How damage returns after protection. Salt conspiracy

How damage returns after protection. Salt conspiracy

In this article, we will talk about how to return damage back to the one who made it. People who decide to send damage to a person should not forget that in magic there is a concept of a backstroke. This is inevitable retribution for the evil inflicted with the help of witchcraft rituals. Let's find out how to reflect the sent damage and direct it to the person who is the culprit of such exposure.

How does spoilage return

People who decide to harm their foe with the help of magic must remember that any negative act must come back. This is due to the law of conservation of energy or karma. As a rule, a person who wants to spoil damage turns to a magician for help. And he, not wanting to risk himself, transfers the retaliation to the customer. Now it is the sender, and not the magician, who will bear full responsibility for his deed.

If a victim of damage suspects that something is amiss and tries to return it with the help of special rituals, the customer expects a negative threefold. Depending on what exactly the impact was directed at, and what was its strength, the one who sent the damage is threatened with illness, loneliness, problems at work or even death.

In any case, the customer will suffer from his act more than the victim, unless, of course, this magical effect is removed in time.

Although the induced negativity itself always returns to the sender, there are also many rituals for returning the corruption.

If you suspect that you have been dealt a magical blow, you must act immediately. In order to get rid of the negative impact and return it to the customer, special ceremonies can be performed.

The main thing to remember when trying to return damage to the customer is in no case strive to harm him with the help of retaliatory magical influences. Otherwise, you will be just as responsible for your actions as he is.

How to ward off damage when lining

Any object can play the role of a lining: soil, salt, coals, drops of wax, needles, incomprehensible bundles or liquid. They usually don't show up just like that. If you notice such suspicious things at your doorstep, do not touch them. You need to carefully collect them with a broom and burn or throw them in the trash away from home.

Now you need to remove the damage and return it to the sender. Even if while nothing bothers you and life continues to go on as usual. If you do not react to the lining immediately, then it may be too late.

Having found suspicious objects at the front door or gate, you need to cross yourself twelve times and say:

After reading the conspiracy, you can remove the lining without touching it and without bringing it into the dwelling. All objects with which you touched it must also be thrown away or burned.

The rite of getting rid of the lining with a broom

It is usually used in cases where you see a suspicious object when leaving the house. You will need a broom, salt water, or an infusion of thistle.

When performing the ritual, proceed in this order:

  • Holding a broom with your left hand, read the words of the conspiracy:

Hello to you, trouble mother. I open the gate for you, but you can't enter the house because of something. So I'm not nice to you.

  • Go outside and close the front door or gate behind you. Gather up the lining with a broom and burn or bury in the wasteland.
  • Returning home, start cleaning your home. Take a good look at the room for other suspicious things, because there may be more than one lining.
  • Heat water and add salt to it. The solution must be very salty. You can also use herbal infusions for this rite, such as thistle, thyme or nettle.
  • Walk around the whole house clockwise, sprinkling the walls, every corner and door with salty solution, while reading this conspiracy:

During this ritual, windows and doors should be wide open so that negative energy can freely leave the house.

How to bring back salt and pepper spoilage

Very often, ill-wishers resort to spoilage made with salt and pepper. In this case, the victim can find these attributes of a magical ritual at his door or in his personal belongings. You need to remove such damage as quickly as possible, before it begins to act. To bring the negative back, perform such a ceremony.

For the ritual, it is necessary to draw water from three sources, for example, a river, a lake and a well. But do not use water from dirty stagnant bodies of water. Also take any pebble and proceed in this order:

  • Place the collected water in one vessel and throw a pebble there.
  • Then you need to light a candle and read such a conspiracy:
  • It is necessary to wash the place where the lining was found with charmed water. In this case, the stone must be left at your door for three days. During this time, it cannot be removed from its place.
  • After three days, the pebble must be taken to the place where you found it. The damage caused now has no power over you and will return to its sender.

How to return damage if you know the sender

If you are sure that a particular person has sent damage to you, you can return it with the help of such a ceremony.

  • Prepare a fresh homemade egg.
  • Roll out the whole body with this egg clockwise, while reading this conspiracy: I collect spoilage, put it in an egg! I return good luck, forget trouble!
  • After that, the egg must be placed under the door of the one who sent the damage. You can also think of another way to make the customer of the spoilage step over the egg. The main thing is not to allow an innocent person, one of his relatives or friends, to take this step.
  • After that, the egg must be broken and thrown into the toilet. In this case, the negative impact will go to its sender.

