Ludwig Van Beethoven Biography and works. Brief biography Beethoven

Ludwig Van Beethoven Biography and works. Brief biography Beethoven
Ludwig Van Beethoven Biography and works. Brief biography Beethoven

1. Biography of genius in fast rewind

The exact date of Bethoven's Birth (Ludwig Van Beethoven) is the first of the mysteries of his biography. It is precisely known only by his christening day: December 17, 1770 in Bonn. Child He learned to play the piano, organ and violin. At seven years gave the first concert (father wanted to make from Ludwig "Second Mozart").

At the age of 12, Beethoven began writing his first essays with funny names like "Elegy to death Poodle" (presumably impressed by the death of real PSA). At 22, the composer went to Vienna, where he lived until the end of his life. He died on March 26, 1827 at the age of 56, presumably from the liver cirrhosis.

2. "To Elise": Beethoven and beautiful gender

And this topic is surrounded by secrets. The fact is that Beethoven never married. But woven repeatedly - in particular, to the singer Elizabeth Röckel (Elisabeth Röckel, which, as Klaus Kopitz, is believed to Klaus Kopitz (Klaus Kopitz), is dedicated to the famous La Minor Baghal "to Eliza") and Pianist Teresa Malfatti. The one who was an unknown heroine of the famous letter "To the Immortal Beloved", scientists are also arguing, taking out on the candidacy of Antonie Brentano (Antonie Brentano) as the most real.

Truth will never know if Beethoven thoroughly hide the circumstances of his personal life. But a close friend of composer Franz Vegeler (Franz Gerhard Wegeler) testified: "In the years of his life, Beethoven was constantly in love relationships."

3. Non-easy in everyday life

The non-footered night pot under the piano, smoke among the scores, an inchuriented challenges and accepted sludge - and this, too, judging by numerous testimonies, was Beethoven. A cheerful young man with age and under the influence of illhats turned into a rather difficult character in the daily handling of the character.

In his "Galeegenstad Testament", written in a state of shock from the awareness of the upcoming deafness, Beethoven points exactly to the disease as the cause of his bad nature: "Oh you, people who consider me a grip, stubborn or mitantropic - as you are unfair to me, because you Do not know the secret reason for what you think. / ... / now for six years I have been in hopeless state, aggravated by ignorant doctors ... "

4. Beethoven and classic

Beethoven is the last of the titans of the Vienna Classics. In total, he left the descendants more than 240 writings, among them - nine completed symphonies, five piano concerts and 18 string quartets. He, in fact, re-invented the genre of symphony, in particular, for the first time using the chorus in the ninth symphony, which no one did before him.

5. Single opera

Opera Beethoven wrote only one - "Fidelio". Work on it was given to the composer painfully, and the result still convinces not everyone. At the Opera Popritis Beethoven, as the Russian musicologist Larisa Kirillin indicates, entered into a controversy with his idol and predecessor - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart).

At the same time, as Kirillin indicates, "The concept of" Fidelio "is exactly the opposite of Mozartovskaya: love - not blinding the spontaneous power, and the moral duty, requiring his chief electoral dealers. The initial name of the opera Beethoven," Leonor, or married love ", reflects this Anti-quality moral imperative: not "all women do that", and "so should Do all women. "

6. "Ta-Ta-Taaaa!"

If you believe the first biographer of Beethoven Anton Schindler (Anton Schindler), the composer himself spoke about the initial clocks of his fifth symphony: "So the fate itself knocks on the door!" More close to Beethoven man, his student and friend, composer Karl Cherni (Carl Czerny) recalled that the "Symphony of the C-Moll Beethoven inspired a scream of the forest bird" ... anyway: the image of the "fight with fate" became part of the Beethoven myth.

7. Ninth: Symphony Symphony

Interesting fact: By the invention of the technology of recording music on CDs, it is the duration of the ninth symphony (more than 70 minutes) determined the parameters of the new format.

8. Beethoven and Revolution

The radicality of the ideas of Beethoven on the role and importance of art in general and music in particular, made it the idol of various revolutions, including social ones. The composer himself behaved at the same time a completely bourgeois lifestyle.

9. Clear Star: Beethoven and Money

Beethoven has already been a recognized genius and never suffered from a lack of self-talk. This was reflected in particular, on his ideas about the size of fees. Beethoven willingly accepted orders from generous and influential patrons, and with publishers sometimes led financial negotiations in a very hard tone. The composer was not a millionaire, but a very wealthy person by the standards of his era.

10. Deaf composer

Beethoven began to stroke at the age of 27. The disease developed for two decades and completely deprived the hearing composer by 48 years. The newest studies prove that the cause was a disease with a rapid typhoid - common in the time of Beethoven infection, which rats often transferred. However, possessing absolute inner hearing, Beethoven could compose music and being deaf. Until recent years of life, he did not leave desperate - and, alas, unsuccessful, - attempts to restore hearing.

See also:

  • According to historical places Bonn

    The first steps

    This photo captured one of the first key moments in the post-war political history of Germany. In September 1949, Konrad Adenauer was elected first German Chancellor and soon began negotiations with the Supreme Commissars of Western Power Winners to achieve greater sovereignty for his government.

  • According to historical places Bonn

    "The Way of Democracy"

    Meetings of Adenauer and Commissioners took place in the hotel on Mount Petersberg under Bonn, where their headquarters were located. For the next 40 years, this small town on the Rhine had to be the temporary capital of Germany - to the official reunification of Germany on October 3, 1990. The government worked here even longer, before moving to Berlin in 1999.

    According to historical places Bonn

    Government quarter

    You can look at the recent past Bonna, by doing walking along the way of democracy (Weg der Demokratie). Most of the historic sites are located in the former government quarter. About each of them have information scoreboard. In the photo - a monument to Conrad to Adenauer (XDS) on the Alley, named after another Chancellor FRG - Willie Brandt (SDPG).

    According to historical places Bonn

    Special status

    Before going for a walk along the route, we note that Bonn is now the city of federal significance. This is fixed in a special law. About 7,000 government officials continues to work here, the main offices of six of the fourteen ministries, some departments, other official institutions and organizations are located.

    According to historical places Bonn

    Museum of History

    The starting point "Ways of Democracy" is the Museum of History of the Federal Republic of Germany (Haus der Geschichte der BundesRepublik), located opposite the former department of the Federal Chancellor. It was opened in 1994 and is now one of the most visited museums of Germany - about 850 thousand people annually. Among the exhibits are this government "Mercedes".

    According to historical places Bonn

    The first stop of the route is the Federation House (Bundeshaus). In these buildings, a parliament was located on the banks of the Rhine: Bundesrat and Bundestag. The oldest part of the complex is the former Pedagogical Academy, erected in the 1930s in the style of new substance. In the North Wing of the Academy in 1948-1949, the Basic Law (Constitution) of Germany was developed.

    According to historical places Bonn

    First Hall

    The Bundestag of the first convocation began working in the former Pedagogical Academy, rebuilt in just seven months, in September 1949. A few years later, a new eight-story office building for deputies was erected. In his first plenary hall, the Bundestag began to 1988. Then he was demolished and built on this place a new hall that was used before moving to Berlin.

    According to historical places Bonn

    UN in Bonn

    Now the majority of former parliamentary buildings in Bonn have been submitted by UN units located in the former capital of Germany, in particular, the Secretariat of the Framework Convention on Climate Change. In total, about a thousand employees of this international organization operate in the city.

    According to historical places Bonn

    From glass and concrete

    The next stop - near the new hall of the plenary sessions of the Bundestag, the construction of which was completed in 1992. The last time the deputies gathered here on the Rhine in July 1999 on the eve of moving to Berlin Reichstag and the new parliamentary complex on the shores of the spree.

    According to historical places Bonn

    New Hall

    The plenary hall is not empty now. It regularly hosts various meetings and events. This photo is made in the former Bundestage in June 2016 during the Global Media Forum conference. It annually holds a media company Deutsche Welle, the editorial complex of which is located nearby. Opposite it was built by the International WCCB Congress Center and a large five-star hotel.

    According to historical places Bonn

    From September 1986 to October 1992, the plenary sessions of the Bundestag, while the new hall was built, temporarily passed in the former waterway station on the banks of the Rhine - Altes Wasserwerk. This impressive construction in the neo-style style was erected in 1875. In 1958, the waterproof was derived from operation. The building was bought by the government and became part of the parliamentary complex.

