The most complex logical task in the world. How to replay gods - a logical task

The most complex logical task in the world. How to replay gods - a logical task
The most complex logical task in the world. How to replay gods - a logical task

Riddles, in one form or another, exist for centuries. Some of them are rhymes, others consist of only several words. For you, we collected the best, most popular, favorite and complex riddles All times and peoples.

Genuine Gestumblindi - Scandinavia

Scandinavian mythology presented the world of a mighty torus, and in addition she supplied us with wonderful riddles, in particular, the mystery of God. According to the legend, the King Heidrek was going to put into a man's prison named Gesstumbondi if he could not give him complex riddles (an interesting approach to law and order). Fearing for his life, Gestumblindi prayed to Prawsu, who answered him and appeared before the king in his guise. One guess Heidrek a number of mysteries that he successfully solved this, including this:

"Four hang, four jumps, two indicate the path, two drive away dogs, one hangs behind, always dirty. Who am I?"

Ultimately, one guess the king of an unresolved riddle, he knew only he himself. Heidrek guessed the substitution and attacked God, turning his flight.

Answer: Cow.

House - Sumerians

Ancient sumerian civilization Gave the world a lot of useful things, including the system of irrigation, writing and legislation. Society, ascending to 4000 BC, also responsible for the emergence of one of the early examples of riddles. For the first time, the liddle of the Sumerians was translated in 1960, this is a wonderful sample sumerian culture And their views on life. There are two versions, but the shorter and poetic sounds like this:

"Here is the house. Who enters him blind, comes out twisted. What is it?"

Answer: School.

Thirty white horses - D. R. R. Tolkin

One of the Great english writers, John Tolkin, seriously fond scandinavian mythology And included a number of mysteries into their works. In his book, "Hobbit" Bilbo Baggins had to defeat Harlaum in a competition for the riddles of mysteries to break out of the tunnel under the misty mountains. The questions were bouncing in both directions, as when playing Ping Pong, while Bilbo finally guess Hollumu's mystery, which he could not answer. It was not a classic genre (in the Spirit: "What lies in my pocket?"), But something no less entertaining:

"On the red hill thirty white horses: first everyone chew, then the hoof beat, and after it is freezing."

Answer: Teeth.

Something - Britain

This mystery is included in literary work Under the name "Book of Exeter". It was written in the century and most famous for its anthology of the Anglo-Saxon poetry. The author of the riddles remains unknown, but collected and recorded their Leofric, the first bishop of Exeter. At the end of the book, a collection of a hundred puzzles is placed, or one of which answers are not recorded. Some charaks are dirty puns with double meaning. The researchers more or less agreed in the responses to many of them, trying to remain faithful to humor and thinking of medieval British.

Here is one example of their original wit:

"I heard about something that grows in a secluded corner, swelling and rises, breaks through the cover. A young, bold woman is controlled with this abusive thing with her own hands, and the Lord's daughter covers her, swollen, his apron. " (We warned about the presence of subtext.)

Answer: Dough.

What we have been lying - Greece

The next riddle is most famous for its apocryphic involvement in the death of the Greek Homer's poet, described by philosophers of all times as "the wisest of the Greeks". Homer went to IOS Island, although Oracle warned that he would be the place of his death (the Greeks never listened to prophecies about their own death). During his trip, Homer met several fishermen. He asked how they were going on, and they answered the mystery:

"What was caught - they dropped that they did not say - they kept. What have we caught? "

Unable to guess the riddle Homer eventually died on the island, refusing to leave it until he finds the answer.

Answer: Versh.

Paradise and Hell - Anonymous

Here is another classic mystery, perhaps the most famous of all presented in this article. Over the years, she has acquired many different options, but the most popular version sounds like this:

"You died and got into purgatory. Before you two doors. One leads to heaven, the other is to hell. Each door has a guard. One of them always speaks the truth, and the second is lying. What one question will you ask the guard to find out for which door is he paradise? "

Answer: If I ask the second guard about which door leads to heaven, what will he answer me?

Who keeps the fish? - Albert Einstein

This is a mystery from one of small peopleever living on Earth, Albert Einstein. Moreover, it is believed that he came up with this task, being a child. Although it can not be called a mystery in the traditional sense, it is very interesting check level of intelligence and attention. One day, Einstein expressed the view that only 2% of the world's population will be able to solve this charad (some believe he meant that only 2% could solve her in the mind, but much more people able to do it on paper).

