Leaders in the children's team and educational work with them. Experimental study of the image of the leader from senior schoolchildren

Leaders in the children's team and educational work with them. Experimental study of the image of the leader from senior schoolchildren
Leaders in the children's team and educational work with them. Experimental study of the image of the leader from senior schoolchildren

If you need to find not just a managerial, but a leader. What criteria to evaluate applicants? Use a list of 8 leadership qualities. See, whether they have a candidate.

"On the eyes" to determine whether there is a leader's challenge in the candidate, perhaps even the most experienced selection specialist. To understand how much the applicant is not just a good manager, but also a bright charismatic character who can lead the team, analyze the experience. Ask specific examples of achievements, offer a candidate to solve cases and tests. Explore whether the applicant has leadership qualities.

1. For the leader, the desire to develop stronger fear of failure

Leaders have a steady ratio of sensations, motives and desires. As a rule, the motives coincide with desires, and this Union submits the power of sensations. In other words, if a person has a motive to try a new one, then it will definitely want to independently implement a non-standard idea. The feeling that this lacks skills and experience, will not stop the leader. Azart is stronger than fear, the risk is not terrible. Is it true so, you can assume by studying the resume of a person with obvious leaderscam.

2. This leader does not accept non-free, even if it promises wealth

This is in mind, first of all, internal non-free. This leader seeks to do something and in his own way, he is not interested in following stereotypes. He wants to make decisions and make a choice without regard to the rules and norms adopted in business and society. If such a person is driven into the framework, forced to observe the rules, it will begin to destroy himself. Consider: an entrepreneur who once developed his business, hardly be able to work by the employee.

3. In emergency situations, the leader can concentrate and act

This leader, being in a difficult situation, does not fall into a stupor, does not lose the gift of speech and self-control, and on the contrary, collects all his strength in a fist and begins to look for ways to solve an acceptable way out of the situation. To identify whether the applicant is really endowed with such qualities it is not so difficult: talk on an interview with him that he did in the same place of work, with what difficulties I came across and how they coped with them, or give a case that simulates such difficulties, and observe how It will respond to a difficult situation and what decisions will be.

4. The meaning of life leader sees in order to act, develop a new

Even if a person does not need to make a living, he will not sit without a matter. Work, participation in the implementation of interesting projects, the excitement and spirit of adventurism fill the life of a person leader. From this he enjoys and joy. And if you ask a candidate with leader qualities, why he works, he will say, first of all, that he wants to issue new products, to benefit people, to invent.

5. The leader has no fear of dependence on other people

The leader understands what works with people, and not alone. And the fact that the project is, the greater the number of employees he has to motivate and inspire, lead. It does not stop the leader. He is not afraid to take responsibility, although it allows that not everyone becomes his true followers. The ability to make a mistake in people is perceived as a circumstance that is inevitable and which must be overcome.

What is the leader's candidate different from the candidate manager?

6. The leader has the ability to be a big child, follow their dreams

The child is in the sense that to be able to sincerely rejoice and sadness, to show genuine emotions, to get involved, light up the idea, to embody her with excitement. It is necessary to be successful, persistently strive to achieve its goals. Most often, people, matured, refuse their youthful purposes, consider them unattainable and retreat.

7. The leader understands what to learn to effectively manage

In other words, the leader, even very charismatic, understands that, perhaps, he is not the best managers (this often happens). And, it means, aware of what should learn the skills of effective leadership team. If the leader becomes an excellent manager, then its effectiveness will be very high! Fortunately, charismatic leader can be trained in control. But if a good managerial has no leadership qualities and charisma, then it is impossible to work out.

8. The leader knows what he wants, and does it

In general, the real leader is able to hear himself, neglecting, as Steve Jobs said, outsided noises. Under such noises, the famous Apple CEO understood other people's goals and expectations. Do not try to achieve these goals and meet expectations. This leader knows what is capable of developing himself in the right direction and does not spend strength and time to justify other people's expectations.


Expert comments

To live in times, changes are not only difficult, but also useful. The stories of companies who survived the world or local economic crisis have always become legends that carefully studied in universities and on which books wrote for generations. And the leader often stands for this success, which, thanks to his personal and professional skills, steps could take steps, not always standard, which lead to stability in difficult times, and even to prosperity.

