What you need for the clan in minecraft. Bank Abstracts

What you need for the clan in minecraft. Bank Abstracts

With clans. Each player of our servers in the right to create your clan, but not everyone knows how to create a clan in minecraft, although there is nothing difficult in it. On servers to create your clan, a certain amount of gaming money is required, on our $ 5000, this is done so that the player who has just come to the server could not immediately create a clan, and played a little and comforted, learned, acquired friends and made money.

Let's go back to how to create a clan. Well, you gained the cherished amount of the game currency, proceed to the creation of the clan server. We write a command to chat / clan, look into chat and see that the server brought 2 commands

- team to create a clan
/ CLAN LIST - Show a list of all clans on the server
It means to create a clan write / Clan Create [Clana Name] everything! Now you know how to create a clan in minecraft, as you can see everything. Do you know how in Minecraft writing with colored letters?

How to make a clan colored in minecraft

Many have probably seen that the name of the clan is written with colored letters or simply color text, and how to make the clan colored in minecraft do not know. In fact, there is also nothing complicated here. The main thing you need to know as in minecraft to write with colored letters. When writing a color text on Minecraft servers, this symbol is used & to specify the color, letter or digit, for example, you want to write text in blue, take for example the word test, write so - & 1Test in this case & 1 is blue. Here is the most convenient table of minecraft colors, it will be easier for it to write with color letters.

I think everyone understands how to write with colored letters to minecraft, it means that we figured out the color name of the clan.

Having created the clan time to think of whom to call him, but for this you need to know how to invite a player to the clan. Only its creator can be invited to the clan, there are no other ways to join it. To send an invitation to the clan write
/ Slan Invite [Nick Player]
the request is sent and now everything depends whether the player will accept an invitation or not. Player whose invited will receive such a message.

/ Slan Accept - take an invitation to the clan
/ Slan Deny - abandon the invitation to the clan
After that you are available Chat Personal Messages Clan / CC Message

How to get out of the clan in minecraft

As I already wrote to get into the clan, you need to get an invitation from the Clan creator, and how to get out of the clan in minecraft? Yes, very simply by writing a command / CLAN LEAVE
/ CLAN LEAVE - leave the clan

How to remove clans in minecraft

How to remove the clan in minecraft and such a question does not rack, remove the clan only the Clane Claus, no one else has the right to remove it. To remove the clan We write the command / Clan Delete
/ Clan Delete - Clan Removal

All available clan commands

To view all commands / clan, the / clan command after creation gives more commands. than before creating the clan.
Teams available clan creators.
/ Clan Delete - Delete Clan
/ CLAN LEADER [Nick Player] - transfer the leader's leadership
/ CLAN INFO - information about the clan
/ CLAN Online - Who is online from the clan
/ Slan Invite [Nick Player] - Send an invitation to the clan
/ CLAN KICK [Nick Player] - expel player with clan
/ CLAN LIST - list of all server clans
/ CLAN LEAVE - Exit | clan
/ Clan Welcome [Message] - Greeting Clan.
/ CLAN TAG [name] - change the name of the clan
/ Clan Addmoder - Assign Clana Moderator
/ CLAN DELMODER - Delete moderator
/ clan msg - give an ad clan
/ CLAN SS [message] - message in chat clan

The clan moderator has access to all commands except deletion and destination of leadership.

Here's actually all, now you know how to create a clan in minecraft, how to make the name of the clan color, how to invite in the clan and how to get out of it.

To diversify gaming days, you can create your clan and continue the game, together with other characters. Being the head of the clan, you will arrange war, to conclude a truce, gain volunteers and much more.

How to create a clan in minecraft - server search

  • Not all servers are suitable for playing clans. The server should be with the "Survival" status and have clans plugin. This is usually indicated in the description. Go to any site with a list of clans and select the appropriate. Please note the server must match your version of the game.
  • You can check your version by running the launcher and looking at the left right corner, as in the screenshot below.

Clana Clana in minecraft

Once you have chosen the server with friends and settled on it, create a clan using the command:


  • After that, the clan is registered, and you will receive an alert in the chat.