The mystery sounds as follows:

"In five houses different colors Five people live with various tastes on drinks, favorite brands of cigarettes and with unique pets. You need to know which of them holds the fish. Here, all the information available for solving:

1. The Englishman lives in the Red House.
2. Swede holds a dog.
3. Dane drinks tea.
4. The green house is located on the left of the white.
5. The owner of the green house drinks coffee.
6. The one who smokes "Pall Mall" holds birds.
7. The owner of the Yellow House smokes "Dunhills".
8. Male from central House Drinks milk.
9. Norwegian lives in the first house.
10. Neighbor who smokes "Blend" holds cats.
11. A man, smoking "Blue Masters", drinks beer.
12. The one who holds horses lives next to a man, smoking "Dunhill".
13. The German smokes "Prince".
14. Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
15. A neighbor of smoking "Blend" drinks water. "

Answer: German.

Samson's Mystery - Israel

Samson, more famous for his inhuman power than the mind, invented one of best mysteries All time. During the marriage feast, he decided to conclude a little bet. If guests can solve a riddle, Samson will give them 30 chits. If it fails them, they will have to do the same for him. Guests agreed, and Samson guess them next riddle:

"From the steady, emitted, and from the strong left sweet."

They could not solve it for a long time. Later, Samson's wife persuaded him to tell her the answer, which immediately passed the guests. The angry Samson killed 30 people in Askalon, took off her clothes and gave it to the "winners" bet.

Answer: Honey bee swarm in the corpse of a lion killed by Samson.

Raven - Lewis Carroll

Another great writers All times, Lewis Carroll, presented us with the next riddle. In his book "The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland" Alice hit the tea party to the insane hat, who decided to guess her riddle:

"What is the raven look like a desk?"

The answer was not given, because when Alice surrendered, the hatchnik admitted that he himself did not know the attenuation. Many famous people Subsequently put forward their solutions. The best, perhaps, became the answers of the Writer of Oldhos Huxley: "Because" B "is in both, but" H "- none in one", - and amateur of Sam Lloyd's puzzles: "Sounds / records (eng. Notes") for which they are intended, do not belong to the musical. "

However, Carroll himself answered his famous mystery, mainly, because the fans did not give him peace of question.

Carroll's answer: Because they can produce sounds, although quite lousy; And they cannot be put on the wrong side!

The most complex logical puzzle - George Blos

A similar riddle about Paradise and Hell, mentioned earlier, I developed this task and published in 1996 an American philosopher and logic George Bun, inspired by Raymond Smallian, the author of a number of logical tasks.

"Three God lives on the island. One of them always says the truth, and the other is lying. The complexity is that the third God behaves differently. In addition to this, the deities are fooling the fool and respond to the language inappropriate to you. It is not known what word ("yes" or "I") means "yes", and which is "no". You have three questions to find out what God is the truth, what a lie, and what an accident. "


Question number 1 (anybody): If I ask you: "This God is an accident?" - Will you answer "I"? (This question, regardless of the answer, will allow you to identify God-truth or false).

Question number 2 (God-Truth or Lie): If I ask you: "Are you a lie?" - Do you tell me "I"?

Question number 3 (the same God as the previous one): If I ask you: "The first God, with whom I said, is an accident?" - Will you answer "I"?

Still in confusion? The key to the randering lies in the fact that both the truth, and a lie to the question of the type "if I ask you x, will you answer" I "?" They will give the same answer. So, let's say, "I" means "yes." If you ask a question: "If I ask you:" Sky Blue? " - Did you answer "I"? " - Both of God will answer "I". If "I" means "no", they will answer yes. Therefore, when you ask the question: "If I ask you:" This God is an accident? " - Did you answer "I"? " "Both God must say" I ", if the truthful answer to this question is" yes ", or" yes ", if the truthful answer is" no ". If you are talking to the god of chance, any answer will be truthful. Thus, find out the answers to other questions are quite simple.

The solution of the puzzle gives people a pleasure: it is very nice to realize that you just found the answer to one of the most difficult logical tasks in the world. However, this is not the only reason why you need to sometimes solve puzzles. On the other reasons, about the most difficult logical tasks, read the benefits of their solution in the article.

The most complex logical puzzle

The most difficult task is that way. In the people, it is called "the battle of people and gods". The most difficult logical task For the first time, a philosopher and logic from the United States of America was proposed. His name is George Bun. All the world found out about this puzzle after her publication in the newspaper "Republic", which is published in Italy. This happened in 1992.


The most complex logic task looks frightened from the very beginning. How is its condition written? Suppose there are three Gods who know each other. One of them is the God of Lie, the other - the truth, and the third - case. It is customary to signify them with letters a, b and c using the letters in an arbitrary order.

