultural and hygienic skills) From Alina P., Artem B. Purpose: Create conditions for continuing to improve in children self-service skills.

3. Communicative activities. Conversation on the topic: "Different types of theater."

Purpose: Create conditions for expanding and enriching children's knowledge about various types of theater.

4. Work on the Obzh: Subject: "How to behave in the theater?".

Purpose: Create conditions for consolidating knowledge in public places.

5. Complex of the morning gymnastics number 19.

6. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon school. Purpose: Create conditions for continuing to teach children to wash your hands correctly, wipe them, rinse your mouth after eating.

Preparation for the lesson

Educational activities

( FMP).

Topic: "Measurement" Lesson 56.

Purpose: Create conditions for the formation of the ability to perform tasks that the children themselves give, learn to read dictation on the finished pattern. Integration of educational areas: Tasks: Educational: Create conditions for continuing to teach children in the account for a given extent. Developing: Create conditions for the development of the ability to navigate in space, fixing temporary representations and in increasing the number per unit within 20. Educational: Create conditions for the education of organizedness.Material: ball, 3 hoops, apples, carved from paper, notebook, pencil.Methods : Wonderful - instructions, explanation. Replies; Practical - D.U "Stand up, where I will say," find your house "," Consider two "; Visual - show items, schemes. Plan: 1.Motion (gaming motivation), 2. Main part (game exercises), 3. transcause part (relaxation).


Purpose: Create a creative environment for the formation of elementary concepts about the theater with the help of musical expressiveness. Lesson 51. Tasks:Developing : Develop artistic abilities by creating images of musical characters from fairy tales. Educational: Teach to express your feelings through creativity. Educational: relieve the estate to act together, creative groups, duplicate each other. Integration of educational areas:

Design / manual labor

Topic: "Clowns and other toys - fun"

Purpose: Create conditions for fixing the ability to create an image of an object from parts, make cuts, cut the paper in a straight and oblique, gently stick. Tasks: Educational: Create conditions for the formation of the skill to share a square sheet of paper on equal parts by flexion; Developing: Create conditions for the development of mental processes in children (memory, attention, imagination and speech); Educational: Create conditions for upbringing interest in working together .. Materials: Sample parsley toys, scissors, glue, colored paper, pencils, oilboxes, landscape sheets, cardboard blanks, wire, sewer. Methodical techniques: game situation (game), showing the method of appliqué (visual), independent work of children (practical), fizminutka, viewing of finished works (visual), reflection (verbal). Plan: 1.Motion (showing the finished product), 2. The main part (conversation about the circus), 3. Increased part (reflection).


1. Observation of the floral world. Observation of ever. purpose: create conditions fordating with shrubs of our area; Continued to learn to compare IVA with other varieties of this tree and know about the peculiarities of the awaking trees in the spring.

Monitoring:Spring has not yet sewed the forests, the meadows of the shirt, only Iwa dissolved curly lamb. Compare Willow and Rakita leaves.

2. Eternal activity. Clearing tracks. Objectives:create conditions forthe formation of the desire for collective activities.3. Individual work: Development of movements (Matvey P. Rita K., Dasha P).

Purpose: Create a condition for improving the skill in running and jumping.
4. Moving games: "Mousetrap", "1,2,3-run". Purpose: Create conditions for the development of speed, dexterity.

1. Little artistic literature. Reading A. Barto "In the theater." Purpose: Create conditions for the formation of logical thinking. 2. Listening to the musical composition: "Vintage dance»

II. Half of the day


1. Soldering game: "We are artists", "Theater". Purpose: Create a condition for the formation of the ability of children to develop the plot of games based on knowledge.

2. Individual work on speech development with Alina K., Nastya B.

Purpose: Create conditions to continue learning to find vowel sounds in words from one syllable.

3. Conversations about artists and paintings, didactic games ammunition.

The review of the reproduction "Circus lights lights." Purpose: Create conditions for the development of aesthetic feelings.


1. Moving games: "Fathers", "catch a couple". Purpose: Create conditions for exercise in running through obstacles.

2. Gaming exercise: "Throwing balls." Purpose: Create conditions for the development of accuracy.

3. Independent gaming activity: Games with remote material. Purpose: Create conditions for development in children of skill to play together.

1. During reception, fasten the skill gently use cutlery, please call, thank, fasten the names of dishes.

2. Fasten the ability to follow the rules of staying in kindergarten through reminders, solving problem situations, situational conversations

3. Fasten the ability to independently prepare materials and manuals for the lesson, without a reminder to remind your workplace.

Center book. Make a book Purpose: Create conditions for

The center of the game. Make D.I. "Collect the whole." Purpose: Create conditions for the development of logical thinking

Center for art. Make plasticine, plate. Topic: "Clown". Purpose: Create conditions for the development of creative abilities.

Center for plot games. Make attributes to S.R.I. "Cinema". Purpose: Create conditions for the formation of interest in joint games.

Center for Construction constructive games . Make dolls, wooden building material for circus construction. Purpose: Create conditions for the development of constructing abilities.

Center of Science. Make a magnifying glass, herbarium. Purpose: Create conditions for expanding the horizons of children.

3. Independent games with remote material.

4. Doals children to independent musical and artistic activities.

Joint activities of adult and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I. Half of the day: include children in general rhythm, create a cheerful mood.

Morning joyful meetings : Create conditions forprovide a gradual entry of children in the rhythm of the life of the group

1. Games for the development of the emotional sphere, creative imagination. Director game on the fairy tale Sh.perro "Red Hap".Purpose: Create conditions for the development of imagination, artistism, the ability to act in the plot, to keep a dialogue.

2. Individual work: According to Famp with Denis V., Dima K. Purpose: Create conditions for continuing to learn the composition of the number 20.

3. Experimental games, research activities: "Light bulbs and batteries", Purpose: To bring children to the conclusion about the need for a person's sleep and recreation, give children to understand what snoring and why sometimes a person snoring in a dream.

4. Gaying out riddles on the topic russian folk toys (Matryoshka, horse, whistle, etc.) Purpose: Create conditions for the formation of logical thinking.

6. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon school. Purpose: Create conditions for fixing the CGN.