The leader cannot do rampant rapid steps, but also does not have the right to remain aside, to be lackless and irresponsible. It is for decisive and confident leaders who show actions of their involvement and proactivity, will always be a mountain to stand his team, "together in illness and in health." After all, only a person who inspires hope may behave (quoting Napoleon). And the leader will always be faithful to his idea to complete victory.

Elena Pnovskaya,


Personnel Executive Recruitment

Leadership is a situational function. There is no one single model to which the leader would have to resort all the time. There are no clear concepts that is correct for the leader, but what is not. It works only what works for this environment.

When working in groups, we tried to allocate, which qualities should have the leader. And, about the news, each of us saw the leader in its own way))). Our group considered that this manager should have such qualities, sharing:

  • Charisma - here includes such concepts as inspiring, encourage, lead, motivate on new goals and lead to victory. Those. This is something intangible, emotional and irrational, affecting the rise and efficiency of the environment.
  • Responsibility - For our group, this concept is not just a list of duties. This understanding is that the leader guarantees reliability and safety to its surrounding, with understanding relates to every problem.
  • Innovation (Creativity) - In any business, it is important not easy to take your niche, it is important to bring something new, it is possible to improve, optimize, change, adjust, see the ordinary under a different angle, ideally - change the world))).
  • Strategic thinking - without an understanding of the direction of development, it is generally difficult to come somewhere and develop a business. A good leader sees the goal at least two steps forward.
  • Orientation for society - we counted that any successful business should be socially oriented. Now, which is a component of any business is not just a desire to earn money (yes, such a banal)), but also the need to enrich the society useful ideas, allow it to develop more environmentally friendly.

I repeat, there are no permanent models of leadership, it all depends on the situation, groups, the number of people assembled around the leader, time and place, the style of the leadership. Perhaps something else. The topic is very interesting and multifaceted, we will understand together.

Natalia Klimenko

HR Business Partner.

: codica.

Many thanks to the author for such an interesting approach. It helps to look at the leader from different angles. But, it seems to me that clause number 1 and No. 3 can be complementary. I want to add such skills as flexibility and customer focus.

Flexibility - Does not fit under all surrounding and easy to sail. I mean, you need to be able to keep up with the times, constantly working on yourself, adapt to innovation, be able to use new interesting things, apply acquired skills in practice. Without personal growth and great work on oneself, it is impossible to achieve the desired, qualitative results.

Also, not the last place takes the ability to be flexible with your interlocutor. And it does not matter who he is: business partner, director, colleague, just familiar. This leader should not answer aggression on aggression, play "who will shift whom." This leader quickly adapts to such a situation and can balance it, smooth, send to a constructive dialogue and build even with the most complex opponent's partnerships. Only, he will be able to get the desired result. The leader does not have 100% categorical, he always sees in advance and analyzes all possible options.

Customer orientation - This is the ability to hear not only yourself, the ability to see the request and the needs of others, the ability to be a partner in any way. I put in this concept as a correct attitude, care, ethical behavior to all others, regardless of their status and position in society.

Only a positive, open person, a person who respects not only herself, but others can earn trust and respect for themselves and be a real leader in everything.

Alyona Duraeva

HR Business Partner

company "MAX LOGISTIC"

There is a theory that in any organization only 20% of employees are leaders, and the remaining 80% is not. On the one hand, this is good, because If all were leaders, then who would work then? But on the other hand, today, it seems to me, there are not these 20% of leaders in each organization.

At the moment, I'm just engaged in search of this leader manager, a person with charisma and all the most qualities that can strengthen the company's success. Perhaps my ideas regarding leadership qualities in demand today will be useful to colleagues.

So, above all, in my opinion, the leader is distinguished by the resistance of the spirit or character. The leader is a person who does not change his beliefs or goals (not to be confused with the recognition of the wrongness). This is a person who throughout his life demonstrates confidence in any situations, and it is almost impossible to knock out from the "Saddle of Confidence". It is difficult to follow the leader, whose domestic funds are changing the wind blowing or in the midst of a stressful situation, which just requires a manifestation of character.

Charismatic, creativity, uniqueness. I want to quote the American expert on the leadership of John Maxwell: "To become a charismatic leader, you need to possess charisma. However, many people think that charisma is given or not given to a person, if he is deprived of her, he is not given. Charisma is the ability to attract people to themselves, it can be developed. To turn into a person who attracts others to himself, you must: Love life, put a five person to each person, give people hope, share yourself and their advantages. " In particular, I agree that it is impossible to be the leader, without having a creative start.