Now, some new teams are available at the clan administrator rights. For example:

  • / Clan Roster - View a list of members of your clan. Every day, new players will arrive at you to always be aware of the composition, check the list of participants.
  • / Clan Ally Add / Remove Clana name - add / remove union clan. So you conclude a truce or challenge. Participants of the Allied Clans do not attack each other and do not destroy the construction.
  • / CLAN INVITE Player Name - Invite a player. Send an invitation to players, they, in turn, can accept it or refuse.
  • / CLAN TRUST The player's name is to establish a member status as "trusted".
    / CLAN Untrust The name of the player is to establish the status of a member "without trust".
    These two teams allow you to notify other players that in the clan may be inland. Or vice versa, indicate all players for a trial.

In your clan there will be your little life, and you will become a responsible person. After all, if you put everything on a self-shot - lose good allies and players.

And so, you came to play Minecraft online on our Minecraft servers with a launcher and mods, but you are bored to play one or you came to play with friends - in any case You can create your own clan in Minecraft And together develop on the server. Basic teams will be considered in this manual: work with players, binding territories to the clan, relationship type (alliance / enmity / neutrality) with other clans.

All commands will be carried out using the root / clan root (or / FACTIONS, / C, / F) if you gain this command without arguments - get a certificate for all the clan plug-in commands.

Clana Clana in Minecraft

Cland creation is a very important and responsible step: you must be materially ready for this, as well as define the name of the clan, since it is impossible to change it in the future.

Claus Cost - 9,999.00 . Platinum players have a discount 50%

Cland creation is carried out using sub-command / CLAN CREATE<название клана> However, you must take into account several conditions:

  1. The name of the clan must be of no more 32 characters
  2. The name of the clan must be unique and not be busy to another clan.
  3. You are a stubborn and dismissal person;)

You can also dissolve the clans using the / CLAN DELETE command, while the cost of creating a clan not refund, however, do you need it?

When performing all the conditions, you will receive a message to the chat on the successful clan creation. The clan is created on all servers of our project automatically.

And so, you are ready for a new responsibility ^. ^

Invitation of players in the clan

We have successfully created the clan in Minecraft, but what kind of clan without players? Let's fix this laughter;)

First of all, you must consider that the limit of players in 1 clan is 8 players

Invite a player in the clan you can use the / CLAN INVITE command<ник игрока> , wherein:

  1. The invited player must be on the server
  2. The invited player should not be in other people's clans
  3. The invited player cannot have his own clan
  4. The invited player should not be invited to another clan

After inviting the player will receive instructions in chat for failure / consent to enter your clan. All members of your clan will see alert about it.

You can also withdraw the invitation using the / CLAN REVOKE command<ник игрока> Or expel the member of the clan using the / CLAN DISBAND command<ник игрока>

Tie relationship with other clans in Minecraft

Each clan is a team of like-minded people and they should have connections with other people, like good and bad, right?

Please note that the limit on the number of relationships in 1 clan is 4 clans (You can expand by purchasing or a separate service c)

You can tie relations with another clan using the / Clan Relations command<тип отношения> <название клана> , conditions:

  1. You should not have any relationship now (if you want to change the type of relationship - first rupt them)
  2. The owner of the clan, with which the relationship is built should be on the server
  3. Clan with whom you build a relationship must confirm your initiative

After entering the command while all the conditions of the clan with which you will build a relationship will receive instructions to confirm your initiative.

In case of failure / confirmation, the members of your clan will receive an alert, the alert will receive the clan players with which you are building a relationship.

To break / change the type of relationship, you can use the / Clan Break command<название кланы> .

Similar to the conclusion of relationships, both clans must confirm their intentions to change / rupture relations.

Binding territories to the clan in Minecraft

The binding of the region gives special attributes: all members of the clan have full access to the region without the need to add players to the region.

Keep in mind that the limit on the number of regions in 1 clan is 2 regions (You can expand by purchasing or a separate service c)

To bind the territory to your clan, use the / CLAN REGION Add command<название региона> But:

  1. You must be the owner of the region
  2. Region should not be tied to another clan
  3. You must fulfill this team in the world where the desired region is

If the region is re-excited - you should remain the owner of the region (the owner of the clan).

You can use a similar command from the clan region from the clan - / Clan Region Del<название региона> .