Preparation for the lesson

Educational activities

Integration of educational areas: "PR", "PR", "SKR", "FR", "HER"

Fine (Lappa )

Topic: "Clowns". Purpose: Create conditions for continuing the formation of the ability to scam the figure of a person. Educational: Create conditions to continue learning to create a person figure in the arena. Developing: Create conditions for the development of the feeling of rhythm and composition. Educational: Create conditions for the upbringing of the artistic taste. Material: stacks, beautiful buttons and beads, napkins, plasticine, plank, clown toy. Methodical techniques: verbal - conversation, questions and answers; visory - viewing the finished craft, showing techniques of modeling; Game - Game UPR. "We are not sitting on site"; Practical - productive activities of children. Plan: 1. Motivation (showing the finished craft), 2. The main part (clown modeling). 3. Incusional part (reflection, examination of children's crafts).

Motor (in the Hall)


Communicative (preparation for literacy training)

Topic: Word division on syllables

Purpose: creating a condition for dating children with the letter B, to tell about its features, the place of the sign in words, the division of words to the syllables, the degeneration of the shock syllable and drawing up the scheme of the word, the proposal, the rules on the proposal, and drawing up a proposal for the support words, the deduction of the offer from micrasovskas and Drawing up a proposal scheme. Integration of educational areas:

Material: Alphabet in pictures, notebooks, color pencils, simple pencil, easel, cards with support words and microbrascases. Methods: valid - conversation, questions, answers. Visual - view illustrations; Game - Fiz. Minute; Practical - productive activities of preschoolers. Plan: 1.Motion (pictures), 2. The main part (reading the work, conversation according to the read), 3. transcause part (reflection).


Objective: Create conditions for health promotion, preventing fatigue, physical and mental; Development of children, restoration of the body's functional resources reduced in the process.

1. Observation of the animal world. Spring in the life of forest animals

Purpose: Create conditions for expanding ideas about how life comes life in spring time: animals (bear, hedgehog) wake up, insects that slept in winter.

2. Labor activity: Feeding birds in spring. Purpose:

3. Individual work on the development of major movements (running) . (Arina S., Sofya Yu.). Purpose: Create a condition for improving the skill in running.
4. Moving games: "Sparrow and the car", "who is further."

5. Games with natural materials. Game with bumps.

Purpose: Create a condition for the development of knowledge about natural material.

Return from a walk. Relaxation before bedtime: 1. Literary literature. ReadingS.Ya. Marshak "In the theater for children." Purpose: Create conditions for the development of the ability to expand and activate the vocabulary. 2. Connecting the musical composition: music. D.B. Kabalevsky "Clown". Purpose: Creating a condition for the formation of skills to distinguish the means of expressiveness in musical works of composers.

II. Half of the day

Relaxation gym after sleep. Walking through massage tracks.

purpose : Create conditions to preserve and strengthen the health of children; Development of the ability in children to the main movements, gradually restoring the body after day sleep.

1. Individual work on musical education as part of cooperation with the music director. Playing for children's musical instruments. "Forty, forty"

Purpose: Create conditions for the development of skill in time to enter with your party.

2. Independent activity in the corner of sensory development, desktop games:

Di "Who is what you need?", "Find, where hidden." Purpose: Create conditions for the development of attention.

3. Didactic games (on the development of hearing, on the classification of objects, etc.): "What is heard?" , "Listen to the sounds!" . Purpose: create a condition fordevelopment of auditory attention.


1. Folk games: " Baba Yaga, "Grandfather Mazay". Purpose: Create conditions for the admission of children to the culture of the peoples of Russia.Tasks: Educational: create conditions for exploring the folk holidays that are part of the Russian People's Calendar; Developing: Create conditions for the development of coordination of movements, artistic skills. Educational: Create conditions for the education of the desire to adopt and keep folk traditions.
2. Observation. Continuation of watching walking 1.

Purpose: Create conditions for the formation of attention, thinking, speech of children.

3. Game physical exercises : "Flying Christmas Tree", "Counter Minutes ». Purpose: Create Conditions to continuelearning to follow the rules of the game, teach to run around the entire site.

4.Working games: "Find us", "Sovka". Objectives: Create conditions to secure the ability to call objects on the site, learn to navigate in space.

Joint activities of adult and children in (regime moments)

1. When conducting hardware procedures to expand the ideas about the rules and types of hardening, talking about the benefits of hardening procedures, the role of sunlight, air and water in human life and their effect on health.

2. Continue to develop fine motility of hands in a variety of activities.

3. Continue to bring up friendly relationships between children, habit together play, work, engage in independently chosen affairs. To form the ability to quietly defend your opinion, the ability to negotiate, help each other, the desire to please the eldest good actions.

Organization environment for independent activities

1. Create conditions for the development of children in various centers:

Center book. Make a book "Friendly Children". Purpose: Create conditions forconsider illustrations and retrace each other, developing imagination, speech.

The center of the game. Make D.I. "Slug a picture." Purpose: Create conditions for Development

Center for art. Make pencils, albums. Topic: "Houses for friendly children." Purpose: Create conditions for Development Creative abilities.

Center for plot games. Make attributes to S.R.I. "Cashbox". Purpose: Create conditions forformation of interest in collaborative games.

Center for Construction constructive games . Make Card Cards, Rainbow Designer for Self Constructions. Purpose: Create conditions for Development Construction abilities.

Center of Science. Make a collection: dried leaves and colors, magnifiers. Purpose: Create conditions forexpansion of the horizons of children, cognitive activity.

2. Move the children to organize mobile games on their own, perform sports exercises for a walk, using having physical education equipment.

3. Independent games with remote material, equipment on the plot. Remote material: blades, bullets, toys.

4. Cross children to work.

Joint activities of adult and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I. Half of the day: include children in general rhythm, create a cheerful mood.

Morning joyful meetings : Create conditions forprovide a gradual entry of children in the rhythm of the life of the group

1. Work on the local history, patriotic subject: Exhibitions: Children's drawings: "Circus".

Purpose: Create conditions for upbringing interest in the art of the native land.

2. Individual work: (Sound culture of speech, preparation for diploma) with Vika V., Kirill V. Purpose: Create conditions for fixing the pronunciation of sound (s) in words, phrases.

3. Didactic games of mathematical content. DI. "Guess where it costs", "sticks in a row". Purpose: Create conditions for improving to determine the spatial arrangement of these items, to teach to build a series of 10 sticks of different lengths in decaying eye size.

5. Complex of Morning Gymnastics № 19.

Objective: Create conditions for preserving and strengthening children's health; development of motor activity; Education of Organizations.

6. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon school.

Purpose: Create conditions for continuing to instill KSN children, teach on duty on dining room.