    According to historical places Bonn

    From Bonna to Berlin

    On October 3, 1990, Berlin again became the capital of the country, the capital of one Germany again, but the question where the government will work, remained open. The place of adoption of a historical decision to move from Bonna was a plenary hall in the old waterproof. It happened on June 20, 1991 after sharp decadatholic debates. The advantage was only 18 votes.

    According to historical places Bonn

    Parliamentary height

    The next stop "Ways of Democracy" is the high-rise building "Langer Eugen", that is, "Long Ohgen". So it was named after the chairman of the Bundestag Oygen Gershrenmayer, who was particularly told for this project. Nearby are the White Deutsche Welle enclosures. These buildings had to accommodate the offices of the Parliament expanded after the reunification of the country, but due to the move to Berlin, plans changed.

    According to historical places Bonn

    "Tulip field"

    The Office Complex "Tulip Field" (Tulpenfeld) built in the 1960s by order of the Allianz concern specifically to lease the government. The fact is that previously the FRG authorities decided to no longer build new buildings in Bonn, as the city was considered as a temporary capital. The premises here were filmed a Bundestag, various departments and a federal press conference.

    According to historical places Bonn

    Bonn editions

    This snapshot was made in the Hall of the Federal Press Conference in 1979 during the visit of the USSR Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. Next to the "Tulip Field" on Dahlmannstraße, the Bonn editions of the leading German media and the correspondent bureau of foreign press and news agencies were located.

    According to historical places Bonn

    We have already told about this residence of German Chancers in detail in a separate report, which can be viewed by reference at the end of the page. In 1964, the father of the German economic miracle Ludwig Erhard became the first owner of the Chancerta Bungalow, built in the style of classical modern. Almost the others here lived and worked Helmut Kohl, headed by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for 16 years.

    According to historical places Bonn

    New Office Chancellor

    From the Chancellory Bungalow - to hand to the departure of the Federal Chancellor. From 1976 to 1999, Helmut Schmidt, Helmut Kolya and Gerhard Schroeder were located here. On the lawn, in front of the main entrance in 1979, the work of the British sculptor Henry Mura "Large Two Forms" was established. Now here is the central office of the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development.

    According to historical places Bonn

    Previously, offices of German Chancellors are in the Shaumburg Palace. He was erected in 1860 by order of one textile manufacturer, later bought by Prince Adolf Tsu Shaumburg-Lippe and rebuilt in the style of late classicism. Since 1939, the building was at the disposal of the Wehrmacht, and in 1945 he passed the command of the Belgian parts in occupied Germany.

    According to historical places Bonn

    From Adenauer to Schmidt

    In 1949, the Palace of Shaumburg became the place of work of the first federal chancellor of the Adenauer Conrad. So looked his office. Then this palace until 1976 was used by Chancellors Ludwig Erhard, Kurt Georg Kiziorger, Willie Brandt and Helmut Schmidt. In 1990, German-German agreements were signed here on the establishment of currency, economic and social unions.

    According to historical places Bonn

    The neighboring villa Hammershmidt, built in the middle of the XVIII century, was held by German presidents - until 1994, when Richard von Wezsecker decided to move to the Berlin Palace Bellevue. At the same time, the Bonn Villa retained the status of the presidential residence in the city of federal significance on the Rhine.

    According to historical places Bonn

    Museum of Königa

    The first pages of the post-war history of the Federal Republic of Germany were written ... in the Zoological Museum of König. In 1948, the Parliamentary Council began to meet, whose tasks included the development of a new constitution. Also here for two months after the election by His Chancellor, before moving to the Palace of Shaumburg, Konrad Adenauer worked. This photo was taken during a visit to the former Cabinet of Angela Merkel.

    According to historical places Bonn

    Old Town Hall

    For its metropolitan decades, Bonn saw many politicians and statesmen from around the world. One of the items of their mandatory program was to visit the City Town Hall in order to leave an entry in the Golden Book of Honorary Guests. This photo was made on the front staircase during a visit to Germany Mikhail Gorbachev in 1989.

    According to historical places Bonn

    Many heads of state visited Bonn stayed at the Petersberg Hotel, where we started a report. He served as a guest government a resident. Elizabeth II lived here, Emperor Akihito, Boris Yeltsin, Bill Clinton. This snapshot was made in 1973 during the visit of Leonid Brezhnev, who was gone behind the wheel just given to Him "Mercedes" 450 SLC. On the same day, he remembered him on the Bonn Road.

    According to historical places Bonn


    Our report approached the end, but the "path of democracy" does not end. The route further passes by the ministries on the banks of the Rhine, the offices of the parliamentary parties and the Hofgarten Park. He was the place of rallies who were collecting more than 300 thousand people. For example, in 1981, they protested against the placement of American nuclear missiles in West Germany.


House where the composer was born
Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in 1770 in Bonn on December 16, he was baptized on December 17, 1770 in Bonn, in the Catholic Church of St. Remigue.

His father, Johann Beethoven (1740-1792), was a singer, tenor in court chapel. Mother, Maria Magdalene, before Marriage Kevterich (1748-1787), was the daughter of the court chef in Koblenz. They got married in 1767.

Grandfather, Ludwig (1712-1773), served in the same chapel as Johann, first with a singer, bass, then a dropmeister. He was from Mechelen in the South Netherlands, hence the prefix "Wang" in front of the last name.

early years

The composer's father wanted to make the second Mozart's son and began to train the game on Clavesis and Violin. In 1778, the first speech of the boy took place in Cologne. However, Beethoven's miracle child did not, the father rearmed the boy to his colleagues and buddies. One taught Ludwig game on the organ, the other on the violin.

In 1780, an organist and composer Christian Gotlob Nefa arrived in Bonn. He became a real teacher Beethoven. Nefa immediately realized that the boy was talent. He introduced Ludwig with a "well-tempered key" Bach and the works of Handel, as well as with the music of senior contemporaries: F. E. Baha, Haydna and Mozart. Thanks to the neopa, the first essay of Beethoven was published - variations on the topic of Marsha Dressler. Beethoven at that time was twelve years, and he had already worked as an assistant to court organist.

After the death of the grandfather, the material situation of the family worsened. Ludwig had to quit school early, but he learned Latin, studied Italian and French, read a lot. Already becoming an adult, the composer in one of the letters admitted:

"There is no essay that would be too scientific for me; Without pretending to anyone at the least of the word, I still have sought to understand the essence of the best and wisest people of every era. "
Among your favorite writers Beethoven - ancient Greek authors Homer and Plutarch, English playwright Shakespeare, German poets Goette and Schiller.

At this time, Beethoven began writing music, but did not hurry to print his works. Much written in Bonn was subsequently recycled. Three children's sonatas and several songs are known from the junior essays of the composer, including "Summer".

In 1787, Beethoven visited Vienna. After listening to the improvisation of Beethoven, Mozart exclaimed:

"He will make everyone talk about himself!"
But the classes did not take place: Beethoven learned about the Mother's disease and returned to Bonn. She died on July 17, 1787. The seventeen-year-old young man was forced to become the head of the family and take care of the younger brothers. He entered the orchestra as an altista. Italian, French and German operas are put here. A particularly strong impression on the young man was produced by the Opera Glitka and Mozart.

In 1789, Beethoven, wanting to continue their education, begins to attend lectures at the university. Just at this time, Bonn comes to news of the revolution in France. One of the professors of the university publishes a collection of poems that chant the revolution. Beethoven subscribes to him. Then he composes the "Song of a Free Man", in which there are words: "The one is free for whom nothing means the benefits of birth and title".

Driving from England in Bonn stopped Haydn. He came with approval about the composer experiments of Beethoven. The young man decides to go to Vienna to take lessons at the famous composer, because, returning from England, Haydn becomes more famous. In the autumn of 1792, Beethoven leaves Bonn.