When performing rituals for the return of damage, you must be sure exactly who is to blame for this impact. If you return damage to an innocent person, then you yourself will become the customer of the damage and will be responsible for the evil caused.

How to return damage to the one who made it? This question excites the hearts of many victims of black magic. Nobody wants to face magic. This is why negative returns are common. The performer is always trying to ruin the life of another person. Therefore, it is necessary for him to return the negative back. Let him live with what he wished for another.

Will the damage caused by you return and how to return a strong evil eye - we will analyze these and many other questions in the article. Such information will be useful to people who, in one way or another, have encountered unpleasant life situations, suspecting that it is magic that has a part in them.

How to understand that something is wrong with you?

The evil eye can be returned - this is true, but initially you must clearly understand that this is the cause of your some troubles. It is much easier to immediately take the necessary measures than to suffer and suffer from the consequences later. Let's consider the most common signs that a person may have "problems":

  • for no reason, a person can suddenly start to get sick, although recently he was cheerful and happy;
  • thoughts are confused, insomnia appears;
  • there is not enough energy, the person is in a continuous depression.

If you notice such phenomena in yourself, it makes sense to think about how to return the damage to the offender back. Of course, you can ask the professionals to simply remove this "curse" from you, but you can also punish an evil person - return the negative back to him.

Professionals can perform rituals for the return of severe damage, but this does not mean that they cannot cope on their own. With enough faith and all the necessary ingredients, you will be able to overcome this disaster.

Determination of the performer of the ritual is an important point

In order to return the damage back, it is necessary to understand who could have caused it. Do not wait for the moment when the situation escalates and your health worsens. Returning damage to the one who sent it is a prerequisite in order to improve your condition. The main thing is to believe in the power of magic, and in the fact that it can help you. In this situation, it is necessary to get cleanings to remove damage with return. A magic love spell may have been brought by your close friend, who only carries a negative wish in your address. Sometimes it happens that a loved one brought curses on a person, after an ordinary quarrel. Most often, it is customary to use a lining. After all, the most difficult thing to look for lining is in the house. A dead chicken or a rusty fork is used as such attributes.

If you begin to notice that negative messages have been sent to you, then you should think about it and make one of two decisions. The first is to get rid of unpleasant magic entirely. The second is to carry out a ritual of removing damage with a return.

It is quite easy to return the damage to the one who made it. This requires finding a method that works best for you. For example, return spoilage to table salt or other options. You can either carry out a ritual at home on your own, allowing you to return the induced damage, or find a specialist who will do everything for you. It is important to remember the fact that it is necessary to search for a sorcerer rather carefully, because you may stumble upon a scammer who will not be able to return the damage to the customer, but will only take money for unfulfilled work.

If you believe the professionals, then the return of damage is considered a huge sin. You become no better than the one who brought negativity or evil eye on you. You also resort to the help of black magic, which will have negative consequences on you. It is easy to return damage to the one who did it, but getting rid of the consequences will be more difficult. But, on the other hand, the removal and return of severe damage are different concepts: you must clearly define for yourself whether you are ready to take such a sin on your soul.

In order to determine who sent magic to you, you can use several methods. The first is that you need to read a certain conspiracy. Its power will allow you to attract the performer. The second method is based on the call of otherworldly forces. It is the spirits that will bring you the culprit of the situation, and you can give back the damage. There are a large number of strong spoilage conspiracies with backtracking. You just need to choose the one that suits you best.

Before proceeding with the ritual, think carefully and understand the problem. Are you ready to punish the enemy in this way and give him everything back? How can such a ritual respond and how safe is it for loved ones? Will luck leave your family after the ceremony?

Nail ritual

Such a ceremony has long been especially popular among those who have long devoted their lives to magic. How is it unique and what is its peculiarity? Is it possible to carry out the ritual on your own? How to return damage back using a nail? If you are interested in this question, then you are on the right track. To return the damage back, you need to take a nail, and read a special hex on it.

“Whoever decided to harm me, I wish to give back the damage. I do not need black magic, because it completely destroys my life. I, the servant of God (name), use a nail to return damage to the enemy. A curse was sent to an ordinary person, and I ask you to return it to the offender. I am a victim to whom undeserved negativity was sent. Let him who sent him take him back. The Lord created us with equal rights. And I'm trying to return the negative with candles. I will only give back to the enemy what he sent me. Let him know who he sent the evil eye to. Let the negative return to the owner, who conjures on me. You know, Lord, I wish that the return blow could destroy the forces of evil. I want to cleanse myself, and return my former life. Amen".

