How to open a flower shop from scratch? How to open the flower business in stages, where to start and what to pay attention to.

How to open a flower shop from scratch? How to open the flower business in stages, where to start and what to pay attention to.
How to open a flower shop from scratch? How to open the flower business in stages, where to start and what to pay attention to.

Flower business is a fairly favorable sphere - according to statistics, just one store, out of ten closes. Therefore, if you decide to do it, they made the right choice. In addition to all the so-called aesthetic beauty, it is also very profitable. In this article, this niche will be described in detail.

Starting attachments: 320,000 rubles. The number of employees: 1
Planned income per month: 250,000 rubles. Competition on the market: High
Sample expenses per month: 150,000 rubles. Payback: Low

Like any sphere, the business on colors has its own nuances. Starting from the problem of searching suppliers, ending with storage and sale. So, as this is a rather competitive niche, one should allocate among the others. Also, the success depends on the set of factors, consider everything in the business plan. Starting from climatic conditions, ending between the population and the development of the infrastructure.

Pros of this business:

  • high profitability;
  • several ways of development;
  • the possibility of gradual scaling;
  • the ability to expand the range without investment;
  • many peak periods for sales;
  • the ability to embody aesthetic creativity.

Cons of this business:

  • high cost of logistics in remote regions;
  • the problem of finding normal suppliers;
  • the safety of the goods;
  • dependence on the dollar rate;
  • dependence on weather conditions.

Where to begin

How to open a flower business? First of all, you need to analyze the market for demand. You can do this simply, walk around the city and calculate the existing stores. Next, it is necessary to calculate the existing capital and the rental cost, it is in this case, very expensive.

Where to take flowers

If the population of the city, about a hundred thousand people, then most likely you have large sellers. They can engage in wholesale sales. If you still failed to find the supplier, you need to search in the nearest major city. If this option did not work, you need to look for contacts on the Internet. Also, it is also quite advantageous to work directly with suppliers from Ecuador and Holland.

Variants of business organization

When you are a novice businessman, it is desirable to choose directions and development options. In points below, we will consider the main of them. Also, it is desirable to determine the circle of its competence in matters of this niche. It may be the ability to decorate flowers, determine the freshness or beautifully combining a bouquet. Based on the existing capital, determine which flowers will sell what related goods and so on.

Sale of domestic flowers

If you possess a sufficient amount of free time and free territory, this is an option how to start a flower business from scratch. But note that the species of such plants are quite small. Build at least a small business, in such conditions it is quite difficult. But if you live in the countryside and have your own plot, it opens up more opportunities. Grow flowers on the plot by creating greenhouse conditions for them, quite real.

Several types of colors that can be raised at home:

  • chrysanthemums;
  • pelargonium;
  • tulips;
  • azalea;
  • annual asters.

Photo Gallery "Types of Flowers"

Opening Salon

It is fair to assume that the flower salon is an order of magnitude higher than a regular store. The difference is the range of services provided to customers. In the first case, it is only the sale of colors and the compilation of bouquets. But in the second, it is an opportunity to order decoration of surfaces with flowers, creating designer baskets and so on. More often, the salons even visually look more luxurious than shops.

The average cost of launching the cabin:

  • rental of premises (100,000 rubles);
  • showcases and stands (70,000 rubles);
  • florist (30,000 rubles);
  • consumables (20,000 rubles);
  • first Party (150,000 rubles).

Total: 320,000 rubles.

Online store and delivery

In the case of this product group, you can start a business without investment. You can do it with the help of the online store. The latter can serve as a channel of additional sales and starting position at the beginning of the business. Delivery from the online store quite strongly stimulates sales and positive feedback. The main thing in this case is the punctuality of the courier and the presence of a vehicle.

Flowers are one of the most popular gifts, as they are relevant for a completely all holiday. They can be represented in various types and forms, as well as there are many unique varieties that differ in appearance and cost. Flower business is considered advantageous, stable and interesting, so it is interested in many entrepreneurs. It can be in the first stages organized even at home, and if unitely unwind it, then you can receive passive income in the future, since any effort will not be investigated.

Business selling flowers has both positive and negative parties. It is important to know about all the parameters before opening the case so that from scratch to start profitable activities.

