Lumens and marginals in modern society. Changes in social relations in our society

Lumens and marginals in modern society. Changes in social relations in our society
Lumens and marginals in modern society. Changes in social relations in our society

The word "marginal" came to Russian from German, there - from French, and in, in turn, from. FROM latin language This word can be translated as "on the edge". Marginals - Route, who were outside their social Group Either at the junction of two different groups. If a we are talking About one person, most likely, he was expelled from one group and was not accepted into another. Bright - people who are forced to escape from their country and the apostates in the eyes of her citizens, but at the same time failed to take the traditions of another state where they moved.

Such social border state Perceived very hard. If we are talking about a group of people, most likely, the essence of serious social, political, economic changes in society, which led to the collapse of the usual society. Something similar often occurs as a result of revolutions.

The word "Lumen" was borrowed from German again, and in translating it "rags". Lumpenami is called people in the lowest social layers and at the same time not dealing with any socially useful work. This is that it is impossible to call so poor man who tries to earn money in the person, but seeks very modest results. Not at all - we are talking about criminals, tramps, beggars, about those who produce piracy, robbery.

Very often, non-working alcoholics and drug addicts, people who are on the content of someone, are also ranked with lumpenters, although they can work well. Also called representatives of the lowest social layer living at the expense of government benefits.

What is the difference between lumpen and marginal

As a rule, lumines do not have almost no ownership: they are either vagrant, or live in foreign houses, and have only the most necessary things for life. Marginals, on the contrary, can even be legal people who are not recognized with society, as they have lost their former position for any reason.

Lumens either enjoy short, one-time earnings, or make money illegally, or lives at the expense of loved ones or state. Marginals can engage in socially useful work.

An additional meaning of the term "Lumen" is a person who has no own moral maintenance, does not obey the laws of morality and reckless or cowardly obeys the group of persons who have the greatest power at a particular historical moment. Marginals in such cases become more victims than thoughtless force.


  • Lumens and marginals

In each society, there are people with socially adapted citizens who have lost their social roots, which are alien to the moral code, they understand only the language of rough physical strength.


Usually, lumpenses include people who have no social roots, which also do not have any property, and they live at the expense of one-time earnings. But more often their source of existence is different kinds Social and public benefits. In general, this category should be attributed to homeless, as well as citizens like them. If you explain more simply, then Lumen is a person who is not a leading work, he is begging, vagrants, in other words - begets.

Translated by S. german word "Lumen" means "rags". This is a kind of overannacles, which fell on the "bottom" of life, fell out of their environments. The more Lumpets become in society, the greater threat to society they represent. Their medium is a kind of stronghold of various extremist patients and organizations. Marxist theory used even the expression like LumpenProletariat, characterizing this word vagrants, criminals, beggars, as well as garbage human society generally. For soviet power It was a cursory word.

Marginals and Lumens are not the same thing, although there are many people between these groups of people. The very concept of "marginality" in sociology means a person who is between two different social groups, when a citizen has already broken from one of them, and the second has not yet been born. These are the so-called bright representatives Nights, or social "bottom". Such public situation is very strongly affected by the psyche, her clock. Often, the people who have passed war, immigrants, who failed to adapt to living conditions in the new homeland, are often marginalized, which could not fit into social conditions for them.

During the collectivization carried out in the USSR, in 20-30, rural residents massively migrated to cities, but urban environment He took them reluctantly, and with a rural medium, all the roots and connections were torn. They collapsed spiritual values, the established social ties rushed. And it is these segments of the population " solid hand", Established order at the state level, and it is this fact that served as a social database to the anti-democratic regime.

As can be seen, lumines and marginalies are not identical concepts, although they have a lot in common. In modern reality, the word "Lumen" practically does not use, calling the homeless marginal. Although this word can be characterized by people having housing, but leading an asocial lifestyle.


  • Marginals and Lumens

IN modern culture You can meet not only individual individuals, but even whole groups of people who do not fit into the well-established social structure societies. These are not always representatives of the social "bottom", they may have high level Education and appropriate status. The difference between such marginal from other people consists in a special world of values. Who are such marginals?

Marginality as a social phenomenon

Wikipedia calls the marginal of the one who turns out to appear on the border of opposing social groups or cultures. Such people experience the mutual influence of various valuables systems that often contradict one other. In times, the "Marginal" synonym was "declared element". So often called people who have risening at the bottom social hierarchy. But the understanding of marginalness should be considered one-sided and not quite correct.