These words have great power, so in the near future you will be able to give damage to the performer. Nobody thinks about who it is sent to, and the energy goes bad. Even the enemy should not take revenge with magic. You should always remember that there are two sides to the coin. Doing the right thing is the decision of someone who is faced with such a problem. Punish the magicians or hope that someday the magician will be punished? It's up to you to decide.

Ritual using wax

The answer to the question of how to return the damage back is quite simple. You need to prepare several ingredients.

  1. Dishes into which you want to draw clean water. Don't use tap water. It will be better if holy water is used.
  2. Wax. It is forbidden to use paraffin. There should be pure wax.

You can get rid of the negative impact and return it to the customer in a very simple way. First, melt the wax until it is liquid. Pour it in a small amount onto the water. In this case, be sure to read the following conspiracy:

“I pour out wax for one purpose. I wish the damage to return to the one who sent it to me, the servant of God (name). I do not want the negative to be present in my life. He only spoils her. I wish to remove the damage and give it to the witch as a boomerang. My blow will remove the forces of evil. I am someone who cannot be hurt without consequences. You, sorcerer, I return the blow, and I try to take it off myself. Amen".

This ritual will not only make the damage go to the one who brought it, but also point you to the performer of the ritual. You can return the negative to the enemy, only then you will not be any different from him. You can try to act smarter, and not stoop to the level of your enemy.

How will the offender manifest himself after the ritual? There is no single answer to this question. It all depends on how experienced the magician is causing damage. Everyone reacts to the hone in different ways: some come straight to the house, others torment them with calls. This is because damage comes to them very painfully. Such people are ready to do anything to get rid of the negative impact that they themselves have induced.

Summoning otherworldly forces

A very dangerous ritual. Especially for those who first encounter magic. It is highly discouraged to carry it out on your own. Here you need to clearly know the sequence of actions and the subtleties of the ceremony. It so happens that after the call of otherworldly forces, they remain in our world, which is a very bad sign. This ceremony will allow you to learn how to return the evil eye to the one who has the evil eye. This ritual is based on summoning devils. It is they who act as assistants, allowing you to give away the evil eye. You must prepare the old keys. Boil water and throw prepared keys into it. Now you need to read a special conspiracy.

“Whoever sent the evil eye on me, the servant of God (name), will have to deal with otherworldly forces. I wish to give what is mine after damage - as karma always comes back. I need to return my health, and never lose it again. Whom the otherworldly forces are now embracing, let all negativity be removed from that. Amen".

The ritual can even get rid of the sent obesity. Most often, in order to eliminate a rival, women send negativity to her, which spoils her appearance. They believe that in this way they will be able to return the husband from his mistress. If you return the evil eye, then you need to remember about your own protection. Since you are resorting to black magic, the consequences will be negative. That is why, before passing on the evil eye, it is important to put on protection from otherworldly forces. So you not only minimize the likelihood of energy damage, but also strengthen the ceremony itself, because your energy will be higher than usual.

Return of the negative to the lunar phase

Many are interested in the question of how to make the damage return to the customer. It's simple. Prepare a lunar calendar in which you mark the twenty-seventh lunar day. It is important to note that the removal of damage with return requires some preparation. You must remember that you should not consume alcohol and meat products seven days before the ritual. If you do not adhere to this requirement, then the moon will not give evil to the customer, because you ignored her requirements. To remove damage with a return, it is necessary that your aura is clean. You should not use profanity, communicate with people a lot, feel unpleasant emotions and treat everything negatively. All these factors only clog your energy, which will negatively affect the result.

After fasting, take raw meat and read the hex:

“I never knew how to say goodbye to negativity. And at some point, higher powers decided to save me from suffering. The dead never shed tears, and never regret what they did. Let the dead take upon themselves all the nagative that was sent to me, the servant of God (name). Let all illnesses and ill health disappear and never return. For a long time I have been looking for a way to give back the negative, and finally I found it. I adhered to a strict fast, and I ask the moon to help me fulfill my request to win back the corruption. Amen".

It is necessary to read the plot twice. After that, the meat must be buried at the intersection. After a few days, go to church and light a candle for the health of the one who sent the evil eye on you. Yes, it will be unpleasant, but the ritual requires it. This method will allow you to quickly return the negative back to the customer.