It is impossible to be the leader without ability to see solutions, Be a strategist. The ability to use your knowledge, experience, the worldship and the ability to be one step ahead makes the leader of the flagship of new ideas and promotion.

To the first paragraph of the author of the article "On 8 qualities of the leader", I would also add ability to self-development. Try new, yes, but constantly working on yourself, its skills, qualities - this is what is also, in my opinion, distinguishes the leader.

The leader is able to admit Its incompetence in any matters can trust people and is not afraid that someone smarter than him. The leader knows how to admit his mistakes, talking about them directly, without shifting responsibility. It not afraid to take complex or unpopular solutions.

The leader must have high communicative skills.After all, in order to achieve the goals of the organization or their personal alone, not to cope and, accordingly, you must be able to establish contact with people, be able to convince and listen.

Everyone who works with the leader must feel it dedication / firm / idea. Only a person, passionately in love with his business or an idea, can convince others to go behind him. But if a specialist is non-compressed, it will be difficult for him to convince the team among passionate speeches alone.

In my opinion, the leader is also a person who does not stand up for gifts, but manifesting the initiative to get them. This is a person who can make decisions. Man - Star!

Based on the foregoing, you understand that it is not so easy to find an employee who is managers with this is a considerable list of mandatory competencies. But, if you are lucky to meet it / find / relocate, it will bring considerable dividends to everyone - the company, team and the leader himself! The main thing is that the exchange with it was equivalent!

Julia Istapenko,

Head of the Department of Personnel and Communications

Group of Companies "Riviera"

You are a successful head and competent manager, your team works as a whole, one for everyone, and all for one. Sure? Or maybe the team is not for you, but for those who are in psychology called the informal leader?

Ruzvelt also said: "The leader leads for himself, and the boss is controlled." Let's try to figure it out, is it, and understand who is such an informal leader (NL), how to calculate it, what are the informal leaders and how to cooperate with them.

There are no cases when informal leadership generates endless squabbles, conflicts and bundle of the team on the warring groupings. The dragging of the rope between the head and the informal leader may seriously affect the productivity and psychological climate in the team.

Who is such an informal leader

In order not to be immersed in complex psychological terms, explain simply. The boss on the leading position is appointed. An informal leader can be both a junior specialist and middle manager.

Here the main thing is not a post, but a set of personal qualities, life experience and authority.

Leading players are in all spheres of activity. After all, each team is a mini society. And the society needs to go for someone. And in this situation, the authority of the personality is stronger than the authority of positions. Every manager is important to know and understand how to cooperate and generally coexist with NL.

To begin with, determine who it is.

How to calculate the informal leader

The most accurate way to determine the NL is a sociometric test. Remember, have these psychologists in schools? If you can invite a specialist and spend testing, then analyze yourself:

  • who is more common to communicate employees on non-working issues;
  • to whom they turn to the professional council;
  • who voiced the causes of discontent in the team;
  • who makes new offers and ideas.

Surely when drawing up plans, a discussion of innovations, someone from the subordinates expressed a general opinion, more often than others asked questions or played by the instigator. Take a look at this person and the manner of his behavior with colleagues.

There are two styles: constructive and destructive. In the first case, the informal leader generates ideas, organizes the workflow and motivates colleagues, in the second - embeds the disorder and creates conflict situations.

It is important to establish a partnership relationship with constructive, because its activities are in favor of both the department and business. With destructive harder, but also its energy can be controlled. The main thing is to recognize the true motives of leadership: the desire of power, the desire to self-realize. When you understand that you drive this employee, you will know what to do.

6 types of informal leaders

The competent leader is able and manage subordinate, and build trust with different informal leaders. The description below will help correctly identify NL and understand how to act.

1. Innovator

Emotional and creative. His ideas are original. This informal is able to give energy in the team and move stereotypical approaches towards innovation. If he does not find support or faces criticism - quickly lowers hands, like any creative person.