The first ten years in Vienna (1792-1802)

Having arrived in Vienna, Beethoven began his classes with Gaidn, subsequently argued that Haydn did not teach him anything; Classes quickly disappointed the student, and teachers. Beethoven believed that Haydn was not attentive to his efforts; Gaidna scared not only bold at that time the views of Ludwig, but also rather dark melodies, that in those years it was small enough. Once Haidn wrote Beethoven:
"Your things are beautiful, these are even wonderful things, but then there is something strange, dark, since you yourself are a bit sullen and strange; And the style of the musician is always he himself. "
Soon Haydn went to England and handed his student to the famous teacher and the theorist Albrechtsbergeru. In the end, Beethoven himself chose a mentor himself - Antonio Salieri.

Already in the first years of life in Vienna, Beethoven won the fame of pianist-virtuoso. His game struck the listeners.

Beethoven boldly opposed the extreme registers (and at that time they played mainly on average), the pedal was widely used (then they were rarely treated to it), used massive chord consonances. In fact, it was he who created a piano style, distant from the exquisite-lace manner of Clavesinsis.

This style can be found in its piano sonats No. 8 "pathetic" (the name is given by the composer himself), No. 13 and No. 14. Both have the author's subtitle Sonata Quasi Una Fantasia ("in the spirit of fantasy"). Sonatu No. 14 The poet L. Relstab was subsequently called the "lunar", and, although this name is suitable only for the first part, and not to the final, it has fixed all the work.

Beethoven also highlighted his appearance among the ladies and cavaliers of that time. Almost always, he was casually dressed and unsuccessful.

Another time Beethoven stayed at Prince Likhnovsky. Likhnovsky very much respected the composer and was a fan of his music. He wanted to Beethoven played before the gathered. The composer refused. Likhnovsky began to insist and even ordered to break the door of the room where the Beethoven locked. The outrageous composer left the estate and returned to Vienna. Nutrow Beethoven sent Likhnovsky letter: "Prince! What I am, I owe myself. Princes exist and there will be thousands, Beethoven is the same - only one! "

However, despite such a harsh nature, the friends of Beethoven considered him a pretty kind person. So, for example, the composer never denied close friends to help. One of his quotes:

"None of my friends should need, while I have a piece of bread, if my wallet is empty and I can not help immediately, well, I only stand at the table and take up work, and quite soon I I will help him get out of trouble. "
Works of Beethoven began to be widely published and enjoy success. For the first ten years spent in Vienna, twenty sonatas for piano and three piano concerts were written, eight Sonatas for Violin, Quartets and other chamber compounds, Oratage "Christ on Omal Mountain", the ballet "Creation Prometheus", the first and second symphony.

In 1796, Beethoven begins to lose hearing. He develops tinitis - inflammation of the inner ear, leading to a ringing in the ears. On the advice of doctors, he will leave in a small town of Hiligentadt. However, peace and silence do not improve his well-being. Beethoven begins to understand that the deafness is incurable. In these tragic days, he writes a letter, which will later be called the Highigenstad Testament. The composer tells about his experiences, recognized that he was close to suicide:

"It seemed unthinkable to leave the light earlier than I fulfill everything I felt designed."

In Hiligentadt, the composer starts working on a new third symphony, which is called heroic.

As a result of the deafness of Beethoven, unique historical documents were preserved: "Spoken notebooks", where the friends of Beethoven recorded their replicas for him, to which he answered either verbally or in a response.

However, the musician Schindler, who has two notebooks with the records of Beethoven's conversations, in all likelihood, burn them, since "they contained the most coarse, fierce attacks against the emperor, as well as the Crown Prince and other high-ranking faces. This, unfortunately, was a favorite topic of Beethoven; In conversation, Beethoven was constantly indignant by the power by the pre-war, their laws and regulations. "

Late years (1802-1815)

Beethoven composes the sixth symphony
When Beethoven was 34 years old, Napoleon refused the ideals of the Great French Revolution and declared himself an emperor. Therefore, Beethoven refused to devote his third symphony to him: "This Napoleon is also an ordinary person. Now he will hide all human rights and makes Tyran. "

In the piano creativity, the composer's own style is noticeable in early sonata, but in symphonic maturity came to him later. According to Tchaikovsky, only the third symphony "was revealed for the first time all the immense, amazing power of the creative genius of Beethoven."

Because of the deafness, Beethoven rarely comes out of the house, the sound perception is deprived. He becomes sullen, closed. It was during these years that the composer one after another creates its most famous works. At the same years, Beethoven works on his only Opera "Fidelio." This opera refers to the genru of the "horrors and salvation" operas. The success for Fidelio came only in 1814, when the opera was put first in Vienna, then in Prague, where she conducted the famous German composer Weber and, finally, in Berlin.

Juliet Guichchardi, who the composer devoted the lunar sonata
Shortly before the death of the composer handed the manuscript "Fidelio" to his friend and secretary Schindler with the words: "This is a child of my spirit was produced into stronger torments than others, and gave me the greatest chagrins. Therefore, it is more expensive to me ... "

Recent years (1815-1827)

After 1812, the creative activity of the composer for a while falls. However, in three years, he begins to work with the same energy. At this time, piano sonatas were created from the 28th to the last, 32-year, two sonatas for cello, quartets, the vocal cycle "to a distant beloved." Much time is paid to the treatment of folk songs. Along with Scottish, Irish, Welsh, there are Russians. But the main creatures of recent years have become the two most monumental writings of Beethoven - "Solemn Mass" and Symphony No. 9 with a choir.

The ninth symphony was executed in 1824. The audience arranged composer ovation. It is known that Beethoven stood back to the hall and heard nothing, then one of the singers took his hand and turned his face to the listeners. People waved with scarves, hats, hands, welcoming the composer. Ovation lasted for so long that the police officials had immediately demanded that it stops. Such greetings were allowed only in relation to the person of the emperor.

In Austria, after the defeat of Napoleon, a police regime was installed. The government frightened by the revolution was stopped by any "free thoughts". Numerous secret agents penetrated all sectors of society. In colloquial notebooks, Beethoven, it is also a matter of warnings: "Sushch! Caution, here is a spy! " And, probably, after some particularly bold statement of the composer: "You end on the scaffold!"

However, Beethoven's popularity was so great that the government was not solved to touch him. Despite the deafness, the composer continues to be aware of not only political, but also musical news. He reads (that is, he listens to the inner hearing) Opero Rossini, browsing Schubert's songs, meets the operators of the German composer Weber "Magic shooter" and "Evrianta". Arriving in Vienna, Weber visited Beethoven. They have breakfast together, and Beethoven, usually not inclined to ceremonies, cared for his guest.

After the death of the younger brother, the composer took care of his son. Beethoven puts a nephew in the best guesthouses and entrusts His disciple Carla Cherni to engage with him music. The composer wanted the boy to become a scientist or artist, but he attracted not art, but cards and billiards. Confused in debt, he attempted suicide. This attempt did not cause much harm: the bullet only slightly scratched the skin on his head. Beethoven was very worried about this. Health has deteriorated sharply. The composer develops severe liver disease.

Beethoven died on March 26, 1827. Over twenty thousand people walked behind his coffin. During the funeral, the favorite Favoric Mass Beethoven Requiem D Minor Luigi Kerubini was performed. The grave was speech written by the poet Franz Grillparter:

"He was an artist, but also a person, a man in the highest sense of the word ... It can be said about him, as nor about a friend: he committed a great one, there was nothing wrong with him."

Causes of death

Beethoven on the mortal bed (Figure Joseph Eduard Telcher)
On 29 August 2007, the Vienna Patologist and the Expert of the Forensic Medicine Christian Reuters (Associate Professor of the Department of Judicial Medicine of the Vienna Medical University) suggested that his doctor Andreas Vavrukh in unintentionally accelerated by Wounds of the rods containing lead. The hair studies conducted by the Reuters showed that the level of lead content in the Bethoven's body sharply increased every time the doctor's visit.

Beethoven Pedagogue

Beethoven began to give music lessons in Bonn. His Bonnie student Stefan Breuning remained the most devoted friend of the composer. Breigning helped Beethoven in the alteration of Fidelio Libretto. In Vienna, the student of Beethoven became the young countess of Juliet Gwitchchadi. Juliet was a relative of Brunsvikov, in the family of which the composer was especially often. Beethoven fucked by his student and even thought about marriage. Summer 1801 he spent in Hungary, in the estate of Brunswicks. According to one of the hypotheses, it was there that was described "Moon Sonata". The composer devoted her Juliet. However, Juliet preferred to him Gallenberg's graph, having counted him with his talented composer. About the writings of the count of critics wrote that they could be accurately indicated from which product of Mozart or Kerubini is the same melody borrowed. The student of Beethoven was Teresa Brunswick. She possessed musical gifting - played perfectly on the piano, sang and even conducted.