Also supported multiserverness (on each server different regions)

The title of players in the clan

Do you want someone to invite players for you in the clan or you do not have the opportunity to keep the clan and you decided to transfer the clan to another player? For this exist titleThere are three types of titles in total:

You can only assign a new clan owner every 60 days

Use the / CLAN PROMOTE to enhance / lower the players<ник игрока> <тип звания> , wherein:

  1. Enhanced / downhole player must be on the server
  2. Your rights should be higher than the Rights of the Right / Low Player
  3. The owner of the clan can only be 1 person
  4. With increasing another player before the clan owner you automatically lower yourself to the clan member

After executing the command, all the clan participants will receive an alert.

Greeting Clan in Minecraft

Displayed at the entrance of the Clan participants to the server, it is necessary for the mass alerts of the participants of your clan

Greeting should be from 2 to 128 characters

You can change greeting using the / Clan Greeting command<текст> .

In order to write a message to the chat you should write a specific combination of characters before your post, example: #\u003e Message

Also in the total chat before your nickname add prefix with clan title

Information about the clan in Minecraft

To view the information about the desired clan, use the / CLAN INFO command

Are constantly improving and starting to understand what you already want to get to the top of the world of tanks?

If you are sure that you are already missing something in the random, then become a clan commander.

For this clan, you need to create and you will get the opportunity to capture the provinces.

So how to create a clan in the World of Tanks, what will you need to do so and what promises the player advantage?

Well, the future commanders of the clans, now you will learn everything!

From this article you will learn:


Create a clan in the World of Tanks game can any of the players. When it is created, you automatically become a commander of your own clan created.

To create it, you have to pay, as the operation refers to a paid and for this on your account must be the necessary amount of the game currency. However, this can be done free.

How? I will tell about it a little later. In the meantime, I propose to study the instructions - how to create a clan.

Instructions for creating a clan in the game World of Tanks

  1. On the main page of the official site, find "Create a clan", click.
  2. Enter the name of your clan.

As you can see everything. Therefore, in advance, come up with the name for the created clan and collect her composition from friends - originally they can be fifty. Congratulations, you are now commander!

Why do I need clans?

In fact, a lot of attention is paid to the clan clan component. The main actions of all clans are a global card with regular battles, a rather severe world in which it falls in the literal sense to survive.

Rotary battles are more likely to train, but large-scale battles for achieving goals occur on the global map.

In the World of Tanks there are several tens of thousands created clans, so it reigns a simple competition. Most players seek to get into the top 250 of the most successful and strong teams.

Therefore, it is important to know how to properly contain medium level clans.


So, the clan is created, now you should begin to prepare the statistics of your clan, which includes the study of all the possibilities of each fighter - various ratings (the effectiveness of the armored person, bend, and so on, WN7, WN6).

Making a thorough analysis, determine how many cards you will run in initially. This is the initial card database and its number should not exceed three instances.

In the first stages, debug the interaction system of clan fighters. Cut the maximum number of workouts.

You will still have time to fight, now it is important to learn everything, consider how they are sent in groups and one, where there are places of shelter, that is, learn the terrain and all the possibilities.

Having honed everything to perfection, you can think about further accession to the GC. Here, the players use the resource ivanerr, which allows for GC large-scale filtrations of territories suitable for your cards and prime time.

Also, the resource will help to identify, a strong or weak clan keeps a certain territory. You need to prepare a thorough plan of the offensive, after which you can start offensive.

All this will help in the polishing of your actions, and the composition of the clan will begin to gradually increase.

Over time, the command will become one player hard, but you can always hire good recruiters who will be engaged in the correct selection of the clan composition, to cut off unnecessary, in one word will benefit.

We can do with a recruiter when the composition of the fighters will reach 80 people.

Do not forget about the internal climate you have created by the clan, go out as often as possible with your participants in touch, take a discussion of internal problems, periodically arrange contests and create a group on a social network.

It is important to support the command spirit and rally all the fighters together!

Do not forget about the emblem!

Each clan has emblem. Create an emblem of the clan is quite simple. Why is it needed? This is the symbol of the combat fraternity you created, a recognizable image, which reflects the philosophy and all the values \u200b\u200bof the clan, which transfers information to your opponents and allies.

You can change it, also such an action available to your deputies. Clan emblem update on a global map occurs once every 24 hours.

Thus, you learned in a review how to create a clan in World of Tanks, as well as options for its promotion and support.

Create a clan is also completely realistic, for this you just need to use unique cheats on hacking the game (you can read in detail about them in the appropriate article on my blog).

This will provide an opportunity to get the required amount for you to create a clan.