How to use it

  • Advance with him when the business needs a sip of fresh air. The team is ready to follow the innovators and embody their ideas to life. Perhaps, such innovations will stand another twice of the company's success.
  • This type receives satisfaction from the search and introduction of the new one. Each brainstorming in your team must pass with participation, and better under the leadership of the inn.
  • Emotional bursts in the behavior of this person will help barbing problems in the team. Use this signal to solve troubles on time and neutralize discontent among subordinates.

2. Coordinator

Business and organized. Ready to plan work and clearly coordinate processes. He has reasoned answers to all questions, so in the team he enjoys great authority. And some may even be afraid of the dry nature of the coordinator.

How to use it

  • Tell the business leader organizing work - he will be happy to perform it.
  • Make the coordinator with your right hand. You can safely entrust part of your controlling responsibilities for this type. Legalize his power with increasing and make a partner.
  • Use the authority of the coordinator to earn a pair of points in the eyes of employees and for yourself. It can be your voice or preacher of unpopular solutions.

3. Gray Cardinal

Lives in the shadow of the head. But at the same time knows everything: who has been burning Deadlins, who recently quarreled with her husband (or wife), and who is looking for a new job. But this information cardinal is not collecting for woven in the smoking room.

How to use it

  • Learn useful information to be aware of the internal processes in the team.
  • Be careful: Gray Cardinals affect the chief himself. Therefore, even competent advice is analyzed.
  • Respect the gray cardinal and let him feel it. Then he will not play against you.
  • Cardinal will never be responsible for the decisions taken by you. Even if he influenced it.

4. Revolutionary

Buntar and criticism. One who stands at the head of the mood of discontent in the team. He does not like anything. The revolutionary expresses that not so, but does not offer how to fix it. This type can cause conflicts and the formation of warrant groups.

How to use it

  • Offer the revolutionary to solve the problem, and not just shaking the air. Most likely, it will put it in a dead end. And those members of the team who go beyond him will help to understand that NL SILL only in words.
  • Direct the rusty energy of the revolutionar on social activities.
  • Instruct additional projects or transfer to another department where contacts with colleagues are minimal.
  • If these steps will not help, and conflicts will continue, the output one is to enter fines or dismiss the rebar.

5. Veschak

About such people say "Soul Company". The team goes after him, because he is charming and not bored with him. Under light and relaxed leadership, employees are ready to fulfill even monotonous work.

How to use it

  • Collaborate on equal. After all, in the eyes of subordinates, he is his own.
  • Transfer some of the challenging tasks through a merchant, assign it to the project manager.
  • Determine such a NL to work with newcomers. Then the adaptation process will be faster.
  • Meschak creates a comfortable atmosphere in the department. Tell him to come up with joint leisure for colleagues. Events outside the office - his horse.

6. Crisis Manager

This is a situational leader. He may not be able to manifest himself in daily work, but at force majeures it is quickly oriented and make decisions.

How to use it

  • Let me show yourself in stressful situations. Tell me right: "Now you are the main!"
  • According to the results, appreciate the work of the crisis manager and thank with the rest of the team.
  • Promotion is an important factor for NL. But you need to praise when it really is for what.


Collaborate with an informal leader and try to make it an ally. Do not be afraid of the appearance of NL. Analyze his personality, competence, authority and determine what qualities you miss.

Perhaps theodore Roosevelt rights and your main task as a boss - to manage? Use the leadership of colleagues to benefit business. And then success will not be around the corner!

In the new team, it is important to quickly deal with who there is someone to build a faithful behavior line and prevent mistakes, because they are so rarely forgiven beginners. To begin, of course, it follows from the head, and not from the tail, so the task of determining the leader in the team becomes the priority and urgent. We are talking about all groups without exception, starting with the school class and ending with the staff of employees. The difference between the leader from the leader is that the first manages, and the second leads, so do not pay attention to the posts and ranks. This does not mean that it is not necessary to observe subordination, just remember that posts do not always reflect the real state of affairs.