Preparation for the lesson

Educational activities

Integration of educational areas: "PR", "PR", "SKR", "FR", "HER"

Musical Lesson 52.

Tasks: Developing: Continue to develop artistic abilities by creating images of musical characters from fairy tales

Educational : continue to learn to express your feelings through creativity

Educational: Continue to educate the estate to act together, creative groups, duplicate each other

Communicative (speech development)

Topic: Consider painting V. BESALOVA "Baba Yaga"

Purpose: Create conditions for enrichment of literary baggage of children, dating the artist ..Material: illustrations on text. Methods: valid - conversation, questions, answers. Visual - view illustrations; Game - Fiz. Minute; Practical - productive activities of preschoolers. Literature: Herb. Speech development. Plan: 1.Motion (pictures), 2. The main part (reading the epics, conversation according to the read), 3. transcause part (reflection).

Fine (Applique )

Subject: "Pigeons on a tiled roof" (Applique silhouette belt). Purpose: Create conditions for the formation of skills to create a collective composition, in different ways placing the cut items. Tasks: educational: create conditions for dating: a graphic element "Loop" and a graphic border "Wave" of different curvatures and heights. Developing: Create conditions for the development of composite skills. Educational: Create Conditions for Education: Interest in Nature. Material: Colored Paper, Scissors, Glue, Tassels, Colored Pencils, Paper Sheets of Different Format For Background, Sketch. Methodical techniques: Verbal - conversation, questions and answers; Visory - examination of the sketch, showing appliqué techniques; Game - Game UPR. "Birds"; Practical - productive activities of children. Plan: 1. Motivation (showing the finished application), 2. The main part (the manufacture of appliqués, 3. transcurious part (reflection, viewing of finished works).

Motor (for a walk)

Topic: "On the guests to spring."

Purpose: Creating a condition for the development of motor activity.

Educational: Create conditions for

Developing: Create Conditions for

Educational: Create Conditions for

Move: the first part: pass by the bridge; jump over the streams; Second part: PI "Mousetrap"; Third part: Walking.


Objective: Create conditions for health promotion, preventing fatigue, physical and mental; Development of children, restoration of the body's functional resources reduced in the process.

1. Observation of phenomena of public life. Observation "Traces on Earth". Purpose: Create conditions for the development of skills to determine traces: children's, adults, traces of birds.

2. Labor activity: Warming of plants. Purpose: Create conditions for continuing to learn to bring the work started to the end, upbringing a careful attitude towards wildlife.
3. Individual work on the development of basic movements (Mounting the ball in the distance) "get into the hoop". (Vasya B., Dasha K., Vika S., Vika V.). Purpose: Create conditions for fastening the skill to throw in a target.

4. Moving games: "Catching", "Salki". Purpose: Create a condition for DevelopmentATS.

Return from a walk. Relaxation before bedtime: 1. Perception of fiction. Reading A. Barto "In the theater." Purpose: Create conditions for the development of the ability to expand and activate the vocabulary. 2. Listening to the musical composition: "Vintage dance» Sviridov. Purpose: Creating a condition for upbringing a sense of respect for the traditions of another people.

II. Half of the day

Relaxation gym after sleep. Walking through massage tracks.

purpose : Create conditions to preserve and strengthen the health of children; Development of the ability in children to the main movements, gradually restoring the body after day sleep.

1. Individual work by amteria with Leroy C., Kirill T.

Purpose: Create conditions to secure the skill of working with gouache.

2. Scene-role game: S.R.I. "We go to the theater", "Cafe" Landca ".

Purpose: Create conditions for fixing cultural skills.

3. Music and didactic games: « Jack " . Purpose: Create conditions for the development of expressiveness of pulmonary jumps, soft spring steps.


1. Gaming exercises : "Catch up with your own pair."

Purpose: Create conditions for the development of agility in running.Outdoor games: "Zhmurki", "Gus-Swans". Purpose: Create conditions for the development of motor activity.

2. Independent gaming activity. Games with molds.

Purpose: Create conditions for the development of independent gaming activities of children.

3. Didactic game to familiarize themselves with the outside world.

DI. "That the good people make this profession." Purpose: Create conditions for the development of children's knowledge about adults in the theater.

Joint activities of adult and children in (regime moments)

1. When organizing regime moments through situational conversations, reminders, the individual work to raise the habit quickly and properly washed, dry, taking advantage of the individual towel, rinse the mouth after meals, to properly use the handkerchief and the comb, follow their appearance, quickly undress and dress , hang clothes in a definite order, follow the cleanliness of the shoes; 2. Through explanations, reminders, individual work, to teach children to express assumptions and make the simplest conclusions, express their thoughts understandable for others, continue to form the ability to defend their point of view; 3. Through explanations, viewing, observation, situational conversations to form aesthetic attitude to subjects and phenomena of the surrounding world, works of art, to artistic and creative activities.

Organization environment for independent activities

1. Create conditions for the development of children in various centers:

Center book. Make the book "Important Rules". Purpose: Create conditions forconsider illustrations and retrace each other, developing imagination, speech.

The center of the game. Make D.I. "My house". Purpose: Create conditions for Developmentattention, thinking, imagination.

Center for art. Make paint, brushes, albums. Subject: "Pictures for good friends."

Purpose: Create conditions for Developmentcreative abilities.

Center for plot games. Make attributes to S.R.I. "Theatre". Purpose: Create conditions forformation of interest in joint games, development of imagination, upbringing respect for each other, distribution of roles

Center for Construction constructive games . Make the LEGO designer for building theater. Purpose: Create conditions fordevelopment of ability to design.

Center of Science. Make funnels, a measuring glass, water. Purpose: Create conditions forexpansion of the horizons of children.

2. Move the children to organize mobile games on their own, perform sports exercises for a walk, using having physical education equipment.

4. Cross children to independent productive activities.

Joint activities of adult and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I. Half of the day: include children in general rhythm, create a cheerful mood.

Morning joyful meetings : Create conditions forprovide the gradual entry of children in the rhythm of the life of the group.

1. Games for memory development, attention, thinking, verbal games : "What is the difference?", "Complete Proposal".Purpose: Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, attention.

2. Individual work: (Designing and manual work) with Daniel V., Vanya. Z. Topic: "Clowns". Purpose: create conditions for the formation of the ability to flex a sheet of paper in half.

3. Didactic games on the development of speech: "Find in vote-1", "learn in vote-2". Purpose: create conditions forthe formation of the ability to recognize each other by voice.