Having become acquainted with the famous Swiss teacher Pestalozzi, she decided to devote himself to raising children. In Hungary, Teresa opened charitable kindergartens for children of the poor. Until the death (Teresa died in 1861 in old age), she remained faithful to the chosen cause. Beethoven tied a long friendship with Teresa. After the death of the composer, a great letter was found, which was called "Letter to the Immortal Beloved". The addressee of the letter is unknown, but some researchers consider the "immortal beloved" Teresu Broinsvik.

The student of Beethoven was and Dorothea Ertman, one of the best pianists of Germany. One of the contemporaries so responded about it:

"High, static figure and beautiful, full animation face, called in me ... Stressful waiting, and yet I was shocked, more than ever, Her execution of the Beethoven Sonata. I have never met the compounds of such a force with the heartfelt tenderness - even among the greatest virtuosos. "
Ertman was famous for the execution of Beethoven works. The composer dedicated her Sonata No. 28. Having learned that the child died the child, Beethoven played her for a long time.

In late 1801, Ferdinand Fig arrived in Vienna. Ferdinand was the son of the Bonn Kapelmeister, a friend of the Beethoven family. The composer accepted the young man. Like other students of Beethoven, rice has already owned the tool and also composed. One day Beethoven played him just finished adagio. The music liked the young man so much that he remembered her by heart. Going to the prince of Likhnovsky, played play play. The prince learned the beginning and, having come to the composer, said that he wanted to play his essay. Beethoven, little ceremony with princes, categorically refused to listen. But Likhnovsky still began to play. Beethoven immediately guessed about the trial of rice and terribly angry. He forbade the disciple to listen to his new essays and really never played anything else. One day, Rice played his march by giving him to Beethovensky. The listeners were delighted. The composer turned out to be immediately not exposed to the student. He just told him:

"You see, cute rice, what are these big experts. Give them only the name of their pet, and nothing more needs! "
Once I had a chance to hear the new creation of Beethoven. Somehow, they got lost and returned home in the evening. On the way, Beethoven growled a stormy melody. Having come home, he immediately sat down for the tool and, passionate, completely forgot about the presence of a student. So the final "Appassionates" was born.

At one time, Beethoven began to study and Karl Mobile. Karl was perhaps the only child among the Beethoven pupils. He was fulfilled only nine years old, but he already spoke with concerts. His first teacher was a father, a famous Czech teacher Wentsell Mobile. When Karl first got into the apartment of Beethoven, where, as always, the mess reigned, and saw a man with a dark unshaven face, in a vest of coarse wool fabric, he took him for Robinson Cruzo.

He was engaged in Beethoven for five years, after which the composer issued him a document in which the "exclusive successes of the student and his worthy surprise musical memory". The memory of the mobile was really amazing: he knew all the piano works of the teacher.

Cherni early began pedagogical activities and soon became one of the best teachers of the vein. Among his students was Theodore Leshetitsky, who can be called one of the founders of the Russian piano school. Since 1858, Leshetitsky lived in St. Petersburg, and from 1862 to 1878 he taught in just an open conservatory. Here he studied A. N. Esipov, afterwards the professor of the same conservatory, V. I. Safonov, Professor and Director of the Moscow Conservatory, S. M. Makapaar.

In 1822, a father came to hell with a boy who came from the Hungarian town of Doboryan. The boy did not have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe correct landing, nor about the applicature, but an experienced teacher immediately realized that in front of him an extraordinary, gifted, maybe a brilliant child. The name of the boy Ferrenz leaf. The sheet was engaged in blacks for a year and a half. His successes were so great that the teacher allowed him to speak in front of the public. Beethoven attended the concert. He guessed the gifting of the boy and kissed him. The leaf has kept the memory of this kiss.

Not rice, not black, and the leaf inherited the Beethoven player of the game. Like Beethoven, the sheet interprets the piano as an orchestra. During the tour in Europe, he promoted the work of Beethoven, fulfilling not only his piano works, but also the symphonies that he adapted for the piano. In those days, Music Beethoven, especially symphonic, was still unknown to a wide audience. In 1839, the sheet came to Bonn. Here for several years now I was going to put a monument to the composer, but the case was slowly slow.

"What a shame for everyone! - wrote a perturbed leaf of Berliozu. - What pain for us! ... It is unacceptable to make a monument to our Beethoven on this barely roughening alms. This should not be! It will not happen!"
The sheet filled the missing amount by revenue from its concerts. Just thanks to these efforts, the monument to the composer was delivered.


Ferrenz Leaf
Karl Cherni.
Ferdinand FRI
Rudolf Johann Joseph Rainer Background Habsburg-Larring

A family

Johann Van Beethoven (1740-1792) - Father
Mary Magdalene Kevterich (1746-1787) - Mother

Ludovicus Van Beethoven (1712-1773) - Grandfather
Maria Josepha Poll (1714-1775) - Grandma on Father
Johann Heinrich Keverich (1702-1759) - grandfather's grandfather
Anna Clara Westorff (1707-1768) - Mother Grandma

Kaspar Anton Charles Wang Beethoven (1774-1815) - Brother
Franz Georg Van Beethoven (1781-1783) - Brother
Johann Nicaus Wang Beethoven (1776-1848) - Brother
Ludwig Maria Van Beethoven (1769-1769) - Sister
Anna Maria Francis Wang Beethoven (1779-1779) - Sister
Maria Margarita Wang Beethoven (1786-1787) - Sister
Johann Peter Anton Leym (1764-1764) - Summary Sister by Mother. Johann LEYM Father (1733-1765).

The image of Beethoven in culture

In literature

Beethoven became the prototype of the main character - the composer Jean Christopa - in the same name, one of the most famous works of the French author Romen Rollan. Roman has become one of the works for which Rollan in 1915 was assigned the Nobel Prize in Literature.

In cinema

The main hero of the cult film "Clockwork Orange" Alex really likes to listen to the music of Beethoven, so the film is saturated with her.
In the film "Remember me like this" shot in 1987 on Mosfilm Pavel Chukhray, Beethoven's music sounds.
The comedy film "Beethoven" has nothing to do with the composer, except that the dog was called in his honor.
In the film "Heroic Symphony" Beethoven played Jan Hart.
In the Soviet-German film "Beethoven. The days of life "Beethoven played Donatas Banionis.
In the film "Snaging", the main character loved to listen to the music of Beethoven, and at the end of the film, when the end of the world began, everyone died under the second part of the seventh Symphony of Beethoven.
In the film "Rewriting Beethoven" describes the last year of the composer (in the lead role of Ed Harris).
The art 2-serial film "The Life of Beethoven" (USSR, 1978, director B. Galanter) is based on the preserved memories of the composer of his close friends.
The film "Lecture 21" (Italy, 2008), debut in the cinema of the Italian writer and musicologist Alessandro Barycko, is dedicated to the "ninth symphony".
In the film "Eklilibery" (USA, 2002, director Kurt Wimmer) The protagonist Preston discovers the inconspicuous number of records. One of them he decides to listen. The film sounds a fragment of the ninth symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven.
In the film "Soloist" (USA, France, United Kingdom Director Joe Wright) The plot is based on the real history of the life of the musician Nathaniel Ayers. The career of the young virtuoso cellist Ayers is interrupted when he gets schizophrenia. For many years later, Los Angeles Times learn about the homeless musician, a series of articles becomes the result of their communication. Ayers is just with Beethoven, he constantly performs his symphonies on the street.
In the film "Immortal Beloved", find out who exactly the inheritance of Beethoven. He himself in the testament all his writings conveys some immortal beloved. The film sounds the works of the composer.