The advantages include:

The minuses include:

  • sales are uneven, as they depend on the season, as well as various holidays affect them;
  • to get started, it is necessary to create a correct, thoughtful and reliable business plan of a flower store with calculations, and you can view the sample, but for each store should be formed your individual project;
  • for quality work, a cash register is required, the use of which complicates the procedure for accounting activities and requires registration of technology in the tax inspection, and the device itself has a substantial cost;
  • flowers are perishable goods, which need specific care, so for them the optimal and specific conditions of detention should be created;
  • to begin work, the entrepreneur must have complex and unusual knowledge and skills in the field of floristics so that the business on the colors is profitable and promising.

Initially, you need to register, and you can choose both IP and LLC. The most optimal is the choice of organizational and legal form - an individual entrepreneur. For this, the following documents are prepared and transferred to the tax inspection:

  • a statement that should contain the right OKVED codes for the selected activities;
  • flower business can work on a simplified tax system to which you need to go immediately after registration;
  • copy of the passport of a citizen and his Inn.

Trade will be reliable and controlled if the cash register will be used during the work. Therefore, it is recommended to initially acquire this technique. The device must be registered in the tax inspection, after which it can be applied for its intended purpose. It is also advisable to get a print and open a bill account in the bank.

Choice of store location

Where to start a flower business? It is important to determine where the activities will be carried out. To do this, it is necessary to make marketing research, on the basis of which a special project will be made, and its example can be easily found on the Internet. It will contain basic information and nuances of opening and doing business.

You should not fully take a ready-made project, because it will not take into account the specifics of a particular region and the store.

Flower business should be favorably located, since the location is precisely for this activity is considered a key point. The best choice is the premises:

  • next to the wedding palace;
  • next to the places of high passability, to which public transport stops can be attributed, large supermarkets or universal markets;
  • near the station or bus station.

Next to the store must be parking spaces so that each client can comfortably drive up to the outlet. It should be possible to place outdoor advertising, which will attract the attention of potential buyers, as a result of which business from scratch can bring good income. Nearby should not be competitors who can lease buyers with different shares or other advantages.

Arrangement of the room

Competent trading assumes that a single and unique concept, which will be enjoyable and interesting for customers should be formed inside the store. All costs for these purposes should be laid in the project opening project. An example of interesting and exclusive design can be found on the Internet or you can walk along the most famous and demanded flower shops.

An excellent choice is styles:

  • rococo or Provence In case the flower business is intended for customers with a high level of wealth;
  • high-tech is considered an ideal solution for the specialization of the store on buyers who prefer to constantly purchase unique new products and exquisite elements;
  • if there are not only flowers on bouquets, but also flowers in boxes and pots, then such a store can be issued in eco-style, and here only natural and safe components should be used, and such design will act as an interesting business advertising.

The store should be well covered, and natural lighting should be combined with artificial, which will be able to advantageously emphasize the presented goods.

An important point of arrangement is the acquisition of equipment and furniture. To do this, are bought:

  • showcases and racks for flowers in boxes, pots or in other tanks;
  • freezing chambers in which you can extend freshness of cut colors, which will increase the income of the store;
  • a table designed for the work of the florist;
  • table and cash register for efficient and correct calculations with customers;
  • so that customers have expected their orders with comfort, it is recommended to locate in the Sofa store.

An example of a competent location of all elements in the room can be easily viewed on various sites on the Internet.

Compilation of product range

How to open flower business from scratch, which will bring good income, will be stable, stable and promising developing? This includes a special project of activities with detailed and accurate calculations, in which the nuances of the range of products must be indicated.

When drawing up the range, the following elements are taken into account:

  • Cut flowers whose varieties should be numerous. The most popular are roses and chrysanthemums, tulips and mimos, orchids and lilies, as well as many other varieties.
  • Flowers in pots or boxes are in demand, but less popular compared to cut goods. An example of an excellent store involves the presence of a large amount of varieties of such colors.
  • Cultural plants that are interesting for many potential customers. As a rule, they are purchased by pensioners or people who like to give a lot of time to gardening or working with cultures in the garden.
  • Related products that are very profitable selling at the expense of a good markup. With their help, it is possible to significantly increase profits, and this includes fertilizers, pots, literature on flowers, candles and ribbons, postcards and packaging, stands and elements to create a unique landscape design.

If you competently select an assortment, then you can count on the good demand of the store, which can bring passive and high income.

How to make a shop popular?