Salt disposal

You've probably heard that salt has some magical effects. In any case, it is often used in magic. This ceremony was created by Natalia Stepanova herself. In order to return spoilage through salt, you must use the following rite. Salt needs to be fried in a pan for about half an hour. After that, the salt is poured out under the first tree. Next, you must look at the night sky and count twenty-one stars. Look to heaven to help you pass on the evil eye to the one who made the evil eye. Salt is considered to be the most effective way to purify energy.

Now the questions about how to return the negative or how to give up the imposed damage must be completely resolved. Tatar methods will help you protect yourself from magical effects for a long time. With the help of a photo, it is easy to take pictures of the witchcraft sent to you, because you urgently need to restore the victim's energy. Otherwise, you can suffer quite a lot that even prayer will not be able to cope. It is necessary to understand not only the fact on whom the evil eye is being made, but also on whom it will return.

Before doing any occult mischief, I advise everyone to think about sin of corruption... Wanting to do badly to another, moreover, trying to conjure yourself, you yourself can find out all the "delights" of the state spoiled by witchcraft. and the return is not just words.

Moreover, there are special rituals that make it possible to return damage to the one who made it. And do not even think to amuse yourself with the hope that by turning to a witch or a sorcerer to target damage to the enemy, you remain safe, they say, the sorcerer does all this himself, and you have nothing to do with it. Nonsense. The sorcerer will take the blow away from himself, but from you - this is a question. In addition, there is a magic rule: the one who initiates it pays for the damage. And he pays not only with money!

Independent rituals for the return of damage

People commit different sins. But for black witchcraft, a grave guilt falls on a person, especially if the believer has taken on the sin of corruption. A place is never empty: because of you, someone suffers, but you too will suffer in due course.

  1. The first rite - reverse blow or return of damage

Pour salt into the pan so that the bottom is completely covered, draw a cross on salt across the entire surface of the bottom with a fork. 4 parts are formed, and in each of them also draw a cross. To do this: counterclockwise, starting from the bottom right. Then put the frying pan on the stove over very high heat and heat for 15 minutes.

During this time, stir the salt with a fork in a circle and say a witchcraft conspiracy to return spoilage: “As this salt is fried, so let it be fried (name). Go away, my illness, my sorrows, go away, envy, hatred, evil witchcraft, back to where you came from, to a slave (slave) (name). I do not burn salt, but my enemy. You did (did) to me, and I give it to you. Amen".

Then take the charmed salt and pour it out where the one who dirty tricks usually walks.

  1. The second rite of passage for the return of damage to the one who sent it

Take the liver of any animal and stick nine needles into it. Plugging in the first needle, say:
"This is for the one who was aiming with an eye!"

  • On the second needle, say: "This is the one who let the spoilage go!"
  • They say to the third needle: "This is for the one who has committed evil!"
  • On the fourth needle they say: "This needle will pierce the liver of my enemy!"
  • On the fifth needle they say: "This needle will press his tongue!"
  • On the sixth: "This needle will tame his evil thought!"
  • On the seventh they say: "Evil thought, return to it!"
  • On the eighth: "Mortal force, return to him!"
  • On the last, ninth needle, they say: "Black eye, close!"

Then this liver is wrapped in a clean sheet and buried in a dung heap or hidden near the dwelling of the one to whom the return of damage is intended.

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  1. Third rite to return damage to the customer

This is an old working method from village magic. Once upon a time, using it, witches were recognized.

Milk is poured into the pan, put on fire, and when bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the milk, each of them is stabbed with a knife, saying: “here in your eye”, “here in your head”, “here in your heart”, “here you are in the legs ", etc.

This is where visualization is required. This method of returning damage to your enemy is suitable for those who know how to create mental images and hold them for a sufficiently long time.

  1. Rite of the fourth on the return of witchcraft damage to its initiator

They put a pot of water on the stove, wait for the water to boil. Seven handfuls of salt are thrown into the boiling water, while for each handful they say: “As this water boils, so that you (the name of the one who caused the spoilage) boiled inside! Salt in your eyes! I spoil your body! Amen".

Rituals for returning damage to the one who made it guarantee that the offender will receive what he deserves. We will understand the issues of consequences and rituals of the successful return of evil.

In the article:

Consequences of return

Magic allows you to both harm and remove negative effects. But the consequences of revenge when removing damage will also affect the one who returned the curse.

What awaits the one who has done evil with the help of witchcraft? When getting rid of the negativity, what has been done returns to the enemy with a boomerang.