In non-academic music

The American musician Chuck Berry in 1956 wrote the song Roll Over Beethoven, which included in the list of the 500 greatest songs of all times according to the Rolling Stone magazine. In addition to the Beethoven himself, Tchaikovsky is also mentioned in the song. Later (in 1973) in the ELO-2 album, this song was performed by the Electric Light Orchestra group, and at the beginning of the composition, a fragment of the 5th Symphony is used.
The composer is dedicated to the song "Beethoven" from the album "Split personality" of the group of splin.
The song "Silence" of Aella group is dedicated to the composer.
The Shocking Blue Dutch Group used an excerpt from "to Elise" in the song "Broken Heart" with ATTILA album 1972.
In 1981, the Rainbow Group under the guidance of the ex-guitarist of the Deep Purple group Richie Blackmore released the Album DiffiCult To Cure ("Difficulty"), the same composition in which was created based on the 9th Beethoven Symphony;
In the album Metal Heart 1985, the German Hevi-metal group ACCEPT guitar solo of the capital composition is the interpretation of the Beethoven "to the Elise".
In 2000, Neo-Classic Metal Collective TRANS-Siberian Orchestra released the Rock opera Beethoven's Last Night dedicated to the last night of the composer.
In the Les Litanies De Satan composition from the Bloody Lunatic Asylum album (English) of the Italian Gothic Black Metal-Metal-collective Theatres Des Vampires as an accompaniment to the verses of Charles Bodler used Sonata No. 14.

In popular culture

According to the popular mine, one of the parents of Beethoven was sickly syphilis, the older Bethoven brothers were blind, deaf or mentally retarded. This legend is used as an argument against abortion:

"You are familiar with a pregnant woman who already has 8 children. Two of them are blind, three - deaf, one - mentally underdeveloped, she herself is sick with syphilis. Do you advise her to make an abortion?

If you advised to make an abortion, you just killed Ludwig van Beethoven. "

Richard Dokinz refutes this legend and criticizes such an argument in his book "God as an illusion."

Beethoven's parents got married in 1767. In 1769 their first son was born, Ludwig Maria, who died in 6 days, which was quite common for that time. It has not been preserved about whether he was blind, deaf, mentally retarded, etc. In 1770, Ludwig Van Beethoven was born. In 1774, the third son was born, Kaspar Carl Wang Beethoven, who died in 1815 from the tuberculosis of lungs. Neither blind nor deaf, nor mentally retarded he was. In 1776, the fourth son, Nicaus Johann, who had enviable health and died in 1848. In 1779, Anna Maria Franciska's daughter was born, she died four days later. It also did not preserve the data on whether it was blind, deaf, mentally retarded, etc. In 1781, Franz Georg was born, who died in two years. In 1786, Maria Margarita was born, she died in a year. In the same year, Ludwig's mother dies from tuberculosis, distributed at the time of the disease. There are no reason to assume that it suffered from sexually transmitted diseases. Father, Johann Van Beethoven, died in 1792.


Memorial plate in Prague
Memorial Plank in Vienna
Monument in Bonn


One day Beethoven and Goethe, walking together in a greenhouse, met the emperor Franz in this time surrounded by his suits and courtiers. Goethe, leaving aside, leaned into a deep bow, Beethoven passed through the crowd of the court, barely driving to the hat.
In 2011, Professor of the University of Manchester Brian Cooper said that he managed to restore the 72-clock opus for string quartet, written by Beethoven in 1799, was discarded and subsequently lost: "Beethoven was a perfectionist. Any other composer would be happy, writing this passage. " The newly acquired music was performed on September 29, performed by the string quartet of the University of Manchester.
Depicts on the 1995 Austrian postage stamp, the 200th anniversary of Beethoven were released series of brands in Albania

Music execution Beethoven

Among the conduits who carried out the records of all the symphonies of Beethoven, - Claudio Abbado (twice), Ernest Angelimea, Nikolaus Arnoncourt, Daniel Barenboim, Leonard Bernstein (twice), Karl Bero, Bruno Walter (twice), Güntter Wand, Felix Wending, John Eliot Guarder, Carlo Maria Giulini, Kurt Zandoreling, Oumert Johum (three times), Herbert Cape Karaians (four times), Otto Cleverer, Andre Klytatans, Villem Mengelberg, Pierre Montё, George Sell, Arturo Tuscanini (twice), Wilhelm Furtvengler, Bernard Hightink (three times), Hermann Sherry, Georg Scholti (twice).

Among the pianists who carried out the records of all Piano Sonata Beethoven, Claudio Arrau (twice, the second cycle is not completed), Vladimir Ashkenazi, Wilhelm Bakuhaz (twice, the second cycle is not completed), Daniel Barendel (three times), Alfred Brendel (three times), Maria Greenberg , Friedrich Gulda (three times), Wilhelm Kempf (twice), Tatiana Nikolaev, Annie Fisher, Arthur Snabel. They began to record complete sonat cycles, but they died, did not have time to complete these projects, Walter Gizeking, Emil Gilels, Rudolf Serkin.


  • 9 Symphony: No. 1 (1799-1800), No. 2 (1803), No. 3 "Heroic" (1803-1804), No. 4 (1806), No. 5 (1804-1808), No. 6 "Pastoral" (1808) , No. 7 (1812), No. 8 (1812), No. 9 (1824).
  • 8 symphonic overtures, among which "Leonor" number 3.
  • 5 concerts for piano with orchestra.
  • music to dramatic performances: "Egmont", "Coriolian", "King Stefan"
  • 6 Youth Sonatas for Piano.
  • 32 Sonates for Piano, 32 Variations of Above Minor and about 60 Pieces for Piano.
  • 10 Sonatas for Violin and Piano.
  • concerto for violin with orchestra, concert for violin, cello and piano with orchestra ("Triple Concert").
  • 5 Sonatas for Cello and Piano.
  • 16 string quartets.
  • 6 trio.
  • Ballet "Creation Prometheus".
  • Opera "Fidelio".
  • Solemn Mass.
  • Vocal cycle "

One of the most respected and executable composers in the world. He wrote in all the genres that existed in his time, including Opera, ballet, music for dramatic performances, choral essays. The most significant in his heritage is considered tool works: piano, violin and cellular sonatas, concerts for piano, for violin, quartets, overtures, symphonies.


House where the composer was born

Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in December 1770 in the city of Bonn in the Musician family. The exact date of birth is not installed, only the date of baptism is known - December 17. His father was a singer in the court chapel, the grandfather served there in the same place. The grandfather of the future composer was from the Netherlands, hence the prefix "Wang" in front of the name Beethoven. The father of the composer was a gifted musician, but a weak person and a lover of drinking. He wanted to make a second Mozart from his son and began to train the game on Clavesis and Violin. However, he soon cooled to classes and reconciled the boy with his friends. One taught Ludwig game on the organ, the other - on the violin and flute.

In 1780, an organist and composer Christian Gotlib Nefa arrived in Bonn. He became a real teacher Beethoven. Nefa immediately realized that the boy was talent. He introduced Ludwig with a "well-tempered key" Bach and the works of Handel, as well as with the music of senior contemporaries: F. E. Baha, Haydna and Mozart. Thanks to the neopa, the first essay of Beethoven was published - variations on the topic of Marsha Dressler. Beethoven at that time was twelve years, and he had already worked as an assistant to court organist.

After the death of the grandfather, the material situation of the family worsened, father drank and almost did not bring money home. Ludwig had to quit school early, but he wanted to replenish his education: learn Latin, studied Italian and French, read a lot. Already becoming an adult, the composer in one of the letters admitted:

"There is no essay that would be too scientific for me; Without pretending to be the least to the study in the proper sense of the word, I still had a sought to understand the essence of the best and wise people of every era. "

Among your favorite writers Beethoven - ancient Greek authors Homer and Plutarch, English playwright Shakespeare, German poets Goette and Schiller.

At this time, Beethoven began writing music, but did not hurry to print his works. Much written in Bonn was subsequently recycled. Two children's sonatas and several songs are known from the junior essays of the composer, including "Summer".

Already in the first years of life in Vienna, Beethoven won the fame of pianist-virtuoso. His game struck the listeners. They compared it with the eruption of the volcano, and the Beethoven himself with Napoleon.

Beethoven in 30 years

In the early years, in the face of the composer, some similarities could be found with a young revolutionary general, but the contemporaries meant the other: violating all the previous rules to the manner of execution. Beethoven boldly opposed the extreme registers (and at that time they played mainly on average), the pedal was widely used (and then they were rarely treated to it), consumed massive chord consonances. In fact, it was he created piano style Far from exquisite-lace manner of clasiesinists.