It is important to know not only how to start a flower business, but also how to correctly unwind it. For this, the following methods are used:

  • finding corporate regular customers who will order regularly decorating various celebrations;
  • registration of various portfolio, for which unique floral compositions are created, and in the future it will be possible to make original bouquets for weddings, dates, anniversaries or other significant dates;
  • advertising on radio, television or with the help of other media;
  • cooperation with agencies for holidays, with restaurants or other institutions that can become permanent customers;
  • formation of your site on the Internet.

Personnel search

How to organize a flower business that will be popular among buyers? For this, it is important to find suitable workers who will be professional florists who know how to properly care for flowers and create unique and unique compositions of them.

Wages must fully depend on revenue.

Underwater stones in the opening of flower business

From scratch to start this business is easy if you see an example of a successful store in advance. However, for promising and profitable work, you need to know all possible difficulties and pitfalls, to which:

  • if you take on the work of nonprofessionals, they will not be able to make unusual bouquets, so the store will not be able to compete with other institutions;
  • you should not purchase a ready-made shop, since a profitable business will never be sold;
  • the flowers need to properly care and maintain in optimal conditions, and otherwise they will quickly lose its transportation, which will lead to permanent debit off;
  • do not save on the creation of the original store design, because otherwise it will not differ from standard outlets, so it will not attract the attention of buyers;
  • trade should be honest, so it is unacceptable to compile a bouquet of fresh and half-faded colors, because you can easily lose customers;
  • on holidays, you need to clearly realize how much really bouquets and colors can be sold, so as not to substitute customers by pre-orders;
  • it is desirable to use a cash register that simplifies control over the sellers.

If you know all pitfalls, you can expect a successful discovery of a profitable and efficient store.

Financial calculations

The design of the floral business involves the investment of the next amount of funds:

  • creation of unique design - 150 thousand rubles;
  • acquisition of equipment and furniture - 320 thousand rubles;
  • attachments in business advertising - 40 thousand rubles;
  • business registration - 1 thousand rubles.

General initial investments are equal - 1 million 51 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses:

  • rental premises for the month - 40 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods for a month - 500 thousand rubles;
  • employee salary - 105 thousand rubles;
  • business advertising - 5 thousand rubles;
  • taxes and utility payments - 40 thousand rubles.

TOTAL - 690 thousand rubles. At extra charge in 80%, an income of 900 thousand rubles can be expected, of which net profit was equal to 210 thousand rubles. Profitability is at a very high level, since it is equal to - 210/900 * 100 \u003d 23.3%.

Thus, if it is competent to open the case, paying his advertising a lot of attention, to offer a good range and hire professionals, then you can get a profitable business that will be stable and developing, so in the future there may be permanent passive income.

Over the years, the flower business has among the leading directions of private entrepreneurship.

This can be explained by the fact that, regardless of the time of year, colors will be relevant as a gift. Especially on holidays. In order for the sale store for the sale of colors to bring a stable income per year after its discovery, it is necessary to compile a competent business plan with all calculations. A competently compiled business plan is half the success of the flower business.

Open your flower business from scratch can be at home, it will be to grow in the cultivation of indoor pots at home and selling them. Special equipment for this will not need, but also income from plant breeding at home will be minimal. So entrepreneurs interested in this field should be investing in a more serious flower business.

Choosing an organizational and legal form to create your flower business

To open the color of the colors, you should give preference to the individual entrepreneur.

If the choice is made in favor of the IP, the following documents are provided to the Tax Inspectorate:

  • paid receipt of state duty for the registration of IP (800 p.);
  • statement in the form of P21001 on state registration of IP. It must be certified by the notary;
  • if accounting will be carried out on a simplified tax system, then the application is written in form No. 26.2-1 on the transition to the USN;
  • a copy of all the applicant's internal passport pages.

Consideration of a set of documents for the opening of IP will take a week. If you take the documents in time it did not work, the tax sends them by mail within 2-3 weeks.

With a positive decision on the opening of the IP, the entrepreneur is issued:

  • OGNIP;
  • extract from EGRIP (Single Registry IP);
  • notification of registration with the tax authority of an individual;
  • notice of registration in the territorial PFS of an individual (Pension Fund);
  • from Rosstat - notification of the assignment of statistical codes.

After passing the IP registration, it is necessary to make printing (from 500 p.) And open the bill account in the bank (from 1 thousand rubles).

OKVED code 52.48.32 "Retail trade in flowers and other plants, seeds and fertilizers."