"Management is the art of doing things right. Leadership is the art of doing the right things. "Peter Drucker

An informal leader is a magnitude of non-absolute, that is, its leadership is not obliged to manifest itself in absolutely in everything. It is also not obliged to be objectively justified: if the person won the arrangement of colleagues. Informal leadership is not always encouraged by the authorities, does not always benefit the workflow and is very often the source of discord inside the team. Informal leaders are:

  1. Charismatics. This is the leader of God, unconditional and full. Charismatics are headed by others without effort, they don't even always want it. The case when with charm just nothing can be done. Detection of the leader in this case will be rapid and accurate.
  2. Situational leaders. Such an employee takes the initiative to his hands only in certain cases, the initiative can be both positive and negative. For example, the "crisis manager" is a find for any team. This person is sometimes able to pull out an external impossible situation at the expense of the talent oriented in difficult conditions, not to give in to a panic and correctly act. But the Buntar-revolutionary may include the leader only in critical moments, when dissatisfaction is growing in the team and rewind. Under such conditions, it may take a long time to find out the leader in the group.
  3. Soul company. It's just a good guy, whom everyone loves. There are rarely problems with him, because he is good. Such a leader is priceless primarily for the manual, so it usually gets himself with the boss. It is for him that the organization of work is entrusted, conducting reforms (especially unpopular) inside the collective and so much more likely, since his initiative is easier to accept.

Your own for all

To unmistakably identify the leader in the team, look at the relationship between employees. In groups, they are always different than more people, the more shades: from friendship to hostility through indifference. And only the leader has a relationship with all almost equally positive. Everyone wants to communicate with the leader, his presence changes the mood in the team, causes a lightweight hype with a plus sign and lifting enthusiasm.

It is important that such a reputation leader must be their own abilities and qualities: goodwill, sociability and care to everyone. That he is different from indifferent bosses, which is always ready to help anyone, always knows which side to go to warn the conflict or resolve the dispute. To him willingly go with questions, his decisions are made unconditionally, although he does not try to impose them anyone. However, to determine the leader according to the features of the face, the appearance is almost impossible.

The last word

The leader says little. On the one hand, this is a person action, on the other hand, his words have weight, and therefore it does not need verbosity. During any discussion, the leader is never involved in the dispute, although it is silently involved in the controversy. His position is to hear and decide, so the leader says the last. His right to the last word at the same time no one disputes, this is a kind of informal ethics of business negotiations within the company.

Often, even the chief is waiting for all employees, then asks the opinion of the leader. You can not doubt that the leader's response will be adopted by the majority of the majority. If the situation in the team is complex and requires a business conversation staff with leadership, it holds a leader on behalf of everyone.

An example to follow

The leader may not be the most valuable employee, but on the mouth of colleagues, he will always be a parable. His decisions, deeds, suggestions and initiatives, views and judgments will discuss and put in an example. It is especially good that it is noticeable when there is no good reason to search for authorities, but still in conversations, then the same name sounds the same name. Often, the chiefs, despite their status, envy the leaders, because it throws the shadow on their personal ambitions, but the experienced and wise leader will search for situations practical application, and not meaninglessly proceeding.

Try to reveal the informal leader and be sure to find a common language with it in the first days at a new job place. From it take an example, and therefore the attitude from his part is almost a verdict.

Our students note that the undoubted plus, which they give psychological training on the psychology of communication - this is an opportunity to obtain an objective assessment of their behavior from. As they say, in someone else's eye, you will see, and in his logs will not notice.

You will need

  • Tests for the identification of the leadership qualities of students, bright pictures-gifts - 3 per person, additional pictures from the researcher (at least 5), the matrix scheme with a list of the whole class for fixing the selection results.


Already in junior grades, a teacher can conduct a sociometric study based on the organization of the game with children. The day before this event, the teacher proposes to bring every student of 3. On the day of the game, he informs children that today they will play the game "Secret", i.e. In secret to give each other gifts. All children go out of, and the teacher occupies their activities: plays a moving game, reads, etc. Children in turn coming in and under the supervision of the researcher pictures in the diary of three. The researcher fixes the choice in itself in the matrix scheme. After the end of the game, the researcher calculates the number of elections (gifts) for each member of the team. If any of the children is not a picture as a gift, researcher him one picture so that there is no offensive. The true picture of the hierarchy of social statuses is reflected in his scheme. Children who received the maximum number of gifts (5-6) and are leaders. But the leadership is still wearing only emotional character: I like it - I do not like it.

It is not enough to find in yourself and develop the "highlight". It is important to respect your abilities and skills, appreciate and believe in them. A positive attitude even to the most, at first glance, trifling things allows you to see what is happening with an optimistic position. The pessimist is not worth and trying to become a pessimist and try to become a leader in the student group and workers.