Some magical schools believe that both good and evil are given back three times the amount. The return of corruption is also witchcraft. To the instigator, he promises scandals, business problems, illness. But the enemy gets three times what he wished earlier. Not a single evil magical act goes unpunished.

Return of damage to the person who made the lining

represents conspiracy objects and things that are more often thrown at the entrance: (broken or bent), earth, salt, poppy, ash, candle wax, pepper. Even if a person does not notice the signs of evil, the likelihood of damage is high.


You cannot touch the lining with your hands - only with bags, a broom, gloves, which you then throw away or burn.

When foreign objects are noticed near the threshold, wicket or front door, they cross themselves twelve times and read:

The clear water descends like a rain to the earth, and again turns to the clear sky. As water flows in a circle, but to return to the sky, so the affairs of enemies do not touch me, but turn to them in life. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

Then they get rid of the find without touching it with their hands. They do not enter the housing, throw it away or burn it on the street.

If the lining is seen when leaving the house. Take a broom in your left hand, say:

Hello to you, trouble mother.
I open the gate for you
You can't enter the house because of something.
It means that I am not nice to you.

Go out the threshold, close the doors, sweep the lining in the bag. Leave the trash with a broom in a deserted place.

When you come back, do it. Prepare hot, very salty water. Infusion of juniper and thistle is boiled on it, and allowed to stand wrapped and covered with a lid for about half an hour.

Before starting the cleansing, the windows are wide open so that the negative can leave the room. The front door is also slightly opened.

When the salt infusion is ready, go around the house clockwise, sprinkle the walls, corners, windows and doorways with the words:

The devil is dashing, but evil devils, barefoot demons, go away from my hut, from the walls and corners, from the floor and roof, run away. Here you will find no honor, no place, no peace, but only pain, ailment, suffering, and it is dashing to know. Go to your house, to a demonic joke, to a bald mountain, to a black cave, into a deep ground and into a dark pool. Don't touch me, but don't touch honest people, don't mutilate, don't mutilate. Live and live at home, but don't remember this place. The rain is pouring down, the evil enemy disappears. Snow falls, evil falls asleep. My work is strong, my word is smooth. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

Return spoilage to salt or pepper

As you understand, detection near the threshold, in a purse or pockets of salt or pepper means a witchcraft attack. You need to remove the negative immediately, the faster the better.

To return the spoilage, you will need water from three different sources. For example, from a tap, in a body of water (a stream or river, but not a swamp or a dirty pond), from a well. She should wash the object or place where the lining was found. Any stone is also needed. It is good to find him on the banks of the river in the "safe" part of the city.

Water is poured into one container, a stone is thrown there. Light a candle and read over it:

Father is fire, and water is mother, the wind is bright, and the earth is damp! Help me, drive everything dashingly, turn back the passions and misfortunes of the owner. The stone lies in the water, has no spirit, does not know salt and pepper, does not take food, does not know sorrow and pain. Water flows from him, evil runs from my doorstep to the house of the bewitchment. My word has the power of the earth, the devil himself will not turn my work back. Amen.

They wash a threshold, a bag, a gate, clothes, in whose pockets spices are found. The stone must not be touched; it is left for three days near the doorstep of the house. If a person lives in a high-rise building, the stone may be thrown away. In this case, a pebble is placed between two entrance doors or from the inside of the entrance. After the specified time, they return it to where they took it.


Whether a person knows who has brought negativity or not, any successful ritual for bringing evil back.

Once delivered, use prayers and techniques for.

Conspiracies from enemies. Protecting ourselves and our home

If you feel envy behind your back, feel that they are trying to hinder you, often become a victim of gossip, then perhaps you have an enemy, and it may well be more than one. In this situation, you can always call on magic for help by reading a conspiracy from enemies. He will protect you from enemy intrigues and close the opportunity for them to harm you.

The action of a conspiracy from enemies can be very varied. Usually it comes back to the offenders in the same way that they did against you. A gossip may have a sore throat, an illness on the tongue. Anyone who hinders you at work will get into trouble with his own work, and he may even lose it. This is usually a mirror blow to the abuser.

Rules for counteracting your enemies

Having decided on magical actions, you can not worry about the sin of using magic. After all, you will not strike. Such rituals use the power of your enemy's evil, returning everything back to him, strengthening and multiplying. Actually, what he will receive in the end will depend on himself - stop doing evil and there will be nothing to return!