After registering the IP, the next step will be the purchase of a cash register and its registration and the subsequent registration with the tax authority. This process will take about two weeks. In stores where cash registers are sold, services are often provided for the accelerated registration in the tax. If you use the services of this organization, all documents will be ready for a maximum after 3 days.

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Mandatory documents to create your flower business

Regardless of the area of \u200b\u200bthe commercial premises, these documents should be present in it as:

  • obtained in the management of the district permission to trade activities (according to No. 381-F3);
  • conclusion from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service for Compliance with all sanitary standards;
  • book of complaints and suggestions of buyers;
  • commodity invoice for goods provided;
  • price list on the goods sold (this item is optional).

All these documents at the first request will have to be provided to the buyer. Documents such as an agreement for renting premises, a document confirming the registration of the cash register, the magazine of accounting for cash transactions, documents for equipment, etc., it is better to keep in the commercial premises so that in the case of the inspection company, they can immediately provide them. In total personnel, there must be existing medical records and cards on which the FIO of the employee will be indicated.

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Select room to open color salon

For a traffic point, you can choose the locations:

  • in one of the shopping centers of the city. In Moscow, their many;
  • on the first floor of the first line of residential buildings;
  • in a separate room built. In Moscow, find such a trading area almost unrealistic;
  • in the shopping pavilion of the modular design to rent a small room;
  • in Tonara. This room on the wheels of a small area can also be called its car trailer;
  • in the online store. Flower business specialists recommend to open an online store with the already established business of the trading point. There can be no separate Internet salon for the sale of colors. It is easy to explain. After all, flowers are a perishable goods.

The most important thing in choosing the location of the commercial premises is not mistaken. The most profitable place for the sale of colors is the trading point, which is in close proximity to the automotive route. If even the flower shop will be at the metro station, but there will be no road nearby, you can not wait for a big profit from it.

When concluding a lease agreement, it is necessary to specify whether utility payments and garbage removal are included in the amount of rent. If the area is rented in a shopping center or in a residential building, immediately should be clarified by the presence of such an opportunity as external advertising. Often it simply may not be. In this case, it is better to abandon this room.

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Equipment for organizing flower business

The most important equipment in the colors store is a refrigerator. Without it, open the store is unacceptable. If you do a refrigeration installation by individual order, then the cost of equipment will be about 150 thousand rubles.

For tones and small pavilions area, standard split systems are installed with winter options. In terms of cost, this equipment will cost as the installation of an ordinary air conditioner.

You will need even racks for flowers and vases. In the tones and small pavilions, the equipment is usually installed simpler: special designs and plastic flasks to them. In large refrigeration chambers use shelves and glass vases for flowers.

Consider how much the flower shop is worth opening. Expenses for the necessary trading equipment in Moscow:

  • air conditioning - 20 thousand rubles;
  • refrigerator - 40 thousand rubles;
  • thermal curtain - 15 thousand rubles;
  • the table of florist - 7 thousand rubles;
  • inventory and accessories for colors store - 28 thousand rubles.

Total equipment will cost 110 thousand rubles.

Announce the exact cost of the necessary equipment in each city will help the Internet.

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Store Store Flowers

In the working staff there must be 1 administrator, 2 products-florist, 1 accountant. An accountant can not hire, but use the services of a third party company for legal and accounting services. And if the store has another sales channel through the website, you will need another person who will take orders via the Internet and execute them, but at the beginning of the business, the opening of the online store selling flowers is simply a sense of money. You can think about opening a sales channel via the Internet when the work of the main point of sale will be well debugged. When opening a business in a flower shop you need to take on the work of competent sellers. Only positive customer reviews depend on them.

Salary expenses staff will be:

  • administrator - 30 thousand rubles;
  • seller Florist (2 people) - 50 thousand rubles;
  • accounting and legal support of the company - 10 thousand rubles.

Total 90 thousand rubles.

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Assortment and its features

If the trading area is small, then the perfect version will be the sale of freshly cut flowers. Potted houseplants and related products in such places buyers are not looking. In addition, this category of goods takes too much space. It will be much more productive to affect the use of this trading area for expanding the range of cut colors.

For Tonara due to a small area, it is possible to prefer the range of carnations (ordinary and bush), chrysanthemums (single-headed and bush), roses (ordinary and bush), gerberas and tulips. Color range: White, yellow, red and motley.

For a pavilion of 10 square meters. M assortment will be the same as for the Tonara. If the area is from 20 square meters. M and more, then the assortment will be adding orchids, irises and anthuriums. The number of roses varieties can also be increased.