4. Complex of Morning Gymnastics No. 19. Purpose: Create conditions for the conservation and strengthening of children's health; development of motor activity; Education of Organizations.

5. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack. Purpose: Create conditions to continue learning children to use a napkin, rinse your mouth after meals.

Preparation for the lesson

Educational activities

Integration of educational areas: "PR", "PR", "SKR", "FR", "HER"

Cognitive research ( FMP)

Topic: "Solution of the tasks". Purpose: create conditions for the formation of the ability to make and solve problems for addition and subtraction in numbers within 20. Tasks: educational: Create conditions for forming: skills orient on a sheet of paper. Developing: Create conditions for development: attention. Educational: Create Conditions for Education: Organizations. Material: a card on which is different in different drawings on one plot, chips. Literature: Novikova "Mathematics in kindergarten". Methods: verbal - instructions, explanation. Replies; practical - di "clock", "Repeat after me"; Visual - show items, schemes. Plan: 1.Motion (gaming motivation), 2. Main part (game exercises), 3. transcause part (relaxation).

Fine (drawing )

Subject: "Circus".

Purpose: Create conditions for enrichment in children's knowledge about the circus. Tasks: Educational: Create conditions for acquaintance with the circus. Developing: Create conditions for the development of mental processes in children (attention, memory, speech and imagination); Educational: Create conditions for raising the interest circus. Materials: paper, paint watercolor or color pencils, brushes, jars with water, sketch circus. Methodical techniques: verbal - conversation, questions and answers; Visory - viewing sketch, showing drawing techniques; Gaming -Fiz Cultimunka "We carry out the exercise"; Practical - productive activities of children; Sluban - the results of children's work. Plan: 1. Motivation (showing the finished drawing), 2. The main part (independent activities of children), 3. Incidental part (reflection, viewing children's finished works).

Communicative (literature)

Topic: Reading Basni L. Tolstoy "Dog and her shadow".

Analysis of proverbs. Purpose: create conditions for the formation of an understanding of the moral meaning of the Basni, its figurative essence, relate the idea of \u200b\u200bBasni with the meaning of the proverb. Tasks: Create conditions for continuing to teach children emotionally perceive the content of works; development of knowledge of children of proverbs; Education of interest in Basni.Materials: Illustrations for Krylov and Mikhalkov fables, paper, pencils. Methods: verbal - reading Bassni, talking about read, questions and answers; visual - illustrations; Game - Piz. minute Plan: 1.Motion (pictures), 2. The main part (conversation, explanation, indication), 3. Incidental part (reflection).


Objective: Create conditions for health promotion, preventing fatigue, physical and mental; Development of children, restoration of the body's functional resources reduced in the process.

1. Observation of inanimate nature. Observation of the reservoir. purpose: create conditions forStroke observation: Spring every day she won the cold winter. The first victory of spring is field. Protanes appear, mother-and-stepmother flowers, dark snow. The second victory of spring is river. Snow streams in the ravine and under the ice in the river. Water rises in rivers and breaks ice. And huge ice floes rushed downstream on each other. When the ice breaks and the rivers differ, the air temperature drops sharply. And in standing reservoirs, ice is held longer, as water does not flow, does not move. Only gradually runs under the ice and fills it from above. The ice does not break, and gradually melts.

Research.Measure ice thickness using an iceman.

2. Labor activity. Cleaning a plot from garbage and snow. Purpose:create conditions for the emergence of the desire to work together..

3.Working games: "Wolf in the Rives", "from the bumps on the hammer." Purpose: Create conditions for the development of the physical qualities of children.

4. Individual work on the development of basic movements (throwing, fishing) with Denis M., Zakhar M. Purpose: Create conditions for exercise in throw and fishing.

Return from a walk. Relaxation before bedtime:

1. Perception of fiction. ReadingYuri Solov "Theater Song".

Purpose: Create conditions for development to expand and intensify the vocabulary of children. 2. Connecting the musical composition: the song "Holiday is cheerful" sl. Viktorova.

Purpose: Creating a condition for the formation of skills to distinguish the means of expressiveness in musical works of composers.

II. Half of the day

Relaxation gym after sleep. Walking through massage tracks.

purpose: Create conditions to preserve and strengthen the health of children; Development of the ability in children to the main movements, gradually restoring the body after day sleep.

1. Individual work on the development of connected speech from Kirill V., Alena M.

Purpose: create conditions for the development of connected speech.

2. plot role-playing game "Cinema".

Purpose: Create conditions for the formation of the ability to develop the plot of the game.

3. Independent activities in the corner of privacy "View books with the image of the theater." Purpose: Create conditions for the development of the cognitive ability of children ) ; independent gaming activity. "Do you know what kind of theater game with the ball?"

Purpose: Create conditions for the development of creative abilities.


1. Sports elements: "Progressive - do not drop," "runs are not back."

Purpose: Create conditions for the development of motor activity.

2. Didactic games: The game in the picture "I go, see, tell myself." Purpose:create conditions forimmersion in the plot of paintings. The feeling of its details as parts of the whole composition.

3. Walking 1. Proceedwater observation

purpose: create conditions forfastening knowledge about ice properties.

Joint activities of adult and children in (regime moments)

1. Remind children about the preservation of proper posture in various activities

2. Continue to bring up a respectful attitude towards others. Explain to children that should not interfere in the conversation of adults. It is important to listen to the interlocutor and do not interrupt without necessary. Continue to raise a caring attitude towards kids, older people, a desire to help them.

3. Through situational conversations, playing exercises to continue to develop interest in art and musical culture, bring up artistic and aesthetic taste. Enrich the musical impressions of children, cause a bright emotional response to the perception of music of different character.

Organization environment for independent activities

1. Create conditions for the development of children in various centers:

Center book. Make scene pictures. Purpose:create conditions forviewing and independent conclusions, clarify the ideas about good and evil deeds of heroes.

Center Gametkee . Make counting sticks. Purpose:create conditions forconsignment of the account, drawing up pictures of them.

Scene Role Game Center . Make attributes to S.R.I "Beauty Salon". Purpose:create conditions for developmentthe ability to originate the situation.

Center for art. Make markers, albums for drawing postcard for parsley.

Purpose: Create conditions for development imagination, creative abilities.

Make a large builder. Topic: "Beautiful theater".

Purpose: Create conditions for development In children of constructive skills.

Center of Science . Make different types of croup in jars. Purpose: Create conditions forfastening children of their names, species, colors, the name of the porridge in the finished form.