The concept of "marginality" is found in. Here it means an intermediate social statusin which it turns out. The first mention of marginal individuals and groups appeared in American sociology, which described the adaptation of immigrants to unusual social conditions for them and the arrangements characteristic of life in a foreign land.

Marginals deny the values \u200b\u200bof the group from which they came out, and approve new norms and rules of conduct.

Behind a line of usual life

Marginality in society is enhanced when the cataclysms begin. If society regularly fears, its structure loses strength. There are completely new social groups and segments of the population that have their own way of life. Not every person in such conditions can adapt and stick to a certain shore.

The transition to a new social group is often associated with the need to rebuild behavior and take a new value system that almost always becomes a source of stress.

Coming out of his usual social environment, a person often faces the situation when a new group It does not accept it. So marginals appear. Here is one example of such a social transition. The usual engineer, who left the employment and decided to do business, fail. He understands that the businessman did not work out of him, and it is already impossible to the former lifestyle. Financial and other material losses can be added to this, as a result of which a person is opposed to life.

But not always marginality is associated with the loss of a fairly high former social. Often to marginal successful peoplewhose glances, habits and value system do not fit into established ideas about "normality". Marginals may well be sufficiently wealthy people who achieved success in their field of activity. That's just their views on life are so unusual for the Middle Outowers, that such people simply do not take seriously or displace from social community.

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The concept of marginalness is a sociological term that emerged in science in the 1920s. But the marginals themselves are people who make up a special social group, existed long before scientists introduced this term. These are people for some reason not fit into the socio-cultural system of society. Large groups of marginals began to form at the beginning of the twentieth century. But probably the first marginal appeared in the primitive era.

The term "marginality" was introduced by American sociologists in order to characterize the public phenomenon observed by them: the creation of closed communities immigrants due to the inability to immediately fit into the American lifestyle. For the new term, the Latin word marginalis was chosen, which in the translation means "on the edge". Thus, the immigrant communities were characterized as groups, held out of their native cultural reservoirs and did not fit on the new soil.

For the marginal group, its own special culture is characterized, often conflicting with the dominant cultural settings in society. Typical example - italian mafia in America. Don Korleon and his family are marginal elements for American society.

So, in the strict value of the social term, the first marginals appeared in late XIX. - The beginning of the twentieth centuries in the raging boiler of American immigration. These were the people of two cultures at the same time belonging to the two worlds. Not only in the United States, of course, such phenomena was observed: for example, Brazil at the same time invited to the plantation of Italian immigrants, which were not immediately fit in society At equal with the descendants of the Portuguese, and often perceived as "white".

Marginal groups can appear as a result of major social shocks. For example, a revolution in Russia led to the appearance big number Marginals are people who are held out of the framework of their class and with difficulty finding their place in a new society. For example, the streets of the 20s - a typical marginal group.

Gradually, the concept of marginalness in science expanded. The concept of "individual marginalness" appeared. It is wider than marginality as a public phenomenon. I.V. Malyshev in the book "Marginal Art" characterizes marginality as "incompetence". Marginal can be people canning past; leading your age; Just "lost" and not finding siblings in society and its culture.

In this sense, marginal can be called, according to Viktor Shenderovich, and Sakharov, and Thomas Mann, and even Christ.

So, the first marginal, most likely, appeared at the dawn of mankind. Perhaps the first Homosapions were precisely marginali!

Since society towards marginalies is wary, the life of "non-systemic" people throughout the history of humanity was complex and, alas, usually short. Some of them became social lumpen, looped by paria, but many managed to move the culture forward, outline new landmarks for the development of society.

Footy artists, for example, were often marginal. They boldly discarded traditional value Installations, creating your own. For example, the marginal was diogen. Marginals were decadents. Marginal was Soviet styles.

At the end of the twentieth - early XXI centuries marginal was much more than any other historical era. Various informal movements - This is usually marginals. The tolerance of modern society allows representatives of marginal layers to live in their own coordinate system more freely than before.

Lumens and marginalies - who is? This question can be asked by hearing these words for the first time. If we talk about the meaning of word data, it will be similar, but not equal. That is, the difference between these definitions you need to understand. These words are connected only one - they are used to designate a person, which for one or another reasons is outside its social group and refers to the lowest public layer.

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Origin and meaning of words

"Marginal" is a word that has Latin roots and a little later who came to different languages World. According to Wikipedia this word Latin is translated into Russian as "standing on the edge". Marginals are customary to call people who for any reason were outside their social group or are at the junction between two specific societies. We can say that marginalies are expensive. For example, marginal can be called people, for some circumstances left the territory native country And in the eyes of the former compatriots apostate, but at the same time did not accept the traditions of the powers in which they fled. Group people call marginal when this group I did something that led to the collapse of some public or state-owned oblats.