This style can be found in its piano sonats No. 8 - pathetic (the name is given by the composer himself), No. 13 and No. 14, both have the author's subtitle: "Sonata Quasi Una Fantasia" (in the spirit of fantasy). Sonatu No. 14 The Poet Robalstab subsequently called the Luna, and, although this name is suitable only for the first part, and not to the final, it has been fixed forever for the whole work.

Beethoven also hit his appearance. Carelessly dressed, with mane black hair, with sharp, angular movements, he immediately highlighted among elegant ladies and cavaliers.

Beethoven did not hide his feelings. On the contrary, barely noticing the slightest disrespect for himself, stated directly, without choosing expressions. One day, when he played, one of the guests allowed himself to speak with the lady; Beethoven immediately cut the performance: "I will not play such a pig!". And no apologies and persuasion helped.

Works of Beethoven began to be widely published and enjoy success. For the first Vienna decade, a lot was written: twenty sonatas for piano and three piano concerts, eight Sonatas for violin, quartets and other chamber compounds, Oratage "Christ on Omal Mountain", ballet "Creation Prometheus", the first and second symphony.

Teresa Bruunswick, loyal friend and student Beethoven

In 1796, Beethoven begins to lose hearing. He develops tinitis - inflammation of the inner ear, leading to a ringing in the ears. On the advice of doctors, he will long retire in the small town of Galeegestadt. However, peace and silence do not improve his well-being. Beethoven begins to understand that the deafness is incurable. In these tragic days, he writes a letter, which will later be called the HeilenStadt testament. The composer talks about his experiences, recognized that he was close to suicide. "It seemed to me unthinkable to leave the light," Beethoven writes, "before I fulfill everything, what I felt designed."

In Galeegestadt, the composer starts working on a new third symphony, which is called heroic.

As a result of the deafness of Beethoven, unique historical documents were preserved: "Spoken notebooks", where the friends of Beethoven recorded their replicas for him, to which he answered either verbally or in a response.

Late years: 1802-1812

In the piano creativity, the composer's own style is noticeable in early sonata, but in symphonic maturity came to him later. According to Tchaikovsky, only in the third symphony "For the first time, all the immense, amazing power of the creative genius of Beethoven was revealed."<

Because of the deafness, Beethoven is separated from the world, the sound perception is deprived. He becomes sullen, closed. It was during these years that the composer one after another creates its most famous works. In the same years, the composer works on his only Opera "Fidelio". This opera refers to the genru of the "horrors and salvation" operas. The success for Fidelio came only in 1814, when the opera was put first in Vienna, then in Prague, where she conducted the famous German composer Weber and, finally, in Berlin.

Juliet Guichchardi, who the composer devoted the lunar sonata

Shortly before death, the composer handed over the manuscript "Fidelio" to his friend and secretary Schindler with the words: "This is the child of my spirit was made to the light in stronger torments than others, and gave me the greatest chagrins. Therefore, it is more expensive to me ... "

Last years

After 1812, the creative activity of the composer for a while falls. However, in three years, he begins to work with the same energy. At this time, piano sonates were created with twenty-eighth on the last, thirty-eight, two sonatas for cello, quartets, the vocal cycle "to a distant beloved." Much time is paid to the treatment of folk songs. Along with Scottish, Irish, Welsh, there are Russians. But the main creatures of recent years have become the two most monumental essays of Beethoven - a solemn mass and ninth symphony with a choir.

The ninth symphony was executed in 1824. The audience arranged composer ovation. Beethoven stood back to the hall and heard nothing, then one of the singers took his hand and turned his face to the listeners. People waved with scarves, hats, hands, welcoming the composer. Ovation lasted for so long that the police officials had immediately demanded that it stops. Such greetings were allowed only in relation to the person of the emperor.

In Austria, after the defeat of Napoleon, a police regime was installed. The government scared by the revolution pursued any free thought. Numerous secret agents penetrated all sectors of society. In conversational notebooks, Beethoven, it is also there are warnings: "Cherry! Caution, here is a spy! " And probably after some particularly bold sayings of the composer: "You will end on the scaffold!"

Beethoven's grave at the Central Cemetery of Vienna, Austria.

However, the glory of Beethoven was so great that the government did not dare to touch him. Despite the deafness, the composer continues to be aware of not only political, but also musical news. He read (that is, he listens to the inner hearing) Opero Opero Rossini, looking at the Schubert songs collection, meets the operators of the German composer Weber "Wolly shooter" and "Evrianta". Arriving in Vienna, Weber visited Beethoven. They have breakfast together, and Beethoven, usually not inclined to ceremonies, cared for his guest. After the death of the younger brother, the composer took care of his son. Beethoven placed a nephew in the best guesthouses, instructs his student to work with him with music. The composer wanted the boy to become a scientist or artist, but it was not attracted art, but cards and billiards. Confused in debt, he attempted suicide. This attempt did not cause much harm: the bullet only slightly scratched the skin on his head. Beethoven was very worried about this. Health has deteriorated sharply. The composer develops severe liver disease.

Funeral Beethoven.

Beethoven at the work of the house (pay attention to the situation)

He was engaged in Beethoven for five years, after which the composer issued him a document in which the "exclusive successes of the student and his worthy surprise musical memory". The memory of the mobile was really amazing: he knew all the piano works of the teacher.

Cherni early began pedagogical activities and soon became one of the best teachers of the vein. Among his students was Theodore Leshetitsky, who can be called one of the founders of the Russian piano school. From 1858, Leshetitsky lived in St. Petersburg, and from 1862 to 1878 he taught in just an open conservatory. Here, A. N. Esipova, who later studied the professor of the same conservatory, V. I. Safonov, Professor and director of the Moscow Conservatory, S. M. Makapaar, whose writings are known to every student of the music school.

Mobile was an unusually prolific composer, they were written more than a thousand works in different genres, but the broadest fame brought him etudes. It is difficult to count how many generations of musicians have been educated on these mandatory for each pianist "Fingering Schools". Merit of mobile is the editorial office of Sonatas Juseppe Scarlatti and the "well-tempered key" of the Bach.

In 1822, a father came to hell with a boy who came from the Hungarian town of Doboryan. The boy did not have an idea of \u200b\u200ba proper landing, nor about the applicature, but an experienced teacher immediately understood that he was not ordinary, but gifted, maybe a brilliant, child. The name of the boy Ferrenz leaf. The sheet was engaged in blacks for a year and a half. His successes were so great that the teacher allowed him to speak in front of the public. Beethoven attended the concert. He guessed the gifting of the boy and kissed him. The leaf has kept the memory of this kiss. It is the sheet that can be called a genuine student of Beethoven.

Nor rice, nor black, and he inherited the Beethoven player player. Like Beethoven, the sheet interprets the piano as an orchestra. During the tour in Europe, he promoted the work of Beethoven, fulfilling not only his piano works, but also the symphonies that he adapted for the piano. In those days, Music Beethoven, especially symphonic, was still unknown to a wide audience. In 1839, the sheet came to Bonn. Here for several years now I was going to put a monument to the composer, but the case was slowly slow.

The sheet filled the missing amount by revenue from its concerts. Only through efforts the monument to the composer was delivered.

Causes of death

Studies of hair and bone matter allowed specialists in archeopatolanatomy to establish that Beethoven suffered from lead poisoning long before his death. The doses of lead came to his body regularly - presumably or with wine or in the baths that he took. This led to the incurable liver disease, which was confirmed by opening.

You are familiar with a pregnant woman who already has 8 children. Two of them are blind, three - deaf, one - mentally underdeveloped, she herself is sick with syphilis. Do you advise her to make an abortion?

If you advised to make an abortion - you just killed Ludwig Van Beethoven.

Beethoven's parents got married in 1767. In 1769 their first son was born, Ludwig Maria, who died in 6 days, which was normal for that time. No data was preserved about whether he was blind, deaf, mentally retarded, etc. In 1770, Ludwig Van Beethoven was born, composer. In 1774, the third son was born, Karal Van Beethoven. In 1776 the fourth son, Nicaus Johann was born. In 1779, Anna Maria Franciska's daughter was born, she died four days later. No data was preserved about whether she was blind, deaf, mentally retarded, etc. In 1781 his brother was born, Franz Georg (died in two years later). In 1786 his sister was born, Maria Margarita. Died in a year when Ludwig was 17 years old. In the same year, his mother dies from tuberculosis, which was absolutely normal at the time.