2. Move the children to organize mobile games on their own, perform sports exercises for a walk, using having physical education equipment.

3. Independent games with remote material, and free motor activity of children on a walk. Remote material: blades, bullets, toys.

4. Cross the children of independent educational research activities.

Joint activities of adult and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I. Half of the day: include children in general rhythm, create a cheerful mood.

Morning joyful meetings : Create conditions forprovide a gradual entry of children in the rhythm of the life of the group

1. Viewing albums "Famous Russian theaters."

Purpose: Create conditions for expanding and enriching the knowledge of children about the theater.

2. Individual work: On the development of speech (dictionary, grammar) "Words - Different" with Yarik L., Daniel M. Purpose: Create conditions for exploring the word.

Z. . Didactic games to familiarize themselves with the surrounding, natural world. DI. "Not mistaken." Purpose: Create conditions for the development of attention.

4. Work on traffic rules (games, conversations, viewing illustrations. Topic: "Go through the street." Purpose: Create conditions for consolidating knowledge of road transition rules.

5. Complex of Morning Gymnastics №19. Objective: Create conditions for preserving and strengthening children's health; development of motor activity; Education of Organizations.

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon school. Purpose: Create conditions for the formation of a positive attitude to the requirements of the fulfillment of the main norms and rules of behavior at the table.

Preparation for the lesson

Educational activities

Integration of educational areas: "PR", "PR", "SKR", "FR", "HER"

Cognitive research (the world)

Subject: "Acquaintance with the profession of artist." Purpose: Create conditions for dating children with professions, upbringing respect for the elders.

Methods: verbal (dialogue, monologue, conversation), visual (pictures), game (D.I.), verbal (reflection).

Material: consider illustrations about the theater, albums, color pencils.

Methods: verbal - conversation, explanation; Visual - view illustrations;

practical - reproductive; Game - Piz. minute

Plan: 1.Motion (pictures), 2. The main part (conversation, explanation, indication), 3. Incidental part (reflection).

Motor (in the Hall)

Purpose: Creating a condition for the development of motor activity.


Educational: Create conditions for

Developing: Create Conditions for

Educational: Create Conditions for

Fine (drawing )

Topic: "Clown".

Purpose: Create conditions for enriching the knowledge of children about the circus. Tasks: educational: Create conditions for forming: skills to draw a person's figure in motion. Developing: Create conditions for development: a sense of form and composition. Educational: Create Conditions for Education: Interest To Circus. Material: sheets of paper, gush paints, brushes, jars with water, clown-toy. Methodical techniques: verbal - conversation, questions and answers; Visory - viewing sketch, showing drawing techniques; Game - Fizkultminutka "We carry out the exercise"; Practical - productive activities of children; Sliver-suit of children's work. Plan: 1. Motivation (Sketch Show "Clown"). 2. The main part (independent activities of children), 3. Incidental part (reflection, view of children's finished works).


Objective: Create conditions for health promotion, preventing fatigue, physical and mental; Development of children, restoration of the body's functional resources reduced in the process.

1. Observation of seasonal changes, target walks and excursions . Observation of hail. Purpose: Create conditions for datingwith the concept of "hail"; The formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bwhy in nature there is a hail.

Monitoring:From the sky flew, white peas. The chicken was frightened, the cat ran away. I wanted to try. White peas just for some reason, He melts in his palm.

When the earth is heated, warm air together with water vapor rises up. High above the ground is always cold, so water drops turn into ice. Grad usually goes with the rain: some ice floes have time to melting, others, the largest, fall on the ground. So we see this natural phenomenon. Research: Watch and determine where the wax-peas do not melt longer: on the road, under the bushes, etc.

2. Labor activity. Cleaning the area from the cropped branches of shrubs and trees. Purpose: Create conditions for Continued to learn to bring the work started to the end.

3. Movable games: "Birds and Lisa", "Raise and catch".

Purpose: Create conditions for exercise in running, development of attention and dexterity.

4. Individual work on the development of major movements (climbing ) With Rodion B., Alena S. Purpose: Create conditions for fixing the ability to break and subject to a bar.

Return from a walk. Relaxation before bedtime:

1. Little artistic literature. Reading poems about the theater. Purpose: Create conditions to continue replenishing the knowledge of children about theater, expand and intensify the vocabulary of children. 2. Listening to the musical composition: "Vintage dance» Sviridov. Purpose: Creating a condition for upbringing a sense of respect for the traditions of another people.

II. Half of the day

Relaxation gym after sleep. Walking through massage tracks.

purpose: Create conditions to preserve and strengthen the health of children; Development of the ability in children to the main movements, gradually restoring the body after day sleep.

1. Constructive activities. Topic: "Sayan's cinema".

Purpose: Create conditions to continue learning to independently find a constructive decision for the construction depending on its purpose, consolidate the name of the details.

2. Household work. Topic: "Guidance of order in gaming zones."

Purpose: Create conditions for the development of the desire to work nearby, the desire to communicate in labor.

3. Theater Friday. Theatrical - Gaming Creativity "Black Panther" V. Enke

Purpose: Create conditions for the development of the ability of children to invent plastic movements and coordinate with music, creating a dance.


1. Plot role-playing game: S.R.I. "Puppet show". Purpose: Create a condition for the formation of the ability of children to develop the plot of games based on having knowledge

2. Independent motor activity of children: "Horror around trees."

Purpose: Create conditions for children development skills to use their skills in independent activities.

3. Didactic games: "Find a couple", "Who left?".

Purpose: Create conditions for the development of attention, thinking, imagination.

Joint activities of adult and children in (regime moments)

1. Fasten the ability to independently organize outdoor games, invent your own games.

2. To accustom to conscientiously fulfill the duties of duty by

3. To replenish literary luggage in riddles, counters, proverbs and sayings

Organization environment for independent activities

1. Create conditions for the development of children in various centers:

Center book. Make consider painting "In the theater".Purpose: Create conditions for formation of ideas about politeness.

The center of the game. Make D.I "Tell me differently." Purpose: Create conditions for Development attention and thinking, words of gratitude.

The center of the plot role. Submit attributes to S.R. and "Bureau of Good Deeds". Purpose: Create conditions for Development The ability to independently beat the situation, sharing game material, play together.

Center for art. Make plasticine and patterns of animals, for the modeling of fabulous heroes of positive and negative. Purpose: Create conditions for Development Creative abilities, positive emotions.