For a shop with a trading area from 30 square meters. m The range can include indoor pots, soils, fertilizers, pots and other accessories. If the store area will be from 50 square meters. M and more, then the range can be expanded to the maximum. It will also include exotic plants, and large pots, and various types of soil, etc. For shops with a large trading area, you need to organize packaging of products and gifts or, for example, making copyright cards from living colors.

Business on colors is a good choice for those who want to start their small business. It does not require millions of investments and is suitable for individual entrepreneurs - for this scope, it is not necessary to register Jurlso. But there are nuances that need to know before opening a floral pavilion or floral store.

What you need to register floral business

For the opening of the case, the registration of IP or LLC. The type of registration depends on the scale of business and its profitability. For an individual entrepreneur working with a small trading point, a simplified taxation system is likely to suit (USN).

For stores and floral salons of the middle format, the ideal option is the registration of LLC. More methods for promotion and cooperation with other enterprises appear. Possible taxation option - a single tax on imputed income (UNVD).

In addition to the registration of IP or LLC, the following documents will also have to open the trading point:

  • Conclusion of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station
  • Permission to trade
  • Certificate of Flower Product Compliance
  • Premises lease agreement
  • Sanitary workers books.

In the commercial premises, the permission to trade, the certificate and the conclusion of the SES is better to place in a prominent place - it is necessary for both checking and buyers.

Flower business from scratch: where to start?

Flowers - demanded goods, especially on holidays. However, the degree of its demand and the range is highly dependent on the social and financial position of the main purchasing group, which will visit the store.

Explore the place where business intend to lead: determine the contingent of people who most likely become your buyers - their habits, priorities, the average income level. This analysis will help determine the most suitable pavilion format, its range and pricing policy.

Selection of a trading point for a flower shop

Choosing a place for a traffic point, you should remember a prerequisite condition - a good shopping traffic is needed. However, it is necessary to understand that it is in such places the most expensive rental.

All rooms suitable for a flower shop or shop can be divided into three groups:

  • Trading areas of small sizes located near the metro stations, not far from the lively zones, on the central streets of the city. Here you can open a shop-tent, pavilion or toner.
  • Trading Square in supermarkets, including 24-hour. Suitable for this type of premises format is a store or shop.
  • Trading Squares in expensive shopping center and individual buildings of large quadrature. In such places you can open a floral salon or flower boutique.

When choosing a room for a trading point, you need to know in advance, whether utility payments are included in the rental price, and there will also be rental holidays at the time of repair or / and installation of equipment. The lease agreement is best in the presence of a lawyer.


On small sites you can do the minimum. You will need: inventory (secateur, scissors, impressions, etc.), table for assembling and decorating bouquets, rack, refrigeration cabinet for storing fresh log cabins, vases, chair.

In large and medium-sized commercial premises, a wider range of floristic services is possible, which will require the acquisition of special equipment, such as split-systems with cooling function, etc. In addition, it will be necessary to purchase CCM and put it on accounting in the tax inspection.


For the new trading point of the Outdoor Advertising: Pillars, pointers, posters, special design of the showcase (if there is) and the input zone. It is very important to choose the right name (brand) and his adequate design solution. It is also possible to create your own website and maintain pages in social networks - this contributes to the growth of a constant and loyal client base.

Assortment of flower shop

Choosing an assortment, take into account your capabilities. If you open a toner or a tent near the metro station, a large and diverse range is not needed. Here will be best for sale:

  • cloves (bush and ordinary, 2 or 3 colors);
  • chrysanthemums (bush and ordinary, 2 or 3-color);
  • roses (bush and ordinary, 2 or 3 colors);
  • gerbera (several colors);
  • tulips (several colors, from February to the end of spring).

Assortment for a pavilion or a small store (20 square meters. M. And more) can be expanded by an increase in diversity of colors and varieties, as well as adding new types of colors, such as irises and orchids. "Related" goods: souvenirs, postcards, etc.

The range for salons and large stores (area of \u200b\u200bmore than 30 square meters. M.) May look like this:

  1. a wide selection of fresh cuts (many species, varieties and colors);
  2. potted types of colors;
  3. diverse additional products;
  4. fertilizers, soils, preparations for flowers and plants;
  5. information benefits.