  • 9 Symphony: No. 1 (-), No. 2 (), No. 3 "Heroic" (-), No. 4 (), No. 5 (-), No. 6 "Pastoral" (), No. 7 (), No. 8 ( ), № 9 ().
  • 11 Symphonic Overtures, among which Coriolian, "Egmont", "Leonor" No. 3.
  • 5 concerts for piano with orchestra.
  • 32 Sonatas for piano, many variations and small places for piano.
  • 10 Sonatas for Violin and Piano.
  • concerto for violin with orchestra, concert for piano, violin and cello with orchestra ("Triple Concert")
  • 5 Sonatas for Cello and Piano.
  • 16 quartets.
  • Ballet "Creation Prometheus".
  • Opera "Fidelio".
  • Solemn Mass.
  • Vocal cycle "To a distant beloved."
  • Songs on poems of different poets, processing folk songs.

Musical fragments

Attention! Musical Fragments in OGG Vorbis format

  • Oda to joy (small fragment, light file) (info) (information about the file)
  • Moonlight Sonata (File Information)
  • Concert 4-1 (Info) (File Information)

Monuments Beethovenu

Name: Ludwig Van Beethoven (Ludwig Van Beethoven)

Age: 56 years old

Place of Birth: Bonn, Germany

Place of death: Vienna, Austria

Activity: composer, violinist, pianist, conductor

Family status: not married

Ludwig Van Beethoven - Biography

The most unusual composer, who studied the game on a violin and piano, managed to conduct a whole orchestra, being absolutely deaf.

Children's years, family

Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in the German Bonn harsh winter. The fate and grandfather and his father were connected with music, and therefore the entire biography of the conversion of Beethoven's clan was obviously defined. Senior men from the genus of the famous composer had excellent vocal data, which they used in their work. Men found the use of their talent in a chapel at the court. Ludwig's father often came home drunk, spooking half of what he earned. And the rest of the money lacked to ensure the family.

In the so-called child's room, there was no furniture, except for the iron bed and old harpsichord. Yes, and the room itself was located on the attic at home. Father traveled and there to beat his son, although the mother always got a good part of the mother. Maria Beethoven hotly loved Ludwig, he was not the only child in the family, the seven was born, but only three remained alive. Mother as she could, made their childhood happy.


The father of Johann immediately noticed that the child had an excellent musical hearing and there were certain abilities. Amadeus Mozart became Meril for the envious chapter of the family. He conceived from his son to make genius. Every day the boy was engaged in violin and piano. The father had to know, to which musical instrument nature, giving him a son with a talent, preferred. Ludwig had a rich choice: organ, harpsichine, alto, violin and flute. Punishment followed each mistake in muizitization. Teachers who hired Johann were labeled.

Mother in the life of the composer

The father was eager to make a gifted child at the expense of a gifted child. In Kapella, he increased his salary, but all the efforts were in vain, since all the money was spent on alcohol. Ludwig gave his first concert for 6 years. I liked him by Cologne's listeners, but the money from the concert was reversed a little.

Mother, unlike the Father, was wiser and farshot. Her son began to compose the melodies, which he conisted with Mom with Mom. The boy was absorbed by the music, sometimes an extraneous intervention was required to bring it out of the submersible state. The biography of the composer stubbornly led the young Beethoven in the laid path.

Comprehensive development of Beethoven

In the newly appointed Director of Capella Louis gained the teacher. Christian Gotlobu noticed the talent of the boy and began to teach him everything that he owned himself. One music is not enough for writing good music, you need to draw feelings and emotions from literature, from ancient languages \u200b\u200bwith their singer, and philosophy. Ludwig was read by Goethe and Shakespeare, listens to Baha, Handel, Mozart.


Still, Ludwig Beethoven came to Vienna and met the great genius of music. Wolfgang heard the improvisations of the young man. Mozart predicted Louis global glory. The composer promised to give a few lessons. Suddenly the mother fell ill, and Ludwig hurriedly left the one who sought all his youth.

Mother died, leaving the children and drunkard father. Ludwig was forced to seek help to the prince. The family began to receive benefits. The young man managed to achieve permission to visit musical assemblies. The future composer gave private lessons. One of these families helped Beethoven. Their daughter was a student at a talented musician.


It was hard to communicate with the Austrian luminaries of science. Genendel could not find a common language with Ludwig. I am pleased to do with young Beethoven and even introduced it to titled musicians and noble individuals.

Ludwig writes music for the work of Schiller, which heard and appreciated only after 39 years. In 25 years, the fame of the most fashionable pianist came to the musician. After three years, Tinnitus begins to develop. Nobody guess for ten years about the presence of this disease. The deafness of Beethoven was attributed to the scattered composer.

The most fruitful moment of creativity

Fear of Fearful finally developed an incredible performance from the composer and takeoff of creativity. The second symphony is written, "Pastoral Symphony". During this period, Beethoven began to be in nature, leaving for remote places. In this privacy with nature, real music masterpieces were born. The Theater Directorate suggested a composer to write music to the Drama Goethe. Music was created, and in passing the rehearsal of the performance, which was attended by Maestro.

Ludwig Van Beethoven - Biography of Personal Life

Ludwig never took to know, it means that he could not marry a girl from the highest society. A young man fell in love with a young countess, which did not share his feelings and soon married a man of his circle. The anthem of all unspoken and unrelated feelings was the "Moon Sonata" of the composer.

The next love of Beethoven to the widow of the Graph Daim also ended in failure, in the impulse of feelings makes an offer to the third girl - and again the refusal. The composer was disappointed and decides the remainder of life not to offer his hand and heart. Ludwig decides to take on the upbringing of the child of the deceased brother. The child inherited from his mother to the addiction to alcohol than delivers a lot of trouble to his native uncle.

Recent years Beethoven

The rumor begins to disappear completely, but Beethoven does not lose hope to hear and compose music. He recognizes the sound of vibration.

Ludwig Van Beethoven is the famous deaf composer who created 650 musical works that are recognized as the world's world treasure. The life of a talented musician is marked by a constant struggle with difficulties and adversities.

In the winter of 1770, Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in the poor quarter of Bonna. Baptism of the baby took place on December 17th. The grandfather and father of the boy are distinguished by a singing talent, so they work in the court chapel. Children's years, the kid is difficult to call happy, because a constantly drunk father and beggar existence do not contribute to the development of talent.

Ludwig with bitterness recalls his own room, located in the attic, where there were old harpsichine and an iron bed. Johann (Dad) was often drunk to unconsciousness and beat his spouse, releasing evil. Periodically, the beatings were getting and son. Mama Maria gently loved the only surviving child, sang the baby songs and how he could the gray insane weekdays.

At an early age, Ludwig showed musical abilities that Johann immediately noticed. I envy glory and talent whose name is already rattling in Europe, I decided to raise a similar genius from my own child. Now the life of the baby filled with the exhausting classes of playing piano and violin.

Father, finding out the gifting of the boy, made the exercise simultaneously on 5 instruments - the organ, clause, alte, violin, flute. Young Louis clock Corpel over Muizicy. The slightest errors were punished by vice and beatings. Johann invited to the son of teachers, whose lessons for the most part are inconsistent and unsystematic.

The man sought to quickly train Ludwig concert activity in the hope of fees. Johann even asked to increase the salaries at work, promising to arrange a gifted son in the Kapella. But the family did not heal well, as the money went on alcohol. At the six-year-old age, Louis dodied by the Father gives a concert in Cologne. But the received fee was tiny.

Thanks to maternal support, young genius began improvising and outline his own works. Nature generously gave the child with talent, but the development was complex and painful. Ludwig was so immersed in the melodies created in consciousness that he could not exit this state.

In 1782, the director of the court chapel is prescribed Christian Gotobu, who becomes Louis teacher. The man considered glimpses of gifts in Yunz and took his formation. Understanding that musical skills do not give full development, puts love to literature, philosophy and ancient languages. , become idols of young genius. Beethoven greedily studies works and Handel, dreaming of joint work with Mozart.