To demonstrate their uniqueness to classmates better at the right time and in the right place. Mathematics lesson or hour - not the best time to demonstrate the singing talent or skill workshop focuses. But at the school evening, at the bottom of a classmate or creative meeting, you can not modest and show your talent for.

Being a leader is something more than power and authority. Leadership is first of all the ability to take responsibility and make important decisions. The right moment for the manifestation of leadership qualities is difficult to predict, but in advance rehearse their actions in a hypothetical emergency situation quite real.

Be a leader - to have your own opinion. It is not necessary to demonstrate the independence of its judgments for any reason, however, and it is not necessary to express their own opinion, which is different from most. The leader's opinion can be challenged, refute, but in any case they will respect. And respect from the team members (, groups of friends or like-minded people) is the first step to achieve the leader's honorary title!


Confidence should not be in self-confidence. A person confident and his power causes respect, self-confident - the desire to knock down an excessive surge.

Helpful advice

Developing leadership qualities requires perseverance and time.


  • Electronic magazine "Psychological Science and Education"

Detection leader The working team gives the employer an excellent opportunity to have a reliable person under hand, which will be a link between him and subordinate. But the definition of the main thing among many people is not always simple.

Everywhere where more than two people are going together, the problem of leadership arises. In the process of forming a group, some of its participants begin to play a more active role, they prefer, they are given to them with great respect, in short, they acquire a dominant position. In this way, the group participants are divided into leading and led, i.e. on leaders and followers.

The detected leader can be the main binder in the teacher's relationship circuit with the group.



And who is the leader?

Everywhere where more than two people are going together, the problem of leadership arises. In the process of forming a group, some of its participants begin to play a more active role, they prefer, they are given to them with great respect, in short, they acquire a dominant position. In this way, the group participants are divided into leading and led, i.e. on leaders and followers.

The detected leader can be the main binder in the campaign chain of the guide with the group.


To carry out this game, take the rope and tie her ends so that the ring is formed. (The length of the rope depends on the number of guys participating in the game.)

The guys get up in a circle and take two hands for the rope, which is inside the circle. Task: "Now everyone needs to close the eyes and, without opening the eye, without letting the rope from the hands, to build a triangle." First there is a pause and the complete inaction of the guys, then someone from the participants offers some kind of solution: for example, it is possible to calculate and further build a triangle on the ordinal numbers, and then leads actions.

The practice of this game shows that these functions are usually taken by leaders.

The game can be continued, complicating the task, and suggest the guys to build a square, star, hexagon.


The next game will be the game "Karabas". For the game, children are searched in a circle, along with them the counselor sits down, which offers the conditions of the game: "Guys, you all know the fairy tale about Pinocchio and remember the bearded Karabas-Barabas, who had the theater. Now all you are dolls. I uttered the word "ka-ra-bass" and show some fingers on the elongated hands. And you will need, do not agree to get up from the chairs, and so many people, how much I will show your fingers. This game develops attention and speed of the reaction. "

In this game test, the participation of two counselors. The task of one thing is to spend the game, the second is to carefully observe the behavior of the guys.

Most often there are more sociable, seeking to leadership guys. Those who get up later, at the end of the game, less decisive. There are those who first get up and then sit down. They constitute a group of "happy." The insignificant is the group of the detachment that does not get up at all.

"Big family photography"

It is better to spend this game to organizeriod to identify the leader, as well as in the middle of the shift, and use as a visual material in your team.

It is proposed that the guys presented that all of them are a big family and everyone needs to take pictures together for a family album. It is necessary to choose a "photographer". He must arrange the whole family for photographing. The first of the family chooses the "grandfather" he can also participate in the alignment of family members. No one no more installations are given for children, they must decide themselves who can be and where to stand. And you wait and watch this entertaining picture. The role of "photographer" and "grandparents" is usually taken to fulfill the guys striking to leadership. But, however, the elements of the leadership and other "family members" are not excluded. It will be very interesting for you to watch the distribution of roles, passive activity in choosing a location.

This game spent in the middle of the shift can open you new leaders and reveal the system of sympathy-antipathies in groups. After the distribution of roles and alignment of the "family members", the "photographer" considers to three. At the expense "three!" Everything is very loud and very loudly screaming "cheese" and make simultaneous cotton into your hands.