In working with the assortment, the most important thing is the adjusted delivery. Wholesale suppliers offer products produced in various countries, including Kenya, Colombia, Holland, Ecuador, as well as domestic producers. It should be possible to work immediately with several suppliers in order to minimize the risks when disrupting the supply or supply of low-quality products with one of the suppliers.

It should be borne in mind that seasonality plays an important role in the flower business. Spring and autumn are a period of maximum demand. In the summer and in winter, demand falls significantly. Seasonality also significantly affects the range: during the period of increasing demand should increase and the range.

The most significant period in the flower business is from February 14 to March 8. During this time, the flower shop is usually about 20% of its annual turnover. This peak sales should be prepared in advance, not forgetting about the storage of flower beds (in the refrigerator - no more than 3 weeks).

Personnel search

To work in a street tent or a small shop, it is enough to hire a person with minimal experience capable of watching flowers and sell them. For the remaining output formats, it is necessary to hire a florist who can create floral compositions and correctly add elements to them (beads, drunks, ribbons, etc.)., Making bouquets of festive and luxurious, which increases the value added product. Florist will also tell the buyer how to care for flowers and will be able to advise on any of the plants offered for sale.

Florist's salary with experience - from 30,000 rubles. Salary of an employee without qualifications with minimal experience - from 20,000 rubles.

Personnel for cleaning and unloading goods are also needed in the middle and large format.

Prices for flowers

Order flowers better from the proven, which have long been present in the market of wholesale companies. The flower shop can pay off in one year, provided that the goods are sold on average with an extraction of 150%. The markup is 200% and more is possible on holidays and pre-holiday days. On ordinary days, the markup is unlikely to be able to exceed 120%. It must be borne in mind that the flowers are not long-term storage products, therefore prices for products that have not been implemented within 1.5-2 weeks will have to be significantly reduced.

To increase profitability, additional services should also be provided: delivery of bouquets, serving celebrations, corporate service, etc.

Family business features

With the exception of the seasons of peak sales, the demand for flowers is kept at about one, constant level and this level depends largely on customer traffic, which is primarily due to the location of the outlet.

It is very important to properly establish the process of storing fresh floral sections. The usual storage temperature is from +4 to +10 degrees. At the same time, some flowers, such as phalaenopsis, Wanda orchids and anthuriums are stored at room temperature.

How much is it worth opening a flower business from scratch?

Using the example of a flower pavilion, consider the cost of opening a business in the average Millionnik city. Suppose that a person registers the IP and selects the USN.

Three months of accounting, recruitment and legal support for free. Hurry, the offer is limited.

The idea of \u200b\u200bopening your own business, probably attended every person. And trade in flowers is considered relatively profitable things, because without them it is difficult to present the holidays. What is the sale of colors? The business plan is to take into account even the slightest little things. So how to start trade and make it profitable?

Color sale: business plan

Of course, first it is necessary to deal with some trifles. In particular, you need to make an accurate and detailed business plan:

  • Explore sales market.
  • Select a place to purchase goods.
  • Place the necessary documents.
  • Check the place to rent.
  • Purchase the necessary equipment and goods.
  • Hire staff.
  • Calculate the size of the starting capital.
  • Conduct an advertising campaign.

If you are interested in how to start selling flowers, then you should know that when creating any business, every little thing is important. This is the only opportunity to make it really profitable.

What documents will be needed for plants trade?

Immediately it should be noted that the license for the sale of colors is not needed. Therefore, you just need to issue in the tax service or LLC or IP. Individual entrepreneurship will suit you if you are going to work exclusively with individuals. This option has some advantages, in particular a simplified accounting system, as well as lower taxes.

If you are not the sole shop owner, plan to expand business and cooperate with different firms, it is better to issue a limited liability company.

Where to rent a room?

If you are going to create a business selling business, you should know that the location of your store is extremely important. Therefore, it is best to rent a room somewhere in a lively place, for example, in the central part of the city, in the tourist area, in the shopping center, etc.

Naturally, the room in a busy area will cost more. But the advantageous location is largely predetermined by the success of trade.

After all, quite often people buy flowers impulsively without planning it in advance. Therefore, it is important that your store is on the path of a person going to buy a beautiful bouquet.

As for the store itself, it is desirable that he is spacious. Then buyers do not have to pushed in a tiny room.

Try to decompose the flowers so that they are visible from any point of the store - so the client will have the opportunity to independently choose the best plants.

What equipment need to start?