Lumen - this word came to Russian speech from the German language. Translated, it means "rags". Lumpenami referred to people who rolled on the most social bottom and who are not doing absolutely no labor activity, without bringing the good any, nor society. Lumine cannot be called a materially unsecured person: this man works, produces bread in the sweat of the face. Lumens are a word applies to criminal elements, people vagribulating. Also, lumpenses are often called alcoholics, drug addicts, personalities living exclusively at the expense of state subsidies.

The difference between the terms

In order not to confuse in the concepts, let us look in detail the differences between lumpen and marginal. Lumens usually do not own any property, often these people are simply vagred and have only those things that are really required to live. Marginal can well be people living in material inconceiture, but for any circumstances rejected society.

It should be known that the word "Lumen" has another value: it can be called a person deprived of moral and moral values, despising moral foundations adopted in society and thoughtlessly obeying persons with certain power. The more lumines appear in society, the greater danger to society they begin to represent. Therefore, in the theory of Marxism and the term "Lumen-Proletariat" was introduced, which indicated the environment of criminals and moral decompositions. In the USSR, the word "Lumen" was abusive and offensive.

Marginality, marginalism, marginal - all these words never had a parangular value. They only denote the border state of a person in society, the beacon and the inability to find their place in any social group. Marginals are often called immigrants, political refugees, people who left their native land and failed to find a new homeland in another country. It is worth noting that in modern society The word "Lumen" is almost not used, even the homeless people are increasingly referred to by marginal, even though it is not entirely true.

Word " lumin"It was borrowed from german language "LUMPEN.", which is literally translated as" lochmäti."And denotes the beggars, lowered people, declassed elements, bosias.
The term Lumen first introduced to Karl Marx to use Karl Marx, who was a philistage of the communist theory. He wrote about this: " Proletariat Lumpen, this passive product of rotting lower layers of society is partially involved revolutionary situation in motion, but because of its living device, he is inclined to sell himself to obscure conspiracy"(" Manifesto Communist Party "First Chapter" Proletaria and Borois "Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx)

"Lumens are citizens who cannot and who do not want to work. Do not have ethical norms, nor the property, which are not able to plan their fate, completely irresponsible. "(Publication in the" New Gazette "of November 19, 2012, for the number 131)

Synonym the words "Lumen"

  • Declassified element
  • Criminal
  • Tramp
  • Beach (see the Value of the Word)
  • Herd
  • Stalls
  • Black
  • Gopnik
  • Beggar
  • Tramp
  • Bum
  • Alcoholic
  • Crowd
  • Plebs(see who is so stupid)

What is Lumen?

"Filipp Filippovich sat beside the table in his favorite chair. Near the curtains, towering, laying his leg behind the leg, a small growth of a person and a ugly outfit. On his head grew tough, like a wire hair, as if individual landings on the reinforced field, with the unshaven face. Surprised her small sizes The splashing eyebrows began to grow, thick, like a brush of her hair. It was a jacket, prodrated under the right mouse, was covered with straw, full-length trousers on the left knee were torn, and on the right there were paint paints of purple color. Half of this citizen was linked to the sky Fake ruby \u200b\u200bpin. The tint of his tie was so born that Philip Philippovich, covering tired eyes, a brightly blazing torch with a blue inspired. Clear them, blinded, because from the floor, spreading on the floor stains of the world. White leggings with lacquer shitbiles.
Philipp Philippovich several times having swingfully turned firmly said: "So that you stop sleeping on the worships. And everything is clear? What is it for arrogance! You prevent women!" The shadow was hammered on the face of this man, and the lips were slightly hung: "So immediately and women. Delov. Does they have a barynie? Simple servant, and self-commercial, like a commissarsh" ...
Philipp Philippovich looked attentively: "Do not throw the cigarettes on the floor, I already repeat to you for the hundredth time. And so that you no longer swear in the apartment! And do not spoil! For this there is a glance. Contact urinal more accurately. About Zina at all forget She is received by complaints that you are waiting for her in the dark. Listen! Who told the patient "the demon he knows" !? Do you think you are where you are in the Pite Department? "
"Something you are my father, they began to oppress me strongly, unexpectedly, this person said with a flexible tone.
" ("dog's heart"M. Bulgakov) Lumpen (it. LUMPEN - rags) - declassed lowered people, bosias, beggars.
The concept of "Lumen" first introduced into conversational speech The founder of the communist teaching Karl Marx: "Lumen-proletariat, this passive will sell rotting the lowest layers of the old society, in places involved proletarian revolution In motion, but because of all its living position, it is much more inclined to sell herself for reaction goats "

(Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels "Manifesto Communist Party". Chapter First. "Bourgeois and Proletaria")

"Lumens are people who do not want and do not know how to work. Do not have any property nor ethical standards, irresponsible, who do not know how to plan even their destiny ( "New Gazeta", № 131, November 19, 2012)

Synonyms of the word "Lumen"

  • Black
  • Plebs
  • Crowd
  • Herd
  • Alcoholic
  • Tramp
  • Tramp
  • Criminal
  • Beggar
  • Declassified element
  • Gopnik

What is Lumen?

"Philipp Philippovich sat at the table in the chair. At the Curtains, leaning against the pertolock, stood, having laid down his leg, man vertically challenged and uncompatible outdoor. His hair was rigid on his head, as if the bushes on the emerged field, and the face covered unshaven fluff. The forehead hit his small embroidery. Almost directly above the black tassels of scattered eyebrows began a thick headbrush. The jacket, breakdown under the left mouse, was littered with straw, striped trousers on the right knee are extended, and on the left liquefoth paint. A person was tied on the neck of a poisonous - heavenly color tie with a fake ruby \u200b\u200bpin. The color of this tie was so throw that from time to time, closing tired eyes, Philip Philippovich in complete darkness then on the ceiling, then on the wall I saw a burning torch with a blue crown. Opening them, blind again, since with the floor, splashing the fan of the light, rushed into the eyes of lacquer babies with white heter. Filipp Philippovich turned his head and spoke Vesko: "The spare track is stopped. Clear? What is this incoming! After all, you interfere. There are women. " The person's face was darkened and the lips hurried: "Well, there is a woman. Think. Barsni what. Ordinary servant, and force as a commissarshi ".... Filipp Philippovich glanced strictly: "Do not throw the cigarettes - I apologize to the hundredth. So I no longer hear a single missing words in the apartment! Do not spit! Here is a poodor. With urinal handle gently. With the winter, all conversations stop. She complains that you are in the dark podkasya. Look! Who answered the patient "the dog knows him"!? What do you really, in the kabaska, or what? ". "Something you are me, dad, hurt," suddenly said a man "( M. Bulgakov "Dog's Heart").

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Who are such marginals in general, if you are simple to talk? People who own willing did not want to be part of society, or?

Or are these people who are just standing near the company side? Such a sensational word, but not everyone knows exactly what this concept is carrying. I will say more. The meaning of this word is quite blurry. Many understand when and to whom it can be applied, but it will not be able to define it. But we will try with you.

Marginal - Who is this?

The term came to us in the language of Latin. There was the word "Margo", which meant " edge, border, face"(Marginal, respectively, this is" on the edge or after the edge ").

This term was distributed in the 20s of the twentieth century. Then this word indicated a person who has an emigrant status in America and in a new society for himself. He left his country, his family, his work and the usual way of life to change for something new. Their not adaptation to the social behavior already established in the States was called marginalization.

IN the general sense, the marginal is a man of will or unilietes who came beyond the established rules (he was pushed or he came to this). For example, socially coming out of his social group. In essence, this knife.

But the types (reasons) of marginalization are many - social failures, financial collapse, religious corporate, ethical, political, physical (illness, disability). They reflect the reasons why people became outcasts.

We have this word for some reason (in my opinion, erroneously) has become a complete synonym luminInitially denoting a person from the lower stands of the working class (it is translated as rags). Now lumpenami is called vagrants, beggars and other "fallen" people. They, of course, can also be attributed to "outcasts", but it is still private case marginalness (financial).

Explanatory dictionary also ambiguously transfers the meaning of this word:

  1. marginal is an asocial object that is outside the groups (social, economic, political ...);
  2. "Marginal" is a word that describes a person who does not participate in the activities of people collected by interests or goals;
  3. a person who for some reason was withdrawn from the group (s).

These are members of society that have no material values \u200b\u200bthat they have. In fact, it is a caste. As a rule, there are no ownership. Earn either by random part-time, or begging or robbed.

For me so lumens are a private and very radical example of marginalization. It is not indicative, because it reflects only one hyposta (financial).

Marginal layers of society do not necessarily have to wear and ask for alms. They can fully earn their lives. Just they "Flip from the team" And they are "their game" (in the social area, in political, religious and so on).

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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