Center for construction and constructive games. Make a small constructor, card schemes for self-construct. Subject: "Theater of a wooden constructor." Purpose: Create conditions for development in children of constructive skills.

Center of Science. Welding weather outside the window. Purpose: Create conditions for forming in children interest in nature phenomena surrounding the world, the development of observation and attention.

2. Move the children to organize mobile games on their own, perform sports exercises for a walk, using having physical education equipment.

3. Independent games with remote material, and free motor activity of children on a walk. Remote material: blades, bullets, toys.

4. Making new wall-printing games.

Theater week

in the preparatory group

Amounted to Karimova L.A.

Purpose: Development of children's abilities with means of theatrical art

    Create conditions for the development of the creative activity of children involved in theatrical activity.

    Improve the artistic skills of children in terms of experience and the embodiment of the image, as well as their performing skills.

    Teach children elements of artistic and figurative expressive means (intonation, facial expressions, pantomime).

    Intensify the dictionary of children, improve the sound culture of speech, intonation system, dialogic speech.

    To form the experience of social skills of behavior, creating conditions for the development of the creative activity of children.

    To acquaint children with various types of theater (puppet, musical, children's, theater of animals, etc.).

    Develop interest in children in theater gaming activities.

Work with parents:
Visual agitation about holding the theater week in Dow.

Day first "We came to the theater"

    Acquaintance with the concept of theater: (showing slides, paintings, photos). Types of theaters (musical, puppet, dramatic, theater of animals, etc.).

Purpose: give children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe theater; expand the knowledge of the theater as a type of art; become acquainted with the types of theaters; Emotionally positive attitude towards theater.

2. Acquaintance with theatrical professions (artist, make-up, hairdresser, musician, decorator, costume, artist).

Purpose: To form the ideas of children about theatrical professions; intensify interest in theatrical art; Expand words knowledge.
3. Show illustration, photographs of Ufa, Moscow theaters.

Objective: to introduce children with the device of theatrical building, pay attention to the originality of architecture and beautiful facade with different types of theaters.

1. Conversation with children on the topic: "Visiting a fairy tale."

Tasks: to expand the knowledge of children that fairy tales can not only read, but also to look; Who works on a fairy tale show in the theater; Intensify interest in theatrical art.

    Hood creation "My favorite hero" goal: Learn in the picture to transfer the image of your favorite character; use in the work material at the request of children; Develop creativity.

The second half of the day

    Scene-role-playing game "We came to the theater."

Objective: to acquaint with the rules of behavior in the theater; Call interest and desire to play (fulfill the role of "cashier", "Ticket", "viewer"); bring up friendly relationships.

2. Conversations about the rules of behavior in the theater, give the concept of the proverb "Spectator Culture".
Objective: to give children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of behavior in public places; To form a personal attitude to non-compliance and violation of the rules.
3. Show video recordings of the puppet play "Visiting Grandma".

Objective: to introduce children with one of the species of the theater - Puppet Theater.

Conversations with parents on the subject of the week.

Day second "Our hands are not for boredom"

1. Acquaintance of children with finger theater, theater-mittens, theater of shadows. Purpose: Give presentations to children about the features of this species of theaters.
2. Fingering gymnastics "Bird", "Owl" and others.

Objective: Speech development, development of intelligence, spatial thinking, creative abilities of children.

3. Working with one of the types of theaters: - Dialogues: Wolf - Fox, Wolf - Bear, Mouse - Wolf.
Purpose: Develop the ability to build dialogues between heroes in invented circumstances. Develop a coherent speech of children, expand the figurative system of speech. Monitor the expressive image.

4. Game "come up with a cheerful and sad dialogue between the mouse and the bunny."

Objective: Develop Communicative qualities; diversify intonation expressiveness; Pay special attention to the diction of children.

Joint educational activities

Artistic creativity: Applique collective "Winged, shaggy and oil".

Purpose: Improve the ability of children to cut circles from squares of different sizes, develop fine motility fingers, develop creative start; make a composition; complement with various elements.

The second half of the day
1. Games of children with sound tools .

Purpose: give a presentation to children about the musical design of performances.
2. The game "Try it yourself." Forest theater "Ryaba chicken" (on choosing an educator).

Purpose: develop the ability of children to use a finger theater in free activities; distribute characters; Transfer the characteristic features of the heroes of the fairy tale.
3. S / R game "Trip to Puppet Theater".

Objective: to acquaint children with the device of theatrical building, pay attention to the originality of architecture and beautiful facade. Enrich children's dictionary.

Day Three "Artist Dolls"

    Acquaintance with the types of theaters for children (desktop, theater dolls bobbo, puppet dolls).

Objective: to introduce children with different types of theaters; deepen interest in theatrical games; Enrich vocabulary.

2. Consider with children of Bi-Ba-Boy dolls. Conversation on how to properly use dolls, which is a tool for driving Bi-Ba-Bo.

3. Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Winged, shaggy and oil", conversation in content.
4. Suggest children to independently try to beat the heroes of the fairy tale using Bi-Ba-Bo toys. Objective: the acquisition of children to theatrical art.

- "Dolls-toys and artist dolls" (conversation with children according to the educator plan)
Purpose: encourage children to compose simple stories with heroes of familiar works. Relieve a sense of humor, to promote the improvement of the self-esteem of children. Develop a coherent speech of children.

The second half of the day
1. Theatrical puppet performance.

Purpose: develop in children interest in stage work.
2. Psychogympics. "Different faces."

Objective: to encourage children to experiment with their appearance (Mimic, gestures). Develop the ability of children to switch from one image to another.

3. Independent activities of children in theater corner. Etudes with desktop dolls based on well-known Russian folk fairy tales.

Purpose: improve the receptions of cubes, consolidate knowledge about the rules of manipulation by theatrical dolls of different systems

Work with parents:
consultation for parents: "That a fairy tale has not become boring ...". Recommendations to parents on choosing fiction for children.

Day Fourth "We- Artists"

1. Exercise "Tell me the poems A. Barto with the help of gestures and facial expressions."

Purpose: Learn to transmit images of characters using expressive plastic movements. Develop creativity, imagination and fantasy.


Purpose: Learning to use intonations, uttering phrases is sad, joyful, angry, surprised. Learning to build dialogs, independently choosing a partner. - "Sad and cheerful puppy" (on the fairy tale N.Steeva "who said to meow?");

    Games "What we did, do not say."

Purpose: develop resourcefulness, imagination, fantasy. Bring up goodwill. Prepare children to action with imaginary objects.