If you understand who the enemy is, it greatly simplifies matters. It is easier to find an antidote from an enemy who is clear and specific. But when the enemy is sneaky and secretive, then it is better to take comprehensive protection measures. This is the only way to completely neutralize yourself and protect your loved ones from the attacks of an evil person.

Be sure to follow this sequence! The protection is always put on after release from witchcraft intervention or rituals of retaliatory action, but in no case before them.

The ritual of return of evil is a boomerang for the villain!

Take a handful of seeds, wheat, or any grains that birds will happily peck at. Prepare your church candle and knife. This ritual belongs to applied home magic, therefore, it is done at any time, except Sunday, before sunset.

Light a candle first. Then pour the grains into a saucer and, reading the conspiracy from the enemies nine times, cross the grain crosswise with a knife. At the same time, try not to be angry with the enemy, although this is difficult to do, but think of him as something funny and insignificant.

Then go out to where there is a congestion of birds. For example, flocks of pigeons often live in city squares, the main thing is that the grains are quickly pecked up by flying wild birds.

  • Domestic chickens are not suitable for such a ritual! They do not fly and will not be able to help you perform the ritual correctly.

After you make a ritual to return evil to your enemy, protect your home from him. The main thing to remember is that protection is put after a conspiracy from the enemy. Protection acts like a cocoon, and, having made it before the conspiracy from the enemy, you will conserve, close in your shelter, but will not return your enemy his evil.

Enemy protection for home

Take three large needles, a handful of salt, and a church candle. Light a candle and, while uttering a few magic words, drive the needles into the crack on the doorstep of your house. The needles are driven in with the point up, two in the corners and one in the middle of the threshold. Drive the needles almost completely, so that it is invisible to everyone. Then sprinkle salt into the same crack.

After this ritual, you can follow the reactions of people entering your house. Those who do not have evil intentions towards you will calmly enter you and behave normally. But those who in their hearts carry evil intentions against you and are trying to harm you, either they will stop coming to you altogether, or I will hardly cross the threshold of your house and feel bad and uncomfortable in it. Often, after this ritual, an evil person, even approaching your doorstep, will try to refuse to cross it, every step will be given to him by a needle in his legs.

  • Important! Remember to keep these activities under wraps. After all, for every witchcraft there is an antidote. And if the enemy finds out about your method of protection, he will be able to find his own opposition to him.

If you feel that your friend or colleague is harboring anger at you, doing dirty tricks on you, trying to harm you in every possible way in business, then you can use the protection with the help of the Bible against such an enemy. This method is good in that it fetters your enemy, as if locking him in a prison cell alone with his anger.

For this ritual, you need to get a photograph of this person. In the age of free access to cameras, this is very easy to do. You can even secretly take a photo with your phone and then print the image. Just try to make the photo single. Otherwise, you will close a completely innocent person in a cocoon of evil, and he may suffer. This will already be done evil on your part, but you are not pursuing this goal!

So! A photograph of your enemy must be placed between the pages of the Bible, in the Psalter, where Psalm 108 is located. Among the Psalms of David, this one is intended by the church to curse Judas and his sin - betrayal. The psalm has great power of vengeance against our enemies. When attaching a photo, read this Psalm and leave the photo there for a long time. Repeat this action every day, and the Forces of the Lord will deal with the evil of your enemy.

  • When you use rituals, the action of which is the return of evil, try not to forget to put protection on yourself and your home. This is necessary for the reason that your enemy may also resort to a return action ritual or even use the power of a master. As a rule, the protection put in becomes an obstacle to them in business, and your enemy will only have to howl in impotent rage, disentangling his own evil.
  • If you find that your enemy is using strong sorcery against you, then it is better to turn to a strong master. He will be able to disarm him more professionally.
  • But the main! Never do evil rituals. It can become a weapon against yourself. In the fight against the enemy, rituals of return are used.

How can you return damage to the one who made it

How to return damage to the one who made it? This question excites the hearts of many victims of black magic. Nobody wants to face magic. This is why negative returns are common. The performer is always trying to ruin the life of another person. Therefore, it is necessary for him to return the negative back. Let him live with what he wished for another.

How to return damage to the one who made it

Will the damage caused by you return and how to return a strong evil eye - we will analyze these and many other questions in the article. Such information will be useful to people who, in one way or another, have encountered unpleasant life situations, suspecting that it is magic that has a part in them.

How to understand that something is wrong with you?

