Triad white acacia bunch of fragrant. White acacia bunches fragrant

Triad white acacia bunch of fragrant. White acacia bunches fragrant
Triad white acacia bunch of fragrant. White acacia bunches fragrant

Very grateful for such a detailed and interesting post! We taught this old melody in the muschatum in the lessons of musical literature in the topic "Songs of the Revolution and Civil War", but with the reservation, that this is redone from the "Meshchansky Romance" by White Acacia. It is possible that it was even earlier, in a music school. So in my head he sat down as the revolutionary song already converted. "Boldly, we will go to battle for the power of the Soviets." But from the stylization of the Basner-Matusovsky, I was delighted with the very beginning. Very subtle and very precisely it is done. And Shenchina his sang very well. Yes, and I really liked the whole movie Basov. (The books then Bulgakov were not available, except for the "Master" in the journal, and with bills). In general, on the principles of identifying some popular songs, there were a lot of things ... We in the conservatory once my friend was pounding a whole course, however. Then she flew herself for it. Our "hot spirits" entered the conservatory usually after the army and special diligence throughout that the game did not touch the instrument. They did not differ and lectures often missed. And my friend, young more teacher, was a man and with character and with humor. On the exam on the history of music, there was a lot of things to guess or might in different topics
. And now imagine: Going to answer the first student, in itself is not very confident, with cribs, as it was found. He answered everything, and the teacher says: Well, you have an extra question extra. I'll send the song "Orlock". The guy was put on ... And now - he says, - Into the song "Kakhovka". The guy sings the same melody of Orlinka ... With the words of Kakhovka ... She :? "Go, learn" Two !!! "The following is asked first to sing Kakhovka ... That he sings." Now Orlinka is singing the words of Orlinka on the motive of Kakhovka. .. "Go! Two! "Panic started in the corridor, no one does not think anything ... In the conservatory, the story went instantly, laughed everything, except for those who fell ... Then the teacher of the rectorate made the rectokers for the top three ..
. Now this musicologist has long been a doctor of science and professor, and then I was a young teacher, but her students were afraid and the subject was taught. I loved her very much, although her character was hard, but since I was not easier, we were friends
And in the conclusion of the bike - the final. At some cell, unexpectedly jumped out of the Hall of the Duven Basicist right on the stage and he adjusted with the overestimation: "Stand at the door! Whose moan is heard? And there is no end to the moan ... This moan has a song with a song, then students will hand over IANBET!" (Inebet - her last name, she was the daughter of our Tatar famous playwright)
It was Herdus herself loudly to be wounded with louder, my echidaya, but a smart friend and a wonderful professional. And you smiles and good sets!

I wanted a whole night of the nightingale
The city was silent, and silent at home.

White acacia bunches fragrant
Night Nutritioned us crazy.
The garden is all washed was spring rains,
In dark ravines stood water.
God, what we were naive,
How young we were then!
Years were rushed, making us gray.
Where is the purity of these branches of living?
Only winter, yes this blizzard this white
Remind them today about them.
Per hour when the wind rages frantic,
With a new power I feel,
White acacia bunches fragrant
Non-return as my youth.
White acacia bunches fragrant
Unique as youth MOB.


The Night Drove US Crazy.
White Acacia Clusters of Fragrant
The Night Drove US Crazy.
The Entire Garden Was Washed by Spring Showers,
In Dark Ravines, There Was Water.
God, How Naive We Were
How Young We Were Thatn!
The Years Have Passed, Making Us Gray.
Where The Purity of these Branches Alive?
With the New Power I FEEL,
White Acacia Clusters of Fragrant
Done, As My Youth.
White Acacia Clusters of Fragrant
Unique as the Youth MOB.

Illustration from the Internet. Collage of Vladimir Pastukhov

Romance can be listened to the chamber-vocal ensemble of teachers on the page in the list of concert numbers, located after the "Favorites list".

Around the history of the creation of this romance still do not subscribe. Mikhail Matusovsky Is poems, music author Veniamin Basner or someone else? Shot in Romance Acacia whose: Odessa, Moscow, Kiev? There are many versions, but none withstands criticism.

Getting Started by the TV Film "Days of Turbines", Vladimir Basov turned to his beloved poet - Mikhail Matusovsky's songwriter with a request to write memorable words of Romance specifically for this film. Yes, they are still to emphasize the leitmotif of the mood of the heroes of the play Mikhail Bulgakov "The Days of Turbines" and in places His novel "Belaya Guard" so that the viewer immediately moved to the events of the Civil War and in the endless change of authorities of the authorities of the Multi-sharing Kiev City ...

Matusovsky suggested Basva one of the most beloved romances of the "White Acacia of the Brozda fragrant", which, born in the distant 1902, successfully survived several alterations of the text, lived before the October Revolution. The words of the original source are most likely written by the poet A. A. Pugachev and put on the music by composer A. Zorin (real name - A. M. Tsimbal).