The God of Lie always speaks only a lie, God of Truth, on the contrary, pronounces only the truthful sayings. And finally, the God of Cases can speak as the truth, and in a wrong way, at the same time to predict that he will now say, it is impossible.

The task is to figure out who every God is. To do this, you can ask only three questions. The most difficult logical task implies that all these questions can be addressed to both God and everyone, but in turn. It all depends on the answers received. Questions should mean only the affirmative ("Yes") or negative ("no") answer.

It is indicated that the gods understand the language on which questions will be asked, but they answer their. You can hear either the word JA or DA. It is not known which of them means "no", and what - "yes."

  • Questions can be specified in different ways: ask for something from everyone from the gods or not everyone.
  • Only after The answer is received, you can ask the following question.
  • The God of Case decides which to give an answer, with the help of a coin, located in his head.
  • There is such a concept as a "question-paradox." An example may be an expression: "Are you going to reply" JA "?" So, such questions can not be asked.


Bulo - logic and philosopher who created the task - in his article suggested the course of the decision. The first thing to do is to calculate the truth or god lies. To do this, create a question with complex logical connections. It should sound like this: "We will assume that you are the God of Truth, B is the God of Case, will the Da mean" yes "?" Of course, this is not an accurate wording, it is only an approximate option. With this issue, one of the gods can be defined. Next, it all depends on how to set two more questions.

Sudoku Escargot

Many people are familiar with games focused on the permutation of numbers in Sudoku. Solution of such a puzzle - great way Arrange a 5-minute workout for the brain. Perhaps you are not bad to solve Japanese Sudoku. But can you solve the most difficult task in your group?

Ai sudoku is an algorithm for creating a complex Sudoku, built by mathematician named Arto Inkala in 2012. IN lately More and more bots appear, but this particular is considered the most difficult. It is called Escargot. Along with the main task you can find 19 other complex sudoku, which were also created by the bot.

To find a solution to the most difficult logical task of sudoku in the world, it is necessary to highlight this enough time. The Telegraph British edition reported that on the scale of complexity of Sudoka Escargot is estimated at 11 points, despite the fact that the usual puzzles increased complexity "Tent" by 5.

The problem of recognition

Mikhail Moiseevich Bongard, Russian Cybernetik, in 1967 for the first time published in his book an example of a logical puzzle called "The problem of recognition". However, very complex logical tasks of Bongard were popular later. It happened after the American scientist Douglas Hofstadter wrote about them in his book.

To find the solution of the "troubleshooting problems", it is necessary to identify a certain pattern, or a rule. Six images that are located on the left page comply with this rule. Accordingly, the images on the right page are not suitable for it.

Number of persistence

Martin Gardner is an American mathematician who is the author large number various puzzles and tasks. The most famous of them is the search for "durability numbers". The essence is that for the smallest number of steps to reduce a certain number to one digit. For this, it is necessary to multiply the number of numbers.

Most often, an example of a solution serves "77". You can reduce it to one number in a few steps. 7 * 7 \u003d 49, 4 * 9 \u003d 36, 3 * 6 \u003d 18, 1 * 8 \u003d 8. The action was produced four times, this is the "number of resistance".

On specialized information resources The relevant theme is published a lot of all kinds of puzzles, including the most complex logical tasks - with answers, prompts, solutions algorithms, etc. They always cause live interest, so if you want to take yourself or your friends for drooping raw Evening, Take advantage of this opportunity or even try to come up with a task yourself. Believe me, find "durability numbers" - a very exciting occupation.

Riddle for geniuses

According to statistics, real geniuses are a solution for ten seconds. If you believe polls, logical tasks are complex, with a trim - do not cause special difficulties at Harvard graduates, they have no more than 40 seconds for this task. For example, Bill Gates passes this test for genius in 20 seconds. 15 percent of land inhabitants are gifted people, they find a decision in two minutes. And now look at this picture and guess what figure is superfluous.

The answer is: the figure at number is one. It does not have common signs with other images. Judge for yourself, the figure number 2 does not have a white frame, and No. 3 is the only circle. While all other shapes are red, No. 4 - green, and number 5 is obviously less than others. Thus, only the figure at number one does not have bright differences from most images, in which it consists of its main ... difference.


Other interesting mystery Also related to the lie and the truth. Suppose two tribes live on the island. Liars are always cheating, and well done, on the contrary, always speak the truth. Traveler who met Islanders, asked him a question to find out who he was. He said that he was well done, and hired him to conductors.