The evil eye can be returned - this is true, but initially you must clearly understand that this is the cause of your some troubles. It is much easier to immediately take the necessary measures than to suffer and suffer from the consequences later. Let's consider the most common signs that a person may have "problems":

  • for no reason, a person can suddenly start to get sick, although recently he was cheerful and happy;
  • thoughts are confused, insomnia appears;
  • there is not enough energy, the person is in a continuous depression.

If you notice such phenomena in yourself, it makes sense to think about how to return the damage to the offender back. Of course, you can ask the professionals to simply remove this "curse" from you, but you can also punish an evil person - return the negative back to him.

Professionals can perform rituals for the return of severe damage, but this does not mean that they cannot cope on their own. With enough faith and all the necessary ingredients, you will be able to overcome this disaster.

Determination of the performer of the ritual is an important point

In order to return the damage back, it is necessary to understand who could have caused it. Do not wait for the moment when the situation escalates and your health worsens. Returning damage to the one who sent it is a prerequisite in order to improve your condition. The main thing is to believe in the power of magic, and in the fact that it can help you. In this situation, it is necessary to get cleanings to remove damage with return. A magic love spell may have been brought by your close friend, who only carries a negative wish in your address. Sometimes it happens that a loved one brought curses on a person, after an ordinary quarrel. Most often, it is customary to use a lining. After all, the most difficult thing to look for lining is in the house. A dead chicken or a rusty fork is used as such attributes.

If you begin to notice that negative messages have been sent to you, then you should think about it and make one of two decisions. The first is to get rid of unpleasant magic entirely. The second is to carry out a ritual of removing damage with a return.

It is quite easy to return the damage to the one who made it. This requires finding a method that works best for you. For example, return spoilage to table salt or other options. You can either carry out a ritual at home on your own, allowing you to return the induced damage, or find a specialist who will do everything for you. It is important to remember the fact that it is necessary to search for a sorcerer rather carefully, because you may stumble upon a scammer who will not be able to return the damage to the customer, but will only take money for unfulfilled work.

If you believe the professionals, then the return of damage is considered a huge sin. You become no better than the one who brought negativity or evil eye on you. You also resort to the help of black magic, which will have negative consequences on you. It is easy to return damage to the one who did it, but getting rid of the consequences will be more difficult. But, on the other hand, the removal and return of severe damage are different concepts: you must clearly define for yourself whether you are ready to take such a sin on your soul.

In order to determine who sent magic to you, you can use several methods. The first is that you need to read a certain conspiracy. Its power will allow you to attract the performer. The second method is based on the call of otherworldly forces. It is the spirits that will bring you the culprit of the situation, and you can give back the damage. There are a large number of strong spoilage conspiracies with backtracking. You just need to choose the one that suits you best.

Before proceeding with the ritual, think carefully and understand the problem. Are you ready to punish the enemy in this way and give him everything back? How can such a ritual respond and how safe is it for loved ones? Will luck leave your family after the ceremony?

Nail ritual

Such a ceremony has long been especially popular among those who have long devoted their lives to magic. How is it unique and what is its peculiarity? Is it possible to carry out the ritual on your own? How to return damage back using a nail? If you are interested in this question, then you are on the right track. To return the damage back, you need to take a nail, and read a special hex on it.

“Whoever decided to harm me, I wish to give back the damage. I do not need black magic, because it completely destroys my life. I, the servant of God (name), use a nail to return damage to the enemy. A curse was sent to an ordinary person, and I ask you to return it to the offender. I am a victim to whom undeserved negativity was sent. Let him who sent him take him back. The Lord created us with equal rights. And I'm trying to return the negative with candles. I will only give back to the enemy what he sent me. Let him know who he sent the evil eye to. Let the negative return to the owner, who conjures on me. You know, Lord, I wish that the return blow could destroy the forces of evil. I want to cleanse myself, and return my former life. Amen".

These words have great power, so in the near future you will be able to give damage to the performer. Nobody thinks about who it is sent to, and the energy goes bad. Even the enemy should not take revenge with magic. You should always remember that there are two sides to the coin. Doing the right thing is the decision of someone who is faced with such a problem. Punish the magicians or hope that someday the magician will be punished? It's up to you to decide.

Ritual using wax

The answer to the question of how to return the damage back is quite simple. You need to prepare several ingredients.

  1. Dishes into which you want to draw clean water. Don't use tap water. It will be better if holy water is used.
  2. Wax. It is forbidden to use paraffin. There should be pure wax.