Joint educational activities.

Work on the formulation of fairy tales.
Purpose: Develop the ability of children to independently make attributes to the fairy tale. Educating accuracy in working with a cloth, cardboard. Develop memory, attention, creativity and fantasy.
Painting Characters from the Russian folk fairy tale "Winged, shaggy and oil". Attract children to artistic activities.

The second half of the day

1. Work on the album "All about the theater."
Objective: Teach children to generalize the experience gained, share impressions about new knowledge. Develop an aesthetic taste in the design of the album (collaboration of children and parents).
2. S / R game "We - Artists" (setting a good familiar kids fairy tales).

Objective: to introduce children with a scenario (production) fairy tales. Teach children to express their opinion on the fairy tale on the new way. Add fairy tale with the necessary episodes. Educating the ability to listen to the opinions of others, develop excerpt and patience.

Day Fifth "Theater and Music"

    Acquaintance with musical theaters.

Purpose: Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe diverse genres of the musical theater, such as "Opera", "ballet", "Musical Tale".

    Acquaintance with the musical design of performances.

Purpose: viewing and game on musical and noise tools in order to teach children to sound decoration of scenes from fairy tales.

    Rhythmoplasty. Music composition: "Trip to Zoo".

Purpose: develop children's motor abilities; Dexterity, flexibility, mobility. Learn evenly, moving around the site without pushing at each other.

    Music folk and dance games in the age of children.

Purpose: encourage children to actively participate in games.

Joint educational activities

View passages of musical films "Mom" (on the fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats"), Ballet "Nutcracker", Music "Mermaid", Opera "Snow Maiden" and others.
Consider photographs of the opera theater, illustrations to the Opera "Snow Maiden" (to the ballet "Nutcracker")

Purpose: the acquisition of children to the world of musical art.

The second half of the day

    Rhythmoplasty. Etudes in motion: "Fox goes", "Beast Dance"

Purpose: Develop the ability to use gestures in children.

    Sounding the chosen fairy tale with noise tools .

Purpose: encourage children to creative interpretation of famous plots using noise tools.

Working with parents: Suggest parents together with children through visual activities to convey their impressions received for the week of theater.

Rules of conduct in the theater for children

If you want our to visit theater with a child to be useful and interesting, always use the basic rules of behavior on performances with children.

Put on a clean suit or dress, look neat. If you wish, you can take an elegant dress, because the beautiful and festive in the theater is always appropriate.

In the cold season, be sure to pass on sandals or shoes. So it will be much more convenient for you and more comfortable to feel.

Ask adults to combat you neatly in the toilet room, there are also mirrors. In the foyer of the theater do not stand this, get immediately to be cultural and educated people.

Before the performance, consider the program, there you will see pictures, photos of artists. Soon you will begin to recognize them on the following performances. So you will be more interesting.

Never eat food in the auditorium. Eat at home in advance, and you can have a snack in the intermission in the buffet, having taking the sandwiches or fruits with you. Then it will not be necessary to stand in the queue, in a hurry to eat, fearing to be late. Get immediately to be a high culture viewer and understand where you can eat, and where there is no.

Do not shout and not to keep your feet during the performance, you can interfere with actors. Do not get up from the spot not to interfere with other viewers.

Do not run in the hall so as not to scare a fairy tale. After all, you came to see the magic, then it is necessary to behave quietly.

And most importantly, clap from the heart in your hands, if you like the fairy tale. Better at the end of the presentation, so as not to interfere with anyone.

By the way, in the theater used to be holy sacred, and the GAS light gradually, immersing the auditorium in the dark, leaving the scene brightly lit. Now everything is much faster, the light goes away at once, so children are often scared. When we were in the theater, our emir immediately shouted "dark", and other kids were also worried and loose. So for us it was the first negative moment.

In addition, during the performance, the emir rushed to get up and go home. I had to persuade him and wait, after all, Vitya looked with delight, without taking his eyes off the scene. We could not leave with Emir, leaving Vitu one in the hall. Therefore, I concluded that children under three years in the theater there is nothing to do, they are bored there.

And older children perceive everything seriously, sincerely help one heroes of the fairy tale to make good actions and drive evil characters fairy tales. It turns out that it is practically beginning to distinguish evil and good in life. Therefore, with babies it is more convenient to talk at home on the theater to prepare them in advance. Each mom should be able to present knowledge to children about the theater so as not to repel the hunt, but to attach the child to the art unobtrusively.

Tips for parents

1. Buy tickets to places, from where your baby will see well and hear the presentation. It is not necessary to fully tighten him, straining rumor or vision. Do not take places next to sound amplifiers, so as not to annoy the ears. Otherwise, the child can be capricious and asking for home.

2. Always sit next to the child, worry with him, support, it is so important to the baby.

3. Try to choose a familiar performance, with positive feedback. Indeed, it is often children show meaningless ideas, with a bad playing of actors. So why form a bad aesthetic taste with youngsters?

4. It will be wonderful if you read the playground in advance with children or just tell him briefly content. After all, young children do not always understand the game of actors and quickly lose interest in what is happening on the stage, if something is incomprehensible and unfamiliar.

5. After the performance do not run into the locker room to get dressed faster. Spectators in the theater are not so much, so you have time. You have a few minutes to show the children the lobby, where the wardrobe and the toilet is located, pay attention to the curtains and chandeliers in the theater. Do not think that your child will be uninteresting. Until you show, you will not know.

One important point, often in such places of accumulation of children sell cheap fakes of luminous toys. Almost all of them are disposable. So try to lead your children away from such places, although they are drawn there as a magnet.

Our boys ran in the lobby, they liked the sofas and elegant chandeliers, but the sounds from the corner with these toys came to them constantly. I am a lot of work to distract them and lead to the hall. But after the performance, when we left the hall together, I only let go of my hands for a moment to take the clothes in the wardrobe, my thorns walked.

So I had to walk with clothes and a package in my hands to look for them until I guessed to go to familiar sounds. Well, of course, they stood already there and played. There was a crowd of adults with kids, so, in the hope that they will buy, nobody selected toys from my grandchildren.

At home we have already a few such toys, but this is already a separate story, so I will not write about it. But about where we went after the presentation, I will tell you the next time, and why the children quickly agreed to get away from these toys, you too recognize.

6. Try to discuss with the child seen the play, ask what and why he did not like it to take into account the nuances for the future.