During the trip, the travelers saw another islanders, who, judging by The words accompanying, also claimed that he was well done. Attention, question! How to determine the liar or weller was the conductor?

The answer sounds like this: everyone says on this island that they are well done. Because the conductor correctly handed the traveler Islander's answer, then it is clear that he is well done.

Football teams

The above was presented to your attention both medium and very complex logical tasks. With answers, prescribed at the end, to solve them, of course, easier. And in order to strain the brain even stronger, you can create additional difficulties: do not write the condition and try to find the right decision in mind. So, here's another puzzle.

There are several football teams. The Torpedo tournament table ranks first, Spartak - the fifth. Dynamo is in the middle between the two teams. Next, you need to be very attentive: if "Spartak" will be gualed by "locomotive", and Zenit will take place immediately after Dynamo, which of the five teams will take second place? You need to answer in 30 seconds. It will sound like this: "Lokomotiv".

Internet puzzle

The Internet can be called storage puzzles. But many tasks require the presence of simple technical skills, for example, the ability to find the source code for tiping or change the image files. Remember that complex logical tasks are created in order to check your intelligence, and not test for computer knowledge.

Periodic puzzle NSA.

The National Security Agency has not the highest reputation, since it has repeatedly suspected of espionage for Internet users and confidentiality violations. If you do not take it into account, you can find sufficient enough Logic tasks with answers on the official site of periodic puzzles. New tasks appear monthly. The answer is published a few days after the question. The NSA PUZZLE period was launched only last year, which means that a collection consisting of more than 12 puzzles is already available.

Blue Eyes.

Very interesting to work on the decision hard riddles For several days or even weeks. Patient people are suitable for the most difficult logical task in the world called Blue Eyes. According to the XKCD, the best web platform for adderkinds, it develops logical, mathematical and lateral thinking.

The creator of the puzzle heard her completely accidentally and published on the Internet. At the same time, he did not even use words. To find the key to her decision, you need to read the riddle, retell it and try to mentally find the answer to it. The most difficult logical task in the world is very exciting, it takes all his free time.

"101 puzzle on Friday", or 101 puzzle Richard Wismen

Professional psychologist named Richard Wisman became an online celebrity thanks to his channel on the video hosting Youtube. He publishes various illusions, focuses and so on. On Fridays, a man is divided into his blog next puzzle or mystery. To solve them, it is necessary to combine linear, lateral and creative thinking. Famous as well as other riddles and image-based tasks can be found in a psychologist's blog.

"Logic labyrinths", or puzzles Robert Ebot

Robert Ebot is a programmer, logic and game developer. Fame came to him after the publication of "logical labyrinths", which are free access. The essence of this puzzle is to pass the labyrinth with the specified rules.

The very first game, by the way, the simplest, which is called Easy Maze 1, must be overcome without turning to the left.

Why do you need puzzles and logical tasks?

Puzzles and various logical tasks have several positive qualities. First, they train the human brain, secondly, to solve them very interesting, and thirdly, they allow you to develop certain traits of character.

How useful for children can be puzzles?

  • They develop the perishability of restless guys.
  • They train task solutions.
  • Perseverance is another quality that develops puzzle in children. After all, as you know, the puzzles are difficult to solve the first time, for this you need to be patient.
  • Improves hands coordination and small motorikawhen we are talking About puzzles like a Rubik's cube.

Of course, all the most important qualities Characters are laid in children at an early age, and logical tasks are very promoted. However, they are also useful for adults who have long graduated from school. The brain must be trained in the same way as the body.

  • To make the brain cells more slowly and less, it is necessary to regularly arrange them procedures for "rejuvenation", namely allocate time to solve puzzles.
  • Logical tasks stimulate mental processes. Answers to the hardest life questions We will come much faster if you regularly train the brain.
  • There is an increase in serotonin level. At the same time, the mood improves, but the most important thing is the blood vessels that feed the brain, begin to be updated.
  • Improves memory. With age, problems with memorization of dates, names, cases arise. Crosswords, puzzles and logical tasks are best suited to develop memory.

Or, how to make from every child (ingenious) mathematics.

One familiar director somehow told me that he could make a stunning handsome man from any of his actor. "We just need to put a scene into the scenario, where he will have to be filmed naked or almost naked" - "They are all starting to train, swing, look at themselves in the mirror in the morning. And, you know, for 3-4 months any hands are made for 3-4 months. Torso, any body. If all the time trickle to transfer the time to shoot - then you remove the entire way of handsome athlete. "

I don't know about the body, although I suspect very much that it is 100% true. But about the brains are absolutely sure. Thinking, logic, intelligence training, develop, and train quite quickly, if you want and do. Of course, plasticity decreases with age - but the brains are infinitely useful to everyone - just like daily gymnastics and fast walking / running, such training should be part of your life while you can still get out of bed. And 40, and at 50, and in 60, and in 85, and in 125.