Perform all instructions and you will quickly take an important niche among other applicants for the title of the most successful team.

Believe in what you do in your fighting friends! Only in this case you can achieve success, and Fortune will be an eternal companion. Successes!

A patch was released Now the mods need to be installed in the folder "RES_MODS \\ 1.4.0 \\" and "MODS \\ 1.4.0. \\". If after the update you stopped working mod, then simply transfer it to the folder "1.4.0". Some mods and builds of modes can be inoperable or working with bagas. In the near future, all non-working mods and build will be updated. Take care of patience and follow upgrades. If after updating the fashion / assembly you have no reason or crashes the client, download the script for cleaning the cache game and run it, the problem should decide.

Clana Clana in World of Tanks

Over the years, the World of Tanks, the World of Tanks has continued to be replenished with new fans and does not even think to slow down turnover in terms of popularity. To increase the interest and satisfaction of fans' requests, developers embodied the clan type of battle. As a result, players from all over the world have the opportunity to unite into the so-called clans in the playing space of a tank simulator to solve common goals and tasks.

Creating a successful and efficient clan is a difficult task that is only the present leader. To solve this problem, do not do without much desire, the ability to motivate and organize, as well as a considerable amount of the gaming currency. Therefore, before we take for the opening of the game community, you need to weigh all positive and negative moments, after which you can world of tanks how to create a video clan watch.

The procedure for creating a clan

To directly create a clan in the World of Tanks game, first of all, you need to visit your personal profile. The next step on the way to the cherished target is to press the "Create clan" item. After that, it is necessary to fill all the fields of the questionnaire. The founder of the clan should enter:

Original name;


Memorable motto;

Short description, characterizing the essence and objectives of the created game community.

The name of the clan will be constantly reflected in the achievements during their stay in the hangar. The tag is the face of the clan, so it should be selected with its maximum responsibility. It will be constantly high in battle and, therefore, represent the game community. It is recommended not to rush to the title, and as you should think. A good name should rush in the eyes and be interesting. It is not bad contributes to the process of pulling up other players in the clan of his motto. It is also reflected on the site and achievements, so it is also necessary to include fantasy for its creation. The description should indicate the purpose of the clan, its advantages, responsibilities of members

The clan creation service is paid, so you need to prepare a solid amount of the game currency in advance - 2500 gold. However, there is a more profitable way to create a WORLD OF TANKS clan for free. To do this, you need to use a special invite code and a discount on the creation of the clan. The final item is the "Create Clan" button, after which it is possible for an additional fee to change the color gamut of the community created, as well as add the emblem. It is desirable that the picture is in a certain extent combined with the title of the clan. The WORLD OF TANKS Clane emblem will create a beautiful person versed in special graphic programs.

Formation of a collective

After creating the clan, it is possible to safely begin such a responsible lesson as the reception of those who want to join. To form an effective team of like-minded people, do not do without recruitment. However, this is a tedious lesson for the Clan creator, especially if he has to perform all managerial functions. In the process of recruitment, the team is spent a lot of physical and psychological energy. Therefore, it is desirable to find faithful helpers who will deal with the solution of certain functions in the clan. To increase the efficiency of the recruitment, you can create a WORLD OF TANKS clan site, which will become the hallmark of the gaming community.

It is necessary to take into account the limit of players, which acts in each created game community. Therefore, you need to take only truly worthy candidates. A reconditioned member of the clan should be engaged in certain functions, and not just sit without a case. Before taking a candidate for a gaming community, it should be carefully checking it on whether it is suitable for all parameters and can it effectively play with other clan members. Based on this, a potential newcomer is desirable to arrange a check to determine its capabilities. A competent recruitment process will make it possible to form a strong command from reliable fighters from which you can successfully solve the various complexity of the task on the battlefield.

Responsibility of the head

The clan commander should not forget about his subordinates and constantly engage in the functioning of the game community. Communication with Clan members plays an important role. For an effective team game, do not do without a certain discipline. The game of the game, but without submission to the higher commanders it is impossible to successfully confront the opponent, and the atmosphere inside the team will resemble the Balagan. For the successful development of the clan, it is necessary to constantly fight and play. In the process of creating and managing the clan, his head should also be treated with tremendous patience. When a desire appears to spit on everything, you need to squeeze your teeth and not to tear the negative on the team. During the gameplay, communication with other people is formed and you can get at least virtual friends.