Here is another option to identify leaders consisting of several games. For this, the guys are divided into two or three equal in the number of team members. Each team chooses a name. The countertility suggests the conditions: "Now the teams will be fulfilled after I started" started! ". The winner will be considered the command that fastest and more accurate task. " Thus, you will create the spirit of competition, which is very important for the guys.

So, the first task. Now every team must tell Khorom some one word. "Started!"

In order to fulfill this task, all team members can somehow agree. It is these functions that takes on a person striving for leadership.

Second task. Here it is necessary that I do not negotiate about anything quickly stood up. "Started!"

The interpretation of this game is similar to the interpretation of the game "Karabas": the most active members of the group are standing, including the leader.

Third task. Now all teams fly in a spacecraft to Mars, but in order to fly, we need to organize crews as quickly as possible. The crew includes: captain, navigator, passengers and "hare". So who is faster?!

Usually, the functions of the organizer again takes on the leader, but the distribution of roles often occurs in such a way that the leader chooses the role of the "hare". This can be explained by his desire to transfer the responsibility of the commander on the shoulders of someone else.

Task fourth. We flew to Mars and we need to somehow accommodate in the Martian hotel, and in it only a triple room, two double rooms and one single one. You need to quickly distribute who in which number will live. "Started!"

After spending this game, you can see the presence and composition of microbroups in your team. Single rooms are usually either hidden, unbearable leaders, or "rejected".

The proposed number of rooms and rooms in them is drawn up for a team consisting of 8 participants. If there are more or fewer participants in the team, then make up the number of rooms and rooms yourself, but with the condition so that there are three-bed, double and one single.

This technique will give you quite a complete leadership system in the team. You can finish it by some game for the cohesion of the team. (See below)

It should be noted that the main types of leaders are emotional and intellectual leadership. Not last place in the team occupies the leader organizer. To whom to lead your squad, it depends not only on personal sympathy, but also on the type of activity, the life of the detachment in this shift.

Test "I - Leader"

It would be very interesting and useful to carry out a test among the guys to the definition of leadership qualities. Let each of them himself try to evaluate their abilities, the story of a detachment for himself, become the organizer and inspiration of life in the team.

The instructions for this test will be like this: "If you fully agree with the approval given, then in the cell with the corresponding number, put the number" 4 "; If rather agrees than I do not agree - the figure "3"; If it is difficult to say - "2"; Rather, I do not agree, which I agree - "1"; I do not fully agree - "0".

Sample response card is located below.

Questions to the test "I - Leader"

  1. I do not lose and do not give up in difficult situations.
  2. My actions are aimed at achieving my goals.
  3. I know how to overcome difficulties.
  4. I love to look and try new.
  5. I can easily convince you of my comrades.
  6. I know how to involve my comrades in a common cause.
  7. It is not difficult for me to ensure that everyone worked well.
  8. All familiar treat me well.
  9. I can distribute my strength in learning and work.
  10. I can clearly answer the question of what I want from life.
  11. I'm well planning my time and work.
  12. I easily fond of new business.
  13. It is easy for me to establish a normal relationship with comrades.
  14. By organizing comrades, I try to interest them.
  15. No person is a mystery for me.
  16. I consider it important that those I organize, be friendly.
  17. If I have a bad mood, I can not show it around.
  18. It is important for me to achieve the goal.
  19. I regularly appreciate my work and my successes.
  20. I am ready to risk to experience a new one.
  21. The first impression that I arrange is usually good.
  22. I always work everything.
  23. Well feel the mood of your comrades.
  24. I can make a mood in the troupe of my comrades.
  25. I can make myself to charge myself in the morning, even if I don't want it.
  26. I usually achieve what I strive for.
  27. There is no problem that I can not solve.
  28. By accepting the decision, go through various options.
  29. I know how to make any person doing what I think needs.
  30. I can correctly choose people to organize any business.
  31. In relation to people, I achieve mutual understanding.
  32. I strive to understand me.
  33. If I have difficulty in work, I do not give my hands.
  34. I never came as others.
  35. I strive to solve all the problems in stages, not immediately.
  36. I never came as others
  37. There is no man who would have resisted in my charm.
  38. When organizing cases, I take into account the opinion of comrades.
  39. I find a way out in difficult situations.
  40. I think that comrades, making a common cause, must trust each other.
  41. Nobody will never spoil my mood.
  42. I imagine how to conquer prestige among people.
  43. Solving problems using the experience of others.
  44. I am not interested in to engage in monotonous, routine business.
  45. My ideas are eagerly perceived by my comrades.
  46. I can control the work of my comrades.
  47. I can find a common language with people.
  48. It can easily be able to rally my comrades around any business.