Attached yesterday in one of the LiveJournal on the most difficult logical puzzle of the world, and not climbing the Internet, it became to decide. Here she is:

There are three God, a, b, and c, one of which is the God of Truth, another god lies and the third God God, and it is unclear who of them who are. God of truth always tells the truth, the God of Lie deceives, and the God of Case can say that, and more in any order. It is necessary to determine who each of the gods is, setting three questions to which you can answer "yes" or "no". The gods understand the questions, but they answer in their own language, in which there are words "DA" and "JA", but it is not known what word is "yes", and what "no".

Conditions are understandable? Want to try to solve? But we will not solve it.

I want to at the same time to tell the method to make every child with a strong mathematician. It did not come up with me, and my own teacher of mathematics is from the 57th of Moscow secondary school. This and others developed, but I learned it from him and there.

The method is such - it is not necessary to tell the child to tell the finished solutions of even the most difficult tasks or mathematical theorems. Complex tasks must be broken down to the steps that the student explores and overcomes himself. People learn to make these steps and learn to break challenges to steps. And thus moving to Everest, you gain mighty head muscles. So, Mu also break the task of several steps:

Task 1.. We have only two gods: lies and truths. God of truth always tells the truth, and Lie is always the opposite. And they answer us all the familiar "yes" and "no" with the usual meaning. How many questions need to find out what kind of God. It is impossible to ask about earthly affairs, of course, only about them themselves. There is quite exactly one question one of the creatures. [But he should be cunning - because if you ask the God of Truths? "The God of Truth will say" yes "and Putins God lies will say" yes "too.] Only one question has one creature.

Task 2.. The same two God. But they are already answered by "DA" and "JA". Set one question to find out what does "DA" mean - "yes" or "no." [At the same time, you may not know who they said. But learn the meaning of words.]

Task 3.. Combining 1 and 2. God is still 2, they respond to "DA" and "JA". Install someone who has two questions. They can be asked both one creature or different.

Task 4.. The gods are now three - they joined the scoundrel, the god of the case that answers arbitrarily. But the gods again say the usual "yes" and "no". Enough three questionsTo install who is Hu.[And, it seems to me that for 2 it does not do anything].

Task 5.. Cleverly combining ideas out of 4 and 3, you can solve "the most difficult logical puzzle"The world for 4 questions. [Task 6. Prove that no less than 4 questions in the general case].

I promise to get great pleasure from one or two steps. Or even just attempts. Do not immediately take the maximum weight. So I, too, did not meet in 3 questions, but the pleasure is tremendous, even from the decision for 4. Straightly felt how gears turn in my head, which were not twisted for a long time. Maybe someone can even be able to beat me here. In the sense, decide for 3 questions? Calling men to fight!

And only it is necessary to teach children mathematics when this is allowed! If you start with 5 or 6th grade, you can make a very strong logic and mathematics from almost any child (do not be afraid, parents, he can then go to investment bankers, will not leave you without bread). And you know what the most important thing? Children are happy to learn in this way - They rush to school from vacation - they do not go after lessons. It is a pity that teachers in our country do not pay fundamentally good money. What could have children - " beautiful and proud, like gods, and sad, like residents of the earth".

Russia missed his historical chance - while mathematics needed only for narrow directions of the defense, we were very strong maths. I lost this force when only mathematicians needed in the world. I'm about the fact that various areas information technologies, data analysis, robotics, as a rule, are easily given to people who can solve problems of type 1-5 described above.

Well, who wants to solve one, two, three tasks? Maybe even all? Write into comments - I will hide everything - and open those where there are no solutions. If, for example, questions about conditions, other tasks or comments. And solutions tomorrow or soon)

Happy hunting, friends!

Update. Task 2 is solved so. You ask any God - "Are you the God of Truth?" And God of Truth, and lies answer it - "yes" - in your language. So we learn for one question, what word does our word correspond to "yes." For example, this is "DA" from these strange gods)

Update2. In two ways, proved that the task is not done in general For 3 questions. Only, if you are very lucky, then sometimes done. In general, it is necessary to set four types of types. One typical question is set to each (one and the same) and then the second, other type, one more.