The musical capital of Europe, Vienna, the young man visited the first time in 1787, where he met Wolfgang Amadem. The famous composer, having heard the improvisation of Ludwig, was delighted. Amazed present Mozart said:

"Do not break the gaze from this boy. Once peace speaks about him. "

Beethoven agreed with a maestro about several lessons, which had to be interrupted due to the disease of the mother.

Returning to Bonn and buried the mother, the young man plunged into despair. This painful moment in the biography has adversely affected the work of the musician. The young man is forced to care for two younger brothers and tolerate the drunken feathers of the Father. The young man turned to the prince to the prince, who was appointed a family with a full 200 taler. Mocking neighbors and bullying children strongly wounded Ludwig, who said that he would get out of poverty and earn money in his own difficulty.

The talented young man found in Bonn patrons, which provided free access to musical assemblies and salons. The family of Breuning took care of Louis, who taught the music of their daughter Lorcher. The girl married Dr. Vegeler. Until the end of his life, the teacher supported friendly relations with this pair.


In 1792, Beethoven went to Vienna, where hesenate friends quickly found. In order to improve the skills in instrumental music addressed to whom his own works brought to check. Relations between the musicians were immediately not charged, since Haidna annoyed a plump student. Then the young man takes the lessons from Shenka and Albrechtsberger. The vocal letter is improving with Antonio Salieri, who introduced a young man into a circle of professional musicians and titled persons.

A year later, Ludwig Wang Beethoven creates music to "Joy Ode" written by Schiller in 1785 for the Masonic Lodge. Throughout the life of the maestro, the hymn modifies, strives for the triumphal sound of the composition. The public heard a symphony that caused a frantic delight, only in May 1824.

Soon Beethoven becomes a fashionable pianist of the vein. In 1795, a young musician's debut took place in the salon. Playing three piano trios and three sonates of their own essay, fascinated contemporaries. The present temperament noted, the wealth of imagination and the depth of the feeling of Louis. Three years later, a man overtakes a terrible disease - Tinnitus, which develops slowly, but right.

Beethoven 10 years old hid ailments. The surroundings did not even realize about the deafness of the pianist, and the reservations and the answers were not written off the dispersion and inattention. In 1802 he writes the Highigenstad Testament, addressed to the brothers. In the work of Louis describes its own mental suffering and excitement for the future. This confession man orders to announce only after death.

In a letter to the doctor, there is a line: "I will not surrender and take the fate of the throat!". Doggy and the expression of genius were expressed in the charming "second symphony" and three violin sonats. Understanding that it will soon flop completely, with zeal is taken for work. This period is considered to be a flourishing of creativity of the genius pianist.

"Pastoral Symphony" of 1808 consists of five parts and occupies a separate place in the life of the master. The man loved to relax in remote villages, communicated with nature and pondered new masterpieces. The fourth part of the symphony is called "Thunderstorm. The storm, "where the Master conveys rampant ragged elements using piano, trombones and flute piccolo.

In 1809, the Directorate of the City Theater Ludwig received a proposal to write musical accompaniment to the Drama "Egmont" Goethe. As a sign of respect for the work of the writer, the pianist refused money remuneration. The man wrote music parallel to theatrical rehearsals. Actress Anthony Adamberger joked over the composer, confessing that in the absence of a singing talent. In response to a unfortunated glance skillfully performed Aria. Beethoven did not appreciate humor and severely said:

"I see, you still can perform an overture, I will go and write these songs."

From 1813 to 1815, there are already fewer works, as it finally loses his hearing. The brilliant mind finds a way out. Louis to "hear" music, uses a thin wooden wand. One tip of the plate clamps the teeth, and the other leans to the front panel of the tool. And thanks to the transmitting vibration, the sound of the tool feels.

The compositions of this life period are filled with tragedy, depth and philosophical meaning. The works of the greatest musician become a classic for contemporaries and descendants.

Personal life

The history of the personal life of the gifted pianist is rare tragic. Ludwig in the circle of the aristocratic elite was considered commoner, so he had no right to apply for noble maidens. In 1801, Julie Guichchhardi fell in love with Julia. The feelings of young people were not mutual, as the girl simultaneously met and with Graph von Gallenberg, for which married two years after acquaintance. Love torments and bitterness loss of the beloved composer expressed in the "Lunar Sonate", which became a hymn of unrequited love.

From 1804 to 1810, Beethoven is passionately in love with Josephine Brunswick - Widow Count Josef Daim. A woman is enthusiastically answered by courtship and letters of a fervent beloved. But the novel ended at the insistence of Relatives Josephins, who are confident that Proshirotin will not be a standing candidate for spouses. After a painful break, a man from the principle makes the proposal of Teresa Malfatti. Gets a refusal and writes a masterpiece sonatoo "to the Elise".

The experienced mental excitements were so upset of impressionable Beethoven that he decided to spend the rest of his life in proud loneliness. In 1815, after the death of his brother, it turned out to be drawn into litient litigation associated with guardianship over the nephew. The child's mother is characterized by a reputation of a walking woman, so the court satisfied the demands of the musician. Soon it turned out that Karl (nephew) inherited the harmful habits of the mother.

Uncle brings up a boy in rigor, trying to instill love for music and eradicate alcohol and cruise dependence. Without your own children, a man is not experienced in the instructions and will not ceremony with the spoiled young men. Another scandal leads a guy to try to suicide, which was unsuccessful. Ludwig sends Karl to the army.


In 1826, Louis witrated and fell ill with inflammation of the lungs. Gastric pain joined pulmonary disease. The doctor improperly calculated the dosage of the medication, so there was airsdown daily progressed. 6 months old man is chained to bed. At this time, Beethoven visited friends trying to alleviate the suffering of the dying.

A talented composer died on 57 years of life - March 26, 1827. On this day, the windows raged the thunderstorm, and the moment of death was marked by a terrible thunder rolling. At the opening, it turned out that the masters had a liver and hearing and adjacent nerves were damaged. In the last path of Beethoven, 20,000 citizens accompanies, the funeral procession is headed. The musician buried on the Wearing Cemetery of the Church of the Holy Trinity.

  • At the age of 12 published a collection of variations for keyboard tools.
  • It was considered the first musician to whom the city council appointed a cash benefit.
  • Posted 3 love letters to the "immortal beloved" found only after death.
  • Beethoven is written the only opera called "Fidelio". There are no more similar works in the master's biography.
  • The greatest delusion of contemporaries is that Ludwig wrote the following works: "The Music of Angels" and "Rainy Melody". These compositions are created by other pianists.
  • Valued friendship and helped in need.
  • He could simultaneously work on 5 works.
  • In 1809, when the city bombarded, worried that he suffers from the explosions of the shells. Therefore, I was hiding in the basement at home and closed the ears with pillows.
  • In 1845, the first monument dedicated to the composer was opened in Bon.
  • The basis of the song "Beatles" "Because" is put on Moon Sonata, lost in reverse order.
  • The anthem of the European Union was appointed "Ode to joy."
  • He died of a lead from the body poisoning due to a medical error.
  • Modern psychiatrists believe that they suffered from a bipolar disorder.
  • Photos of Beethoven are printed on German postage stamps.



  • First C-DUR OP. 21 (1800)
  • The second d-dur op. 36 (1802)
  • The third ES-DUR "Heroic" Op. 56 (1804)
  • Fourth B-DUR OP. 60 (1806)
  • Fifth C-Moll Op. 67 (1805-1808)
  • Sixth F-DUR "Pastoral" Op. 68 (1808)
  • Seventh A-DUR OP. 92 (1812)
  • Eighth F-DUR OP. 93 (1812)
  • Nine D-Moll op. 125 (with choir, 1822-1824)


  • Prometheus from Op. 43 (1800)
  • "Coriolian" op. 62 (1806)
  • "Leonor" No. 1 op. 138 (1805)
  • "Leonor" № 2 op. 72 (1805)
  • "Leonora" number 3 op. 72a (1806)
  • Fidelio OR. 726 (1814)
  • "Egmont" from OR. 84 (1810)
  • "The ruins of Athens" from the OR. 113 (1811)
  • "King Stephen" from OR. 117 (1811)
  • "Name" op. 115 (18 (4)
  • "Consecration of the House" Wed. 124 (1822)

More than 40 dancing and marches for symphonic and brass orchestra