You can get rid of the negative impact and return it to the customer in a very simple way. First, melt the wax until it is liquid. Pour it in a small amount onto the water. In this case, be sure to read the following conspiracy:

“I pour out wax for one purpose. I wish the damage to return to the one who sent it to me, the servant of God (name). I do not want the negative to be present in my life. He only spoils her. I wish to remove the damage and give it to the witch as a boomerang. My blow will remove the forces of evil. I am someone who cannot be hurt without consequences. You, sorcerer, I return the blow, and I try to take it off myself. Amen".

This ritual will not only make the damage go to the one who brought it, but also point you to the performer of the ritual. You can return the negative to the enemy, only then you will not be any different from him. You can try to act smarter, and not stoop to the level of your enemy.

How will the offender manifest himself after the ritual? There is no single answer to this question. It all depends on how experienced the magician is causing damage. Everyone reacts to the hone in different ways: some come straight to the house, others torment them with calls. This is because damage comes to them very painfully. Such people are ready to do anything to get rid of the negative impact that they themselves have induced.

Summoning otherworldly forces

A very dangerous ritual. Especially for those who first encounter magic. It is highly discouraged to carry it out on your own. Here you need to clearly know the sequence of actions and the subtleties of the ceremony. It so happens that after the call of otherworldly forces, they remain in our world, which is a very bad sign. This ceremony will allow you to learn how to return the evil eye to the one who has the evil eye. This ritual is based on summoning devils. It is they who act as assistants, allowing you to give away the evil eye. You must prepare the old keys. Boil water and throw prepared keys into it. Now you need to read a special conspiracy.

“Whoever sent the evil eye on me, the servant of God (name), will have to deal with otherworldly forces. I wish to give what is mine after damage - as karma always comes back. I need to return my health, and never lose it again. Whom the otherworldly forces are now embracing, let all negativity be removed from that. Amen".

The ritual can even get rid of the sent obesity. Most often, in order to eliminate a rival, women send negativity to her, which spoils her appearance. They believe that in this way they will be able to return the husband from his mistress. If you return the evil eye, then you need to remember about your own protection. Since you are resorting to black magic, the consequences will be negative. That is why, before passing on the evil eye, it is important to put on protection from otherworldly forces. So you not only minimize the likelihood of energy damage, but also strengthen the ceremony itself, because your energy will be higher than usual.

Return of the negative to the lunar phase

Many are interested in the question of how to make the damage return to the customer. It's simple. Prepare a lunar calendar in which you mark the twenty-seventh lunar day. It is important to note that the removal of damage with return requires some preparation. You must remember that you should not consume alcohol and meat products seven days before the ritual. If you do not adhere to this requirement, then the moon will not give evil to the customer, because you ignored her requirements. To remove damage with a return, it is necessary that your aura is clean. You should not use profanity, communicate with people a lot, feel unpleasant emotions and treat everything negatively. All these factors only clog your energy, which will negatively affect the result.

After fasting, take raw meat and read the hex:

“I never knew how to say goodbye to negativity. And at some point, higher powers decided to save me from suffering. The dead never shed tears, and never regret what they did. Let the dead take upon themselves all the nagative that was sent to me, the servant of God (name). Let all illnesses and ill health disappear and never return. For a long time I have been looking for a way to give back the negative, and finally I found it. I adhered to a strict fast, and I ask the moon to help me fulfill my request to win back the corruption. Amen".

It is necessary to read the plot twice. After that, the meat must be buried at the intersection. After a few days, go to church and light a candle for the health of the one who sent the evil eye on you. Yes, it will be unpleasant, but the ritual requires it. This method will allow you to quickly return the negative back to the customer.

Salt disposal

You've probably heard that salt has some magical effects. In any case, it is often used in magic. This ceremony was created by Natalia Stepanova herself. In order to return spoilage through salt, you must use the following rite. Salt needs to be fried in a pan for about half an hour. After that, the salt is poured out under the first tree. Next, you must look at the night sky and count twenty-one stars. Look to heaven to help you pass on the evil eye to the one who made the evil eye. Salt is considered to be the most effective way to purify energy.

Now the questions about how to return the negative or how to give up the imposed damage must be completely resolved. Tatar methods will help you protect yourself from magical effects for a long time. With the help of a photo, it is easy to take pictures of the witchcraft sent to you, because you urgently need to restore the victim's energy. Otherwise, you can suffer quite a lot that even prayer will not be able to cope. It is necessary to understand not only the fact on whom the evil eye is being made, but also on whom it will return.

Be prepared for anything. Tips from a Romanian medium.