As mentioned, the flowers are a product that will quickly deteriorate. Therefore, you need to raise money in advance for the necessary equipment. After all, without it, the sale of flowers is simply impossible. The business plan should include the purchase of the following materials:

  • To begin with, you will need a refrigerator, as it is important for the hot season to keep the flowers fresh.
  • But in the winter months, the main threat for the goods becomes cold. Therefore, you need to purchase a special thermal veil.
  • In the store, full colors, there must be an air conditioning system that will help create optimal temperature conditions at any time of the year.
  • Do not forget about racks, tables for florists and other necessary to create furniture bouquets.
  • Most likely, in addition to freshly cut colors, you will sell some other products - they will also need furniture, such as racks and shelves.
  • To save colors, buckets, vases, sprayers and some other devices are needed.
  • By the way, take care that there is enough water in the store.
  • You will also need a cash register. By the way, as business develops, when regular customers are more and more, you will probably need a computer and special software. They will facilitate the process of tracking sales, as well as simplify the work of the accountant.

This is a list of basic purchases. The remaining things you need in work can buy already after the opening of the store.

Main consumable: What to buy?

Naturally, the main thing in your business is lively, fresh cut flowers. Today, their market in our country is sufficient enough, only 45% of products comes to us from abroad. You just need to find a firm engaged in growing or delivery of colors and draw up an agreement with it. By the way, many organizations use a franchise of colors.

Many novice businessmen ask what plants buy. According to statistical studies, roses are most popular.

The second place is occupied by chrysanthemums, and the third - carnations. Therefore, these flowers must necessarily be present in the assortment of your store.

Naturally, you can buy almost any plants that will be useful to create bouquets. And do not forget about the so-called seasonal - several weeks (or even days), snowdrops, anemones and tulips become particularly popular.

Of course, the sale of flowers is profitable. But in order to increase the income, it is worth thinking about creating compositions. To this end, it is best to hire an experienced, talented florist. It will create original bouquets from ordinary colors - compositions are usually more expensive. In this case, you will need some materials: gift wrapping, paper, ribbons, bows, rhinestones and other decorations.

By the way, the sale of flowers in pots is an interesting and profitable idea. Such plants are more expensive, and with proper care, you can save them for months. In addition, indoor flowers are popular gifts, because, unlike cut, they are not wither.

Hire a worker personnel

Color sales can be really successful, but only with the right approach. It's no secret that the efficiency of trade largely depends on the quality of service. Therefore, when interviewing with future employees, first of all, pay attention to such qualities as sociability and politeness.

First you need the seller, and a little later, a florist. If you can not engage in accounting, you will have to hire someone to this position (you can part-time). Additional staff may need when expanding such a case as sale of colors. The business plan in this case has its own characteristics.

On some nuances

As already mentioned, the sale of plants is often seasonal. Naturally, people buy bouquets every day, but there are periods when flowers are enjoying great demand.

Basically, it is observed in special and holidays, for example, the first and last call, graduation ball, March 8 (do not forget to purchase tulips, snowdrops and other spring flowers), as well as Valentine's Day, etc.

Always be prepared for similar holidays, buy more colors, create inexpensive bouquets in advance, offer discounts. In short, do everything in order to attract customers.

Weddings - another source of good income. Let your florist are engaged in creating bouquets for the bride. The boutonnieres of the groom and bride girlfriends made from the living colors are becoming increasingly popular - offer this service.

Ideas for additional income

Sale of cut colors and original bouquets - profitable business. But business, and, accordingly, profit can always be raised to a new level. For example, with time you can create a color delivery service. This service is very popular with people who have no time to run around shopping, as well as buyers who want to make a surprise dear person.

Along with room plants you can always sell pots, fertilizers and other little things. Quite often in flower stores, buyers offer souvenirs. It can be figurines, boxes, photo frames, paintings, watches, artificial flowers and other gifts.

Sale of colors: Benefits and Disadvantages

When you start a new business, always a little afraid. Therefore, many people are interested in the question of whether it is profitable to sell flowers. Yes, in this case there are a number of significant minuses. To begin, it should be noted that the flowers are a product that is relatively quickly spoiled, so if not very successful trading, losses can be quite high. And the flower business is seasonal.

On the other hand, there are important advantages. In particular, some stores sell flowers with extra charge in 200, and even 300%. In addition, such a business does not require greater starting capital, some specific skills or great experience. With the right approach, the sale of colors can become really profitable.