7. With a buffet, you can acquaint kids after three visits the theater, not earlier. This is not a cafe to pay attention to food there, and the temple of art. So let them feel this feeling. But the bottle with water to capture with it does not hurt. In any case, the child quit thirst, calm down and does not hurt anyone.

8. If children feel bad or tired, it makes no sense to go with them to the theater. Nothing good will not come from it. Remember that the theater is an emotional heavy load, so think whether your child will cope with it.

Better on the day of visiting the theater is good to relax, sleep and not in a hurry to go to the performance.

Therefore, never hurry and do not be late. Now in front of the children's performance often come up with entertainment views on children's booksTo settle the guys, raise them mood, prepare for viewing the main fairy tale.

Our grandchildren, small entertainment in front of the stage of the theater liked the most. They jumped and danced, guess the riddles. I was surprised, but Emir first shouted about Aibolita, whom he knows for an almost everything. As he actively communicated with the actors-animators, He Hello with each of them. That's all the basic rules of behavior in the theater for children.

It is impossible to better about theatrical rules written in the children's poem S.Ya. Marshak:

In the theater for children

The people! The people!

Wherever you throw a look -

For each pass

There is a wave guys.

Put them on chairs

And they ask not to make noise,

But the noise is like in the ulle,

Where a bear climbed.

From a long well -

Invisible for eyes -

Then flute laughed

That is a bunch of double bass.

But suddenly the lamps went out,

Silence has come,

And ahead beyond the ramp

Wall apart.

And seen children

Above the sea clouds

Stretched networks

Fisherman's hut.

Spoke fish

On the shore of the sea.

All this fairy tale knew -

About fish Golden, -

But it was quiet in the hall,

As if it is empty.

He woke up, shook,

When they lit a fire.

Knock on feet on the floor,

Palm about palm.

And curtain trembles

And the light bulbs are trembling -

So ringing hands

Poltsya guys.

Palms do not feel sorry ...

But now the house is empty,

And only dressing room

Jumps still with a boiler.

Noise wave alive,

Runs throughout Moscow

Where the wind, and trams,

And the sun in the blue.

Theatrical riddles for children with answers

He walks on stage, jumps,
He laughs, then crying!
Though depicting, -
Mastery will be amazed!
And for a long time
View of the profession - ... (actor)

He managed by all
Thinking, runs, shouts!
He inspires actors
All play manages
As an orchestra conductor,
But calling - ... (producer)

The play on fame succeeded
And the public is satisfied with all!
Artist special ovations
For colorful ... (Scenery)

If you want to become different, -
Call for help ... (makeup)

We came to the theater, somehow with a friend.
I was looking for a long time where we sit down.
Told us that a semicircle
Rows for us in the theater are.
For a long time any theater
Has his own ... (amphitheater)

Sometimes in the theater so needed
And for the performance so important
Such things that buy,
Deliver to build up
On stage is simply impossible.
But you can make them.
There is a territory in the theater,
Where they cook ... (Butaforia)

All the actors will stand together
Where they need for role.
The director calls on the scene -
Places ... (Misaneszen)

Then the king, and then the jester,
Begging or king
Become will help, for example,
Theatrical… (dresser)

At least someone ask
Know - were in Russia
Scenes, jokes and tricks
Composed ... (Scoop)

Since the play ended -
Heard "Bravo!", Compliments;
All actors, in gratitude,
We give ...

If someone gave you as a gift
This means - Got
You have such a gift.
With it free to be
Entrance and visit
Ile theater, Ile Cinema -
Wait a presence!
There is no trick at all -
Dan in the gift ...

What is "counterbrock"? -
Give a dictionary to the answer:
Know, she is a free ticket.
Or simply - ...

And actress, and actor,
(Be ordinary he, Il Mime)
Very appearance changes
Makeup skillful - ... (MAKEUP!)
In the design of the face -
Wigs, coloring,
And shigns and lining,
And stickers, masks -
This is all for the makeup.
It is necessary, without a dispute.
Need a makeup mastery -
Artist- ...

So that I looked at a presence more interesting,
In gratefulness, ovations were heard
Needed on the scene design:
House, trees and others ...

If a long sudden performance -
There is an intermission in it certainly.
This is a short interruption,
As if at school ...

To light the scene
Correctly, canceled -
So that everything is on "Hurray!",
Light give ...
For storing visitors' clothing,
Theatrists or movie workers,
To make it convenient and not hot -
The wardrobe is. Or easier - ...
(Changing room!)

All you see on stage:
What lies, hanging, it is worth
All Items Represents -
This, know, ...

Theatrical he worker -
Productions "Conductor",
Manager performing -
It's right, …

The cinema is a wide screen,
In the circus - Manege Ile Arena.
Well, and in the theater, the usual theater,
Special playground - ...

Who is a lover of ideas,
Looked through them darkness, quite a few
Who is theater admirer -
He is called ...

The most famous theatrical professions

As a child, many dreamed of the scene, the career of the artist, called theatrical professions As future work. Not all reported their dreams before adulthood, the majority received more landed education. And only units have become stars of the scene or persons close to theatrical frames. Among the servants of Melpomenni Actors, Directors, Scenograders, Make-uprocesses, Dresses, Decorators, Priells. Typically, men's professions in the theater is an illuminator, a scene worker, a materor, conductor.

Brief description of the activities of representatives of theater professions

About what theatrical actors do not need to speak. It is part in performances, speeches in front of the audience. The actor is similar to the top of theatrical iceberg. In the same place, in the visibility zone of the audience, there are director, artistic director of the theater, conductor and orchestra. The work of the remaining 80% of employees are not in sight. But it is whether they provide the possibility of receiving the audience in the building of the theater, performances of artists on the scene. So the employees of the scene are assembled and fasten the complex designs, scenes, scenery, elements of sounding and lighting systems. Decorators, sets and artists develop and embody the idea of \u200b\u200bregistration of productions. Most people cannot say than the merchandiser do, but in fact everyone knows that theatrical make-up artists, costumes, illuminators, details are doing.

Artist-director - one of the most creative professions in the theater

The scene connects its activities many theatrical professions. Directly working with the director, he embodies his idea, selects the forms and means of transmitting the idea of \u200b\u200bsetting. The scene comes the author's plan to designers of decorations, illuminators. He also collaborates with actors, suggesting them non-standard solutions on the images and heroes of the play. New horizons to implement ideas are opening up for talented leaders, such as designing scenes for concerts, performing new TV shows, clips, television programs, political television shows.

Types of theaters