For the first time, the words of this romance were published in 1902 in the Collection of "Gypsy Nights" without specifying the names of the authors of words and music, and therefore disputes on the authorship of this work still do not stop. In the summer of 1903, the St. Petersburg "Notoppy V. Bessel and Co." in the series "Gypsy songs N. P. Lutsenko" has already made a romance key "with vocal parties for the tenor and soprano" accompanied by piano.

Romance became increasingly popular. His text and notes were published with the subtitle "Famous Gypsy Romance in the editorial office of Varina and Music Processing Zorin," but still, remained unnamed.

During the First World War, the melody of the famous romance used the people, creating and completely replacing the text, the soldier's patriotic song, which began with such words:

Heard grandfathers - war
Throw your business in a hike
We boldly go to battle for
Russia Holy
And as one prison blood

Volunteers of the Army of the Tsarist General A. I. Denikin, converted and adding the plots of this song, made it by the anthem of his voluntary army, which in 1919 hung in the captured by them Kiev.

Its text with different words sang on different sides of the barricades, white, and red. Moreover, naturally, each on his own way.

I heard grandfathers - the war began to
Throw your business in a hike
We boldly go to battle
For power of tips
And as one die
In the fight for this.

Much time passed ... passed the Great Patriotic War. And only in the middle of the 70s, the authorities allowed the decreement of this "ideologically harmful" work. Vladimir Basov carefully read the work of Bulgakov "White Guard". The director penetrates his mood, unique atmosphere of the city. Then he turned to the poet M. Matusovsky.

Starting to shoot, V. Basov remembered that during the time when an action occurs in the film; There was a popular romance of "White Acacia borders of fragrant." Melody for all these years has changed beyond recognition. He became the march and rhythm of the romance, which is based on a revolutionary song "Boldly we will go into battle."

The director wanted the themes of these two songs to sound in the painting as a review, echo, as a distant memory of those years. The next birth of a new old romance began immediately after the top of the television film.

Once Lyudmila Shenchina arrived at the Dacha Veniamine Basner with a request to write a melody for her several new songs. The composer suggested her a new full version of the "White Acacia". Here is the first and fourth romance couplets.

Tiss night nightingale us
The city was silent and silent at home.

Night Nutritioned us crazy.

Per hour when the wind rages
I feel with the new force:

Non-return as my youth.

Since then, the triumphal march of the romance of the "White Acacia borders of fragrant" began throughout the country. In any corner of the then Fatherland, you could hear the sad and penetrating rows of the romance about youth and love, about the blooming acacia and the great city ... This romance has already experienced all of its creators and became truly popular.

The romance is set forth in a favorable for singing the tonality of Mi-Minor. The melody is very convenient for two voices: can be performed by a duet of female votes - soprano, alt, and also he sounds beautifully and performed by soprano and tenor. The most intuitive beauty of the melody is given almost intuitively adjusted during singing in the second voice in the sewing and widely and beautifully sounding sexts in the chorus.


Thank you very much for your feedback, Paul. This romance can be heard
There, I have on the page, performed by the teacher ensemble
Our child (Children's School of Art). This concert took place in the hall
Union of artists on Ohta (in St. Petersburg). There sounded not only this
romance. And not only in this St. Petersburg hall ... We kept more active
Concert activities. Your feedback brought me to the memories ...
that my gratitude and appreciation are you -

I walked the whole night of the nightingale
Romance from k / f "Days of turbine", 1976

Music V. Basner
The words M. Matusovsky

I wanted a whole night of the nightingale
The city was silent and silent at home ...
Night Nutritioned us crazy.

The garden is all washed was spring rains,
In dark ravines stood water.
God, what we were naive,
How young we were then!

Years rushed, having got us gray ...
Where is the purity of these branches of living?
Only winter yes blizzard this white
Remind them today about them.

Per hour when the wind rages frantically
I feel with the new force:
White acacia bunches fragrant
Non-return like youth my!
White acacia bunches fragrant
Unique, like my youth ...

From the songwriter of the 1990s

Created under the influence of the popular romance of the beginning of the 20th century "White Acacia Breast Decorate"<1902> Whole Night Nightingale U.S. whistling
Romance of K / F "Days of Turbin", 1976

Music V. Basner.
Words M. Matusovsky.

City Silent and Silent House ...
Acacia Clusters of Fragrant
Night Long We Demented.

The Garden Was Full Umyt Spring Rains,
In Dark Ravines Standing Water.

Years Have Flown, Gray US Making ...
Where The Purity of these Branches of the Living?
YES Only Winter Snowstorm This White
Today Resemble Them.

With Renewed Power, I FEEL:
Acacia Clusters of Fragrant
Unrecoverable, As My Youth!
Acacia Clusters of Fragrant
Unique, As My Youth ...

Songwriter of the 1990s