After filling out the answer card, it is necessary to calculate the number of points in each column (without considering the points set for questions 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 36, 41). This amount determines the development of leadership qualities:

A - skill to control themselves;

B - awareness of the goal (I know what I want);

In - the ability to solve problems;

G - the presence of a creative approach;

D - influence on the surrounding;

E - knowledge of the rules of organizational work;

Well - organizational abilities;

W - the ability to work with the group.

Card for answers of the test "I - Leader"

If the amount in the column is less than 10, then the quality is weakly developed, and it is necessary to work on its improvement, if more than 10, then this quality is secondary or strong.

But before making a conclusion about whether the leader is a teenager, pay attention to the points exposed when answering questions 8, 15, 22, 27, 29, 36, 36, 41. If more than 1 points are delivered to each of them, we We believe that you were insincere in self-esteem. Test results can be depicted in the graph.

Each leader has its own "handwriting", its manner, its way in organizing collective affairs. These characteristic leadership influence on the personality or group are called the work style.

A.N. Lutoshkin

highlight styles:

  1. Split arrows . Corresponding, insisting, harshly requiring. Effective in only still folding teams.
  2. Returning boomerang. Consulting, consulting, collegial, requiring. Effective in the established teams.
  3. Sunny shuttle . Persistent, conducive, compromise. Effective depending on the situation.
  4. Floating raft . Agreeing, compliant, not interfering. Effective only as auxiliary.

You may find useful for working advice to future leaders of English scientists M. Vudson and D. Frexis:

  1. Set clear goals. Smart teams often find the way if they know what to come.
  2. Start with small. "Big Oak grows from a little yellow." Success strengthens confidence and creates the basis for a new success. People prefer ideas in which they can figure out.
  3. Before acting, achieve agreement. The involvement grows out of understanding. Without agreement, almost nothing can be changed. Achieving consent requires considerable time.
  4. Make a real schedule. "Moscow was not built in a day". Learn - means to lean from something. Cultural level changes very slowly.
  5. Advance often and sincerely. People can say a lot of valuable. When you advise, thereby strengthen consent. Consult - this is not a form, but content. Manipulation undermines the ability to create a team
  6. Tie the creation of a team with organizational work. People are more readily will go to the experiment, if it does not require a large amount of additional work. To create a collective, use the possibility of regular meetings and ordinary tasks. Positive results will be obvious.
  7. Boldly meet the "political" problems. Do not put complex questions under the cloth. Be a realist in your plans. If you play politics, then discredit your efforts.
  8. Encourage openness and sincerity. With deeply rooted prejudices and looks easier to cope if discussing them openly. Do not suppress the discussion.
  9. Do not cause false hopes. Promise the easiest. Failing promises discredit you.
  10. If necessary, rebuild your work. Organizational work takes time. Creating a team can increase individual work output.
  11. Remember that the unknown scares more than the known one. Remember that development is mainly self-regulated.If the problem is set out loud, it does not seem terrible. Age, abilities and views create limitations. Ultimately, we ourselves are responsible for our development.
  12. Remember that "you can drive a horse into the water, but you can not make her drink" People can not be made to change the attitude. People can make pretend to be changing.
  13. Remember those who are outside the game. Envy can help develop. People love to be participants themselves.
  14. Remember that the creation of a team can cause other problems.Other groups of people can feel danger. Separate like-minded people can grow their current functions.
  15. When creating a team, use and features. Individual development may occur. New ideas give rise to further creativity. Existing systems and methods may be questionable. Delegate (transmit) authority. People have different strengths and experience. Delegation (transmission) of authority usually means development.
  16. Take help help if necessary. Choose carefully to whom to contact. Take responsibility for your actions. Each person has its own opinion on the problem and its experience. People from the outside did not participate inorganizational work. Man from the outside will be impartial.
  17. Learn for errors.Recognize your wrong. Regularly analyze the course of the case. Encourage feedback - this is the most valuable thing that colleagues can give you.
  18. Do what you say. Cases speak for themselves.